B011007 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Minutes 9:00a.m. -10:00 a.m. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. in Multipurpose Room A of the Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Frankie Roberts, Chairman; John Craig, F. Wayne Morris, Ann Pitts ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Craig moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Pitts and passed unanimously. Mrs. Pitts led the invocation. Mr. Craig led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Morris asked that Board of Directors be changed to Board of Social Services in the self evaluation portion of the minutes from December 13, 2006. Mr. Craig moved to approve the minutes with said change. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Pitts and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Service Awards Linda Smith was recognized for 5 years of service to New Hanover County. Paula Marn was recognized for 10 years of service to New Hanover County. Mary John Brantley was recognized for 20 years of service to New Hanover County. New Hires Delphine Brown was hired as an Administrative Support Technician. SSDI Mrs. Pitts noted that the numbers have slightly improved. Mr. Nesmith shared that energy assistance and rent assistance funds are rapidly being depleted. County Budget Expenditures ® James Oxendine explained that we are half way through the fiscal year and running pretty much on target. Mr. Nesmith pointed out that the subsidy day care waiting list is moving as a result of using TANF funds. One-hundred children were moved off the list. Page 2 of 3 STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Challenge for Children Kari Sanders and Wanda Marino reviewed the targets for Challenge for Children. Mr. Craig asked where the target numbers come from. Ms. Sanders replied the State sets the goal. Ms. Sanders shared the challenges to meeting targets; substance abuse, mental health reform, the adoption process and the number of children coming into custody of DSS. Ms. Sanders then reviewed various strategies used to move this goal to include Methodist In-Home Contract (reunification process); Child and Family Team Meeting Contract; GAL (Guardian ad Litem) monthly training and Child Watch, a group of professionals in the community currently looking at mental health reform and prevention education in the schools. Ms. Sanders then gave the history of Challenge for Children beginning in 1997. Challenge for Children was developed to address the backlog of children in DSS custody. Ms. Marino and Ms. Sanders explained Assisted Guardianship to address the needs of older children unlikely to be successful candidates for adoption. Ms. Sanders reviewed indicator 4G, the number of adoptions that took place within 24 months of removal from the birth home. The challenges for this indicator are the number of children with Case Plan of Adoption, Backlog of court orders/Termination of Parental Rights Petitions and Cases under Appeal. Strategies for this indicator are the Legal Contract, assisting with Termination of Parental Rights; the Adoption Consortium and Adoption Awareness Activities. Julia Talbutt noted that there is a trend of children with • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of bouncing from place to place and caring for themselves. Mental Health is a big factor in placement of children in Foster Homes. Several examples of such instances were shared with the Board. Resources Needs Identified by LBR Wanda Marino discussed resources and State Standards set for case loads. Ms. Marino noted that it has been nearly 6 years since Social Work positions have been requested. This year 5 Social Work positions will be requested - (1) Adult Home Specialist; (1) Adult Protective Services Social Worker; (2) CPS/MRS Social Workers as the case load ratio should be 1 Social Worker to 10 Families and (1) Social Worker for LINKS, assisting children ages 16-21 years of age to transition from Foster Care into the community. Chris McNamee discussed automation needs. The suggestion is to replace Personal Desktop Computers with Laptops for a number of staff, who would then be able to access information/forms while out in the field, hopefully reducing overtime and increasing accuracy. The upfront cost is slightly higher than replacement of the Desktop PC, but will save the agency money in the long run. James Oxendine discussed needs in the Business Administration Office Facilities unit. Mr. Oxendine discussed the use of volunteers in this unit and the constant need for Temporary Employee assistance. As the state requirements have changed, the Records Management section is in need for an additional staff person. As well, an additional Interpreter will be required. Page 3 of 3 • Julia Talbutt summarized her request for an additional Attorney as she and Dean Hollandsworth both carry well above the State standard of caseloads (together carrying approximately 500+ cases). Mrs. Pitts asked Ms. Talbutt to explain the role of the Guardian ad Litem. Sam Lane discussed the issue of Child Day Care Subsidy and its lack of funding noting that the Legislative Agenda is currently expected to call for a 15% local match. Mr. Nesmith closed by sharing that the County Manager has asked Department Heads to forecast financial needs. The Budget Retreat is scheduled for Friday, March 9, 2007 potentially at the Government Center. As there were no items to discuss in closed session as provided in G.S. 143-318.11 pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.C. 154A-98, the meeting was adjourned at 10:08a.m. Res'p/ectful ire , Y LaVaughn Nesmith Secretary to the Board Frankie Roberts Chairman Date approved: