03-19-2008 1 Board Members Present: Bill Terrell Nancy Pritchett Dean Gattone Bob Jones Jack Mills Ann Griffith Lowell Soucie John Haley Stuart Ball Linda Chapman Dawn McKernan Chris Reid, Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. Absent: Ken Finch Staff Present: 􀀭􀁄􀁑􀁈􀀃􀀲􀂶􀀥􀁕􀁌􀁈􀁑􀀏􀀃􀀦􀀩􀀰􀀃􀀤􀁇􀁐􀁌􀁑􀁌􀁖􀁗􀁕􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑 Janine Powell, CFM Development Coordinator Barbara Rowe, CFM Curator Rebecca Dotterer, CFM Education Coordinator The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Terrell at 4:04 PM. Approval of Minutes: John Haley Motion for approval with noted correction of date on page 3, line 2 to February 4, 2009 and correction of adjournment time to 5:05 PM made by Jack Mills and seconded by Bill Terrell. Motion passed. Jack Mills inquired as to what procedures are in place for follow-up action to noted items in minutes. Discussion ensured with a determination to discuss further at the April meeting. Consideration of Absences: John Haley Ken Finch was approved as absent. Collections Committee: Lowell Soucie Three chapters of the Collection Policy have been updated. Museum Update: Janine Powell The annual Pi Day event on March 14, 2008 generated 904 visitors. Sylvan Learning Center was a new sponsor at Pi Day this year and was very pleased with the outcome. They plan to remain a sponsor. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING March 19, 2008 2008 Board B.Terrell-Chrmn D.Gattone-V.C. J.Haley-Sec Long Range Planning John Haley* Stuart Ball Bill Terrell Facilities Jack Mills* Ann Griffith Dawn McKernan Collections Lowell Soucie* Linda Chapman Nancy Pritchett Museum Programs /Accreditation Bob Jones* Ken Finch Dean Gattone Ex-officio: Chris Reid 2 CFM Associates, Inc. Update: Janine Powell The Museum Store had total revenue of $1,200 on Pi Day. Janine reviewed the OCEAN lecture series for March and April. All board members were encouraged to attend the lectures. There being no further business Bill Terrell entertained a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Jack Mills. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM. The next board meeting will be on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. After the official meeting adjourned, members participated in an information walking tour with Barbara Rowe, Curator for update on conservation of artifacts, and with Rebecca Dotterer, Education Coordinator for update on education programs in the learning center.