B040808 • New Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 9:00a.m. -10:00 a.m. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 9:00 in Multi Purpose Room A of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Ann Pitts, Chairman; Bill Caster, Vice-Chairman; John Craig; F. Wayne Morris; Minerva Glidden ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Caster moved for approval of the agenda. Ms. Glidden asked that two items be discussed in Additional Items. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. Mr. Caster led the invocation. Mr. Morris led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Caster moved for approval of the consent agenda with the correction on page three from Mr. Marino to Ms. Marino. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Personnel Stephanie Monteath introduced Paula Killette, Family and Children's Medicaid Caseworker Zone 2 and Terisa Benton, Food and Nutrition Caseworker Zone 1. Service Awards Martha Barrera and Renee Hall were recognized for 10 years of service to New Hanover County. Angie Benton was recognized for 15 years of service. SSDI Ms. Glidden asked why the number of miles driven in Medicaid Transportation has risen so much. Mr. Nesmith explained that DSS is currently mandated to provide • transportation to clients who meet Title XIX eligibility standards. Item 2 Page 1 Page 2 of 4 • Ms. Marino explained that some months can be higher than others simply due to the number of requests and out of county travel. Also, there was concern expressed by Mrs. Pitts relating to the routing changes with WAVE Transit. County Budget Expenditures Carol Thiel reviewed the budget line items for the month of February. Ms. Thiel noted that the Crisis Intervention Program received an additional allocation which will be reflected on next month's expenditure report. Sam Lane shared that Smart Start will be receiving additional funds for Child Day Care Subsidy from the State. Other Information Mrs. Pitts noted the Attapersons. Mrs. Pitts encouraged the Board's attendance at the Foster Care Appreciation day which will take place in Hugh MacRae Park May 10, 2008. Wayne Morris asked about the State's hurricane drill. Mr. Nesmith and Carol Thiel explained there are still things to work out. Wanda Marino passed out a flier for Child Watch Presents a Free Forum: The Substance Abuse-Child Abuse Connection: It's a Ripple Effect, Tuesday, April 29, 2008. Ms. Marino reminded the Board that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Communications and Outreach Efforts Angelina Bernard introduced Mark Boyer. Mark Boyer discussed the television programs he has helped create for DSS; Assisted Living and Leading By Results. These programs air on Government television. The Department of Social Service is the first County agency to take advantage of the production equipment available. A portion of each program was shared with the Board. Mark Boyer thanked the DSS staff for coming up with program topics and lining up the guests for each program. Mark Boyer noted the video from the Fatherhood Conference has been widely requested. Ms. Bernard passed out brochures explaining various programs DSS offers and reviewed other communication and outreach efforts such as the Master Speaker's List, the Flower Launch, commercials etc. Mr. Nesmith discussed Character Counts, a three year community program which was just completed. Ann Barkley discussed partnering with Rachel Freeman elementary to identify children that are considered high risk. A network of staff including social workers and Dr. Blundo from UNCW are working with teachers and students. Mr. Craig asked if any men from DSS were involved in the program. Ms. Marino shared that DSS is looking for men to serve as mentors to the children and asked • John Craig if he would be interested. Mr. Nesmith added that DSS is working on obtaining equipment which would enable social workers to see the 911 history for the house they are visiting. Mr. Caster asked Mr. Boyer if there was a possibility of showing the television shows more frequently. Item 2 Page 2 Page 3 of 4 • Program Integrity This LBR indicator is to recover money through Program Integrity. The accomplishments for FY06/07 include the following: $107,631.00 was collected largely in part due to the tax interceptor and there are currently 641 active claims. Economic Stimulus checks will be intercepted as well. This year it is predicted that DSS will well exceed the money that was collected and returned to the County last year. Strategies are as follows: Training staff in identifying potential overpayment and the referral process; prevention by using skillful interviewing and thorough documentation. The main challenges for this indicator are vacancies/staff turn over, communication between departments, complex program policies and referrals received-complete investigations and claims collections. Ms. Heslin shared that DSS is working with County Finance for collections. It is felt that if a collection letter is sent from county legal or county finance, the client may take the overpayment issue more seriously and respond to the agency regarding their repayment of benefits Foster Parent Appreciation Proclamation Ms. Glidden read the proclamation for Foster Parent Appreciation and Foster Care Awareness. Mr. Morris moved to approve the proclamation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. Next Meeting Objectives Community Partnerships Board Self Evaluation The Board completed self evaluations. Additional Items Ms. Glidden asked that a staff satisfaction survey and emergency interventions be agenda items for a future meeting. Mr. Morris asked if any progress had been made with New Hanover County Human Resources and recruitment of Social Workers with Master's of Social Work degrees that had interned in the agency. Mr. Nesmith is going to meet with HR to discuss the topic further. Mr. Craig moved to enter closed session as provided in G.S. 143-318.11, to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.S. 154A-98. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Pitts and passed unanimously. The Board entered closed ® session at 10:08 a.m. The Board returned to open session at 10:26 a.m. No action was taken by the Board. Item 2 Page 3 Page 4 of 4 There being no further business, Mr. Caster moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. The Board adjourned at 10:27 a.m. Respectfully bmitted, LaVaughn Nesmith Secretary to the Board '1 ~ /-U*-- Ann Pitts Date approved: Chairman LN: scm B040808 Item 2 Page 4