B072705 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES MINUTES JULY 27, 2005 The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Wednesday, July 27, 2005, 9:00 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: Dallas Brown, Chairman; Frankie Roberts, Vice Chairman; Bill Caster; John Craig; Ann Pitts; F. Wayne Morris ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. Mrs. Pitts moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. Mr. Roberts delivered the invocation and Mr. Caster led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Brown moved to approve the minutes from the June 14, 2005 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. • Mr. Brown gave a farewell speech and the meeting was adjourned by Board consensus. Stephanie Monteath, Notary Public, administered the oath of office to Mr. F. Wayne Morris. Mr. Morris was appointed by the North Carolina State Social Services Commission to replace outgoing board member Dallas Brown whose term expired in July 2005. Mr. Roberts called the meeting to order at 9:18 a.m. Mr. Craig motioned to elect Mr. Roberts the new Chairman of the Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caster and passed unanimously. Mrs. Pitts nominated to elect Mr. Caster as the new Vice Chairman of the Board. The nomination was closed and seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. The Board Meeting scheduled was proposed and established. The Social Service Board Member training schedule was reviewed. It was decided that Mr. Caster and Mr. Craig will attend the training in Kinston, September 30, 2005, while Mr. Morris and Mr. Roberts will attend the training in Hickory, October 14, 2005. Mrs. Pitts was undecided at this time. CONSENT AGENDA There were no items for consent on the agenda. Minutes July 27, 2005 Page 2 of 4 INFORMATION AGENDA Service Awards Jolene Armstrong was recognized for five years of service with New Hanover County. Christine Murphy Haines was recognized for fifteen years of service with New Hanover County. Janice Sandlin was recognized for twenty years of service with New Hanover County. Angela Robinson was recognized for twenty-five years of service with New Hanover County. Mellonice Williams was recognized for thirty years of service with New Hanover County. Personnel Change Report The Director introduced new employees, Jeanne Neidhardt, Victoria Chavez, Kineta Rogers, Steven Quick, Lawana Mays, Meredith Shaver, Nicole Ulmer, Gail Causey and Jennifer Fincannon. Liz Davis and Colleen Cornell were recognized for their recent promotions. Significant Service Delivery Indicators (SSDI) for June 2005 The Board discussed that the number of children in DSS custody has dropped. The net reduction may be due in part to MRS as more children are able to be protected without being displaced from their families. DSS is making a diligent effort to place more children with family members. Mr. Craig asked for an explanation about the Forensic category. Mrs. Marino, Assistant Director of Social Work explained that some reports of abuse come in as Forensic. Some reports are neither Assessments or Forensic and fall into another category, noted on the SSDI as "Other". Mr. Caster asked for an explanation about the number of children "Available for Adoption". Mrs. Marino explained that this refers to children in Foster Homes who are eligible for adoption; parental rights have been terminated or relinquished. Lastly, Mrs. Pitts asked if the Work First Family Assistance program was being phased out. Mrs. Marino explained that the agency is focusing on its Prevention Services, thus lessening the need to do as much Work First Family Assistance. The Significant Service Delivery Indicators for June 2005 were accepted as information. County Budget Expenditures Reports for May/June 2005 Mr. Oxendine, Business Manager, reviewed the May and June 2005 Expenditure Report. The fiscal year has ended and expenditures thus far are at 93%. There are Medical Transportation bills and a few other miscellaneous bills still not received so the percentage may be slightly higher. The final report will be complete in August 2005. The County Budget Expenditures Reports for May/June 2005 were accepted as information. Budget Update Minutes July 27, 2005 Page 3 of 4 Mr. Oxendine reviewed the requested budget for SFY 2005-2006. With the exception of • Day Care, the County approved all the proposed budget items DSS requested, $46,000,000.00 in all. The agency's total income (to include County, State and Federal money) is $245,000,000.00. The agency's biggest area of spending is Medicaid. Mr. Oxendine explained that there was a $43,000 reduction in Medicaid and $4,000 reduction in Day Care. Mr. Oxendine gave a brief explanation of how IV-E Waiver money can be used for SFY 2005-2006. Program Integrity Mr. Caster asked for an explanation about an "Attaperson" referencing a claims report. Mr. Nesmith explained the praise was for our Program Integrity unit which follows up to ensure that overpayments by the agency are collected and returned. Community Mediation Center Kirsten Atkinson and John Murphy from the Community Mediation Center of the Lower Cape Fear gave a brief presentation. Ms. Atkinson explained that the center is not for profit and comprised of paid staff and community volunteers. The agency works to empower families served by DSS to take control of their lives. Mr. Murphy gave an explanation of the graphs/charts that were handed out to the Board Members. Mr. Caster asked how long the center would be tracking families to see if the mediation services they are providing are working. Ms. McNamee explained that DSS is using incidents of recidivism to track the success of the Community Mediation Center, the MRS initiative etc. Mr. Nesmith added that Leading By Results is also a great measuring tool. STRATEGIC/ACTION AGENDA Day Care Ms. Schulz explained projected budget, actual allocations and the coefficient for day care. The coefficient is a variable number as different times in the year more children need full time day care or DSS may not receive a reallocation during a particular month. Other sources are sometimes tapped into through out the year to make up the differences. This Fiscal Year, there is concern that there will not be a large enough allocation for the amount of children needing day care, if it does not change, the spending coefficient would be at 167%. The state may still give more money but there is concern about being able to provide day care at the current spending level and thus disabling people from maintaining employment. The state said that we can only count on one reversion or reallocation this Fiscal Year. In October, there may be a chance that daycare will be cut. There are not enough community resources and Head Start and More at Four are already full. Mrs. Pitts asked if any of the city housing communities have day care. They do not. Leading By Results Forum Summation ~i Ms. McNamee gave a summation of the LBR Forum. Sixteen community members came and listened to the hour and a half presentation. Community response at the end of the forum indicated two areas of concern: Educational training and Better Media Minutes July 27, 2005 Page 4 of 4 Relationships. DSS has been doing some collaboration with Cape Fear Community College trying to get some LINKS (foster care) children and Work First clients into school there. The forum is being broadcast on Government TV 6-8 times a week through August. Proposed Revisions of Communications Plan Ms. McNamee reviewed the Communication Plan revisions. Mr. Craig asked if it would be alright for him to go to the newspaper to talk about the good things DSS is doing. Chris said that it is indeed the Board's role to advocate for DSS. It was decided that the Communications Plan revisions would be voted on at the next Board Meeting. Results and Indicators Ms. McNamee is meeting with Dallas Brown to work on a plan to measure affordable housing to complete page 5 of the Results and Indicators. Heart Gallery Mr. Nesmith gave the Board Members invitations to the Heart Gallery. The Heart Gallery is a photo exhibit promoting adoptions. Board Self-Evaluation Each member of the Board completed the self-evaluation form. ADDITIONAL ITEMS Mr. Caster moved to enter closed session as provided in G.S. 143-318.11, to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.S. 154A-98. The motion was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed unanimously. The Board entered closed session at 10:48 a.m. The Board returned to open session at 11:07 a.m. There being no further business the Board by consensus adjourned. The Board adjourned at 11:07 a.m. Respectful I ubmitted, 0-~ LaVaug Nesmith Secretary to the Board Frankie Roberts ttairman Date appro d: