12/03/1958 , 259 RIDULAR MON'l'HLY MEETING BOARD OF HEALTH HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD DECEMBED 3, 1958 . Present: Mr., Jas. E. Holton, Chairman; Mayor James E. L. wade, Dr. J. C. Knox and Dr. J. C. Wessell. The newly elected Chairman of the County Cormnissioners, Mr. Jas. E. Holton, Jr., was welcomed as a member of the Board and he assumed his position as Chairman of the Board of Health and presided at tQe meeting. On IIIOtion by Dr. Wessell, seconded \ly Mr. Wade, the minutes were approved with- out reading; copies having been sent to all members of the Board, Dr. Wessell asked for a report on the entorcement of the mandatory requirements for polio shots for school children. Dr. Dayis, Health Director, stated that he would look into the matter and make a report back to the Board on the enforcement. Dr. Knox brought up the matter of interpretation of food handling'regulations as applied to the serving of food by churches and similar groups. On motion by Dr. Wessell, seconded by Mr. Wade, the Board of Health instructed the health department to use the interpretation applied in the past to churches and other similar groups handling tood until the Board can pass on the interpretation to be applied to the new regulations. Carried. There was a short discussion on the matter pertaining to the developnent of the non-sewered south end of Wrightsville Beach (Schloss and Bear estate). The Board wished to add to the position taken by the Board at its previous meeting that any decisions made with regard to this development did not constitute a precedent, and that this action was taken with regard to this sub-division since the mapping and division of this property was made many years ago and that a number of the lots have been sold and streets laid out making it allllOst impossible to re-establish lot sizes. The Health Director asked that the Boam accept with regret the resignation of Mrs. Allegra B. Daughtry and Mrs. Edith M. Register and to approve as replacements Mrs. Etta Farrar, Laboratory Helper, and Miss Winnifred L. Bradley, Public Health Nurse II. Motion was made by Mr. Wade, seconded by Dr. Wessell, that the above recommen- dations of the Health Director be approved. Motion carried. Dr. Wessell asked that he be pennitted to make a few remarks regarding the value to this community of the health department as he had observed the changes that have taken place in the last forty-eight years. That he was a member of the City Board of Health until its consolidation with the County Health Department in l!l13, and a member of the Consolidated Board of Health from 1913 until the present time. Among the outstanding adcomplishments of the health department during this period he mentioned the eradication of smallpox and malaria, and the allllOst complete eradication of typhoid fever and diphtheria; the great advance in tuberculosis mortality and the present hope of the elimination of polio. Dr. Wessell complemented the health department upon the quality of its staff, mentioning the names of the division heads; Mr. Lassiter, Miss Bolyn, Mr. Edwards and Miss Watling. .. ~ Chairman Holton praised Dr. Wessell's unselfish and able service as a member of this Board for the many years that he had actively and conscientiously served as a member. Dr. Wessell asked that his resignation as a member of the Board be accepted due to 26U the fact that he felt he was no longer physically able to render to this Board the consistent service that is required of its members. All members of the Board expressed deep regret that Dr. Wessell felt it was necessary that he tetXier his resignation. On motion by Mr. Wade, seconded by Dr. Knox, it was moved that the resig- nation of Dr. Wessell be accepted with deep heartfelt regrets and that a resolution be drawn, and made a part of the minutes of this Board, expressing their feeling of personal loss and the loss to the County of the able and unselfish services occasioned by Dr. Wessell's resignation. Mption carried. Dr. Knox made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wade, that a standing invitation be given Dr. Wessell to attend in the future all Board meetings that pe felt able and desired to attend. Carried. Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Walie, seconded by Dr. Wessell. Carried. Approved ,~ wvt. ~ ~/J~ Clerk ? 1959 "" llIllf - ~ ...J , ~ I ......