Minutes 10 22 09 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY October 22, 2009 Mr. Don Betz, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Don Betz, Chairman Mr. George Dolan, Vice Chairman Mr. Andrew Koeppel, Secretary Mr. Henry Adams Mr. Jonathan Barfield Mr. William Bryden Mr. Euran Daniels Ms. Christine McNamee Ms. Laura Padgett MEMBERS NOT PRESENT Mr. David Scheu STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Ms. Cathy Beasley, Finance Director Mr. Matthew Kunic, Planner Ms. Kathy Williams, Administrative Assistant CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Andrew Olsen, Attorney Mr. Irving Cure, Interim General Manager, PTM GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Ricky Meeks, Citizen Mr. Joshua Mello, Wilmington Metropolitan Area, MPO CALL TO ORDER  Chairman Betz called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm  Mr. Betz opened the meeting with a moment of silence CONSENT AGENDA  Mr. Betz presented the October 22, 2009 consent agenda  Mr. Bryden made a motion to accept the October 22, 2009 consent agenda  Mr. Koeppel seconded and the motion carried unanimously PUBLIC COMMENT  Mr. Betz opened the public comment period  Hearing no comment, Mr. Betz closed the public comment period REQUEST FOR DISCOUNTED BUS PASSES  Mr. Betz recognized Mr. Eby to present the request from Communities in Schools for discounted bus passes  Mr. Eby stated that requests for discounted or free transportation by clients of non-profit agencies has been an issue for the authority since its inception  He stated that staff had suggested a non-profit be set up to deal with these requests, but funding the program was elusive  Mr. Eby gave stated the Community Foundation had been contacted but they had minimum startup fees that the authority could not fund  Mr. Koeppel made a motion to table the student bus pass request until further agencies are contacted by Communities in Schools for their assistance  Mr. Bryden seconded and item was opened for discussion  Ms. Padgett made a substitute motion to allow Communities in Schools one-hundred one ride passes to at no charge and up to twenty-five thirty-one day passes at half-price  Mr. Betz seconded the motion  Mr. Barfield stated that NHC Schools had restricted school bus transportation in light of recent budget cuts and that the authority should provide the transportation if possible  He stated that the program would not cost the authority since the students would not prevent current fare paying passengers from riding  He suggested that staff require CIS to provide information from NHC Schools that their request for after-school transportation was denied and that other agencies that may provide funds be contacted so the authority was not the only option for the program  A vote on the original motion to deny the request by CIS failed  The substitute motion to allow Communities in Schools one-hundred one ride passes to at no charge and up to twenty-five thirty-one day passes at half-price carried unanimously FACILITIES COMMITTEE  Chairman Betz moved the facilities committee report to allow the committee chairman to present her report before being excused to attend another meeting  Chairman Betz recognized Ms. Padgett to give the committee report  Ms. Padgett stated that the Cando Street extension project was on time and on budget  Ms. Padgett stated that the committee had issued a request for proposal for art in Wave Station  Ms. Padgett stated that the designers sent a revised design of Wave Station in response to the changes requested by the committee  Pre-final design was expected in December EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  Mr. Betz gave the Executive report  Mr. Betz stated that the committee did not meet PLANNING COMMITTEE  Mr. Betz recognized Mr. Adams to give the committee report  Mr. Adams stated there is a slight increase in ridership  Mr. Adams stated that the shelter and bench rehabilitation and installation project is on schedule although right of way approval was delaying the installation on 16th and 17th streets  Mr. Adams stated that the funding for route 205 is scheduled to be on NCDOT’s November 5th meeting agenda  Mr. Kunic presented the new bus stop kiosk that will be inserted on selected bus stop poles FINANCE COMMITTEE  Mr. Betz recognized Mr. Dolan to give the committee report  Mr. Dolan stated the authority auditor stressed the need to reconcile a $118,000 payable to the City of Wilmington that was accumulated during the transition from the city to the authority in 2004  The item had been carried over by the city and authority since 2004  Mr. Dolan stated that the authority presented the city with an agreement to deduct the $118,000 payable from the $400,000 local match fund that for the Cando Street project  Additional funding from the original appropriation from the city was available for the change  Ms. Padgett made a motion to accept the agreement from the City to deduct the $118,000 payable from the $400,000 local match funds from the City for the Cando Street project  Mr. Bryden seconded and carried unanimously  Mr. Dolan stated that a review of the operating budget for FY 2009-2010 showed a projected $17,000 surplus  Mr. Dolan inquired about the negotiations of PTM and Traveler’s Insurance with the Workman’s comp back payment  Mr. Eby stated that PTM has contacted Travelers and is waiting for a response STAFF REPORT  Chairman Bryden recognized Mr. Eby to present the staff report  Mr. Eby stated any questions or concerns regarding the authority’s finances that could not or were not being responded to by staff should be directed to the authority’s audit firm  Contact information is available upon request  Mr. Eby met in Raleigh regarding the multimodal center  NCDOT was prepared to appropriate funding for the U-Haul location and make an offer for purchase  Mr. Eby recognized Mr. Bryden to give the streetcar update  Mr. Eby stated that Mr. Bryden has formed a committee for the streetcar  Board members on the streetcar committee are Barfield, Bryden (County Rep) Koeppel, Padgett (City Rep) and three members from the public  Mr. Bryden briefed the County Commissioners about the Streetcar at their October 19, 2009 meeting  Mr. Bryden stated there was also a request to brief city council about the streetcar on November 4th  Mr. Bryden stated that Mr. Eby requested information from Savannah ,GA regarding their streetcar program  Mr. Eby presented the MPO long rang transportation plan questionnaire suggestions  Mr. Eby stated that the MPO included a list of of projects  Mr. Eby informed the board that if they had suggestions they should contact the authority representative to the long range plan committee Howard Capps  Mr. Capps contact information was on the memo  Mr. Koeppel inquired about the County tax update  Staff is putting together a overview of a long range funding plan and the possibility of utilizing new legislation for transit system funding  Mr. Eby stated that he was hoping to have the plan to the finance and planning committees before the end of the year  Mr. Barfield stated that the authority should wait until after the County has presented their ¼ cent sales tax referendum before proceeding SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Hearing no further business, Mr. Bryden made a motion to adjourn the meeting Mr. Dolan seconded and carried unanimously  The Wave Transit Authority’s next board meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2009 at 12:00 pm in the Castle Street Board Room Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director /kw