Aug 23 2018 Board Meeting /  Department Of Emergency Management and 911 Communications 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-6920 Fax (910) 798-6925 sstill@nhcgov.com  Steven Still Director    Memorandum To: Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board Members  From: Steven Still, Director  Subject: August 23, 2018  Date: October 1, 2018   A Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board meeting was held on Thursday August 23, 2018 at 10:00 AM in the 911 Backup Center, Federal Point Fire Station, 9815 River Rd, Wilmington, North Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Blackley Tim Burgess Steven Still Matt Davis Jason Bishop Glen Rogers Tim Corbett Todd Curry Carla Bradshaw Cindy Hewett Joe Miljenovic John Musacchio Guests Debora Cottle, NHC EM & 911 Matt Langley, NHC EM & 911 Chris Hewett, NHC EM & 911 Gia Long, NHC IT Mike Gomes, City IT The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am. Chairman Blackley asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the June 28, 2018 meeting and if there were any questions, comments, changes or corrections. Chairman Blackley asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Matt Davis made a motion and John Musacchio seconded. All in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: Fire House Chairman Blackley asked if Gia Long had any updates on Fire House; she stated she would look into this. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Blackley asked if there were any items for new business. Steven stated there were connection issues in the Monkey Junction and south areas. Issues have been seen when units were calling out and it has gotten worse in the last six months. Motorola will meet for an improvement plan every Thursday. There are plans for September 27th to install a new antenna at Flemington to ensure they get good reception. As they get more information, everyone will be updated. One option they are hoping to explore would be a new tower but that has not been approved nor decided. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items for new business; no one had any. OTHER ITEMS AND REPORTS 9-1-1 Center Chairman Blackley asked if Steven Still could update everyone on 911. Steven wanted to welcome everyone to the 911 backup. The backup is run the same as the primary. The backup has 16 positions and the primary has 21. This site has consolettes, which are limited. They will have four full radios in here next month and plan on asking for 12 more with the new budget. They will be at the main center until after testing. The new trainees were here live assisting the telecommunicators at the primary answering calls. There were eight new trainees released to the floor. They are doing testing now for a new group of hires; hopefully by October 23, 2018. We are planning to do maintenance at the primary site and will be using the backup site for the time it would take to do the maintenance which is expected to be from six to eight weeks. Anyone interested can stay after the meeting and Matt Langley will demonstrate how all of the equipment works. Station Alerting Steven Still also gave an update on Station Alerting. Steven stated there were three vendors evaluated by the committee; Pervis was the vendor selected. There was a request sent through the NC 911 Board and it was declined. We will try a grant when there is grant money available probably by fall or spring and submit a grant package. There was a county that had gotten it approved but it was attached to a construction grant. Chairman Blackley asked if anyone had any more questions or items for 911. No one had any. IT Chairman Blackley asked for an update for IT. Cindy Hewett stated they are doing a lot of projects. Fire Services are being assessed as well as Building Safety and the New Hanover County Courthouse. IT is also slated to work on the downtown campus security and Parks/Gardens and the library. IT is going to implement RSA; a two-part authentication. It will impact MDT users. They will roll this out in September and take about two months to complete. Since the activation of the active shooter through Informacast, IT realized that it needed updates. This will also be worked on and tested after the changes. Gia Long stated that there will be full suite upgrade to Superion around September 4 and PROQA was upgraded at the primary and will be upgraded at the back up Friday, August 24, 2018. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any questions for IT. No one had any. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items to be discussed. No one had any. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.