Agenda 2010 08-16AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC JASON R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN • JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., VICE - CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREER, COMMISSIONER • WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER BRUCE T. SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD AUGUST 16, 2010 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jason R. Thompson) INVOCATION (Reverend Steve Hein, St. Andrews - Covenant Presbyterian Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner William A. Caster) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in North Carolina General Statutes - Chapter 160A Article 12 3. Approval of Sole Source Award to Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. (MES) for Turnout Gear 4. Ratification of a Safe Kids USA Walk This Way Environmental Task Force Grant Application 5. Adoption of a Resolution of Support for the Cape Fear Regional Sustainable Planning Consortium Grant Proposal 6. Approval of Exception to Competitive Bid Process, "Piggybacking" 7. Approval of Release of Tax Value 8. Approval for Release of Taxes Barred by NCGS 105 -378 9. Approval of the Board of Education FY 10 -11 Budget Resolution 10. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments ESTIMATED REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 9:10 a.m. 11. Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and New Employee Introduction and Photo with Commissioners 9:25 a.m. 12. Public Hearing and Consideration of Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program Funds in the Amount of $312,584 9:30 a.m. 13. New Hanover County Schools Information Update 9:40 a.m. 14. Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Annual Update 9:50 a.m. 15. New Hanover County Planning Board Annual Update 10:00 a.m. 16. Presentation: Water Quality Monitoring in New Hanover County by County Staff and Coastal Planning and Engineering 10:30 a.m. 17. Consideration of Beach Nourishment Firm Selection and Draft Contract 10:40 a.m. 18. Acceptance of Collection Settlement Reports, Charge of 2010 Levy, and Consideration of Reappointment of Marion D. Harrell as Collector of Revenue 10:45 a.m. 19. Consideration of Reappointment of Roger L. Kelley as Tax Administrator 10:50 a.m. 20. Committee Appointments Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 11:05 a.m. 21. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Financing for the Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors 11:20 a.m. 22. Consideration of a Resolution For Directing the Filing of an Application with the LGC for Approval of the Substitution of a Liquidity Facility for the County's Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds 11:25 a.m. 23. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 11:35 a.m. 24. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 1 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review meeting held on July 8, 2010 Regular Session meeting held on July 12, 2010 Special Meeting held on July 16, 2010 Regular Session meeting held on August 2, 2010 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 1 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 2 DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Avril Pinder, Finance Director CONTACT(S): Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor SUBJECT: Approval to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in North Carolina General Statutes - Chapter 160A Article 12 BRIEF SUMMARY: Chapter 160A- Article 12 of the North Carolina General Statutes governs the sale and disposition of surplus property. Currently, the County has certain supplies, materials, equipment, and apparatus, that are surplus to its operations. A complete list of these items including a description is attached as Exhibit "A." Staff proposes to dispose of the personal property according to the procedures prescribed in Chapter 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service. Staff proposes to utilize the services of GovDeals, an online Internet based provider servicing government entities. Staff proposes to dispose of any items not sold using this electronic auction service by any other method authorized by the Statutes. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Declare property surplus and adopt resolution authorizing the disposal electronically using GovDeals or any other method authorized by General Statute including discarding. ATTACHMENTS: Surplus Resolution Exhibit A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 2 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns certain personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A, hereinafter referred to as "surplus property," that is no longer needed for any governmental use by the County; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is desirous of declaring this personal property surplus and selling it at public auction as authorized by NCGS 160A -270; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the County to sell said surplus property by electronic public auction using GovDeals at www.govdeals.com according to the procedures prescribed in NCGS 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service; and WHEREAS, items not sold using GovDeals, may be disposed of using any other method authorized in the NCGS 160A -270. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County as follows: 1. The personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A is hereby declared to be surplus property. 2. That the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions ofN.C.G.S. 160A- 270 (c), is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property listed on Exhibit A by electronic public auction using GovDeals at www.govdeals.com and any property not sold using GovDeals may be disposed of using any other method authorized by the NCGS 160A -270, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add /delete items from the surplus list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this disposal. 3. All surplus property will be sold "as is," all sales will be final and the acceptable forms of payment are cash, certified check, money order, and Visa or MasterCard. New Hanover County makes no express or implied warranties of merchantability of any surplus property, or part thereof, or its fitness for any particular purpose regardless of any oral statements that may be made concerning the surplus property or any part thereof. 4. A notice summarizing this Resolution and the sale of the surplus property by electronic public auction shall be advertised on the County's website and /or in the Wilmington Star News at least ten (10) days prior to the electronic public auction. ADOPTED this the 16 day of August, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 2 -1 -1 V) J a o +., U Ln a W CL V 1 O O N a-) V) bn I Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 2 -2 -1 U c OJ U c OJ U c OJ U c OJ U c U c C ._ U c U c U c U c U c U c U c U c U c C6 U_ C6 U_ C6 U_ C6 U_ C6 O C6 a --+ C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 - - OJ b0 L (L) OJ b0 L O) OJ b0 L O) OJ b0 L O) OJ b0 t�A N OJ b0 OJ b0 OJ b0 OJ b0 OJ b0 OJ b0 OJ b0 OJ b0 OJ b0 >, a--+ OJ b0 +- +- +- +- - a > > > > f6 E OJ cm O) cm O) cm O) OJ > C6 O) C6 O) C6 O) cm O) > M w L aj M O) OJ OJ OJ OJ bA > Cn bA > Cn bA > Cn bA > Cn bA bA bA bA bA L bA bA bA bA O M Q bA Q L • � aj 0 •N O :E :E Cn � � � :E c- :E � C6 > > C6 > C6 > C6 w L W L L L OJ (n • C6 • C6 • C6 O V) Q O V) O) L O V) O V) O Q � O O O O D O O O O O L cn O L C6 OJ OJ 0 +'' -0 OJ OJ OJ _ OJ OJ OJ +-' OJ +-' OJ _0 OJ +-' _0 OJ +-' _0 OJ +-' _0 OJ � _0 OJ _0 OJ O O O O) U v O) 0 a.., U v O) � - +-+ U >, U O) E U U >, OJ E U > U . O) OJ >. 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(MES) for Turnout Gear BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff is requesting approval to purchase turnout gear from MES as a sole source purchase. MES has provided Globe turnout gear to the County since 2000. Staff would like to maintain standardization and compatibility with the other equipment the County currently owns. NC General Statutes 143- 129(e)(6) provides an exception to the bidding requirements for purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment when: (i) performance or price competition for a product are not available; (ii) a needed product is available from only one source of supply; or (iii) standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration. The statute requires the Board of Commissioners to approve the purchase prior to award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution approving sole source award to MES in the amount of $48,150 for the purchase of Globe turnout gear. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Sole Source Exception to Competitive Bidding COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 3 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION EXCEPTION TO COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, Fire Services would like to purchase Globe turnout gear to upgrade the existing equipment currently being used by the department; and WHEREAS, the department began purchasing Globe turnout gear from Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. (MES), the North Carolina distributor back in 2000; and WHEREAS, the department would like to maintain standardization and compatibility with the other turnout gear the County currently owns; and WHEREAS, this exception to the bidding requirements referred to as "Sole Source" must be approved by the Board of Commissioners prior to purchase; and WHEREAS, General Statutes 143-129(e)(6) provides that purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials or equipment are exempt from bidding when: A. Performance or price competition for a product is not available; B. A needed product is available from only one source of supply; C. Standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the sole source purchase be entered into with MES in accordance with the sole source provisions outlined in GS 143- 129(e)(6) in amount of $48,150 as sole source provider. Adopted this the 16 day of August, 2010. New Hanover County Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 3 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 4 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Eric Ireland, Deputy Health Director CONTACT(S): Eric Ireland, Deputy Health Director SUBJECT: Ratification of a Safe Kids USA Walk This Way Environmental Task Force Grant Application BRIEF SUMMARY: Safe Kids USA and FedEx, the Walk This Way program sponsor, have made funding available for one -year grant periods. These funds are to be used to support projects that focus on making environmental modifications to improve conditions for child pedestrians. If awarded, the New Hanover County Health Department will administer the funding on behalf of the local task force. The proposed project addresses pedestrian safety in the Urban Core Zone as defined in the adopted Walk Wilmington comprehensive pedestrian plan, and will raise awareness of dangerous pedestrian environments, educate children about safe pedestrian behavior, advocate for law enforcement, and improve environmental conditions to decrease risks to child pedestrians. Coalitions who are awarded 2011 task force funding must accomplish the following objectives: Convene a task force comprised of key individuals (law enforcement, local DOT officials, community leaders and FedEx employee) interested in the issue of child pedestrian safety and hold regular meetings for a 12 -month period. Make environmental modifications to a target location to improve conditions for child pedestrians. Intersections will include the intersection of S 10t and Dawson Street and S 10 and Wooster Street. Provide before and after photos as evidence of the modification. Utilize local media to educate the community about the initiative and the resulting environmental modification(s) achieved by the task force. Educate the users of the targeted environment about dangerous pedestrian environments and general pedestrian safety. Evaluate the impact of the resulting environmental modification on child pedestrians in the area and continue to collect data on the intervention site for three years. Demonstrate an effort to attain additional funding to support task force initiatives. No new positions will be created as a result of this action. No matching County funds are required. Ratification of application is requested due to the grant application deadline of July 30, 2010. The Board of Health ratified this application at its August 4, 2010 meeting. The grant funding period will end December 31, 2011. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify application to Safe Kids USA for their Environmental Task Force Grant in the amount of $24,834. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 4 -0 ATTACHMENTS: Budget Summary Map Walk This Way Grant Grant Application COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 4 -0 mare Mia5 vvaiK i M5 vvav Duaaet High - visibility crosswalk pavement markings (215 feet) $1 Push buttons and pedestrian signal heads on existing poles (4) $8 Total $10 High - visibility crosswalk pavement markings (240 feet) $2 Push buttons and pedestrian signal heads on existing poles (4) $8 Total $10,910.00 ft ontingency (15 %) Unforseen problems during construction /i $3,23! nstallation, (i.e., utility conflicts, increase costs of materials) grand Total for Two Intersections $24,834 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 4 -1 -1 Marke St rk bwer Park o oster St , Jvson St stle St stet St c)a,yvson St * Source: Wilmin Police Department PISTOL s Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 4-2-1 Hillcrest Legend Jerva Housin Housin Howe Pre-K Minor Roads Center Major Roads Major Walkin Existin Traffic Si Route U) Subject Intersection r-41 GreenfiE 0 Adjacent Intersection G reenfield St it Number of Pedestrian Housto Crashes* Moore (Previous Five Years) Housin * Source: Wilmin Police Department PISTOL s Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 4-2-1 q1 11 111pi iq� 11 111111111111,11 N, 1 All Safe Kids USA coalitions a cha ters are invited to appl b Jul 30, 201 In order to be considered p for g rant fundin coalitions must be in g ood standin with Safe Kids USA and must form a task force includin a FedEx representative to accomplish task force objectives. Coalitions must be able to host a two-da local trainin Nk All Safe Kids USA coalitions a chapters are invited to appl b Jul 30, 201 In order to be considered for g rant fundin coalitions must be in g ood standin with Safe Kids USA and must form a task force includin a FedEx representative to accomplish task force objectives. Coalitions must be able to host a two-da local trainin Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 4-3-1 Your coalition has the opportunit to raise awareness of dan pedestrian environments, educate children about safe pedestrian behavior, advocate for law enforcement, and improve environmental conditions to decrease risks to child pedestrians. Coalitions who are awarded 2011 task force fundin must accomplish the followin objectives- Convene a task force comprised of ke individuals (law enforcement, local DOT officials, communit leaders and FedEx emplo interested in the issue of child pedestrian safet and hold re meetin for a 12 month period. Make environmental modifications to a tar location to improve conditions for child pedestrians. Provide before and after photos as evidence of the modification. Utilize local media to educate the communit about the initiative and the resultin environmental modification(s) achieved b y our task force. Educate the users of the tar environment about dan pedestrian environments and g eneral pedestrian safet Evaluate the impact of the resultin environmental modification on child pedestrians in the area and continue to collect data on the intervention site for three y ears. 0 Demonstrate an effort to attain additional fundin to support task force initiatives. This application must be submitted on-line no later than Jul 30, 2010. Supportin local crash, mortalit and/or morbidit data must also be submitted to Sall Williams and received b Jul 30, 2010. Upon receipt of y our application, y ou will receive a confirmation e-mail lettin y ou know that y our application has been received. IN! ''I IIII OwUlItC The task force a to plan and undertake the followin tasks to the best of its abilit Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 4-3-2 Safe Kids USA Responsibilities Safe Kids agrees S5. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 4 -3 -3 1. Coalition or Chapter Name Safe Kids Cape Fear 2. Coalition Number: (If you are a Chapter, then please provide your state's coalition number) 29431 3. State: North Carolina 4. Coordinator Name: Kim 5. Are you a for profit or non - profit organization: Profit 6. What is your Employee Identification Number (EIN)? 7. What is the name of the Safe Kids coalition member who will be leading the task force? Kim 8. What is the name of the FedEx employee who has agreed to be a member of the task force? Gabriela 9. What is the name of the key community leader who has agreed to be a member of the task force? Chris 10. What is the name of the traffic safety engineer /Department of Transportation official who has agreed to be a member of the task force? Joshuah Mello 11. What is the name of the law enforcement official who has agreed to be a member the task force? George Perkins 12. Will you be able to host a two -day meeting for the UNC HSRC expert trainer and task force members at an appropriate location? Yes 13. Please list additional local, state or national grant opportunities that the task force will pursue for additional task force funding. The Task Force represents a diverse partner network with a history of success securing outside funding. We are committed to seeking funds to sustain initiatives & will pursue funding in 2010 from United Way, a federal TIGER grant, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of NC. 14. Please give a brief summary of previous or ongoing initiatives and /or organizations addressing pedestrian safety within the community. Wilmington's leaders understand the importance of creating a city where streets, sidewalks and other pedestrian accommodations are designed to make pedestrians feel safe and comfortable. Several initiatives and projects are underway to support pedestrians Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 4 -3 -4 including the Safe Routes to School program, Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, Cross -City Trail project, Military Cutoff Trail project, assorted pedestrian crossing projects, and annual sidewalk construction program. The City of Wilmington has invested millions of dollars over the past five years in pedestrian infrastructure. There are several standing committees which have a role in the implementation of these initiatives and projects, including: Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization- BikePed Committee, Safe Routes to School Task Force, Fit Community Task Force and Cape Fear Health Policy Council. 15. Please provide a statement of need for improving pedestrian safety for children in your community. Please include any specific data or information that describes the pedestrian problems in your community. The intersections of South 10th Street at Wooster Street (US 76) and South 10th Street at Dawson Street are located along a highly - travelled pedestrian corridor that connects several community centers, schools, parks and transit stops with large low- income housing communities. These NCDOT- maintained intersections lack crosswalks, pedestrian push- buttons and signals heads, despite the fact that Wooster Street is three -lanes wide and Dawson Street is four -lanes wide. The speed limit on each street is 35 miles per hour, but the average speeds greatly exceed this. The roadways, which are designated US Highway 76, carry an extremely high - volume of traffic to and from the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge, which connects Brunswick County and New Hanover County. There is a high level of existing pedestrian activity at these two subject intersections, with counts conducted by the City of Wilmington in May 2008 showing 137 people crossing Wooster Street and Dawson Street in a four -hour period. Many of these pedestrians are children heading to and from nearby parks and schools. The subject intersections are located in the Urban Core Zone, as defined in the adopted Walk Wilmington: A Comprehensive Pedestrian Plan. This zone is home to many of Wilmington's older residential neighborhoods and the streets are generally laid out in a traditional grid pattern. Blocks tend to be a little longer than in the Central Business District Zone, but most local streets have relatively narrow pavement widths. There are several significant east -west arteries that carry vehicle traffic between the Central Business District Zone and the bridges that cross the Cape Fear River to the rest of the city. Dawson Street, Market Street, South 3rd Street, South 16th Street, South 17th Street and Wooster Street are some of the busiest roadways in this area. Generally, there are good pedestrian accommodations along neighborhood streets. Most areas have sidewalks on two sides of the roadway, and traffic volumes and speeds are relatively slow, creating comfortable environments for people walking. Pedestrian accommodations along many of the major arteries are inconsistent. This may be due in part to a pattern of successive roadway widening without adequate consideration for pedestrian accommodations. For example, a pedestrian walking along Dawson or Wooster Streets in the southern end of the character zone may find that sidewalks are missing. Furthermore, the streetscape is visually unappealing in many places, and walkers are forced to pass vacant lots littered with trash and other debris. In this heavily travelled corridor, there are long distances between signalized intersections and pedestrians were frequently observed crossing the roadway at unmarked midblock locations, often using such risky measures as standing in a travel lane waiting for cars to pass in the next lane before completing their trip. Recommendations included in the adopted Dawson and Wooster Corridor Plan are designed to ameliorate many of these Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 4 -3 -5 shortcomings. Most of the signal controlled intersection in this zone lack marked crosswalks and pedestrian signal heads, despite relatively high observed levels of pedestrian activity. 16. Please provide some basic demographics of your community and who is affected by pedestrian safety concerns. The current project will target residents of an economically distressed area of Wilmington, NC. According to U.S. Zip Code data, the median household income is $30,661. More than 13% of households do not have a motor vehicle available. The neighborhood elementary school is 62% minority, 44% free or reduced lunch, and the middle school is 69% minority, 71 % free or reduced lunch. The median age of the target area is 35.7 years, indicating a high number of young families with children. There are 2 large public housing campuses (Jervay Place and Hillcrest) <0.25 mile from the targeted intersections. The proposed project would allow the children residing at these campuses to safely cross Dawson and Wooster Streets to access numerous community resources including schools, after - school programs, Dreams Center for Arts Education, fitness centers and parks. 17. Please describe the source of the crash data or pedestrian data you are providing for the community your coalition serves. The crash data provided is from the Wilmington Police Department PISTOL crash report system. The date range of the data is January 1, 2005 to July 28, 2010. 18. Have you sent crash and /or pedestrian injury data to Sally Williams? Yes 19. If we are selected to receive this grant, my coalition agrees to and understands the coalition responsibilities listed above. Yes submit You must / i morbidity i with an other relevant data to Safe Kids USA, attention Williams , 2010. Failure to submit these documents ma result in i i on not being considered. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 4 -3 -6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 5 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Shawn Ralston, Senior Environmental Planner CONTACT(S): Shawn Ralston, Senior Environmental Planner SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution of Support for the Cape Fear Regional Sustainable Planning Consortium Grant Proposal BRIEF SUMMARY: The Cape Fear Regional Sustainable Planning Consortium has been organized to respond to a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for a regional sustainable community planning grant issued by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, US Department of Transportation and US Environmental Protection Agency. The participating organizations of the consortium represent a broad spectrum of organizations including Brunswick County, Pender County, City of Wilmington, WAVE Transit, Wilmington MPO, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Cape Fear Regional Community Development Corporation ( CFRCDC), Brunswick Housing Opportunities, Cape Fear Council of Governments, and New Hanover County. Passage of this resolution is a commitment of support to develop a competitive proposal for grant funding for regional sustainable planning and authorizes the County Manager to assign staff to assist with planning activities if awarded the grant. No cash match is required for this grant, and CFRCDC is acting as the lead agency for the application submittal. The deadline for the grant submittal is August 23, 2010. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider the resolution for approval. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Regional Planning Grant Sustainable Community Fact Sheet COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 5 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE CAPE FEAR REGIONAL SUSTAINABLE PLANNING CONSORTIUM GRANT PROPOSAL WHEREAS, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 (Public Law 111 -117), provided a total of $150,000,000 to HUD for a Sustainable Communities Initiative. Of that total, $100,000,000 is available for the Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program will support metropolitan and multijurisdictional planning efforts that integrate housing, land use, economic and workforce development, transportation, and infrastructure investments; and WHEREAS, the participating organizations of the Cape Fear Regional Sustainability Planning Consortium represent a broad spectrum of organizations within the three - county region of Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender all dedicated to planning for enhanced sustainability focusing on housing opportunities, transportation alternatives, environmental stewardship, and economic development; and WHEREAS, towards this end, the participating organizations formed a consortium to leverage the combined resources of the partners to attempt to secure federal grant funding for sustainability planning; and WHEREAS, Cape Fear Regional Community Development Corporation (CFRCDC) is acting as the lead agency in a representative capacity with HUD on behalf of all members of the consortium and will assume administrative responsibility for ensuring that the consortium's program is carried out in compliance with all HUD requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby agrees to support participation by the County through submittal of a Sustainable Communities planning grant proposal; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners authorizes the County Manager to direct staff resources from various departments to assist in the sustainability plan development under the lead of CFRCDC upon award of the grant. ADOPTED this the 16 day of August, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 5 -1 -1 DEV FACT SHEET on HUD's Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program The Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program will support regional planning efforts that integrate housing, land use, economic and workforce development, transportation, and infrastructure investments in a manner that empowers jurisdictions to consider the interdependent challenges of economic competitiveness and revitalization; social equity, inclusion, and access to opportunity; energy use and climate change; and, public health and environmental impacts. The program will place a priority on investing in partnerships, including nontraditional partnerships (e.g., arts and culture, philanthropy, etc.) and bringing new voices to the regional planning process. The grant program is a centerpiece of the Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a joint effort between HUD, the US Department of Transportation, and the US Environmental Protection Agency to leverage long -term development and reinvestment that advances improved environmental and economic sustainability and to engage stakeholders and citizens in meaningful decision - making roles. HUD has chosen to make the Partnership's six Livability Principles central to the program outcomes discussed in the NOFA: 1. Provide More Transportation Choices. 2. Promote Equitable, Affordable Housing. 3. Enhance Economic Competitiveness. 4. Support Existing Communities. 5. Coordinate Policies and Leverage Investment. 6. Value Communities and Neighborhoods. The Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program will support a number of activities related to the development and implementation of integrated long -range regional plans such as, but not limited to, A) identifying affordable housing, transportation investment, water infrastructure, economic development, land use planning, environmental conservation, energy system, open space, and other infrastructure priorities for the region; B) establishing performance goals and measures; C) providing detailed plans, policies, and implementation strategies to be implemented by all participating jurisdictions over time to meet planning goals; and, D) engaging residents and stakeholders substantively and meaningfully in the development of the shared vision and its implementation. For a full list of eligible activities please refer to the published NOFA. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 5 -2 -1 Recognizing that areas are in different stages of achieving sustainability, HUD established two funding categories for the Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant program. • Category 1 Funds can be used to support the preparation of Regional Plans for Sustainable Development. Category 2 Funds can be used to support efforts to fine -tune existing regional plans so that they address the Partnership's Livability Principles, to prepare more detailed execution plans for an adopted Regional Plan for Sustainable Development, and limited predevelopment planning activities for catalytic project /projects. Grants will be made to regional consortia consisting of local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, educational institutions and non - profit organizations. The end product of a regional planning initiative will be a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development or a Detailed Execution Plan and Program for a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development that will provide a blueprint for investment decisions, both public and private, that will support a more sustainable future for a region. The size of awarded grant amounts is determined by whether the applicant represents a large metropolitan region, a medium -sized region, or a small -sized region, rural communities or small towns areas. Grant applications are due August 23, 2010. Applicants for funding should carefully review the requirements described in the NOFA and HUD's General Section. Specific questions regarding the Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program requirements should be directed to: or may be submitted through the sustainabili website. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 5 -2 -2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 6 DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Sheriff Ed McMahon CONTACT(S): Chief Rhonda Smith SUBJECT: Approval of Exception to Competitive Bid Process, "Piggybacking" BRIEF SUMMARY: After soliciting competitive bids, on November 2, 2009, the Board of Commissioners approved the award of RFB # 2010 -10540 to Capital Ford, Inc., for the purchase of thirteen (13) Crown Victorias with police packages. The Sheriff's Office has been approved to purchase ten (10) additional Crown Victorias in the Fiscal Year 2011 budget and would like to expedite the purchase and buy the same make and model from the same vendor at the same bid price. North Carolina General Statute 143- 129(g) allows an exception to the bidding process when purchasing apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment from any person or entity that has, within the previous 12 months, after having completed a public, formal bid process substantially similar to that required by this Article, contracted to furnish the apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment to: (1) The United States of America or any federal agency; (2) The State of North Carolina or any agency or political subdivision of the State; or (3) Any other state or any agency or political subdivision of that state, if the person or entity is willing to furnish the items at the same or more favorable prices, terms, and conditions as those provided under the contract with the other unit or agency. This exception is referred to as "piggybacking" and the Board of Commissioners must approve the exception. Notice that an exception to the bidding procedures will be considered in order to contract with Capital Ford, Inc., was published on the County's website. A copy of the notice is attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution approving the exception to piggyback the award of RFB # 2010 -10540 to Capital Ford, Inc. This action will expedite the purchase of the ten (10) additional Crown Victorias at a cost of $21,152.68 each, the total cost of the ten (10) vehicles will be $211,526.80. ATTACHMENTS: Exception to Bidding Process Resolution Notice of Intent COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 6 -0 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 6 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION EXCEPTION TO COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS WHEREAS, after soliciting competitive bids for the purchase of thirteen (13) Crown Victorias with police packages for the Sheriff's Office, the Board of Commissioners approved the award of RFB # 2010 -10540 to Capital Ford, Inc., on November 2, 2009; and WHEREAS, funds have been approved in the FY 2010 -2011 budget for the purchase of ten (10) additional Crown Victorias for the Sheriff's Office; and WHEREAS, to expedite this purchase, the Sheriff's office would like to purchase the same make and model from Capital Ford at the same bid price having a cost of $21,152.68 each for a total cost of $211,526.80; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 143- 129(g) allows an exception to the bidding process when purchasing apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment from any person or entity that has, within the previous 12 months, after having completed a public, formal bid process substantially similar to that required by this Article, contracted to furnish the apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment to: 1. The United States of America or any federal agency; 2. The State of North Carolina or any agency or political subdivision of the State; or 3. Any other state or any agency or political subdivision of that state, if the person or entity is willing to furnish the items at the same or more favorable prices, terms, and conditions as those provided under the contract with the other unit or agency; and WHEREAS, this exception referred to as "piggybacking" must be approved by the Board of Commissioners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the exception to bidding for the purchase of Crown Victorias from Capital Ford, Inc. is approved and staff may proceed with the purchase of ten (10) additional Crown Victorias from Capital Ford, Inc. ADOPTED this the 16 day of August, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 6 -1 -1 New Hanover County Notice of Intent The North Carolina General Statute 143 - 129(8) allows an exception to the bidding process when purchasing apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment from any person or entity that has, within the previous 12 months, after having completed a public, formal bid process substantially similar to that required by this Article, contracted to furnish the apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment to: (1) The United States of America or any federal agency; (2) The State of North Carolina or any agency or political subdivision of the State; or (3) Any other state or any agency or political subdivision of that state, if the person or entity is willing to furnish the items at the same or more favorable prices, terms, and conditions as those provided under the contract with the other unit or agency. This statute is known as the "piggybacking" statute. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will consider an exception of competitive bidding under G.S. 143- 129(g) at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 16, 2010 for the purchase of ten (10) Crown Victorias from Capital Ford, Inc., the seller having agreed to extend to New Hanover County the same prices and terms set forth in its bid with the County awarded by the County Commissioners on November 2, 2009. Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to Lena Butler, Purchasing Director at (910) 798- 7190 or email Ibutler @nhcgov.com. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 6 -2 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 7 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger L. Kelley, Tax Administrator CONTACT(S): Roger L. Kelley, Tax Administrator SUBJECT: Approval of Release of Tax Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen, Disability Exclusion, or Veterans Exclusion ( applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request ): Cox, Arlington $ 4500 Elkins, Lloyd 194,126 Fipps, Vernell 76,676 Fulford, Jimmy 81,382 Garrrabrant,Margery 155,468 Hinson, Florence 77,017 Johnson, Jeffrey 122,618 Johnson, Sara 4500 Massengill, Kathleen 100,419 Milligan, Hiram 69,883 Milligan, John 67,530 Nasuti, Linda 4500 Peele, Marvin 64,180 Robinson, Lillie 53,716 Rogers, Albert 4500 Shearon, Thomas 4500 Southernland, Barbara 99,556 Teixeira, Zella 41, 807 Wade, Luther 4500 Weiss, Jean 68,360 Williams, George 74,964 Wright, Margaret 120,489 Requesting approval for release of value be granted for the following properties with valuation corrections: HOPE INVESTMENTS LTD PTNRP R07610- 003 - 008 -000 $ 372,358 KURE BEACH PIER INC R09217- 007 - 001 -000 $1,929,542 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 7 -0 Approve as submitted. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 7 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 8 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue CONTACT(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Approval for Release of Taxes Barred by NCGS 105 -378 BRIEF SUMMARY: NCGS 105 -378 does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years. Therefore, the Collector of Revenue requests release of charges for 1999 unpaid taxes. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve release of 1999 unpaid taxes. ATTACHMENTS: 1999 Writeoffs COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 8 -0 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 8 -1 -1 1999 Taxes Barred by Statute Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles New Hanover 2 39,062.66 102 143,630.87 Fire District 51.89 1,175.28 2,250.31 3 Carolina Beach 333.20 1 2,451.71 4,285.19 Kure Beach 0.00 0.00 340.43 340.43 Wrightsville Beach 0.00 203.08 727.84 930.92 Wilmington 592.48 21,568.72 61 83,329.33 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 8 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 9 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Approval of the Board of Education FY10 -11 Budget Resolution BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Education FYI 0- 11 Budget Ordinance is in agreement with County Funding and appropriates $15,000 of the Board of Education Fund Balance. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve FYI 0- 11 Board of Education Budget Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: FYI 0- 11 Board of Education Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 9 -0 APPENDIX L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Finance July 6, 2410 Subject: 201012011 Budget Resolution Staff Member(s) Present. Chief Financial Officer Recommendation: Approval - J u ly G, 2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 9 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 2010 -2011 BUDGET RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit: Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County Schools for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011: STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND Instructional Services 99 System -Wide Support Services 11,719,621 Ancillary Services 85 Total State Public School Fund 111,955,130 GENERAL FUND Instructional Services System -Wide Support Services Ancillary Services Nonprogrammed Charges Total Local Current Expense Fund FEDERAL GRANTS FUND Instructional Services System -Wide Support Services Ancillary Services Nonprogrammed Charges Total Federal Grant Fund CAPITAL OUTLAY nla ENTERPRISE FUND Ancillary Services PRIVATE PURPOSE TRUST FUND Nonprogrammed Charges SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Instructional Services System -Wide Support Services Ancillary Services GRAND TOTAL 30,267, 745 32,668,303 94 1 64,103,440 211989 1 3 1 24,466,735 9,476,000 15 3,932,236 11176 69 5,177,880 214,294 Board of Commislioners Meeting 08/16/2010 9 -1 -2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 2010 -2011 BUDGET RESOLUTION Section 2. The following revenues are estimated to be available for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2011: STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND State of North Carolina 111 GENERAL. FUND New Hanover County 61,868,440 State Sources 0 Federal Sources 20 Other Revenues 2 Total Local current Expense Fund 64 FEDERAL GRANTS FUND Federal Sources 24 CAPITAL OUTLAY nla - ENTERPRISE FUND Food Sales 4,247, 000 Federal Sources 5 State Sources 9 Other Revenues 20 Total Enterprise Fund 9,476, 000 PRIVATE PURPOSE TRUST FUND Fund Balance Appropriation 16 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND State Sources 3,166, 880 Federal Sources 200 Other Revenues 1 5.'177.880 GRAND TOTAL Z14,Z94,1 U5 Board of Commiioners Meeting 08/16/2010 9 -1 -3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 2010-2011 BUDGET RESOLUTION Section 3. All appropriations shall be paid first from revenues restricted as to use and secondly from general unrestricted revenues. Section 4. The Superintendent's transfer authority is found in Policy 3110. Section 5. This resolution shall be entered into the minutes of the Board of Education, and within five days after adoption, copies thereof shall be filed with the Superintendent, the School Finance Officer and the County Finance Officer. Adopted this 10 day of Qa0 , 2010 airman New Hanove County Board of E u ion Board of Commsioners Meeting 08/16/2010 9 -1 -4 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 10 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. 11 -014 - Health 11 -021 - Parks /Gardens /Senior Resource Center 11 -024 - Finance 11 -025 - Finance 11 -026 - Budget 11 -035 - Board of Elections 2011 -04 - Sheriffs Office 2011 -05 - Sheriffs Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the ordinances for the budget amendments listed. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 11 -014 B/A 11 -021 B/A 11 -024 B/A 11 -025 B/A 11 -026 B/A 11 -035 B/A 2011 -04 B/A 2011 -05 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -0 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -0 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -014 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -014 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health /Mental Health Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health /Mental Health: Salaries and Wages $7 Supplies 1 Total $7 Total $7 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health /Mental Health: Insurance Collections — Mental Health Program $7 Total $7 Section 2: Explanation This budget amendment adjusts the increase to the School Mental Health Program based on the actual FYI 0- 11 contract award. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -014, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -1 -1 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -021 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -021 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Parks, Gardens and Senior Resource Center/Recreation & Outreach Expenditure: Decrease Increase Parks, Gardens and SRC /Recreation & Outreach: Volunteer Stipends $13 Volunteer Mileage 2 Volunteer Recognition 180 Volunteer Meals 150 Supplies 200 Total $16 Revenue: Decrease Increase Parks, Gardens and SRC /Recreation & Outreach: Grant — Federal — HCCBG $16 Total $16 Section 2: Explanation The Senior Resource Center has received a one -time additional allocation of $16,865 from the Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) for the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP). No County matching funds are required. The Foster Grandparent Program provides stipends to low - income older adults in exchange for 20 hours of direct service each week to special needs children. The additional funds will provide stipends and operating expenses for 5 additional adults. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -021, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10-2-1 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -024 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -024 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund, Emergency Telephone System Fund, Fire Services Fund, and Environmental Management Fund Departments: Various The following appropriation is hereby made to the General Fund, Emergency Telephone System Fund, Fire Services Fund and Environmental Management Fund and that the following revenue is estimated to be available to meet this appropriation. GENERAL FUND (includes Automation Enhancement & Preservation Fund): Expenditure: Decrease Increase Human Resources & Community Relations $2 County Finance 9 Non-departmental 200 Information Technology 269 Tax 50 Board of Elections 3 Register of Deeds 9 Register of Deeds - Automation Enhancement Fund 3 Property Management 3 84 Vehicle Management 12 Engineering 1 Public Safety Communications 122 Public safety Communications -ETSF 8 Emergency Management 19 Emergency Management & 911 Communications 44 800 MHZ Communications System 26 Sheriff Administration 257.00 Support Services 5 Detention - Sheriff 255 Uniform Patrol 139 Planning 14 Health Administration 15,13 5.00 Animal Control 1 Laboratory 4 WIC region Lactation Training Center 1 Mobile Dental Unit 7 Epidemiology 25 Diabetes Prevention & Self Management 1 D S S -Administration 160 Parks and Gardens Operations 40 Independent Life Services 5 Museum 3 Total $1 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance $1 Emergency Management-Citizens Corps Grant 1 Emergency Management - USAR Grant 9 Sheriff -2009 SCAAP Grant 66 Sheriff -2009 Bullet Proof Vest Grant 20 Health-Regional WIC Lactation Grant 1 Health-Closing the Gap II Diabetes Grant 1 Transfer in from Special Revenue 8 Contribution from Escrow-Aging 5 Appropriated Fund Balance - Automation Enhancement 3 Total $1 9 851 9 349.79 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -3 -1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM FUND: Department: 9 -1 -1 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Transfer to General Fund $8 Total $8 Revenue: Decrease Increase 911 Surcharge Funds $8 Total $8 FIRE SERVICES FUND: Expenditure: Decrease Increase Fire Services Operations $356 Total $356 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance $98 Installment Financing 257 Total $356 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FUND: Expenditure: Decrease Increase Environmental Management Landfill $26 Environmental Management WASTEC Maintenance 219 Total T $245 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance $245 Total $245 Section 2: Explanation To budget appropriated fund balances for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2010. The amounts should be added to each appropriation as it appears in the budget ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid (adopted in the Budget Ordinance for FYI 0- 11 dated June 21, 2010). Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance was approved as part of the budget adoption process. It is being presented now for your information. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -024, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010 (SEAL) ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -3 -2 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -025 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -025 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Storm Water Drainage, Emergency Management, Sheriffs Office, Planning and Zoning, Health Department, Department of Social Services, Juvenile Justice, Youth Empowerment Services, Library, Senior Resource Center and Cape Fear Museum. Expenditure: Decrease Increase Storm Water Drainage $135 Emergency Management 184 Sheriff Uniform Patrol 63 Planning and Zoning 16 Health Department 56 DSS - Administration 203 Juvenile Justice 20 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 1 YES — Vocational Education 98 Library 6 SRC — Independent Life Services 75 Cape Fear Museum 146 Total $910 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance $149 Emergency Management USAR Grants 64 Emergency Management Hurricane Exercise Grant 8 Emergency Management Planning Grant 111 Sheriff Traffic Enforcement GHSP Grant 55 Sheriff Good Shepherd Ministries Grant 1 Sheriff Governor Highway Safety LEL Grant 6 Planning Eagle Point Project Grant 2 Planning Riparian Buffer Restoration Grant 7 Health Tick Control Grant 6 Health Public Health Foundation Grants 2 Health Good Shepherd Ministries Grants 18 Health Men's Preventive Health Grant 45 Health Ministering Circle Grant 1 Health Carolinian's Men's Grant 71 Health Safe Kids Grants 1 Health Kohl's Cares for Kids Grant 135 Health National Child Passenger Safety Grant 200 Health WIC Lactation Grant 2 Health WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Grant 3 Health March of Dimes Baby Love Grant 3 Health Glaxosmithkline Grant 1 Health Family Counseling Grant 6 Health NC Asthma Program Grant 4 Health Closing the Gap II Diabetes Grant 2 Health Diabetes Education Grant 398 DSS — Food and Nutrition Admin Grants 203 ARRA JAG Gang Prevention Grant 20 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Grant 1 YES - Landfall Foundation Grant 98 Libra — SOLINET Bill and Melinda Gates Grant 3 Libra — Community Day Pilot Grant 2 SRC — Elderly and Disabilities Transportation Grant 68 Museum Grassroots Grant 146 Total $910 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10-4-1 Fund: Fire Services Department: Operations Expenditure: Decrease Increase Fire Services Operations $18 $136 Total $18 $136 Revenue: Decrease Increase FEMA SAFER Staffing Grant $18 $136 Total $18 $136 Fund: Revolving Loan Fund Department: Revolving Loan Program Expenditure: Decrease Increase Revolving Loan Program $18 $62 Total $18 $62 Revenue: Decrease Increase Revolving Loan Repayments $18 $7 Appropriated Fund Balance $18 55 Total $62,289 Fund: Park and Recreation Bonds Department: County Projects Expenditure: Decrease Increase River Road Park $18 Total $18 Revenue: Decrease Increase CAMA Access Grant — River Road Park $18 Total $18 Section 2: Explanation The General Fund and Fire Services Fund are being increased to roll over unexpended grant funds from FY09 -10 to FY 10 -11. The Revolving Loan Fund is being increased to roll over unexpended fund balance from FY09 -10 to FY 10 -11. The Park and Recreation Bonds Capital Proj ect Fund is being reduced due to grant adjustments. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -025, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -4 -2 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -026 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -026 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Parks /Gardens /Senior Resource Center, Social Services, Property Management, Governing Body — County Commissioners Expenditure: Decrease Increase Parks /Gardens /Senior Resource Center: Capital Outlay — Other Improvements $165 Social Services/Adoption Assistance: $633 Special Children Adoption Incentives 76 Property Management: Maintenance & Repair — Building & Grounds — Cobb Annex HVAC project 130 Maintenance & Repair — Building & Grounds — Health Department HVAC Ductwork, Ceiling Tiles and Lights Replacement project 93 Maintenance & Repair — Building & Grounds — Department of Social Services Building — Replace Front Doors 38 Maintenance & Repair — Building & Grounds — Detention Center — Fire Dampers Replacement 60 Northeast Library Parking Lot improvements 71 Total $633 Revenue: Decrease Increase Governing Body — County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance $633 Total $633 Section 2: Explanation $165 Parks /Gardens /SRC: To complete the renovation of the Executive Management Center. $ 76 Department of Social Services: Special Children Adoption Incentives monies are funds received from the federal government for exceeding goals for recruiting adoptive and foster parents for hard to place children (special needs, older, etc.). Funds received for this program must be expended for this purpose. To fund Property Management projects that were budgeted, but not completed in FY09 -10: $13000 Cobb Annex HVAC system replacement. $ 9300 To complete the Health Department HVAC ductwork, ceiling tiles and light fixture replacement project. $ 38,361 To replace the front doors of the Department of Social Services Building as part of the Lobby Renovation project. $ 6000 To replace Fire Dampers at the Detention Center. $ 71,000 Northeast Library Parking Lot improvements. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -026, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -5 -1 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -035 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11-035 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Board of Elections / Board of Elections Expenditure: Decrease Increase Board of Elections /Board of Elections: Supplies $49 Total $49 Revenue: Decrease Increase Board of Elections /Board of Elections: Grant — State — Federal — HAVA EAID $49 Total $49 Section 2: Explanation To budget a $49,682 Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (EAID) Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grant awarded by the NC State Board of Elections to the New Hanover County Board of Elections. EAID HAVA grant funds are required to be used to help make polling places accessible and provide equal opportunity for access and participation to individuals with the full range of disabilities. These grant funds will be used to purchase 48 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 4 -stand voting booths and curtains. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11-035, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted; and the Chairman is authorized to sign the HHS Grant Acceptance Agreement. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10-6-1 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2011 -04 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2011 -04 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriffs Office Expenditure: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Supplies $7 Controlled Substance Tax - GovDeals 4 Total $7 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax $2 Controlled Substance Tax - GovDeals 4 Interest on Investments 24 Total $7 Section 2: Explanation To budget Controlled Substance Tax receipt of $2,408 received on 7/20/10, proceeds of $4,646 from auction on GovDeals.com, and $24 interest on investments for May and June 2010. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2011 -04, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10-7-1 AGENDA: August 16, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2011 -05 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2011 -05 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriffs Office Expenditure: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property: Supplies $8 Interest on Investments 19 Total $8 Revenue: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property: Federal Forfeited Property $8 Interest on Investments 19 Total $8 Section 2: Explanation To budget receipts of $8,108 received on 7/13/10 and 7/20/10, and $19 interest on investments for May and June 2010. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2011 -05, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 10 -8 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 11 DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): County Commissioners and Bruce T. Shell, County Manager CONTACT(S): Libby Moore, Human Resources Analyst SUBJECT: Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and New Employee Introduction and Photo with Commissioners BRIEF SUMMARY: RETIREES Cora Waddell, Department of Social Service, 21 Years of Service FIVE (5) YEARS Tina Blanks, Department of Social Services Gerald Branch, Environmental Management Janice Covil, Sheriff's Office William Daniel, Department of Social Services Debbie Edwards, Public Safety Communications Center (911) Teresa Hudgins, Cape Fear Museum Cecil Little, Fire Services Ebon Luthy, Sheriff's Office James McGrath, Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Tabatha Miller, Department of Social Services Jeanne Neidhardt, Department of Social Services Lynda Pearsall, Pretrial Release Michelle Taylor, Pretrial Release TEN (10) YEARS Regina Abate, Health Department Linda Clover, Library Lee Cook, Health Department Grant Jenkinson, Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Latashia Smith, Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Traci Smith, Department of Social Services FIFTEEN (15) YEARS James Daniel, Library Gayle Ginsberg, Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Jennifer Grundy, Health Department Leigh Jackson, Health Department June Parks- Reddick, Department of Social Services TWENTY (20) YEARS Karen Batton, Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Mark Vincent, Sheriff's Office Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 11 -0 TWENTY -FIVE (25) YEARS Deborah Biddle, Sheriff's Office Sherry Spencer, Finance Department NEW EMPLOYEES (Hired in June & July 20 10) William Grant, Department of Social Services Kensya Johnson, Department of Social Services Kyle Marshall, Department of Social Services Jason Wroblewski, Department of Social Services Kathleen Papi, Health Department Ellen Connor, Health Department Natasia Nickerson, Tax Office Vernon Barlow, Sheriff's Office John Fleming, Sheriff's Office Shannon Marshall, Sheriff's Office Brandon Rasnake, Sheriff's Office Charlie Thomas, Sheriff's Office Charles Dube, Sheriff's Office Burl Haynes, Sheriff's Office Mike Ryan, Sheriff's Office Don Oh, Sheriff's Office Al Haraldson, Sheriff's Office Anthony Adams, Sheriff's Office Darrell Pearman, Sheriff's Office William Campbell, Sheriff's Office Sean Dixon, Sheriff's Office Dionna Durham, Public Safety Communications Center (911) Lydia Berzonsky, Public Safety Communications Center (911) Krystin Narron, Public Safety Communications Center (911) RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards, recognize new employees and take photo. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Presented service awards, recognized new employees and took photo. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 11 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 12 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Matthew Kunic, Wave Transit Planner CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration of Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program Funds in the Amount of $312,584 BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is eligible to receive $312,584 via the N. C. Department of Transportation's Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) for 2010 -2011. Funding must be used to provide transportation services to specific populations of the unincorporated areas of the County. No funding is required for local match. Funding categories and amounts as determined by NCDOT are: Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP) $141,894 Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMP) $52,187 Rural General Public (RGP) Transportation Program $118,503 The ROAP Application FY 2010 -2011 is available for review in the County Manager's Office or the Wave Transit Office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing, approve request to submit application for funds, direct Chairman Thompson, County Manager and County Attorney to execute appropriate certifications and assurances for the application and accept grant if awarded. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Conduct public hearing. Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted public hearing. Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 12 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 13 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Dr. Eddie West CONTACT(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: New Hanover County Schools Information Update BRIEF SUMMARY: Dr. Eddie West, Interim Superintendent, will present an update on New Hanover County Schools. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 13 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 14 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Jim Morton, Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors President CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board and Jim McDaniel, Director, Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources SUBJECT: Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: Chairman Thompson has requested that each New Hanover County board and /or committee appear annually before the Board of Commissioners to present an update. Please see the attachment for the Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors information. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 14 -0 AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members: 11 10 Board members appointed by Commissioners: 9 at -large members; 1 Commissioner 1 Member of the Corbett family appointed by Corbett Package Company Terms: 3 -year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at Airlie Gardens, 802 Airlie Road, Wilmington, NC. Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners established the Foundation Board on February 15, 1999 Purpose: The general purposes of the Foundation are as follows: 1. To establish an endowment and receive and distribute monies for prospective funding of capital improvements at Airlie Gardens and to encourage the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge of the history and natural heritage of Southeastern North Carolina. 2. To arrange for such meetings of Foundation officers or other interested individuals, as may be legally necessary, or considered desirable in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of Airlie Gardens. 3. To encourage and arrange for gifts, grants, bequests, and devises to the Foundation for its work in the furtherance of the objectives for which it is organized, and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and conservation of all gifts, grants, bequests, and devises so received. 4. To serve in an advisory capacity to the gardens staff and County Commissioners by providing advice and direction for operations, policy, capital improvements, and program development. 5. To provide oversight to all internal groups including but not limited to: volunteers, special event committees and the Airlie Gardens Guild. 6. To foster relationships with other related organizations. 7. To serve as ambassadors for the gardens to the community. 8. To participate in and support Airlie Gardens events and programs. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 14 -1 -1 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Hannah Holt Unexpired 8/14/06 6/30/08 809 Oyster Landing First 6/16/08 6/30/11 Wilmington, NC 28405 256 -9884 (H) 515 -5241 (C) Mark S. Johnson Unexpired 4/21/08 6/30/09 2236 Lynnwood Drive First 6/22/09 6/30/12 Wilmington, NC 28403 679 -1209 (H) 616 -3265 (C) Sarah Bellamy (Lyell) McMerty Unexpired 04/18/06 6/30/07 2001 Marsh Harbor Place 28405 (H) First 6/18/07 6/30/10 3048 River Road, SE (W) Second 6/21/10 6/30/13 Winnabow, NC 28479 256 -4166 (H) 371 -5903 (W) Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 14 -1 -1 AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CONY.) Revised: 6/23/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 14-1-2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Robert W. Martenis First 6/20/05 6/30/08 9004 St. Stephens Place Second 6/16/08 6/30/11 Wilmington, NC 28412 -3532 313 -1312 (H) 297 -6800 (C) James (Jim) Patrick Morton, President First 7/24/06 6/30/09 3624 St. Francis Drive (09) Second 6/22/09 6/30/12 1740 Airport Boulevard, Suite 12 Wilmington, NC 28405 341 -4333 X -1003 (W) 264 -1538 (C) Anne Murray, Secretary Unexpired 4/21/08 6/30/09 1631 Airlie Forest Court First 6/22/09 6/30/12 Wilmington, NC 28403 547 -9150 (C) 675 -6979 (W) Vivian "Zekie" Partin, Treasurer Unexpired 4/21/08 6/30/10 112 Lee's Cut First 6/21/10 6/30/13 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 256 -9530 (H) Anne Carrington Schaeffer First 6/21/10 6/30/13 6605 Spring Garden Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 509 -4202 (H) 392 -2700 (W) Anne J. Sorhagen, Vice - President Unexpired 8/13/07 6/30/09 6320 Guinea Lane First 6/22/09 6/30/12 Wilmington NC 28409 790 -7876 (H) County Commissioner: Ted Davis, Jr. Ratified 6/21/99 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7149 (NHC Office) 763 -6249 (W) Corbett Family Representative: New Hanover County Liaison: Andre Mallette 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 195 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7184 (W) Director: Jim McDaniel Airlie Gardens File: /Airlie 301 Airlie Road B/C #38 -6.10 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7700 Revised: 6/23/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 14-1-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 15 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Richard Collier, New Hanover County Planning Board Member CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board, Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Department Director SUBJECT: New Hanover County Planning Board Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: Chairman Thompson has requested that each New Hanover County board and /or committee appear annually before the Board of Commissioners to present an update. Please see the attachment for the New Hanover County Planning Board information. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Planning Board Information COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 15 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Number of Members: 7 Term of Office: Three years Compensation: $20.00 per meeting Regular Meetings: First Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 153A -321. New Hanover County Ordinance and Resolution establishing Planning Board dated September 2, 1980, for the purpose of planning and making recommendations in order that the elected and appointed officials of the County may competently perform their duties. Brief on the functions: Make studies of the County and surrounding areas; determine objectives to be sought in the development of the study area; prepare and adopt plans for achieving these objectives; develop and recommend policies, ordinances, administrative procedures, and other means for carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient manner; advise the Board of Commissioners concerning the use and amendment of means of carrying out plans; exercise any functions in the administration and enforcement of various means for carrying out plans that the Board of Commissioners may direct; perform any other related duties that the Board of Commissioners may direct. Much of the Board's time is consumed with Land Use Planning, Zoning, and Growth Management Issues. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 15 -1 -1 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Troy Barboza Unexpired 7/12/10 7/31/12 6118 Chilcot Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 796 -0672 (H) 262 -0321 (W) Tamara Carter First 7/12/10 7/31/12 5105 Exton Park Loop Castle Hayne, NC 28429 623 -4011 (H) 251 -4048 (W) Richard M. Collier, Chairman Unexpired 5/21/07 7/31/09 3708 Needle Sound Way First 7/20/09 7/31/12 Wilmington, NC 28409 -2829 790 -5769 (H) 520 -7754 (W) C. Andrew (Andy) Heath, Jr., Vice - Chairman First 7/21/08 7/31/11 3513 Aster Court Wilmington, NC 28409 790 -4580 (H) 799 -8181 (W) Melissa Gott Johnson First 7/24/06 7/31/09 602 Chestnut Street Second 7/20/09 7/31/12 Wilmington, NC 28401 547 -8050 (H) 251 -6088 (W) Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 15 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD (CONY.) Revised 8/9/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 15 -1 -2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Tara Schwenzfeier Murphy First 7/12/04 7/31/07 6107 Dorsett Place Second 7/23/07 7/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28403 612 -4037 (C) Kenneth F. Wrangell First 7/11/05 7/31/08 108 -A S. Kerr Avenue Second 7/21/08 7/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28403 632 -9136 (H) 794 -8704 (W) Director: Chris O'Keefe File: /Planning Planning &Inspections Department B/C #24- 7.10 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 150 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7165 Revised 8/9/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 15 -1 -2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 16 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Shawn Ralston, Senior Environmental Planner and Brad Rosov, CP &E CONTACT(S): Shawn Ralston, Senior Environmental Planner SUBJECT: Presentation: Water Quality Monitoring in New Hanover County by County Staff and Coastal Planning and Engineering BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County contracts with Coastal Planning and Engineering (CP &E) to monitor water quality on seven creeks located within the unincorporated County. These creeks include Barnards Creek, Futch Creek, Lords Creek, Motts Creek, Pages Creek, Prince George Creek and Smith Creek. At each monitoring station, water quality samples are taken and analyzed for biological, physical and chemical parameters. Monthly data is available on the County's website. In addition, County staff meets quarterly with a Water Quality Task Force to discuss all water quality monitoring data sampled in New Hanover County. The purpose of this presentation is for County staff and CP &E to provide a status update on the County's water quality monitoring program for the 09 -10 fiscal year. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: 09 -10 Water Quality Monitoring Report COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM 2009 -2010 FINAL REPORT Prepared by: Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Marine Scientist: Brad Rosov, M. Sc. Prepared For: New Hanover County, North Carolina Recommended Citation: Rosov, B., 2010. New Hanover County Water Quality Monitoring Program: 2009 -2010 Final Report. New Hanover County, North Carolina: Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. 47p. July 2010 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report represents the June 2009 through May 2010 results of the New Hanover County Water Quality Monitoring Program. Nineteen (19) monitoring stations within seven (7) creeks in New Hanover County were monitored on a monthly basis for physical, chemical, and biological parameters of water quality. The results presented in this report are described from a watershed perspective. In order to provide a quick - glance assessment of the water quality within a particular sampling station and watershed, a rating system has been established for a number of parameters. This quantitative system assigns a rating of "GOOD ", "FAIR ", or "POOR" to a sampling station depending on the percentage of samples exceeding the State standard for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, Chlorophyll -a, Enterococci, and fecal coliform bacteria. If the recorded value of a parameter exceeds the State standard less than 10% of the times sampled, the station will receive a "GOOD" rating for the parameter. A "FAIR" rating is assigned when a parameter exceeds the State standard 11 -25% of the times sampled. Parameters measured that exceed the State standard more than 25% of the sampling times are given a "POOR" rating. As displayed in the tables below, turbidity and Chlorophyll -a were determined to be "good" within all watersheds throughout the study period. Dissolved oxygen varied considerably between watersheds and within sites. Specifically, Barnards Creek, Lords Creek, Motts Creek, and Smith Creek were deemed to be "good" while Futch Creek contained "fair" levels of dissolved oxygen. Both Pages Creek and Prince Georges Creek were rated as "poor" for dissolved oxygen. Generally, Enterococci was problematic in a number of these watersheds. All watersheds were rated as "poor" with the exception of Futch Creek, which contained "good" levels. Fecal coliform, another indicator of bacterial contamination, was assessed monthly within Pages Creek and Futch Creek. These creeks generally exceeded the State shellfish standard for fecal coliform bacteria resulting in "poor ratings ". tca ITV wmersnea Parameter Prince Smith B rn r a ads Futch utc Lords o ds M otts p ages Georg g Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Turbidit , Dissolved Oxygen - - POOR POOR - Chlorophyll -a s Enterococci P OO R POO P OO R O O PO OR P OOR Fecal Coliform N/A o :o N/A N/A P OOR N/A N/A i COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM FINAL REPORT Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................... ............................... I Parameters........................................................................................................ ............................... 4 Standards........................................................................................................... ..............................6 l Methods............................................................................................................... ............................... 8 PhysicalParameters .......................................................................................... ..............................9 4 Chemical and Biological Parameters ................................................................ ..............................9 Results.................................................................................................................. ..............................9 Water Quality Sites with the Futch Creek Watershed ..................................... .............................14 RatingSystem ................................................................................................... ..............................9 6 BarnardsCreek ................................................................................................. ............................... 10 FutchCreek ...................................................................................................... ............................... 13 LordsCreek ........................................................................................................ .............................17 8 MottsCreek ........................................................................................................ .............................20 PagesCreek ........................................................................................................ .............................24 Dissolved Oxygen at FC- FOY .................................................................. .............................16 PrinceGeorges ................................................................................................... .............................28 10 SmithCreek ....................................................................................................... .............................32 Comprehensive Rating by Watershed ................................................................ .............................37 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FG6 ................................................ ............................... LongTerm Trends ........................................................................................... ............................... 38 Discussion............................................................................................................. .............................43 LiteratureCited ................................................................................................... .............................46 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FGFOY .......................................... ............................... List of Figures Figure No. 1 Map of New Hanover County and watersheds included in this study ..... ..............................3 2 Water Quality Sites within the Barnards Creek Watershed ..................... ..............................1 l 3 Dissolved Oxygen at BC -CBR ................................................................. .............................12 4 Dissolved Oxygen at BC -CBR ................................................................. .............................12 5 Water Quality Sites with the Futch Creek Watershed ..................................... .............................14 6 Dissolved Oxygen at FC- 4 ........................................................................ .............................15 7 Dissolved Oxygen at FC- 6 ........................................................................ .............................15 8 Dissolved Oxygen at FC- 13 ...................................................................... .............................15 9 Dissolved Oxygen at FC- FOY .................................................................. .............................16 10 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FC- 4 .................................................. .............................16 ll Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FG6 ................................................ ............................... 16 12 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FG 13 ................................................ .............................17 13 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FGFOY .......................................... ............................... 17 14 Water Quality Site within the Lords Creek Watershed ............................ .............................19 15 Dissolved Oxygen at LC-RR .................................................................. ............................... 20 ii COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM FINAL REPORT Table of Contents (cont'd) List of Figures Fi ure No 16 Enterococci Levels at LC- RR ............................................................... .............................20 17 Water Quality Sites within the Motts Creek Watershed ....................... .............................22 18 Dissolved Oxygen at MOT- CBR .......................................................... .............................23 19 Dissolved Oxygen at MOT -ND ............................................................ .............................23 20 Enterococci at MOT -CBR .................................................................... .............................23 21 Enterococci at MOT -ND ...................................................................... .............................24 22 Water Quality Sites within the Pages Creek Watershed ....................... .............................25 23 Dissolved Oxygen at PGBDDS ........................................................... .............................26 24 Dissolved Oxygen at PC -BDUS ........................................................... .............................26 25 Dissolved Oxygen at PC -M .................................................................. .............................27 26 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PC -BDDS ..................................... .............................27 27 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PGBDUS ..................................... .............................27 28 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PC -M ............................................ .............................28 29 Water Quality Sites within the Prince Georges Creek Watershed ........ .............................29 30 Dissolved Oxygen at PG- CH ................................................................ .............................30 31 Dissolved Oxygen at PG- ML ................................................................ .............................30 32 Dissolved Oxygen at PG -NC ................................................................ .............................31 33 Enterococci at PG -CH .......................................................................... .............................31 34 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PG- ML .......................................... .............................31 35 Enterococci at PG -NC .......................................................................... .............................32 36 Water Quality Sites within the Smith Creek Watershed ....................... .............................33 37 Dissolved Oxygen at SC-23 .................................................................. .............................34 38 Dissolved Oxygen at SC-CD ................................................................ .............................34 39 Dissolved Oxygen at SC-CH ................................................................ .............................35 40 Dissolved Oxygen at SGGR ................................................................ .............................35 41 Dissolved Oxygen at SGNK ................................................................ .............................35 42 Enterococci at SC-23 ............................................................................ .............................36 43 Enterococci at SC-CD ........................................................................... .............................36 44 Enterococci at SC-CH ........................................................................... .............................36 45 Enterococci at SGGR ........................................................................... .............................37 46 Enterococci at SC -NK .......................................................................... .............................37 47 Long term dissolved oxygen data within Pages Creek ......................... .............................40 48 Long term dissolved oxygen data within Futch Creek ......................... .............................40 49 Long term dissolved oxygen data within Smith Creek ......................... .............................41 50 Long term turbidity data within Pages Creek ....................................... .............................41 51 Long term turbidity data within Futch Creek ....................................... .............................41 iii COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM FINAL REPORT Table of Contents (cont'd) List of Figures Figure No 52 Long term turbidity data within Smith Creek .......................................... ............................... 42 53 Long term chlorophyll -a data within Pages Creek ........................................... .............................42 54 Long term chlorophyll -a data within Futch Creek .................................... .............................43 55 Long term chlorophyll -a data within Smith Creek .................................. ............................... 43 List of Tables TAIP No 1 List of Sampling Sites .............................................................................. ..............................2 2 North Carolina Water Quality Standards ................................................. ..............................7 3 Single sample standards for Enterococci as determined by the US EPA ..............................7 4 Single sample standards for Enterococci as determined by the NC DENR Recreational WaterQuality Program ............................................................................ ..............................8 5 Proposed Tier Classification for New Hanover County Water Quality Monitoring SamplingSites ......................................................................................... ..............................8 6 Mean values of select parameters from Barnards Creek .......................... .............................11 7 Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Barnards Creek .. .............................12 8 Mean values of select parameters from Futch Creek ................................ .............................14 9 Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Futch Creek ....... .............................17 10 Mean values of select parameters from Lords Creek ................................ .............................19 11 Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Lords Creek ....... .............................20 12 Mean values of select parameters from Motts Creek ................................ .............................22 13 Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Motts Creek ....... .............................24 14 Mean values of select parameters from Pages Creek ................................ .............................26 15 Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Pages Creek ....... .............................28 16 Mean values of select parameters from Prince Georges Creek ................ .............................30 17 Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Prince Georges Creek .....................32 18 Mean values of select parameters from Smith Creek ............................... .............................34 19 Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Smith Creek ....... .............................37 20 Ratings of parameters within each watershed ........................................... .............................38 21 Changes of ratings within watersheds since 2007 .................................... .............................38 22 Enterococci levels in select sites between Nov. 2007 and May 2010 ...... .............................39 iv COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM FINAL REPORT Table of Contents (cont'd) List of Appendices Appendix No A Photographs of Sampling Sites B Raw Data v COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -6 INTRODUCTION The creeks in New Hanover County, North Carolina provide a wide range of recreational activities for thousands of local citizens and visiting tourists each year. Tidal creeks are rich areas in terms of aquatic, terrestrial and avian wildlife and can support complex food webs (Odom et al, 1984; Kwak and Zedle, 1997). Protection of the water quality within these creeks is a high priority for New Hanover County. As growth and development continue within the City of Wilmington and the County, water quality has been increasingly threatened due to many factors including aging infrastructure, increased impervious surface area and subsequent stormwater runoff. To address these issues, the County has administered a long- standing water quality monitoring program since 1993 designed to assess the water quality within the creeks located within the County. Coastal Planning &Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. began monitoring seven (7) tidal creeks within New Hanover County on a monthly basis beginning in November 2007. The information presented in this report represents the results of this monitoring between the months of June 2009 and May 2010. The creeks included in this study are Pages and Futch Creek, which drain into the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) and Lords, Motts, Barnards, Smith, and Prince Georges Creek, which drain into the Cape Fear River (Figure 1) (Table 1). Thirteen (13) of the nineteen (19) sampling sites were previously monitored by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. In order to assess any changes to historical trends within individual sites and entire watersheds, data provided by UNCW has been analyzed and incorporated into the results and discussion section of this report. Photographs of each sampling site are found in Appendix A. 1 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-7 Table 1. List ofSamnline Sites Creek Name Site Name Site Code Latitude Longitude Motts Creek Carolina Beach Road MOT -CBR 34° 08.610 77° 53.830 Motts Creek Normandy Drive MOT -ND 34° 08.373 77° 54.580 Lords Creek River Road LC -RR 34° 05.185 77° 55.275 Barnards Creek Carolina Beach Road BC -CBR 34° 09.522 77° 54.712 Smith Creek Castle Hayne Road SC -CH 34 15.541 77° 56.325 Smith Creek 23rd Street SC -23 34 15.472 77° 55.178 Smith Creek Candlewood Drive SC -CD 34 17.438 77° 51.332 Smith Creek North Kerr SC -NK 34 15.744 77° 53.256 Smith Creek Gordon Road SC -GR 34 16.639 77° 52.037 Prince Georges Creek Marathon Landing PG -ML 34° 21.088 77° 55.349 Prince Georges Creek Castle Hayne Road PG -CH 34° 20.675 77° 54.217 Prince Georges Creek North College PG -NC 34° 20.331 77° 53.607 Futch Creek 4 FC -4 34 18.068 77° 44.760 Futch Creek 6 FC -6 34 18.178 77° 45.038 Futch Creek 13 FC -13 34 18.214 77° 45.451 Futch Creek Foy Branch FC -FOY 34 18.405 77° 45.358 Pages Creek Mouth PC -M 34 16.209 77° 46.270 Pages Creek Bayshore Drive Down Stream PC -BDDS 34 16.685 77° 47.673 Pages Creek Bayshore Drive Up Stream PC -BDUS 34 16.623 77° 48.104 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -8 Figure 1. Map of New Hanover County and watersheds included in this study The State of North Carolina has employed a series of classifications that apply to all waters in the State including streams, rivers, and lakes (NC Administrative Code, section 15A NCAC 2B .0200). These classifications are meant to protect the specified uses within waterbodies. These include aquatic life survival and reproduction, secondary recreation, primary recreation, shellfishing, and water supply. The classifications that apply to the creeks examined in this study are: 3 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-9 C Sw: Freshwater that is protected for aquatic life and secondary recreation uses. The "Sw" supplemental classification indicates that these are swamp waters, and so are likely to have lower dissolved oxygen and pH than non -swamp streams due to natural conditions. However, a majority of the sites, including Lords Creek, Motts Creek, Barnards Creek, Smith Creek, and Prince Georges Creek, designated as C Sw by the State, are tidally influenced and have a brackish salinity range. SA: Saline water bodies that are protected for shellfishing uses. This use requires a more stringent standard for fecal coliform. Areas protected for shellfishing are also subject to the protection requirements for the less stringent classifications of SC and SB, which include aquatic life, secondary recreation, and primary recreation. This designation applies to Futch Creek and Pages Creek. Parameters Physical, chemical, and biological water quality monitoring data are currently being collected for this study. Physical parameters include temperature, salinity, conductivity, pH, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. Chemical parameters monitored in this study include orthophosphate and nitrate /nitrite. Biological parameters include Chlorophyll -a and two suites of fecal indicator bacteria: Enterococci and fecal coliform bacteria. Due to limited funding, fecal coliform samples were only collected from sampling sites located within Futch Creek and Pages Creek. Temperature: Thermal pollution can result in significant changes to the aquatic environment. Most aquatic organisms are adapted to survive within a specific temperature range. Thermal pollution may also increase the extent to which fish are vulnerable to toxic compounds, parasites, and disease. If temperatures reach extremes of heat or cold, few organisms will survive. Thermal pollution may be caused by stormwater runoff from warm surfaces such as streets and parking lots. Soil erosion is another cause, since it can cause cloudy conditions in a water body. Cloudy water absorbs the sun's rays, resulting in a rise in water temperature. Thermal pollution may even be caused by the removal of trees and vegetation which normally shade the water body. In addition to the direct effects of thermal pollution on aquatic life, there are numerous indirect effects. Thermal pollution results in lowered levels of dissolved oxygen, since cooler water can hold more oxygen than warmer water. Salinity: Salinity is a measure of the amount of sodium chloride ions dissolved in water. This is important to monitor since changes in the levels of salt concentration can impact the ability of salt sensitive species to survive. An estuary, such as the lower Cape Fear River, usually exhibits a gradual change in salinity throughout its length, as freshwater entering the estuary from tributaries mixes with seawater moving in from the ocean. Salinity levels control, to a large degree, the types of plants and animals that can live in different zones of the estuary. Freshwater species may be restricted to the upper reaches of the estuary, while marine species inhabit the estuarine mouth. Some species tolerate only intermediate levels of salinity while broadly adapted species can acclimate to any salinity ranging from freshwater to seawater. FA COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -10 Conductivity: Specific conductance is a measure of the ability of water to conduct an electrical current. Similar to salinity, it measures the amount of dissolved ions (including sodium chloride) in the water. pH• The pH of water is a measurement of the concentration of H+ ions, using a scale that ranges from 0 to 14. Natural water usually has a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. While there are natural variations in pH, many pH variations are due to human influences. Unanticipated decreases in pH could be indications of acid rain, runoff from acidic soils, or contamination by agricultural chemicals. Turbidity: Turbidity is the amount of particulate matter that is suspended in water. Turbidity measures the scattering effect that suspended solids have on light: the higher the intensity of scattered light, the higher the turbidity. During a rainstorm, particles from the surrounding land are washed into the river making the water a muddy brown color, indicating higher turbidity. Dissolved Ox ygen: Dissolved oxygen (DO) refers to the volume of oxygen that is contained in water. Oxygen enters the water as rooted aquatic plants and algae undergo photosynthesis and as oxygen is transferred across the air -water interface. The amount of oxygen that can be held by the water depends on the water temperature, salinity, and pressure. Rapidly moving water, such as in a flowing stream, tends to contain a lot of dissolved oxygen, while stagnant water contains little. Oxygen levels are also affected by the diurnal (daily) cycle. Plants, such as rooted aquatic plants and algae produce excess oxygen during the daylight hours when they are photosynthesizing. During the dark hours they must use oxygen for life processes. Bacteria in water can consume oxygen as organic matter decays. Thus, excess organic material in waterbodies can cause oxygen deficits. Aquatic life can become stressed or die in stagnant water containing high levels of rotting, organic material in it, especially in summer, when dissolved - oxygen levels are at a seasonal low. Phosphates: Phosphorus is a nutrient required by all organisms for the basic processes of life. Phosphorus is a natural element found in rocks, soils and organic material. Phosphorus clings tightly to soil particles and is used by plants, so its concentration in clean waters is generally very low. However, phosphorus is used extensively in fertilizer and other chemicals, so it can be found in higher concentrations in areas of human activity. High levels in the water column can be detrimental to water quality as phosphates can cause algal blooms resulting in decreased dissolved oxygen levels. Orthophosphate is sometimes referred to as "reactive phosphorus." Orthophosphate is the most stable kind of phosphate, and is the form used by plants. Orthophosphate is produced by natural processes and is found in sewage. 1 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -11 Nitrate/Nitrite: Nitrate is highly soluble (dissolves easily) in water and is stable over a wide range of environmental conditions. It is easily transported in streams and groundwater. Nitrates feed plankton (microscopic plants and animals that live in water), aquatic plants, and algae, which are then eaten by fish. Nitrite is relatively short-lived in water because it is quickly converted to nitrate by bacteria. Excessive concentrations of nitrate and /or nitrite can be harmful to humans and wildlife. If excessive amounts of nitrates are added to the water, algae and aquatic plants can be produced in large quantities. When these algae die, bacteria decompose them, and use up oxygen. Chlorophyll -a: Chlorophyll -a is a green pigment found in plants. It absorbs sunlight and converts it to sugar during photosynthesis. Chlorophyll -a concentrations are an indicator of phytoplankton abundance and biomass in coastal and estuarine waters. High levels often indicate an algal bloom which can induce the depletion of oxygen in the water column due to the microbial degradation of plant cells. Chlorophyll -a concentrations are often higher after rainfall, particularly if the rain has flushed nutrients into the water. Higher chlorophyll -a levels are also common during the summer months when water temperatures and light levels are high because these conditions lead to greater phytoplankton numbers. Fecal Colifo�Yn: e Fecal Coliform bacteria are present in the feces and intestinal tracts of humans and other warm - blooded animals, and can enter water bodies from human and animal waste. If a large number of fecal coliform bacteria are found in water, it is possible that pathogenic (disease- or illness - causing) organisms are also present in the water. Pathogens are typically present in such small amounts it is impractical to monitor them directly. High concentrations of the bacteria in water may be caused by septic tank failure, poor animal keeping practices, pet waste, and urban runoff. In order to adequately assess human health risks and develop watershed management plans, it is necessary to know the sources of fecal contamination. F"tornl-nl-l-i Enterococci are distinguished from fecal coliform bacteria by their ability to survive in saltwater, and in this respect they more closely mimic many pathogens than do the other indicators. Enterococci are typically more human - specific than the larger fecal streptococcus group. EPA recommends Enterococci as the best indicator of health risk in saltwater used for recreation and as a useful indicator in freshwater as well. In 2004, Enterococci took the place of fecal coliform as the new federal standard for water quality at public beaches. It is believed to provide a higher correlation than fecal coliform with many of the human pathogens often found in sewage (Jeng, et al., 2004). Results indicated that Enterococci might be a more stable indicator than fecal coliform and, consequently, a more conservative indicator under brackish water conditions. Standards Water quality standards have been established legislatively for a number of these parameters (Table 2). Many of the water quality standards are described in the NC Administrative Code, section 15A NCAC 2H .0100. The water quality standards for Enterococci bacteria are COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -12 described by the US EPA (US EPA, 1986) and in the NC Administrative Code, section 15A NCAC 18A .3402. The US EPA standards for Enterococci bacteria are based on incidents of gastrointestinal illness following contact with bathing waters. Bacterial contamination is quantified by "colony forming units" or CFU. Single sample maximum allowable Enterococci density is 104 CFU/ 100ml, 158 CFU/ 100ml, 276 CFU/ 100ml, and 501 CFU/ 100ml for designated beach areas, swimming areas with moderate to full body contact, lightly used full body contact swimming areas, and infrequently used full body contact swimming areas, respectively (Table 3). When at least five samples are collected within a 30 day period, the US EPA recommends utilizing a geometric mean standard of 35 CFU/ 100ml. Geometric means are often useful summaries for highly skewed data, as are often found with bacteriological datasets. The North Carolina Recreational Water Quality Program (RWQ) adopted similar standards for Enterococci bacteria, also determined by the frequency of swimming activity. As defined by RWQ, Tier I swimming areas are used daily during the swimming season, Tier II swimming areas are used three days a week during the swimming season, and Tier III swimming areas are used on average 4 days a month during the swimming season. Single sample standards for Tiers I, II, and III are 104 CFU / l 00ml, 276 CFU / l 00ml, and 500 CFU / l 00ml, respectively (Table 4). A geometric mean of 35 CFU / l 00ml within Tier I swimming areas may also be utilized if at least five samples are collected within 30 days. The creeks included in this study have not been classified within the RWQ tier system; however an analysis of accessibility as an indicator of swimming and boating usage has been performed (Table 5). Based on this analysis, of the nineteen (19) sampling sites, three (3) could be considered Tier II and sixteen (16) could be considered Tier III. Table 2. North Carolina Water Duality Standards Parameter Standard for SA Waters Standard for C Sw Waters Dissolved Oxygen 5.0 mg/1 4.0 Mg/l Turbidity 25 NTU 50 NTU pH 6.8 -8.5 6.0 -9.0 Chloro h 11 -a 40.0 u /1 40.0 u /1 Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean (5 samples within 30 days) <14 CFU /100m1; or 10% of samples <43 CFU /100m1 Geometric Mean (5 samples within 30 days) <200 CFU /100m1; or single sample <400 CFU /100m1 Enterococci ° Geometric Mean (5 samples within 30 days) <35 CFU /100m1 Geometric Mean (5 samples within 30 days) <35 CFU /100m1 ka) Swamp waters may have lower values if caused by natural conditions (b) For swamp streams, pH may be as low as 4.3 if caused by natural conditions (c) See Table 4 for single sample standards based off the tiered system employed by NC DENR Recreational Water Quality Program Table 3. Sinvale sample standards for Enterococci as determined by the US EPA %I COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -13 Single sample maximum Designated beach areas < 104 CFU / l 00ml Swimming areas with moderate full body contact < 158 CFU / l 00ml Lightly used full body contact swimming areas < 276 CFU / l 00ml Infrequently used full body contact swimming areas < 501 CFU /100ml %I COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -13 Table 4. Single sample standards for Enterococci as determined by the NC DENR Recreational Water Quality Program Table 5. Proposed Tier Classification for New Hanover County Water Quality Monitoring Sampling Sites Site Name Single sample maximum Tier I, swimming areas used daily during the < 104 CFU/ 100ml swimming season Tier III Tier II, swimming areas used three days a week <276 CFU / 100ml during the swimming season Tier III Tier III, swimming areas used on average four days <500 CFU /100ml a month during the swimming season Tier III Table 5. Proposed Tier Classification for New Hanover County Water Quality Monitoring Sampling Sites Site Name Proposed Tier Classification Accessible for Boating or Swimming Comments MOT -CBR Tier III No Adjacent to culvert off Carolina Beach Road MOT -ND Tier III No Adjacent to small bridge on Normandy Drive LC -RR Tier III No Adjacent to bridge on River Road BGCBR Tier III No Adjacent to culvert off Carolina Beach Road SC -CH Tier III No Adjacent to bridge on Castle Ha ne Road SC -23 Tier III No Adjacent to bridge on 23rd Street SC-CD Tier III No Narrow, shallow. Adjacent to Candlewood Drive SGNK Tier II Yes Small boat launch site off North Kerr SC -GR Tier III No Adjacent to culvert on Gordon Road PG -ML Tier III No Small boat launch site on private propert PG -CH Tier III No Adjacent to culvert on Castle Ha ne Road PG -NC Tier III No Adjacent to culvert on North College Road FC -4 Tier III No Private docks are the only means of direct access FG6 Tier III No Private docks are the only means of direct access FC -13 Tier III No Private docks are the only means of direct access FC -FOY Tier III No No clear access points no docks on Foy branch PC -M Tier II Yes Direct access via docks and boat ramp at Pages Creek Marina PC -BDDS Tier III No Private docks are the only means of direct access PC -BDUS Tier II Yes Public boat ramp off Ba shore Drive METHODS The seven creeks included in this study were selected by County staff and individual sampling sites were selected by County staff in consultation with Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. These seven creeks are primarily located in the unincorporated portion of New 0 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -14 Hanover County. Sampling sites were accessed from land, generally near a bridge or culvert crossing, or by boat. Each site was sampled one time per month during a high ebb tide. Tides were determined utilizing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Tides and Currents website ( http : / /tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov /). Physical Parameters All physical measurements (temperature, salinity, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH) were taken in situ utilizing a 6820 YSI Multiparameter Water Quality Probe linked to a YSI 650 MDS display unit. The YSI Probe was calibrated each day prior to use. Physical measurements were taken from the surface at all sites (depth = O.lm) and near the creek bottom at sites with depths greater than 0.5m. Following each sampling trip, the YSI Probe was post- calibrated following each sampling date to ensure that the physical parameters measured were within an acceptable range. Chemical and Biological Parameters Water samples were obtained for the laboratory analysis of chemical (nitrate /nitrite and orthophosphate) and biological (Enterococci, fecal coliform, and Chlorophyll -a) parameters. These grab samples were collected in sterile bottles during a high ebb tide from the surface at each site (depth = O.lm). Water samples were placed on ice immediately following collection and were delivered in coolers to Environmental Chemists, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina for analysis. All analyses performed by Environmental Chemists, Inc. were conducted utilizing the following standard EPA approved methods: Orthophosphate: SM 4500E Nitrate/Nitrite : EPA 353.2 Chlorophyll -a: SM 10200H Fecal Coliform: SM 9222D Enterococci : EnterolertE RESULTS The results described in this report represent the physical, biological, and chemical data collected from all sampling sites on a monthly basis between June 2009 and May 2010. These results are organized by watershed. All raw data, including parameters not summarized in this section, are included in Appendix B. Rating System In order to provide aquick- glance assessment of the water quality within a particular sampling station or watershed, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) has previously employed a rating system for a number of parameters. This quantitative system assigns a rating X COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -15 of "GOOD ", "FAIR ", or "POOR" to a sampling station depending on the percentage of samples exceeding the State standard for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, Chlorophyll -a, Enterococci, and fecal coliform bacteria. If the recorded value of a parameter exceeds the State standard less than 10% of the times sampled, the station will receive a "Good" rating for the parameter. A "Fair" rating is assigned when a parameter exceeds the State standard 11 -25% of the times sampled. Parameters measured that exceed the State standard more than 25% of the sampling times are given a "Poor" rating. Barnards Creek The Barnards Creek watershed includes 4,953 acres and is located in the southwestern portion of the County, just along the City line. The watershed drains portions of Carolina Beach Road at its headwaters and flows towards River Road before entering into the Cape Fear River. Zoning within the watershed is comprised of a mix of residential and commercial uses. The land is classified as a mix of transition, urban, and conservation according to the CAMA land use plan. This watershed contains approximately 16.9% impervious surface coverage (Hume, 2009). Sampling was conducted at one site (BC -CBR) within the Barnards Creek watershed (Figure 2). Surface dissolved oxygen within BC -CBR ranged between 5.2 mg /1 and 12.3 mg /1 with a mean value of 7.7 mg /1. These values were within an acceptable level above the State standard of 4.0 mg /1 for C Sw waters during all sampling events at both the surface and near the bottom of the water column (Figure 3). Chlorophyll -a ranged between 0.0 ug /l and 2.0 ug /l with a mean value of 0.9 ug /l at BC -CBR. These values did not approach the 40ug /l standard. Enterococci ranged between 64 CFU /100m1 and 1,364 CFU /100m1 with a geometric mean value of 426 CFU /100m1, which is above the NCDENR standard of 500 CFU /100m1 for Tier III waters (Figure 4). Half of the samples (50 %) exceeded this standard. Nitrate /nitrite levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.15 mg /l with a mean of 0.11 mg /l. Orthophosphate levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.02 mg /l with a mean of 0.01 mg /l. Turbidity values were generally good ranging between 0 and 27 NTU with a mean value of 7 NTU. No observations exceeded the State standard of 50 NTU for C SW waters. 10 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -16 Table 6. Mean values of select parame ters from Barnards Creek. Range in parentheses. (1) Enterococci values expressed as geometric mean Parameter BGCBR Turbidity (NTU) 7(0-27) Dissolved Oxygen (mg /1) 7.8 (5.4 -12.3) Nitrate/Nitrite (mg /1) 0.11 (0.01 -0.15) Orthophosphate (mg /1) 0.01 (0.01 -0.02) Chlorophyll -a (ug /1) 0.9 (1.0 -2.0) Enterococci (#CFU/ I 00ml) 425 (64- 1364) 11 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -17 Figure 2. Water Quality Sites within the Barnards Creek Watershed nr. 1 Figure 4. Enterococci at BC -CBR Table 7. Ratings o parameters within samplin stations within Barnards Creek Parameter BC -CBR Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Chloro h ll -a'�� EnterococciOO 12 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -18 rigure .i. vissoivea oxygen ai F»teh CrPPk Futch Creek is located on the New Hanover- Pender County line and drains into the Intracoastal Waterway. The Futch Creek watershed encompasses approximately 3,136 acres extending from Scotts Hill Loop Road and Highway 17 on the north and east, to Porters Neck Road on the south. Zoning within the Futch Creek watershed is predominately residential with a small business district along Highway 17. The land within the Futch Creek watershed is classified as watershed resource protection or transition in the CAMA land use plan. This watershed contains approximately 11.0% impervious surface coverage (Hume, 2009). Sampling was conducted at four (4) sites (FC-4, FC -6, FC -13, and FGFOY) within the Futch Creek watershed (Figure 5). Surface dissolved oxygen within the creek ranged between 3.9 mg /1 and 10.1 mg /1 with a mean value of 6.6 mg /1 (Figures 6 through 9). Chlorophyll -a ranged between 1.0 ug /l and 15.0 ug /l with a mean value of 2.6 ug /l. None of these values approached the 40ug /l Chlorophyll -a standard. Enterococci ranged between 1 CFU /100m1 and 9,000 CFU /100m1 with a geometric mean value of 18 CFU /100m1. All samples collected within the four (4) sampling locations on December 1, 2009 exceeded the NCDENR Enterococci standard of 500 CFU /100m1 for Tier III waters. Aside from those samples, no other exceedences were observed (Figures 10 -13). The geometric mean of fecal coliform in Futch Creek was 18 CFU with a range of 1 to 1,546 CFUs. This geometric mean was above the NCDENR Shellfish Sanitation single- sample standard of 14 CFU / l 00ml. Twenty -three percent (23%) of all samples analyzed for fecal coliform levels exceeded 43 CFU/ 100ml. The State standard requires "no more than 10% of samples shall exceed 43 CFU /100ml) ". Nitrate /nitrite levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.08 mg /l with a mean of 0.02 mg /l. Orthophosphate levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.04 mg /l with a mean of 0.01 mg /l. Turbidity values were generally low ranging between 0 and 36 NTU with a mean value of 5 NTU. A total of 3 observations exceeded the State standard of 25 NTU for SA waters. 13 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -19 Table 8. Mean values of select parameters _from Futch Creek. Range in parentheses. Parameter FG4 FG6 FC -13 FC -FOY Turbidity (NTU) 3(0-17) 3(0-15) 7(0-36) 6(0-31) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1) 7,0 (4.4 -10.1) 6.9 (4.4 -10.1) 6.2 (3.4 -10.4) 6.3 (3.3 -9.8) Nitrate/Nitrite (m /1) 0.01 (0.01 -0.01) 0.01 (0.01 -0.01) 0.02 (0.01 -0.07) 0.02 (0.01 -0.08) Orthophosphate (mg/1 0.01 (0.01 -0.01) 0.01 (0.01 -0.02) 0.02 (0.01 -0.04) 0.01 (0.01 -0.03) Chlorophyll -a (ug/1) 2,0 (0.0 -4.0) 2.0 (1.0 -4.0) 3.9 (1.0 -15.0) 2.6 (1.0 -5.0) Enterococci 11(1-728) 1 10 (1 -728) 34 (5-9000) 27 (5-3600) (#CFU/ I 00ml) Fecal Coliform 13 (1 -310) 1 10 (1 -260) 1 39 (5-1455) 20 (1-1546) (#CFU/ I 00ml) (1) Enterococci and Fecal Coliform values expressed as geometric mean 14 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-20 Figure 5. Water Quality Sites within the Futch Creek Watershed Figure 6. Dissolved Oxygen at FC -4 F C-6 DissoKed Oxygen Figure 7. Dissolved Oxygen at FC -6 Figure 8. Dissolved Oxygen at FC -13 w COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-21 Figure 9. Dissolved Oxygen at FC -FOY Figure 10. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FC -4 Enterococci and Fecal Coliform Levels at Fad -6 Figure 11. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FC -6 16 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-22 Figure 12. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FC -13 Figure 13. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at FC -FOY 'fable 9. ratings of parameters within sampling stations within -Futch (;reek T .nrr� c r'rpplr The Lords Creek Watershed is located in the southwestern portion of the County and encompasses approximately 3,047 acres. Zoning within the watershed is completely residential. This watershed contains approximately 12.6% impervious surface coverage (Hume, 2009). According to the CAMA land use plan, the land in the watershed is classified as a mix of conservation, transition, watershed resource protection and a small natural heritage resource 17 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-23 protection designation. Sampling was conducted at one (1) site (LC-RR) within the Lords Creek watershed (Figure 14). Mean values and ratings from this site are presented in Tables 10 and 11. Surface dissolved oxygen LC -RR ranged between 3.4 mg /1 and 12.1 mg /1 with a mean value of 7.7 mg /l. With the exception of the data collected in September 2009, these values were within an acceptable level above the State standard of 4.0 mg /1 for C Sw waters during both the surface and near the bottom of the water column (Figure 15). Chlorophyll -a ranged between 1.0 ug /l and 26.0 ug /l with a mean value of 14.3 ug /l. Samples obtained in August 2009 exceeded the State standard of 40ug /l for Chlorophyll -a. Enterococci ranged between 5 CFU /100m1 and 470 CFU /100m1 with a geometric mean value of 58 CFU /100m1. No individual samples contained high levels of Enterococci beyond the NCDENR standard of 500 CFU /100m1 for Tier III waters (Figure 16). Nitrate /nitrite levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.51 mg /l with a mean of 0.19 mg /l. Orthophosphate levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.10 mg /l with a mean of 0.02mg /l. Turbidity values were generally moderate ranging between 4 and 37 NTU with a mean value of 14 NTU. No observations exceeded the State standard of 50 NTU for C Sw waters in Lords Creek during the study period. COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-24 Table 10. Mean values o select parameters nom Loads Creek. Range in parentheses. Parameter LGRR Turbidity (NTU) 14(4-37) Dissolved Oxygen (mg /1) 7.7 (3.4 -12.1) Nitrate/Nitrite (mg /1) 0.19 (0.01 -0.51) Orthophosphate (mg /1) 0.02 (0.01 -0.10) Chlorophyll -a (ug /1) 14.3 (1.0 -26.0) Enterococci (#CFU/ I 00ml) 58(5-470) (l) Enterococci values expressed as geometric mean COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-25 Figure 14. Water Quality Site within the Lords Creek Watershed Figure 15. Dissolved Oxygen at LC -RR Figure 16. Enterococci Levels at LC -RR Table 11. Ratings of parameters within sampling stations within Lords Creek Parameter LC -RR Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Chloroph ll -a Enterococci'� Mnttr r'rnnlr Motts Creek watershed encompasses approximately 2,389 acres and is located in the southwestern portion of the County, just below Sanders Road. The Creek drains portions of Carolina Beach Road at its headwaters and then drains toward River Road before entering into the Cape Fear River. Zoning in the watershed is predominately residential with commercial business districts along Carolina Beach Road. Land in the watershed is classified as transition, conservation or wetland resource protection according to the CAMA land use plan. This watershed contains approximately 12.6% impervious surface coverage (Hume, 2009). Sampling 20 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-26 was conducted at two (2) sites (MOT -CBR, MOT -ND) within the Motts Creek watershed between the months of June 2009 and May 2010 (Figure 17). The select results from these individual stations are presented in Figures 18 through 21 and Tables 12 and 13. Surface dissolved oxygen within Motts Creek ranged between 1.6 mg /1 and 12.3 mg /1 with a mean value of 6.9 mg /1 (Figures 18 and 19). Chlorophyll -a ranged between 0.0 ug /l and 7.0 ug /l with a mean value of 2.0 ug /l. These values did not approach the 40ug /l standard. Enterococci ranged between 10 CFU /100m1 and 24,000 CFU /100m1 with a geometric mean value of 455 CFU /100m1. MOT -ND and MOT -CBR each exceeded the NCDENR standard of 500 CFU /100m1 for Tier III waters during five (5) and seven (7) of the twelve (12) times they were samples, respectively (Figures 20 and 21). Nitrate /nitrite levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.28 mg /l with a mean of 0.11 mg /l. Orthophosphate levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.08 mg /l with a mean of 0.02 mg /l. Turbidity values were generally good ranging between 2 and 30 NTU with a mean value of 11 NTU. No turbidity observations exceeded the State standard of 50 NTU for C Sw waters. 21 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-27 Table 12. Mean values of select parameters from Motts Creek. Range in parentheses. Parameter MOT -CBR MOT -ND Turbidity (NTU) 11(2-30) 10(3-20) Dissolved Oxygen (mg /1) 6.8 (1.6 -12.9) 6.9 (1.9 -12.3) Nitrate/Nitrite (mg /1) 01 (0.01 -0.25) 0.12 (0.01 -0.28) Orthophosphate (mg /1) 0.02 (0.01 -0.06) 0.03 (0.01 -0.08) Chlorophyll -a (ug /1) 2.3 (0.0 -7.0) 1.8 (0.0 -6.0) Enterococci (#CFU/ I 00ml) 327 (10- 15000) 634 (55- 24000) (l) Enterococci values expressed as geometric mean 22 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-28 Figure 17. Water Quality Sites within the Motts Creek Watershed Fi 18. Dissolved Ox at MOT-CBR Fi 19. Dissolved Ox at MOT-ND Enterococci Levels at MOT- -CBR i(oclo i P . 4 1000 77 1 100 4, 1 10 E Entero. Fi 20. Enterococci at MOT-CBR 23 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 16-1-29 Entei-ococci Levels at. 40T -NTH 41 4 ey Figure 21. Enterococci at MOTAD Table 13. Ratinvas of narameters within samnlinva stations within Motts Creek Parameter MOT -CBR MOT -ND Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen ' Chloroph ll - }� Enterococci P OO R O O Pates Creek Located in northeastern New Hanover County and encompassing 2,044 acres, Pages Creek watershed drains into the Intracoastal Waterway, north of Middle Sound Loop Road. Zoning within the Pages Creek watershed is predominately residential, with commercial zoning along Highway 17. The land within the Pages Creek watershed is predominately classified as watershed resource protection and conservation, with a small portion classified as transitional according to the CAMA land use plan. This watershed contains approximately 23.2% impervious surface coverage (Hume, 2009). Sampling was conducted at three (3) sites (PC- BDDS, PC -BDUS, and PC -M) within the Motts Creek watershed (Figure 22). Mean values and ratings from all individual sites are presented in Tables 14 and 15. Surface dissolved oxygen within Pages Creek ranged between 3.5 mg /1 and 10.4 mg /1 with a mean value of 6.6 mg /1. While dissolved oxygen at PC -M was acceptable during all sampling events, the dissolved oxygen within PC -BDDS and PC -BDUS were lower than the State standard of 5.0 mg /1 for SA waters on numerous occasions (Figures 23 through 25). Chlorophyll -a ranged between 1.0 ug /l and 69.0 ug /l with a mean value of 6.3 ug /l. One sample collected from PC -BDUS, exceeded the State standard of 40 ug /l for Chlorophyll -a. Enterococci ranged between 4 CFU /100m1 and 26,000 CFU /100m1 with a geometric mean value of 185 CFU /100m1 (Figures 26 through 28). While samples collected from PC -M did not contain high levels of Enterococci, five (5) and seven (7) samples from PGBDDS and PC- BDUS, respectively, contained levels higher than the NCDENR standards. 24 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -30 Fecal coliform levels ranged between 1 CFU /100ml and 9,000 CFU /100ml with a geometric mean of 160 CFU /100ml. Fecal coliform levels exceeded the NCDENR Shellfish Sanitation single- sample standard of 14 CFU/ 100ml on all twelve (12) sampling events at PC -BDDS and PC -BDDS. This standard was breached at PC-M on five (5) occasions (Figures 26 through 28). Sixty -nine percent (69 %) of all samples analyzed for fecal coliform levels exceeded 43 CFU / 100ml. The State standard allows "no more than 10% of samples shall exceed 43 CFU /100ml ". Nitrate /nitrite levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.08 mg /l with a mean of 0.02 mg /l. Orthophosphate levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.23 mg /l with a mean of 0.03 mg /l. Turbidity values were generally good ranging between 0 and 24 NTU with a mean value of 7 NTU. None of the observed turbidity values exceeded the State standard of 25 NTU for class SA waters. Figure 22. Water Quality Sites within the Pages Creek Watershed w COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-31 Table 14. Mean values of select narameters from Pages Creek. Range in narentheses. Parameter PC -BDUS PC -BDDS PGM Turbidity (NTU) 9(0-24) 7(0-23) 5(0-22) Dissolved Oxygen (mg /1) 6.5 (3.5 -10.4) 6.5 (3.6 -10.2) 7.0 (5.1 -10.2) Nitrate/Nitrite (mg /1) 0.02 (0.01 -0.05) 0.02 (0.01 -0.08) 0.01 (0.01 -0.01) Orthophosphate (mg /1) 0.06 (0.02 -0.23) 0.02 (0.01 -0.04) 0.01 (0.01 -0.02) Chlorophyll -a (ug /1) 9.3 (1.0 -69.0) 6.8 (1.0 -24.0) 2.9 (1.0 -5.0) Enterococci ( #CFU/ l 00m1) 889 (109 -1 9000) 356 (18- 26,000) 20(4-480) Fecal Coliform ( #CFU/ l 00m1 310 (73- 8000) 380 (18- 9,000) 12(1-390) k "Enterococci and Fecal Coliform values expressed as geometric mean P 1' -BDDS Diksmlyed Oxygen Figure 23. Dissolved Oxygen at PC -BDDS P ."-BDtTS Dissolved Oxygen Figure 24. Dissolved Oxygen at PC -BDUS 26 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -32 Figure 25. Dissolved Oxygen at PC -M Figure 26. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PC -BDDS Figure 27. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PC -BDDS 27 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -33 Figure 28. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PC -M Y ible 15. ratings ot within sampling stations within Wages (;rep Parameter PC -BDDS PC -BDDS PC -M Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen POOR PO Chloroph ll -a , Enterococci POOR POO Fecal Coliform POO P OO R O O , k Prince Georges Prince Georges Creek drains into the Cape Fear River. The Prince Georges Creek watershed is approximately 14,589 acres and drains most of Castle Hayne, extending eastward across I -40 into the Blue Clay Road area. Zoning within the Prince Georges Creek watershed is predominately residential with some business and light industrial districts within Castle Hayne. Most of the land within the Prince Georges Creek watershed is classified as aquifer resource protection, conservation or transition according to the CAMA land use plan. This watershed contains approximately 10.1% impervious surface coverage (Hume, 2009). Sampling was conducted at three (3) sites (PG -CH, PG -ML, and PG -NC) within the Prince Georges Creek watershed (Figure 29). Mean values and ratings from all individual sites are presented in Tables 16 and 17. Surface dissolved oxygen within Prince Georges Creek ranged between 0.6 mg /1 and 12.6 mg /1 with a mean value of 5.1 mg /1. Surface dissolved oxygen values at PG -CH and PG -NC were below the State standard of 4.0 mg /1 for C Sw during six (6) sampling events each, while PG -ML was below the standard on five (5) occasions (Figures 30 through 32). Chlorophyll -a ranged between 00. ug /l and 20.0 ug /l with a mean value of 2.8 ug /l. These values did not exceed the 40ug /l standard. Enterococci ranged between 5 CFU /100m1 and 47,000 CFU /100m1 with a geometric mean value of 327 CFU /100m1. During this study, four (4) and seven (7) samples from PG -CH and PG -ML, COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -34 respectively, contained Enterococci levels above the NCDENR standard of 500 CFU /100m1 for Tier III waters. Two (2) samples from PG -NC exceeded this value during the same time period (Figures 33 through 35). Nitrate /nitrite levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.50 mg /l with a mean of 0.11 mg /l. Orthophosphate levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.05 mg /l with a mean of 0.02 mg /l. Turbidity values were generally good ranging between 0 and 34 NTU with a mean value of 6 NTU. No observed turbidity values exceeded the State standard of 50 NTU for C Sw waters. Despite relatively low turbidity levels, the surface water at PG -NC appeared uncharacteristically discolored during the April and May 2010 sampling events. Water samples were examined by UNCW researchers and found to contain high levels of fungal hyphae, protozoans, and Euglenophyta algae. Euglenoids are considered to be characteristic of polluted water (Mallin, pers. comm.). wt COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -35 Figure 29. Water Quality Sites within the Prince Georges Creek Watershed Table 16. Mean values of select parameters from Prince Georges Creek. Range in Parentheses. Parameter PG -CH PG -ML PG -NC Turbidity (NTU) 5(0-34) 3(0-11) 10(0-27) Dissolved Oxygen (mg /1) 5.0 (0.9- 12.4) 5.9 (3.2 -12.6) 4.4 (0.6- 12.0) Nitrate/Nitrite (mg /1) 0.11 (0.01 -0.26) 0.11 (0.01 -0.29) 0.12 (0.01 -0.50) Orthophosphate (mg /1) 0.02 (0.01 -0.05) 0.04 (0.02 -0.05) 0.01 (0.01 -0.03) Chlorophyll -a (ug /1) 1.9 (0.0 -5.0) 2.8 (0.0 -13.0) 3.6 (0.0 -20.0) Enterococci (#CFU/ I 00ml) 370 (37- 16,000) 671 (208- 1,910) 140 (5- 47,000) "'Enterococci values expressed as geometric mean Figure 30. Dissolved Oxygen at PG -CH Figure 31. Dissolved Oxygen at PG -ML 30 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -36 Figure 32. Dissolved Oxygen at PG -NC Enh-prtwocci Levels A PG-(-'H Figure 33. Enterococci at PG -CH Enteprococci Levels at P G- ML Figure 34. Enterococci and Fecal Coliform at PG -ML 31 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -37 Enterococci Levels at PG-NC' Entero. Figure 35. Enterococci at PG -NC Table 17. Ratines of Parameters within samnline stations within Prince Georees Creek Parameter PG -CH PG -ML PG -NC Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen POO P OO R O O Chloroph ll -a Enterococci 0 0 P OO R S mith Creek Located in north- central New Hanover County and containing approximately 14,665 acres, the Smith Creek watershed drains into the lower northeast Cape Fear River, just north of the Isabelle Holmes Bridge. The watershed drains land within the City limits and the unincorporated County, including the Wilmington International Airport. Zoning within the Smith Creek watershed is a mix of industrial, residential, and commercial. The land within the watershed is predominately classified as urban and transition, with a small portion classified as conservation. This watershed contains approximately 21.9% impervious surface coverage (Hume, 2009). Along with increased development and impervious surfaces, water quality in Smith Creek has declined in recent years. High bacteria levels have been reported, as well as low dissolved oxygen levels. As a result, Smith Creek has been listed on the 3 03 (d) list for impaired waters due to impaired biological integrity. Sampling was conducted at five (5) sites (SC -CH, SC -23, SC -NK, SC -GR, SC -CD) within the Smith Creek watershed (Figure 36). Mean values and ratings from all individual sites are presented in Tables 18 and 19. Surface dissolved oxygen within the creek ranged between 3.8 mg /1 and 13.5 mg /1 with a mean value of 8.0 mg /l. With the exception of one observation from SC -NK August 2009, these values were within an acceptable level above the State standard of 4.0 mg /1 for C Sw waters (Figures 37 through 41). Chlorophyll -a ranged between 1.0 ug /l and 26.0 ug /l with a mean value of 5.0 ug /l. All samples were within the acceptable range. 32 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -38 Enterococci ranged between 10 CFU /100m1 and 57,000 CFU /100m1 with a geometric mean value of 593 CFU /100m1. A number of samples exceeded the NCDENR standard of 500 CFU /100m1 for Tier III waters including two (2) from SC -23, ten (10) from SGCD, eight (8) from SC -GR, and three (3) from SC -CH. Seven (7) samples from SC -NK exceeded the NCDENR standard of 276 CFU /100m1 for Tier II waters (Figures 42 through 46). Nitrate /nitrite levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.72 mg /l with a mean of 0.16 mg /l. Orthophosphate levels ranged between 0.01 mg /l and 0.10mg /l with a mean of 0.03 mg /l. Turbidity values were generally good ranging between 0 and 118 NTU with a mean value of 11 NTU. Two (2) turbidity values from SC-CD exceeded the State standard of 50 NTU for SW class C waters. 33 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16 -1 -39 Figure 36. Water Quality Sites within the Smith Creek Watershed Table 18. Mean values of select narameters from Smith Creek. Range in narentheses. Parameter SC-23 SC-CD SC-CH SC -GR SGNK Turbidity (N TU ) ll (4.0 -32.0) 19 (0.0- 118.0) 15 (2.0 -33.0) 6 (0.0 -23.0) 5 (0.0 -21.0) Dissolved (m g/1 8,4 (4.5 -13.4) 8.9 (6.2 -13.4) 7.1 (4.1 -13.5) 8.9 (5.6 -12.6) 6.8 (3.8 -12.5) - Oxygen Nitrate/Nitrite ( mg/1 ) 0.17 (0.01 -0.37) 0.08 (0.01 -0.16) 0.28 (0.04 -0.72) 0.13 (0.01 -0.49) 0.14 (0.01 -.038) Orthophosphat e (m g/1 0.05 (0.03 -0.08) 0.02 (0.01 -0.04) 0.06 (0.04 -0.08) 0.02 (0.01 -0.10) 0.02 (0.01 -0.05) Chlorophyll -a (ug/1) 9.8 (1.0 -26.0) 4.8 (1.0 -15.0) 4.1 (1.0 -11.0) 2.2 (1.0- 10.0) 3.9 (1.0 -10.0) Enterococci ( #CFU /100m1) 210 (10-39�000) 2 084 (64 -19 000) 140 (19 -57 000)1 1,106 (220- 23,000) 1,089 (ll8- 38,000) "'Enterococci values expressed as geometric mean S : -23 Dissolved Oxviwn Figure 37. Dissolved Oxygen at SC -23 SC '-C,'D Dissolved Oxygen Figure 38. Dissolved Oxygen at SC -CD 34 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-40 Fi 39. Dissolved Ox at SC-CH SC."-GR Dissolved O vg en Fi 40. Dissolved Ox at SC-GR -NK Dissolved Ox Fi 41. Dissolved Ox at SCAK M COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 16-1-41 Fi 42. Enterococei at SC-23 Enterococci Levels at SC.'-CD Fi 43. Enterococei at SC-CD Enter ococci Levels at SC 1 DO000 10000 WKEMIIIIIIIII Fi 44. Enterococei at SC-CH 36 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 16-1-42 Figure 45. Enterococci at SC -GR Enterococei LevAsl at S C Figure 46. Enterococci at SCAK Table 19. Ratinvas of parameters within samnlinva stations within Smith Creek Parameter SC -23 SC -CD SC -CH SC -GR SC -NK Turbidit Dissolved Oxygen Chlorophyll - �� ��s Enterococci P OO R P OO R O O Comprehensive Rating by Watershed When combining all results from each site within individual watersheds, it is possible to obtain a "snapshot" of water quality within each watershed (Table 20). Barnards Creek demonstrates "good" water quality with the exception of Enterococci, which was in the "poor" category. Futch Creek has also shown to contain good ratings; however dissolved oxygen was shown to be "fair" while fecal coliform was determined to be "poor ". Both Lords Creek and Motts Creek were deemed "good" for all parameters with the exception of "poor" for Enterococci. Pages Creek also demonstrated "good" ratings for turbidity Chlorophyll -a, however dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, and Enterococci were "poor ". Similar to Pages Creek, Prince Georges Creek had 37 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-43 "good" ratings for turbidity and Chlorophyll -a and "poor" ratings for dissolved oxygen and Enterococci. Smith Creek had "good" water quality for all parameters with the exception of Enterococci, which was rated as "poor ". 'fable 20. ratings ot within each watershed Parameter Prince Smith Barnards F h utc L r Lords M Motts p ages Geor es g Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Georg es g Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Turbidity - - - - - Creek - Turbidit - - , � � �: s Dissolved Oxygen _ -� - �} �� -�� _�' -� C ''C' POOR POOR }' - Chlorophyll - - 2 - - 1 - - 1 Enterococci P OO R POO P OO R O O PO OR P OOR Fecal Coliform N/A P OOR N/A N/A P OOR N/A N/A Long Term Trends The rating system, based upon the number of samples exceeding State Standards, has been utilized to assess the "state" of the watersheds on an annual basis since the release of the 2008 Final Report. Since that time, the condition of several parameters has changed within select watersheds indicating emerging long term trends. Table 21 depicts these net changes since that time. A "+I" was ascribed if the parameter improved by a magnitude of one rating (i.e. from "fair" to "good "). If the magnitude of change increased by a magnitude of two ratings (i.e. from "poor" to "good "), the parameter was ascribe " +2 ". A negative change (decline in water quality) was denoted with a negative sign. As depicted in Table 21, the turbidity ratings within all creeks have maintained a "good" rating. Similarly, Chlorphyll -a ratings have been "good" for all creeks with the exception of a change from "fair to "good" within Lords Creek. Motts Creek improved its dissolved oxygen rating from "fair" to "good ", while Prince Georges Creek has declined in dissolved oxygen levels (from "fair" to "poor "). The Enterococci levels have declined to "poor" ratings for Barnards Creek, Lords Creek, Motts Creek, and Prince Georges Creek. Barnards Creek and Motts Creek were rated as "good" in previous years while Lords Creek and Prince Georges Creek were formerly deemed "fair ". No changes of fecal coliform bacteria levels were observed within Futch Creek and Pages Creek (the only watersheds monitored for fecal coliform). Table 21. Changes of ratings within watersheds since 2007. Parameter Prince Smith Barnards Futch Lords Motts Pages Geor es g Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Turbidity - - - - - - - Dissolved Oxygen - - - +1 - -1 - Chloroph ll -a - - +1 - - - - Enterococci - 2 - - 1 - 2 - - 1 - Fecal Coliform N/A - N/A N/A - N/A N/A In light of the apparent long term decline in water quality in terms of Enterococci levels within a number of the watersheds assessed, a closer examination of the results from individual sites was conducted. Table 22 depicts the long term results (since November of 2007) of Enterococci COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-44 samples within the ten individual sites containing the most violations of the State standard. Highlighted cells represent sample results which exceeded the State standard for Enterococci. The site exceeding the standard most often was SC-CD (Smith Creek at Candlewood Drive). This site exceeded the standard eighty -one (81 %) of the time. Other sites exceeded this standard 29 -52% of the times sampled. Table 22. Enterococci levels in select sites between Nov. 2007 and Mav 2010. Date SC -CD MOT -ND PC -BDDS PC -BDUS SC -GR BC -CBR PG -ML MOT -CBR SC -NK PG -CH Nov.2007 517 819 548 135 250 88 378 56 99 281 Dec.2007 1210 1414 727 517 139 43 57 10 238 135 Jan.2008 41 129 238 133 53 56 1210 135 122 75 Feb.2008 703 155 637 1542 345 122 52 171 860 30 March 2008 708 272 20 30 275 145 187 31 41 52 April 2008 663 142 3 873 1935 146 63 122 663 121 107 May 2008 384 262 331 160 435 548 1106 75 7701 2247 June 2008 2010 275 41 30 96 134 201 144 41 109 July 2008 1700 201 15 350 290 800 480 128 91 210 Aug.2008 109 275 208 46 1637 728 1182 819 127 819 Sept. 2008 728 546 19 109 163 510 10 310 154 290 Oct. 2008 1182 1455 745 195 1455 350 163 280 118 10 Nov.2008 4700 910 728 64 5900 2300 3000 2800 2000 1546 Dec.2008 280 2600 560 91 290 1000 190 1728 91 364 Jan.2009 7000 1091 819 530 6000 818 637 580 364 1182 Feb.2009 1091 273 637 590 540 270 240 154 181 82 March 2009 1546 330 270 109 230 210 250 240 200 37 April 2009 630 1091 28 46 600 145 154 260 55 73 May 2009 21000 1728 637 60000 4000 1273 2800 2800 728 200 June 2009 4300 24000 25000 2100 3200 1160 1637 15000 290 1637 July 2009 18000 3900 1182 8000 23000 1364 1910 3300 38000 16000 Aug.2009 19000 330 18 500 880 470 920 590 4200 96 Sept. 2009 2546 1000 235 819 480 560 1819 910 2000 1819 Oct. 2009 4600 637 280 4400 530 64 220 300 510 470 Nov.2009 2400 210 118 819 1182 181 1455 109 400 1273 Dec.2009 1546 595 26000 19000 5400 430 510 220 1819 728 Jan. 2010 54 910 19 388 220 637 1091 10 118 55 Feb. 2010 1273 290 100 230 380 1091 390 181 4900 109 March 2010 109 82 910 109 440 181 300 19 370 55 April 2010 1182 55 610 230 530 260 370 430 260 37 May 2010 10000 1455 37 230 1637 520 208 520 1455 270 % Above Standard 81% 52% 48% 48% 48% 45% 42% o 36 /0 0 36 /0 0 29 /o W COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-45 Geometric 1257 541 285 388 645 331 401 272 390 227 Mean Std.Dev. 5691 4251 6283 11125 4276 509 798 2727 6863 2855 Long -term water quality monitoring data from select sites and watersheds was mined from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington to determine quantitative changes over time. Data was not available from all currently monitored stations; therefore this analysis was performed only for the stations which spanned the time period between 2004 and 2010. These included samples acquired from Smith Creek, Futch Creek, and Pages Creek. Figures 47 through 49 depicts the average level of dissolved oxygen within these creeks since 2004. As illustrated in these figures, the dissolved oxygen levels during the 2007 sampling period markedly declined within all three watersheds. Figure 47- Long term dissolved oxygen data within Pages Creek 7utch Creek, Dissolved Ox Figure 48- Long term dissolved oxygen data within Futch Creek WE COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-46 Figure 49- Long term dissolved oxygen data within Smith Creek Figures 50 through 52 depicts the trend of turbidity within Pages Creek, Futch Creek, and Smith Creek. As shown below, turbidity displayed an increase in magnitude during 2007. 7pa CreeK, i urbidit Figure 50- Long term turbidity data within Pages Creek Futch Creek Turbidit — Turb.. I Figure 51- Long term turbidity data within Futch Creek 41 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-47 2006 2007 2008 2009 Figure 52- Long term turbidity data within Smith Creek Chlorophyll -a levels within Pages Creek have increased since 2004 reaching an annual maximum in 2008 (Figure 53). The chlorophyll -a levels in Futch Creek and Smith Creek reached annual maximums in 2007 (Figures 54 and 55). r figure .3- i,uiig WF111 CIIIUFUPliyii -u UUM WRI1111 rUgCS k-,FCCK 42 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-48 Figure 54- Long term chlorophyll -a data within Futch Creek Figure 55- Long term chlorophyll -a data within Smith Creek DISCUSSION Water quality is an important issue in the region due to the fact that there are many economic and recreational opportunities that are supported by the aquatic resources in and around these waterways. One of the greatest threats to water quality in this area is stormwater runoff created by increased impervious surface coverage (Mallin et al., 2000). Polluted stormwater runoff can have many adverse effects on plants, fish, animals and people. Excess nutrients can cause algal blooms while bacteria and other pathogens can wash into swimming areas and create health hazards. New Hanover County has experienced rapid growth and development over the past several decades. In 1990, the population within the County was 120,284. By 2006, the population grew over 50% to 182,591 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006). Along with this population increase and subsequent stormwater runoff, numerous septic tanks, aging wastewater infrastructure, and other factors potentially impact the water quality within the County's creeks. With this in mind, it is important to monitor the water quality of these local systems to determine potential impacts to both human health and ecosystem function. 43 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-49 Typically, water quality degrades as the water warms and oxygen is not as readily dissolved in the water column. Furthermore, longer days allow for increased photosynthetic activity allowing for an increase in phytoplankton blooms. While often more problematic in the summer months, algal blooms are less common in the fall and winter when water temperature decreases. High levels of chlorophyll -a and nutrients along with increases in pH and turbidity may indicate the presence of an algal bloom. Throughout the course of this study, pH values were found to be within acceptable ranges (5.9 -9.0) as were turbidity values (with the exception of two individual samples). The lack of elevated pH and turbidity along with generally low chlorophyll -a levels indicate that algal blooms were generally not a problem. The chemical parameter nitrate /nitrite showed a marked difference between the tidal creeks located in proximity to the Intracoastal Waterway and the creeks flowing into the Cape Fear River. The nitrate /nitrite levels were approximately an order of magnitude lower in Pages Creek and Futch Creek, the two creeks draining into the ICW. Further study is required to determine the cause of this sharp difference in nitrate /nitrite levels within these creeks. Dissolved oxygen levels at a number of sites were below the State standard of 5.0 ml /1 in SA waters and 4.0 mg /1 in C Sw waters. Two sites within Pages Creek, PC -BDDS and PC -BDUS, experienced low dissolved oxygen during five (5) sampling events each. All five sites in Futch Creek experienced low dissolved oxygen during August. Several of the sites within Futch Creek also experienced low dissolved oxygen during the months between June and September when the water temperature was the warmest. Of the creeks draining into the Cape Fear River, Prince Georges Creek demonstrated the lowest dissolved oxygen most likely due to the physical setting surrounding the creek. PG -NC and PG -CH demonstrated low dissolved oxygen six (6) times of the twelve (12) times sampled. This portion of the creek is characterized by a broad shallow bank in a swamp -like setting. It is typical of swamps to contain low levels of dissolved oxygen and higher levels of pH, as observed. Therefore, the low dissolved oxygen observed in Prince Georges Creek, particularly at PG -NC and PG -CH could be regarded as a natural phenomenon. High levels of Enterococci bacteria persisted within all watersheds throughout the study period, with the exception of Lords Creek. Enterococci levels exceeded the State standard in individual sampling sites within Prince Georges Creek, Smith Creek, Pages Creek, Barnards Creek, Futch Creek, and Motts Creek 39 %, 50 %, 36 %, 50 %, 8 %, and 46% of the time, respectively. Along with Enterococci, fecal coliform bacteria were tested within Pages Creek and Futch Creek. A very high percentage of samples exceeded the single- sample NCDENR Shellfish Sanitation standard of 14 CFU/ 100ml within these creeks. In fact, 42% of all samples collected within Futch Creek exceeded this standard. Eighty -one percent (81%) of all samples collected within Pages Creek also exceeded this standard. Sources of nutrient and fecal bacteria pollutants can include fertilizers, septic system leachate, leaking sewer mains, wild and domestic animal wastes, and overland runoff (Spivey, 2008). In order to understand and manage fecal bacteria pollution in any body of water, one must first be able to identify the source of the pollution (Kelsey et al. 2004). Previous studies have concluded that increasing the amount of impervious surface coverage increases runoff, stream flow, and the amount of pollutants reaching surface waters (Griffin et al, 1990; Schueler, 1994, Mallin, 2001). Mallin et al. (2000) determined a strong correlation between impervious surface coverage and jrm COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-50 fecal coliform bacteria levels in New Hanover County. Higher impervious surface coverage was found to correlate with a higher geometric mean of fecal coliform bacteria within individual watersheds. New Hanover County has experienced high rates of growth over the past several decades. Along with population increases, the associated development of buildings, roadways, and parking lots within the county has created increased areas of impervious surface coverage. These pollutants include hydrocarbons, bacteria, and nutrients including nitrogen. Major sources of anthropogenic nitrogen are fertilizer application, wastewater disposal and atmospheric deposition (Howarth and Marino, 2006). The conversion of natural landscapes to impervious surfaces removes the natural filtration capacity of the land, thereby facilitating increased concentration of pollutants migrating directly into waterways. A recent assessment of the impervious surface coverage within the watersheds of New Hanover County was performed (Hume, 2008). Impervious surface percentages were determined to be 10.1% in Prince Georges Creek watershed, 11.0% in Futch Creek watershed, 12.6% in Lords Creek watershed, in 13.5% Motts Creek watershed, in 16.9% Barnards Creek watershed, 21.9% in Smith Creek watershed, and 23.3% in Pages Creek watershed. Another potential source of degraded water quality could originate from failing sewage and septic systems. A source tracking study found bacteria originating from humans, ruminants, and canines within six (6) tidal creeks in New Hanover County (Spivey, 2008). In the New Hanover County Water Quality Monitoring Report 2008 -2009, it was reported that human borne fecal bacteria was also present within two (2) sites within Pages Creek. The source of this human- borne bacteria may be indicative of either sewer -line problems, septic system failures, or a general persistence in the bacteria itself (Spivey, 2008). New Hanover County and the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) have investigated the presence of abandoned septic tanks and malfunctioning sewage lift stations in proximity to Pages Creek. These efforts were inconclusive and high levels of Enterococci bacteria and fecal coliform persist within these sites. Failing sewage infrastructure may have contributed to declining water quality within several of the County's watersheds over recent years. Between June 2009 and June 2010 alone, the CFPUA reported a total of twenty -five (25) sewage spills within New Hanover County. A total of 145,011 gallons were spilled during these events with 132,155 gallons reaching surface waters (Ricks, pers. Comm.). A relatively large spill into Smith Creek occurred on June 2, 2010 and accounted for 120,000 gallons of the spill total for the year. As noted above in Table 22, three (3) of the five (5) sites monitored within Smith Creek exceeded the State standard for Enterococci on a regular basis. Thirteen (13) of the twenty -five (25) spills reported between June 2009 and June 2010 were attributed by material (including grease, paper, and baby wipes) clogged in sewer lines. The remaining twelve (12) spills were attributed to pipe failures, power failures, and severe natural conditions. The CFPUA is engaged in a number of sewer infrastructure improvement projects along the Ogden interceptor and other locations to help resolve these issues. In order to minimize future spills, the CPFUA has initiated a public awareness campaign focused on educating its customers on what materials, if flushed into a toilet, could be problematic to the wastewater infrastructure. w COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-51 LITERATURE CITED Grizzard, T.J., Randall, C.W., Helsel, D.R., and Hartigan, J.P. 1980. Analysis of non -point pollution export from small catchments. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation, 52: 780 -790. Howarth, R.W. and Marino, R. 2006. Nitrogen as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: Evolving views over three decades. Limnology and Oceanography, 51: 364-376. Hume, A. 2008. Determination of Impervious Surface in New Hanover County, North Carolina. Report submitted to New Hanover County. Wilmington, North Carolina. Jeng, J.G., Bradford, H, and Englande, A.J. 2004. "Comparison of E. coli, enterococci, and fecal coliform as indicators for brackish water quality assessment ". Water Environmental Research. 76: 245-55. Kelsey, H., Porter, D.E, Scott, G., Neet, M., and White, D. 2004. Using geographic information systems and regression analysis to evaluate relationships between land use and fecal coliform bacterial pollution. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 298:197 -209. Kwak, T.J. and Zedler, J.B. 1997. Food web analysis of southern California coastal wetlands using multiple stable isotopes. Oecologia 110: 262 -277. Mallin, M.A.; Williams, K.E.; Esham, C.E.; and Lowe, P.R., 2000. Effect of human development on bacteriological water quality in coastal watersheds. Ecological Applications 10:1047 -1056. Mallin, M.A., Ensign, S.H., McIver, M.R., Shank, G.C., and Fowler, P.K. 2001. Demographic, landscape, and meteorological factors controlling the microbial pollution of coastal waters. Hydrobiologia. 460: 185-193. Mallin, M.A., 2010. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Aquatic Ecologist. Personal communication regarding findings of water samples obtained within PG -NC. Odum, W.E., Smith, T.J., Hoover, J.K., and McIvor, C.C. 1984. The Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Marshes of the United States East Coast: A Community Profile. , U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS /OBS- 83/17, 177 pp. Ricks, C., 2010. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. Personal communication regarding sewage spills in New Hanover County. Schueler, T., 1994. The importance of imperviousness. Water Protection Technology. 1: 100- 111. •, COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-52 Spivey, 2008. The use of PCR and T -RFLP as a means of identifying sources of fecal bacteria pollution in the tidal creeks of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Masters Thesis. University of North Carolina at Wilmington. 54pp. U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 Population Estimates, Census 2000, 1990 Census U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1984. Health effects criteria for fresh recreational waters. EPA - 600/1 -84 -004, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1986. Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria - 1986. EPA - 440/5/84 -002, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. M COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 16-1-53 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 17 DEPARTMENT: Engineering PRESENTER(S): Jim Iannucci, County Engineer CONTACT(S): Jim Iannucci, County Engineer SUBJECT: Consideration of Beach Nourishment Firm Selection and Draft Contract BRIEF SUMMARY: Because of the uncertainty of beach nourishment projects as evidenced by 2009 state and federal funding challenges and the upcoming expiration of the Carolina Beach project in 2014 prompted the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission to recommend to the Board to fund a feasibility study to explore alternate funding for beach renourishment projects. Upon approval, the study would be funded through the Beach Renourishment Fund. The result of the study will be a permit contingency plan that would allow the County to seek alternatives for its own beach renourishment projects. The Board approved the request to consider a feasibility study and a Request for Qualification (RFQ) was issued. Five firms responded and submitted their qualifications for consideration. Based on the qualification package and interview outcomes with the evaluation committee, Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. (CPE -NC) was the recommended selection by the evaluation committee. The report submitted by CP &E will give the County a better understanding of possible permitting and funding options. The report will include the benefits and risks associated with assuming partial or complete financial responsibility for these shoreline protection projects. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff requests that the County Commissioners select the Evaluation Committee's recommended firm, CPE - NC, and begin negotiations to enter into a contract to prepare the permit contingency plan report for an amount not to exceed $93,270 with funds from the Beach Renourishment Fund from Room Occupancy Tax revenue. A TT A C NMFNTC CPE Contract COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 17 -0 AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-1 ° °, m ■ © ■<. \, \ \° \ } \ \\ J \2* all Board Of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 17-1-2 OWNER and ENGINEER in consideration of their mutual covenants herein a in. respect of the perf6mance of professional en services b ENGINEER and the pa for those 4 services b OWNER as, set forth below. SECTION I - BASIC SERVICES OF ENGINEER F Upon contract si ENGINEER shall: SECTION' 2 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF ENGINEER NOT INCLUDED IN EXHIBIT "A" WORK 2.2. The ENGINEER shall assi Tom Jarrett as the principal en for the Project. The duties and responsibilities of ENGINEER, durin the Pr(�ect are ouffmied in Exhibit A "Scope of Prokssional Semices, New Hanover Count North Carolina, Development of a Permit Contin Plan". Em OWNER shall do the! followin in, a timel manner so as not to dela the services of ENGINEER: 3.1. Desi in wrifi in a person to act as OWNER's representative with respect to the service's to be rendered under this Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-3 A Such person all have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define OWNER's policies and decisions with, respect to NCB ER! services for the Project. 3.2. Provide all. en'teria and, full information as to OWNER!s re for the Project, includin desi objectives and constraints. 3.3. Assist ENGINEER b p)acm* at ENS EEC's disposal, all available inform pertinent to the Proj e c t includin previous reports and an other data relative to the Pro 3.4. Arran for access to and make 4 . provisions for ENGINEER to enter W o public and rivate propert as re pn f ENGINEER to perform services under thiii A 3.7. If OWNER desi a person, r OWNER at the site who is ni 19. Give prom, pt written notice to ENGINEER whenever OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of an development that, affects the scope or timi of ENGINE !s services. Ing Bear all costs incident to compliance with the re of this Section 3. Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-4 related items in addition to those re under Section. L 4.2. If OWNER has re si modifications or chan in, the g eneral scope, extent or character of the Project, the time of performance of ENGINEER's services shall be adjusted e SECTION 5- PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 5.1.4. For Services-- OWNER shall pa ENGINEER fbr all Services rendered under this contract, as outlined in Exhibit A "Scope of Prokssional. Services, New Hanover Count Beach, North Carolina Development of a Permit Contin Plan, as follows-, Services shall be billed on a lump sum basis for time expended, e q uipment char and reimbursable expenses. The ENGINEER shall submit invoices to the OWNER on a monthl basis. cm 5.2. Times of Pa 5-3. Other Provisions Concernmil Pa Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-5 termination emplo b ENGMEER, to render services, and paid for all unpaid Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses, plus all termination expenses. Termination expenses mean Reimbursable Expenses directl attributable to termination. 6.1. Termination. .1 .1 OWNER ma terminate this Agreement without cause upon, seven da written notice. 6. 1.2 ENGINEER ma terminate tlu*s A out cause upon seven da written notice. 6.2. Rtu of Documents. Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-6 6. 4. Controllin Law. This Agreement is to be g overned b the laws of the State of'North Carolina 6-54 Successors and Assi 6.5.1. OWNER and ENGINEER each is hereb bound and the partners, successors, executors, administrators and le representatives, of OWNER and ENGINEER (and to the; extent permitted b para 6.5.2. the assi of OWNER and Z. m# Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-7 IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this A as of the da and y ear first above written. Chn's, Coudriet Assistant Count Mana E T. Jw Vice President Address for g ivin g , notices: Office of the Count Mana 230 Government Center Dr. Ste 195 Wilmin NC 28403A 732 Address for g ivin g notices: Coastal Plannin & En of North Carolina, Inc. 4038 Mason o Loop Rd. Wilmin NC 28409 Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-8 EXHIBIT "'A" SCOPE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DEVELOPMENT OF A BEACH NOURISHMENT PERMIT CONTINGENCY PLAN OF Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-9 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 17 -1 -10 M Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 17 -1 -11 MIE Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-12 FAN Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-13 EXHMIT SCOPE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DEVELOPMENT OF A BEACH NOURISHMENT PERMIT CONTINGENCY PLAN e the number of personnel needed to support the nourishment operations, the estimated operatin costs costs when the dred is not in operation, dred maintenance costs, and moorin and mam*tenance fkilities needed to accommodate the dred The fee for TASK 9 is $2,320. TASK 10. Coordination Ev's Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 17-1-14 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 18 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger L. Kelley, Tax Administrator CONTACT(S): Roger L. Kelley, Tax Administrator SUBJECT: Acceptance of Collection Settlement Reports, Charge of 2010 Levy, and Consideration of Reappointment of Marion D. Harrell as Collector of Revenue BRIEF SUMMARY: As required by NCGS 105 -373, 105 -349, and 105 -321 the tax settlement for the 2009 tax levy, consideration for reappointment of the Tax Collector (Collector of Revenue), and charge for the 2010 levy are submitted to the Board. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board accept the 2009 tax settlement and reappoint Marion D. Harrell as Tax Collector (in New Hanover County this position is called Collector of Revenue) for the period of August 16, 2010 until August 16, 2012. NCGS 105 -349 authorizes the governing body of each county to appoint a tax collector to serve a term to be determined by the appointing body. In addition, it is recommended the Board charge the collector with the 2010 levy. If approved, the Chairman, Clerk to the Board and Collector must sign the charge sheet. ATTACHMENTS: 2009 Tax Settlement Oath of Office Tax Collector 2010 Charge Sheet COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Accept the 2009 settlement, appoint Marion D. Harrell as Collector of Revenue and charge her with collection of the 2010 levy. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Accepted the settlement report 5 -0. Charged Marion D. Harrell with the collection of the 2010 levy 5 -0. Appointed Marion D. Harrell to a two -year term as Collector of Revenue 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 18 -0 4mJ 0 u 0 c6 2 C= :m 4-j u cm a) a Ul Jc: (1) X b-0 X to V m 0 V) 0 t Yr 11 �� ��� �' �f . t �t' '��� n��. ;�t�� ,`` �� ����'�� F ir' It b.0 O O 0 4-j MEMO= 0 o E o LM c < ( (1) 0 4 4-j x x 401 ( (A r ro 4 4— \.,00 E 0 0 EMIR= E t Yr 11 �� ��� �' �f . t �t' '��� n��. ;�t�� ,`` �� ����'�� F ir' It b.0 O O � p OC o � O 4-a O M � /� 1 0 x "' ro = 0 o6 Fmm�m 0 4-j L r4q 4-J 0 O Q C � 4-J F-j =3 m E '0 > 4-j con 0 U N t V) u � Q (D 4-j L E � ru 0 Q) C6 C: Q i V � 4-j 0= a) *1111* 0 0 Lf) 0� 0 U Y � O •. 00 O O O Z 4-j 0 r14 0 E 0 O 0 r*4 4-j 0 0 U N 41 cr - (1) I x E 0 = E u U 4-J Q � � p OC o � O 4-a O M � /� 1 0 O V--1 O N i 4- L. O CL DC . O V W O V s c O 3 O V O ca Z O N i +-+ r . i i O Ln ci q* O Ln IZI- EM'3 O tD -Ul)-I rn r4 dl NMI Ln N dl Ln M -U O V i w a) Q N 6? ::I- N lQD 0 tD I� r-I N t.0 qz:l: Ln O al tD tD 0 r1 00 M m M Il., 0 r-I r ., tc � U N � � r-... t0 Q Rt r-i N O N N Ql Ln M Ln Ln W 00 r-i Ln r-I r-i P% O -ch -Vh -tn -ch -tn- -Vh -ch Ln U U N r-I r-I V--1 M U _ O r-' m 00 q* 0L0 o6 al o CU qt O� N Or Ol M O O (,,.0 00 00 00 O� O r-I 00 00 a--+ I%... - tD a) r-I 00 O 0 tD 0 MM tD Ln 0 r- Ln -Lr� -(n- -U)- - U"k* Vl- iJ -(J'Ikl 00 ur � n I� M p rn � cl - r-j � � Ln M � r y ) � CY) r4 Lr) r-4 al M 0 0 O 00 00 O 00 Lr o N 4-j � N N dl M tD tD 00 N � N 00 r-4 I%� Q O N d1 d1 rl -cn- -ch "V, -V, O N M M M M Ln N 0 -tn 4j -c.f)- -c.r� -cn- tD O 00 kD O M O N dl ONO - lD a) O M � M O M o a -+ L j r Ql Ln N rl ri � ` N N N � N M N O dl I� rl tD Ln rl dl M M M r-I r-I r-I -c./- -cn- -cr- -c.rj- -c."k* -ch -c."k* CU V by r iA � °� ca t 0 ca co cj 4-J V ' N � N x V 0 0 00 E E M tD o N (Y) _ U O U � r-I O tD r-I N h Q �n U N O U O N i +-+ r . i i O Ln ci q* O Ln IZI- EM'3 O tD -Ul)-I rn r4 dl NMI Ln N dl Ln M -U O V i w Lri M N N qjl-I Ln N t qLnI M aA a� a� O � O ° � 00 0 7� M O O V i w rl O 00 N m w � ' Q t0 O 00 � r.-1 N Ql M 00 Ln W 00 E Ln tD 00 P% O O U Ln V--1 M -V. -c. -tn- -tn- ih ih -Ln Ln Or _a m tD U_ - - r-I - 0 MM 0 M 0 r- Ln 00 00 �n t 00 L 4�t q: j. 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A H L CL (-JO H rl d1 V aJ 00 O V 0 0 O r-I O N ol*%� r 4 , *4 O 0 Q0 O 4- 0 0 V) � a� 0 0 N CY) 0 � 0 N O 00 O L CL (-JO H rl N 00 O Lr) Ln ca to O0 S. D 0 01 o L CL (-JO H rl N 00 rl Lr) 00 to O0 �0 L 00 01 o � � 0 00 bO - V)- m M N N 00 N N 01 00 01 m TMI Ln r4 O R* -V)- -V)- -tn , ::1- 0 0 O O m 00 o � � 0 00 bO Q0 a) 00 �0 w N m O O O DC CL O � 00 v M 0 -V)- -V)- a� O u CL w O O O DC CL N cu U N L � O � Ln O O U � .O O � U u O — � O V C6 � O � 00 01 � o Jc: O O � c� � O � � � V 4u O � � V a--� w E 0 V Q x - 4� r oo o � v ° M L- O Ln O (3) 43 t/1 ._ O 4� C6 E V ._ Q) J x C O c� E O O O - x 4 , >' co O o u ._ Jc: V 4� >� L O 4-j W to w O C: — C6 N %%RMMOO �: Ln Ln x M .— Jc: u c: +'j a- j -- E O z — te a, 7 0 a� � 4 4-j C6 V =3 a--) .— c� O O 4- , O O ,tw =3 =3 •— 4� 4� u O � 401 9� O V O u E L J � O V O O 4—J 06 cn C: L O cu V .O M O � 4-j > Ln c� IMEMEROM O .O 0 q mq 4-j x • > N cu U N L � O � Ln O O U � .O O � U u O — � O V C6 � O � 00 01 � o Jc: O O � c� � O � � � V 4u O � � V a--� w E 0 V Q x - 4� r oo o � v ° M OC o0 .� O NEW ANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Oath of Office I, Marion D. Harrell, do solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue from August 16, 2010 until August 16, 2012 to the best of my ability, according to law and that I will not allow my actions as tax collector to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. Marion D. Harrell Sworn to and subscribed before me this the sixteenth day of August, 2010. Jason R Thompson, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 18-2-1 August 16, 2010 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and all jurisdictions therein and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Witness my hand and official seal this 16 th day of August 2010. Jason R. Thompson, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Attest: Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County I, Marion D. Harrell, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property of for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro and Wilmington Townships for New Hanover County. Marion D. Harrell, Collector of Revenue New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 18-3-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 19 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager CONTACT(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Reappointment of Roger L. Kelley as Tax Administrator BRIEF SUMMARY: As required by NCGS 105 -294, at the appropriate meeting, the Board of County Commissioners must appoint a County Assessor (Tax Administrator). The incumbent administrator has met all the qualifications required for holding the position and has fulfilled the continued instruction required to maintain qualifications as defined by statute for the position. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board reappoint Roger L. Kelley as the County Assessor (Tax Administrator) for a term of two years (August 16, 2010 until August 16, 2012). G.S. 105 -294 authorizes the Board of County Commissioners of each county to appoint a county assessor to serve a term of not less than two nor more than four years. ATTACHMENTS: Reappointment for Roger L Kelley COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend reappointment of Roger L. Kelley for a two -year term. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Appointed Roger L. Kelley to a two -year term 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 19 -0 NEW ANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Oath of Office I, Roger L. Kelley, do solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Tax Administrator from August 16, 2010 until August 16, 2012 to the best of my ability, according to law and that I will not allow my actions as assessor to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. Roger L. Kelley Sworn to and subscribed before me this the sixteenth day of August, 2010. Jason R.Thompson, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 19 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 20 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following Boards and Committees: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Library Advisory Board RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. e TT e ruXrF.1vTC - Committee Information Sheets and Applications COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee: Sharon C. Luquire appointed Lorraine McEvoy reappointed Oliver F. Shreiber reappointed Library Advisory Board: Mary E. Hatcher reappointed Jennifer Lynn Rohler reappointed Elizabeth Stanfield- Maddox appointed Virginia Teachey appointed Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -0 This page intentionally left blank. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership: 18 maximum, 13 mandated based on the number of facilities operating in New Hanover county Current Members: 11 Vacancies: Terms: APPLICANTS: Up to 7 1 year initially - 8/31/11 3 years - 8/31/13 ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Sharon C. Luquire Lorraine McEvoy X Oliver F. Schreiber X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 7 ( Number of Members: 13 State mandated; May appoint up to 18 (1 member for each permitted facility) The Adult Care Home Administrators may nominate one -third of the members. If possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex- officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term of office: 1 year term initially; 3 year term thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in -laws. See Volunteer Job Description for more information. Purpose: The committee supports the spirit of the Adult Care Home Resident's Bill of Rights, g visits adult care homes quarterly, promotes the well being of residents and encourages community involvement. Statute establishing Committee: N .C.G.S. 131 D -31 Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July, y and October at 9 :30 a.m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Yuri Buec Initial 4/19/10 4/30/11 313 A treet W ington, NC 28401 lod 08 -5098 (H) Mary K. Busbee Initial 4/18/05 4/30/05 8402 Emerald Dunes Road First 4/18/06 4130109 Wilmington, NC 28411 Second 4120/09 4/30/12 686 -2763 (H) Susan K. Craig Initial 3/15/10 3/31/11 7507 S. Promontory Court Wilmington, NC 28412 392 -0022 (H) 392 -5806 (VII) Jackie Dae Initial 3/16/09 3/31/10 902 Kings Grant Road First 3/15/10 3/31/13 Wilmington, NC 28405 350 -2733 (H) 409 -3240 (C) Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20-1-2 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Revised 7/15/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Harvey C. Hutchison Initial 3/15/10 3/31/11 7603 Owl Roost Court Wilmington, NC28411 686 -1004 (H) 792 -5377 (W) L. Thomas Jennings Initial 11/21/05 11/30/06 415 Charlotte Avenue First 12/18/06 12/31/09 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Second 12/7/09 12/31/12 458 -2584 (H) 619 -0762 (C) Janet H. Locklear Initial 11/22/04 11/30/05 6130 Inland Greens Drive First 11/21/05 11/30/08 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 11/10/08 11/30/11 798 -8117 (H) Lorraine McEvoy 7z�).g� Initial 8/14/06 8/31/07 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 MAI$- 784 -9325 (H) Sandra Oglesby Initial 12/18/06 12/31/07 1508 Rock Hill Road First 12/17/07 12/31/10 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 675 -8040 (H) 452 -8200 (W) Oliver F. Schreiber Initial 8/14/06 8/31/07 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 784 -9325 (H) Nadine Shipman Initial 12/17/07 12/31/08 6307 Strawfield Drive First 12/15/08 12/31 /11 Wilmington, NC 28405 791 -3503 (H) Martha H. Stein, Chairman Initial 7/24/06 7/31/07 2203 Marlwood Drive First 7/23/07 7/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28403 Second 7/12/10 7/31 /13 762 -1125 (H) Cecil W. (Woody) Sutton Initial 7/24/06 7/31/07 2000 Trinity Avenue (28411) First 7/23/07 7/31/10 UNCW PSCS 601 S College Road Second 7/12/10 7/31/13 Wlmington, NC 28403 -5614 512 -1612 (H) 962 -7074 (W) Karen McDowell Vincent Initial 7/24/06 7/31/07 713 Fayetteville Avenue First 7/23/07 7/31/10 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Second 7/12/10 7/31/13 458 -5620 (H) Revised 7/15/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -3 JUL -19 -2010 02 :25P FROM:LUQUIRE 9104587788 TO:7987145 P.2/2 New Hanover County 230 Oovernment Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (9 798 - 7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7143 Board/Com Community Advisory Committee Name: Sharon C. Luquire Home Address :316 -1 Columbia Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28428. (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: EaMail Address sc1275I1 @yahoo - com Home Phone: 919 -458 -7786 Fax 910- 458 - 5652 Celk 914- 465 - 8833 Business. same an cell Years Living in New Hanover County: b Years Male-. Female: � mice: Caucasian Age: 52 (lntormaIion for the purpose of oil uring a era as see I[aa of the cam MunityI Employer: The Patton Group (A peirson currently emp lay* d by the a8sacy or department for w►hleb tbis oppIkistloa is made, must reaigs hislher position with Now Hanover County upon appointmto t. in occordence with Article Vt. See clan 4 of the New H ano te County Ptnounel Policy .1 Occupation: Managing Partner /Di rector Impact Healthcare Staffing--Executive Recruiter Professional Activities: Leadership consultation Volunteer ActIvitles: Breast Cancer Volunteer Caregiver Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? Having worked in long term care for 37 years I have wi the committee's positive impact on resident's rights and quality of care Conflkt of Interest r e board member believes he /she has a conflict or potentlat conoict of interest on a porticutar issue, [het member should state this belief to the other mom oers or his / nor respective hoard during a public meeting The member should slate the nature of the conflict, detailing that ha /she has a separate, prlvere or monetary interest, either direct or Indirect, in the issue under eonaiderrflon. The member should then excuse himself / harsolllrom voting on the matter What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? ongoing efforts to impact the quality of services provided to our elderly residents. Qualifications for serving Have devoted my professional life to the elderly - Have served as a DON administrator and regional director of operations in long term care since 1974. atber municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: none List three local personal references and phone numbers: ,.Audrey Marshall --910- 395 -4530 2. Janet Rose --- 910 - 443 - 4116 3. Delores Rhodes - -910- 256 -0281 Date: Ju3.Y 19, 2010 Signature �j'�/ 40p; Applications are kept on file for 19 mo nths Vse revers de for additional com men h Board of Cc C r 1 F_ r. JUL 1 9 2010 imissioners )& CO /16/201O BD. OF COMMISSIONERS New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Cbestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmingtan, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (914) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341 -4130 Boa rd /Committee: Name: Dome Address: (Street) 6 COMMITTEE APPLICATION i C E JUL 2 8 2006 NEW HANOVER CO BD. OF 0 MISSIONERS 'z �.'/ (City) is (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: f`Y] • J Home Phone: Business/Work Phone; zV 4 Years Living in -!5 -5 New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: Age: (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) er: Em to �. /� A� Employer: (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V 1, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Job Title: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve 9t on this board/com 1 L-!(.� 5 t ` A) 'z Conflict of Interest 0 a board member believes he I she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct indirect, in the issue under consideratipn. The member should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? �II'� /'S t (l :•iiifie9tfnnc fns cpruinQ! 1 O.I 1�7 h" ?� fZesv--tt_2 f'� y Gv�i S; P her municxpa or county boardslcomm -itt on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: W 7 VIZ/ — /0 4) 2. 6e M q L 3. �4n 5 - Date: - - Applications are kept an file for 18 months Signature: l/G Use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -5 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28441 -4443 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341 -4134 i Board /Commi#tee: COMMITTEE APPUCATIO #&Of AD R [1:112 8 2006 NEW HFt�OVER CO gp OF COtriMiSSICNERS I 0-if- Yz,.e A Home �� � ��/4' Al �� : W i Zlw f �� Address: (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: ��`-" � Business/Work Phone: Years Living in Race: �. Age: 3 �� � New Hanover County: Male. Female. g (information for the purpose of assuring it cross section of the community) Employer, _ , pb ooz-x_,nP1 /4/=, (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover C ounty upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) t .#ob Title. Professional Activities: S C 1 � . ' 1 G 5 �° � • ', 4 -e Wj Volunteer Activities: - � ►�,9 Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee � � �I �'� � 7 To IVI•pmt rA Z L \/ l- L Conftict of Interest r a bdnrd member believes he / she has a confect or potential conflict of interest on a particul4r issue, that member should state this beliefto the other members of his/her respective board daring a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. • The member should then excuse himself / herself from voting on the metter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee r .17 Q ualifications for ser+ 9 e r ..• L ing: ! J# Ive, CA-) Re Yo g 1< 61 IQ&T. 9 77 Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: List three local personal ref ences and phone numbers: 2. 0 M Applications are kept on file for 18 months Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -6 Use reverse side for additional com men is COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 4 Vacancies — 3-Year Term ( Expirin g 8/31/13) APPLICANTS- ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Mar E. Hatcher X John Osinski Jennifer L Kehler X Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox Vir Teache Attachments- Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meetin 08/16/2010 20-1-7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD F ro 0 Number of Members: 12 Term: 3 years Regular Meetings: Third Thursday each month at 2:30 p.m. at the Main Library, 201 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 Statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governing and Operation of the Library. Brief on the functions: To develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the library. Board members are expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued improvement of library services offered by the County. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -8 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Richard C. Andrews, Jr. First 8/18/08 8/31/11 2322 Parham Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 251 -8712 (H) 762 -7788 (W) Kemp Magnus Burdette Unexpired 10/15/07 8/31/08 116 Keaton Avenue First 8/18/08 8/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28403 264 -8036 (H) 762 -4744 (W) Bettie H. Harrison Unexpired 3/10/08 8/31/09 1216 Congressional Lane First 8/17/09 8/31/12 Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -4954 (H) 620 -4229 (C) Mary E. Hatcher, Chair First 8/13/07 8/31/10 1905 E. Lake Shore Drive Al Wilmington, NC 28401 762 -7259 (H) Carroll R. Jones First 8/17/09 8/31/12 4700 Chamberlain Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 793 -6401 (H) 619 -6401 (C) H. Conrad Luhmann, Secretary First 8/16/04 8/31/07 1515 -3 Village Drive Second 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28401 799 -7664 (H) Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -8 VA NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (CONY.) Revised: 12/1/2009 ra - ilk W Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20-1-9 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Marilyn McConnell First 8/18/08 8/31/11 1203 Clipper Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 256 -2630 (H) 352 -8102 (W) Jacqueline O'Grady, Vice Chair First 4/18/05 8/31/08 708 Wild Dunes Circle Second 8/18/08 8/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -0148 (H) Ellen B. O'Malley First 8/17/e.* 01 8/31/12 249 Wetland Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 791 -4333 (H) 465 -1307 (C) Jennifer Lynn Rohler First 8/13/07 8/31/10 1817 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 233 -9849 (H) Evelyn B. Smith First 8/17/09 `- 8/31/12 4608 Reigate Way Wilmington, NC 28409 799 -6081 (H) Paul D. Walker First 8/16/04 8/31/07 4924 Park Avenue Second 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28403 791 -3438 (H) 452 -1511 Director: Harry Tuchmayer File: /Library New Hanover County Library B/C #17 8.09 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 798 -6301 (Info) 798 -6309 (Adm.) Revised: 12/1/2009 ra - ilk W Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20-1-9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28407 -4093 Telephone /9 1 01 34 1 -7 149 FAX /9 101 341-4130 As 205 u NE —'.— H a E a co as 8D pF COMM�SSl�NE Application for Appointment to Boards Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the Ne w Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ( �IR44 R 4' pp IF Name: /Y) A R- �.. AQ - / - C f4 c /Z, Home I How long have you been a Address: f 9 (7 S ,� . [.ACE �/�-�02,E �2 resident of New Hanover County? Mailing A ddress:.5a /h ,E City and State: W d C /}] / AJ Cc' — iC+,eJ N C• Zip Code: Z &4 C1 Telephone: Home: J l O = '`7 4A_ 1 7A 6 Business: *Sex: F *Race: t4i *Age: *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a cross - section of the community is appointed. * *Emplo yed b y. * *A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Pro fessional A cti vities: Volun teer A c tiviti i �3 7 L. r .4 c M Is s, ti C C rp- ft 5 1- - C C C i k3rZ oo � j� u A z� 'L C) d 4 ,Z) Why do you wish i serve on the Board, Committee or Commis r' n °- s o requested. f.0 r r5H �'7'�M ODAj it AJ ea 7 0Aj Q C c)t IL e r 1 �7 �40rCG: Ptl9AJ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? rQ M /V ow 1 e J'C*h 13 ( Z /4 Aal P14 S'V O.Aj/JL �QBO&A—'j d2 Ll/t- 7c�' -ARN&eJ C tl&4 -- A ry �[ , .eT ' [ �7`� } .�C rJ ►E` YCE f 77 0.4 fit] 7VoC Tr.Aj-b 7`40 -1 /7' K 19 jr� S'e it. c�, r�►� rs.� What areas of co cern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? 7( e Gko -4.j 1� ( 1/3Z /9 101 Iq , 1� - . L r B f AI " 77JR iU / C4�se ' Are you currently serving on arv�ther board or committee appointed b a municipality or a county? If Y p Y y so.. please list: 13jzo x sew.., ,8Q Date: 1 7u C ' �J Qo _ tPlease use reverse si a for additional comments) Signature Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -10 "e90Va NEW HAND VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28443 COMMITTEE A Telephone (914) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798-7145 B NHC Library Advisory Board Name John Csinski Email: osi nskij@uncw.edu Home Address 174 Treasure Island Way Wilmington 28411 -7978 e (zip co Mailing Address if different: (C#y) Home Phone: 910- 686 -2461 Fax: Cell: Years living in New Hanover County: 17 Male: v*' Female: Race Caucasian (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the communty) Employer. UNCW ■ Randall Library A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article 111, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Occupation: E- Learning Services Librarian Professional A North Carolina Library Association, American Library Association Volunteer A ctivities: First Book New Hanover County Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? I feel that the libraries are an essential asset to the county and that my professional experience would benefit the committee. Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The rnember should then excuse himself/herself from vo ting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Funding, community programming, community outreach. Qualifications for serving: Master of Library Science Degree. North Carolina Central University. ni�rn Fourteen years professional library experience. Other municipal or county boaridslcommittees on which you are serving: N one. List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Beth Roberts 962 -2205 2. Anne Pemberton 962 -7810 3. Joyce Johnson 962 --3690 (Zip Code) NEW HAtJOVER CO 89 8F J Date: July 29, 2 010 Applications are kept on file for 18 months Please use reverse side for additional comments Business: 962-4271 Age: 49 Signature 1 and that thi fiointment serves at the pleasure f thf New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -11 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 -4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (9I 0) 341 -4130 COAINUTTEE APPLUCATION Board /Committee: Library Advisory Board InD E CC�Dt��' nF MAR 2 g 2006 NEW NANOVER CO BD, Of COMMISSIONERS J Name: Jennifer Lynn Rohler Home Address: 1 817 Market St. Wilmington 28403 (Street) (City) (Zip Cade) Mailing Address if different: N /A Home Phone: 233 9849 Business/Work Phone: Years Living in New Hanover County; 2 Male: - Female: Mace: Age: 2 5 (Information for the purpose of assuming a cress section of the community) Employer: CVB , Rebel Books, Star News (A person currently employed by the agency or depar toes t for which this application is made, must re sign his/her position with New Ha sev er County upon. appointment, in ace ordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the Nely Haso'ver County PersonatI Pq licy.) .cob Title; Archivist, Clerk, Freelance Writer Professional Activities: NC Writers Network Volunteer Activities: Full Belly Project, City of Wi lmi ngton Tree Advisory Consd ssion Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? Freedom of information and literacy are important issues to our community. A life long love of the library inspires a desire to serve. Conflict of Interest- Y a board member believes he !she has a confect or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should stage this belief to the other mem of his 1 her respective board during a public meeting_ The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should them excuse himself/ herself from voting nn the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Avai l ebi l i ty of materials for adult begining readers, community programs, "the information age"', fundingNew Hanover County B Qualifications for serving: A.ctivly involved with "the printed word" information (see employment) Dave of books & a family legacy of serving the library Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving; City of Wilmington Tree Advisory Board List three local personal references and phone numbers. 1. Jock Branciis 352 7876 2. Connie Nelson. 341 4030 3. Shawna Kenney 251 8395 � ) Bate. �. ' s f Signature: f Applications are kept an file for 18 months ``. _M._- .- ____._•Use-reverse side for _additiona_ 1 m men is f Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -12 NEW HANOVS? COUNTY SOAAD OF COMM1SSIONARS 234 .a+o►+errnmenf Donter Drive, , tifte f 7F � Wilf"0910A, No 28403 COMMIT APPUCA TION Tolopi, one (s f n) 79v -Tf of J 1 %X f910) 70 81-7 r& r 1 l rQ &malt. Ham �rrora.+..� • ...� ww. A m 10 � �. 2 r rnww rrwl u �wwww (Street) 0 Ccdc; MaNng A ddram5 if rlMmnt; (cfr Op Code) Home Paoma 0/6 N Ha►iorer Count ld'e: !wale: . .r...,......... -Lc�, A ge : wrrtz ■► (hy!mnaflon for fm pyrpoft Of .93su ring a croms-'saction or the car mullil rj ' (A ouapWly 6mplw -*d b y th0 cipllsncy or dept" M on: foss w Peat (his Bvplirm[lora i:c made, ma st reslgn hWhD/ paAlllQlr with N&w Hanavar Qminty upon eppok'imwj.. ir'i aicoordsom? with A►ricla V1, Sec, 4 O f the Novl H*nl slar Coun[y P�I�arrn�. F'�IICy.) Jon PmMssidnal A GlMm APU A -t r vNunt�or At'tivitiest P � !��.L"�llU�l/`tJ�.l.!1�..�/U�I 'Z/f,�Y�d� , �: z' `1/,iiL��'76•l�illi /1� V () a 1 0", �2- Wh � � ,� � ,� a w�'1� fo lw erg a an Ws bcprWc0mmlR*q trdA JA )A +s.. _ to �or>l a1 ►nP11t' �I b Hord �r��wrtJk• �•na t��Y�'� holy a► ennftl�i arpar[rr'r:ld rIf l�il�CXCt an'tkulwar f��pup, lh.a� rrib�r 'd► e�lri�ule� affil lh vl�r►r mambdnt of h1s/1!err+fC.�' lCrlve boor fin 8 pua#C Inrt�[Ir�a, T'l: rrjmbAU A topuld stol mr, 17mum 4N om r.�v►� ial, amal,lna tnrl! n e h�o a .+, rmt , te. cv ►rarsAt�� lntare�s►. �i!►?�r rear ar cell tf !►i rh�y t� unrvr �'C�75�Qe�1'4' ?fin. , fi r + l?Uufn'Arr, .Yawn AlmS61f1WlAlr loom '.010.9 tri the ,rna!ler. W118 f drleus of coriaena t oUld You dike to Sol! �r t.Ked by f ft Co mitre as ..- LM thlGo 10 ml PerSOMI recces and phony nu f bmm r Fool 7 vm rz-4 > f go 'Ochw n"unk*1 or &* ,Y boata/cammmmses alt wflkfi you ae serwht; 20 -1 -13 New Hanover Counter Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Bo r Library Advisory Board a d /Commi ee: - Name: Virginia Tea Home Address: 8713 Champion Hills Drive Wilmington (Street) (City) Mailing Address if different: E - Mail A va tgi gi @ gmai 1. com Home Phone: 910- 681 -0320 �Q�c 910- 681 --0321 Ce 910-- 520 -0414 Business: Y ea rs hiving in New Hanover County: 22 g ears Male: Female: Race: White Age: 60 (Inform atitrn for .the purpose of assuring a ero ss sec #inn of the c ow mun ity) Employer: retired educator _. (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with Ne" Hanever County upon appointment, in accordance with Articlevl, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Feral Programs Director (retired) Professional Activities: serve on committees at UNCV Dept . of Ed. Volunteer Activities: Completed Master Gardener' s Course and beginning volunteering Whir do you wish to serve on this boa rd /committee? To give back to the community in which I have lived and worked for the past 22 years. Conflict of interest F a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue that member should state thty belief to the other mem bens of his / her respective board during a public m eeting The m ember should state the r ature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The m ember should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? To assist in keeping the importance of this organization in too forefront and making sure it is funded appropriately. Qualifi cations for serving: I have Participated in numerous leadership positions and have worked on teams to solve difficult problems Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: None at th Present List three local personal references and phone numbers: t. Joyce Huguelet -- 395 -4236 2. Anita Brown -- 350 -1167 3. Randy Richardson -- 762-3321 Bate: April 28 2010 Applications are kept on file for 18 months C- L0 230 Government Center Drive Suite 17, 'Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone_ (91 0 ) 798 -7149 Fax- IQ l0 i 795{ -7145 28411 (Zip Code) 2010 fa0Vf R C 'D, o r r,n,tr;�r , },,, ►� Use reverse side f additional coin men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 20 -1 -14 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 ADDITIONAL ITEMS ITEM: 21 DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Avril M. Pinder, Finance Director CONTACT(S): Avril M. Pinder, Finance Director SUBJECT: Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Financing for the Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board is requested to conduct a public hearing on the proposed financing for the acquisition, construction and equipping of a new headquarters building for the Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors in an amount not to exceed $3,500,000. The financing will be through the New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority utilizing Recovery Zone Facility Bonds. These bonds will be issued as a private placement with BB &T Bank. These bonds do not create a liability to the County or to the Authority. The bonds are the responsibility of the Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors. The public hearing is a statutory requirement that allows the public to comment on the proposed financing before the LGC reviews the application. The application is scheduled to be reviewed by the LGC at their September 7th meeting. Attached is a resolution in a format acceptable to the LGC that documents the County's actions on the proposed financing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing and adopt resolution. A rrrr e PUAIFivrrc. RESOLUTION - WILM REG ASSOC OF REALTORS - RZFB EXHIBIT A - CERTIFICATE AND SUMMARY COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Conduct public hearing and consider resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted public hearing and adopted resolution 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 21 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE OF SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT FOR WILMINGTON REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, INC. AND THE FINANCING THEREOF WITH RECOVERY ZONE FACILITY BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF UP TO $3,500,000 WHEREAS, The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority (the "Authority ") proposes to assist in the financing under the North Carolina Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act, Chapter 159C of the North Carolina General Statutes, as amended (the "Act ") of a "special purposed project" the proceeds of which will be loaned to Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors, Inc., a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, or an affiliated or related entity (the "Company "), is considering the acquisition, construction and equipping to be used to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a new headquarters building (the "Project "), in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina (the "County "); and WHEREAS, the Act and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code ") require that the governing body of a county approve in principle any project to be financed under the Act after a public hearing; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 2010, the Authority received an allocation of authority to issue recovery zone facility bonds for the Company's Project from the North Carolina Tax Reform Allocation Committee in the amount of $3,500,000; and WHEREAS, this Board of Commissioners today has held a public hearing with respect to the advisability of the Project and the issuance of recovery zone facility bonds therefore, as evidenced by the Certificate and Summary of Public Hearing attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The Authority intends to issue its Recovery Zone Facility Bonds (Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors Project), Series 2010 (the "Bonds ") in the principal amount of up to $3,500,000 which will be issued as a variable rate bond that is privately placed with Branch Banking and Trust Company; and WHEREAS, Section 1470 of the Code requires that the Board of Commissioners approve the plan of financing for the bonds; and WHEREAS, under Section 159C -4 of the Act the issuance of bonds under the Act must be approved by the governing body of the county in which the project to be financed is located. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, meeting in regular session at Wilmington, North Carolina, on August 16, 2010, does the following: Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 21 -1 -1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY: 1. The proposed "special purpose project" consisting of the acquisition, construction and equipping of an approximately 26,000 square foot headquarters building and event facility (the "Project "), to be owned and operated by Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors, Inc. a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, or an affiliated or related entity, and the issuance of the recovery zone facility bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,500,000 therefore are hereby approved in principle. 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby approved the plan of financing as required by Section 1470 of the Code. 3. The issuance of the Bonds in the principal amount of $3,500,000 is hereby approved for purposes of Section 159C -4 of the Act. 4. THE BONDS DO NOT CONSITUTE A DEBT OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF, INCLUDING THE AUTHORITY OR THE COUNTY, OR A PLEDGE OF THE FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION, INCLUDING THE AUTHORITY OR THE COUNTY. ADOPTED this the 16 day of August, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 21 -1 -2 Certificate and Summary Exhibit A The undersigned Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereby certifies: 1. Notice of a public hearing (the "Hearing ") to be held on August 16, 2010, with respect to the issuance of bonds by The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority ( "the "Authority ") for the benefit of Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors, Inc., a North Carolina nonprofit corporation (the "Company ") was published on August 2, 2010, in The Star -News. 2. The presiding officer of the Hearing was 3. The following is a list of the names and address of all persons who spoke at the Hearing: 4. The following is a summary of the oral comments made at the Hearing: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, my hand and the seal of New Hanover County, this day of August, 2010. Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (SEAL) Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 21-2-1 I, Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of New Hanover, North Carolina DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of so much of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners for the County at a regular meeting duly called and held August 16, 2010, as it relates in any way to the resolution hereinabove set forth, and that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book of the minutes of the Board. Pursuant to N. C. G. S. § 143 - 318.12, a current copy of a schedule of regular meetings of the board is on file in my office. WITNESS my hand and the seal of New Hanover County, this day of August, 2010. Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (SEAL) Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 21-2-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: August 16, 2010 ADDITIONAL ITEMS ITEM: 22 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney and Avril Pinder, Finance Director CONTACT(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney and Avril Pinder, Finance Director SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution For Directing the Filing of an Application with the LGC for Approval of the Substitution of a Liquidity Facility for the County's Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board should determine the advisability of replacing the existing liquidity facility for the Bonds provided by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. with a substitute liquidity facility provided by Bank of America, N.A. The Board must authorize and direct the County Manager, the Finance Director and the County Attorney to file an application with the Local Government Commission for its approval of the replacement of the existing liquidity facility and that the Chairman and Vice - Chairman of the Board, the County Manager, the County Attorney, the Finance Director, and the Clerk to the Board must be authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effectuate the replacement of the existing liquidity facility. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Adopted the resolution 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 22 -0 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA DIRECTING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR APPROVAL OF THE SUBSTITUTION OF A LIQUIDITY FACILITY FOR THE COUNTY'S HOSPITAL REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS AND CERTAIN RELATED MATTERS AND MAKING RELATED FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Board of the County has determined that it is advisable to replace the existing liquidity facility for the Bonds provided by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (formerly known as Wachovia Bank, National Association) with a substitute liquidity facility provided by Bank of America, N.A.; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to authorize the County Manager, the Finance Director and the County Attorney of the County to apply to the Local Government Commission of North Carolina for its approval of the substitution of the existing liquidity facility and to take all other action necessary in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to retain and /or confirm Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and RBC Capital Markets Corporation, as remarketing agents, Bank of America, N.A., as provider of the substitute liquidity facility, Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP, as bond counsel, Nixon Peabody LLP, as counsel to the substitute liquidity facility provider, Smith, Anderson, Blount, Dorsett, Mitchell & Jernigan, LLP, as counsel to New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC, as counsel to the remarketing agents, and U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee and tender agent. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County, as follows: Section 1. That the County Manager, the Finance Director and the County Attorney of the County are hereby authorized, directed and designated to file an application with the Local Government Commission for its approval of the replacement of the existing liquidity facility provided by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (formerly known as Wachovia Bank, National Association) with a substitute liquidity facility provided by Bank of America, N.A. Section 2. That the Board finds and determines and asks that the Local Government Commission find and determine from the County's application and supporting documentation that the replacement of the existing liquidity facility for the Bonds with a substitute liquidity facility provided by Bank of America, N.A. and subsequent remarketing of the Bonds are necessary and expedient. Section 3. That the Chairman and Vice - Chairman of the Board, the County Manager, the County Attorney, the Finance Director, and the Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized to do any and all things necessary to effectuate the replacement of the existing liquidity facility. Section 4. That Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and RBC Capital Markets Corporation, as remarketing agents, Bank of America, N.A., as provider of the substitute liquidity facility, Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP, as bond counsel, Smith, Anderson, Blount, Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 22 -1 -1 Dorsett, Mitchell & Jernigan, LLP, as counsel to New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC, as counsel to the remarketing agents, Nixon Peabody LLP, as counsel to the credit facility provider, and U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee and tender agent, shall be retained and /or confirmed. adoption. Section 5. That this resolution shall become effective on the date of its ADOPTED this the 16 day of August, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 08/16/2010 22-1-2