05/08/1952 / 93 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING BOaRD OF HEALTH HELD IN OrFICE OF BOARD MAY 8, 1952 , Present: Mro. Addison Hewlett, Chairman; Dr. J. C. Wessell, Dr. James H. Smith, Dr. J. C. Knox and Mr. H. N. Roland. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Health Officer mentioned the cat situation in connection with rabies among the dogs, but no action was taken. Dr. Knox commented on the manner in which the dogs are being killed and especially in congested areas where children are. He expressed the feel- ing that it was being carried out in the wrong way. Mr. ltoland felt that dogs should not be killed in front of children. Mr. Hewlett stated that if the dogs were out and the owners objected to their being killed and didn't keep them confined that a warrant should be served on the owners. He further stated that the dogs could be put in the pound and the law states that unless they are claimed within seventy-two hours, they have a legal right to enforce the law. Nr. Hewlett also stated that he thinks what we are already doing is having its effect. , The budget for the fiscal year 1952-1953 was presented to the Board. In view of the fact that the Merit System made mandatory increases for certain gro~ps in the department and not for others, Dr. Wessell stated that he would not vote for the mandatory increasep unless the others, not under the f~rit System mandatory, were granted increases in salaries. Mr. Roland expressed the same opinion. Following a general discussion of the budget, Dr. Knox made the motion that the budget be approved as presented and submitted to the City and County ap- propriating authorities. Motion seconded by Mr. Roland and carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. APprovedif~ -I c1/ 1952 ~ oJ~A-- Clerk .