New Hanover County LEPC Minutes 11.17.2015New Hanover County LEPC November 17, 2015 NHCEOC Minutes The following persons signed the roster indicating they were in attendance: NAME BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS Warren Lee NHCEM & 911 Eric Hatcher CFPUA Kevin Cowan Seaside Safety LLC Linda Willis NCDEQ DAQ Mike Alexander Kinder Morgan Teresa Smith NHCEM & 911 Frank Meyer NHC Fire & Rescue William Murrell SR&R Environmental Jay Gainer SR&R Environmental Erin Woods USCG Mike Thompson American Red Cross Heidi Cox PWS-NCDEQ Steve Mason WFD Tiffany Zehme USCG Thomas Johnson USCG Heather Griffin NHCHD Steven Still NHCEM Welcome and Introductions: The 4th quarter meeting, held at the NHC Emergency Operations Center, was called to order at y 11:00 hours starting with introductions review of last meeting minutes. Mike Alexander made a motion to approve the minutes with Mike Thompson seconding the motion. New Business: Teresa Smith announced, on behalf of Ryan Gay, Vice Chairperson, and his desire to step down as Vice Chair. Kevin Cowan, Chair, asked for volunteers to accept the role of Vice-Chair. Jay Gainer, SR&R, volunteered to assume the role for the term with Billy Murrell, SR&R, as an alternate. Teresa Smith informed the committee that she had made contact with Robert Baxter, representative with Transcaer, who has agreed to assist the LEPC with the planning/execution of the hazardous material exercise coming up in 2016. Kevin Cowan talked to the committee about a hazmat exercise that will be conducted using the grant funds and advised the LEPC the date of April 28, 2016 @ 0530 hours has been set for the LEPC Hazardous Material Full Scale Exercise. Eric Hatcher talked about the upcoming Water Emergency Tabletop Exercise on December 3rd from 11:30am-2:30pm being held at the NHC Emergency Operations Center. He explained some of the difficulties that the community would be faced with if the water was contaminated for several days. One of which would hinder firefighting efforts. The purpose of the TTX and the full scale exercise CFPUA is preparing for in the spring, is to provide community awareness should this scenario ever take place. Thomas Johnson informed the committee that the Air National Guard was conducting a hurricane exercise sometime between June 10th and 25th. The scenario will simulate a Category 5 hurricane coming through North Carolina. National Guard will be deployed to help mitigate civil unrest that may occur from such a catastrophic event. There will be a meeting regarding this exercise on January 11th at the Navy Reserve Center. Teresa Smith announced the Hazwopper training class being offered on November 18th at the NHCEOC along with the Clean Land & Harbor Hazmat Exercise being held on Thursday, November 19th at the NHCEOC. The regular meeting was adjourned at 11:24am. Sub-committee members were asked to stay behind for two break-out sessions. One was the Emergency Planning and Response Sub-Committee, who was tasked with reviewing the Hazardous Material Annex and the other was the Exercise Planning Committee, who were conducting the first exercise planning meeting. Next LEPC Meeting: The 1st quarter LEPC meeting is scheduled for February 10th @ 11:00am at the NHCEOC. Robert Baxter, with Transcaer, will be the guest speaker. LEPC Committees: Executive Committee  Chairman- Kevin Cowan  Vice-Chairman- Jay Gainer  Secretary- Mark Venters Emergency Planning & Response Sub-Committee:  Chairman- Vacant  Members: Eric Hatcher, Mike Alexander, Jay Gainer, Billy Murrell, Frank Meyer, Linda Willis (Alan Turner, retired and Jim Weaver, reassigned) Community Education & Public Response Sub-Committee:  Chairman- Dianne Harvell  Members- Charles Smith, Eric Griffin, Teresa Smith, Linda Willis