03/07/1951 " 63 ~- rffiGULAIt 110IITHLY !rr~TING BuAlill ('F HEALTH HELD IN OFFIC1', OF BOAED HAIlCH 7, 1951 '\. Present: Mr. Addison Hewlett, Chainnan; Mayor Royce S. McClellahd, Dr. J. C. Wessell, Dr. J. C. Knox and Dr. James H. Smith. The minutes of the lQst meetinc "ere read and approved. The monthly reports "ere mailed to the Board members followinr, the meeting. .. Mr. Jimmie Kermedy, of Ksnwood Avenue, appeared before the Board and requested pemission to install a septic tank in a sewered area. It was shown by Hr. l\elUledy that his case was a truly hardship case in so far as elevations Here concerned and, on mot "on of Dr. Smith, seconded by Dr. \vessell, the Board granted pernussion for the installation of the septic tank in this place with the under- standing that this did not set a precedent and that each similar case would have to stand on its own merit. 1,1'. Kennedy '.;ill connect to thE' City se,',er "hen it is availaLle. After a discussion,it "as brought out that several people had appeared before this Board recently with the misunderstanding that ,men they had secured their buildinp; pemit from the Citl' Building Inspector it carried with it the right to install a septic tank. lnasmuch as the right to grant the installation of a septic tank is the sole right of the Board of Health or Health Officer; it was moved by Dr. Smith, seconded by Dr. ivesseU, that Hr. Lassiter, Sanitary Engineer, confer with Mr. Hale, City BuildinG Inspector, so that through the cooperation of Hr. Hale these misunder- stanain(;s in the future may be avoided. . On February 15, 1951, Mr. R. H. Hamilton, City lunager of Carolina Beach,and others representing Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach made certain written requests as to the aivision of plll1'1binf fees and reorp;anization of the local Board of Health. It was moved by Dr. iiessell, seconded by Dr. Knox, that both these requests be denied and that a letter be written to !!r. Hamilton, with copies to the Mayors of Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach, setting forth the reason for denying their requests and that the data concerning the fees collected at these beaches over the period of the last t"enty months be sent to them along "ith this letter. Un moti,on by Dr. Smith, seconded by Dr. Knox; Hr. Biddle, Plumbing Inspector, "as granted,for the remainder of this fiscal year, a travel allowance of ;,loo.no per month effective March 1, 1951; funds to be taken from unp.xpended travel allm.mnce set up in the 1950-51 budGet. Carried. Un motion by Dr. Knox, seconded by Dr. Smith, that all employees of the health de- partment be granted a ;';10.00 monthly increase in salary; funds to be provided from unexpended salary budgeted items in the 1950-51 budget, this increase to be approved by the II. C. Merit System. Carri8d. ~ It was moved by Dr. Smith, seconded by Dr. Wessell, that the pllli~ing no" being installed in the Housing Authority Jervay Project be inspected in accordance with the provisions in the New Hanover County Plumbing Code and, that the matter of fees be decided upon in accordance with the Attorney Genp.ral's ruling. Carried. .. . On motion by Dr. .'iessell, seconded by Dr. Knox; }II'. Lassiter, Sanitary Engineer, was instructed to act on the Plumbing Board of 1xaminers in the absence of a health 64 officer. Un motion by ur. Knox, seconded by Dr. Smith, the new plumbing code, as recoIlll11ended by Dr. Elliot, !;r. Lassiter, Hr. Biddle and Hr. C.'I. Davis, be approved ,,,ith such corrections and additions as su, rested by Hr. J. C. \/essell, Attorney, and that the new code go into ef~ect as of June 1, IG51. Carried. The board instructed l';r. Bil<ule to notifv Hr. )(. H. Tavlor that the correction had not been made on t.he work at hr. it. B. Pace's on G;'fc'nville Sound and that in case this correction ",as not made and proper notice for inspection given, that hr. Taylor be indicted. A letter of resignation from Hr. Porter ,vag staff, effective June 30, 1951, was read to the Board and on motion of Dr. \/essell, seconded by hayor /!lCClelland, Mr. Wagstaff's resignation Has accepted with regrets. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Approved ~ 01) , !r~JT 1951 "" ..., ...i ~ - .., .J 65 , "" ~.. CALLED K;r;TING BO"HlJ OF HEALTH HELD m OFFICE OF BOARD H~nCH 27, 1051 Present: Hr. Addison Harlett, Chairroan; Mayor Hoyce S. McClelland, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. J. C. Vlessell and Dr. James H. Smith. The nleetinc was called at the request of the Chainnan of the Conunittee appointed to elect a health officer. ..' Dr. \'Jessell stated that the Cormnittee, of which he was Chairman, had approved the nomination of Dr. C. ll. Davis as Health (JEicer of the Consolidated Board of Health, City of Wilmineton and New rianover County. After the Board merr~ers had fully discussed the Committee's report, it was moved by Dr. \iessell, seconded b:' J.layor McClelland, that Dr. C. B. Davis be elected Health Officer of the Consolidated Board of Hnalth, City of Iiilf'lington and New Hanover Cotmty, at a salary 'of ,t7200.00 and a car allowance of J300.00 per annum. Carried. The 0ecretary was instructed to advise Dr. Davis, by letter, of his elec- tion as Health Officer. There being no further business, the meetinp adjourned. APProve~~_____195l )J;:.p~ A/ J~_____ Clerk , ....-