04 22 2010 Board Meeting W Memo To From Subject Date A Public 2009 at Wilmingt MEMBE Sterling P Andre’ M Warren L Mary Sm Donnie H Leslie St Cynthia D Patricia F Frank Bl Sharon B Guests Debora C Tom Hoo John OzbWarren Lee Director orandum o: Public S m: Warren L t: April 22 e: April 26 Safety Com 10:00 AM ton, North C ERS PRESE Powell Mallette Lee mith Hall anfield Deacon Fields ackley Braxton Cottle, NHC od, Motorola beck, UNCW afety Comm Lee, Directo , 2010 Board , 2010 mmunication M in the Em Carolina. ENT: EM & 9-1-1 a W N EMERG23 munications C ord Summary ns Center Po mergency O NEW HAN GENCY M 30 Governm Wilmin Phone Fax: E-mail: w Center Polic licy Board m Operation C ME Haro Jerry Den Will Jon Jerry Kurt Mic Mik JasoNOVER C MANAGE ment Center D ngton, NC 2 : (910) 798-(910) 798-6 wlee@nhcgo cy Board Me meeting was Center, 220 MBERS AB old Heglar y Brewer nnis Cooper liam Youngi Rorie y Brewer t Bartley chael Core ke Arkinson, on Adams, WCOUNTY EMENT & Dr, Suite 185 28403 -6920 6925 ov.com embers s held on Th Governmen BSENT: ner NHC IT Wireless Y&9-1-1 5 hursday, Apr nt Center D ril 22, Drive, Chairman Powell called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. He asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from March 25, 2010 and if there were any questions, comments, changes or corrections. No one had any. Chairman Powell asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Cynthia Deacon made a motion and Andre’ Mallette seconded. All agreed. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: 800 MHz Rebanding Update Chairman Powell asked if Warren would update everyone on rebanding. Jason said they have received the last of the VIPER ID’s for Emergency Management radios; they should be done by the end of the week which will complete the first touch. The second touch schedule is based on the Highway Patrol and their progress. Chairman Powell asked about the system rebanding and when it will take place; Jason said that it depends on getting some applications filed and some frequencies cleared; probably be done by the end of the year. School Coverage Chairman Powell asked what the status was of the assessment of radio coverage in the schools. Jason stated they went to Hoggard, New Hanover and Laney. Laney is most likely going to have better coverage once all the SRO’s have digital. New Hanover is hit or miss with coverage, they will probably know more once they have the radios in use there for about a month. Hoggard is going to need some amplification. They don’t have signal in most of the building unless next to a window. When Jason, Jerry and Warren tested, they used the digitals both 2500 & 5000. They would try to key up in Hoggard and got an Out of Service message. Warren said they will require a BDA, an amplification unit, but it would be a significant purchase due to the size of the building. Tom Hood said that Wireless would be glad to give an estimate if they are provided with blueprints, which Jerry is working on getting a set. Chairman Powell asked if they tested Roland Grise; Jason said he wasn’t aware they had issues but he would be glad to check it out. Jason stated he would schedule something with Jerry to assess if they had coverage. Chairman Powell asked if the City had any issues with coverage and Mary stated that she wasn’t aware of any coverage issues. Chairman Powell would like to get a comprehensive list of where there are issues to ensure that no one is left out. Chairman Powell asked if on BDA would cover both Hoggard and Roland Grise; Tom said that it could be possible but until they looked at blueprints they couldn’t guess. The design of the BDA takes into account of the materials used. Leslie asked if there were grants available for this kind of project. Warren asked Jerry to look into grants and if there might be one available. Chairman Powell asked who had good grant researchers at their agencies; Sharon stated that Wilmington Police did and she would ask them to look into this on their end as well. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Powell asked if anyone had anything for new business. No one had anything to add. Chairman Powell stated that the Integrated Dispatch Committee has expanded to include more than what they originally set out to accomplish. There has been a lot of discussion about the emergency revert function. He understood that when you hit the emergency revert button that the radio went to fire dispatch channel. But that is not the case; it shows up on the console on the selected channel. They see it at the console level with red all around that channel. Chairman Powell wanted to make sure the consoles were aware of this and Warren assured him that it does show up on the screen. There is an audible noise first then and icon for example Fire TAC 2 will be red all around. Chairman Powell would like to see a checklist of features the radios have so they could be sure to cover all of the features when training. This way everyone is as trained with the radios as they are with all the equipment they use on a regular basis. Warren said Motorola was going to have a training session with the Sheriff’s Department which includes a video. Chairman Powell said that was good but did Motorola have a checklist. Tom said he would check to see what documentation was available. Warren said this could be customized to our needs. Patricia said that was great but to just have a few people trained as a users group and those trainers would take that back to their agency; she has found that just handing out a piece of paper isn’t as good as giving instructions with directions to help educate and explain. Tom said they could have a cheat sheet customized but they need a template of the radio itself since there are are so many functions that each button can perform. He also asked if all the radios here were programmed the same and Warren informed him they were. Chairman Powell asked that this item stay on the agenda. Donnie stated that City and County Fire were having a meeting today about automatic aid in the north end of the county. They have implemented programs in the south already but will be discussing the concept of this in the north end today. OTHER ITEMS AND REPORTS Emergency Management & 9-1-1 Chairman Powell asked Warren to update everyone on news from the center. Warren asked if anyone did not got their monthly reports to let him know. Chairman Powell asked about the Telecommunicator of the Year. Warren explained that there was a tie this year so there were two Telecommunicators of the Year and both received their awards. This is based on nominations by their peers who have to give specific examples of why they nominated them. IT Chairman Powell asked Leslie if IT had anything new. Leslie said they are working on purchasing and procurement of the new server. This should be done in the next six weeks. There will actually be two new servers; in addition to the new one for the center there will also be one fail over at the Sheriff’s complex with the correct software so that if one is lost they can operate in real time during a fail over. OSSI has been doing a software upgrade with a full sweep. Sharon said they are asking for complaint letter of of the last update and how bad it was so they can take it before their board and why we are not accepting every update because of the problems from the last update. Warren said that Chief Rorie asked about some changes to their paging process and they would like to add off duty tones added to his radios. Jason said they could have that happen but they would have to have the base on the same frequency as everyone else to tone out in the county and Jason made him aware this would have to come before the PSCC Board. Sharon asked if the new server would allow the date to expand past 30 days for storage on AVL? Leslie said she didn’t know that there was a limit on that and she would check into this. Frank asked about the time difference of the enroute times and dispatch has been fixed. Leslie says that the times are set by the net clock and if that particular machine is out of sync with the net clock it will show a different time stamp. Frank wanted to know if the new PROQA Fire doesn’t have as many questions. Debora told him yes some of the questions have been done away with, Priority Dispatch revised them. Chairman Powell asked if anyone had anything else. No one had anything else. Chairman Powell adjourned at 10:31 a.m.