Minutes 12 11 08 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY December 11, 2008 Mr. William Bryden, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. William Bryden, Chair Mr. Don Betz, Vice Chair Mr. George Dolan, Secretary Mr. Henry Adams Mr. Euran Daniels Mr. Andrew Koeppel Ms. Aileen Mair Ms. Christine McNamee Ms. Laura Padgett Ms. Nancy Pritchett Mr. David Scheu STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director Ms. Kathy Williams, Administrative Assistant Mr. Matthew Kunic, Planner Ms. Catherine Beasley, Finance Director CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Terrance Thompson, General Manager, PTM Mr. Jeffrey Dixon, Maintenance Supervisor, PTM Mr. Andrew Olsen, Attorney GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Mike Kozlosky, Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Area MPO Mr. Christopher Hawkins, Citizen Ms. Kris Gupton, Citizen Mr. Pat Gannon, Wilmington Star News CALL TO ORDER  Chairman Bryden called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm  Mr. Bryden opened the meeting with with a moment of silence CONSENT AGENDA  Mr. Bryden presented the December 11, 2008 consent agenda  Mr. Eby made a request to amend item 2, page 7 of the consent agenda to: “that there were no employee layoffs as initially feared and he and his staff were able to reassign full time operators to part time in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement”  Mr. Betz made a motion to approve the December 11, 2008 consent agenda including the minutes as amended  Ms. Pritchett seconded the motion and it carried unanimously PUBLIC COMMENT  Chairman Bryden opened the public comment period  Hearing no comments, Mr. Bryden closed the public comment period  Mr. Bryden introduced the new Authority members  Mr. Daniels, Mr. Adams & Mr. Schue briefly introduced themselves EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  Mr. Bryden presented the executive committee report  Mr. Bryden stated that Fordham Road route modification had been changed and the issue of the restructured route was resolved  Mr. Bryden suggested that a fare decrease in light of falling gas prices may be in order  Ms. Padgett stated that it would be impossible to get help from the City or County if rates are increased and then decreased  Mr. Bryden requested changing the board meetings to the 4th Thursday of the month to receive more timely financial data  Mr. Dolan made a motion to move the board meetings to the 4th Thursday of the month except for the November and December that will be on the 3rd Thursday of the month  No second is needed and carried unanimously  Mr. Eby stated stated that a revised 2009 calendar would be e-mailed to authority members  The next meeting was scheduled for January 22, 2009 FINANCE COMMITTEE  Mr. Bryden recognized Mr. Dolan to give the Finance Committee report  Mr. Dolan presented the October financial report  Mr. Dolan stated that boardings were up but fare recovery remains low  Mr. Bryden suggested that each board member ride the bus in order to be more knowledgeable of the service  Mr. Eby stated that In January or February new fare boxes will be installed in the cutaways allowing them to be used on less demanding routes  Since the smaller vehicles are more fuel efficient, fuel savings would be realized  Mr. Dolan stated that the committee asked Ms. Beasley to create a list of actual information from now to October with a projection out to the end of the year  Ms. Beasley’s projection still predicts a shortfall of approximately $210,000 by the end of the fiscal year  Mr. Dolan stated this projection does includes building a fund balance of $170,000 to try to assist with cash flow problems  Mr. Eby gave the stimulus package update  Mr. Eby stated that the allocation is expected to be allocated by the FTA formula  Mr. Eby stated that that the allocation could prevent route decreases  Mr. Eby stated that the allocation could also assist with $100,000 to update radios to digital and $1,000,000 to purchase replacement hybrid buses FACILITIES COMMITTEE  Chairman Bryden recognized Ms. McNamee to give the committee report  Ms. McNamee began by bringing the new members update on the new facilities  Ms. McNamee stated that the final papers are being reviewed by Corning in New York  The committee moved that the authority give the Chairman the authority to sign the closing documents on behalf of the authority  No second was needed and the motion carried unanimously ROUTE COMMITTEE  Mr. Bryden recognized Mr. Koeppel to give the report for the route committee  Mr. Koeppel stated that the committee is continuously seeking better routes MARKETING COMMITTEE  Mr. Bryden recognized Mr. Betz to give the Marketing Committee report  Mr. Betz presented a purchase order 10060 not to exceed $16,225.00 for system map design  Mr. Kunic explained the process for choosing map design firm  Mr. Kunic stated that smart maps will have proofs by January  Ms. Padgett suggested reducing the number of individual route maps  No second was needed and the motion carried unanimously STAFF REPORT  Chairman Bryden recognized Mr. Eby to present the staff report  Mr. Eby briefly introduced staff, contractors and authority legal counsel to the new board members  Mr. Eby presented the annual report with information stating accomplishment from and for the year after completion of the audit  Mr. Eby stated that the safe haven program will move into its 2nd phase to get the information out to nonprofit organizations  Mr. Eby then presented the 21st Century Committee recommendation to the General assembly  Mr. Eby stated that the general assembly was prepared to take an in-depth look at all transportation needs in the State as detailed by the committee  Mr. Eby presented a video produced by UNCW students about the bus service SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING  Hearing no further business, Mr. Bryden made a motion to adjourn the meeting  Mr. Koeppel seconded and the motion carried unanimously  The Authority’s next meeting is scheduled for January 22, 2009 at 12:00 pm in the Castle Street Board Room Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Director /kw