Zoning Area No. 10A Maps (AMENDMENTS)AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Single Family District Classi- fication and the R -15 Single Family District Classification and putting it in the B -1 Business District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being the intersection of the western right -of- way of Castle Hayne Road (U.S. Hwy. 117) and the southern right -of -way of Yorktown Road; running thence from said beginning point along the said western right -of -way of Castle Hayne Road south 21 degrees 55 minutes west 121.6 feet to a point; thence north 76 degrees 21 minutes west 191.26 feet to a point; thence north 13 degrees 39 minutes east 120.34 feet to a point in the said southern right -of -way of Yorktown Road; thence running along the said southern right -of -way of Yorktown Road north 76 degrees 21 minutes west 41.26 feet to a point; running thence northward and parallel to said Castle Hayne Road 365.37 feet, more or less, to a point in the northern right - of -way of Arlington Road (S.R. 1314); running thence northwardly and parallel to said Castle Hayne Road 420.2 feet to a point; running thence south 76 degrees 21 minutes east 250 feet to a point in the said western right -of -way of Castle Hayne Road; thence running southwardly along the said western right -of -way of Castle Hayne Road 785.57 feet, more or less, to a point in the said southern line of Yorktown Road, the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of 3 October / _Z Chai n d Mmmissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner so, 1974. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #9A & #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1972 & JULY 1, 1974 RESPECTIVELY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #9A and #10A are hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Single Family District Classification and the R -15 Single Family District Classification and putting it in the I -1 Industrial District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point along the western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road (S.R. 1318), said point being south 30 degrees 56 minutes west 202.19 feet from the southern right - of -way of Fairfield Drive; running thence from said beginning point north 67 degrees 30 minutes west 832.55 feet to a point; thence south 22 degrees 30 minutes west 700 feet to a point; thence north 67 degrees 30 minutes west 500 feet, more or less, to a point that is south 67 degrees 30 minutes east 400 feet from the eastern right -of -way of U.S. Hwy. 117 (Castle Hayne Road); thence running southwardly and parallel to said U.S. Hwy. 117, 750 feet to a point; thence westwardly and at right angles to said U.S. Hwy. 117, 400 feet to the eastern right -of -way of said U.S. Hwy. 117; thence south - wardly along the said eastern line of U.S. Hwy. 117, 300 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the said eastern line of U.S. Hwy. 117 and the northern right -of -way of 23rd Street; thence running southeastwardly along the said northern edge of 23rd Street 1,700 feet, more or less, to the northwest right -of -way of said Blue Clay Road; thence running northwardly along the said western line of Blue Clay Road 2,800 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the super- vision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #9A and #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make them comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, to morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of October , 1974. (mot �\( X),_ Chairman and mmissionerr v Commissioner Cl mmissioner r Commissioner ' C6mmiss'oner , AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Single Family District Classi- fication and putting it in the I -2 Industrial District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Lot 90 of Wrightsboro Acres, Section 5, as recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 1 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence from said beginning point north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 234.87 feet to a point; thence north 86 degrees 19 minutes east 900 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; thence southwestwardly along the said centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad 900 feet, more or less, to the southern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue (S.R. 1322); thence running westwardly along the said southern line of North Kerr Avenue if extended 450 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the following courses and distances from the southeastern corner of Lot 91, Section 5 of Wrightsboro Acres as recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 1 of the New Hanover County Registry; north 86 degrees 19 minutes east 132.88 feet to a point; thence south 4 degrees 32 minutes east 120 feet to a point in the said southern line of North Kerr Avenue if extended; running thence north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 197.66 feet to a point, said point being south 86 degrees 19 minutes west 500 feet from the western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road; running thence south 86 degrees 19 minutes west 52.87 feet to a point; thence north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 85.71 feet to a point in the southern right -of -way of Laurel Drive (S.R. 1326); thence north 85 degrees 28 minutes east 95.53 feet to a point; thence north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 60 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the super- vision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of October . 1974. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner T THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Single Family District Classi- fication and putting it in the I -2 Industrial District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Lot 90 of Wrightsboro Acres, Section 5, as recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 1 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence from said beginning point north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 234.87 feet to a point; thence north 86 degrees 19 minutes east 900 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; thence southwestwardly along the said centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad 900 feet, more or less, to the southern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue (S.R. 1322); thence running westwardly along the said southern line of North Kerr Avenue if extended 450 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the following courses and distances from the southeastern corner of Lot 91, Section 5 of Wrightsboro Acres as recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 1 of the New Hanover County Registry; north 86 degrees 19 minutes east 132.88 feet to a point; thence south 4 degrees 32 minutes east 120 feet to a point in the said southern line of North Kerr Avenue if extended; running thence north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 197.66 feet to a point, said point being south 86 degrees 19 minutes west 500 feet from the western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road; running thence south 86 degrees 19 minutes west 52.87 feet to a point; thence north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 85.71 feet to a point in the southern right -of -way of Laurel Drive (S.R. 1326); thence north 85 degrees 28 minutes east 95.53 feet to a point; thence north 4 degrees 32 minutes west 60 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the super- vision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of October . 1974. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner C Cc4jC- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #lOA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Single Family District Classification and putting it in the R -15 Single Family District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the southern right -of -way of Gladioulus Road intersects the eastern right -of -way of Castle Hayne Road (U.S. Hwy. 117); running thence from said beginning point along the said southern line of Gladioulus Road 1,200 feet, more or less, to the western right -of -way of Sassanqua Road; running thence northwardly and parallel to said Castle Hayne Road 150 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the CP &L Power Line; running thence westwardly along the said centerline of the CP &L Power Line 1,200 feet, more or less, to the said eastern line of Castle Hayne Road; thence southwardly along the said eastern line of Castle Hayne Road 150 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of October 1974. Chai a ommissioner Commissioner Commissioner a4wl Commissioner Commissioner AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 f � THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Single Family District Classi- fication and putting it in the R -15 Single Family District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the centerline of Teresa Drive intersects the eastern right -of -way of U.S. Hwy. 117 (Castle Hayne Road); running thence from said beginning point eastwardly along the said centerline of Teresa Drive 2,485 feet, more or less, to the run of the Ness Creek Branch; running thence southwardly along the said Branch 390 feet, more or less, to an old pipe; thence south 84 degrees 52 minutes west 2,485.60 feet to the said eastern right -of -way of U.S. Hwy. 117; thence northwardly along the said eastern line of U.S. Hwy. 117 390 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the super- 10 vision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 21st day of October , 1974. ChairlaU,And d1ommissiofier Commissioner Ozen�'IAZI-A' Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Single Family District Classi- fication and putting it in the R -15 Single Family District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being the intersection of the northern right -of- way of the northern section of Oakley Circle (S.R. 1330) and the eastern right -of -way of Oakley Road (S.R. 1329); running thence in an eastwardly direction along the said northern right -of -way of the northern section of Oakley Circle 1,702.68 feet to a point; thence south 73 degrees 51 minutes west 260.84 feet to a point; thence south 00 degrees 53 minutes west 1,458 feet to a point; thence south 84 degrees 57 minutes east 250 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the super- vision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 3rd day of March , 1975. ? TCa--trman and Commissioner 1�� L Commissioner /� � ),//-I L. , 6� Commissioner AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED July 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Residential District Classification and R -15 Residential District Classification and putting it in the B -2 Business District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the western right -of -way of U. S. Highway 117 (Castle Hayne Road) said point being north 25 degrees 30 minutes east 547 feet as measured along the said western right -of -way of Castle Hayne Road from the center line of a concrete culvert, said culvert passes Wildcat Branch under said Castle Hayne Road; running thence from said beginning point north 57 degrees west 563 feet to a point; thence north 26 degrees east 53.5 feet to a point; thence approximately 30 degrees northwest 130 feet more or less to the southwest corner of Lot 6A of the Extension of Parts I, II, and III, Chadwick Acres, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 8 at Page 12 of the New Hanover County Register of Deeds; running thence along the western edge of said Lot 6A 127 feet more or less to the northwest corner of said Lot 6A; thence south 74 degrees 45 minutes east 661.77 feet to a point in the said western right -of -way of Castle Hayne Road; running thence southwardly along the said western right -of -way of Castle Hayne Road 434.13 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of April , 1975. Rw��� Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #lOA is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Residential District Classi- fication and putting it in the R -15 Residential District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at an old iron pipe on the southern side of a ditch on the southern side of a dirt road running westwardly from Oakley Circle (S.R. 1329), said point being 515 feet westwardly as measured along the southern line of said road from the centerline of said Oakley Circle 0.2 miles southwardly from its intersection with Oakley Avenue about one -half mile westwardly from U.S. Highway 117 (Castle Hayne Road), said beginning point being the northwestern corner of a 1 acre, more or less, tract belonging to T. A. Bergen; running thence from said beginning point and along said Bergen's western line south 12 degrees 06 minutes west 221.0 feet to an old iron pipe, the southwestern corner of said Bergen tract; running thence along said Bergen's southern line, south 74 degrees 58 minutes east 200.0 feet to an old iron pipe at a wire fence, the south- eastern corner of said Bergen tract; running thence along said fence south 12 degrees 30 minutes east 65.8 feet to an old iron pipe at a fence corner, said point being in the northern line of a tract of land conveyed by Ben E. Bishop and wife, Rebecca Bishop, to M. B. Adcox and wife, Neoma C. Adcox; running thence along said northern line and in general along said old wire fence north 75 degrees 50 minutes west 669.8 feet to an iron pipe in a ditch; running thence up and with said ditch to an iron pipe in said ditch and in the southern line of a 20 foot roadway, said point being the following courses and distances from the preceding point: north 6 degrees 51 minutes east 83.0 feet, north 16 degrees 49 minutes east 93.0 feet, north 48 degrees 32 minutes east 77.0 feet and north 22 degrees 04 minutes east 71.4 feet to said pipe, said point being the northwestern corner of the Mattie King 1 acre, more or less, tract; running thence along the southern line of said 20 foot roadway and along a ditch (there being a slight curve to the left in said road and ditch) south 70 degrees 00 minutes east 209.1 feet to an old iron pipe in the northern edge of said ditch; running thence along the southern line of said roadway and ditch (still around a slight curve to the left) south 76 degrees 09 minutes east 205.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 3.2 acres of land, more or less, the same being a portion of the formerly Ben Bishop tract. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision ce of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this day of 1976. Chairman and Comm sioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 C, .__' , ; 't C __i:" - / -;" / / t I , / o THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the present R -20 Residential District Classi- fication and putting it in the R -15 Residential District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe in the western line of South Oakley Circle, New Hanover County Road 41329 (30.0 feet from its centerline), said pipe being south 35 degrees 30 minutes west 266.7 feet (as measured along the western line of said Circle) from its intersec- tion with the southern line of Oakley Avenue Extension, said intersection being south 35 degrees 30 minutes west 34.75 feet from a point in the centerline of said Oakley Avenue Extension, which said point being north 85 degrees 05 minutes west 3.95 feet (as measured along the centerline of said Oakley Avenue Extension) from its intersec- tion with the centerline of North Oakley Circle as shown on a map of North Oakley Circle Division, Section #2 and recorded in Map Book 6 on Page 96 of the New Hanover County Registry, said last intersection being approximately 0.3 miles westwardly (as measured along the centerline of Oakley Avenue) from its intersection with the center- line of U.S. Hwy. 117; running thence from said beginning point and along the western line of aforementioned South Oakley Circle South 35 degrees 30 minutes west 220.0 feet to a pipe; running thence north 82 degrees 28 minutes west 210.0 feet to a pipe; running thence parallel with said South Oakley Circle north 35 degrees 30 minutes east 220.0 feet to a pipe; running thence parallel to second call south 82 degrees 28 minutes east 210.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING, the same being a portion of the E.B. Ward lands. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 4410A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordi- nance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, ILmorals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this day of , 1976. Chai n and Commissioner ,Commissioner Y dew6issioner n Commissioner � y Commissioner W AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ESTABLISHING THE AIRPORT ZONING AREA BY ZONING AN UNZONED PORTION OF THE COUNTY AND BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #lOA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 co THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of the Airport Zoning Area is hereby established by zoning an unzoned portion of New Hanover County AR Airport Residential District Classi- fication and by amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A from R -20 Residential District Classification and putting it in the AR Airport Residential District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the northern right -of -way of Fairfield Drive intersects the eastern right -of -way of Castle Bayne Road (U.S. Hwy. 117); running thence northwardly along the said eastern right -of -way of Castle Bayne Road 3,800 feet, more or less, to the northern right -of -way of Harnett Avenue; thence continuing along the said eastern right -of -way of Castle Bayne Road 280 feet, more or less, to a point that is south 3 degrees 50 minutes west 218.25 feet from the intersection of the southern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue and the said western right -of -way of Castle Bayne Road; thence south 84 degrees 58 minutes east 218.9 feet to a point; thence north 3 degrees 50 minutes east 75 feet to a point; thence northwardly and parallel to said Castle Bayne Road 340 feet, more or less, to a point in the northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue; thence northwardly and parallel to said Castle Bayne Road 240 feet to a point; thence eastwardly and at right angles to the aforementioned line 120 feet to a point; thence northwardly and parallel to said Castle Bayne Road 270 feet, more or less, to an old ditch; thence north 86 degrees 19 minutes east 2,709.29 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 91 of Wrightsboro Acres, Section 5, as recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 1 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence in a southeast direction 450 feet, more or less, to a point where the western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road intersects the centerline of North Kerr Avenue if extended; thence southwestwardly along the said western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road 400 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of Lot 14 of the Bide -A -Wee Subdivision as recorded in Map Book 571 at Page 24 -1/2 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence north 59 degrees 22 minutes west 218.79 feet to a point; thence south 30 degrees 38 minutes west 122.52 feet to a point; thence south 3 degrees 30 minutes east 175.45 feet to a point; thence westwardly along the northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue 601.50 feet to a point; thence south 6 degrees 27 minutes west 540 feet to a point; thence north 83 degrees 24 minutes west 735 feet to a point; thence south 0 degrees 20 minutes east 160 feet to a point; thence north 85 degrees 0 minutes west 430 feet to a point, said point being south .85 degrees 0 minutes east 300 feet from the northwest corner of Lot 6 of the division of the estate land of W.A. Spencer as recorded in Book 481 at Page 376 -1/2 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence south 15 degrees 15 minutes west 373.0 feet to a point in the northern line of Harnett Avenue; thence westwardly along the said line of Harnett Avenue 200 feet to a point, said point being the north- west corner of the existing Corbett Lumber Company; thence south 18 degrees 12 minutes west 1,200 feet, more or less, to an old stone, said stone being the northwest corner of Lot 67 of Heritage Park as recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 70 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence south 67 degrees 30 minutes east 1,167.23 feet to a point in the western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road; thence southwestwardly along the said western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road 2,400 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being south 30 degrees 56 minutes west 202.19 feet from the intersection of the said western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road and the southern right -of -way of Fairfield Drive; thence north 67 degrees 30 minutes west 832.55 feet to a point; thence south 22 degrees 30 minutes west 300 feet to a point; thence westwardly along the centerline of Fairfield Drive 900 feet, more or less, to a point in the eastern right -of -way of Castle Bayne Road, the point of BEGINNING. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to establish the Airport Zoning Area to include an unzoned portion of New Hanover County and to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. �l Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. C; Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this day of 1976. Chairman and Commissioner / �V-� Co issioner &)jt �-� —, - Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ESTABLISHING THE AIRPORT ZONING AREA BY ZONING AN UNZONED PORTION OF THE COUNTY AND BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREAS #8B, #9A AND #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JUNE 19, 1972, JULY 1, 1972 AND JULY 1, 1974 RESPECTIVELY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of the Airport Zoning Area is hereby established by amending Zoning Areas #8B, #9A, #10A and an unzoned portion of New Hanover County from I -1 Industrial District Classification and I -2 Industrial District Classification to AI Airport Industrial District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the centerline of Smiths Creek intersects the centerline of Burnt Mill Creek; running thence from said beginning point northwestwardly along and with the said centerline of Smiths Creek 1,200 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; thence northeastwardly along and with the said center- line of the Seaboard Coastline"Railroad 4,700 feet, more or less, to the centerline of 23rd Street; thence northwestwardly along and with the said centerline of 23rd Street 2,000 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Castle Hayne Road (U.S. Hwy. 117); thence AMW northwardly along and with the said centerline of Castle Hayne Road 300 feet, more or Vless, to a point that is 800 feet south of the southern right -of -way of Fairfield Drive if extended to the west as measured along the said centerline of Castle Hayne Road; running thence eastwardly and at right angles to the said centerline of Castle Hayne Road 400 feet to a point; thence northwardly and parallel to the centerline of Castle Hayne Road 750 feet to a point; thence south 67 degrees 30 minutes east 500 feet to a point; thence north 22 degrees 30 minutes east 700 feet to a point; thence south 67 degrees 30 minutes east 832.55 feet to a point in the western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road; running thence northeastwardly along the western right -of -way of Blue Clay Road 2,200 feet, more or less, to the northern right -of -way of Pilgrim Circle as recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 70 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence north 30 degrees 56 minutes east 215.17 feet to a point; thence north 67 degrees 30 minutes west 1,167.23 feet to an old stone; thence north 18 degrees 12 minutes east 1,200 feet, more or less, to a point in the northern right -of -way of Harnett Avenue (20.0 foot right -of -way); thence south 74 degrees 45 minutes east 200.0 feet, more or less, to a point that is south 74 degrees 45 minutes east 300 feet from the southwest corner of Lot 4 of the division of the estate land of W.A. Spencer as recorded in Book 481 at Page 376 -1/2 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence north 15 degrees 15 minutes east 373.0 feet to a point; thence south 85 degrees 0 minutes east 430 feet to a point; thence north 0 degrees 20 minutes west 160 feet to a point; thence south 83 degrees 24 minutes east 735 feet to a point; thence north 6 degrees 27 minutes east 540 feet, more or less, to a point in the northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue, said point also being the southwest corner of Lot 7 Vof the Bide -A -Wee Subdivision as recorded in Book 571 at Page 24 -1/2 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence eastwardly along the said northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue 601.50 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 13 of the said Bide -A -Wee Sub- division; thence north 3 degrees 30 minutes west 175.45 feet to a point; thence north 30 degrees 38 minutes east 182.52 feet to a point; thence south 59 degrees 22 minutes east 218.79 feet to a point in the northern right -of -way of Blue Clay Road; thence northeastwardly along the said northern right -of -way of Blue Clay Road 400 feet, more or less, to a point where the said northern right -of -way of Blue Clay Road intersects the northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue if extended; thence eastwardly along and with the said northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue 4,650 feet to a point, said point being 730 feet west as measured along the said northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue from the western right -of -way of Truesdale Road if extended; thence southwardly and at right angles to the said northern right -of -way of North Kerr Avenue 870 feet to a point; thence westwardly and at right angles to the aforementioned line 620 feet to a point; thence north 80 degrees 24 minutes west 2,700 feet to a point in an old ditch in a tract of land deeded to Bobie L. Barnes and wife and Herman D. Stevens and wife as recorded in Book 1011 at Page 696 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence south 39 degrees 38 minutes west 60 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe; thence north 87 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds west 33.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence north 56 degrees 25 minutes 15 seconds west 250 feet to a point; thence south 39 degrees 38 minutes west 500 feet, more or less, to a point in the southern right -of -way of S.R. 1214; thence southeastwardly along and with the said southern right -of -way of S.R. 1214 1,050 feet to a point where the said southern right -of -way of S.R. 1214 intersects the southern right -of -way of Truesdale Road; thence south 69 degrees 11 minutes west 376.49 feet to a point; thence south 14 degrees 04 minutes east 890.88 feet to a point; thence south 20 degrees 49 minutes east 1,806.82 feet to a point; thence south 72 degrees 20 minutes east 136.75 feet to a point; thence south 17 degrees 47 minutes east 1,835.57 feet to a point; thence south 69 degrees 45 minutes east 462.0 feet to a point; thence north 48 degrees 18 minutes east 1,661.0 feet to a point; thence north 15 degrees 13 minutes east 519.01 feet to a point in Acorn Branch; thence eastwardly along Acorn Branch 29.0 feet; thence north 48 degrees 18 minutes east 416.74 feet to a point; thence north 48 degrees 18 minutes east 1,010.58 feet to a point; thence north 17 degrees 36 minutes east 184.95 feet to a point; thence south 72 degrees 32 minutes east 109.95 feet to a point; thence north 48 degrees 18 minutes east 768.63 feet to a point; thence south 72 degrees 32 minutes east 42.36 feet to a point; thence north 17 degrees 45 minutes east 72.4 feet to a point; thence north 48 degrees 18 minutes east 1,053.67 feet to a point; thence south 41 degrees 42 minutes east 802.35 feet to a point; thence north 73 degrees 32 minutes east 460.0 feet to a point; thence south 66 degrees 28 minutes east 508.55 feet to a point; thence south 05 degrees 21 minutes west 802.0 feet to a point; thence south 88 degrees 37 minutes west 77.9 feet to a point; thence south 10 degrees 32 minutes west 141.05 feet to a point; thence south 48 degrees 18 minutes west 2,262.9 feet to a point; thence south 16 degrees 53 minutes west 411.2 feet to a point in the run of Acorn Branch; thence eastwardly along and with the said run of Acorn Branch 3,500 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Smiths Creek; thence westwardly along the said centerline of Smiths Creek as it meanders 17,900 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Burnt Mill Creeek, the point of BEGINNING. ANON Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to establish the Airport Zoning Area to include an unzoned portion of New Hanover County and to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Areas #8B, #9A and #10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordi- nance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this day of , 1976. Chairman and Commissioner Commissioner J Commissioner �q /0,0o'- "eg. '43 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA #10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area #10A is hereby amended by adding the hereinafter described tract of land to the R -20 Residential Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of US Hwy. 117, said point also being in the centerline of where the Sutton- Castle Hayne north and south power line crosses U. S. Hwy. 117; running thence from said power line to a point in the center of the Northeast Cape Fear River; thence in a northwardly direction following along the shoreline approximately 700 feet to the southwestern corner of the Henry B. Peschaw property shown on New Hanover County Tax Map 25, Block 01, Parcel 05; thence following along the southern property line of said property to where it joins with the Michd6l W. Stephen Rhodes property shown on New Hanover County Tax Map 25, Block 01, Parcel 27; thence following along said property line until it joins the southern property line of General Electric; running thence along said General Electric property line in a southeastwardly direction to a point in the centerline of U.S. Hwy 117; thence along said center- line in a southern direction to the point of BEGINNING, containing 379 acres, more or less. This being the same land as shown on New Hanover Tax Naps 25, (part) 25 -7, 10 and 11. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area #lOA on file in the Office of County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this. day of 1982. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ,ei "M 1�� Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10 -A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the B -1 Neighborhood Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described follows: Beginning at a point in the west right -of -way line of US Hwy 117 (Castle Hayne Road) at its intersection with the centerline of the run of Wild Cat Branch; thence along and with the west right of US Hwy 117 North 22 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 439.50 feet to a point: thence North 57 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 304.92 feet to a point; thence along and with a line parallel to the right of way of US Hwy 117 ( Castle Hayne Road) and being 300.00 feet west of said right of way South 22 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 354.64 feet to a point in the run of Wild Cat Branch; thence along and with the run of Wild Cat Branch South 54 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 55.59 feet to a point; thence along and with the run of Wild Cat Branch South 40 degrees 33 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 276.51 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 2.69 acres, more less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 3rd day of May, 1999. Attest: Clerk to the Board x,40,,..,,. a- Cam;.,., William A. Caster, Chairman - i AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA l0A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract of land from the R -20 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the R -15 Residential Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: Being all of the D. C. Helms Lot (approximately 2.91 acres) as shown on a Survey Map of the R. D. Helms and D. C. Helms properties, surveyed by Johnie C. Garrison, April 11, to 18, 1974, and duly recorded in Deed Book 893, Page 123, New Hanover County Registry. This being the same land as shown on the New Hanover County Tax Map for Cape Fear Township, Map 33 -06, Block 02, Parcel 22. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of March, 1983. Im -Chairman and Commissioner W"64� C�2e)' 61)� 16 6�' /,S-, AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 . THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Ll F Section I. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the B -1 Zoning District Classification and placing it in the R -20 Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: Beginning at a point in the dividing line between Tracts 4 & 5 of Woolvin Place as said Woolvin Place is shown on a map recorded in Map Book 2, Page 76 of the New Hanover County Registry; said point being located North 84 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East 204 feet from an iron pipe in the Eastern line of said Castle Hayne Road and 30 feet from its center line running thence from said point of beginning North 02 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds West 249.15 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 84 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East 113.0 feet; thence South 02 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 249.15 feet to an iron rod in the dividing line between Tracts 4 & 5 of Woolvin Place; thence South 84 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds West 113 feet to the point of beginning, SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH an easement in, to, through, over and upon a tract of land described as follows for the benefit of persons owning lands in Tracts 5, 6 or 7 of Woolvin Place as said Woolvin Place is shown on a map recorded in Map Book 2, Page 76 of the New Hanover County Registry, said easement being described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe marking the intersection of the dividing line between Tracts 4 & 5 of Woolvin Place with the Eastern line of U.S. Highway #117 and 30 feet from the center line thereof; running thence from said point of beginning North 84 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East 317.0 feet to an iron rod; thence North 02 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds West 20 feet; thence South 84 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds West 317 feet, more or less, to a point in the Eastern line of said U-.S. Highway #117; thence South 00 degrees 30 minutes West with and along the eastern line of said U.S. Highway #117 20 filet to the point of beginning. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of October, 1985. Spnurrq,� •��`�p�N 0 VCR S "i *" % ♦•• % ( ee o �% w ° a . � o e i 2 %.Iafw r; ° i ,C,,ARO S10 �f CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER 47 AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA l0A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: (2" 16 111w�' Section I. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area 1OA is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Zoning District Classification and placing it in the B -1 Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: That portion of parcel 15, Tax Map 33 -00, Block 015, further described as follows: The first 300 foot of depth, including the area fronting U.S. 117 now zoned R -20. This portion of parcel 15, encompassing .96t acres is to be placed in the B -1 Business Zoning District. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. • Adopted this 6th day of January, 1986. �. .• s o p •. see 2 49 r CHAIRMAN AND OMMISSIONER L3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10 A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: (;�' / Section I. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10 A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -15 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the B -1 Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: A portion of Parcel 003 -000, Block 001 Tax Map 33 -07, said portion being a 200 foot wide strip west of and adjacent to the existing B -1 Zone, said strip also running parallel to US 117. (See attached Map) Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 10 A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 4th day of August, 1986. ti♦ c° •• ,•`_��' ••� y CHAIRMAN AND C99MISSIONER y •/ • .� ; • so dJ l d 4— �erys • k • ��••�tfffa.e::.a °�vu L1 a AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, . 1974 THE BOARD -OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the I -2 Heavy Industrial Zoning District Classification and placing it in the I -1 Light Industrial Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: Those parcels identified as Tax Map 33 -07, Block 001, Parcels 5, 6, 6.1, 8 (eastern portion of), 17, 18 and 19. These properties are located on the north and south sides of Ritter Drive. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and +, directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted the 6th day of October, 1986. Rte. va +••••......• •COG••. OL t� � 2,- C AN AND O SSIONER lle� 00 • . . • yy . T �• S '.,, p .•••.Aye:• ••• P',.•• _.. _.. _. - -- I,- CA co C 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by. removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -10 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the B -1 Highway Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: A portion of Parcel 009 -00, Tax Map 25 -19, Block 002; with the existing B -1 Zoning District being expanded 500 feet eastward, said line running parallel to US 117 and the existing B -1 District boundary. (See attached map.) Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted the 2nd day of March, 1987. CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER 0 i 1� H 11 11 11 P 11 11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: 20 Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the B -1 Business Zoning District Classification and placing it in the B -2 Highway Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: Beginning at a point in the eastern right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 117 (50 feet from the center line thereof), said beginning point being located 200+ feet as measured northwardly along the eastern right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 117 from its point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of North 23rd Street. Running thence from said beginning point with the eastern right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 117, North 21 degrees 00 minutes east 482.3 feet to a point. Running thence south 69 degrees 00 minutes East 400.0 feet to a point in the center line of a 20 foot drainage easement. Running thence with the center line of said 20 foot drainage easement South 21 degrees 00 minutes West 426+ feet to a point. Running thence North 69 degrees 00 minutes West 400.0 feet to the point of beginning. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. { e 3 LJ Lin r 11 Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted the 2nd day of January, 1990. (� VY'O' I Fre Retchin, Chairman AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 �� IZ/ THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential and B -1 Business Zoning District Classifications and placing it in the B -2 Highway Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: Beginning at a point in the western right -of -way of US 117, said point being located 50+ feet north of a point formed by the intersecting lines of the western right -of -way of U.S. 117 and the southern right -of -way line of N. Kerr Avenue extended; thence in a southernly direction along the western right -of -way of U.S. 117, 700+ feet to a point in said right -of -way; thence in a westernly direction 350+ feet along the existing R -15 District line north of Chadwick Avenue; thence in a northerly direction 700+ feet along a line parallel to the U.S. 117 right -of -way line; thence 350+ feet in an easterly direction to the point and place of beginning. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and (W shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. D 11 c; �M 11 Ll Adopted the 2nd day oaf, 1990. Attest: »�w C:: f�, �✓ C1 k to the Board Fred Retchin, Chairman . 4,J,- 2 -1 , 6,� . S /9If / AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the AR Airport Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the 0 -I Office and Institution and B -2 Highway Business Zoning District Zoning District Classifications, said land being described as follows: 0 -I Office and Institution Beginning at a point in the eastern right -of -way of U.S. 117, said point being located 119.60 feet north of the intersecting lines of the eastern right -of -way line of U.S. 117 and the northern right -of -way line of Heritage Park Road running thence 534.86 feet N 22 degrees 12 minutes 45 seconds East along the eastern right -of -way of U.S. 117 to a point; thence N 86 degrees 45 minutes west 353+ feet to a point in the southern line of lot 3, Miller /Jacobus Division; thence in a southeast direction 120+ feet to a point in Wildcat Branch, said point also beig the intersection of the northeast corner of Lot 61 and northwest corner of lot 62, Heritage Park Subdivision; thence southwest along the run of Wildcat Branch, which is the northern lot line of lots 56 -61 of Heritage Park to the point and place of beginning. B -2 Highway Business Beginning at a point in the eastern line of lot 1, Miller /Jacobus Division, said point being located 115.7+ feet south of the northeast corner of the same lot 1; thence 720+ feet along the eastern line of lot 1 and the western line of the Corbett property to a point; thence, along a line in a western direction that measures 100 feet parallel to Wildcat Branch to a point; said point being in the western line of lot 1, Miller /Jacobus; and said point being the southeast corner of Lot 3 of the same Division; thence 590+ feet north 22 degrees 13 minutes 15 seconds East to a point; said point being the northeast corner of lot 2; thence southeast along a line 115.7+ feet parallel to the northern line of lot 1 453+ feet to the point and place of beginning. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted the 5th day of August, 1991. Fi!edr Retchin, Chairman AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 and B -2 District Classifications and placing it in the SC Shopping Center Zoning District classification, said land being described as follows: Beginning on an iron on the western right -of -way of US 117, NC 133 (Castle Hayne Road, 100 ft. riqht -of -way); said iron being located N 69 -20 -13 W 52.06 feet from a P.K. nail at the intersection of the centerlines of U.S. 117, N.C. 133, (Castle Hayne Road) and N. Kerr Avenue. Proceed from said beginning point with the western right -of- way of U.S. 117, N.C. 133 (Castle Hayne Road) N 03 -31 -13 E 690.72 feet to an existing iron pipe, said iron pipe being the southeast corner of Tract A, Horne Place as recorded in Map Book 6, Page 82, thence with the southern line of the Horne Place Division S 88 -12 -39 W 800.00 feet to an iron; thence a new line S 03 -30 -47 W 659.63 feet to an iron in the southern line of tract 5 of the aforesaid C.F. Seitter, Sr. Estate Division; thence N 88 -08 -45 E 550.00 feet to an iron, thence S 84 -16 -29 E 249.09 feet to the point of beginning and containing 12.14 acres according to a survey by Hanover Design Services, P.A. in September, 1991. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of LI 11 IM public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Df November, 1991. Fred Retchin, Chairman 101S AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential and B -1 Business Zoning District Classifications and placing it in the B -2 Highway Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: Beginning at a point in the western right -of -way of U.S. 117 (Castle Hayne Road) said point being located 378+ feet north of the northern line of Rock Hill Road; thence in a southwesterly direction 300+ feet along the southern line of the Sam Watson property (map 2515, Block 001, Parcel 9) to the existing B -1 District line, said line being located 300 feet west of and parallel to the U.S. 117 right -of -way line; thence 132+ feet north along the B -1 District line to point, said point being the intersection of the zoning line and an unnamed branch of Ness Creek; thence northwest along the branch 330+ feet to a point in the southern line of lot 8 of the J.A. Cox Subdivision; thence west 100+ feet along the southern line of lot 8 to the southwest corner of lot 8; thence in a northeasterly direction following the western line of lots 8, 9, and 10 of the J.A. Cox Subdivision 770+ feet to a point in the western right -of -way of U.S. 117; thence south along the western right -of -way of U.S. 117 902+ feet to the point and place of beginning. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A on file in the office of the county Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. if June, 1992. t ews, J hairman A � .27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING AREA NO. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area l OA is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential and placing it in the B -2 Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: Beginning at a point located where the B -2 district line intersects with the SC District line, said intersecting point being located on the southern end of the SC District approxi- mately 400 feet west of the western right -of -way line of Castle Rayne Road; running thence south along the B -2 district line approximately 580 feet to a point; thence in a northwest direction 150 feet to a point; thence north 545 =i: feet along a line that is 550 feet west of and parallel to Castle Hayne Road to a point in the southern side of the shopping center district; thence 140 feet east along the SC District boundary to the point and place of beginning. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area l0A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Attest: Adopted this 6th day of April, 1999. to the :•. • tD jLr'_' a. GMIL-t, William A. Caster, Chairman AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 10 -A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1974 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10 -A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the O &I Office & Institutional Zoning District Classification, said land being described in all three tracts as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northern right -of -way line of Horne Park Drive (30.0 feet from its center line) and 20.08 feet westwardly from the intersection of said northern line of Horne Park Drive with the western right of way line of U.S. Hwy. 117 (30.0 feet from its center line) also known as the Castle Hayne Road, said beginning point being South 00 deg. 33 min. 30 sec. West 183.01 feet from the northern line of the property of Eunice Horne Patrick as recorded in Book 328 on Page 411 of the New Hanover County Registry, said northern line being marked by stones and iron pipes and being approximately 75 feet southwardly from a culvert, the first culvert South of Wrightsboro School; running thence from said beginning point and parallel to said right of way line of said U.S. Hwy. 117, North 00 deg. 33 min. 30 sec. East 183.01 feet to aforementioned northern property line; running thence with said U.S. Hwy.., 183.01 feet to the northern line of said drive; running thence with the northern line of said drive North 85 deg. 25 min. East 230.0 feet to the point of beginning, Containing 1 acre, together with a right of way over and upon the 20.0 foot strip of land which lies between the above described tract of land and the western right of way of aforementioned Hwy.. U.S. 117. BEGINNING at a stake in the western line of the right -of -way of the North Carolina State Highway leading from Wilmington to Castle Hayne, and said highway was formerly known as the Castle Hayne Road, and said right -of -way is 100 feet wide, and said stake is South 86° West 26.5 feet from a stone; said stone is G.F. Seitter's Northeast corner. (The point where the Southern line of this property would intersect the Western edge of the pavement if extended Eastwardly is 495.7 feet Southwardly from the point where the said edge of the pavement would intersect the center line of an 18" concrete culvert pipe that passes under said highway and said culvert is located just South of the Wrightsboro Public School. 1) Thence South 86° West along G.F. Seitter's line one hundred fifty (150) feet to a stake. BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the southern line of Horne Place Drive, 60.00 foot right -of -way, with the western line of U.S. Highway 117, the Castle Hayne Road, said point being the northeastern corner of Tract A as shown on the map of Horne Place recorded in Map Book 6, at Page 82, of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence, from the point of beginning, South 00 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds West, with the western line of U.S. Highway 117, 8 1. 00 feet to a point, said point being the northeastern corner of the tract of land conveyed to C.A. Misenheimer and wife by deed recorded in Book 629, at Page 228, of the New Hanover County Registry; thence, South 85 degrees 25 minutes West, with the northern line of said Misenheimer tract, 150.00 feet to a point: thence North 00 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East 81.00 feet to a point in the southern line of Horne Place Drive: thence North 85 degrees 25 minutes East, with the southern line of Horne Place Drive 1500.00 feet to the point of beginning. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map No. 1 O on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 12th day of July, 1999. Attest: Clerk to the Board 2,7A, a-„-, a- C William A. Caster, Chairman 1e aT AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA No. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 Z -700, 04/00 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area NO.10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the B -2 business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as shown: See attached map: Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map No. I OA on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Attest: Adopted the 8`h day of May 2000. 17o OT- William A. Caster, Chairman 1­4� at, ju, AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAPS OF ZONING AREAS Nos. 813 AND 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 7, 1972 AND July 1, 1974 Respectively Z -725, 4/01 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No.813 and Area No. l0A are hereby amended by adding a Special Highway Overlay District to the hereinafter described properties, said boundaries of the new district running parallel with the Highway 17 By -Pass and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Western right of way line of U.S. Highway #17, (Market Street), said point being 500 feet south of the intersection of the Southern right of way line of the Highway 17 By -Pass and the Western right of way line of U.S. Highway 917, (Market Street); running thence parallel to the Southern right of way line of said Highway 917By -Pass offset 500 feet from said Southern right of way, and terminating at the mean high water line on the eastern edge of the Northeast Cape Fear River. BEGINNING at a point in the Western right of way line of U.S. Highway #17, (Market Street), said point being 500 feet north of the intersection of the Northern right of way line of the Highway 17 By -Pass and the Western right of way line of U.S. Highway 417, (Market Street); running thence parallel to the Northern right of way line ofsaid Highway #17By -Pass offset 500 feet from said Northern right of way, and terminating at the mean high water line on the eastern edge of the Northeast Cape Fear River. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Maps of area No. 8B and area No. l0A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Attest: Adopted the 4`h day of June 2001. fe�d WdVirman N W, 4M, Jim &51,Ffaffilll 5 0 0' S H O D 4 �r '•�'e mss.. ''1''��� �k' Y �� 7'v 4� Y ► 5 ?° -.dam �:........ 'Nat � ws' ,+�, iffid� ___.���k N � «• _`i --; a �' 4. f� lt' �'[ � �vr� �5Sl�s �.•�� `ID3 ! i':•_ it t' • z m� e �1 y _ •, � SYl9'*« - d.€'' f - - 3 Ott - _) 1 ' '}`qtr i� �� �.. �� � Sl��+i .: ;�� �' ♦B ♦ �s a r r� 71'1' - tili4. r ��� n ;c" ` 4I AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CASTLE HAYNE ZONING AREA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1985 Z -745, 06/02 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of The Castle Hayne Zoning Area is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it in the CD(B -1) Conditional Use Neighborhood Business Zoning District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEING a tract of land bound on the northeast by the lands, now or formerly, of Patricia Strickland Guyton, recorded among the lands records of the New Hanover County Registry in Deed Book 681, Page 188; on the Southeast by the lands, now or formerly, of Delores Gail Strickland etal, recorded in Deed Book 2990 at page 636; on the Southwest by the lands, now or formerly, of David W. & Deborah S. Everson, recorded in Deed Book 1322, at Page 63; on the Northwest by Castle Hayne Road (U.S. Hwy. 117), a 60' public right of way; and being more particularly described as: BEGINNING at a point in the southeastern boundary of Castle Hayne Road, said point being approximately 764.30 feet, along the boundary from its intersection with the northeastern boundary of Crowatan Road, a 60' public right -of -way; and running thence from the point of beginning, with the Guyton lands, South 49'46' 19" East 374.89 feet to a point; thence with the Strickland lands, South 400 24' 05" West, 323.28 feet to a point; thence with the Everson lands, North 490 48'19" West, 374.89 feet to a point in the southeastern boundary of Castle Hayne Road; thence with that right of way, North 400 24'05" East, 232.50 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.00 acres, more or less. BEING also Tract "A" in a subdivision titled "Survey for Gail Strickland & David Sturgill, " recorded in Map Book 41, at Page 61. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map of the Castle Hayne Zoning Area on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Attest: Adopted the 8`h day of July 2002. Ted Davis, Jr., hairman Z ate-, 10, fit. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA No. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 CASE: Z-832,04/06 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. 10A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential Zoning District Classification and placing it entirely in the O &I Office & Institutional District Classification, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF WILD CAT BRANCH AND THE WESTERN LINE OF A TRACT CONVEYED TO BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) INC. AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 2630 AT PAGES 0191 -0193 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY; SAID BEGINNING BEING LOCATED NORTH 22 DEGREES 15 MINUTES EAST 332.0 FEET, NORTH 57 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST 382.65 FEET AND SOUTH 22 DEGREES 15 MINUTES WEST 242.53 FEET FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF WILD CAT BRANCH AND THE WESTERN RIGHT OF WAY OF CASTLE HAYNE ROAD (U.S. HIGHWAY #117 — 60.0 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); RUNNING THENCE FROM SAID BEGINNING WITH THE WESTERN LINE NORTH 22 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 242.53 FEET TO A POINT; RUNNING THENCE WITH THE NORTHERN LINE SOUTH 57 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST 80.0 FEET TO A POINT; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 22 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 245 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE CENTERLINE OF WILD CAT BRANCH; RUNNING THENCE WITH THE CENTERLINE OF WILD CAT BRANCH IN A NORTHWESTWAkDLY DIRECTION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 19,501 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS AND BEING THE WESTERN PORTION OF THE TRACT CONVEYED TO BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) INC. AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 2630 AT PAGES 0191 -0193 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map of Zoning Map No. l0A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341, that this zoning map amendment is: A. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the land classification and associated policies in the 2006 land use plan Adopted the 1'tday of May 2006. est• Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Robert G. Greer, Chairman Z 81. 11A. 2.8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA No. 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 CASE: Z-848,8/06 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. l0A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential Zoning District and placing it in the R -15 Residential Zoning District Classification said land being described as follows: Commencing at the existing North Carolina Geodetic Monument "Eric" with NAD 83 coordinates of N = 197147.80 and E = 2325974.13 and running N 78° 21'03" W 337.63' to an existing iron rod at the Southeast corner of the Edwin I. Ennis, Jr. property as recorded in Deed Book 2893 Page 1237 in the New Hanover County Public Registry. Said iron rod being the place and point of beginning. 1) Thence running S 160 59' 13" W 258.35' to an existing iron pipe at the Southwest corner of the property owned by Martin Gallan, as recorded in Deed Book 4083 Page 650. 2) Thence with the Northern property line of Chadwick Acres Part I as recorded in Map Book 5 Page 100 and running N 86° 33' 00" W 1179.60' to an existing iron pipe at the Northwestern corner of Lot 19 of Chadwick Acres Part I. 3) Thence with the Northern property line of Chadwick Acres Part II as recorded in Map Book 5 Page 116 and beyond running S 810 05' 59" W 2756.35' to an existing iron pipe at the edge of the Salt Marsh and being in the Northern property line of Robert A. Jr. and Sylvia B. Chadwick as recorded in Deed Book 1519 Page 951. 4) Thence with the edge of Salt Marsh and running N 16° 26' 19" W 274.71' to an existing iron pipe. 5) Thence continuing N 25° 28'37" W 216.90' to an existing iron pipe. 6) Thence continuing N 10° 35' 21" W 517.89' to an existing iron pipe. 7) Thence continuing N 220 20' 53" W 174.19' to an existing iron pipe at the Southwest corner of the Thomas P. and Rebecca N. Winslow property as recorded in Deed Book 152 Page 527. Z -848 Page 1 of 3 8) Thence with the Southern property line of said Winslow property and beyond N 81 ° 42'24" E 2270.28' to an existing iron pipe at the Southeast corner of the Annie Mae Smith White property as recorded in Deed Book 1153 Page 791. 9) Thence with the Southern property line of Horne Place Section 2 as recorded in Map Book 8 Page 42 and running N 81' 15' 52" E 242.65' to an existing iron pipe at the Southwest corner of Lot 14 of said Horne Place. 10) Thence continuing N 81' 45'37" E 1259.69' to a point at the Northwest corner of Ronald M. Hughes property as recorded in Deed Book 1791 Page 919. 11) Thence with the Western property line of Ronald M. Hughes, as referenced above, and running S 020 54'21 " E 198.60' to a point at the Northwest corner of Wrightsboro Plaza property as recorded in Deed Book 1618 Page 1490. 12) Thence with the Western property line of Wrightsboro Plaza property and running S 020 54'21" E 460.57' to a point in the Northern property line of Edwin I. Ennis, Jr. property as recorded in Deed Book 1493 Page 1768. 13) Thence with the Northern property line of Edwin I. Ennis, Jr. and running N 810 45' 10" E 255.99' to an existing iron rod at the Northeast corner of said Ennis tract. 14) Thence with the Eastern property line of Edwin I. Ennis, Jr. and running S 02° 54' 30" E 263.41' to a new iron pipe at the Southeastern corner of said Ennis tract. 15) Thence with the Southern line of said Ennis tract S 87° 21' 37" W 7.08' to a new iron pipe. 16) Thence running S 030 08' 35" E 200.69' (passing over an existing iron rod at 25.21') to an existing iron rod at the Southwest corner of the Edwin I. Ennis, Jr. property as recorded in Deed Book 2893 Page 1237. 17) Thence with the Southern property line of said Edwin I. Ennis, Jr. tract and running N 870 08' 06" E 271.78' to the place and point of beginning. Containing 102.35 acres and being the property of Edwin I. Ennis, Jr. as recorded in Deed Book 1247 Page 335, Deed Book 1493 Page 1768, and Deed Book 1603 Page 1945 and the property of Wrightsboro Plaza as recorded in Deed Book 1592 Page 934, Deed Book 1610 Page 1898, and Deed Book 1613 Page 904. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map Area No. IOA on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Z -848 Page 2 of 3 Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find that this zoning map amendment is: A. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the land classification and associated policies in the 2006 land use plan. B. Reasonable and in the public interest as an expansion of an adjacent R -15 zoning district. Adopted the 2nd day of October, 2006. s' Sheila-t. Schult, Clerk to the Board Z -848 Page 3 of 3 Robert G. Greer, Chairman .7-8 Z. 10)q AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA No. 4 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 CASE: Z-854,11/06 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. l0A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tracts from the R -20 Residential Zoning District and placing them in the R -15 Residential District Classification, said land being described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land located on the west side of Castle Hayne Road, NC Hwy 133 & US 117, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, conveyed to Park Lake Properties, LLC in deeds recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 3439, Page 486; Deed Book 3393, Page 140; Deed Book 3312, Page 343; Deed Book 4449, Page 838; Deed Book 3391, Page 411 and Deed Book 3507, Page 889; said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe found at the intersection of the property line between the lands of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 4449 at Page 838 on the north and the lands of Patricia Smith-Bailey, Etal as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 5088 at Page 2381 on the south with the monumented street boundary of Castle Hayne Road (NC Highway 133 & US 117-- Public Road, 100 -ft Right -of -Way as per NCDOT); said iron pipe located North 20 °3851" East a distance of 408.99 feet from a concrete monument located at the intersection of the westerly highway boundary of Castle Hayne Road (100 -ft public right -of -way) and the northerly street boundary of Arlington Road (60 -ft Public Right -of -Way); said iron pipe at the point of beginning is located 30 feet westerly of the centerline of Castle Hayne Road (NC Highway 133 & US 117); Thence North 80 °22'01" West along said property line a distance of 20.36 feet to a point on the westerly highway boundary of Castle Hayne Road (NC Highway 133 & US 117) and 50 feet west of the centerline of Castle Hayne Road(NC Highway 133 & US 117); Thence North 80 °22'01" West continuing along said property line a distance of 518.14 feet to an iron pipe; said iron pipe located on the property line between the lands of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 3507 at Page 889 on the west and said lands of Patricia Smith - Bailey, Etal on the east; Thence South 09 052'05" West along said property line a distance of 109.13 feet to an iron pipe; said iron pipe located on the property line between the lands of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Z -854 Page 1 of 3 Deed Book 3507 at Page 889 on the west and the lands of Hubert L. and Cynthia W. Smith as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 4767 at Page 254 on the east; Thence South 09° 13'17" West along said property line a distance of 99.35 feet to an iron pipe; said iron pipe located on the southerly property line of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 3507 at Page 889; Thence North 80 °2648" West along said property line a distance of 2656.54 feet to a concrete monument; said monument located on the westerly property line of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 3507 at Page 889; Thence North 11 04229" East along said property line a distance of 209.34 feet to a concrete monument; said monument located on the westerly property line of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 3312 at Page 343; Thence North 100 16'06" East along said property line a distance of 306.00 feet to a point on said westerly property line; Thence South 85 °48'24" West along said property line a distance of 55.00 feet to a point on said property line; Thence North 02'13'54" West along said property line a distance of 387.23 feet to a point; said point located on the westerly property line of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 3393 at Page 140; Thence North 04° 14'52" West along said property line a distance of 213.50 feet to a point; said point located on the westerly property line of Park Lake Properties, LLC as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 3439 at Page 486; Thence North 04 13'41" West along said property line a distance of 236.46 feet to a point on said property line; Thence North 22 °2235" East along said property line a distance of 212.50 feet to a point on the property line between said lands of Park Lake Properties, LLC on the south and the lands of Ronny Lloyd Norris as recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 2312 at Page 177 on the north; Thence South 76 °37'12" East along said property line a distance of 3520.45 feet to a point on the westerly highway boundary of Castle Hayne Road (NC Highway 133 - Public Road, 100 -ft Right- of-Way as per NCDOT); said point located 50 feet westerly of the centerline of Castle Hayne Road (NC Highway 133 & US 117); ; Z -854 Page 2 of 3 Thence South 76 °37'12" East continuing along said property line a distance of 20.55 feet to an iron pipe; said`iron pipe located approximately 30 feet westerly of the centerline of Castle Hayne Road (NC Highway 133 & US 117); Thence South 17 °49'14" West approximately parallel with and 30 feet westerly of the centerline of Castle Hayne Road (NC Highway 133 & US 117) a distance of 1092.67 feet to the point of beginning; said parcel containing 4,611,507 + /- square feet or 105.866 acres, more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map Area No l0A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341, that this zoning map amendment is: A. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the land classification and associated policies in the 2006 land use plan. B. Reasonable and in the public interest to increase residential density in this area from 1.9 units per acre to 2.5 unit per acre. Adopted the 4`h day of December, 2006. Attest: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Z -854 Page 3 of 3 William A. Caster, Chairman AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA No. IOA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 7, 1972 CASE: Z-886,06/08 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area No. l0A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R -20 Residential District and placing it in the I -1 Industrial Zoning District, said lands being described as follows: Beginning at a point at the southwestern corner of a tract referred to as "Parcel 2," on a map recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 49, at Page 9; and running thence, North 04 033'49" East, 307.95 feet to a point in the northern boundary of a 170' wide Carolina Power & Light right -of -way; thence with that line, North 65051'02" East, 2747.79 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad (130' right -of- way); thence with that line, South 10044'19" West, 2872.23 feet to a point near the centerline of the right -of -way of interstate Hwy. 140, thence North 57052'29" West, 2369.91 feet to another point near the centerline of the highway; thence North 04 033'49" East, 130.90 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 84.89 acres, more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map Area No. l OA on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A- 341,that this zoning map amendment of 85 acres from R -20 to I -1 Light Industrial is: A. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Resource Protection land classification and associated policies in the 2006 land use plan. B. Reasonable and in the public interest to make the I -1 district consistent in this area adjacent to existing I -1 Industrial zoning and with access to rail service in the northern portion of the county. Adopted the 7"' day of July, 2008. /� 06�� Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: C\\\yL \\ I' Sheila L. Schult, lllerk to the Board AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREAS 10A and AIRPORT OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ORIGINALLY ADOPTED July 1, 1974 and October 4, 1976, respectively Zoning Book J_ CASE: Z -899, 9/09 Section _/a 4 , Page _ THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Areas l OA and Airport are hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tracts from the R -20 Residential District and AR Airport Residential Districts and placing them in the B -1 Neighborhood Business Zoning District, said lands being described as follows: R -20 to B -1 Beginning at an iron pipe at the corner of Castle Hayne Road and North Kerr Avenue, and running thence from said beginning point North 89 degrees 35 minutes East for 270.98 feet to a iron pipe and thence North 0 degrees 25 minutes West for 225.78 feet to an iron pipe and thence North 86 degrees 59 minutes East for 27.81 feet to an iron pipe and thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes for 98 feet to an iron pipe and thence South 86 degrees 30 minutes West for 290.4 feet to an iron pipe and thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes east for 318.8 feet to the beginning point and containing an area of 1.721 acres more or less. AR to B -1 Beginning at an iron pipe in the Northern line of North Kerr Avenue that is North 89 degrees 35 minutes East along said line of said road 104.5 feet from an iron pipe at the southwestern corner of the tract conveyed to Janie P Kennedy by deed recorded in book 764 at page 142 of the New Hanover County Registry, said Kennedy corner being North 89 degrees 35 minutes East along said line of said road 166.48 feet from its intersection with the Eastern line of the Castle Hayne Road (US Hwy 117, 100 foot right -of -way): running thence from said beginning point North 0 degrees 25 minutes West for 225.78 feet to an iron pipe and thence North 86 degrees 59 minutes East 74.3 feet to an iron pipe and thence South 0 degrees 25 minutes East 230.41 feet to an iron pipe and thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes West for 102 feet to the said beginning point and containing an area of .53 acres more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map Areas l OA and Airport on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Z -899 (9/09) Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341, that this zoning map amendment of approximately 2.53 acres from R -20 Residential and AR Airport Residential to B -1 Neighborhood Business District is: A. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Transition land classification and associated policies in the 2006 land use plan. B. Reasonable and in the public interest to allow a transition of land use from residential to commercial in proximity to an arterial intersection already predominated by commercial uses. Adopted the 5`h day of October, 2009. ;rj� Lrz�' a, Ted Davis, Jr., Ch 'rman Attest: %�1 � - �'-- SL Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Z -899 (9/09) 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 CASE: Z-905,09/10 Zoning Book -Ir� Section i__._o .� Page 3.;2- THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area l0A is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described 0.31 acre tract at 110 Horne Place Drive from the R -20 Residential District and placing it in an Office and Institutional (O &I) Zoning District, said lands being tax parcel number R03311- 005- 002 -000 and described in the deed as follows: BEGINNING at a found iron pipe in the southern right of way line of Horne Place Drive (60 foot wide public right of way), said iron pipe being located North 85 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds East, 110.00 feet from the northeastern corner of Lot 1 of Horne Place as depicted on a plat entitled "Horne Place" recorded in map book 6, page 82 of the New Hanover County register of deeds office, said beginning point also being located South 85 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds West 230.00 feet from the intersection of the southern line of Horne Place Drive and the western line of U.S. Highway #117 (Castle Hayne Road- 100 foot wide public right of way), running thence from said beginning point so located with the eastern line of Tract "C" as said tract is shown on the aforementioned map of Horne Place South 00 degrees 36 minutes 18 seconds West 176.00 feet to a found iron pipe in the northern line of that parcel of land conveyed to Ronald M. Hughes as described in deed book 1627, page 809 of said register of deeds office, thence with said northern line North 85 degrees 17 minutes 43 seconds East 80.01 feet to a found iron pipe, thence leaving the Hughes line and with the western line of a parcel depicted as Tract "A" on the map of Horne Place, said tract being more fully described in a deed to Ronald Hughes and wife Joyce S. Hughes as recorded in deed book 5076, page 1080 of said register of deeds office, North 00 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds East, 175.83 feet to a found iron rod in the southern line of Horne Place Drive, thence with said right of way line South 85 degrees, 25 minutes 00 seconds West 80.00 feet to the point of beginning containing 14, 015 square feet more or less (0.322 acres) and being all of that parcel shown and labeled as Tract `B" on the map of Horne Place and being that parcel now or formerly owned by the heirs of Lucille H. Mashburn and being assigned New Hanover County Parcel ID # R03311- 005- 002 -000. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map Area 1 O on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Z -905 Page 1 Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and gexe�kre of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall fla+fmm t(nd effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that this zoning map amendment of approximately 0.31 acres from R -20 Residential district to Office and Institutional (O &I) district is: A. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Transition land classification and associated policies in the 2006 land use plan. B. Reasonable and in the public interest to allow transition of land use from an R -20 residential district along an arterial roadway to Office and Institutional use. Adopted the 4th day of October, 2010. Z -905 Page 2 Jason JR. Thompson, Chairman Attest: ')� V '�' , '�.- -'�. Lk Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Zoning Book Section , o Page 3 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA 10A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 and subsequently amended CASE: Z -910 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area l OA is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tracts from the R -20 Residential Classification for residential use and placing it in an R -15 Residential Zoning District, said land being described as follows: Beginning at a rebar found along the North West side of I -140 at tax id. #R02400- 002 - 005 -002 having N.C. State Plane Coordinates(NAD83) of Northing: 205,541.24 Easting: 2,317,002.09; Thence along the right of way of Interstate I -140 S 39 °14'16" W a distance of 155.84 feet to a rebar w /alum. cap found; thence S 29 °02'50" W a distance of 85.49 feet to a rebar w /alum. cap found; thence N 79 °46'07" W a distance of 105.71 feet to a rebar found ; thence S 07 °40'46" W a distance of 93.03 feet to a rebar set; thence along the common Boundary with Rock Hill Road Investments, LLC, N 85 °06'59" W a distance of 385.90 feet to rebar set; thence S 58 °23'52" W a distance of 1104.06 feet to rebar found; thence S 58 °23'52" W a distance of 50.18 feet to a point and beginning of mean high water line of the Cape Fear River thence N 27 °17'47" W a distance of 47.53 feet to a point; thence N 30 °26'24" W a distance of 56.07 feet to a point; thence N 23 °31'51" W a distance of 51.86 feet to a point; thence N 42 °44'12" W a distance of 38.77 feet to a point; thence N 09 °3549" W a distance of 45.62 feet to a point; thence N 27 °27'03" W a distance of 28.39 feet to a point; thence N 32 °55'04" W a distance of 43.72 feet to a point; thence N 07 °12'57" W a distance of 26.56 feet to a point; thence N 58 °42'28" W a distance of 11.27 feet to a point; thence N 13 °32'41" E a distance of 42.56 feet to a point; thence N 27 °04'03" W a distance of 42.39 feet to a point; thence N 26°31'18" W a distance of 31.51 feet to a point; thence N 11 ° 17'01 " W a distance of 79.62 feet to a point; thence N 05 °10'47" E a distance of 78.92 feet to a point; thence N 07 °28'12" E a distance of 80.92 feet to a point; thence N 07 °21'23" E a distance of 46.52 feet thence N 25 °2549" E a distance of 74.73 feet to a point; thence N 31 °39'46" E a distance of 43.30 feet to a point;' thence N 26 °02'03" E a distance of 46.81 feet to a point; thence N 269 5'53" E a distance of 69.49 feet to a point; thence N 32 °4722" E a distance of 15.94 feet to a point; thence N 32 °47'22" E a distance of 24.41 feet to a point; thence N 13 °37'50" E a distance of 43.82 feet to a point; thence N 13 °41'27" E a distance of 50.16 feet to a point; Z -910 Page 1 thence N 20° 12'23" E a distance of 46.90 feet to a point; thence N 26 °31'58" E a distance of 44.06 feet to a point; thence N 26 °31'58" E a distance of 21.37 feet to a point; thence N 19 °31'14" E a distance of 55.31 feet to a point; thence N 33 °40'14" E a distance of 46.77 feet to a point; thence N 25 °38'37" E a distance of 65.21 feet to a point; thence N 32 °07'53" E a distance of 38.60 feet to a point; thence N 13 °57'28" E a distance of 61.39 feet to a point; thence N 30 °08'41" E a distance of 49.30 feet to a point and end of mean high water line; thence along the common Boundary with River Bluffs Development, Corp. S 68 °51'11" E a distance of 397.22 feet to a rebar found; thence S 18 °10'40" W a distance of 187.12 feet to a rebar found; thence S 80 °25'46" E a distance of 742.12 feet to a rebar found; thence S 72 °27'07" E a distance of 114.47 feet to a iron pipe found; thence along the common Boundary with Chair Road Associates, LLC and River Bluffs Development, Corp. S 72 °27'07" E a distance of 327.42 feet to the point of beginning. Said Parcel containing 27.23 Acres more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to Change the Zoning Map Area 10A on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and subject to the companion special use permit also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A- 341 that the zoning map amendments of approximately 27.23 acres from R -20 residential district to R -15 residential district is: Consistent with the purpose and intent of the R -15 District outlined in section 52.5 of the New Hanover County Ordinance and the intent of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 27.23 acres of R -20 Residential property to R -15 Residential property. Adopted the 11 th day of July, 2011. . � WoNA, rs/arar st Sheila L. chult, Clerk to the Board Z -910 Page 2 Zoning Book Section &Pa.,." AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA 10A AND AIRPORT OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 and October 4, 1976 respectfully and subsequently amended CASE: Z- 923,11/12 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Maps of Zoning Area 10A and Airport are hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tracts from the R -20 Residential District and Airport Residential and placing it in a Conditional Zoning B -1 Neighborhood Business District, said land and right -of -way being described as follows: Being all of the properties identified by the New Hanover County Tax Office records, inclusive of Parcel IDs R03311 -004- 017 -000, R03311- 004 - 019 -000 and R03311 -004- 020-000 as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto, and more specifically described as follows: Beginning at a point, that point being an existing iron pipe in the eastern right -of- way line of Highway 117, locally named as Castle Hayne Road, said beginning point an iron pipe being located 318.8 feet north of a point formed by the intersection of the eastern right -of -way of Hwy 117 and the northern right -of -way line of State Road 1322, locally named North Kerr Avenue; thence running thence North86 degrees 30 minutes East 290.4 feet to an iron pipe, thence North 45 degrees East 165 feet to an iron pipe marking the northeast corner of the Farrow property as recorded in Deed Book 173 at Page 392; thence South 86 degrees 30 minutes West 139.8 feet to an iron pipe located in and marking the southeast corner of the Rhames property as identified in Deed Book 1274 at Page 160; thence running North 01 degrees 00 minutes East 106.4 feet to a point in the northeast corner of the Rhames property as previously referenced; thence South 85 degrees 49 minutes West 150.6 feet to a point in the eastern right -of -way of Hwy 117; thence due westward 100 feet to a point in the western right -of -way line of Hwy 117; thence southward along the western right -of -way line approximately 285 feet to a point in said right -of -way; thence east northeast 100 feet to a point in the eastern right -of- way line of Hwy 117, said point also being the point of beginning. The above description encompasses a total of 2.12 acres as follows: Land area: 1.46 acres R/W area: 0.66 acres Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its Z-923,11/12 Page 1 i� adoption. Section 4. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that the zoning map amendments of approximately 1.46 acres of land and 0.66 acres of right -of -way from R -20 Residential District and Airport Residential to Conditional Zoning B -1 Neighborhood Business District are: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Conditional Zoning District outlined in Section 59.10 and B -1 Neighborhood Business District outlined in Section 54 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance and the intent of the Transition classification of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 1.46 acres of land and 0.66 acres of right -of -way from R -20 Residential and Airport Residential property to Conditional Zoning B -1 Neighborhood Business property. Section 5. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Section 59.10 and Section 54 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a CONDITIONAL DISTRICT ZONING BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional district zoning shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. B. Additional Conditions include: 1) Retail hours limited from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. to mitigate concerns from adjoining residential property owners. 2) Specific land uses permitted limited to General Merchandise Stores and Miscellaneous Retail. 3) The inclusion of a small wedge of land zoned AR Airport Residential located in the northeastern corner of the property located at 2620 Castle Hayne Road. 4) Directional lighting installed to reduce light pollution on adjacent properties. 5) The creation of a five (5) foot easement fronting the property for a future sidewalk. 6) Approval of a septic tank permit thru the County's Environmental Health Department. 7) The mitigation of trees located on site in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 6. In accordance with Section 59.10 -6 of the ordinance, the permit shall become null and void if construction or occupancy has not commenced within 24 months of the date of this approval. Section 7. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated. Z -923, 11/12 Page 2 Adopted the 3'd day of December, 2012. Woody White, qKairman Attest: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Z-923,11/12 Page 3 t, a ORDINANCE OF E COUNTY OF !, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA 10A AND AIRPORT RESIDENTIAL OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED jlulv-1-1&71-� CASE: Z-923M, 0„ Section 1. The Zoning Maps of Zoning Area 10A and Airport Residential are hereby amended by modifying the hereinafter described tract from the R-20 Residential District and Airport Residential District and placing it in a Conditional Zoning B-1 Neighborhood Business District, said land being described as follows: BEGINNING at the iron pin located in the eastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 117 / NC Highway 133 (100' ROW), said iron pin being located North 00 degrees 02 minutes 'i seconds East 949.58 feet from Monument Thence from said point and place of BEGINNING and with the eastern line U.S. Highway 117 / NC Highway 133 11 '• degrees 01 seconds 11 feet to an iron • •- • • • • •; the property owned, now or by • Sylvia Rham southerly (Deed Book 1274, Page 160); Thence with the of •. continuing with the southern of property owned, now or • by Fred Austin McDowell and Shelvia S. McDowell (Deed Book 971, Page 705) • degrees 50 minutes 49 seconds East 61 to an iron pipe located at the northwest • of property twned, now or formerly, by Janet Herring Williams, et al (Book 958, Page 925); Thence with the western line of •!• two courses and • istances: ( South 1 • deerees 33 minutes 22 seconds 1 • • • •- and (2) South 03 degrees 56 minutes 10 seconds East 93.34 feet to an iron • •- located in the northeast a of property owned, now or • by Herbert and Cynthia W. Smith (Book 4571, Page225); Z -923M, 04/13 Page 1 Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants • the County • New Hanover, North Carolina, and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 4. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A-341 that the zoning map amendments • approximately 2.06 acres • land and right-of-way from R- 20 Residential District and Airport Residential to Conditional Zoning B-1 Neighborhood Business District is: Consistent with the purposes and intent • the Conditional Zoning District outlined in Section 55.3 and B-1 Neighborhood Business District outlined in Section 52.1 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance and the intent of the Transition classification • the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. Tow B-1 Neighborhood Business property. Section 5. The County Commissioners find that all • the specific requirements set forth in Section 55.3 and 52.1 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is as part • this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance • a CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. if any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority • this Board of Commissioners • a court • competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. Z-923M, 04/13 Page 2 Section 6. In accordance with Section 59.10-6 of the ordinance, the permit shall become null and void if construction or occupancy has not commenced within 24 months of the date of this Section 7. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated. � Woody Whit:?Ilairman Z-923M,04/13 Page Zoning Book Section fog Page AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: Z- 947,12/15 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from an R -20, Residential Zoning District, and placing it in a (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential Zoning District, said land consisting of 46.56 acres and being described legally as follows: Beginning at a point along the western boundary of Blue Clay Road, a 60' public right -of -way; said point being located South 16 047'38" West, 332.94 feet from the southernmost corner of Section One, Ivy Wood at Runnymeade, a subdivision recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 29, at Page 64; and running thence from the point of beginning with the Blue Clay Road right -of -way, South 16 050'17" West, 61.58 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 1914.17 feet and Length of 322.78', a Chord of South 21 039'21" West, 322.40 feet to a point; thence, South 26 029'12" West, 890.91 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 3970.00 feet and Length of 104.23 feet, a Chord of South 26 046'02" West, 104.23 feet to a point; thence leaving the right -of -way, North 68 040'19" West, 872.63 feet to a point; thence, North 18 148'10" East, 242.24 feet to a point; thence, North 69 °56'13" West, 228.84 feet to a point; thence, North 69 002'47" West, 226.16 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Holland Drive, a 60' public right -of -way; thence with that right -of -way, Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 552.25 feet and Length of 26.37 feet, a Chord of N 00 006'05" West, 26.36 feet to a point; thence, North 01 002'46" East, 979.24 feet to a point; thence leaving that right -of -way, South 57 032'55" East, 554.79 feet to a point; thence, North 17 017'35" East, 460.34 feet to a point; thence, North 25 046'36" East, 29.31 feet to a point; thence, South 68 040'19" East, 872.63 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 46.56 acres, more or less. Z -947, 12/15 Page 1 Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that the zoning map amendment of approximately 46.56 acres of land from R -20, Residential Zoning District, to (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential Zoning District is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan because the proposed performance residential subdivision must install water and sewer service, and thus it should not diminish the recharge of surrounding aquifers, thereby complying with the development strategies of the Aquifer Resource Protection land use classification and Policy 3.28 of the Land Use Plan. Reasonable and in the public interest because it provides for increased density in areas best suited for development while not impeding the quality of life of the existing residential communities. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 55.3 and 52.2 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 55.3 -6 of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within 24 months of the date of this approval. Z -947, 12/15 Page 2 Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated: 1. Streetyard plantings for the non - residential use in a residential district will be installed along the Holland Drive Frontage. 2. A 20 foot non - vehicular & pedestrian access easement will be dedicated to New Hanover County along Blue Clay Road for a future multi -use path proposed in the County's long - range plans. 3. Privacy fencing shall be installed and maintained on lots 1 -7. 4. Installation of any improvements of the NCDOT and WMPO approved Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the proposed subdivision, which included a northbound left turn lane at the site access on Blue Clay Road. Adopted the 4t" day of January, 2016. Beth Dawson, Chairman Attest: JAS44-11 _P 4F,� Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board 1 Z -947, 12/15 Page 3 Zoning Book Section L-- k3t/- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: Z -950, 3/16 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from an R -20, Residential Zoning District, and placing it in a (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential Zoning District, said land consisting of 14.00 acres and being described legally as follows: Beginning at a point located along the western boundary of Blue Clay Road, a 60' public right -of -way; said point being located 288.01 feet southwardly along the boundary from its intersection with the southern line of Section One, Ivy Wood at Runnymeade, a subdivision recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 29, at Page 64; and running thence from the point of beginning with the Blue Clay Road right -of -way, South 16 045'13" West, 46.16 feet to a point; thence leaving the right -of -way, North 60 023'16" West, 1271.98 feet to a point; thence, South 28 015'00" West, 29.31 feet to a point; thence, South 17 013'32" West, 459.83 feet to a point; thence, North 57 127'13" West, 554.72 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Holland Drive, a 60' public right -of -way; thence with that right -of -way, Along a curve to the left, having a Radius of 462.90 feet and Length of 269.48 feet, a Chord of North 15 048'20" West, 265.69 feet; thence continuing along the right - of -way, North 32 029'00" West, 3.42 feet to a point at the intersection with the southeastern boundary of Alex Trask Drive, a 60' public right -of -way; thence with that right -of- way, North 40 002'00" East, 344.57 feet to a point; thence leaving the right -of -way, South 50 020'58" East, 371.51 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the left, having a Radius of 200.00 feet and Length of 119.00 feet, a Chord of South 67 023'42" East, 117.25 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 245.00 feet and Length of 103.16 feet, a Chord of South 70 047'47" East, 117.64 feet to a point; thence, South 60 123'16" East, 21.67 feet to a point; thence, North 40 023'10" East, 337.77 feet to a point in the common line with Ivy Woods at Runnymeade; thence with that line, Z -950, 3/16 Page 1 South 57 047'00" East, 693.48 feet to a point; thence leaving that that common boundary, South 29 041'06" West, 181.50 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 145.00 feet and Length of 121.70 feet, a Chord of South 24 036'50" East, 118.16 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the left, having a Radius of 100.00 feet and Length of 104.40 feet, a Chord of South 30 028'41" East, 99.73 feet to a point; thence, South 60 126'16" East, 310.95 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 14.00 acres, more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that the zoning map amendment of approximately 14.00 acres of land from R -20, Residential Zoning District, to (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential Zoning District is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan because the proposed performance residential subdivision must install water and sewer service, and thus it should not significantly diminish the recharge of surrounding aquifers, thereby complying with the development strategies of the Aquifer Resource Protection land use classification and Policy 3.28 of the Land Use Plan. Reasonable and in the public interest because it provides for increased density in areas best suited for development while not impeding the quality of life of the existing residential communities. Z -950, 3/16 Page 2 Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 55.3 and 52.2 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 55.3 -6 of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within 24 months of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated: 1. Streetyard plantings for the non - residential use in a residential district will be installed along the Holland Drive and Alex Trask Drive frontages. 2. The street connection to Galway Road shall be improved and extended to connect to Galway Road's existing pavement. Adopted the 4th day of April, 2016. Beth Dawson, Chairman Attest: ..Q/v4'w EL_Vt��_ Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board qf:�4 t t ir Z -950, 3/16 Page 3 Zoning Book kk ? Section _Page .�.1 A AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: Z-953,4/16 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from an R -15, Residential Zoning District, and placing it in a (CZD) O &I, Conditional Office and Institutional Zoning District, said land consisting of 2.2 acres and being described legally as follows: All that tract or parcel of land located in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, and State of North Carolina; being part of land conveyed to Hanover Lakes, LLC recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in Deed Book 5373 at Page 1557; said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 2 inch iron pipe located at the intersection of the northerly line of said lands conveyed to Hanover Lakes, LLC with the westerly monumented highway boundary of Castle Hayne Road — US Highway 117; said westerly monumented boundary being located 30 feet from the centerline of said road; the Point of Beginning also being located the following three (3) courses and distances from a concrete monument located at the intersection of the westerly line of Castle Hayne Road - US Highway 117 with the northerly highway boundary of Arlington Drive — SR 1316 (60' wide Public Right of Way): 1. Thence from said concrete monument, which is located 50 feet westerly of the centerline of Castle Hayne Road- US Highway 117, North 17 049'14" East a distance of 84.97 feet to a point on the property line between the lands of Lot 1 of Arlington Heights as shown on the map recorded in Deed Book 5015 at Page 2217 on the north; 2. Thence South 80 °1924" East along the southerly line of said lands of Harris a distance of 20.33 feet to an iron pipe located on the westerly monumented highway boundary of Castle Hayne — US Highway 117; said iron pipe located 30 feet westerly of the centerline of Castle Hayne Road — US Highway 117; 3. Thence North 17 049'14" East along said monumented highway boundary a distance of 1413.26 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence, from said Point of Beginning, South 17 048'11" West along said westerly monumented highway boundary a distance of 228.97 feet to a No. 5 rebar; Thence North 77 025'11" West through said lands of Hanover Lakes, LLC a distance of 406.23 feet to a No. 5 rebar; Z -953, 4/16 Page 1 Thence North 13 °25'05" East continuing through said lands of Hanover Lakes, LLC a distance of 234.24 feet to a No. 5 rebar located on the northerly line on said lands of Hanover Lakes, LLC; Thence South 76 034'55" East along said northerly line a distance of 423.70 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 100,542 + /- square feet or 2.308 acres, more or less. Excepting from the above described property all that area which could be claimed by the NCDOT for roadway maintenance up to a limit of 50 feet westerly of the centerline of the road as it exists at this point in time. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that the zoning map amendment of approximately 2.2 acres of land from R -15, Residential Zoning District, to (CZD) O &I, Conditional Office and Institutional Zoning District is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan because the property is located on an arterial street and will be served by public water and sewer services, thereby making it suitable for intensive urban development which is encouraged in the Transition Classification. Reasonable and in the public interest because it maximizes the effectiveness of commercial uses by locating them within close proximity to the markets they serve and by ensuring that such commercial uses do not diminish the quality of life of the existing residential communities. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 55.3 and 52.3 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: Z -953, 4/16 Page 2 A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 55.3 -6 of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within 24 months of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated: 1. No more than a total of 100 peak hour trips can be generated from the use or combination of uses located within the zoning district. Change of use proposals must be reviewed and approved by the County in order to verify compliance with the zoning district standards. 2. The development shall comply with all provisions of an approved NCDOT driveway permit prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Freestanding signage shall be limited to monument signs, in that the sign must have a support structure that is a solid- appearing base constructed of a permanent material, such as concrete block or brick. Freestanding signs supported by poles and any flashing, digital signs shall be prohibited. 4. Existing vegetation must remain within the bufferyards and be supplemented as necessary to provide the 100% visual opacity requirement. Adopted the 2nd day of May, 2016. Beth Dawson, Chairman Attest: Ter a Elmore, Clerk to the Board 4_1-?� / I1 41 AN Date Z -953, 4/16 Page 3 Zoning Book JT Section Page S.� AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: Z-954,4/16 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from an R -15, Residential Zoning District, and placing it in a (CZD) B -2, Conditional Highway Business Zoning District, said land consisting of 0.58 acres and being described legally as follows: Beginning at a point in the western boundary of Castle Hayne Road (S.R. 2812), a 100' public right -of -way; said point being located 73.08 feet southwest along the right -of -way from its intersection with the southern boundary of Chadwick Avenue (S.R. 1317), a 60' public right -of -way; and running thence from the point of beginning, with the Castle Hayne Road right -of -way, South 21 032'25" West, 90.30 feet to a point; thence leaving the road right -of -way, North 73 134'37" West, 298.88 feet to a point; thence, North 23 032'44" East, 86.95 feet to a point; thence, South 74 118'30" East, 287.18 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 0.58 acres, more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Z -954, 4/16 Page 1 Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that the zoning map amendment of approximately 0.58 acres of land from R -15, Residential Zoning District, to (CZD) B -2, Conditional Highway Business Zoning District is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan because the property is located on an arterial street and will be served by public water and sewer services, thereby making it suitable for intensive urban development which is encouraged in the Transition Classification. Reasonable and in the public interest because it maximizes the effectiveness of commercial uses by locating them within close proximity to the markets they serve and by ensuring that such commercial uses do not diminish the quality of life of the existing residential communities. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 55.3 and 52.2 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 55.3 -6 of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within 24 months of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated: 1. Existing vegetation must remain within the bufferyards and be supplemented as necessary to provide the 100% visual opacity requirement. Z -954, 4/16 Page 2 Adopted the 2 "d day of May, 2016. Beth Dawson, Chairman Attest: X%J Tere a Elmore, Clerk to the Board �� Date Z -954, 4/16 Page 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP Zoning Book Section Page GIO SUP Book. -page 63 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: Z- 966,1/17 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from an (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential Zoning District, and placing it in a (CUD) R -10, Conditional Use Residential Zoning District, said land consisting of 8.57 acres and being described legally as follows: Beginning at a point located along the western boundary of Blue Clay Road, a 60' public right -of -way; said point being located 272.33 feet southwardly along the boundary from its intersection with the southern line of Section One, Ivy Wood at Runnymeade, a subdivision recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 29, at Page 64; and running thence from the point of beginning with the Blue Clay Road right -of -way, South 16 045'13" West, 61.84 feet to a point; thence leaving the right -of -way, North 60 023'16" West, 1271.98 feet to a point; thence, South 28 015'00" West, 29.31 feet to a point; thence, South 17 013'32" West, 459.83 feet to a point; thence, North 57 027'13" West, 554.72 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Holland Drive, a 60' public right -of -way; thence with that right -of -way, Along a curve to the left, having a Radius of 462.90 feet and Length of 269.48 feet, a Chord of North 15 048'20" West, 265.69 feet; thence continuing along the right - of -way, North 32 029'00" West, 3.42 feet to a point at the intersection with the southeastern boundary of Alex Trask Drive, a 60' public right -of -way; thence with that right -of -way, North 40 002'00" East, 344.57 feet to a point; thence leaving the right -of -way, South 50 020'58" East, 371.51 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the left, having a Radius of 200.00 feet and Length of 115.89 feet, a Chord of South 66 056'58" East, 114.26 feet to a point; thence, Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 245.00 feet and Length of 99.04 feet, a Chord of South 71 058'05" East, 98.36 feet to a point; thence, South 60 023'16" East, 1029.14 feet to a point; thence, South 64 003'52" East, 238.47 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 8.57 acres, more or less. Z -966, 1/17 Page 1 Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that the zoning map amendment of approximately 8.57 acres of land from (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential District, to (CUD) R -10, Conditional Use Residential District is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because Multifamily residential is encouraged within the Community Mixed Use place type. The proposed density is consistent with the Plan and is the average density needed to support the small scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that this place type promotes. Reasonable and in the public interest because the development is located in close proximity to water and sewer utilities, will provide pedestrian amenities to help promote a safe, walkable community, and will add to the range of housing types in the area. The development is also located close to services and employment centers which may minimize vehicle trips for the residents Adopted the 6th day of March, 2017. U a Woody White, Attest: t4�m KyrUrowell, Clerk to the Board I I --- Z -966, 1/17 Page 2 7oning Bout T, Section Page_ AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: Z18 -09 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from a R -20, Residential District, and placing it in a (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential District, said land consisting of 16.76 acres and being described legally as follows: This description being suitable for municipal zone line only, being drawn from record only and neither the result of a complete and accurate survey of the premises nor a thorough title examination and being a composite of that parcel and excepted parcels as cited in Deed Book 4448, Page 739 of the New Hanover County Registry (said exceptions cited as lands in Deed Book 1553, Page 752 and Deed Book 1611, Page 1500 of the same registry). The resulting composite area is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southern line of Oakley Avenue, said point being located North 84 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds West 705.2 feet and South 00 degrees 53 minutes West 27.0 feet (the point of intersection of two ditches as cited in Deed Book 4448, Page 739) and South 00 degrees 53 minutes West 18.12 feet from an old stone marked "DLG ", located in the intersection of Oakley Road, Oakley Circle West and Oakley Avenue and running thence from said beginning point with the Southern line of Oakley Avenue, South 84 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds East 464.3 feet to a point; running thence south 35 degrees 38 minutes 45 seconds West 474.72 feet to an iron pipe; running thence North 82 degrees 19 minutes 15 seconds West 374.4 feet to an iron pipe; running thence South 07 degrees 55 minutes 45 seconds West 426.01 feet to an iron pipe in the Northern line of Lela Mae Sharpe tract; running thence with the Northern line of the Sharpe tract, North 85 degrees 35 minutes 45 seconds West 785.92 feet to an iron pipe, a corner of the C.L. Blanton tract; running thence with the Northern line of the Blanton tract, North 85 degrees 35 minutes 45 seconds West 235.17 feet to an iron pipe, a corner of the Axler land; running thence with the Axler line the following courses and distances thru the swamp, North 24 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds West 180.0 feet to an old pipe; thence North 84 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds East 282.43 feet to an iron pipe; running thence North 47 degrees 58 minutes 45 seconds East 130.0 feet to an iron pipe; running thence North 83 degrees 38 minutes 45 seconds East 192.0 feet to an iron pipe; running thence North 83 degrees 21 minutes 45 seconds East 42.0 feet and North 26 degrees 41 minutes 45 seconds East 96.0 feet to a point in the mouth of a ditch; running thence up and with the run of said ditch, North 01 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds East 75.0 feet, North 10 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds West 60.0 feet, North 27 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West 80.0 feet and North 15 degrees 29 minutes 45 seconds West 42.28 feet to a point in the Southern line of a 20 foot easement. Z18 -09 Order Page 1 Running thence with the Southern line of said 20 foot easement, North 82 degrees 01 minutes 15 seconds East 655.76 feet to a point in the Southern line of Oakley Avenue, thence with Southern line of Oakley Avenue South 84 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds East 91.52 feet to a point in the Western end of Oakley Avenue, the point of beginning, and containing 16.76 acres more or less. Said tract being subject to easements and servitudes of record. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed underthe supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that the zoning map amendment of approximately 16.76 acres of land from R -20, Residential District, to (CZD) R -10, Conditional Residential District, is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides for infill residential development that is compatible to the existing pattern of the area, while protecting environmental resources by clustering structures and infrastructure. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the project will provide increased amounts of open space which promotes the protection of the natural environment and wildlife habitats. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 55.3 and 51.7 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. Z18 -09 Order Page 2 Section 7. In accordance with Section 55.3 -6 of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within 24 months of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated: 1. The townhome buildings shall not exceed one story in height. 2. Each dwelling unit shall be limited to a maximum of two bedrooms. Adopted the 20`h day of August, 2018. Woody White, Chairman Attest: 4M 0ttlw� . Ky Crowell, Clerk to the Board Z18 -09 Order Page 3 Zoning Book- - Section. 104- Page yZ AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE:Z19-09 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from a R-15, Residential District,and B-2, Highway Business District,and placing it in a UMXZ,Urban Mixed Use Zoning District,said land consisting of 12.3 acres and being described legally as follows: Being all that tract or parcel of land lying in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, State of North Carolina being all or portions of lands recorded in deed book 1493, page 1768, deed book 5183, page 277, and deed book 5136, page 1331 in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds, located on the western margin of U.S. 117 N.C. 133 Castle Hayne Road, being a 100' right of way, map book 32, page 259; said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe found located on the western margin of Castle Hayne Road and the most southeastern corner of Ennis Edmin I Jr Etal,deed book 5136, page 1331,thence South 02°20'27" East a distance of 274.99'to a PK found; Thence continuing along the western margin of Castle Hayne Road, South 04°34'47" West a distance of 50.35' to an iron rod set, being South 87°36'57" West a distance of 2.45'away from an iron pipe found; Thence along the northern and western boundary of Filippini Family LTD PTNRP, deed book 4201, page 752,the following two (2)courses South 87°36'57" West a distance of 267.06'to an iron rod found; South 16°56'21"West a distance of 123.18'to an iron pipe found; Thence along the western boundary of Espinosa Maradiaga Bessy L, deed book 5989, page 1469, South 17°02'59" West a distance of 134.98' to an iron pipe found; Thence along the northern boundary of Chadwick Acres, map book 5, page 100, North 86°33'32" West a distance of 457.88'to an iron pipe found; Thence along the eastern boundary of Clearly Development Inc,deed book 5813, page 201,the following five (5)courses North 19°57'15"West a distance of 412.30'to an iron pipe found; South 87°21'16"West a distance of 100.48'to an iron rod set; North 08°14'37"West a distance of 212.87'to an iron rod set; Z19-09 Order Page 1 I North 81°45'56" East a distance of 99.59'to an iron rod set; North 81°47'45" East a distance of 171.99'to an iron pipe found; Thence along the southern boundary of Wrightsboro Plaza,deed book 1592,page 934, North 81°45'33" East a distance of 550.31'to an iron rod set; Thence along the western and southern boundary of said Ennis Edmin I Jr Etal, the following two (2)courses South 02°29'10" East a distance of 167.47'to an iron rod found; North 87°27'21" East a distance of 250.06'to an iron pipe found being the point of beginning. Having an area of 534,683 square feet or 12.275 acres more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance,to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A-341 that the zoning map amendment of approximately 12.3 acres of land from R-15, Residential District, and B-2, Highway Business District,to UMXZ, Urban Mixed Use Zoning District, is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides an orderly transition of uses from higher intensity to lower intensity areas, provides for a range of housing types, and allows for future residents' convenient access to basic goods and services.The County Commissioners also find approval of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the Wrightsboro community by providing diverse housing options,by increasing the customer base to support area businesses, and by allowing for more pedestrian-oriented travel. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 55.3 and 54.4 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a URBAN MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: Z19-09 Order Page 2 A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 112 of the zoning ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 55.3-6 of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within 24 months of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; all other state,federal and local rules. Adopted the 21st day of October, 2019. i> ,S / .n. an Barfi- :rr., !•irman co ; Rey kJ 4r ? Attest: `Aar o I ' 1 = z a �: . o.� Ky rowell, Clerk to the Board •EsTABLis, Z19-09 Order Page 3 Zoning Book a_ Section ‘oA Page gS AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE:Z21-04 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from an R-20, Residential-20 District, and placing it in a (CZD) R-10, Conditional, Residential-10 District, said land consisting of approximately 4.90 acres and being described legally as follows: All of Parcel 1, of the Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity Record Map of Boundary Survey, as the same is shown and described on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 64, Page 240, of the New Hanover County Registry,together with and subject to easements and rights of way as shown on said map. J'. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance,to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. ) Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 160D that the zoning map amendment of approximately 4.90 acres of land from an R-20, Residential-20 District and placing it in a (CZD) R-10, Conditional, Residential-10 District, is Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density is in line with the residential housing densities outlined for General Residential areas. The County Commissioners also find approval of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is consistent with the existing development pattern of the surrounding area. Z21-04 Order Page 1 Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 3.2.9, and 10.3.3 of the County Unified Development Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a Conditional Zoning District BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 10.3.2 of the ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 10.3.3.C.7.c of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within two years of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; and all other state, federal and local rules; and any additional conditions hereinafter stated: Adopted the 3`d day of March 2021. vNTY•NQ / 1 o R Juli. •Ison-Boseman hair 'y kJ ,P...7‘:."-; Attest: , 2 ti\ , _,e, . .ESIAFiJSHE _ (.__.? 6t7ak_ c, K Crowell, Clerk to the Board Z21-04 Order Page 2 Zoning Book It Section ►OA Page 44,9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE:Z21-06 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from a R-20, Residential 20 District, and placing it in a (CZD) R-5, Conditional Residential Moderate-High District, said land consisting of approximately 7.59 acres and being described legally as follows: Being an 8.55-acre tract for which a map of survey is recorded among the Land Records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 39, at Page 243; and being further described as Beginning at a point in the western boundary of Blue Clay Road(NC S.R. 1318),a sixty- foot (60') public right-of-way; and running thence: South 85°53'52" West, 726.45 feet to a point;thence North 04°57'49" West, 271.75 feet to a point; thence North 03°53'53" West, 60.01 feet to a point;thence North 09°04'49"West, 227.50 feet to a point;thence North 80°55'11" East, 87.85 feet to a point;thence South 69°15'00" East, 873.66 feet to a point in the western boundary of Blue Clay Road; thence with that right-of-way, Along a curve to the right, having a Radius of 3970.00 feet and Length of 208.74 feet, a Chord of South 28°56'05"West, 208.72 feet to a point; thence South 30°26'27" West, 28.94 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 7.59 acres more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance,to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Z21-06 Order Page 1 Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 160D that the zoning map amendment of approximately 7.59 acres of land from a R-20, Residential 20 District, and placing it in a (CZD) R-5, Conditional Residential Moderate-High District, is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density is in line with those recommended for the Community Mixed Use Place type,and the project will provide an appropriate transition between a major road corridor with industrial development and existing low density housing.The County Commissioners also find approval of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal supports the County's goals of providing for a range of housing types and opportunities for households of different sizes and income levels. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 3.2.11, and 10.3.3 of the County Unified Development Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a Conditional Zoning District BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 10.3.2 of the ordinance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 10.3.3.C.7.c of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within two years of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; and all other state, federal and local rules. Adopted the 7th Day of June 2021. GO‘t.1TY•k0 / r J I\ � J a Olson-:.seman, Chair �` 0 , �_ Attest: F3TAFLIGHEO 0A-0140- Ky rowell, Clerk to the Board Z21-06 Order Page 2 Zoning Book E. 3 Section 10 A Page 41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED October 15, 1969 respectively and subsequently amended CASE:Z21-04M 1 1 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended modifying the hereinafter described tract zoned (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential. This modification changes the stormwater management tool utilized from roadside swales to a stormwater pond, said land consisting of approximately 4.90 acres and being described legally as follows: All the remainder of Parcel 1, of the Map of Revision for Harry Dorsey, as the same is shown and described on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 60, Page 257,of the New Hanover County Registry,together with and subject to easements and rights of way as shown on said map. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance,to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 160D that that the modified the Conditional (CZD) R-10 District of approximately 4.90 acres of land zoned (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential District, is Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project's use and density are in line with the recommendation for General Residential areas, and the proposal remains consistent with the existing development pattern of the surrounding area and will allow for needed infrastructure. 3 Z21-04M Order Page 1 1 i j j 1 j i Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 3.2.8, and 10.3.3 of the County Unified Development Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and Iattached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a Conditional Zoning District BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: 1 A. If any of the conditions imposed within this conditional zoning district shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, I then this district designation shall be reversed and the tract shall be rezoned in n accordance with the process for map amendment outlined in Section 10.3.2 of the ordinance. , Section 7. In accordance with Section 10.3.3.C.7.c of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within two years of the date of this approval. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the t Ordinance for the proposed use;and all other state,federal and local rules. i Adopted the 10th Day of January 2021. 1 /--) Cc'% ��ti'c. ` son-Boseman, Chair 27 4.11, " ' Z- g Attest: z y Z O_AAsitge, 'rI''s`'."4-A'� Ky Crowell, Clerk to the Board Z21-04M Order Page 2 1 Zoning Book II Section OA Page 49) , AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE:Z22-08 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from a R-20, Residential District, and (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential District, placing it in a (CZD) R-5, Conditional Residential Moderate-High Density District, said land consisting of approximately 9.60 acres and being described legally as follows: Beginning at a point located along the western boundary of Blue Clay Road, a 60' public right-of-way; said point being the southeast corner of Section One, Ivy Wood at Runnymeade,a subdivision recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 29, at Page 64;and running thence from the point of beginning with the Blue Clay Road right-of-way, South 12°21'59" West, 332.88 feet to a point; thence leaving the right-of-way, North 64°44'03" West, 1263.45 feet to a point; thence, North 34°39'10" East, 380.50 feet to a point; thence, South 62°08'51" East, 1128.23 feet to a point and place of beginning, containing 9.60 acres, more or less. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance,to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 160D that the zoning map amendment of approximately 9.60 acres of land from a R-20, Residential District, and (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential District and placing it in a (CZD) R-5, Conditional Residential Moderate-High Density District, is: Z22-08 Order Page 1 Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type and the residential densities are in-line with those recommended for the property. The Board of Commissioners also finds approval of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing options. The proposal also provides a transition between adjacent neighborhoods to the employment center to the east and will provide additional housing in close proximity to existing and future commercial development in the Wrightsboro area. Section 6. The County Commissioners find that all of the specific requirements set forth in Sections 3.4.5, and 10.3.3 of the County Unified Development Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners and attached as part of this approval. IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a Conditional Zoning District BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: 1. Street trees shall be provided as depicted within the concept rendering along the boundary with the Rachel's Place Subdivision. 2. The connection to Rachel's Place shall be gated and limited to emergency vehicle access. 3. Existing trees along the drainage ditch to the north shall be retained outside of clearing necessary for stormwater conveyance and maintenance. Section 7. In accordance with Section 10.3.3.C.7.c of the ordinance, revocation of the Conditional Zoning District approval may be considered if no building permit has been issued for the subject tract within two years of the date of this approval or if work authorized by the approvals or permits associated with the conditional zoning has not substantially commenced. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use; and all other state,federal and local rules. Adopted the 2"d day of May 2022. a��Gp�N7Y.�O� son-Roseman, Chair 7 et _ Attest: "lArrsvt€0`' (.1(1614A Ky rowell, Clerk to the Board Z22-08 Order Page 2 Zoning Book 11 Section '=Page 49 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED July 1, 1974 respectively and subsequently amended CASE:Z22-16 1 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The New Hanover County Zoning Map is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from an O&I, Office and Institutional District, and placing it in a CB, Community Business District, said land consisting of approximately 2.42 acres and being described legally as follows: BEGINNING at an old iron pipe where the run of Wild Cat Branch is intersected by the Western line of the Castle Hayne Road(U.S. Highway No. 117, 60 feet in width); running thence North 22 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East with the Western line of Castle Hayne Road 332.00 feet to an old stone, Frederick R. Johnson's corner;thence North 57 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West 382.65 fee to an existing iron pipe; thence in a line parallel with Castle Hayne Road South 22 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West 219.03 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence continuing South 22 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West 23.50 feet to an existing iron pipe in the run of Wild Cat Branch;thence along with the run of Wild Cat Branch as it runs in a Southeasterly direction, approximately 410.71 feet, to the intersection of Wild Cat Branch and Castle Hayne Road, THE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 2.4 acres of land, more or less, as set forth in a survey by Stuart Y. Benson, RLS dated April 17, 1995. This tract consists of all of those two tracts of land conveyed to the Grantor by Deed Book 1272, Page 176, and Deed Book 1450, Page 667, New Hanover County Registry. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the New Hanover County Zoning Map on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance,to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 5. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 160D that the zoning map amendment of approximately 2.42 acres of land from an O&I, Office and Institutional District,and placing it in a (CZD)CB,Community Business District, is: Z22-16 Order Page 1 Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transitional nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersections along an established corridor.The County Commissioners also find approval of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the CB district provides areas for commercial growth to serve existing and future residential development and act as a buffer between higher density / intensity development and moderate to low density residential neighborhoods. Section 8. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed district;and all other state,federal and local rules. Adopted the 11t'Day of July,2022. ul' so -B man,Chair co' NtY�� 44.� I �Q� Attest: O a2 Ky rowell, Clerk to the Board 8 'E�TghilSHE1)�Tc Z22-16 Order Page 2 3