10-15-2008 1 Board Members Present: Bill Terrell Nancy Pritchett Jack Mills Stuart Ball John Haley Ken Finch Lowell Soucie Ann Griffith Dean Gattone Dawn McKernan Absent: Bob Jones Linda Chapman Staff Present: 􀀭􀁄􀁑􀁈􀀃􀀲􀂶􀀥􀁕􀁌􀁈􀁑􀀏􀀃􀀦􀀩􀀰􀀃Administration Ruth Haas, CFM Director Barbara Rowe, CFM Curator Janine Powell The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Terrell at 3:59 PM. Approval of Minutes: John Haley Motion for approval of August 2008 minutes was made by John Haley and seconded by Jack Mills. Motion passed. Based on information received from the Clerk to the NHC Commissioners, Ruth has determined that the official minutes of record of Advisory Board's meetings are hard copies of approved minutes. Taped minutes are generally held for one year before disposal. Consideration of Absences: John Haley Bob Jones and Linda Chapman were excused absences. Collections Committee: Lowell Soucie New Hanover Regional Medical Center has requested an extension on the loan of the History of Medicine exhibit. Committee Chair, Lowell Soucie, moved for approval. Motion seconded by Dean Gattone. Motion passed. The eighteenth century card table was not purchased. The vendor did not accept 􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀀰􀁘􀁖􀁈􀁘􀁐􀂶􀁖􀀃􀁒􀁉􀁉􀁈􀁕􀀑 One of the appraisal companies used by the Museum contributed $1,850 in-kind services. The Museum has applied for an IMLS Conservation Project grant in the amount of $44,500.00. If received, the grant will be used toward conservation of three artifacts. This grant requires a 1:1 match. Members of the UDC have been donating funds toward the conservation of 􀀪􀁈􀁑􀁈􀁕􀁄􀁏􀀃􀀺􀁋􀁌􀁗􀁌􀁑􀁊􀂶􀁖 uniform. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING October 15, 2008 2008 Board B.Terrell-Chrmn D.Gattone-V.C. J.Haley-Sec Long Range Planning John Haley* Stuart Ball Bill Terrell Facilities Jack Mills* Ann Griffith Dawn McKernan Collections Lowell Soucie* Linda Chapman Nancy Pritchett Museum Programs /Accreditation Bob Jones* Ken Finch Dean Gattone Ex-officio: Chris Reid 2 A $6,000 donation was made by a Board member toward matching contributions for the conservation efforts and the member has issued a challenge to both CFM Boards to match the donation. The Collections Committee has completed revision of the Collections Policy and drafts were sent to NHC Legal, Safety, and Risk Management who approved the document. The final draft will be presented to the Advisory Board at the December meeting. 􀀦􀁋􀁄􀁌􀁕􀁐􀁄􀁑􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀵􀁈􀁓􀁒􀁕􀁗􀀝􀀃􀀃􀀥􀁌􀁏􀁏􀀃􀀷􀁈􀁕􀁕􀁈􀁏􀁏 The Plan for Tracking Strategic Achievement Indicators was distributed. Members were asked to review the document and get back to Bill with additional comments. 􀀤􀁖􀀃􀀱􀁄􀁑􀁆􀁜􀀃􀀳􀁕􀁌􀁗􀁆􀁋􀁈􀁗􀁗􀂶􀁖􀀃􀁄􀁓􀁓􀁒􀁌􀁑􀁗􀁐􀁈􀁑􀁗􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁅􀁒􀁄􀁕􀁇􀀃􀁈􀁛� �􀁌􀁕􀁈􀁖􀀃􀁌􀁑􀀃􀀭􀁘􀁑􀁈􀀃􀀕􀀓􀀓􀀜􀀏􀀃􀁄􀀃􀁏􀁈􀁗􀁗􀁈􀁕􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃NHC Commissioners will be drafted by Ruth Haas for Bill Terrell to consider 􀁈􀁛􀁓􀁕􀁈􀁖􀁖􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀀥􀁒􀁄􀁕􀁇􀂶􀁖􀀃􀁇􀁈􀁖 􀁌􀁕􀁈􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁋􀁄􀁙􀁈􀀃􀁄􀀃􀁆􀁒􀁐􀁐􀁌􀁖􀁖􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁈􀁕􀀃􀁆􀁒􀁑􀁗􀁌􀁑􀁘􀁈􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁉􀁌􀁏􀁏􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁓􀁒􀁖􀁌􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀀑 The joint meeting of the Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board and the Cape Fear Museum Associates Board, Inc. will be held on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Museum Programs/Accreditation: Ken Finch & Ruth Haas 􀀮􀁈􀁑􀀃􀀩􀁌􀁑􀁆􀁋􀀃􀁕􀁈􀁓􀁒􀁕􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃􀁌� �􀀃􀀥􀁒􀁅􀀃􀀭􀁒􀁑􀁈􀁖􀂶􀀃􀁄􀁅􀁖􀁈􀁑􀁆􀁈􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁄􀁗􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁕􀁈-accreditation process is on schedule. Ruth Haas presented a draft of the CFM Ethics Policy for review. Board members made editing suggestions. The final draft will be presented at the next Board meeting. 􀀧􀁌􀁕􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁒􀁕􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀵􀁈􀁓􀁒􀁕􀁗􀀝 Ruth Haas The Ancient Carolinians exhibit will open in the spring of 2009. The Cape Fear Volunteers exhibit is scheduled to open on November 6, 2008 with a preview reception from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 􀀷􀁋􀁈􀀃􀀰􀁘􀁖􀁈􀁘􀁐􀂶􀁖􀀃􀁊􀁒􀁄􀁏􀁖􀀏􀀃􀁒􀁅􀁍􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁌􀁙􀁈􀁖􀀃􀁄􀁑 􀁇􀀃􀁓􀁈􀁕􀁉􀁒􀁕􀁐􀁄􀁑􀁆􀁈􀀃􀁐􀁈􀁄􀁖􀁘􀁕􀁈􀁖􀀃􀁚􀁈􀁕􀁈􀀃􀁇􀁌􀁖􀁗􀁕􀁌􀁅􀁘􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃Board review and discussion. This document is required by NHC as part of the budget submission each year. The FY09 first quarter achievement indicators chart for the Museum was distributed and discussed. Ruth is working on improving the chart for interpretation clarity. CFMA, Inc. Report: Janine Powell Jazz will begin the winter schedule on November 14. Beginning this year, winter Jazz will be held in the atrium of the New Hanover County Government Center. A $6,000 grant was received from the Landfall Foundation to support the Toy Time exhibit. 􀀳􀁕􀁈􀁓􀁄􀁕􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁖􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃􀀪􀁄􀁏􀁄􀀃􀀕􀀓􀀓􀀜􀀃􀁄􀁕􀁈􀀃􀁐􀁒􀁙􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀁚􀁄􀁕􀁇􀀑􀀃􀀃􀀷􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁇􀁄� �􀁈􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃􀁑􀁈􀁛􀁗􀀃􀁜􀁈􀁄􀁕􀂶􀁖􀀃event is February 7, 2009. There being no further business Bill Terrell offered a motion to adjourn and was seconded by John Haley and Ken Finch. The meeting adjourned at 5:07 PM. The next board meeting will be on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.