B051308 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 9:00a.m. -10:00 a.m. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 9:00 in Multi Purpose Room A of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Ann Pitts, Chairman; Bill Caster, Vice-Chairman; John Craig; F. Wayne Morris; Minerva Glidden ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Morris moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. Mrs. Pitts led the invocation. Mrs. Pitts led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Caster moved for approval of the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Personnel Stephanie Monteath introduced Diane Holmes, Community Services Assistant and Regina Floyd-Davis, Attorney. Service Awards Mireya Guardino and Karen Graham were recognized for 5 years of service to New Hanover County. Erica Price Pollock was recognized for 10 years of service. Susan Phiel and Kelly Redenbaugh were recognized for 15 years of service. SSDI There were no questions about the SSDI. Mr. Nesmith remarked that due to the economic downturn of the US economy, Medicaid and Food and Nutrition services are booming. Day Care Subsidy has received an additional $50,000.00. This additional ® money has allowed the agency to sustain the children currently receiving Day Care Subsidy. Governor Easley is proposing additional money for Day Care Subsidy as well. Page 2of5 County Budget Expenditures There were no questions or comments on the Budget Expenditures. Other Information Mr. Caster asked Mr. Nesmith about the PACE program. Mr. Lane explained PACE is the Program for All inclusive Care for the Elderly, which is run through Elderhause. Mr. Craig asked if a person needing twenty four hour a day care would be eligible for PACE services. Mr. Lane responded that a person needing that level of care would need nursing home care. PACE allows people to stay at home and receive additional services coordinated through Elderhaus. Mrs. Pitts asked why a fourth Attorney and Paralegal position was removed from the budget. Mr. Nesmith explained that Bruce Shell, County Manager removed the positions. Ms. Glidden asked about the mandated increase in Foster Care rates. Ms. Marino explained the measure was put in place to stop private Foster Care/Group homes from receiving duplicate payments. The State is proposing that all Foster Care payments come from the County to more closely monitor expenditures. Mr. Morris asked if this proposed mandate would hurt large counties more than small counties. Mr. Nesmith responded absolutely yes. Mrs. Pitts asked about the Foster Care picnic. Mr. Caster, Mr. Nesmith and Ms. Marino all agreed that the picnic was a success. Mr. Nesmith noted the Foster Care newspaper supplement and thanked the staff for a job well done. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Community Partnerships Carousel Center Ms. Marino introduced Dr. Sonja Brown, the child medical examiner from the Carousel Center. Dr. Brown explained that the Carousel Center is funded through grants and donations. Dr. Brown shared that Carousel Center sees more children at the Carousel Center than Chapel Hill does, which is disheartening. Ninety percent of the children Dr. Brown sees are sexually abused. The majority of children are Caucasian and under 5 years of age, normally abused by someone in their own home. There is a rising issue of child on child abuse. Mrs. Pitts asked if abusers are related normally. Dr. Brown explained that adult on child abuse is usually within the home, a family member, boyfriend or uncle where child on child is not usually a family member. Abuse from child on child occurs on places like the school bus, playground or the woods and is not a • DSS issue as it is not considered caregiver abuse. Dr. Brown reports all cases of abuse to DSS regardless. The Carousel Center has moved to 15`h and Dock Streets in a new larger facility. The Carousel Center serves seven counties. They do not take private referrals unless a family physician first sees the child and needs the opinion of a specialist. Dr. Page 3 of 5 Brown explained the process of examining a child that's been abused. Mr. Craig also noted that Dr. Brown is a member of the Community Child Fatality Team. Job Link Career Center Ann Barkley introduced Walter Biggs of the Employment Security Commission - Job Link Career Center. Mr. Biggs thanked Mr. Nesmith for his consistent involvement in the Job Link program. Mr. Biggs also noted that Leah Holub, the Work First Job Coach Job Locator Social Worker, does an excellent job serving as a liaison between the ESC staff and Work First clients. Mr. Biggs noted that the Employment Security Commission staff is more comfortable working with Work First clients because DSS staff has been really good at communicating and explaining needs, which he noted, is the benefit of being community partners. Mr. Craig asked if the Employment Security Commission worked with Veterans. Mr. Biggs answered yes and explained the variety of services offered. Mrs. Pitts asked about the current job market. Mr. Biggs responded that a lot of folks are coming in unemployed or unable to keep a job that requires they travel distances due to the cost of gas. Mr. Biggs has eleven employees and two vacancies. Mr. Craig asked if ESC had a relationship with Labor Find on 6`h and Castle Streets. Mr. Biggs responded ESC actually takes job orders from Labor Find. WHAT Mr. Nesmith introduced Linda Dance and Maria Vandebovenkamp of Wilmington Health Access for Teens. Ms. Dance explained WHAT is an adolescent health center. DSS has an out posted Medicaid worker located at WHAT to assist uninsured teens. WHAT would like to increase Ms. Neidhardt's hours. WHAT takes a holistic approach to health care in that it provides preventative programs such as teen male responsibility programs and teen pregnancy prevention programs. Mr. Craig asked about funding sources. Ms. Dance answered that WHAT is funded through the State and grants such as Kate B. Reynolds. WHAT provides two school based centers. WHAT provides mental health services and sexual assault assistance as well. Mrs. Pitts thanked Ms. Dance for her work in the community. ADR Center Ms. McNamee introduced John Murphy of the ADR Center. The ADR Center has been working with DSS since the beginning of MRS. ADR Center has seen a 21% increase in services (Child and Family Team Meeting Mediation referrals) since FY06/07. Mr. Murphy explained that holding the Child and Family Team meetings away from DSS in a neutral site, has helped families feel more at ease with the process. Social Workers have been receptive to holding meetings off site. Mr. Murphy shared that there is in increase in emergency team meetings, scheduled within 72 hours. Mr. Murphy explained this trend shows that Social Workers are not falling into old school practices of taking over and making decisions for the family and/or taking children out of the home, but instead • bringing the stake holders together for a discussion in a neutral location. Mr. Murphy shared a story of a family that made some really positive decisions as a result of three Child and Family team meetings. Mr. Murphy shared that ADR Center was formerly Community Mediation Center and has been running for about twelve years. Mr. Craig Page 4 of 5 asked what excuses father's make for becoming disengaged in a family. Mr. Murphy explained that sometimes so much time has lapsed since a father left that he just needs to be given a mechanism to let bygones be bygones. ADR Center makes an effort to invite all parties to the table to address the full scope of issues when their services are utilized. Ms. Glidden asked what the general clientele is and how ADR Center works with Latino families. Mr. Murphy said he couldn't quantify ethnically the full spectrum of people they serve. Mr. Murphy said his biggest issue is the language barrier. ADR Center has a few interpreters and is looking for a bilingual staff person. Ms. Glidden said you need more than a bilingual staff person, you need bicultural as well. Additional notes from the Director Mr. Nesmith noted the County was willing to let DSS refer Work First Clients to work with Property Management. Mr. Nesmith also noted that there are some employees in the County whose income is so low that they can't afford health insurance for their children. Sam Lane will be talking to these employees about enrolling in Health Choice which is less expensive than the co-pay for the Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. Staff Satisfaction Survey Chris McNamee discussed the last staff satisfaction survey and asked the Board to decide what information they were looking to gain from a new satisfaction survey. Ms. McNamee explained that DSS would be willing to design a survey once the Board comes to a decision. Mr. Nesmith explained if you leave a satisfaction survey open ended that people will ask for things he may not be able to deliver. Mr. Craig and Ms. Glidden agreed that Mr. Nesmith could be clear about what can not be delivered and why while enhancing services he is able to provide. Ms. Glidden feels an agency should to a climate survey every three to four years to ensure staff feels heard and suggested an outside agency could conduct and create a survey. Ms. McNamee explained options discussed, DSS has done a survey in-house, NHC Human Resources can do a climate survey but it may take a while and that she had also discussed using an outside agency as well. Ms. McNamee discussed Leading By Results and how difficult it is getting the entire agency to make a commitment to change. Mr. Nesmith shared challenges from the last survey such as flex time and asking staff to participate in decision making. Ms. McNamee asked the Board how they would like to proceed. Mr. Caster asked if the last survey was a full staff survey or a sample survey. Ms. McNamee responded the last survey was handed out to all staff and there was an 80% response. Mr. Craig asked to see the last survey as a jumping off place. Ms. Glidden asked if the survey was anonymous and if it was returned to Ms. McNamee. Ms. McNamee said yes, the survey was anonymous and yes the survey was returned to her. Ms. Glidden suggested an out of house survey and suggested that all staff sign their responses to ensure they stand behind what they say. Ms. Glidden further explained that she feels staff climate surveys should be looked at as a growth and retention tool as senior staff often have great ideas on how thing can be done a little better. Mr. Morris asked Ms. McNamee to send the Board the last survey, responses and initiatives from the last survey. Page 5 of 5 Emergency Intervention Protocol Mr. Nesmith explained the County Manager has a rule that all travel over 300 miles be pre-approved by the County Manager. Mr. Nesmith explained that DSS sometimes has children placed out of state or in an emergency, such as child abduction to Florida, DSS must act right away. Mr. Nesmith has obtained unwritten permission from Bruce Shell to send staff out over 300 miles in an emergency situation. Ms. Glidden explained that getting written permission provides protection for Mr. Nesmith and staff. Mr. Nesmith is asking Mr. Shell for a credit card from the County for those emergency situations. Next Meeting Objectives Work First Demonstration Grant Update Family Find Initiative Upcoming Fatherhood Expo Board Self Evaluation The Board completed self evaluations. Additional Items The second annual Fatherhood Conference will be held on Saturday, June 28 from 8 until i 12:30 at the First Baptist Activity Center. The workshop topics will be geared to fathers and teen males and address issues including legal issues for noncustodial fathers, communication skills and gang awareness. Angelina Bernard announced Mr. Nesmith and Carla West will be on the government channel discussing the Fatherhood Initiative. As there were no items to discuss in closed session as provided in G.S. 143-318.11 pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.C. 154A-98, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Respectfully bmitted, LaVaughn Nesmith Secretary to the Board Ann Pitts Chairman B051308: LN:scm