Minutes 04 12 07 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY April 12, 2007 Mr. Jeff Bellows, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Jeff Bellows, Chair Mr. Robert Ronne, Vice-Chairman Ms. Fannie Freeman, Secretary Mr. William Bryden Mr. Andrew Koeppel Mr. Howard Loving Ms. Christine McNamee Mr. John Stukes Ms. Laura Padgett Ms. Nancy Pritchett STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director Mr. Michael Kincaid, Finance Director Mrs. Kathy Williams, Administrative Assistant Mr. Matthew Kunic, Planner CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Corey Johnson, General Manager, First Transit Mr. Lamont Jackson, Assistant General Manager, First Transit Mr. Armand Scala, Operations Supervisor, First Transit Mr. Andrew Olsen, Attorney GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Mike Kozlosky, Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Area MPO Mr. Joshuah Mello, Associate Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Area MPO Mr. Anthony Prinz, Associate Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Area MPO Ms. Lawless Bean, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, City of Wilmington Ms. Gayle Worley, NCDOT Consultant Mr. Ricky Meeks, Citizen CALL TO ORDER  Chairman Bellows called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm  Mr. Bellows opened the meeting with a moment of silence APPROVAL OF MINUTES  A motion to approve the minutes from the March 08, 2007 regular meeting of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority was made by Mr. Koeppel  The motion was seconded by Ms. Freeman and carried unanimously PUBLIC COMMENT  Chairman Bellows opened the public comment period  Mr. Meeks requested that the Route 6 bus make a stop at the new Harris Teeter at Plaza East shopping center near Wrightsville Ave.  Mr. Meeks requested that Wave implement a Customer Appreciation Day at some point during the summer or fall  The Chairman closed the public comment period EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  Mr. Bellows stated that the committee had no report ROUTE COMMITTEE  Mr. Bellows recognized Mr. Koeppel to give the report for the Route committee  Mr. Koeppel thanked the route committee and staff for all of their hard work on the new routes  Mr. Koeppel presented the new route proposal maps to the board for review  Mr. Ronne asked if any current routes were being eliminated due to the route restructure  Mr. Rouse stated that many redundancies have been removed from the new routes, however no routes have been eliminated  Mr. Bryden asked if the members could take the maps home to review them until the next board meeting  Mr. Bellows stated the board members could review the maps and if there are any suggestions that the members submit them to Mr. Rouse or Mr. Koeppel  Mr. Bellows then suggested that a presentation of the new route draft be made to the public MARKETING COMMITTEE  Mr. Bellows recognized Mr. Ronne to give the Marketing Committee report  Mr. Ronne introduced NCDOT Program Consultant Gayle Worley  He stated that Ms. Worley is the new regional consultant for the area  Mr. Ronne stated that the marketing committee could not reach an agreement with Talk PR regarding retainer fees and public relations efforts  He stated that because an agreement could not be reached, Mr. Eby sent Talk PR a letter rescinding the purchase order agreement  Mr. Ronne stated that as of July 1, 2007, Mr. Kunic and Mr. Loving plan to meet with Talk PR in order to implement a strategy that the board can support and that is consistent with the overall 18 month marketing plan  Mr. Ronne then recognized Mr. Kunic to present a 3 month marketing plan which he had developed  Mr. Kunic stated that he had set up a three month plan based upon the outline in which Talk PR had presented  He stated that the plan includes several appearances by the Seamore, PSA’s, promotional items  Mr. Kunic also stated that he was in negotiations with the Wilmington Sharks to secure advertising during baseball games  Ms. Padgett expressed concern regarding the attendance at the Wilmington Shark’s games and whether it was worthwhile to advertise at the games  Ms. Freeman stated that Wave Transit was well know around town but, people did not know where the bus travels  Mr. Loving then asked if the Wave Transit maps are a part of the CBB package  Mr. Eby stated that staff was working with Wilmington Downtown, supplying them with trolley maps to put in the welcome packets given to the PPD employees  Mr. Eby also stated that Mr. Kunic has distributed maps to the library, visitors center and Chandlers Wharf  Mr. Stukes suggested that each board member spend a few hours riding the bus system  Ms. Padgett suggested that maps be placed in the local grocery stores  Ms. Pritchett made a request for Seamore to appear at the Special Olympics on April 19, 2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE  Mr. Bellows recognized Mr. Bryden to give the finance report  Mr. Bryden along with Mr. Kincaid presented the 2007-2008 Budget Ordinance  Mr. Bryden stated that many of the increases within the budget were due to operational increases.  He stated that salaries and wages increased from the previous year due to an increase in overtime  Mr. Bryden also stated that there was an increase due to the replacement of the part time Finance Director with a full time position  Mr. Bryden then thanked Mr. Kincaid for his outstand job as the Finance Director  Mr. Bryden made a motion on behalf of the Finance Committee to approve the FY 2007-2008 Budget Ordinance  Mr. Bellows then opened the floor for discussion of the Budget Ordinance  Ms. Padgett inquired about the funding for the Brunswick Connector  Mr. Eby then explained the agreements for the connector between the City, State, and Brunswick County  Mr. Loving inquired about the passenger fare projections for the upcoming year  Mr. Kincaid then explained the differences in the revenue projections  The FY 2007-2008 budget was unanimously approved FACILITIES COMMITTEE  Chairman Bellows recognized Ms. McNamee to present the facilities report  Ms. McNamee stated that the Authority closed on the property of the former Corning site  She then stated that the Authority did not close on the Division Drive property  Ms. McNamee stated that the committee was investigating different federal and state funding sources in order to begin building on the property  Mr. McNamee stated that the staff was working with city officials on a temporary transfer site behind Target  Mr. Stukes made a suggestion that the board review the new site and temporary transfer site during the next board meeting STAFF REPORT  Chairman Bellows recognized Mr. Eby to present the staff report  Mr. Eby recognized Gayle Worley of NCDOT  He stated that she brings with her 8 years of NCDOT experience and that she was very helpful in finding additional funding  Mr. Eby then recognized Mike Kozlosky and Corey Johnson to introduce a new employees  Mr. Kozlosky recognized Mr. Anthony Prinz, Associate Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Area MPO  Mr. Prinz briefly introduced himself to the board  Mr. Johnson recognized Armand Scala, Operations Supervisor, First Transit  Mr. Scala briefly introduced himself to the board  Mr. Eby’s introduced an agreement between Wave Transit and the Community Boys and Girls Club, which will allow Wave Transit to donate 100 each two ride bus passes to the club for a pilot after school program  Mr. Eby stated that the original proposal was for bus passes to be sold to the Community Boys and Girls Club for one half of the original fare cost  Mr. Eby stated Mr. Wayne Loftin presented a counter-proposal for a free pilot program for the remainder of the school year  Mr. Eby stated that staff recommended approval of the counterproposal  Mr. Eby then stated that Mr. Lofton said that if the pilot program was successful, the club would possibly purchase passes at a discounted price  Ms. Padgett made a motion to proceed with the agreement for free pilot after school program between Wave Transit and the Community Boys and Girls Club  Ms. Pritchett seconded the motion  Ms. McNamee was concerned that in the future the Community Boys and Girls Club would charge the members for the discounted passes  Mr. Eby stated that he would ensure that Mr. Lofton was aware that the agreement was only valid if the club did not charge the members for bus passes  Mr. Loving suggested that a press release describing the program be written  The motion carried unanimously  Mr. Eby’s next item for approval was a purchase order for a public transportation survey with UNCW not to exceed $18,556  Mr. Eby stated that the purchase order would cover cost of processing of 800 surveys within the county and another 200 surveys outside of the county  Mr. Koeppel made a motion to approve the purchase order to UNCW not to exceed $18,556  Ms. McNamee seconded the motion and carried unanimously  Mr. Eby announced that the North Carolina Public Transportation Conference will be held in Wilmington June 4-6, 2007, and if any board member was interested in attending that they should contact him either by phone or e-mail  Mr. Eby then announced that Mr. Kincaid’s retirement date would be on April 27, 2007  Mr. Eby then presented Mr. Kincaid with a plaque for his 2 years of service as Wave Transit’s Finance Director  Mr. Kincaid gave a brief closing statement OTHER AGENCIES  Ms. Bean gave a brief update on the Commuter Challenge SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Hearing no further business, Mr. Stukes made a motion to adjourn the meeting  Ms. Pritchett seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting  The motion carried unanimously  The Wave Transit Authority’s next meeting is scheduled for May 10, 2007 at 12:00 pm in the Castle Street Board Room Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director /kw