Minutes 10 14 04 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY October 14, 2004 Ms. Christine B. McNamee, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Christine McNamee, Chair Mr. Jeff Bellows, Vice-Chair Mr. Robert Ronne, Secretary Mr. William Bryden Ms. Nancy Pritchett Ms. Laura Padgett Mr. John Stukes Ms. Fannie Freeman Ms. Maureen McCarthy STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Ms. Deborah Houston, Assistant Director CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Corey Johnson, General Manager, First Transit Mr. Lamont Jackson, General Manager-Paratransit, First Transit GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Ricky Meeks, Citizen Ms. Dolores Williams, Assistant City Attorney, City of Wilmington Ms. Patricia Melvin, Assistant County Manager, New Hanover County Ms. Annette Crumpton, Director, New Hanover County Department of Aging Mr. Jeff Crouchley, Planner, NCDOT-PTD CALL TO ORDER  Chairman McNamee called the meeting to order at 12:17pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  A motion to approve the minutes from the September 09, 2004 regular meeting of the Wave Transit Board of Directors was made by Ms. McCarthy. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stukes and carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT  The Chair asked if anyone in attendance had public comment.  Hearing none, the Chair closed the public comment period. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chair recognized Committee Chairman Mr. Bellows to present the report.  Mr. Bellows reported that the Authority was on track to present a progress report to the Transportation Advisory Committee on October 27, 2004. The report would be presented City Council and the County Commissioners in November.  The report would update the various committees on the progress of the Authority as well as prepare them for upcoming Resolutions for the proposed license registration fee and the designation of the Authority as the Grantee and Designated Recipient of FTA and NCDOT funding.  The Resolutions would be presented to the TAC in November and the City Council and County Commissioners in December. BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chair recognized Committee Chairman Mr. Bryden to present the report.  Mr. Bryden reported that he and staff had met with representatives of the City and County finance departments to discuss the Authority’s cash flow once the Authority became the grantee and designated recipient for federal and state funds.  The issue is that when the fiscal year begins in July, the Authority’s access to grant funding may not become available until later in the year, leaving the Authority with a challenge to pay for services until the grant funding is secured.  A fund balance to address this issue is necessary and the City and County Finance Directors were studying the issue in order to find a solution in the form of a line of credit or a short term loan to tide the Authority until grant funding is received. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chair recognized Committee Chairman Mr. Ronne to present the report.  Mr. Ronne reported that the committee was working with staff to finalize the Authority Personnel Policy.  He stated that the legal review of the policies had been completed and the document was being returned to the City Human Resources Department for additional review.  He stated that the policy was comprehensive and was confident that it would allow the Authority to become independent with its employees in January 2005 should the full Board approve the final final document prior to this date.  He thanked the attorney’s and the human resources professionals working on the document and praised their dedication to meeting the Authority’s limited timetable.  Mr. Bellows asked if the policies would include an evaluation for employees.  Mr. Ronne stated that he had received an evaluation form from Ms. Pritchett that the County uses to evaluate its senior staff.  The form was being evaluated for its applicability to the Authority and would be included in some form with the policies.  Chairman McNamee asked if the committee chair would be available to assist in the Assistant Director search.  Mr. Ronne agreed.  The Chair asked for an additional Board member to assist the Committee Chair, the Department of Aging Director, the Assistant County Manager and the Director in hiring an Assistant Director.  Ms. McCarthy volunteered to assist in the process.  The Chair recognized Department of Aging Director, Ms. Annette Crumpton to update the Board on the status of the search.  Ms. Crumpton stated that she had sent a Requisition Form – Request to Fill Position Vacancy to Mr. Eby for review and comment.  She stated that she would also send the job description to the Authority counsel for review.  She further reported that the position would be advertised locally and on the NCPTA listserv.  The goal was to interview candidates in early November and to fill the position in December. MARKETING COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chair recognized Committee Cahier Ms. McCarthy to present the report.  Ms. McCarthy informed the Board that the Committee had evaluated all bids for the Marketing Plan and Assistance and was prepared to seek full Board approval to begin contract negotiations with TalkPR Inc. of Wilmington.  She explained the criteria for selecting the marketing consultant.  She explained that a draft contract was being reviewed by the Authority legal counsel.  The Chair asked why TalkPR was deemed to be superior to the other bidders.  Ms. McCarthy explained that in their work plan, TalkPR was the only firm that provided specific details for marketing Wave Transit.  The competing firms were vague in their specifics for Wave Transit’s marketing plan.  Also contributing was TalkPR’s references including the Wilmington Parking Advisory Committee.  Committee member Bryden echoed Ms. McCarthy’s reasoning for recommending TalkPR.  A motion to begin contact negotiations with TalkPR was made by the committee.  Mr. Ronne asked for the amount of the marketing plan and assistance.  Mr. Eby stated that for year one of the contract, form the notice to proceed until June 30, 2005 the amount was $26,000.00 This amount included a marketing plan costing $6,000.00 and marketing assistance of $20,000.00. For year two of the contract from September 01, 2005 through August 31, 2006 the cost of the agreement would be $20,500.00. The contract stated a minimum number of monthly hours the contractor would work on the plan.  Mr. Ronne and Mr. Bellows asked if there was an escape clause that would allow the Authority to relieve itself from the contract if staff and the committee were not satisfied with the work done by the consultant.  Ms. Pritchett suggested that the contract include a termination for convenience clause after a set period (six months was recommended) should the Authority be unsatisfied with the consultant.  Mr. Eby agreed to add this to the contract.  The motion carried unanimously.  The contract would be presented to the Board for approval at the November meeting. FACILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT  The Chair recognized Mr. Eby to present the report in the absence of the Committee Chair.  Mr. Eby stated that staff was continuing to work with site recommendation consultant Transsystems to select a suitable site for the administration and transfer facility as well as the maintenance and operations center.  As was reported at the September 09 meeting, the Emerson site was not available for the operations and maintenance center as the owner had plans for the property.  Staff was working with Transsystems to find a site that met the Authority’s minimum criteria.  Once a site was selected, staff was prepared to begin negotiations for the transfer and administration site to be located near Market St. and Kerr Ave.  NCDOT was debating whether the City of Wilmington or the Authority would be the contracting contracting agency.  Mr. Eby reported that staff and the consultant had met with NCDOT to finalize a contract for the funding and was confident that the property could be purchased in the first quarter of 2005.  Ms. Pritchett asked if the Authority was considering leasing property for either facility.  Mr. Eby stated that the preference was to own the property and that staff and the consultant had not looked into leasing.  Mr. Crouchley stated that NCDOT was probably not likely to allow the Authority to lease property for the facilities.  Mr. Eby reported that the multimodal transportation center was again in study by a consultant, Louis Berger.  The original scope called for Louis Berger to evaluate all sites previously studied and recommend a preferred site.  With the land swap for the current WPD site between the City and Community College complete, the scope for the project was now to recommend a new site.  A draft report was expected within a few weeks.  Mr. Eby was asked to update NCDOT Rail Division’s progress for passenger rail to Wilmington.  Ms. Padgett reported that it was expected soon. COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (CTP) APPLICATION  The Chair recognized Ms. Houston to present the item.  Ms. Houston reported that the grant amount of $173,315.00 in operating funds was identical to the previous year. The funding is for two administrative positions.  $163,350.00 in capital funding for the replacement of four (4) vans is also included in the request.  The local match for the grant is $42,330.00.  Approval to apply for the funding by the County Commissioners is scheduled for Monday November 08, 2004 at 5:30pm.  Chairman McNamee stated that she and the Director were scheduled to be at the Community Transportation Conference on this date and solicited volunteers to represent the Authority at the Commissioners meeting.  Mr. Bryden agreed to represent the Authority.  Ms. Crumpton stated she would also be present at the meeting and would be able to assist Mr. Bryden with the item. CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR SEAHAWK SHUTTLE SERVICE  The Chair recognized Ms. Williams to present the item.  Ms. Williams updated the Board on the need for increased service on the Shuttle and stated that the University had asked the Authority to reconsider its cost of $40.00 per revenue hour.  The contract presented for approval included a cost of $25.00 per revenue hour for the increased service.  The Chair asked staff if the $25.00 hourly cost would require a subsidy from the Authority for the Shuttle.  Mr. Eby stated that the original $40.00 hourly cost was for new service.  Since the Shuttle service was established, the cost of vehicle acquisition and additional supervisory support was not necessary.  He further explained that assuming an average operator wage at approximately $12.00 per hour with a 35% fringe rate would leave a per hour balance of $8.80 per hour for fuel and maintenance.  Mr. Eby believed that fuel and maintenance costs would be below the $8.80 hourly cost therefore not requiring a subsidy.  He further explained that the contract allows the Authority to receive approximately $165,000.00 in additional state funding.  Mr. Ronne asked if the University marketed the program to its students.  Mr. Eby stated that new students were made aware of the shuttle as well as those students who live within the one mile area surrounding campus who are not permitted to buy a parking permit.  Mr. Eby further explained that one focus of the marketing plan would address marketing the Seahawk Shuttle.  Mr. Bellows asked for the length of the amendment.  Mr. Eby stated that the agreement would be for the remainder of the Fall semester and that the University would have the option of continuing it for the Spring 2005 semester.  A motion to accept the amendment to the contract between Wave Transit and UNCW for additional hours to the Seahawk Shuttle was made by Mr. Bryden.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Ronne and carried unanimously. ENROLLMENT IN THE NC LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES” RETIREMENT SYSTEM  The Chair recognized Mr. Eby to present the item.  Mr. Eby explained that for Wave Transit employees to be eligible for the Local Government Employees Retirement System, a Resolution from the Board was required to be passed and submitted with the application package.  He further explained that the employees of Wave Transit would have the same rights and privileges that they currently have with the pension fund.  All funds accrued by employees are transferable.  A motion to allow Wave Transit employees to participate and for the Authority to enroll in the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System was made by Ms. Padgett.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bellows and carried unanimously. STAFF REPORT  Chairman McNamee recognized Mr. Eby for a staff report.  Mr. Eby reported the Authority was the recipient of the Excellence in Transportation Award from NC TASH.  He and Human Services Representative to the Board, Ms. McCarthy would be traveling to Charlotte on October 28, 2004 to receive the award.  He stated that the award was due to the efforts by the Authority to provide quality service to persons with disabilities.  Additional information was available on the Wave transit website. OTHER BUSINESS, SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Ms. McCarthy stated that the travel voucher program was well received and providing valuable training for special needs passengers especially in the New Hanover County Schools Transition Program.  Ms. Pritchett reported that she and Mr. Eby had met with the staff of the Ability Garden in an effort to increase transportation availability to the garden for persons with disabilities.  Currently bus service to the center located on Oleander Drive is limited, especially to persons with disabilities.  Ms. Pritchett asked if transit service was being provided to the new jail on Blue Clay Road.  Ms. Houston reported that staff was waiting on the Sheriff’s Department to inform the Authority when they would be ready to begin service to the jail.  Ms. Houston agreed to call the Sheriff’s Department in order to pursue the issue and stated she would follow up with Ms. Pritchett.  Hearing no further business, Ms. McNamee asked for a motion to adjourn.  A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Ronne, seconded by Ms. McCarthy and carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director