Minutes 03 10 05 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY March 10, 2005 Ms. Christine B. McNamee, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Christine McNamee, Chair Mr. Jeff Bellows, Vice-Chair Mr. Robert Ronne, Secretary Ms. Nancy Pritchett Mr. John Stukes Ms. Barbara Kane Ms. Fannie Freeman Ms. Maureen McCarthy STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Corey Johnson, General Manager First Transit Mr. Lamont Jackson, General Manager Paratransit, First Transit GUESTS PRESENT Ms. Lawless Bean, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, City of Wilmington Mr. Ricky Meeks, Citizen Ms. Patricia Melvin, Assistant County Manager, New Hanover County Mr. Mike Kozlosky, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Wilmington Mr. Si Cantwell, Columnist, Wilmington Star News Mr. Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney, New Hanover County Ms. Margaret Rogers, Citizen CALL TO ORDER  Chairwoman McNamee called the meeting to order at 12:11pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  The Chair stated that she had asked staff to review the audiotape from the February 10, 2005 meeting to verify the accuracy of three motions. Upon review, staff made the following changes to the minutes from the February 10, 2005 meeting: o Second of the motion authorizing staff to hire a Finance Director was changed from Ms. McNamee to Mr. Ronne. o Second of the motion authorizing the Authority to participate in the NC 401(k) supplemental retirement program was changed from Ms. McNamee to Ms. Padgett. o Second of the motion approving of the pilot TDM employee pass program was changed from Ms. McNamee to Ms. Padgett.  A motion to approve the minutes from the February 10, 2005 regular meeting of the Wave Transit Board of Directors, as amended, was made by Mr. Bellows. The motion was seconded by Ms. Freeman and carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT  The Chair asked if anyone in attendance had public comment.  Ms. Margaret Rogers, resident of Little John Circle, voiced a concern about bus drivers tying down chairs.  She said bus drivers are not tying down chairs properly, and she is afraid someone is going to be injured.  She spoke of needing more bus stops and having a bus shelter installed on 16th Street.  She spoke of the Authority getting new buses and that she would like to see someone on the Board and an elective official ride the bus.  Mr. Ricky Meeks stated that the bus shelter on 16th had been moved because of safety reasons.  He said that the bus stops, at the Landfall area, are spread so far apart that you have to walk a long way to the next stop.  His next concern was radios on the buses. He stated that the bus drivers changed the radio stations to accommodate themselves and not the passengers.  Mr. Meeks stated that he asked the driver to change the radio station and the driver turned the radio off.  He then made the suggestion that the radios should be tuned to 99.9 and WGNI.  Hearing no further comments from the public, the Chair closed the public comment period. AD HOC FUNDING COMMITTEE REPORT  In the absence of Committee Chair Mr. Bryden, the Chair recognized Wave Transit Director Mr. Albert Eby to present the report.  Mr. Eby said the Ad/Hoc Funding committee met and had some ideas for the Board to consider concerning future funding.  Mr. Eby used transit systems such as Greensboro and their agreement with Duke Power as an example of how transit systems receive additional funding.  The committee plans to bring funding ideas back to the Board this summer.  Mr. Eby stated that the goal of the committee is to bring something to the Board that is equitable and will provide a secure amount of funding to go forward and promote some of the goals they have for the short range transit plan. BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT  In the absence of the Committee Chair, Mr. Bryden, the Chair recognized Mr. Eby to present the report  He stated that there is no report from the budget committee, but he stated that he had met with the City Budget Director and City Finance Director to talk about the budget request for next year.  Mr. Eby stated that they were in support of increasing operating funds and purchasing three replacement vehicles for the Seahawk Shuttle. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chair recognized Committee Chair, Mr. Robert Ronne to present the report.  Mr. Ronne informed the Board of the part-time Financial Director position; and stated that an ad had been placed in the newspaper and that the Committee hoped to have someone in the position by the next Board meeting.  Mr. Ronne reported that NCDOT was offering an internship /training program in which they will provide 90% funding for the position and the Board will provide 10% for someone from UNCW that is interested in working in transportation to work with the Wave Transit staff.  Mr. Eby stated that he received an application from NCDOT for two (2) positions. One is an apprenticeship and the other is an internship.  Mr. Eby stated that staff is working with the Master of the Public Administration program at UNCW to help identify a candidate.  Mr. Eby asked the Board for permission to continue working with UNCW to try to identify a candidate.  Chairwoman McNamee asked for a motion authorizing staff to submit an application for an apprentice of an intern.  Mr. Ronne made the motion.  Ms. Pritchett seconded the motion.  The Chair asked for discussion.  Ms. McNamee asked if the new program would fit into the adopted FY 2005-2006 budget.  Mr. Eby stated that he had spoken with the budget committee chair and was confident that the budget contained enough elasticity to support the 10% match of either position.  Chairwoman McNamee asked that staff take time to determine what the responsibilities for the candidate would be and who is going to do the supervision.  Mr. Eby stated that the goal is to come up with a plan to have the candidate work with different people within the WAVE organization.  Hearing no further discussion, the chair asked for the wishes of the Board.  The motion carried unanimously.  The Vice Chair Jeff Bellows asked Mr. Eby if he began his present position under the city and when.  Mr. Eby responded that he was employed by the City of Wilmington from March 01, 2004 until he became an Authority employee on July 01, 2004.  Mr. Bellows asked Mr. Eby to provide the Board a copy of his employee evaluation from the City.  Mr. Bellows stated that the Board needed to evaluate Mr. Eby’s performance and adjust his salary accordingly.  Chairwoman McNamee agreed that Mr. Eby is due for an evaluation and asked Personnel Committee Chair Mr. Ronne to put some things together for the April meeting. MARKETING COMMITTEE  The Chair recognized Committee Chairwoman Maureen McCarthy to present the report.  Ms. McCarthy asked Mr. Eby to give the report.  Mr. Eby stated that the committee had not met since the last Board meeting, but they do have a meeting scheduled for Monday March 14, 2005.  Mr. Eby stated that committee is preparing a plan in which they can spend up to $30,000 on marketing for the rest of this fiscal year.  Mr. Eby stated that one thing that was lacking was a brochure that can be distributed to businesses that states what WAVE transit does.  Ms. McCarthy stated that having a brochure will be positive for WAVE Transit.  Chairwoman McNamee stated that the Authority will not be able to get additional funding until the Authority’s marketing effort is increased.  Mr. Bellows asked if the marketing plan was also geared toward educating government officials, not just the general public.  Ms. McCarthy said that the Committee definitely has to educate local, state and national elected officials as well as businesses. FACILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chairwoman asked Mr. Eby to present the report in the absence of Mr. Capps.  Mr. Eby lauded the effort of Mr. Capps for his effort in trying to bring resolution to the multimodal transportation center location selection.  Mr. Eby stated that Site 5 was selected as the Maintenance Transfer Facility by the Wilmington City Council.  Mr. Eby stated that the land acquisition would probably occur in FY 2006 and construction in FY 2007.  He stated that he met with the Ad/Hoc Committee and they wanted to look at the long term plans of the Railroad Museum.  Mr. Eby stated that he really didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to include the Railroad Museum in with the multimodal facility.  Mr. Eby stated that looking at the local match funding for this project, the grant would be to the Authority and he envisioned it going to the Facilities Committee. It would include everything from design to construction.  Mr. Bellows asked who was going to steer the design process.  Mr. Eby stated that the facilities committee would most likely guide the project construction.  Mr. Eby thinks it would be a consorted effort if we could work with the MPO and City staff to make sure that the project is done appropriately.  Mr. Eby stated that he hoped the project would move along quickly and they can address how to move people back and forth to the waterfront.  He was also concerned about the safety of students as they move around on Redcross St.  Mr. Bellows asked if it would be feasible to incorporate easy access from the new multimodal to the waterfront via the free trolley service.  Mr. Eby stated that was the way it was envisioned.  Mr. Eby stated that at the Ad/Hoc Funding Committee meetings, they discussed using certain taxes or fees that were associated with tourism or employment development to help support the operation of the trolley.  He used Charlotte’s Transit System and the Goldrush Trolley program as an example and he believes that it can work effectively with our transit system.  Mr. Eby said that in reference to the Maintenance, Administration and Transfer Facility, staff is pursuing the site recommendation from the consultant.  He stated that the consultant planned to be at the meeting, but after a conference call at NCDOT last week, there were too many issues brought up for them to feel that they had enough information to bring to the Board at this time.  Mr. Eby stated that a great deal of concern is being placed on the amount of soil that would have to be brought in to bring the borrow pit site up to building grade.  Mr. Eby spoke of the article in the Star News concerning the site selection and said what staff wanted to do was get the message out that this is an attractive site and observe what kind of feedback they would get from it.  He stated that he hadn’t received any feedback, negative or positive from that standpoint and he feels comfortable that it is an even better site.  Mr. Bellows asked if they would be able to inquire about some of the soil from the site that the County is going to build the park on. He says the County has a contract were they are selling material to enlarge the lake at a low price.  Asst. County Manager Pat Melvin stated that she thinks they had an offer and it was a time frame to give a bid, but she thinks that the time has past.  Mr. Eby stated that the appraisal value of the property will be based on bringing the property up to building condition.  Mr. Eby stated that the consultant estimated to bring it up 4 feet over the entire size of parcel and it would cost about $750,000, which that could also go toward the appraisal value.  Mr. Eby stated that hopefully Transsystems will have a design and more information at the May meeting.  Mr. Eby stated that he was waiting to hear from NCDOT-PTD Director Ms. Miriam Perry about the contract for the property.  Mr. Eby stated that he saw some really good progress and hopefully we will be able to begin construction in 2005.  Ms. Pritchett asked about the status of the Castle Street location.  Mr. Eby stated that it is City property.  Mr. Bellows stated that he feels that we are at the point that we can come up with a more attractive name for our facility.  Mr. Stukes suggested that we do a little more homework on the name.  Mr. Bellows suggested that the Marketing Committee discuss it at their next meeting. STAFF REPORT  Chairwoman McNamee recognizes Mr. Eby to give the staff report.  Mr. Eby stated stated that bids were due on March 15, 2005.  Staff will determine their responsiveness.  He stated that staff will let bidders know to prepare an executive summary for the Board based on the responsiveness of their bids.  Chairwoman McNamee asked if he feels confident that we will get several bids.  Mr. Eby said he is fairly confident that we will get at least two presentations.  Mr. Eby moved to the next topic on the agenda, the Azalea Festival.  Mr. Eby stated that Wave transit will again be providing shuttle service to the parade.  He recommended that we continue with the same shuttle service from last year, from Legion Stadium and from Independence Mall.  Ms. McCarthy asked where Independence Mall pick up and drop off is located.  Mr. Eby stated that the pickup at the mall is next to Wachovia Bank.  Ms McCarthy said that we need to do a promotion of the Azalea Shuttle at least every week until the parade.  Mr. Eby said that will be part of their discussion at the next Marketing Committee meeting.  Mr. Ronne asked will the cost be the same.  Mr. Eby stated that the fare will be 75¢ for adults and 35¢ for seniors, disabled and children.  Mr. Eby stated that a van will be available in order to assist with wheelchairs.  Ms. Pritchett asked if the fare was round trip or one way.  Mr. Eby stated the fares were one way and advance ticket sales are available.  Chairwoman McNamee asked for a motion to operate the Azalea Festival Parade Shuttle.  Ms. Pritchett made the motion.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Ronne and carried unanimously.  Mr. Stukes asked about identification for the shuttle, how will it be recognized as the Azalea Shuttle.  Mr. Eby replied that the signs on the buses will say Azalea Shuttle.  Mr. Eby took a minute to introduce Mike Kozlosky to the Board.  Mr. Kozlosky was recently promoted to Senior Transportation Planner with the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, replacing Mr. Mark Tinkler.  Mr. Eby stated that staff had worked with Mr. Kozlosky during his employment as Associate Transportation Planner.  Staff looks forward to their continued relationship with Mr. Kozlosky and the MPO.  Mr. Eby stated that the final item on the agenda is the Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) Grant.  Mr. Eby stated that with the increasing construction and 3.5% unemployment rates in New Hanover County, the need for construction workers is rising.  At the request of Ms. Padgett, staff was investigating the possibility of implementing a route from Wilmington to Whiteville to transport construction employees to meet the need for several construction projects soon to begin in downtown Wilmington.  Mr. Eby stated that the Authority is in compliance with the guidelines to send a bus to Whiteville, twice a day, to transport these workers.  Mr. Eby stated that it is a great opportunity to promote regionalism and also to get people in the rural area to work.  He stated that the initial estimates for service twice daily five days per week per year will cost an estimated $41,000.00 not including the Whiteville portion.  Mr. Eby stated that there is currently a Job Access Reverse Commute application that is available through NCDOT that could fund 50% of the project.  Mr. Eby said he would like for the Board to give staff the authorization to support the application to the NCDOT for the JARC grant.  Vice Chairman Bellows moved that Wave Transit support the provision of service to Whiteville threw the JARC Grant provided a local fund is identified.  The motion is seconded by Mr. Stukes.  Mr. Bellows stated that for clarification purposes that the motion did include the provision that it would not impact our current operating expenses for our current fixed route.  The motion is carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS, SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Mr. Eby stated that he met with Congressman McIntyre’s staff in Washington D.C.  Mr. Eby stated that staff will continue to work with the Legislators in order to make sure they understand the need for all these programs to be included the reauthorization of the transportation bill.  Mr. Ronne asked if service will be extended to Wrightsville Beach.  Mr. Eby stated that in the route reconstruction plans service to both beach communities is proposed.  Mr. Bellows asked if the service expansion would require additional operating funds.  Mr. Eby stated that expanded service could be offered at the same funding level through operational efficiencies, mainly a centrally located transfer point.  Chairwoman McNamee asked if we can come up with a different name for WAVE Transit and New Hanover County Expense Report.  Mr. Eby said he would direct First Transit to make the change.  The next meeting of the Board of Directors was scheduled for April 14, 2005 at 12:00 pm.  Hearing no further business a motion was made by Mr. Ronne to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Kane and carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director /rw