08/09/1945 217 REr'cUL"ll LOI.Tt:1Y L ETIEG BO"lllJ OF H]<,,,LTlI 1 :ELD II'; OF?I '~E. OF 15(j,,\IlD ,,[;GUST 9, 1945 ( Present: lur. ~.duison He\.lett, Ch,,-irr,ran, Dr. 'd. Houston Loore, Dr. Ja"es 1-i. Smith, bayor '". Ronuld Ld.ne tinct Er. E. L. Roland. l The minutes of the l"-tst l'leetin{' \"~'ere re0.u ;.ind approved. The Hel.,lth Officer pr8~enteu the monthly reports. j,J'. ". J. ',iilkins of the Castle Ha,me lIo"d appe"red before too 00"-rd to protest th~ al.lount he hall been clwrced for rat proofing his store. He explained r~ther fully the: visits by Hie T.:,phus Inspector and clo.imed tLat d'ter the men [Jut the m"teri<..l l)fj1'tround dld ",ere re<..ciy to stLrt ;iork, he deciued that he viGnted to reLove a small wooden building "hich ",ould "re"tly reduce the cost of proofin;.. He claimed th"tthe TJphUs Inspector would not perwit him to do that. (The Typhus Inspector's explandtion HaS that <..fter ill p"pers "ere si,ped u.nd the materials "ere put on the [round c.nu the men .,ere re"dy to s tc..rt .,ork I_r. ' .ilkins asked the pri vilepe of tuarinf dmm the vwoden buildin[' to Sieve proofinc. The Typhus Inspector then told him th....t he ',;oulci either h,.ve to I""Y l' or the In,,teriaJs delivered the re or hwl the];l b,lCk to the suprl" hOUG~S thc.t h"d put them there as the TJphus Control ho.d no r.leans of h"ulinr "uch materials. L.r. '.;ilkins then told him to proceed "ith the rroofini' r~tiJer than accel.t the: alte:rn"tive). i,J'. ..ilkins Icre sented ~tlite a nWlloor of llen and nWile:rouS iJrit ten statements in his efforts to prove that he h"d been very greatly ovsrchlirced for the work. ,,i'ter prolonged presentation of his compl"int, it ViuS lnoveu by 1.ayor L&rle, seconded by Dr. Loore, that the J1c.tter be taken under consi deration. Carried. The Health Ufficer "as then instruc tuci to try to get" recofnized construction contractor to a{Free t. inspect the \iork and materilils,'"ith the State Typhus Director present to shm; him just wh"t m"teri"ls ;iere used c.nd how the [,roofinr '\ihS supro~eu to be done, dld then to uo.ke a.n imp,rtial estimate as to the ap- proximate cost of the makrio.ls, skilled L.lbor, etc. unuur existine conditions. It 1;vaS specifically st2ited th<..Lt neither the rl~rphus Insrector nor 1.J'. -\.ily..iIls should have cnythinC to say to che construction contl'u.ctor mokinf the iDI,,,rtilil stirnate of the cost of Jilctterials dnd labor. Jter such fif'ure hfid buen fixed by the construction contractor ,.cr. ':;ilkins \iliS to be billed for thiit ahount rerardle~s of ..hether it .,as more or less th"n the ."mount of the bill pr8"ellt8d by the l'yrhus GOL,,,issioll. There beini:, no further businebs the ,,,eetin[ <..ujourned. ~pproved~ 1~1 I ~ 1945 IJ: It 2~ Clerk ~