B090710 New Hanover County • Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Conference Room 153 9:00a.m. -10:00 a.m. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 9:00 in Conference Room 153of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: John Craig, Chairman; Bill Caster and Evelyn Bryant ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Monteath, Administrative Support Specialist The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Caster moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. Ms. Bryant led the invocation. CONSENT AGENDA • Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Caster moved to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA There was no action taken by the Board. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Budget Update Christine McNamee updated the Board regarding frozen staff positions, child care subsidy and myriad program expenditures. No action was taken by the Board. LINKS Update Holly Royals gave a presentation to the Board about the LINKS program; which helps children leaving Foster Care transition into an independent adult life through education, training, counseling and housing assistance. No action was taken by the Board. • Next Meeting Objectives Item 2 Page 1 Page 2 of 2 Child Care Waiting List and Service Reduction Policy Approval Renovation Update Domestic Violence Awareness Month Board Self Evaluation The Board completed self evaluations. Additional Items Mr. Craig asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Caster moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed with a unanimous aye. As there were no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 154A-98, the board by consensus adjourned at 10:04 a.m. Respectfully submitted, X17Z • LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board John E. Craig, Chairman LN: scm • Item 2 Page 2