Minutes 09 08 05 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY September 8, 2005 Ms. Christine B. McNamee, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Christine McNamee, Chair Mr. Jeff Bellows, Vice-Chair Mr. Robert Ronne, Secretary Ms. Laura Padgett Mr. William Bryden Ms. Maureen McCarthy Ms. Fannie Freeman Mr. Andrew Koeppel STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director Ms. Raquel Wilson, Administrative Assistant Mr. Michael Kincaid, Finance Director Ms. Melissa Watson, Apprentice CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Corey Johnson, General Manager, First Transit Mr. Lamont Jackson, General Manager Paratransit, First Transit GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney, New Hanover County Mr. Ricky Meeks Mr. Collin Scott, Apprentice for the City of Wilmington, DS/Transportation CALL TO ORDER  Chairman McNamee called the meeting to order at 12:05pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  A motion to approve the minutes from the August 11, 2005 regular meeting of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority was made by Ms. Freeman. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellows and carried unanimously. RECOGNITION OF NEW AUTHORITY MEMBER  Chairman McNamee recognized new Authority member, Mr. Andrew Koeppel.  She asked him to introduce himself.  He stated that he was a commercial realtor interested in transportation.  Mr. Koeppel stated that he looks forward to helping out anyway that he can. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Official Meeting Minutes September 08, 2005  Chairman McNamee stated that staff would make available a list of committees that Mr. Koeppel could serve on. PUBLIC COMMENT  The Chair asked if anyone in attendance had public comment.  Mr. Ricky Meeks stated that he wanted to talk about some issues at 2nd and Chestnut Street.  He stated that when the buses make a left turn by the New Hanover County Public Library, senior citizens would like to get off when the light is red.  Mr. Meeks stated that most people understand that if the light is red they can get off the bus, although there is not a bus stop at this location.  Mr. Meeks stated that when Route 6 makes a right turn going into UNCW, there is a flashing light and a stop sign.  He suggested moving the bus stop by the stop sign which would save time because traffic is heavy at that location.  He also stated that at Oleander Drive and Independence Blvd., he suggested letting people off at the Foster Walk Way. Way.  Mr. Meeks stated that at McDonald’s at Landfall there was a bus stop for Route 4 that makes a right turn coming from Mayfaire.  He stated that it would be great if there were a shelter, trash can and a bench at that location.  Mr. Meeks stated that he filed a complaint with the N.C. General Assembly office in reference to Taxi Cab fare increase.  Chairman McNamee thanked Mr. Meeks for his input and directed staff to follow-up. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chair recognized Committee Chairman Mr. Bryden to present the report.  Mr. Bryden stated that the committee had met to discuss the rising cost of fuel.  He stated that the current fuel price estimate for the fiscal year was $170,000 above budget.  He stated that the estimate was dependant on price fluctuation over the remaining months of the fiscal year.  Mr. Kincaid stated that when staff and the committee did the budget estimate it was prior to the devastation in Louisiana and the most recent surge in fuel prices.  Mr. Bryden directed the Authority to the proposed fare increase worksheet in the agenda packet.  Mr. Bryden stated that the proposed increase would generate about $200,000 annually  He also referenced the Public Comment Policy that details the procedure for a fare increase.  Mr. Bryden stated that in keeping with the policy, the fare increase would be effective January 02, 2006.  Mr. Bellows asked if the CFCC semester pass would be affected.  Mr. Bryden stated that the current pass was valid for the semester.  Changes to the CFCC pass price would be addressed once ridership could be evaluated.  The finance committee made a motion to implement the public comment period for a fare increase as proposed, to become effective January 02, 2006.  Chairman McNamee stated that since the motion was coming out of committee it did not require a second.  Chairman McNamee stated that the original plan was to delay any fare increase until the routes were restructured.  She stated that due to the situation with fuel cost that it would be irresponsible for the Authority to hold off any longer. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Official Meeting Minutes September 08, 2005  Ms. Freeman stated that she doesn’t think that the passengers would have a problem with the increase because the prices have been reasonable for so long, and a one-dollar adult fare was still a bargain.  Mr. Bryden stated that the passengers, in many cases, would probably see this as a long overdue increase.  Mr. Koeppel asked if there was a way to translate the amount of revenue derived with the fare increase into an average price per gallon of fuel.  Mr. Bryden stated that the increase would cover fuel costs at their current level.  He stated that revenue projections were assuming a 20% increase in ridership.  Mr. Bryden stated that if ridership was significantly above that level, it could either match or exceed revenue projections.  Mr. Koeppel stated that the proposed rate increase was very reasonable under the circumstances.  Mr. Eby detailed the process for public information.  Three public hearing would be be scheduled for the Authority to hear comments.  Mr. Eby stated that public hearings would be conducted at the regularly scheduled October and November meetings of the Authority.  A third public hearing would be on October 25, 2005 at 5:30 pm for citizens who could not attend a 12:00 pm meeting.  Staff would conduct the October 25, 2005 meeting and report any comments to the Authority at the November meeting.  The vote to implement the proposed fare increase was scheduled for the regularly scheduled meeting of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority on November 10, 2005.  Mr. Eby stated that provided that the proposed fare increases passes, staff would begin the public information procedure immediately.  Chairman McNamee asked if it was possible in November to vote on a different fare structure than what was currently being proposed, should fuel prices continue to rise rapidly.  Mr. Eby stated that the public comment process would have to begin anew should changes to the proposed fare be adopted.  Mr. Bellows stated that when planning the public hearing, he would like to see a limit placed on how long each individual spoke.  Mr. Burpeau stated that the Authority should give the public notice prior to the hearing concerning time limits.  Mr. Eby suggested that the public information materials posted on the buses and at major bus stops state that public comment be limited to three minutes per speaker.  Mr. Bellows asked if the policy included receipt of written comments.  Mr. Eby stated that a phone number, the Authority address and a special email account would be set up for comments also.  Mr. Koeppel stated that there is a sign up procedure where those interested in speaking at City and County meetings need to register to speak prior to the meeting.  He asked if there were legal requirements that would prevent this.  Mr. Eby stated that staff was not prepared for a large contingent of public speakers and was confident that the process could be orderly without a sign up procedure.  Chairman McNamee asked if the conference room would be sufficient for the public hearing.  Mr. Eby stated that staff believed that it would.  Mr. Koeppel asked if staff could research the date of the last fare increase  Mr. Bellows asked would it be possible to include the date of the last fare change in the advertisement.  Chairman McNamee asked if there was any other discussion. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Official Meeting Minutes September 08, 2005  Hearing no further discussion, Chairman McNamee asked for a vote authorizing staff to begin the public information process for a proposed fare increase as recommended by the finance committee.  The motion carried unanimously.  Mr. Bryden recognized Assistant Director Mr. Rouse to discuss the Wave Transit Paratransit fare structure.  Mr. Rouse stated that the committee was asked to increase Paratransit fares to offset rising gas prices.  Mr. Rouse stated currently clients were billed after transportation services were rendered.  Staff would like to sell tickets in advance for Paratransit passengers.  Ms. McCarthy asked how the tickets would be sold.  Mr. Rouse stated that the Authority would offer either punch tickets or a tear booklet and the client would give the ticket to the driver.  Ms. McCarthy asked what would happen when the passenger received two no shows.  Mr. Rouse stated that the no show policy would remain unchanged.  Ms. McCarthy stated that the issue needs to be addressed because if the client has a ticket and they have two no shows, there could be some confusion.  Mr. Rouse stated that most individuals that use the system were on a program called Elderly and Disabled transportation program and the costs were subsidized by the program.  He stated that currently clients were billed for services after the services were delivered and passengers may pay the bill or they may not pay the bill.  Chairman McNamee stated that staff would present a formal proposal next month.  Mr. Rouse stated that he mailed letters to all the agencies concerning the changes allowing a 30 day comment period.  Mr. Bellows asked if the committee was tracking expenses and revenues for the current fiscal year.  Mr. Bryden stated that he and staff were monitoring budget compliance.  Mr. Eby stated that some estimated revenues still have not been determined, including SMAP funds from NCDOT.  Mr. Koeppel stated that he would like to have information assuming there was no change in ridership, at what fuel cost level the Authority would need to start reexamining the fare structure. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  Chairman McNamee stated that the committee did not meet in August.  She stated that she did receive an email from Ms. Barbara Kane offering her resignation from the Authority.  Chairman McNamee stated that she did not know if an email was sufficient for resignation.  Mr. Burpeau stated that an email would suffice.  Chairman McNamee stated that Ms. Kane was a County Commissioner appointee and instructed staff to contact the County to begin the process of looking for a replacement.  She stated that if anyone knows of someone that would be interested in joining the Authority, they should have them contact the county manager’s office.  Ms. McCarthy asked if the appointee would be selected for a specific period.  Chairman McNamee stated that the appointee would be selected for the remainder of Ms. Kane’s term. ROUTE COMMITTEE  The Chair recognized Committee Chair Ms. Freeman to present the report. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Official Meeting Minutes September 08, 2005  Ms. Freeman stated that the passengers have reported problems with length of the Number six route.  She stated that once the bus passed Independence Mall, passengers could not transfer to an inbound bus.  Ms. Freeman stated that the passengers have to ride Route 6 all the way out which takes an hour and a half.  Ms. Freeman stated that some passengers have crossed Oleander Drive to keep from riding the extended route. This is certainly a safety issue.  Ms. Freeman stated that passengers utilizing the Monkey Junction Shuttle were required to transfer to the Number 6.  To transfer to another bus from the Monkey Junction to the Number 6 downtown, could make a trip well over two hours.  To alleviate this problem, the committee made a motion to extend the Monkey Junction Shuttle route to Independence Mall utilizing forty-five minute headways.  This would allow transfers from the Monkey Junction Shuttle to the number 2, 2, 6 or 5 routes.  Ms. McCarthy stated that passengers that were traveling to Wagner Hall, UNCW and to the Sea Hawk Grill could not get to work by 8:00 am.  She stated that the route change meant they could get to work on time, the Monkey Junction Shuttle would have a lot more ridership and it would cut down the hour and a half ride.  Mr. Eby stated that staff was preparing changes to the number 6 to shorten its round trip time.  He stated that instead of having Route 6 go all the way down Oleander Drive and come back up Wrightsville Avenue, the proposal would have it continue to UNCW and have a separate shuttle to go to Wrightsville Avenue from Independence Mall.  Mr. Eby stated that this would leave two buses every half hour on Route 6.  Mr. Eby stated that a shuttle would serve Arlie Gardens and possibly Landfall Center.  He stated that staff was doing some testing at the request of the Route Committee.  A motion to accept the route change for the Monkey Junction Shuttle was made by Ms. Padgett.  The motion was seconded by Ms. McCarthy and carried unanimously.  Ms. Bellows asked if any of this would impact the work being conducted by the Marketing Consultant.  Ms. McCarthy replied that this would not impact the Marketing campaign.  Mr. Bryden stated that he and Mr. Eby attended a Wilmington Downtown CBD Committee meeting to discuss changes to the Trolley route at the request of the Wilmington Children’s Museum.  Once the route was deemed acceptable by the CBD Committee of Wilmington Downtown, it would be presented to the route committee for approval.  Ms. Padgett stated that the Authority and public transportation should be promoted at the museum.  Mr. Eby stated that the issue has been discussed. MARKETING COMMITTEE  The Chair recognized Committee Chair Ms. McCarthy to present the report.  Ms. McCarthy stated that the Wave Transit display would be at the Retirement Living Showcase at the Coastline Convention Center on September 29, 2005.  She stated that the advertising promotion was currently on WECT, WWAY and in the Wilmington Star News. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Official Meeting Minutes September 08, 2005  Ms. McCarthy stated that the mascot was named Seamore and the winner of the naming contest received a $50 gift certificate.  Ms. McCarthy stated that a UNCW student had been hired to be the mascot.  She stated that Star-News was running ads from August 11, 2005 through November 23, 2005.  She stated that Talk PR had an agreement with Lowe’s Foods and they have agreed to put a map in every customer’s bag.  Mr. Koeppel asked about the possibility of Food Lion and Harris Teeter doing the same thing.  Ms. McCarthy stated that TalkPR had contacted Harris Teeter and Food Lion and they have the maps available in their stores.  Ms. McCarthy stated that Talk PR was working on a new map design. FACILITIES COMMITTEE  Chairman McNamee recognized Mr. Bellows to give the report.  Mr. Bellows stated that the committee was prepared to meet once the appraisals for the Maintenance/Administration/Transfer facility were finished.  Mr. Bellows stated that both of the appraisals were due by the end of the month. STAFF REPORT  Chairman McNamee recognized Mr. Eby to give the staff report.  Mr. Eby introduced Memorandum of Understanding for Public Transportation Planning within the Wilmington Urbanized Area.  He stated that this was an agreement between the Authority and the MPO outlining the role for each agency involved in public transportation planning.  He stated that it was mainly to ensure to the FTA that the Authority would have a very active role in public transportation planning.  He stated that this also ensures that the MPO and the TAC don’t make public transportation decisions on behalf of the Authority without input.  Mr. Eby stated that the agreement was written by Assistant City Attorney, Ms. Delores Williams  He stated that the only issue was item four which reads that “the MPO shall pay to the Authority fifty (50%) percent of its allocation of § 5303 planning funds for FY 2005-2006 and future fiscal year payments from the MPO to the Authority will be determined by the written mutual agreement of the parties.”  The TAC had not been presented the item and their support for the funding arrangement was not known.  He stated that currently Authority staff does all of transit planning which is covered by § 5303 funds.  Mr. Eby stated that up until this point the MPO has relied on § 5303 funds to support their organization.  Mr. Eby stated that sometimes there are public transportation planning efforts that are done by the MPO.  Mr. Koeppel asked what the approximate amount of the funds was.  Mr. Eby stated that the amount was a little over $39,000 for FY 2005-2006.  Ms. Padgett motioned to accept the Memorandum of Understanding for Public Transportation Planning within the Wilmington Urbanized Area.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Freeman and carried unanimously. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Official Meeting Minutes September 08, 2005  Mr. Eby stated that the next item was the Lease Agreement Extension with New Hanover County.  He stated that this was prepared by Mr. Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney.  He stated that it was a one year extension of the current agreement for vehicles, facility and equipment.  Mr. Eby stated NCDOT had not agreed to the format of the agreement concerning the vehicle aspect and another agreement may be necessary.  A motion was made by Ms. McCarthy to accept the New Hanover County Lease Extension Agreement.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Freeman and carried unanimously.  Mr. Bellows asked if there were any intent on the County and City continue under this ownership structure until they could replace them.  Mr. Eby stated that staff had looked at transferring titles but the highway taxes would have to be paid on the residual value.  Mr. Eby recognized Mr. Kincaid to present the Financial Policy Update.  Mr. Kincaid stated that on page 19 of the policy, item 6.14 and 6.15 had been added.  He stated that the changes were made to satisfy additional NCDOT requirements.  He stated that they asked him to explain in 6.14 how the Authority would bill the client agencies on a monthly basis.  He stated that 6.15 explained how he would submit requests for reimbursements of expenses to NCDOT as well as requesting advance payments for any capital items.  Mr. Bellows motioned to accept the Financial Policy Update.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Padgett and carried unanimously.  Mr. Eby stated that the final item was the Retirement Living Showcase.  Mr. Eby stated that it would be Thursday, September 29, 2005 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Coastline Convention Center.  He stated that Wave Transit Staff would be manning the booth all day.  Mr. Eby stated that there was a request from some Authority members to represent the Authority at the booth.  He stated that if members were interested in coming to the Coastline Convention Center and talking about transit for an hour or more, to add their name to the sign-up sheet.  Chairman McNamee asked what they were going to be handing out.  Mr. Eby stated that they would be handing out maps, they would have the PSA’s running on laptops, and the jingle.  He stated that Seamore would also be there.  Mr. Eby stated that the Authority had received a contract from the NCDOT for the Brunswick Connector.  He stated that the grant was for a total of $71,500, which was the estimated annual operating expense for the Brunswick Connector.  He stated that the contract included an estimated 9% local match from fare box revenue at $6,435.  Ms. Padgett motioned to accept the contract for the Brunswick Connector.  The motion was seconded by Ms. McCarthy and carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS, SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Mr. Ronne asked if there were any plans for the old buses.  Mr. Eby stated that they currently have six buses that the city was currently disposing of.  He stated that two of them have been requested by LINC, Inc.  He stated that the other four would be listed on a government auction type website. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Official Meeting Minutes September 08, 2005  Mr. Koeppel stated that over the last few years the County Commissioners, City Council and Planning Commission have televised their meetings.  He stated that in theory if the Authority would have their meetings at a place such as the City Council Chambers, televising Authority meetings would allow the Authority to develop a higher profile.  Mr. Koeppel stated that he would like to request that staff study the possibility of televising Authority meetings.  Chairman McNamee asked Mr. Eby if staff would investigate the matter.  Hearing no further business, a motion was made by Ms. McCarthy to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Ronne and carried unanimously.  The next meeting of the Authority was scheduled for October 13, 2005 at 12:00 pm in the Wave Transit Conference Room. Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director /rw