Minutes 01 22 09 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY January 22, 2009 Mr. Don Betz, Vice-Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Don Betz, Vice Chair Mr. George Dolan, Secretary Mr. Henry Adams Mr. Euran Daniels Mr. Andrew Koeppel Mr. David Scheu STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director Ms. Kathy Williams, Administrative Assistant Mr. Matthew Kunic, Planner Ms. Catherine Beasley, CPA, Finance Director CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Terrance Thompson, General Manager, PTM Mr. Jeffrey Dixon, Maintenance Supervisor, PTM Mr. Andrew Olsen, Legal Counsel GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Joshuah Mello, Associate Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Area MPO Mr. John Phelps, Corning Mr. Dan Peninger, Employment Security Commission CALL TO ORDER  Vice -Chairman Betz called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm  Mr. Betz opened the meeting with a moment of silence CONSENT AGENDA  Mr. Betz presented the January 22, 2009 consent agenda  Mr. Daniels requested items 2, 3, 4 and 5 be discussed and considered separately  Mr. Dolan made a motion to approve items 1 and 6 of the January 22, 2009 consent agenda  Mr. Koeppel seconded the motion  Mr. Dolan amended the motion to approve the consent agenda items 1) minutes and 6) policy manual revision  The motion carried unanimously PUBLIC COMMENT  Vice-chairman Betz opened the public comment period  Ms. Beasley briefly introduced Mr. Peninger  Mr. Peninger discounted passes for the New Hanover County Homeless Veterans Stand-Down  Mr. Peninger stated that the passes would be distributed to the helpers and the homeless veterans that needed them  Mr. Eby gave the new authority members an overview of the facility project and briefly introduced John Phelps and his involvement with the authority and Corning  Mr. Phelps gave a brief update on the storm water process and stated that Corning and the authority were very close to finalizing the real property transaction  He explained that the project was extremely complicated and he and Mr. Eby were working with attorneys, engineers, Progress Energy (easement owner) and surveyors to ensure the land transaction met the varied needs of all parties involved PRESENTATIONOF FY 2007-2008 AUDIT  Mr. Eby introduced Mr. Charles Craft to present the 2007-2008 audit report  Mr. Craft presented the authority with the auditor’s unqualified opinion, the highest audit report that can be given  Mr. Craft stated that the 2007-2008 audit has been accepted and filed with the City of Wilmington and the Federal Transit Administration  Mr. Koeppel made a motion to accept the 2007-2008 audit report  Mr. Dolan seconded the motion and carried unanimously CONSENT AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION  Mr. Betz opened the consent agenda pertaining the P.O’s for the copiers, camera system and maps for discussion  Mr. Daniels was concerned that any additional purchasing could cause further deficit for the authority  Mr. Daniels made a motion for the authority to monitor all spending until the authority if out of the deficit  Mr. Koeppel seconded the motion for discussion for only  Mr. Eby briefly explained that the copiers and camera system are being paid by 80% capital funds and the funds weren’t eligible for operating expenses  Should the authority choose not to purchase the items with capital funds, they would be returned to the grantor  Mr. Eby stated that the maps funded from the marketing budget and have already been approved to use for this purpose  The maps are crucial to the operation of the system and relating route information to passengers  Mr. Eby stated that staff will be working on a list of funding sources  Mr. Daniels suggested that the funding sources for the items should be listed on the P.O’s  Mr. Daniels made a motion that all P.O’s are to be submitted to the finance committee before submitting to the authority  Mr. Koeppel suggested that Mr. Daniels withdraw his motion for 60-90 days in order to learn the procedures of the authority  Mr. Daniels withdrew his motion that all P.O’s be considered by the finance committee before submitting to the authority board as long as members understand that local matching funds for capital projects could be used for operating purposes to minimize operating deficits  Mr. Koeppel made a motion to adopt consent agenda items 2, 3, 4,and 5, P.O’s for purchasing the copiers, camera system and the maps  Mr. Adams seconded the motion and carried unanimously EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  Mr. Betz presented the executive report  Mr. Betz stated that the committee had met and discussed budget matters with the Director ROUTE COMMITTEE  Mr. Betz recognized Mr. Koeppel to give the report for the route committee  Mr. Koeppel stated that the committee has been working on the new maps trying to clarify peak and off peak times  Mr. Mello suggested that the wording of the transition from peak times and last run times are made easier for the public to understand  Mr. Koeppel suggested that public landmarks and cross streets to be included on the map to make bus stop locations reading easier to understand  Mr. Dolan suggested that printing the system wide maps only at this time would be the most economical way to save money right now MARKETING COMMITTEE  Mr. Betz presented the marketing committee report  Mr. Betz stated that the committee met and discussed the map corrections  Mr. Betz also stated that there is still advertising on Traffic on Demand and radio  Mr. Kunic stated that advertising on the paratransit vans had begun and was going well  Revenue projections were still being calculated FINANCE COMMITTEE  Mr. Betz recognized Mr. Dolan to give the finance committee report  Mr. Dolan stated that ridership is down from 2008  Mr. Dolan also stated that the cost of fuel has gone down  Mr. Dolan stated that the authority began the 2008-2009 fiscal year with a deficit of $213,000  Mr. Dolan stated that the deficit had been almost completely eliminated by the end of December  Current budget forecasts show a budget deficit of about $20,000 at the end of December  Mr. Dolan stated the committee would like to build a $170,000 fund balance to assist with cash flow problems  Until a cash fund can be built, Mr. Betz asked staff to speak with city and county finance staff to investigate the possibility of borrowing cash reserves to meet short term needs  Mr. Dolan stated that all income from other sources are approved and the authority will receive the allotted amount from the City and County  Mr. Dolan stated that SMAP money is granted but will not be allocated until the latter part of the fiscal year so it won’t help with the current cash shortages FACILITIES COMMITTEE  Chairman Bryden recognized Mr. Eby to give the facilities committee report in the absence of Ms. McNamee  Mr. Eby presented the approval of the agreement for Architectural services between the authority and TranSystems  Mr. Eby reviewed the contract and stated that the contract would not be signed until an agreement on the property was agreed upon  Mr. Olsen stated that the authority will be the owners of all documents created  The committee moved to accept the agreement for architectural services between the authority and Transystems  No second was required and the motion carried unanimously WILMINGTON WALKS COMPRENHENSIVE PEDESTRIAN PLAN  Mr. Betz recognized Mr. Mello to briefly give his pedestrian report  Mr. Mello stated that the city and the MPO was working on a comprehensive pedestrian crosswalks for the city of Wilmington  Mr. Mello presented drafts that will be presented to the City council of new sidewalks locations and pedestrian activities  The plan can be found online at www.wmpo.org STAFF REPORT  Chairman Betz recognized Mr. Eby to present the staff report  Mr. Eby presented an update on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that will pay for new buses, upgrade radios, and new buildings  Mr. Eby stated that funding estimates are preliminary until congress passes the bill  Mr. Eby introduced PTM President Will Scott and stated that he had met with PTM and would present a quarterly report at the February meeting OLD BUSINESS  Mr. Betz suggested that the board allow staff to prepare a reply to Mr. Peninger’s request to purchase bus passes at a discounted rate SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Hearing no further business, Mr. Betz made a motion to adjourn the meeting  The Wave Transit Authority’s next board meeting is scheduled for February 26, at 12:00 pm in the Castle Street Board Room Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director /kw Amended February 26, 2009