Minutes 02 10 05 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY February 10, 2005 Mr. Jeff Bellows, Vice-Chair & Ms. Christine B. McNamee, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Christine McNamee, Chair Mr. Jeff Bellows, Vice-Chair Mr. Robert Ronne, Secretary Mr. William Bryden Ms. Nancy Pritchett Ms. Laura Padgett Mr. John Stukes Ms. Barbara Kane Ms. Fannie Freeman Mr. Howard Capps STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Lamont Jackson, General Manager Paratransit, First Transit Mr. Bill Williamson, Regional Vice President, First Transit GUESTS PRESENT Ms. Dolores Williams, Assistant City Attorney, City of Wilmington Ms. Lawless Bean, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, City of Wilmington Mr. Ricky Meeks, Citizen Ms. Patricia Melvin, Assistant County Manager, New Hanover County Mr. Frankie Roberts, Executive Director, LINC Inc. Ms. Yvonne Hatcher, Director, Brunswick Transit System, Inc. Ms. Deborah Houston, NCDOT CALL TO ORDER  Vice Chairman Bellows called the meeting to order at 12:10pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  A motion to approve the minutes from the December 09, 2004 regular meeting of the Wave Transit Board of Directors was made by Mr. Stukes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bryden and carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT  The Vice Chair asked if anyone in attendance had public comment.  Mr. Frankie Roberts, of LINC Inc. introduced himself and stated that the mission of his program was to provide shelter and services for persons coming out of prison.  LINC also provides services for foster children and children of those incarcerated.  He distributed information packets about his organization.  He stated transportation is a great need for LINC clients.  He requested discounts for LINC clients for Wave services.  He thanked the Authority for the increased offerings and their service to the Community.  Hearing no further comment, the Vice Chair closed the public comment period. BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT  The Vice Chair recognized Committee Chairman Mr. Bryden to present the report.  Mr. Bryden referred the Board to the proposed budget in the agenda packet.  Mr. Bryden stated that the proposed budget was developed in coordination with Wave staff and the Wave Transit contractor, First Transit.  Expense projections were based on current year to date expenditures for the Authority.  Mr. Bryden explained that revenue projections were based on published allocations in the Federal register, current year allocations from NCDOT, contractual agreements with UNCW and a conservative farebox revenue estimate.  Paratransit revenue projections were based on year to date revenues.  Mr. Bryden stated that FY 2005 projections for agency contributions and the corresponding expenses are believed to be well above actual revenues and expenses.  Mr. Bryden said that the entire amount for the facility project had been moved to FY 2006 since none of the funds were being spent during FY 2005.  Mr. Bellows asked if there were changes in the amount of funding from the city and county from fiscal year 2005.  Mr. Bryden stated that the city match for operating increased slightly.  The county match for operating also increased slightly.  Ms. Padgett asked if there were significant changes in the expenses.  Mr. Bryden stated that the only significant change was in agency funding.  Mr. Bellows asked why funding for the Connector was not included in the budget.  Mr. Eby explained that no local funds had been identified for continuation of the Connector.  Mr. Eby introduced Ms. Yvonne Hatcher, Director of Brunswick Transit and stated that he and Ms. Hatcher were working to secure the local funding necessary to keep the Connector operating.  Ms. Pritchett asked if there were any plans to extend the route further into Brunswick County.  Mr. Eby and Ms. Hatcher stated that there were no plans or requests for service beyond the Connector.  Mr. Bryden stated that any expenses for the Connector would be offset by matching revenues.  Mr. Bellows asked for an update on the two new buses.  Mr. Eby stated the buses were received the prior week.  Mr. Bellows asked for additional information on the three light transit vehicles included in the proposed budget.  Mr. Eby stated that the vehicles were replacements for three 1999 LTV’s that were fully depreciated.  Ms. Padgett made a motion to adopt the budget as proposed.  Mr. Capps seconded the motion.  The Vice Chair asked if there were any discussion.  Mr. Ronne asked if agency funds could be used for matching funds.  Mr. Eby stated that the county currently had a contingency fund that was derived from agency funds, but the sum of the fund was small.  The motion carried unanimously. AD HOC FUNDING COMMITTEE REPORT  The Vice Chair recognized Mr. Bryden to present the report.  Mr. Bryden stated that the committee’s initial meeting was held on January 13, 2005.  Mr. Bryden submitted a chart of expenses and revenues that detailed the cash flow of the Authority.  Mr. Eby stated that he was close to completing an agreement with the City and County to allow the Authority access to funds necessary to meet expenses that may be incurred prior to the Authority receiving FTA or NCDOT subsidies.  Ms. Padgett asked why July was higher than other months.  Mr. Bryden stated that this was due to the Authority paying an annual liability insurance premium at the beginning of the fiscal year.  Mr. Bellows asked if the Authority would have similar issues with capital acquisitions.  Mr. Eby stated that NCODT and FTA funds were available for distribution up to three days prior to the Authority submitting payment for capital purchases.  Mr. Bryden stated that the committee would look at several different sources of new revenue including a rental car fee, support from downtown businesses for the trolley, a license tag fee as well as other funding sources to build a reserve fund and to pay for additional services.  He concluded by stating that the Committee was open to any suggestions for funding that the Board may have. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT  Committee Chairman Bellows stated that the only issue before the committee was the Designated Recipient designation.  In order to satisfy the TAC and receive their approval for designated recipient status, Wave staff drafted an Interlocal Agreement between the Authority and Brunswick Transit that would guarantee the portion of Brunswick County located in the UZA to 5.02% of the FTA allocation provided local matching funds could be secured.  Mr. Eby stated that the 5.02% was based on population figures provided by NCDOT.  Ms. Hatcher stated that the Brunswick Transit Board had approved the agreement at their January 31, 2005 meeting.  Mr. Bellows asked what the current 5.02% was currently being used for.  Mr. Eby stated that all of the allocation of FTA funds to the UZA was being utilized by Wave Transit.  Mr. Bellows asked for a motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Wave Transit and Brunswick Transit Inc.  Mr. Ronne made a motion to approve the agreement.  Ms. Padgett seconded the motion.  The Vice Chair asked for discussion.  Hearing none, he asked for a vote.  The motion carried unanimously.  Committee Chairman Bellows asked if the services of the committee were still needed.  Mr. Eby stated that barring a no vote on the designated recipient resolution by the TAC, the process was now in the hands of NCDOT and FTA.  Mr. Bellows asked Mr. Eby to remove any future Legislative Committee reports from the Agenda and declared the work of the committee to be complete. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT  The Vice Chair recognized Committee Chairman Mr. Ronne to present the report.  Mr. Ronne introduced Mr. Arlanda Rouse as the new Assistant Director for the Authority.  He briefly reviewed the Mr. Rouse’s qualifications.  He welcomed Mr. Rouse.  He asked Mr. Rouse to briefly introduce himself.  The Committee Chair stated that the Authority was in a position to hire a part time Finance Director.  The Authority was currently under budget and farebox revenues were exceeding budget projections.  Mr. Ronne stated that he and the Director would develop a job description for the position and advertise the position.  Mr. Eby stated that minimum and maximum wage rates would be established in accordance with the Authority’s salary structure.  Mr. Eby also stated that since the position was part time, limited benefits would be offered in accordance with the adopted Wave Transit Personnel Policies.  Mr. Eby briefly discussed the option of contracting the finance director position versus hiring an employee.  He stated that in his opinion, having a finance director on staff would be more credible and allow the Authority more control over the position.  He also stated that the data system in place would allow the finance director an opportunity to work from a remote location making the position more attractive.  Ms. Padgett made a motion authorizing the Director to hire a Finance Director.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Ronne and carried unanimously.  Mr. Eby also reported that in the budget adopted earlier, funds would be available in FY 2006 for a planner.  The full time position would be funded primarily with section 5303 FTA planning funds.  The planner would be instrumental in planning the restructured routes.  He stated that he would work with the Personnel Committee Chair to develop a job description. MARKETING COMMITTEE REPORT  In the absence of the Committee Chair, the Vice Chair recognized Mr. Eby to present the report.  Mr. Eby stated that the committee had met with with the marketing consultant on January 10, 2005.  The Consultant was seeking information necessary to prepare the marketing plan.  Mr. Eby stated that the committee and staff were pleased with the consultant and their ideas.  Committee member Ms. Pritchett concurred and stated that she had met with WWAY-TV3 concerning television marketing.  Ms. Pritchett stated that the next meeting was scheduled for Monday February 14, 2005. FACILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT  The Vice Chair recognized Committee Chair Mr. Capps to present the report.  Mr. Capps reviewed the Louis Berger, Inc. consultant report for the multimodal site selection.  He stated that two sites identified as sites 3 and 5 were rated as equal by the consultant in the report.  He noted that the consultant rated site 3 higher than 5 in their public presentation.  He stated that the committee had met on February 09, 2005 to discuss the multimodal report.  Mr. Capps stated that he had discussed the report with the Mayor and that the issue of the easement was of concern to the Community College.  He stated that he had discussed the easement issue with CFCC Board Chair, Mr. Eddie Crowell.  CFCC had approved a resolution allowing a 15 foot easement for pedestrian traffic from the multimodal to the riverfront if the city selected site 5 for the multimodal center.  The College was opposed to the site being located on site 3 which was seen as being in the middle of their campus.  Mr. Capps stated that the committee felt site 3 was the best site for the center based on the report, the consultant presentation and the proximity of the site to the proposed convention center, as well as Third St. not being a barrier.  Mr. Capps stated that the committee would be willing to support and recommend to the Board site 5 as a compromise, provided the city maintain a 32’ easement in the rail bed that would allow the Authority to transport passengers from the multimodal center to the riverfront as well as allow a safe pedestrian corridor.  Upon making this recommendation to the Community College Board Chair, Mr. Capps was immediately rebuffed.  Mr. Capps presented a Resolution for consideration to the Board endorsing site 5, as identified in the Louis Berger report, provided the Authority is allowed a 32’ easement which would allow the Authority an avenue for moving passengers and pedestrians from the multimodal center to the riverfront. The Resolution further stated that should the 32’ easement not be allowed, the Authority would then endorse site 3.  Ms. Padgett made a motion authorizing the Resolution.  Mr. Stukes seconded the motion.  The vice-chair asked for discussion.  The Board discussed many of the issues concerning the multimodal transportation center.  Following the discussion, Ms. Padgett amended her motion to state that the Authority would recommend site 5 and the portion of the railroad corridor on site 6a provided the Authority is allowed a 32’ easement with provisions for the portion of the railroad corridor that are less than 32’. The amended Resolution would also specify the type of improvements to the proposed corridor that the Authority would be responsible for. Access by a Trolley or a people mover in the provided easement would also be necessary. Should the easement not be granted, the Authority would remove its support for site 5 and support site 3.  Mr. Stukes seconded the amended motion.  The Chair asked for a vote on the amended Resolution.  The amended Resolution was approved unanimously.  Committee Chairman Capps asked if the Director could present an update on the maintenance/transfer/administration facility.  Mr. Eby stated that environmental, civil and wetlands issues concerning the site on Ringo Drive were currently being studied by Trans Systems and their sub consultants.  Mr. Eby stated that property is currently owned by NCDOT stated that that they would be willing to convey the property for the facility to the Authority.  If approved, the appraised value of the property would be reduced from the NCDOT portion of the grant.  Mr. Eby further stated that the property was currently zoned R-15 by New Hanover County.  The City and County planning departments agreed that the Authority would be best served by having the property annexed into the city and rezoned.  Mr. Eby stated that he and Ms. Williams had met with City Attorney Tom Pollard who agreed that annexation was in the best interest of all involved. ADOPTION OF WAVE TRANSIT MISSION STATEMENT AND GOALS  In the interest of time, Ms. Padgett asked that the item be tabled until a later date.  Chairman McNamee concurred and the item was tabled. STAFF REPORT  Mr. Eby reported that three contracts with NCDOT had been received by the Authority for funding assistance.  Mr. Eby presented a contract for 10% funding of two (2) trolley replicas and two light transit vehicles.  He stated that the vehicles were received in 2004 and the City of Wilmington had paid the entire invoice.  The contract would reimburse the City of Wilmington for 10% of the cost of the vehicles.  A Resolution allowing the Authority Chair to enter into a contract with NCDOT for funding assistance for two (2) trolley replicas and two (2) light transit vehicles was made by Ms. Padgett.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellows and carried unanimously.  Mr. Eby presented a contract for 10% funding of two (2) heavy duty expansion buses.  He stated that the vehicles were received in 2005 and the City of Wilmington had paid the entire invoice.  The contract would reimburse the City of Wilmington for 10% of the cost of the vehicles.  A Resolution allowing the Authority Chair to enter into a contract with NCDOT for funding assistance for two (2) heavy duty expansion buses was made by Ms. Kane.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Padgett and carried unanimously.  Mr. Eby presented a contract for 90% funding of an Automatic Vehicle Locating system.  The contract for $110,000 would be for phase one of the management system and passenger information project.  He stated that phase one of the project was in development and would be used by the Authority to track vehicles.  Phase two would be funded with the facility project and would include passenger information systems to include countdown timers and electronic shelter information signs.  A Resolution allowing the Authority Chair to enter into a contract with NCDOT for funding assistance for Phase one of the Automated Vehicle Locator project was was made by Ms. Padgett.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Stukes and carried unanimously.  Mr. Eby presented a Resolution allowing the Authority to participate in the NC 401(k) supplemental retirement program.  He stated that the approved policy manual allowed Authority employees access to the NC 401(k) supplemental retirement program.  The Authority would match employee contributions dollar for dollar up to 4.5% of the employee’s annual salary.  A motion endorsing the Resolution authorizing the Authority to participate in the NC 401(k) supplemental retirement program was made by Mr. Stukes.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Padgett.  The motion carried unanimously.  Mr. Eby stated that the Authority had a pre-proposal conference for management contractors on January 09, 2005.  He stated that the meeting was attended by three prospective contracting firms.  Others may bid since the pre-proposal conference was not mandatory.  Ms. McNamee asked the Director to review the timeline for the bid process, which he did.  Mr. Eby introduced a Resolution allowing the Authority to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Iredell County to allow the Authority the ability to purchase Paratransit route scheduling software from the Iredell County bid.  He apologized for the timing of the Agreement and not including the document with the agenda packet.  The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County were named in a RFP by Iredell County for scheduling software on behalf of Authority staff.  The software would allow the Authority to schedule Paratransit trips more efficiently.  It would also allow multiple passengers per trip which would lower the cost of passenger trips to the agencies.  Mr. Eby stated that Authority and contract staff had received a demonstration of the software from the low bidder, Route Match, and were impressed with the scheduling, billing and data aspects of the program.  The Resolution would not allow staff to purchase from the contract at this time.  Mr. Eby stated that funds for the software were being sought and authorization to purchase the software would be brought to the Board when secured.  Mr. Eby stated that Mr. Rouse was working on a funding source for the procurement.  A motion allowing the Authority to enter into an Interlocal agreement with Iredell County, NC to purchase Paratransit scheduling software from the Iredell County contract was made by Ms. Padgett.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Kane and carried unanimously.  Mr. Eby stated that the bridge on Navassa Road had been rebuilt and the Brunswick Connector route could now use Navassa Road, significantly shortening the time of the route.  The shorter trip time would allow the Connector to provide service to the USS North Carolina.  He further stated that he had spoken with Navassa Mayor Mr. Euless Willis concerning the fare structure of the route.  He proposed a 75¢ local fare for passengers that traveled exclusively in Brunswick County.  Fares for travel to and from Wilmington would remain $1.50.  Mr. Bellows asked if Brunswick County was contributing to the operating expenses of the route.  Mr. Eby stated that they were not, but the route could be discontinued after FY 2005 if the local funding issue were not resolved.  A motion allowing the above change to the route and the fare structure of the Brunswick Connector was made by Ms. Pritchett.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Stukes and carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS, SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  The Chair recognized Ms. Lawless Bean, City of Wilmington TDM Coordinator.  Ms. Bean referred the Board to a memo in the agenda packet.  She stated that the City and County were interested in pilot program allowing their employee’s bus passes at no cost.  She asked for a motion allowing City and County employees to receive at no cost to the employees or to the City and County, bus passes for a period of one year.  At the end of the year, the program would be evaluated.  Mr. Bellows asked Mr. Eby what the financial impact to the Authority would be for the pilot program.  Mr. Eby stated that the only impact would be revenues not realized by those using free passes.  He stated that it was his belief that those participating in the program would not do so unless it was offered at no cost.  Operating costs would not increase if the program were implemented.  A motion approving the pilot program for one year was made by Mr. Ronne.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Padgett and carried unanimously.  The next meeting was scheduled for March 10, 2005.  Hearing no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Stukes.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Kane and carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director