1977-04-19 Special Meeting '> o o o < 23 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18, 1977 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION ON OBTAINING PARK AT SNOW'S CUT Comm. Gottovi reported that she had received a call from Sen. Smith informing her 'I that the public park located under the bridge:, at Snow's Cut was available and could be acquired by the County as the Department of Transportation no longer wanted to ~intain it. I , County Manager Eller offered his comments and stated that,he was not too enthusiastic about this, but would look into the matter to determine the cost of upkeep, etc. JOINT MEETING SET WITH. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON Chm. O'Shields reported that he had just received a letter from Mayor Halterman of the City of Wilmington requesting a joint meeting between the two bodies to discuss adopting a resolution and appointing a committee to study the feasibility of consolidation of various governing bodies of New Hanover County. It was agreed to have the meeting at 8:00 a'. m. on Monday, April 25" since there was a meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review scheduled at 9 :00 a., m., on that date anyway. DISTRIBUTION OF SYNOPSIS ON CAMA 'County Manager Eller distributed to the Board copies of the Synopsis on the Coastal Area Management Act that had been prepared for distribution by the Planning Department. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, that, the meeting' be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at ,11':'25 o'clock a. m. Respectfully submitted, ~.13,~ Alyce B. Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, APRIL 19, 197} ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Tuesday, April 19, 1977, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. at the Carolina Beach TOwn Hall, Carolina Beach, North Carolina, to conduct a Public ,Hearing on the proposed 201 Facilities Plan for the area of New Hanover County south of Snow's Cut. Members present were Commissioners, George E. Alper; Karen E. Gottovi; Ellen C. Williams; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager Dan W. Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. Comm. Vivian S. Wright was absent. Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order. PRESENTATION OF 201 FACILITIES PLAN FOR THE AREA SOUTH OF SNOW'S CUT Mr. Robert Lyons and Mr. William Burnett of Henry van Desen & Associates, the consulting engineers, appeared,to present the 201 Facilities Plan for the area of New Hanover County south of Snow's cut. Mr. Lyons explained the existing facilities for the treatment of wastewater which are presently in use in the area. i , ! Mr. Harold McHugh of Federal Point TOwnship requested clarification from Mr. Lyons on several points. . Mr. Burnett presented the various alternate plans and explained that of the four plans, Plan "c" was the least costly. He outlined the costs ';f the Plan, stating that the local share would be 25% and the Federal Government would participate in the amount of 75% and explained how this would be paid for. Mr. Lyons outlined the estimated user costs. Mr. Harold McHugh of Federal Point TOwnship requested clarification on how the costs were figured. 24 -'-r' \ MINUTES OF SPEC:rAL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1977 (CONTINUED) BREAK Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 8:52 o'clock p. m. to 9:02 o'clock p. m. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC The floor was opened for comments from the public and Mr. Jack Glisson of Carolina Beach offered his comments. Mr. Burnett explained what the next steps were that would be taken and stated that written comments would be received from the public for fifteen days following this 0 public hearing. The following persons offered comments and requested clarification on various points: Mayor C. R. Smith of Kure Beach Mr. T. J. Fry, Kure Beach Commissioner Mr. Bill Lewis of Kure Beach Mr. Burnett reported that it would be necessary for the governing bodies of the County and each' municipality to adopt a resolution approving this plan and a letter of intent would have to be written to submit with the plan to the State and Federal Governments for their approval. The following persons offered further comments: Mayor Richard Kepley of Carolina Beach Mr. William S. Funderburg, 2103 Pender Avenue, Wilmington, NC, questioned whether or not the ocean ,outfall was a viable alternative plan. Mrs. Sheila Davis, TOwn Manager of Carolina Beach, requested clarification as to whether or not Carolina and Kure Beaches were obligated to Plan "c" that was recommended by the engineers. ADJOURNMENT There being no further comments from the public or the consulting engineers, Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 9:47 o'clock p. m. o Respectfully submitted, ~-6.~ Alyce B. Brown Clerk to the Board ab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, APRIL 25, 1977 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session with representa- tives from the municipalities within the County on Monday, April 25, 1977, at 8:00 o'clock a. m. I in the Assembly Room, ,New Hanover COW'lty Administration Building, Wilmi1?-gton, 'North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners George E. Alper; Karen E. Gottovi, Ellen C. Williams, Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager Dan W. Eller; Attorney Joseph O. Taylor of the County Attorney's Office; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. No members were absent. B dAlSfo Pldresent wedretmhembers oBf thhe~ilmCoingto~lCity Council, the wrightsville Beach 0, oar 0 A ermen an e Kure eac LVwn unC:L. Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order and stated that the reason for the Special Meeting was to discuss with the Wilmington City Council and the towns of Wrightsville, Carolina and Kure Beaches the possibility of reviewing the idea of consolidation of the governments within New Hanover County.