B053106 New Hanover County • Board of Social Services Minutes May 31, 2006 The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. in Multipurpose Room A. ATTENDING: Bill Caster, Vice Chairman; Ann Pitts; John Craig; F. Wayne Morris ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Craig moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and passed unanimously. Mr. Caster delivered the invocation and Mr. Morris led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Morris moved for approval of the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. • Craig and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Service Awards Brenda Hegarty was recognized for five years of service. Asami Martin and Michelle Williams were recognized for ten years of service. Sherlyn Grantham was recognized for fifteen years of service. Wilma Daniels was recognized for twenty years of service. New Hires Stephanie Monteath introduced Vivian Martin, Administrative Support Technician; Stacy Jones, Economic Services Caseworker Trainee; Daniel Kinney, Economic Services Supervisor; Robin Howard-Clark, Economic Services Caseworker; Ila Strickland, Administrative Support Technician and Patricia Aguilera, Administrative Support Technician. Promotions Jamie Richter was promoted from Economic Services Lead Worker to Economic Services Supervisor; Roxanne Paluso was promoted from Economic Services • Caseworker Zone 1 to Economic Services Lead Worker; Nicole Johnson was promoted from Economic Services Caseworker Zone 1 to Economic Services Caseworker Zone 2. Page 2 of 4 ® SSDI Mr. Caster asked for clarification with the substantiated and unsubstantiated numbers. Ms. Marino and Ms. McNamee shared that investigations conducted by NHCDSS for other counties are not counted in our SSDI numbers. Mr. Caster noted that the number of licensed foster homes has increased significantly. Mr. Nesmith shared that he is very proud of the number of participating foster homes and the agency goal is to have one foster home for every two children in custody. County Budget Expenditures Mr. Oxendine explained that the numbers in red are the numbers to be concerned about. If the numbers are highlighted in yellow, the agency is within 5% of the goal for that category. Mr. Oxendine noted that there is still concern about Day Care Subsidy. For Your Information Summary of the Biennial Review Ms. Marino explained that out of the 7 areas of review, only 2 were found with deficiencies out of 18 reviewed cases. Ms. Marino said this is a really helpful process as it enables the agency to find areas where it is weak. One area of weakness found was in the screening process. The other area was with using appropriate language. Ms. Marino shared the measures the agency has taken to improve those two areas of concern. Mr. Nesmith added that only one county in North Carolina met all 7 areas of review. Progress since the 2004 Climate Survey Ms. McNamee gave a summary of the survey and progress made since it was taken. Ms. McNamee explained that there was a 78% response rate from staff when the survey was handed out. She and Mr. Nesmith met with staff of the County Human Resource Department to discuss next steps. They felt that it was too soon to do another survey as there has not been enough time to carry out the measures put into place that address the areas of dissatisfaction noted in the climate survey. Ms. McNamee gave some examples of measures being taken to improve the agency climate; replacement of the carpet, flat screen monitors throughout the agency, additional security measures (cameras etc.), strength based workshops available to all staff, county supervisory training, LBR, MRS and the Jordan Institute Recruitment and Retention Study. Ms. McNamee also noted that since this survey, the agency was granted an opportunity for 2 merit raises. Economic Services Caseworkers were reclassified into 4 zones and have had seen monetary increases for those zones. Ms. McNamee also showed that the turnover rate has continued to decrease each year. Mr. Nesmith explained how the county has instituted a new performance plan wherein • the employee develops their own work plan. The work plan sets very clear performance expectations for staff. Mr. Nesmith pointed out that the county approved several new staff positions to help decrease caseloads just this year. Mr. Craig suggested that the agency provide gift certificates for employees who do exceptional work. Mr. Oxendine replied that several memberships and passes to Arlie Gardens were given out at the semi- Page 3 of 4 annual staff meeting. Mr. Nesmith is considering holding some merit money aside to give bonuses throughout the year as well. Mr. Caster asked about the number of applications received when vacancies are advertised publicly. Mr. Nesmith and Ms. Monteath explained the screening and interviewing process. Mr. Morris explained the reason the climate survey was broached by the board several months ago was due to board members receiving complaints from staff. Mr. Morris feels that staff may not understand that the measures Ms. McNamee reviewed have been put in place to address staff dissatisfaction and suggested this be clearly stated to all staff. Strategic Action Agenda Sam Lane, Liz Schulz, Christine McNamee and Wenda Rexroad gave a power point presentation about Day Care Subsidy. Ms. Rexroad reviewed day care eligibility criteria, reasons why child care subsidy is necessary and population being served (a majority of children served are under 5 years of age). Liz Schulz reviewed strategies and outreach measures the agency is participating in. Sam Lane reviewed the bleak child care funding outlook for FY06/07. Mr. Lane closed by discussing the challenges the day care program is facing (funding, growing population, etc.). Mr. Caster asked why the population is growing in this county as the cost of housing is high and the retirement community is ® large. Ms. McNamee responded that services, employment and educational opportunities are available in this area. NEXT MEETING OBJECTIVES The LMARI process and Work First Plan will be discussed at the next meeting. BOARD SELF EVALUATION The Board completed self evaluations. ADDITIONAL ITEMS It was decided that a Community Forum will take place on July 26, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. in the County Court House. Ms. McNamee will follow up with getting the Forum televised. The Board moved into closed session as provided in G.S. 143-318.11 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.S. 154A-98 at 10:38 a.m. The Board returned to open session at 10:45 a.m. Mr. Caster moved to adjourn the • meeting and the motions was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:46 a.m. Page 4 of 4 • Respectful s , LaVaughn Nesmith Secretary to the Board Frankie Roberts Chairman Date approved: