B040610 New Hanover Count-v Board of Social Services 'Meeting !Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 9:00a.m. - 10:00 a.m. The Ne\\ I IanoN Cr County Board OF Social Seri ices met in open session on 'I'uesdav. April 6. 2010 at 9:00 in ylulti Purpose Room A of the N'ew I lanMer County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: John Cram,,, Chairman; Minerva Glidden. Vice-Chairman; Bill Caster: Patrick Riley, Evelyn Bryant ALSO ATTENDING: LaVau1-11111 Nesmith. Secretary to the Board_ Stephanie Montc ith_ Administrative Support Specialist The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Ms. Glidden moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. Mr. Caster led the invocation. Mr. Riley led the pledge of alleuiance. CONSENT AGENDA Ms. Riley moved for approval of the consent agenda. The motion ryas seconded h\ Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Personnel Jason Wroblewski and Thomas Decker were hired as Temporary Case Workers in Economic Services. Rebecca Whitting and Sharon Johnson were hired as Social Workers. Andrea Bernard was hired as an Adult Medicaid Caseworker. Promotions Erika Rosario was promoted to Adult Services Social Worker and Kathi Spivey was promoted to Social Work Supervisor. Service Aii ands Cynthia McClendon and Ester Watson-Hall celebrate live years vt ith New I Ianm cr County. Anita Richardson and Donna Willetts celebrate 20 years with New Hanover County. Wanda Marino celebrates a 20 year anniversary with the State. SSDI Mr. Caster noted that some numbers were up and some vycre down which makes it hard to understand vyhat's going, on. Mr. Caster asked for clarification on the '"n !a- for Day Pate ? of '4 Care applications processed. %Is. McNamee noted it is a nunlbcr that vas not measured last year. The N\altllll list for DaV Care Subsidy is currently 747. It cost more to place a child in day care now witli the star ratirn(_1 wlilcli makes the Subsidy funds not stretch as tar. County Budget Expenditures Mr. Caster asked about the 34% of the share in Child Support. Ms. McNamee explained that is the County Share. Mr. Riley asked ifit was possible to keep any Fund balances during a non-recession time «hcn the case loads aren't so high. pls. Mc'~'amcc explained that anv balance left over at the end ofthe near ~,oes back into the CoLUm Fund balance. Atta Person NIS. Glidden noted that the name ofthe child sendin,-) the atta-person vvas blacked out on the sil-natLU-c line but not in the email ~Iddress. Closer attention vvIII be paid in the future to black otlt names 111 all areas oI a letter or cmall. Reappointment of Board Member Mr. Caster asked what needed to happen to re-appoint Ms. Glidden to the board. NIS. Glidden will till out the application to the State. Mr. Caster asked how mane terms he could serve on the Board of Social Seri ices. Mr. Nesmith said as lolls as Mi.. Caster re111alils a County Comimssloner. lie can serve as nianv ternis as he vyould like. Director's Executive Report Mr. Ncslllith rcv icvvcd hi~~hli~aht< Drum the Directors Rcport. Aeon nlauldatory scrv iccs were discussed including, General ~~ssistancc. Foster Care SupplenlentS and Foster 'uIl Clothillu Allowance. These serv ices are at risk of beinL,, cut clue to the Count 's current ecolloi111c condltloll. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation Mr. Riley read the Child Abuse PI'C\ ention Month Proclamation. Ms. Glidclen nlov cd to support the proclamation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. In-Home Aid Annual Review Wanda 'Vlarino and Leslie Sillilev explained that annually DSS conducts their own In- Flonle Aid review. Thcre are four areas that the a,ency looks at cacli vcir: Mission and Philosophy. Risk Assessrnlent. titilir.ation IZcv iew and Client Carc I-yaluation. I lie hi- F1onic Aides (I lolllciliakers) assist iliembers of the conlnltii-IM lth tranSportatloil to doctors appoliltlilclltS. holit housekeeplllf?, (IrOCCI-V Sh0pp111(_', bUt Ilot CI11'CCt phVSlCal care. Lash year the SLUpervisor, ilnia Daniels, calls clients resew ins, care and Page 3 of 4 sometimes (-Toes to the house, to ask about satisfaction of services. Overall, people are very satisfied with the services. Often, rcceivin'assistance from the In-I lonle :did p'ouram allows people to live at 11O111e instead Of going to a ntu'Sin(_~ home. Ccu'rently . DSS is servIcin,, 96 individuals and there is a waiting list for serv ice. The level of need varies from \ isits sev oral times a vvecl: to once a month. Ms. D"tnicls and scvcral other social workers pi-o\ ide case management to the clients reedy ing care. The prouranl is funded by the County. ClicntS usually' StaN With DSS until the ICv C1 Of Care necdcd prevents them from living in their (Mn home.AIs. Glidden asked if DSS \vis vvorl:in1-1 With Outside agencicS in tandem to prop ide care. Ms. Smiley explained that *f anyone is receiv in,- I11-1 lone Aid set-v ice, thcv are attached to a social vvorl:er vvho arram,cs services and health support. Ms. Glidden noted it may be a good idea to ask Outside agencies for their feedback on the quality of service and to tied any' oaps III set-\ ices. Work First Success Committee Chris McNamee introduced Arena Everett, Supervisor in the \Vork First PrO~~ram and Bridgett Terre from the Social Security Administration. a Board member for the \\'orl: First Success Committee. NIS. ?McNamee asked the I30ard to think about supp0rtin1_' the SUCCCSS L01111711MCe S COntlnnatl011. Ms. I,:ycrett pvc the history of NVorl: Hirst and TANF ( I"ClIlporarN Assistance ft)r Ncedv Families). GLIITCIAV the VN'Ork first Pro(_)ram mandates that `,Vork First Clients have to participate in countable activities such as vvork requirements. before they call i-cccIVC financial assistance. Work First Social \Vorkers assess families and try to help clients find and maintain enlploN ment bN cm-olling clients 111 vocational education, wol'k experience and job search/ job readiness Classes. Cape Fear conlnlunity Collcgc along,g, with DSS staff teaches the job readiness skills classes. Employment Security Commission provides job leads but not job preparedness training. There is a ?d month State time clock and a 5 year Federal time clock. Wlhcn those clocks run out. the pcrSO11 is no longer eli(,ible for assistance. They can appeal to the Success Committee to extend that time. The Board of Social Scr~ ices used to be the Success Committee but thcv elected to hand that responsibility Oyer to this outside Committee made up by Community agencies (Social Security Administration. Vocational Rehabilitation. Child Support. yVilnlin11ton Housing Authority CtC.). If the SuccesS Committee chooses to not eMend assistance, the client can appeal to the State. The State Ill only alloNv 20`%) of the people state-vv ide to receive an extension in assistance. Mr. Caster moved to continue the SucccsS C0111mlttee as it is Currently Comprised. The motion was seconded by Ms. Glidden and passed unanimously. Nest Meeting Objectives IRS Update Boal'd Presentation of Budget Infol'matlon I'M- the Coillillissioliel's Board Self Evaluations The Board completed self evaluations. Page 4 of4 Additional Items The Board entered into closed session as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G. S. I08A-80 and or G.S. I 54<<~-98. The Board returned to an open session and adjourned at 10: a.m. Respectfully submitted. tit ~ i, - - LaVau~~hn ~'esmith_ Sccrctam to the Beard John E. Craig, Chairman Date approved: LN: scm B040610