10-21-2009 1 Board Members Present: Linda Chapman Dean Gattone Stuart Ball John Haley Lowell Soucie Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Bill Terrell Jack Mills Sandra Sheridan Tom Cunningham, CFMA, Inc. President Andre Mallette, Assistant County Manager Absent: Dawn McKernan Jack Bragg Beth Dawson Staff Present: Ruth Haas, CFM Director Jane O’Brien, CFM Administration The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Gattone at 4:00 PM. Introductions: Dean Gattone Dean introduced Andre Mallette, New Hanover County Assistant County Manager. Following the reorganization of county management, the Cape Fear Museum now comes under Andre’s direction. Welcome! Approval of Minutes: Lowell Soucie It was noted that Sandra Sheridan’s name was omitted as being in attendance at the September meeting. The correction will be made. A motion to accept the September 16, 2009 minutes with correction was made by Dean Gattone, seconded by Lowell Soucie and passed without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Lowell Soucie Jack Bragg, Beth Dawson and Dawn McKernan were so noted as excused. Chairman’s Report: Dean Gattone The CFM 101 inaugural evening event was a big success. The next CFM 101 is scheduled for November 17, 2009. Dean encouraged board members to attend these great educational programs. Quarterly Statistics o Program numbers down due to no longer hosting Flavor of the Past. o Membership is ahead this quarter as compared to 2008. o Free admissions increase impact from first Sunday free to general public and the Toy Time exhibit. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING October 21, 2009 2009-10 Board Dean Gattone Chair Stuart Ball Vice Chair Lowell Soucie Secretary R. Jack Bragg Linda Chapman Elizabeth Dawson John Haley Dawn McKernan Jack Mills Bill Terrell Jonathan Barfield, Jr. NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Tom Cunningham CFMA, Inc. 2 Associates Report: Tom Cunningham Annual fundraiser will be a wine tasting scheduled for Saturday, November 7, 2009 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Each board member invited to donate a bottle of wine to place in gift basket being assembled for the raffle. Ruth and Tom met with Tom Eggar and Karen Fox of the North Carolina Port Authority to thank them for their grant to the Cape Fear Museum. CFM wants to improve education program funding. Tom has approached the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce STEM committee members to support this endeavor. His request was favorably received as something they may want to explore further. School programs are a key area to fund since school budgets have been cut. Ruth gave a brief description of the various school programs offered by the Museum. These programs are attended by New Hanover County schools, private schools within Wilmington and the county and some outside New Hanover County. Stuart Ball posed a challenge to the Associates to post funds as a leverage to raise funds for educational programs. Collections Committee: John Haley There was no meeting held in October. Director’s Update: Ruth Haas Ruth presented a PowerPoint presentation on status of the Museum’s AAM accreditation process. o AAM asked for correction, additions, and additional information on some areas of submission:  Code of Ethics needs expansion.  Institutional Plan needs updated and corrected information.  Leadership and organization  Conflict in staffing numbers.  Collection Stewardship numbers needed updating.  Artifact loans to non-museum entities.  Financial stability, facility and risk management.  Provide additional and improved collection images. o The AAM visitation Committee will be on site February 1-2, 2010. A joint board meeting will be held with the Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. board on November 18, 2009 and will focus on sustainability of the Museum. The There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Jack Mills and seconded by Sandra Sheridan. The meeting adjourned at at 4:55 PM. The next board meeting will be a joint meeting on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum. 3 Addendum to October 21, 2009 CFMAB Minutes Meeting Date: November 18, 2009 Board Members Present: Dean Gattone Lowell Soucie John Haley Bill Terrell Sandra Sheridan Jack Mills Linda Chapman Beth Dawson Stuart Ball Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Board Member Absent: Dawn McKernan (arrive after called meeting) Jack Bragg (excused) Chairman Dean Gattone called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM for the purposes of hearing and acting on the report of the Collections Committee. John Haley, Committee Chair, moved that the Advisory Board approve a loan request from Onslow County Museum for the following items, Glass wine bottle (1992.8.1) Rifle ca. 1785 (1985.35.1) Pottery shard ca. 1750s (200.94.14) Glass medicine bottle, ca. 1775 (1985.77.42) for the purpose of display in an exhibit Celebrate 275! from mid-December 2009 until the end of May 2010. Collections staff has informed the Committee that Cape Fear Museum’s requirements for safety and security of the objects have been met by the Onslow County Museum. With no further discussion, the motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned without opposition. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 PM.