1977-01-17 Regular Meeting ~~') ( t.',,)b I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1977 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Cov:un. Williams, that -:he meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, Gottovi, Williams and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Wright Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 12:55 o'clock p. m. ) Respectfully submitted, a~~- p- ~~__~ Alyce B. Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, January 17, 1977, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Ibom, New Hanover County Administration Building, wilmingt~n, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Karen E. Gottovij Ellen C. Williams; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr.: County Manager Dan W. Eller; County Attorney James C. Fox: and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. Comm. George E. Alper was absent. Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order. Comm. Vivian S. Wright offered the invocation. ~ APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1977 Comm. Wright stated that in the Minutes of January 4, 1977, on Page 254 under "Public Hearing to Consider an Application for Special Use Permit to Use Property (Harrelson's Marina)....", she would like for the record to show that the two motions she made were made after Mr. Fender had read the stateme~t, which is at the top of Page 255, concerning the four items considered in determining the necessity for the Special Use Permit. She felt that in the Minutes it looked as if she haq been hasty with the motions which was not the case. Comm. Wright also stated her objections to Item #2 of the conditions under which the Special Use Permit was approved. She stated that the motion for approval was that one of the conditions would be "hooded lights for the parking area", and she felt that the way it had been worded by the Planning De- partment was different even though the intent was the same. Chm. O'Shields suggested that the tape recording of the meeting be verified to get the correct wording of the motion. (Upon listening to the tape recording, the Clerk verified that the correct wording should be "hooded lights for the parking lot".) County Manager Eller reported that on Page 257 under "Budget Transfer - Airport Title X Project", he had presented that transfer as being all within the Title X Grant, but the $4,000 was to come from the Capital Outlay - Equipment, Acct. #31 650 74, in the Regular Airport Budget and the Account number should be changed accordingly. Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 4, 1977, be approved as corrected. t~on vote, the motion carried as follows: f\i /' Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Cbm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper DISCUSSION OF NUTRITIONAL AND SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM FOH THE ELDERLY Discussion of..this pro<]ram had been tabled from thE~ meeting of January 4, 1977, so more information could be obtained. Mrs. Dolli Asbury, Director of Services for the Ag~ng, appeared before the Board to offer comments on programs that were presently in progress for the elderly in the County. She reported that the Board of Directors of Se~vices for the Aging felt that ~"--,_. ~ l}hO L.,) (II MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 DISCUSSION OF NUTRITIONAL AND SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY (CONTINUED) a "meals on wheels" type program would be more benef:~cial to the elderly in the County than the congregate feeding program requested by Sencland Community Action. Comm. Williams moved, seconded ~y Comm. Wright, that any move be delayed until the Commissioners found out more about the Federal "l1eals on Wheels" bill that was coming up. Chm. O'Shields moved that this be tabled until the first meeting in February .nd have Meredith Cosby from Regic;m "0" Family Resources; someone familiar with the 'Meals on Wheels" program; Dan Morton of U~ed Way; Mrs. Asbury of Services for the Aging: Mr. Paul or someone from the staff of the COilllCil of Governments; and Mr. Clark of Sencland Community Action all present to give"lnformation and recommendations. Comm. Williams restated her motion which was to drop this until the Commissioners knew what the Federal Government was going to do with the bill that was coming up for meals on wheels. Chm. O'Shields asked that he be allowed to write Congressman Rose and ask him for whatever information he had available on the possible legislation and what it would do. Comm. Williams withdrew her motion and stated she would go with the one that the Commissioners get in touch with Charlie Rose and see what the status of the bill was and report back at the first meeting in February. Comm. Wright seconded the motion. Upon vote, the motion tied as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Williams and Wright Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to eendorsement and for money to support his program due to not necessary. Upon vote, the motion tied as follow::>: deny Mr. Clark's request for an the fact that she felt it was Voting Aye: Comm. Williams and Wright Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper Chm. O'Shields stated that since there was a ti,~ on every vote, ,it would be put back on the agenda for the first meeting in February when a 5-member Board would be present. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN SERVICE TRANSPORTATIJN STUDY Mrs. Rose Anne Mack of the Council of Governments and Mr. Rick Baldini of the Planning Department appeared before the Board to request their endorsement of a Committee to study the transportation needs for human service programs in the County and to coordinate the available resources. They presented a list of the agencies to be represented on the Committee and the 27 members to serve on the Committee. A copy of this list is contained in Exhibit Book IV, Page 45. Comm. Williams requested that a representative from the taxicab industry be in- cluded on the Committee. e Comm~ Gottovi requested that a representative f~om the hospital clinics be in- cluded on the Committee. Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, that a Human Service Transportation Advisory Committee be appointed. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper (See Page 271 for addition) ..~ ~ / ( 2(~n MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 APPOINTMENT OF COMM. WILLIAMS TO HUMAN SERVICE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, th~t Comm. Ellen Williams be appointed as the Commissioners' representative on the Human Service Transportation Advisory Committee. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper APPROVAL OF FRANCHISE FOR COASTAL AMBULANCE SERVICE f\. Mr. Charles N. Garrett, Mr. John S. Anderson, Mr. Charles Lee Hall, Mr. Alan ) Tiller, and Mr. Joseph Taylor all owners of Coastal Amllulance Service appeared before the Board to request a franchise be granted to them for the operation of a non-emergency ambulance service in New Hanover County. Mr. Taylor st:ated that all of the employees with the exception of one were Emergency Medical Techn~.cians and all have been in the Ogden Rescue Squad except one member: therefore, they felt well qualified to provide good care to the patients. Comm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, to approve the franchise as re- quested by Coastal Ambulance Service. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper PUBLIC HEARING Notice had been published that a public hearing would be held at 9:30 a. m. to con- sider the proposal to close a street known as Second OJ:: Forty-Seventh Street in Winter Park Gardens. APPROVAL OF ORDER TO CLOSE A PORTION OF SECOND STREET OR FORTY-SEVENTH STREET IN WINTER PARK GARDENS BE'IWEEN WRIGHTSVILLE AVENUE AND MAPLE STREET Planning Director Richard Fender reported that th~ Planning Commission had considered this matter at its December meeting and recommended apfroval and the Planning staff had also recommended approval. .~ ./ Chm. O'Shields asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of or in op- position to this request and no one appeared in this regard. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to approve the following Order closing the portion of Second Street or Forty-Seventh Street: It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a resolution of the County Commissioners of New Hanove~~~tlntent to close that portion of Second Street or Forty Seventh Street in Winter Park Gardens of New Hanover County, North Carolina, running from Wrightsville Avenue to Maple Street for a distance of 330 feet, was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 20th day of December, 1976, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 17th day of January, 1977, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star-News Newspaper in accordance with General Statutes l53-A-24l, and no objections were raised to the closing of said public easement, and the County Commissioners are of the opinion that said public easement in the County of New Hanover should be closed and removed from d~dication and the closing of same is in the public interest, the legal descriptions of said streets being as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the eastern line of Second Street with the Northern line of Wrightsville:Avenue as shown on the Winter Park Gardens subdivision map recorded in Map Book 3, Page 38, New Hanover County Registry, said Second Street now being known as Forth-Seventh Street, and running thence from, said beginning point in a westerly direction along said northern line of Wrightsville Avenue 66.0 feet to a point in the western line of S8cond Street; thence along said western line of Second Street in a north(~rly direction 330.0 feet to a point in the southern line of Maple Street: thence along said southern line of Maple Street in an easterly direction 66.0 feet to a point in the eastern line of Second Street; thence along said eastern line of Second Street in a southerly direction 330.0 feet to the point of beginning, the above description covering all of that portion of the Second Street right-of-way lying between Maple Street and Wrightsville Avenue as shown on the Winte" Park Gardens Subdivision I), ~_. i,;1t ~ \' Zbl ,., MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINUED) STREET CLOSING ORDER (CONTINUED) '1 map recorded in Map Book 3, Page 38, and re-recorded in Map Book 14, Page 44, of the New Hanover County Registry, said street now being known as Forty-Seventh Street. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described easement be and the same is hereby closed and removed from dedication. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. . This the 17th day January, 1977. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper DISCUSS ION ON AMENDMENTS TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD ALLOW BARBER SHOPS BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN R-15 DISTRICTS Planning Director Richard Fender reported that this matter had been tabled from the Commissioners' meeting of December 20, 1976. He also reported that the Planning Commission had considered the following amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance at its December meeting and it was considered denied by a tie vote. The Planning staff also recommended denial. 1. Amend Article V, Section 52-3 by adding the following: (28) Barber Shop. . 2. Amend Article VII, Section 72 by adding the following: 72-28 Barber Shop - A barber shop may be permitted in the R-15 District provided: (1) Such activity is on the lot adjacent to a major or minor thoroughfare; (2) Off-street parking meets the requirements of Article VII of this ordinance; (3) A paved or otherwise improved driveway, with ingress and egress directly onto a public street, is constructed in such a manner as to provide entrance to and exit from the property without backing onto the street right-of-way; (4) No outside sign in excess of two (2) square feet in area shall be pe rmi tted; (5) A planted buffer strip must be provided along all side and rear property lines which adjoin a residential zone; and (6) All structures shall have a side and rear yard ten (10) feet and a front yard twenty-five (25) feet greater than that required for a single family residence within the R-15 District. Chm. O'Shields asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor or these amend- ments and Mr. Alton Lennon, Attorney representing the petitioner, Mr. Marvin Harris, appeared to request approval. He presented a petiti~n signed by residents of the area who were not opposed to the amendments. Chm. O'Shields asked if there was anyone present to speak in opposition to the amendments and the following persons appeared: Mr. John Futchs Mr. Carl Jenrette Mr. Al Hawkins . Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to deny the Zoning Ordinance Amendment which was proposed. Mrs. Carl Jenrette offered her comments. Upon vote, Comm. Gottovi' s motion t.ied by the following vote: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Comm. williams and Wright Absent: Comm. Alper ,.. - -,-< .,-----. +7" -----:-+"--- - --- - ..,-,.-...-.' -----;-- -- .~ ( 261 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, {<.. JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINUED) ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS (CONTINUED) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to::> table this matter until the next meeting. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and ':hm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper BREAK Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to take a 10-minute break before going on with the agenda. Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 10:40 o'clock a. m. to 11:00 o'clock a. m. ~ / DISCUSSION OF CONTRACT BETWEEN ABC BOARD AND SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FOR ABC LAW ENFORCEMENT County Manager Eller explained the Contract that had been prepared which called for the Sheriff's Department to take over the ABC Law Enforcement Division and the budget amendment that would be necessary if the contract was approved. Sheriff H. G. Grohman and Chief Deputy Jesse Blan'ton of the Sheriff's Department and Mr. W. Douglas Powell ABC Administrator and Chief J. T. Watts of the ABC Law Enforcement Division appeared before the Board to answer questions and request approval of the Contract. Comm. Williams moved to accept the Contract with 1:he prescribed changes. County Attorney Fox stated that he would prefer to make the changes in the Contract and then bring it back to the Commissioners for approval. No action was taken. SHERIFF'S STATEMENT CONCERNING HELICOPTER Sheriff Grohman made a statement concerning the justification inserted in the budget concerning the use of the helicopter about which there was so much controversy. He wanted to set the record straight that nothing wronq had been done and nothing was done in secret. .~ I / BUDGET TRANSFER - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Comm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, approval of the transfer of $800 from Acct. #11 520 35 in the Jail budget to Acct. #11 ~;10 57, Miscellaneous Expense, as requested in the Sheriff's Budget. Upon vote, the Drotion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS - HOSPITAL EXPANSION PROJECT The Hospital Board had approved the following change orders to the construction contracts and requested approval from the Commissioners and also approval of the fol- lowing amendment to the Capital Projects Fund if the CDange Orders were approved: General Contract Change Order #1 + $38,800 #2 + 3,041 #3 + 265 #4 + 5,900 #5 + 2,403 Heating & A/C Contract Change Order #1 $ 5,350 #2 + 575 Steel Con tract Change Order #1 + $14,029 $50,409 Add $(4,775) Deduct .~ ..1.-..- $14,029 Add Budget Amendment Required to Adjust Debit - Acct. #78 575 76, Contingencies - Acct. #78 575 72, Heating and A/C Credit - Acct, #78 575 70, General Contract - Acct. #78 575 74, Steel Contract $59,663 4,775 $50,409 14,029 ~ 1_. \_- . ~ ti ::) -.., MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS - HOSPITAL EXPANSION PROJECT (CONTINUED) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, approval of the Change Orders and Amendment to the Capital Projects Fund as requested. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper BUDGET AMENDMENT - HOSPITAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Finance Officer Felix Cooper explained the reasons for the Certificate of Deposit being deposited with the County by the Hospital and requested the Commissioners approve the following budget amendment to credit the hospital with the interest re- ceived on their Certificate of Deposit. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, approval of the following Amendment to the Hospital Capital projects Fund: Debit - Acct. #78 329 00, Interest Credit - Acct. #78 575 91, Payment to Hospital $ 12,164.38 12,164.38 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper APPROVAL OF SALE OF' CI'l'Y/COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY The Commissioners had been furnished a list of bids received for certain parcels of City and County owned property and were requested to approve the sales as recommended. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Chm. O'Shields, to approve the sale of the items on the first page of the list of property. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper A copy of the list is contained in Exhibit Book IV, Page 46. APPROVAL OF STREET PAVING PETITIONS The Commissioners were requested, as owner of two vacant lots, to join in a petition to City Council for paving and street improvements. The parcel located on 6th Street between Harnett and Swann Streets was jointly owned by the City and County with the County's interest being 42.6%. The approximate cost to the County would be $150. The other lot located on Queen Street between 11th and 12th Streets was owned entirely by the County and the approximate cost would be $440. Chm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to approve ]01n1ng in the petition if the County's participation would not be the deciding factor in the paving and to let the cost of improvements be a lien against the property. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH ATTORNEY FOR CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM The Commissioners were requested to approve execution of a contract between the County and John H. Wessell III, Attorney, for legal services in connection with the Title IV-D Child Support Enforcement Program. Comm. Gottovi ID{)ved, seconded by Comm. Wright, approval of the Contract as requested. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, wright and Chrn. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper A copy of the Contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. .~ --~ (;,r~ 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFERS - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Dr. Finger had requested the transfer of $1,000 from Supplies and Materials, Acct. #44 590 33, to Maintenance & Repair - Buildings and Grounds, Acct. #44 590 15, as the Maintenance & Repair Account had a balance of less than $300. The Commissioners were also requested to accept a gr~nt in the amount of $68,684 to provide for more screening to detect lead poisoning vi9tims and to locate the sources of the lead and to approve the following budget amendment~ No County funds were involved. Revenue :) Debit - Acct. #44 368 13, Lead poisoning project $ 68,684 Expenditures Credit - Acct. #44 596 02, Salaries and Wages $ 22,368 Acct. #44 596 04, Professional Services 15,250 Acct. #44 596 05, FICA l,309 Acct. #44 596 06, Group Insurance 436 Acct. #44 596 07, Retirement 1,505 Acct. #44 596 10, Auto Allowance 1,728 Acct. #44 596 11, Postage 1,200 Acct. #44 596 14, Travel, Meetings & Schools 3,000 Acct. #44 596 16, M & R Equipment 1,000 Acct. #44 596 33, Supplies & Materials 3,000 Acct. #44 596 74, Capital Outlay - Equipment 17,888 i TOTAL $ 68,684 Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to approve both these budget items as requested by the Health Department. Upon vote, the IIDtion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper , ~ APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFER - ELECTIONS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, the approval of the transfer of $500 from Professional Services, Acct. #11 430 04, to Tel(~phone and Postage, Acct. #11 530 11, as requested in the Board of Elections Budget to cover additional postage to mail absentee ballots and letters to voters who had n01: voted in the past 4 years. \ Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm~ O'Shields '':''', Absent: Comm. Alpe:r:; APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFER - GARAGE Chm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, approval of the transfer of $350 from Acct. #11 555 16, Maintenance & Repair - Equipment, 1:0 Acct. #11 555 17, Maintenance & Repair - Autos and Trucks, in the Gq.rage Budget to cove]~ expenses for the remainder of the year. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ADD WILDWOOD CIRCLE TO STATE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM Chm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, approval of resolution requesting addition of wildwood Circle to the State Secondary Road System on the recommendation of the Division of Highways, County Engineer and Planning Department. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: , , f) Voting Aye: Cornm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alp'~r A copy of the resolution is on file in the County Marager's Office. ~........ . . . ~ 266 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONrINUED) REQUEST COUNTY ATTORNEY TO DRAW ORDINANCE FOR REGISTRATION OF MOBILE HOMES Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Willians, to ask County Attorney Fox to prepare the proper ordinance for the registration of mobile homes as requested by Tax Administrator, Larry Poweli. Upon vote, the notion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper APPROVAL OF REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1976 Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. WilliIDns, approval of the Collector of Revenue Report through December 31, 1976. Upon ~)te, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper A copy of the report is contained in Exhibit Book IV, Page 47. APPROVAL OF LIST OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS County Attorney Fox reported that he had reviewed the list of tax abatements and refunds presented by the Tax Department and found them to be in order. Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, approval of the list of tax abatements and refunds. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams and Chm" O'Shields Voting Noe: Comm. Wright Absent: Comm. Alper A copy of the list of abatements and refunds is contained in Exhibit Book IV, Pag'e 48. APPROVAL OF REQUESTS FOR TAX LISTING EXTENSIONS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, approval of the list of requests for tax listing extensions. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comrn. Alper A copy of the list of requests for extensiom: is contained in' Exhibit Book IV, Page 49. RELEASE OF LISTING PENALTY - CENTURY MILLS The Commissioners had been furnished a copy of a letter from Century Mills requesting release of a listing penalty in the amount of $1,466.17. Comm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, to approve the release of the listing penalty to Century Mills in the amount of $1,466.17 as requested. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows:. Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper DISCUSSION on APPOINT~1ENT OF CITY/COUNTY COMMITTEES Chm. O'Shields explained that it was the feeling of those who attended an informal meeting on January 10 with members of Wilmington City Council that joint committees be appointed to consider the following areas of mutual concern: 1. Recreation 2. Cable Television 3. Water and Sewer 4. Library Chm. O'Shields stated that it was suggested that the Council and Commissioners ask their Boards to appoint two members for the$e Committees and that the 3 beach communities and Board of Education be included in these discussions since they would all be affected. Chm. O'Shields Committee and Comm. Committee. and Comm. Gottovi both express~d ~ desire to serve on the Recreation Williams stated that she wouli like to serve on the Cable Television <,.,_.. . ~...'___. __~,__. .__ .__ ____._ _.__._. ._,,____._,_ _,._._._0.__. ._ . . ._-~ ---- / 2bb MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION Comm. Committee. ON APPOINTMENT OF CITY/COUNTY COMMITTEES (CONTINUED) Wright moved that Comm. Williams and Comm. G)ttovi go (See Page 271 for clarification) on the Recreation Comm. Williams moved to table this matter until Comm. Alper got back. The motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Williams then seconded Comm. Wright's motion. Upon vote, the motion tied as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Williams and Wright I), Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper Comm. Williams rroved that she and Comm. Gottovi- and Chm. O'Shields all attend the meeting that had been scheduled for that night and then decide at the next meeting who would be the County's representatives. The motion died for lack ofa second. APPOINTMENT OF COMM. WRIGHT TO BOARD OF HEALTH Comm. Wright requested that for the sake of having the record straight she be re- appointed to serve on the Board of Health as she would iike to continue serving on that Board. Comm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that Comm. Wright be reappointed to serve on the Board of Health. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Cl~. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper REQUEST TO ENDORSE EFFORTS OF BEAUFORT COUNTY IN REPEAL OF COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to endorse the efforts of the Beau- ~ fort County Board of Commissioners concerning the Resolution they had adopted asking the j General Assembly to repeal the Coastal Area Management P,ct. After further discussion, Comm. Williams withdrew rer second to Comm. Wright's motion and moved that the Commission send a letter to the County's representatives and to the Legislature stating that if the Coastal Area -Management Act is good for part of the State, it is good for ~ll the State and if the 32 counties have to be a part of it, then it should be made a statewide act. Chm. 0' ShiE,lds seconded th~ motion and upon vote, the motion tied as follows: "'< Voting Aye: Comm. Williams and Chm. O'Shields Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi and Wright Absent: Comm. Alper REQUEST TO WRITE LEGISLATORS RE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ON AUTOMOBILES Cornm. Williams requested that the Comissioners write the Legislators and ask them to consider legilsation possibly patterned after the George legislation which required that when an automobile owner bought a license, he would pay the tax on the vehicle for which he was buying the license. It was agreed that County Manager Eller would check to see if there was legislation already planned that would pertain to this matter. APPOINTMENT OF CHM. O'SHIELDS AND COMMS. WILLIAMS AND GO'rTOVI TO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS f) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, that Chm. O'Shields and Comms. Williams and Gottovi be appointed as the member representatives to the Cape Fear Council of Governments. Upon vote, the rrotion carried as follow:,>: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper ~ \. :. :. c ..., 267 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINUED) CHM. O'SHIELDS' REPORT ON MEETING OF NCACC Chm. O'Shields reported that he had attended ,1 meeting in Raleigh of the Board of the North Carolina Association of County CommisGioners. He stated that there would be a meeting of the State Personnel Board on January 19 to make changes in the personnel policy that would put more control back into the hands of local governments. It was agreed that County Manager Eller would see that the County had a representa- tive at that meeting to state tqe feelings of this Board. BUDGET AMENDMENT - CETA II County Manager Eller recommended the Board approve the following budget amendment to extend the CETA Title II program from February J., 1977, through September 30, 1977: Increase Revenue Acct., CETA Title II, Acct. Jll 350 17 $205,000 Appropriate as follows: CETA II - CITY OF WILMINGTON Acct. #11 661 02, Salaries & Wages Acct. #11 661 95, FICA Acct. #11 661 06, Group Insurance Acct. #11 661 54, Insurance $ 92,973 5,438 3,095 1,394 TOTAL $102,900 CETA II - NEW HANOVER COUNTY Acct. #11 662 02, Salaries & Wages Acct. #11 662 05, FICA Acct. #11 662 06, Group Insurance Acct. #11 662 54, Insurance $ 72,199 4,202 1,489 1,077 $ 78,967 TOTAL CETA II - CAROLINA BEACH Acct. #11 665 02, Salaries & Wages Acct. #11 665 05, FICA Acct. #11 665 06, Group Insurance Acct. #11 665 54, Insurance $ 16,904 988 350 254 TOTAL $ 18,496 CETA II - WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Acct. #11 666 02, Salaries & Wages Acct. #11 666 05, FICA Acct. #11 666 06, Group Insurance Acct. #11 666 54, Insurance $ 4,226 247 100 64 TOTAL $ 4,637 Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, approval of the CETA II Budget Amendment as requested. Upon vote, the motion can:ied as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright cmd Chm. 0' Shields Absent: Comm. Alper BUDGET AMENTMENT - AIRPORT OPERATING AND TITLE X PROJECT The County Finance Officer reported that the unappropriated fiscal year had been overstated when the budget WaE! prepared and missioners approve the following budget amendment i.n the Airport fund balance for this requested the Com- operating budget. Debit - Acct. #31 349 06, Radar Bldg. Grant Acct. #31 349 01, ADAP-Ol Grant $ 15,479 47,500 Credit - Acct. #31 299 01, Unappropriated Fund Balance $ 62,979 ..._ ___.._......_~.__+._u.__ _.,_~ .. _....~___ , , ' ~ ---- ,f 268 I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINUED) BUDGET AMENDMENT - AIRPORT OPERATING AND TITLE X PROJEC~e (CONTINUED) Mr. Cooper also requested that the Commissioners aI?prOVe the following budget amendment in the Title X Budget: Debit - Acct. #31 299 01, Unappropriated Fund Balance $ 3,409.79 Acct. #31 651 33, Supplies and Materials 900.21 Acct. #31 651 54, Insurance and Bonds 340.00 Acct. #31 651 74, Capital Outlay - Equipmfmt 140.00 Credit - Acct. #31 651 02, Salaries and Wages $ 4,250.00 f\ Acct. #31 651 05, FICA 540.00 ) Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, approval of the budget amendments for the Airport operating budget and the Title X Projec1: as requested. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper AUTHORIZE CHM. O'SHIELDS TO SIGN CHECKS Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to remove the name of former Commission Chairman Peter R. Davis from the County' s chl~cking accounts and add the name of Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr. as an authorized signa1:ure. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper SPECIAL MEETING SET FOR TAX LISTING EXTENSIONS AND REQm~ST OF OGDEN RESCUE SQUAD County Manager Eller reported that he had received a request from Ogden Rescue Squad for a special meeting with the Commissioners to present their request for a piece of equipment that they needed. It was decided that since a meeting was necessary 1:0 approve tax listing extension requests, a Special Meeting would be set for Hednesday, January 26, 1977, and the Ogden Rescue Squad would be invited to present 1:heir request at that time. .~ j: /- ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING FORMATION OF NEW RESCUE SQUAD county Manager Eller reported to the Board that thE!re was a new rescue squad in the process of being formed in the Castle Hayne area and he wanted the Commissioners to be aware of the fact that they would probably be reqllesting a franchise sometime in the future. ' APPOINTMENT OF L. O. GOODYEAR TO PLUMBING BOARD OF EXAMINERS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, that Mr. L. o. Goodyear be appointed to a three-year term on the Plumbing Board of Examiners to fill the category of master plumber. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper APPOINTMENT OF COMM. GOTTOVI TO AIRPORT COMMISSION Comm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that Comm. Karen E. Gottovi be appointed to replace Comm. Alper on the Airport Commission. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams, Wright and Chm. O'Shields ~ Absent: Comm. Alper i j' / RESIGNATION OF HENRY MACMILLAN FROM NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION County Manager Eller reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Henry J. MacMillan submitting his resignation from the New HanovEir County Historical Commission which Commission apparently no longer exists. COMM. WRIGHT LEFT MEETING Comm. Wright left the meeting at 1:04 o'clock p. m. and was absent for the rest of the meeting. ~ 26~} -.., ',' "{4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1977 (CONTINiJED) APPOINTMENT OF COMM. GEORGE ALPER TO HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, that Comm. George E. Alper be the Commissioners' appointee to the New Hanover Memo:rial Hospital Board of Trustees for one year. Upon vote, the motion qarried as follows: Voting Aye: COII1Ill. Gottovi, Williams, and Chm. O'Shields Absent: ComIll. Alper and Wright eADJOURNMENT , Comm. Williams moved, seconded by Chm. 0'Shield,3, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, Williams and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Alper and Wright Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 1:05 o',::lock p. m. Respectfully submitted, o~~ d /lr-~ Alyce B. Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 27, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners m~t in Special Session on Thursday, January 27, 1977, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assem~ly Room, New Hanover County eAdministration Building, Wilmingt~n, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners George E. Al:?er; Karen E. Gottovi; Ellen C. Williams; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager Dan W. Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. County Atto:rney James C. Fox was absent. Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF RESCUE TOOL FOR RESCUE SQUAD;3 Mr. Tim Caulder and Mr. Andy Cracker of the Ogd'~n Rescue Squad and Mr. Herb Walls of the Hurst Power Tool Company appeared before the :3oard to request the Commissioners provide funds to purchase a Hurst Power Tool for use by the area rescue squads in extricating victims from accidents. They presented ,i film showing how the tool worked. Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to buy the "Hurst Jaws of Life" with the proviso that it be used Countywide and that it be in the custody of Ogden Rescue Squad and that the following budget transfer be approved in order to purchase it: Debit - Acct. #11 445 61, Credit - Acct. #11 660 92, Contingencies Non-Departmental t,o Rescue Squads $ 5,235 - Contributions $ 5,235 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. i' i e APPROVAL OF REQUESTS FOR TAX LISTING EXTENSIONS Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, extension of tax listing period to March 31, 1977. unanimously. a:?proval of a list of requests for Upon vote, the motion carried A copy of the list is contained in Exhibit Book IV, Page 50. TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO RENT XEROX COPIER FOR TAX DEPAR'rMENT Comm. vhlliams moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, approval of the transfer of $997 from Acct. #11 450 04, Professional Services, to Acct. #11 450 32, Copying & Duplicating, in the Tax Department Budget as recommended by the County Mimager for the rental of a Xerox Copier. Upon vote, the motion carried unani:nously. .~