B020210 Ne,s-,, Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 9:00a.m. - 10:00 a.m. The New I Ianoycr County Board of Social Services met in open session on 'I,ueulay. February 2, ?010 at 9:00 in 'Multi Purpose Room A of the Ne« I lanoyer CountN Department of Social Serv ices. AF IT'NDING: John 0-a I(-,. Chairman: '\lincrya Glidden. Vice-Chairman: 13111 Caster Lind Patrick Rilcy ALSO ATTENDING: LaVau~~hn Nesmith, Secretai'v to the Board: Stephanie \~Iontcath, Administrative Support Specialist The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 'vls. Glidden moved for approval of the agenda. The motion vvas seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. Mr. Caster led the invocation. Mr. Glidden led the pled,(~e of alle-giancc. CONSENT AGENDA Nis. Glidden moved for approval of the consent agenda. The motion vvas passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Personnel Stephanie Monteath 1,eco01lized Mare Cantu. Family and Children's Medicaid Case~yorker and Maria Dodge Food and Nutrition Cascworker, both moving from temporary to rcutilar positions. Promotions Flizabetll Currie \\as promoted From Social NVorker Zonc ? to After-hours Social Workcr Zone 3. Service Awards Wcnda Rcyroad celebrates hcl- 20 year- scl'v ice annivcl'sal'N' and Linda Mitchell celebrates her 2>th. Drank Dcmeter \\as asked to share some vyords of vv isdom vv ith the board. The board thanked Mr. Demeter for 37 years of scn ice and wished him luck in his retirement. SSDI It \\as noted that the number of people requesting food and Nutrition services continues to Ilse. I'a<,C_~ of3 Wanda Nlanno shared that Adult Services has been inundated vy th requests to se1-ye as ouardians for disabled adults. Ms. Marino Csplaincd the Adult SCryicC unit is educating( the public about the role of-a guardian and asking families to scrvC as uardiLill. Most al-c Llll\\llllll,,_, to do so. VIs. Marino tallied about the increase in child welfare on-going treatment cases. The increase is due to our commitment to try to keep families in crisis intact and the loss of the prevention unit due to a reor(uanization needed to address staff retirenlcnts and frorcn posltlolls. Christine ~1cNamee notified the Board that a letter has been sent to the Division of 'hild Development rcquestin(, an additional allocation of child care subsidy funds. Funds vyCI-C I-cclucsted to kCCp tls from tct-minatlll, se1'viccs to families dLIC to lack of fLindill" Ms. McNamee also discussed a process improvement project initiated vyith County I'l alld food alld N Llt1-itlon Staf f t0 Stl-CalllhnC p1-occsscs to hettct- addi-css the gl'o\\l ll~~ demand for Service. Mi-. Nesmith noted tvvo indiv iduals in the nursima home under iMCSti(_1ation aFC vvM'ds of DSS. DSS is in the proccss of mov illo them to a nCvv facility hill the 1)1.occs,) is Ms. Glidden asked ifthe ARRA stimulus funds assisted vyith the Child Cat-C Subsidy deficit. Ms. McNamee explained that ARRA funds replaced non-recln-ring State funds rather than increase available funding. County Budget Expenditures Thet-e wci-c no questions about the Budget Expenditures. Director's Executive Report Ms. Glidden asked vyhy there is not a Medicaid staff person stationed at WI1AT. Nesmith Csplaincd that Chris McNamcc is ill 11C(,?otlatlolls vvlth the Ilevv dli.cctol- of Wl IAT to replace the Economic Services casevyot-ker ho had been stationed at the Oleander site. \h-. Caster asked about the lobby renovation. Mr. Nesmith said the contract was in proccss and demolition should start within the month. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Communication and Outreach Efforts Anuclina Bernard -avc a presentation of the marketing efforts ofthe department to CducatC the conlnlunitv 01'0111- set-v ices. Ms. 13Ci-nard has worked on several commercials recently airing on Gov~eniment TV and WELT for Sharc the N arnlth and foster al-C"AdoptIon. Outreach was also made throL,li bl-ochLll-CS and flycl-s dlstl-lbllted to diverse locales, presentations by staff at ev°ents and civic and church groups. Wot-h I first. Food and Nutrition and Medicaid staff hay°C worked vyith Enlploynlcnt Secunty Commission to pi-o% 'ide 111f01.111at1o11 at local bLISll1CSSCS expencllclllg Iav'-offs rCgat-dll1(_1 set-v ices tht-ou,h the DSS Rapid Response [cam. Page 3 of 3 Angelina Bernard reviewed the 2008-2009 Annual Report noting it will be passed out to different people in the community and the State. Ms. Bernard agreed to contact Government TV to ensure that information publicized about the DSS Board is current. Additional Items The Board Retreat will be March 2. 2010 at the Cape Fear Museum at 9:00 a.m. Nest ;Meeting Objectives Board Budget Retreat Board Self Evaluation The Board completed self evaluations. As there were no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 1-54A-98. the board by consensus adjourned at 9:35 a.m. Respectfully ubmitted. LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board John E. Crai<o. Chairman