Minutes 05 10 07 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY May 10, 2007 Mr. Jeff Bellows, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Jeff Bellows, Chair Ms. Fannie Freeman, Secretary Mr. William Bryden Mr. Andrew Koeppel Ms. Christine McNamee Ms. Nancy Pritchett STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director Mrs. Kathy Williams, Administrative Assistant Mr. Matthew Kunic, Planner CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Corey Johnson, General Manager, First Transit Mr. Lamont Jackson, Assistant General Manager, First Transit Mr. Armand Scala, Operations Supervisor, First Transit Mr. Andrew Olsen, Attorney GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Joshuah Mello, Associate Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Area MPO Ms. Gayle Worley, NCDOT Consultant Ms. Annette Crumpton, NHC Department of Aging Ms. Patricia Melvin, New Hanover County Mr. Ricky Meeks, Citizen Mr. Chris Hawkins, Citizen CALL TO ORDER  Chairman Bellows called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm  Mr. Bellows opened the meeting with a moment of silence APPROVAL OF MINUTES  A motion to approve the minutes from the April 12, 2007 regular meeting of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority was made by Mr. Koeppel  The motion was seconded by Ms. Freeman and carried unanimously COMMITTEE REPORT  Mr. Bellows stated that there will be no committee reports PUBLIC HEARING  Chairman Bellows opened a public hearing to receive comments from the public concerning the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 budget  Hearing no comment, the Chairman closed the public hearing STAFF REPORT  Chairman Bellows recognized Mr. Eby to present the staff report  Mr. Eby presented a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Wilmington Urban MPO  Ms. McNamee inquired about the funding split between Wave Transit and the Wilmington MPO  Mr. Eby stated that the current funding split between the entities was 50/50  Mr. Bryden made a motion to accept the Memorandum of Understanding with the Wilmington MPO  Ms. McNamee seconded the motion and carried unanimously  Mr. Eby recognized Attorney Andrew Olson for an update on the Operations and Maintenance Facility site located on Division Drive  Mr. Olson presented a copy of the purchase and lease agreement which outlined that the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority would purchase the property located on Division Drive from NCDOT for $1,750,000 1,750,000  He stated that the agreement would allow Wave to lease the property back to NCDOT for up to three years at a nominal cost of $10.00 per year  Mr. Olson recommend signing this agreement  Mr. Koeppel made a motion to accept the agreement to purchase the property located on Division Drive for $1,750,000  The property would be leased back to the department for a period not to exceed three years at a cost of $10.00 per year  Ms. Freeman seconded the motion  Mr. Eby stated that no formal action was needed on the matter since the Authority had previously approved the purchase of the property  Mr. Eby recommended that the board members look over the agreement and to contact him if there are any concerns  Mr. Olson stated that he would await a three day comment period by the board prior to submitting the document to NCDOT  Mr. Koeppel rescinded his original motion to accept the agreement and Ms. Freeman rescinded her second of the motion  Mr. Koeppel made a new motion to approve the agreement as as of Monday May 14, 2007 in the absence of any negative remarks by the board members  Mr. Olson stated that even after the agreement has been signed it will not close until the Legislative Commission of Governmental operations and the Counselor of State has approved the agreement  Mr. Olson said that hopefully the agreement will be able to get the Council and State meetings in order to be approved by July 2007  Mr. Bellows asked if the motion gave him authorization to sign the agreement on behalf of the Authority  Mr. Koeppel stated that it did give him the authority  Ms. Freeman seconded the motion and carried unanimously  Mr. Eby gave a brief statement on a candidate on the Finance Director search  Mr. Eby stated that Mr. Kincaid agreed to become a consultant in order to help with the transition of the new Finance Director  Mr. Eby then mention that the Statewide Public Transportation conference would be held June 4th thru June 6th in downtown Wilmington  Mr. Eby stated that if any board member would like to attend they should contact Mr. Kunic  Mr. Eby then talked about a discretionary grant which was discussed during the facilities committee meeting last month  He stated that the grant funds were discretionary funds through the FTA which were being re-released in a separate 5309 grant  Mr. Eby stated that even if the Authority were awarded the special 5309 funds that the funds may not cover the full cost of the facilities project  He stated that the Authority would then have to find additional sources of funding through the state, federal, and/or other sources in order to complete the project  Ms. Pritchett stated that both she and Ms. Padgett would write letters of support for the FTA discretionary grant  Mr. Koeppel suggested that Mr. Eby hold special public hearings in June for the new bus routes  Ms. Pritchett suggested that the Authority wait until there is a estimated effective date for the new routes before holding public hearings  Mr. Bellows stated that the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority would recess in order to take a tour of proposed facility sites SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Upon returning from recess and hearing no further business, Mr. Koeppel motioned to adjourn  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bryden and carried unanimously  The Wave Transit Authority’s next meeting was scheduled for June 14, 2007 at 12:00 pm in the Castle Street Conference Room Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director /kw