08-07-2009NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, August 07, 2009 PAGE ASSEMBLY The 2009 New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review met on Friday, August 07, 2009, at 1:00 p.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting was to hear appeals by property owners regarding their 2009 tax value assessments. p.m.). Members present were: Nancy H. Pritchett (Alternate), Joanne Parker and Paul D'Angelo (arrived at 1:40 Staff members present were: Tax Administrator Roger Kelley, Appraisal Supervisor Hank Montgomery, and Administrative Support Technician Joann Davenport. Nancy H. Pritchett called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m. AGENDA ITEM # 1: Approval of Minutes The Board considered and approved, as amended, the minutes from their meeting July 23, 2009. AGENDA ITEM # 2: Tax Appeal Presentations The Board heard appeal presentations from the following individuals regarding the 2009 tax assessment of real property. Each appellant was informed that the Board would make decisions following the hearings and they would be notified by mail of the Board's decision in ten days. 1. Hank Montgomery speaking on behalf of Inlet Hook LLC, property owner of 3 Inlet Hook Road Wilmington, NC; Parcel ID R03811- 002 - 006 -000 2. OJ Womble, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 305A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -035 3. WR Stafford, Jr., property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 404A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -044 4. Richard Pindell, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 405A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -045 5. Michael Hamby, Sr., property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 501 A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -051 6. Michael Hamby, Sr., property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 502A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -052 7. Ernest Sutton, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 701A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -071 8. Norwood Bryan, Jr., property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 705A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -075 9. Norwood Bryan, Jr., property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 706A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -137 10. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of Robert Freedland, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 708A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -078 11. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of Ezra Violet Meir, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 802A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -082 12. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of David Block, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 805A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -085 13. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of Richard and Sara Phillips, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 807A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -087 14. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of John Connelly, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 808A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -088 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, August 07, 2009 BOOK PAGE 15. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of Fletcher Norris, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 902A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719- 003 - 021 -092 16. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of Richard and Sara Phillips, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 1102A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719-003-021-112 17. William and Kathy O'Shea speaking on behalf of Richard and Sara Phillips, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 1103A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719-003-021-113 18. William and Kathy O'Shea, property owners 322 Causway Drive, Unit 1105A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719-003-021-115 19. Charles & Marian Sidbury, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 1106A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719-003-021-116 20. Charles & Marian Sidbury, property owner of 322 Causeway Drive, Unit 1107A, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Parcel ID R05719-003-021-117 In deliberations after hearing the appeals, the Board affirmed the assessed values as follows: Parcel ID Owner Appealed Value Affirmed Value R03811- 002 - 006 -000 Inlet Hook LLC $498,800 $488,800 Motion: Joanne Parker MOVED, SECONDED by Paul D'Angelo, to reduce the assessed value to $488,800, to account for settling damage. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -035 Womble O J ETAL $688,544 $688,544 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $688,544, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -044 Stafford W R JR OPR Trust $566,239 $566,239 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $566,239, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -045 Pindell Richard S $839,268 $839,268 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $839,268, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -051 Hamby Michael & Dorothy $438,836 $438,836 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $438,836, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -052 Hamby Michael & Dorothy $719,124 $719,124 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $719,124, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -071 Sutton Ernest R Living Trust $484,135 $484,135 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $484,135, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -075 Bryan Norwood E., Jr $1,203,678 $1,203,678 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, August 07, 2009 PAGE Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $1,203,678, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -137 Bryan Norwood E., Jr. $821,632 $739,470 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to reduce the assessed value to $739,470, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -078 Freedland Robert D $798,398 $798,398 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $798,398, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -082 Meir Ezra Violet $798,398 $798,398 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $798,398, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -085 Block David E. Trust $986,569 $986,569 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $986,569, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -087 Phillips Richard & Sara $495,235 $495,235 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $495,235, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -088 Connelly John H $798,398 $798,398 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $798,398, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719- 003 - 021 -092 Norris Fletcher R $798,398 $798,398 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $798,398, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719-003-021-112 Phillips Richard & Sara $838,035 $838,035 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $838,035, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719-003-021-113 Phillips Richard & Sara $516,768 $516,768 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $516,768, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, August 07, 2009 PAGE R05719-003-021-115 O'Shea William & Kathy $1,037,954 $1,037,954 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $1,037,954, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719-003-021-116 Sidbury C H, Jr. & Marian G $679,488 $679,488 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $679,488, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05719-003-021-117 Sidbury Charles H., Jr. & Marian $516,768 $516,768 Motion: Nancy H. Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Joanne Parker, to uphold the assessed value of $516,768, as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. AGENDA ITEM # 3: Affirmation of Values for Appellants Who Failed to Appear Tax Administrator Roger Kelley reported that all appellants appeared and had their appeals heard. Therefore, the Board did not have to take any action on this agenda item. AGENDA ITEM # 4: Affirmation of Signed and Agreed Values Tax Administrator Roger Kelley presented a list of appellants who, in writing, have agreed to an adjusted value and agreed to withdraw their appeals. Motion: Joanne Parker MOVED, SECONDED by Paul D'Angelo, to affirm assessed values of the appeals listed below as signed withdrawals and agreed upon values by appellants. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. Parcel -ID Owner Situs Agreed Value 802620- 003 - 006 -000 HMF REALTY LLC 2501 SE NORTHCHASE PKY $3,942,230 R03400 -001- 072 -004 BAYR DEVELOPMENT LLC 2936 ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY $153,064 R03400- 001 - 072 -005 BAYR DEVELOPMENT LLC 2936 ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY $153,064 R03400- 001 - 072 -006 BAYR DEVELOPMENT LLC 2936 ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY $133,226 R03400- 001 - 072 -007 BAYR DEVELOPMENT LLC 2936 ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY $133,226 R03400- 001- 072 -008 BAYR DEVELOPMENT LLC 2936 ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY $133,226 R03400-001-072-009 BAYR DEVELOPMENT LLC 2936 ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY $133,226 R03400- 001 - 082 -002 BAYR DEVELOPMENT LLC 3310 KITTY HAWK RD $351,450 R04720- 003 - 006 -000 BULLOCK LLC 309 N FRONT ST $2,392,432 R04720- 004 - 004 -004 RICHARDSON BROOKE SWANSON 304 N FRONT ST $166,118 804720- 007 - 023 -017 GITT KENNETH D SUSAN E 106 N WATER ST $273,245 R04720- 007 - 023 -018 GITT KENNETH D SUSAN E 106 N WATER ST $273,245 R04920 -001- 003 -001 OSF REAL ESTATE LLC 302 S COLLEGE RD $1,333,672 R05009- 005- 040 -000 JSS WILMINGTON LLC 305 EASTWOOD RD $5,213,185 R05308- 008 - 003 -000 BULLOCK JOHN C JR JEAN H ETAL 225 S WATER ST $1,127,812 R05610- 007 - 004 -000 EDWARDS & SMITH INVESTMENTS 321 HOOKER RD $2,292,601 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, August 07, 2009 BOOK PAGE Parcel -ID Owner Situs Agreed Value R05700 -001- 006 -005 PROGRESS POINT ONE LLC 1721 ALLENS LN $349,846 R05719- 003 - 021 -029 LYON JUDITH DEMBO 322 CAUSEWAY DR $461,485 R05719- 003 - 021 -118 BLOCK FRANKLIN L WENDY B 322 CAUSEWAY DR $838,035 R05719- 003 - 021 -119 BLOCK FRANKLIN L WENDY B 322 CAUSEWAY DR $639,851 R06700- 003 - 003 -003 LINK CHARLES D 3 CEDAR ISLAND * ** $1,375,751 R08806 -004- 051 -000 WALKER ANDREA M 220 PENINSULA DR $353,503 R08810-006-017-000 WALKER ANDREA M 100 TEAKWOOD DR $18,429 R08818- 006 - 052 -001 WELLS CONSTRUCTION CORP 712 SAINT JOSEPH ST $283,608 R08818- 006 - 052 -002 WELLS CONSTRUCTION CORP 712 SAINT JOSEPH ST $355,317 808818- 006 - 052 -003 WELLS CONSTRUCTION CORP 712 SAINT JOSEPH ST $283,608 R08818- 006 - 052 -005 WELLS CONSTRUCTION CORP 712 SAINT JOSEPH ST $378,629 R08818- 006 - 052 -007 WELLS CONSTRUCTION CORP 712 SAINT JOSEPH ST $320,946 R08818- 006 - 052 -009 WELLS CONSTRUCTION CORP 712 SAINT JOSEPH ST $320,946 R09014- 005- 003 -000 ROSEBERRY PAMELA J JOHN Y JR 1111 SWORDFISH LN $96,900 R09014- 005- 012 -000 ROSEBERRY JOHN YOUNG PAMELA J 1 110 SNAPPER LN $135,446 R02900- 001 - 009 -000 MARKET STREET PARTNERS LLC 8605 MARKET ST $246,300 R03814- 002 - 001 -000 R C PROPERTIES LLC 299 N BEACH RD $2,062,253 R03815- 002 - 003 -000 MCELWEE WILLIAM KAREN INSCORE 9 CLAMDIGGER POINT RD $3,039,217 R04318- 009 - 007 -000 KROGER CHARLES M PATRICIA A 125 ALBEMARLE RD $189,456 R04400- 005- 023 -000 GREEN MILDRED F ETAL 75 SNUG HARBOUR DR $259,313 R04414- 008 - 023 -000 KEPLESKY DOROTHY B 623 TREE SWALLOW LN $355,000 R04418- 003 - 028 -000 STEPHENS MARILYN W 6213 WOLFHEAD CT $490,942 R04816-005-001-000 NORTH METRO PROPERTIES LLC 2920 PRINCESS PLACE DR $251,669 R04819- 017 - 006 -000 BURNETT DALE 2012 MARKET ST $166,398 R04906 -001- 007 -000 JAMAR CO LLC 915 N KERR AVE $164,357 R04906 -001 -008 -000 JAMAR COMPANY LLC 919 N KERR AVE $101,738 R04906 -001- 009 -000 JAMAR COMPANY LLC 1001 N KERR AVE $98,235 804913- 020 - 007 -000 NORTH METRO PROPERTIES LLC 311 N 30TH ST $296,716 R04913-020-008-000 NORTH METRO PROPERTIES LLC 2926 PRINCESS PLACE DR $161,900 R05100- 003 - 072 -000 PHARMCO PROPERTIES LLC 1007 ASHES DR $65,218 R05407- 026 - 029 -000 CARRAWAY RANDELL ANNIE L 1932 CHURCH ST $121,305 R05407- 026 - 030 -000 CARRAWAY RAN DELL ANNIE LEE 1930 CHURCH ST $201,288 R05409- 011 -016 -000 FLOWERS GWENDOLYN R CHARLES J 624 S 7TH ST $56,218 R05409- 022 - 031 -000 SOUTH METRO PROPERTIES LLC 709 SOLOMON ALY $128,710 805409- 037 - 023 -000 SOUTH METRO PROPERTIES LLC 704 DAWSON ST $133,927 R05413- 037 - 006 -000 SOUTH METRO PROPERTIES LLC 1310 S 4TH ST $137,311 R05518-020-01 1 -000 SPENCER JOSEPH M HRS 4118 PARK AVE $218,948 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF BOOK EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, August 07, 2009 PAGE Parcel -ID Owner Situs Agreed Value Motion: Joanne Parker MOVED, SECONDED by Paul D'Angelo, to affirm assessed values of the appeals listed below as verbally agreed upon by appellants. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. R05608- 002 - 012 -000 BURTON JAMES W LISA K 136 CAVALIER DR $425,255 R05615 -001- 008 -000 BARTSCH RYAN A 104 HOOKER RD $462,648 805700- 007 - 004 -000 PARMELE B J 0 PARMELE BLV $4,013 806115- 005- 026 -000 CRAPO MARGARET A HRS 825 CASCADE RD $241,696 R06209 -004- 005 -000 DOVE WILLARD HETTIE J JOHNSON 321 BRENDA DR $186,113 R06506 -004- 008 -000 MOORE ELLA G ETAL 408 RUTLEDGE DR $174,018 806506- 004 - 009 -000 MOORE ELLA G ETAL 403 MARION DR $94,419 R07100- 003 - 319 -000 SIGNATURE HOMES OF WILMINGTON 5127 CLOVERLAND WAY $316,117 AGENDA ITEM # 5: Affirmation of Verbally Agreed Values Tax Administrator Roger Kelley presented a list of appellants who have verbally agreed to an adjusted value and agreed to withdraw their appeals. Motion: Joanne Parker MOVED, SECONDED by Paul D'Angelo, to affirm assessed values of the appeals listed below as verbally agreed upon by appellants. Upon vote, the motion carried 3 to 0. Parcel -ID Owner Situs Agreed Value 807114- 007 - 009 -000 SAVIANO CLAUDIO 5911 TROPIC CT $335,086 807120- 006 -019 -000 COLLINS LESLIE H JR BILLIE T 5017 MAKO DR $329,475 R07120- 006 - 020 -000 MARTIN GEORGE CYNTHIA 5021 MAKO DR $331,276 R07600- 004 -011 -000 ROGERS DUDLEY LINWOOD JR 814 PIKER RD $311,721 R07910- 001 - 015 -000 WILLIAMS CHARLES A JR LYNDA T 6110 SHILOH DR $260,999 R08200- 002 - 050 -000 DOUGLAS JOHN L III 7536 MYRTLE GROVE RD $80,460 R08200- 002 - 204 -000 DOUGLAS JOHN L III ET AL 7528 MYRTLE GROVE RD $348,900 R08817- 012 - 004 -000 HICKS CHARLES KEITH DEBBIE M 601 HARPER AVE $467,980 R09010- 020 - 010 -001 DOUGLAS JOHN L III ETAL 810 S CAROLINA BEACH AVE $234,290 AGENDA ITEM # 6: Schedule Future Meetings Tax Administrator Roger Kelley discussed available dates for future meetings. The consensus of the Board was to meet on September 10, 2009, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., September 18, 2009, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., and September 24, 2009, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. AGENDA ITEM # 7: Adjournment Nancy Pritchett, recessed the 2009 Board of Equalization and Review at 5:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW, August 07, 2009 BOOK PAGE J Davenport