03-17-2010MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING March 17, 2010 2009-10 Board Dean Gattone Board Members Chair Present: Dean Gattone Beth Dawson Stuart Ball Vice Chair John Haley Sandra Sheridan Lowell Soucie Lowell Soucie Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Secretary Bill Terrell Jack Mills R. Jack Bragg Absent: Dawn McKernan Tom Cunningham CFMA Inc. President Linda Chapman , , Elizabeth Dawson Jack Bragg Linda Chapman John Haley Stuart Ball Dawn McKernan Jack Mills Staff Present: Andre Mallette, Assistant County Manager Bill Terrell Ruth Haas, CFM Director Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Jane O'Brien, CFM Administration NHC Commissioner Barbara Rowe, Curator Ex-officio: The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Tom Cunningham March 17, 2010 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was CFMA, Inc. called to order by Chairman Dean Gattone at 4:01 PM. Approval of Minutes: Lowell Soucie • A notation was made that Jack Mills was present at the February meeting. With no other notations, a motion to accept the February 17, 2010 minutes was made by Jack Mills, seconded by Bill Terrell and passed without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Lowell Soucie • Dawn McKernan, Linda Chapman, Stuart Ball and Tom Cunningham were so noted as absent. Chairman's Report: Dean Gattone • Dean reminded everyone of the upcoming opening of the new exhibit with evening reception on Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 6:30 PM. • The Museum Director presented a State of the Museum report to the New Hanover County Commissioners on Monday, March 15, 2010. Associates Report: Tom Cunningham • No report was given in Tom's absence. Collection Report: John Haley • The committee received a request from Fort Fisher Historic Museum to extend the diorama loan for an additional year. The Collections Committee recommended approval. Jack Mills moved for approval. Passed with no opposition. bIJ A~ nn nn 0 O O U N C~j O C~j O N 0 N O U N N U C~j N C~j CA N C~j U N a~ H i. i. H A w • a~ O O U ~ C~j a) O O N U N CA O C N C~j N ~ ~ N O H ~ N O O ~ N C~j bA N ~ Q O O x C o C o N ~ N ~ 'yam O O ~ O o ~ O N ~ O C~j O O C/) a\ ~ O cd O CIO O O N O O C~j ~ N O O ~ H 1 v O O 0 W a~ o C~j C~j CA N cd N N C~j A p C~j C N cd N O C~j ap r O N N C~j ~ O O cd w N 00 sO. s: P O O O O U U O O C O N j N N N C cd U U cd s. CA O O zs O O N r O V) CA N -O O C~j C 00 U CA O N CA C~ z N O + v cd O. U O C~j C~j O O O O O N U O 'CA r"- v N N N O "O O O cd N N 0 ~j CA O C~j - U O b A N 0 U O C~j U O. CIJ O. • ~ CA N cd CA N N C~j LT- ~ N O p C/1 r O C~j O V O _ N U O Z ~bA C~j C~j r Cj U O C" N C~j C6 -0 N O Cj j v 5 CA a) O c~ O N. a~ U o ap a o q" C~j , ~j o C C~j A O H CA H~ N U O N C~j N b~A C~j H N