B092006 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Minutes September 20, 2006 The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. in Multipurpose Room A in the Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Frankie Roberts, Chairman; Bill Caster, Vice Chairman; John Craig; Ann Pitts ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Roberts moved for approval of the agenda with proposed changes: Work First Plan was moved to Strategic Action Agenda and Legislative Agenda was added to Strategic Action Agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. Mr. Caster delivered the invocation and Mrs. Pitts led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mrs. Pitts moved for approval of the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Service Awards Mr. Nesmith recognized Carolyn Jackson for ten years of service and Barbette Colvin, Elizabeth Floyd, Molly Roush and Sue Taylor for fifteen years of service. New Hires Stephanie Monteath recognized the following new hires: Dava Bollinger and Julia Davis, Economic Services Caseworker Zone 2; Allison Davis; Wendy Maddox; John Davis; and Corrie Hasty are all Social Worker Zone 2. Ashley Lewis was hired as an Administrative Support Technician; Shameika Stokes and Ebony Lawrence were both moved from Economic Services Caseworker Temporary position to regular Economic Services Caseworkers Zone 1. Promotions Stephanie Monteath recognized the following staff promoted in-house: Kathi Heslin, Chief of Family and Children Medicaid/Child Care and Stephanie McGrew, Social Worker in CPS Unit. Page 2 of 3 SSDI Mr. Nesmith explained that with school starting and energy costs rising, the numbers for August are higher. Mr. Nesmith also noted that outreach measures seem to be working as Food Stamp applications are up. Mr. Caster asked for a ten year comparison to show the trend in monthly spikes in service delivery. Mr. Nesmith explained the deficit reduction act and how it affects TANF. County Budget Expenditures There were no questions about the County Budget Expenditures. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Mary John Brantley led a power point presentation on New Citizenship Requirements. Ms. Brantley reviewed exemptions to this new law, examples of Documentation that may be used as Identity and Documentation required for proof of Citizenship. Ms. Brantley continued the power point presentation and noted how this will impact New Hanover County DSS clients and the agency budget. This process will be required for all new applicants for Medicaid and all current recipients of Medicaid when they come in for review. Sam Lane noted that New Hanover County DSS currently has about 21,000 Medicaid recipients. Mr. Lane and Ms. Brantley shared the proactive measures the agency has already put into place to ease the transition of these requirements. No action was taken. Ann Barkley recapped the proposed Work First Plan. Ms. Barkley reviewed issues that may arise from the Deficit Reduction Act and TANF changes and how they may affect the Work First program and its recipients. Ms. Barkley then reviewed proactive measures the agency is taking to assist with potential negative impacts of said changes. Mr. Caster asked that acronyms be spelled out at least once when presenting material to other groups. Mr. Roberts asked what the county pays to support the Work First program. James Oxendine stated that the County contributes approximately $2.4 million as maintenance of effort. Mr. Roberts asked if the county would be able to provide a mentoring program for Work First participants. Mr. Nesmith shared that he and Jerome Fennell, Director of NHC Property Management have already discussed this possibility and have an action plan. Mr. Roberts moved to accept the Work First Plan. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. Ms. Barkley thanked the board for their support during the Department's investigation of the Jasmine Cove Adult Care Facility (formerly The Meadows) and for adopting the resolution. Ms. Barkley shared that New Hanover County DSS was awarded 10 Special Assistance In-Home Program slots. This additional allocation saves the county $1118.00 per month and enables folks to stay in their home instead of having to live in an assisted living facility. This was presented as information only. Page 3 .of 3 Mr. Nesmith reviewed proposed legislative changes proposing ending County fiscal assistance with Medicaid relief, governing Adult Care Homes and approving Multiple Response System Program Standards which increases our staffing needs by 9 Social Workers. Mr. Roberts moved to endorse said legislative items for FY07/08. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. Mr. Nesmith handed out a proposed schedule for Leading by Results topics for discussion. The board agreed to the schedule unanimously. NEXT MEETING OBJECTIVES Multiple Response System Update As there were no items to discuss in closed session as provided in G. S. 143-318.11 pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.C. 154A-98, the meeting was adjourned at 10:19 a.m. Respectful LaVaughn Nesmith Secretary to the Board Frankie Roberts Chairman Date approved: