Adult Care 2009-10-07 CAC Meeting 10/7/09 Present @ meeting: Audrey Marshall,NHC Ombudsman Patti Sacchelli,Brunswick&Pender Ombudsman To Jennings, CAC Mary Busby, CAC Karen Vincent, CAC Chairman Nadine Shipman, CAC Oliver Schreiber, CAC Lorraine McEvoy, CAC Regina, Social Worker Rhonda, Social Worker 1. Mental Health presentation given by Martin Case. 2. Discussion re: election of new officers— Martha Stein-chairman Lorraine McEvoy- co-chair Judy Smith- secretary 3. Future meeting notification to be done by e-mail. 4. Rhonda gave overview of current state of Maddie Lowe's home. Presently only 2 residents in home. 5. Groups planned their home visit dates. 6. Next meeting 1/6/10. 7. Meeting adjourned @ The New Hanover County Adult Care Home Advisory Committee met on October 6, 2010. There were three members who were absent: Mary Busbee, Karen Vincent, and Nadine Shipman. Both Mary and Karen had contacted the Ombudsman's office concerning their absences and both were for good cause. Audrey was to follow up with Nadine concerning her absence. It was again noted that we must comply with New Hanover County's policy and procedures for appointments to county boards, commissions, committees, and authorities. Particular reference was made to the provision regarding attendance. These provisions have been incorporated into the new by-laws. Our newest member,H. ey"Hutch"Hutchinson was introduced and he gave us a brief bio of his life and his interest in volunteering for this committee. Audrey and Patti provided us with sensitivity training using a it that was developed for CNA training and community groups. There were a variety of glasses for each of us to put on that gave us a sense of the various sight disabilities that our residents may suffer from. There were other methods to test man .1 dexterity as well as taste. By putting on gloves and the eyeglasses, we realized the difficulty of sorting pills. One could also be blindfolded and try to dete me an object by its smell or taste. When a person ages,the taste buds are lost in a progression from sweet to salt to bitter to sour. Janet suggested that we need to lobby for Medicare to provide coverage of hearing aids. It was reco ended that we ask facilities about the training provided to the CNA staff and the possibility of accessing training through the Ombudsmen,particularly regarding resident rights and sensitivity tra: *ng. The Ombudsmen said they would send out a list of tra* g that is available. The co ttee was re *nded that it is now necessary to keep track of our hours and mileage. Members are to turn these fi t es in to the committee chair at the end of each quarterly meeting. Officers were elected. Martha to will be chairperson; Lorraine McEvoy, vice- chairperson, Jackie Dae, Secretary. It was decided that if the secretary is absent we would ask for a vol teer to take the minutes. Woody volunteered as did Tom. We reviewed the by-laws that were prepared by Woody Sutton. The changes were accepted by a quorum. Members are to review them and let the chair know of any other comments. The by-laws will be ratified at the January meeting. We were told that the Ombudsman's office submits a q erly report to the Commissioners. This report includes training that has been provided. The County is requiring specific requirements for the minutes to include the following: 1. Attendance 2. Notification of meeting is to be posted. 3. Minutes should be very detailed without sharing information about a particular facility. 4. Approval of prior minutes. The committees gave their reports on their facility visits. There was discussion about the lack of a variety of activities at some of the facilities. It was noted that follow-up was needed at one facility regarding its disaster plan. The committee also discussed the lack of local resources for dealing with combative residents. Some of the residents of facilities have full sets of bed rails so the committee also requested more information about what is considered a"restraint"versus an"enabler." The committee was given a listing of the dates for its quarterly meetings for 2011. The next meeting will be on January 5, 2011. There will be officer's training for all counties on January 19. The other meeting dates for 2011 are April 6, July 6, and October 5.Their being no her business,the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Martha H Stein Chairperson Approved Date