2006-09-05 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 5,2006 BOOK 3 PAGE 187 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September 5,2006, at 10:10 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Chairman William A. Kopp, Jr.; District Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; District Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; District Commissioner Robert G. Greer; District Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager Bruce T. Shell; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley and Clerk to the District Board Sheila L. Schult. NON-AGENDA ITEMS District Chairman Kopp announced that time had been reserved for anyone from the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons to limit their remarks to three minutes. Clyde LaRue, representing Water Meter Services, Inc., stated that he would like the County to consider contracting with his company to provide meter reading services. He outlined the benefits of working with his company stating that the savings to the County would be in the amount of $20,000 per year as stated in a proposal submitted to County Manager Bruce Shell. After brief discussion, the consensus of the Board was to direct staff to review the proposal and if deemed necessary, submit the item for the Board's consideration. Mark Hommes, owner of Wrightsboro Wholesale Florist, spoke on continuing drainage problems in the area of Castle Hayne Road and requested the Board consider existing drainage issues before approving additional development. After brief discussion, the consensus of the Board was to direct staff to closely monitor the drainage issues mentioned and provide the Board with updates. James Feimster, resident on Harnett Avenue, requested assistance from the Board due to problems with an adjacent neighbor dumping horse manure on his property and the environmental concerns that have arisen. District Commissioner Pritchett directed Mr. Feimster to contact Sergeant John Murray with the Sheriff's Office for assistance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES District Chairman Kopp called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Water and Sewer District meeting held on August 14, 2006, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Vice-Chairman Caster, to approve the minutes of the Water and Sewer District meeting held on August 14, 2006, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF DISTRICT PARTICIPATION IN UP-SIZING OF WATER LINE AND PARTIAL REIMBURSEMENT TO WESTHA VEN DEVELOPER FOR WATER LINE EXTENSION County Manager Bruce Shell reported that the developer of the Westhaven subdivision has extended the District's water system approximately 580 linear feet along Market Street to supply water to the subdivision. The developer only needed an 8-inch water line to serve the project, but extended a 16-inch water line for the convenience of the District. The developer obtained three bids for the extension as an 8-inch line and three bids for the extension as a 16-inch line. Staff evaluated the bids and checked material costs with suppliers and determined that the difference NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 5,2006 BOOK 3 PAGE 188 in cost between installing a 16-inch water line versus an 8-inch water line on this project is approximately $39.48 per linear foot, totaling $22,900. During discussions with the District, the contractor misunderstood and thought that the project was to be fully funded by the County. As a compromise, Staff proposes that the County reimburse the developer in the amount of $22,900 for the 16-inch water line and $30,000 for the County's 50% share of the water line project that was scheduled for future work by the District for a total amount of $52,900. County Engineer Greg Thompson reported on the sequence of events and confirmed that this water line project is included in the District's overall system enhancement program and scheduled to be completed within the next two to five years. District Commissioner Pritchett stated her concern of setting a precedent and cautioned staff to obtain agreements in writing to avoid misunderstandings. James Fentress, Project Engineer with Stroud Engineering, P.A., stated that this particular situation could be deemed as an exception in that the County has existing permits and the encroachments into the State's right-of- way for the line and were actively in the process of procuring the necessary easements for construction of the line; typically permits are valid for a two year period. The developer also aided the District in acquiring necessary easements that the County was having significant trouble in obtaining. The up-sizing of the water line and cost sharing of the water line project benefits both the County and the developer. Hearing no further discussion, District Chairman Kopp called for direction from the Board. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Vice-Chairman Caster, to approve reimbursement to the developer in the amount of $22,900 for the 16-inch water line and in the amount of $30,000 for the County's 50% share of the water line project that was scheduled for future work by the District for a total amount of $52,900 and the associated budget amendment #07-013. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bud2et Amendment Number: 07-013 Devartment: Water and Sewer BE IT ORDAINED by the New Hanover County Commissioners that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007: Section 1. The following appropriation is hereby made to the Water and Sewer Fund, and that the following revenue is estimated to be available to meet this appropriation. Expenditure Water and Sewer Administration: Capital Outlay Decrease Increase $52,900 Revenue Water and Sewer Administration: Appropriated Fund Balance Decrease Increase $52,900 Explanation: To budget Water and Sewer fund balance to pay developer to extend water line in the Westhaven area, which will help the County in cost and also water pressure in that area. APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS The District Commissioners are requested to approve budget amendment #07-029 to rollover expenditures from FY 05-06 to FY 06-07 and budget amendment #07-031 to budget appropriated fund balance for outstanding NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 5,2006 BOOK 3 PAGE 189 purchase orders as of June 30, 2006. Bud2et Amendment Number: 07-029 Devartment: Water and Sewer BE IT ORDAINED by the New Hanover County Commissioners that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007: Section 1. The following appropriation is hereby made to the Water and Sewer Fund, and that the following revenue is estimated to be available to meet this appropriation. Expenditure Water and Sewer Administration: Contracted Services Capital Outlay - Equipment Capital Project Expense Decrease Increase $551,410 $298,000 $ 72,219 Revenue Water and Sewer Finance: Appropriated Fund Balance Decrease Increase $961,629 Explanation: To rollover expenditure from FY 05-06 to FY 06-07. The items were budgeted in FY 05-06, but completion of the transactions or project did not occur prior to June 30, 2006. Bud2et Amendment Number: 07-031 Devartment: Water and Sewer BE IT ORDAINED by the New Hanover County Commissioners that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007: Section 1. The following appropriation is hereby made to the Water and Sewer Fund, and that the following revenue is estimated to be available to meet this appropriation. Expenditure Water and Sewer Administration: Contracted Services M&R- Clean-up M&R - Equipment Supplies Capital Outlay - Equipment Capital Project Water and Sewer Finance: Supplies Decrease Increase $ 96,328 $ 9,890 $ 30,698 $ 1,725 $ 28,454 $663,344 $ 14,385 Revenue Water and Sewer District Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance Decrease Increase $844,824 Explanation: To budget appropriated fund balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2006. The amount should be added to each appropriation as it appears in the budget ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid (adopted in the Budget Ordinances for FY 06-07, dated June 19, 2006). NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 5,2006 BOOK 3 PAGE 190 Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Vice-Chairman Caster, to approve budget amendment #07-029 to rollover expenditures from FY 05-06 to FY 06-07 and budget amendment #07-031 to budget appropriated fund balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2006. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business, District Chairman Kopp adjourned the meeting at 10:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the District Board