B012605 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES MINUTES JANUARY 26, 2005 The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 9:00 a.m. in the Multi-purpose Room of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Phyllis Gorham, Chairman; Dallas Brown, Vice Chairman; Bill Caster; Ann Pitts; Frankie Roberts ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to; the Board; Anne Marie White, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. Mr. Brown moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. The Chairman welcomed the Wayne County Board of Social Services and staff and asked Wayne County visitors and the New Hanover County Board of Social Services to introduce themselves. Mrs. Pitts delivered the invocation. Mr. Roberts led the Pledge of Allegiance. • CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Caster moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brown and passed unanimously. Approved were the minutes of December 15, 2004. INFORMATION AGENDA Service Awards The following employees were recognized for their years of service to New Hanover County. Ten (10) years Fifteen (15) years Shirley Adams (absent) Alice "Jeannie" Henderson Miranda Pearce Personnel Change Report The Director introduced new employee, Kari Cline, and recognized Jessica McSwain for her recent promotion. Item 2 Page 1 Minutes January 26, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Request for Positions The Director stated that in an effort to address the high turnover in Economic Services, approval has been received to immediately hire four temporary Economic Services Caseworkers and request three additional regular Economic Services Caseworkers in the proposed budget for FY 2005-2006. Two Economic Services Caseworkers will be trained for Family and Children's Medicaid and two will be trained for Food Stamps. The three additional positions to be proposed in the budget will be assigned to Food Stamps, Family and Children's Medicaid and Adult Medicaid and will be discussed further during the Board Retreat. Character Counts! At the request of the Chairman, Mrs. Pitts addressed "Ethics in the Workplace" training provided by Dr. Lloyd Hackley that she had attended. Mrs. Pitts stated that the training was excellent and hoped that the Board would also attend. Dr. Hackley will be invited to the Board Retreat. Facility Inspection The Board discussed the letter from Maggie Holley, Local Business Liaison, to Robert Greer, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, regarding the facility inspection for the New Hanover County Department of Social Services and noted the incorrect address on Market Street and the certification stating that the building was not in compliance. Mr. Oxendine indicated he would communicate with Ms. Holley to make corrections for the record. ACTION AGENDA New Hanover County Department of Social Services Communication Plan The Director stated that it is the goal of the department to become proactive in building support in the community. Staff has developed a communication plan to take a proactive approach to educating the community on services and concerns. Plans include scheduling a forum in June 2005 to obtain input from the community. Mr. Caster suggested utilizing the County television channel for either broadcasting the forum live or by videotape. Mrs. Pitts suggested public service announcements. After discussion Mr. Brown moved to adopt the communication plan as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. STRATEGIC AGENDA Setting Targets Currently, targets identified on results and indicators are federal and state targets. Staff will be making recommendations for remaining indicators from now until the end of May. The Board discussed information included in the Board packet addressing food stamp outreach, i.e. • Simplified Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and costs associated with outreach efforts. Item 2 Page 2 Minutes January 26, 2005 Page 3 of 3 • NEXT MEETING OBJECTIVES Board Retreat The Board, by consensus, requested that the Board retreat be rescheduled for Thursday, March 3, 2005, instead of Friday, March 4, 2005. Topics for discussion at the retreat in addition to the budget for FY 2005-2006 include a review of agency projects underway, a presentation by Dr. Lloyd Hackley, "Character Counts!", a presentation by Dr. Robert Blundo, "Strength Based/Solution Focused Case Work Training" and food stamp outreach. BOARD SELF EVALUATION The Board completed the self evaluation. WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Social Services, Director and administrative staff discussed various aspects of New Hanover County's Leading by Results initiative and expressed an interest in returning to observe another meeting in the summer or fall. There being no need for closed session and no further business, Mr. Roberts moved to adjourn. • The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. The Board adjourned at 10:35 a.m. Respectfully bmitted, LaVaughn Nesmith Secretary to the Board Phyllis Gorham _ Chairman Date approved: D.5 LN:amw v ! C I iZ Y~ a'1 B012605 Item 2 Page 3