10/13/1965 41~ , . ....... REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF HEALTH HELD IN OFFICES OF BOARD October 13, 1965 Present: Dr. J. c. Knox, Dr. James Smith, Dr. James Tidler, Attorney Bradford L. Tillery. Dr. J. C. Knox acted as Chairman in the absence of Dr. Joseph Hooper. J.linutes of the September 1 meeting were approved by motion of Dr. Smith, seconded by Dr. Tidler. Staff: The Board was informed that Mr. Richard Bates had decided not to come with us to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of A. Keith Glover. Also, that we are thinking in terms of promoting present staff and hiring at the bottom. City Dump: Also, brought to the attention of the Board were complaints about the City Dump. The Board asked that Mr. Tillery look into the situation and see what our Board can do to help clear up the situation. . . Insect & Rodent Budget - City Participation: Hr. Tillery reported that as yet there had been no meeting of the Committee to look into the matter of the City's participation in the Insect & Rodent Program. llr. Tidler made the motion that Mr. Tillery begin necessary action to have the city pay their part. Dr. Smith seconded the motion. Carried. ........... Plumbing: Mr. Tillery also reported that Mr. James Streeter was convicted of violation of the Plumbing Code. This case is recorded in the minutes of August ll, 1965. It was also reported that the situation on plumbing at the hospital has straightened out. They are now o~ using one helper to one Journeyman Plumber. Dental Program - School Health: It was reported to the Board that Dr. Charles H. Cherry, Dentist, has refused to participate in the School Health Program. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfu~ submitted, Approved: November 3. 1965 , 7?C cttL<--t. ~3 7j?,7..</.~ 10....