8-18-2010 1 Board Members Present: Beth Dawson Dean Gattone Linda Chapman Stuart Borrett Allen Trask, III Jack Mills John Haley Jack Bragg Sandra Sheridan Tom Cunningham, CFMA, Inc. President Absent: Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Bill Terrell Dawn McKernan CFMA, Inc. Board Present: Ben Woodruff Faye Hankins Karen Richards Donna Pope Ginger Fisk Cathy Stanley Jennifer France Tamika Rice Ronna Zimmer Staff Present: Ruth Haas, CFM Director Jane O’Brien, CFM Administration Jenean Todd, Exhibits Manager Rebecca Dotterer, Education Manager The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Gattone at 4:02 PM. This meeting was jointly held with the Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. advisory board. Approval of Minutes: Sandra Sheridan A motion to accept the June 16, 2010 minutes as presented by Sandra Sheridan, Secretary, was made by Jack Mills and seconded by John Haley. Motion passed without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Lowell Soucie Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Bill Terrell, and Dawn McKernan were excused as absent. Long Range Planning Committee: Dean Gattone Committee met in late July. Reviewed strategies for the coming year. Envision adding a marketing committee. Hold more joint board meetings with the CFMA, Inc. to enhance closer working relationships. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING August 18, 2010 20010-11 Board Dean Gattone Chair John Haley Vice Chair Sandra Sheridan Secretary Stuart Borrett R. Jack Bragg Linda Chapman Elizabeth Dawson Dawn McKernan Jack Mills Bill Terrell Allen Trask, III Jonathan Barfield, Jr. NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Tom Cunningham CFMA, Inc. 2 Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc.: Ronna Zimmer, Chair of the Finance Committee sought and received approval for an amended Permanent Endowment and Investment Policy which will permit First Citizens to manage the investment accounts. Ginger Fisk, Chair of the Membership Committee reported on the plan to increase membership this year. They have order “CFM Football” clingies to attach inside car windows as a new member gift. Karen Richards, Chair of the Events Committee reported on the planned events including an exhibit opening in November, Vintage Luncheon in February, and a Business Partner breakfast in the spring. Collections Committee: John Haley The Museum of the Cape Fear requested on July 16, 2010 to borrow two items (1970.007.005 and 1992.044.0001) to include in a new exhibit that is planned to run from August 14, 2010 through March 6, 2011. All requirements were met and the loan was approved in July by the Collections Committee. John Haley moved concurrence by the board. Motion passed without opposition. Education Committee: Jack Mills No report this meeting. Museum Report: Ruth Haas Members of both boards received a copy of the Director’s Update which included: o Quarterly achievement indicators. o Annual Plan and calendar – handout o Business Partnership Program – brochure prototype that will be distributed during the September 2, 2010 Chamber of Commerce business after hours. o Elevator speech – handout o Museum reaccreditation notes of interest. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Jack Mills and seconded by Donna Pope (CFMA, Inc.). The meeting adjourned at 4:48 PM. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum. Sandra Sheridan Jane O’Brien CFMAB Secretary Transcriber