Agenda 2010 12-06DECEMBER 6,2010 6:00 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jason R. Thompson) INVOCATION (Reverend Steve Hein, St. Andrews - Covenant Presbyterian Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner William A. Caster) NATIONAL ANTHEM (Alecia Vanderhaar) APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Agenda Review meeting held on November 10, 2010 and Regular Session meeting held on November 15, 2010) PRESENTATION OF APPRECIATION GIFTS: Commissioner William A. Caster Commissioner Robert G. Greer ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE: Brian M. Berger by the The Honorable Carolyn H. Justice, NC House of Representatives District 16 Richard G. Catlin by The Honorable Sandra Ray Criner, NC Judicial District Five Court Judge ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE - CHAIRMAN (Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney, Presiding) BREAK (Reception) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Adoption of Resolution Approving Code of Ethics 2. Adoption of Public Officials Bond Resolution 3. Approval of Tax Collections Report for October 2010 4. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments ESTIMATED REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 7:05 p.m. 5. Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Consideration of Airlie Road for the North Carolina Scenic Byway Designation 7:10 p.m. 6. Consideration of Budget Amendment for Use of 911 Surcharge Funds in Accordance with New Legislation Enacted During the Last Session of the General Assembly 7:20 p.m. 7. Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z -907, 11 /10) - Request by H. Phillip Berman to Rezone 03.05 Acre at 5200 Castle Hayne Road from R -20 Residential to B -2 Commercial District 7:40 p.m. 8. Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request (Z -908, 11 /10) - Request by Thomas H. Johnson, Jr. with Nexsen Pruet, PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development, on Behalf of Bayshore Estates, Inc., to Rezone 26.61 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B -2 Commercial District and R -15 Residential Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 District to CD (R -15) Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270 -Unit Apartment Complex 8:40 p.m. 9. Public Hearing Subdivision Text Amendments (A -387) — Request by the County's Technical Review Committee (TRC) to Amend Sections 20, 41 -1, 52 -4 of the County's Subdivision Ordinance by Incorporating Specific Language, Road Profiles, and Design Standards for Private Streets 9:00 P.M. 10. Public Hearing Zoning Text Amendment (A -389) — Request by Staff to Amend Article VI and Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for Establishment of Farmers' Markets and Produce Stands Under Certain Conditions 9:20 p.m. ll. Public Hearing Street Naming (SN- 112, 11/10) - Request by Staff to Name an Unimproved Road Known as New Road to New Jack Road and Reassign Street Mailing Addresses Located Between Whipporwill Lane and Channel Haven Drive North, East of the 400 Block of Masonboro Loop Road NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 9:50 p.m. 12. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 10:00 P.M. 13. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 1 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney CONTACT(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Approving Code of Ethics BRIEF SUMMARY: General Statute 160A -86 requires that the County adopt a Code of Ethics. A Code of Ethics must be adopted on or before January 1, 2011. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Ethics Resolution GS 160A -86 GS 160A -87 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 1 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION ADOPTING A CODE OF ETHICS WHEREAS, G.S. 160A -86 requires local governing Boards to adopt a code of ethics; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County citizens deserve to be served by public officials who maintain the highest ethical standards; and WHEREAS, the stability and proper operation of democratic representative government depends upon public confidence in the integrity of the government, and upon responsible exercise of the trust conferred by the citizens upon their elected officials; and WHEREAS, Board members must act in a manner that maintains their integrity and independence and be responsive to the interests and needs of those they represent; and WHEREAS, Board members must know how to distinguish among their various roles, to determine when each role is appropriate, and to act accordingly: 1. As advocates who strive to advance the legitimate needs of their citizens. 2. As legislators who balance the public interest and private rights in considering and enacting ordinances and resolutions, and 3. As fair and impartial decision - makers when making quasi-judicial and administrative determinations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt the following Code of Ethics to guide the Board of County Commissioners in its decision- making. The Board of Commissioners directs all County boards and committees to respect and abide by this Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties. Page 1 of 4 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 1 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CODE OF ETHICS Purpose The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to establish guidelines for ethical standards of conduct for the Board of County Commissioners. It should not be considered a substitute for the law or for a Board member's best judgment. CPe +inn 1 A. Board members should obey all laws that apply to their official actions. The spirit as well as the letter of the law should guide their actions. Board members should feel free to assert policy positions and opinions without fear of reprisal from fellow Board members or citizens. B. Board members should endeavor to keep themselves current, through the County Attorney and other sources, of the most pertinent constitutional, statutory, and other legal requirements with which they must be familiar in order to meet their legal responsibilities. C. Board members shall comply with G.S. 160A -87 in receiving two clock hours of ethics education within twelve months of each election or appointment to office. Section 2. Board members should act with integrity as they exercise the functions of their offices. Characteristics and behaviors that are consistent with this standard are: A. Behaving consistently and with respect towards everyone with whom they interact. B. Exhibiting trustworthiness. C. Living as if they are on duty as elected officials regardless of where they are or what they are doing. D. Using their best independent judgment to pursue the common good, while being able to consider the opinions of others, presenting their opinions to all in a forthright manner. E. Remaining incorruptible, self - governing, and not subject to improper influence. Page 2 of 4 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 1 -1 -2 F. Disclosing contacts and information about issues that they receive outside of public meetings and refraining from seeking or receiving information about quasi-judicial matters outside of the quasi-judicial proceedings. G. Treating other Board members and the public with respect, and honoring the opinions of others even when they disagree. H. Being careful not to reach conclusions on issues until all sides have been heard. I. Recognizing that individual Board members are not generally allowed to act on behalf of the Board, but may only do so if the Board specifically so authorizes because the Board must take official action as a body. Section 3. Board members should be faithful in the performance of the duties of their office. Board members should faithfully attend and prepare for meetings. They should carefully analyze all credible information that is properly submitted to them, mindful of the need not to engage in communications outside the meeting in quasi-judicial matters. They should demand full accountability from those over whom the Board has authority. Section 4. Elected members of local governing Boards should conduct the affairs of their Boards in an open and public manner. They should comply with all applicable laws governing open meetings and public records, recognizing that doing so is an important way to be worthy of the public's trust. They should remember when they meet that they are conducting the public's business. They should also remember that the records of their local government belong to the public. A climate of openness is to be maintained at all times. They should take deliberate steps to ensure that any closed sessions held by the Board are conducted lawfully, and that such sessions do not stray from the purposes for which they are called. Section 5. This Code of Ethics shall be effective upon adoption, unless modified, amended, or repealed. Page 3 of 4 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 1 -1 -3 ADOPTED this the 6 th day of December, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Page 4 of 4 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 1 -1 -4 Part 3A. Ethics Codes and Education Programs. § 160A -86. Local governing boards' code of ethics. (a) Governing boards of cities, counties, local boards of education, unified governments, sanitary districts, and consolidated city- counties shall adopt a resolution or policy containing a code of ethics to guide actions by the governing board members in the performance of the member's official duties as a member of that governing board. (b) The resolution or policy required by subsection (a) of this section shall address at least all of the following: (1) The need to obey all applicable laws regarding official actions taken as a board member. (2) The need to uphold the integrity and independence of the board member's office. (3) The need to avoid impropriety in the exercise of the board member's official duties. (4) The need to faithfully perform the duties of the office. (5) The need to conduct the affairs of the governing board in an open and public manner, including complying with all applicable laws governing open meetings and public records. (2009 -403, s. 1.) G.S. 160A -86 Page 1 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 1 -2 -1 § 160A -87. Ethics education program required. (a) All members of governing boards of cities, counties, local boards of education, unified governments, sanitary districts, and consolidated city - counties shall receive a minimum of two clock hours of ethics education within 12 months after initial election or appointment to the office and again within 12 months after each subsequent election or appointment to the office. (b) The ethics education shall cover laws and principles that govern conflicts of interest and ethical standards of conduct at the local government level. (c) The ethics education may be provided by the North Carolina League of Municipalities, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, North Carolina School Boards Association, the School of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, or other qualified sources at the choice of the governing board. (d) The clerk to the governing board shall maintain a record verifying receipt of the ethics education by each member of the governing board. (2009 -403, s. 1.) G.S. 160A -87 Page 1 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 1 -3 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 2 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney SUBJECT: Adoption of Public Officials Bond Resolution BRIEF SUMMARY: Pursuant to General Statute 58.72 -70, the Board is to annually review the Surety Bond coverage for the Finance Officer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds and the Tax Collector. Staff has verified that adequate coverage is in full force and effect. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 2 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION APPROVAL OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS BOND WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 58 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners conducts an annual review of public official bonds; and WHEREAS, said bonds have been reviewed by the County Attorney and found to be in full force and to be in proper format. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners does hereby approve the Surety Bond for the Finance Officer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, and Tax Collector. This designation of approval is hereby incorporated within the respective bond as if set out in its entirety on the face thereof. ADOPTED this the 6 th day of December, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 2 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 3 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue CONTACT(S): Michelle Harrell, Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Approval of Tax Collections Report for October 2010 BRIEF SUMMARY: Tax collection reports for October 2010 are submitted for approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve as submitted. ATTACHMENTS: Tax Collection Reports COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 3 -0 O 0 N L- 0 V O O 4 - i O fY 0 ._ O V s O O i 3 Z { uu n O r4 00 51 0 tD 00 51 qj V V i 0 O 00 tD O N I:zl N N I:zl � r-i O m 00 oo rH tD N M N un s N tD 4 rl O N N tD o) � O I� nl 0 0 0 0 Ln m rl N I� N N N I� N a-J M W (.0 (,D 00 N M m to o to oo ri m m o0 ri Ln E Ln I 06 m — Ln oo 4 tD t0 O O Ln 4 I�-- E � Ln m � O � r4 a) O Ln 0i Ln ri m r-I U r--i N r--i �-i � rl qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- rl O Ln I.D O I.D m O m V) 00 u) D_ m N M O - I� tD rl O O N s � � n 0 0 > 01 rl oo I� r. m m N I� 00 rl tD 00 tD 00 O O Ln �O N N rl rl O m to ri I.D N I� m Ln 00 O 00 i ri N ui m m o I� 00 tD N I� Ln CL N m rl I� N I� ri I� 00 nri Ln o 00 t0 m m 0) rl O O O D_ qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- I� 01 N I� N I� I� Ln tD a) ri m O N r� O Ln r� rl O }, 0) N dl Ln r-4 m (0 0) m 00 Ln m N '6 \ Ln ri m 0) 00 r� tD w O r 00 00 O Ln - FO rl O ::1 (,D 6 a Oct r-I N rl r--i r-i qj)- qj) - qj) - qj)- qj) - qj) - qj)- a� O MO N s m U U 4-) 4-) ~ O L dJ J U � U - a-J W 4-J •" CA 3 V U ul Q Q O H O U�: 3 1 O O U O 0 N L- 0 V O O 4 - i O fY 0 ._ O V s O O i 3 Z { uu n O r4 00 51 0 tD 00 51 qj V V i 0 O 00 00 O It* N 00 Ln O � r-i O o0 00 O 00 tD N 01 N un s I� N Ln m O 4-) tD o) � R:ll Ln rl V--1 O O m Ln m rl N O N N I� Ln a-J M W +., -,Z Nf a� a M O to qj to O M Ln 0 oo M E Ln I r cu ri tD oo 4 tD t0 O 6 Ol 4 I�-- Q 0 00 Ln m U O � a) r 00 qj qj qj Ih Ihlqj aj 4-j a V) w O �C m ri m o0 m N I*-- Ln 00 m Rct ri oo ri v m O I N rV N N Ln 0 tD s I� N Ln m O 4-) tD N � Ln N rl I'D m rl m Ln m rl O O +-+ O N N N a-J M W +., -,Z Nf U a a O qj qj) qj qj q qj to oo Ln M Ln M O m 0 I m r cu ri tD oo 4 tD t0 u� tD 6 Ol 4 I�-- Q 0 00 Ln m N O � a) r 00 0i Ol 00 N Ln N N N � rl rl rl O Ln O D_ aj 4-j a V) w O �C m O m tD I� m 00 Ln ri m Ln r-� ri � O m r-i tD � m Ln m O 4-) +-) c: � tZ � 0 E M � 00 rl rl 0) ° O N O N i i . O i a Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 3 -1 -1 m 00 Ol kJO N a� Ln 00 kJO N a� tD m Ol tD V V i 0 aj r- � m Ln Ln O 4-) +-) c: � O > V) E E 3 .O CA ., U 0 a-J M W +., -,Z Nf U a a O O U 3 O Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 3 -1 -1 m 00 Ol kJO N a� Ln 00 kJO N a� tD m Ol tD V V i 0 O O N i s O O L- 0 4- i O CC O ■ _ O V s O 2 v a� O i 3 Z O 6 tD qj I v V i 0 00 N nrn a) N 0 I*-- Ln M rH 00 I'O Ln M M r- 4 00 N rl 00 rl N 4 lD RZT Un l0 rH O I*- Il-_ ( rl O O M lD N 01 M N N m I� s rl Un � 0 O 4 - j rn a--' U E N L- O _ O N 00 M c .i a rl I� E 0 U I� 0 t0 O O U qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qj)- qjl- O M M M 00 00 r.. 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NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 4 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. 11 -111 - Emergency Management & 911 Communications 11 -114 - Emergency Management & 911 Communications 11 -115 - Health 11 -116 - Health RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the ordinances for the budget amendments listed. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 11 -111 B/A 11 -114 B/A 11 -115 B/A 11 -116 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 4 -0 AGENDA: December 6, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -111 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -111 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management & 911 Communications Expenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Contract Services $5 Total $5 Revenue: Decrease Increase Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Grant — Federal — North Carolina Emergency M mt. $5 Total $5 Section 2: Explanation The New Hanover County Emergency Management received $5,941 from the North Carolina Emergency Management, as part of the Homeland Security Grant Program, to subcontract Cape Fear Community College for training needs of the County. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -111, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: , Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 4 -1 -1 AGENDA: December 6, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -114 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -114 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management & 911 Communications Expenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Safety Equipment $45 Total $45 Revenue: Decrease Increase Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Grant — Federal — North Carolina Emergency M mt. $45 Total $45 Section 2: Explanation New Hanover County Emergency Management received a $45,000 grant from the North Carolina Emergency Management, Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, to be applied towards safety equipment for the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -114, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: , Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 4 -2 -1 AGENDA: December 6, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -115 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -115 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health/Women's Preventive Health Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health /Women's Preventive Health: Supplies $8 Total $8 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health /Women's Preventive Health: Grant — State — NC Department of Health and Human Services $8 Total $8 Section 2: Explanation To budget a grant award of $8,344 received from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, to be used for Long- acting reversible contraceptives. No new positions will be created and no County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -115, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: , Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 4 -3 -1 AGENDA: December 6, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -116 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -116 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health/H1N1 Planning/H1N1 Implementation Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health /H 1 N 1 Planning: Salaries and Wages $16 Health /H 1 N 1 Implementation: Salaries and Wages 3 Temporary Salaries 30 Overtime Pay 1 Contract Services 23 Supplies 6 Total $80 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health /H 1 N 1 Planning: Grant — State — NC Public Health Preparedness and Response $16 Health /H 1 N 1 Implementation: Grant — State — NC Public Health Preparedness and Response 64 Total $80 Section 2: Explanation The New Hanover County Health Department has received an award of $80,000 from the North Carolina Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response for H1N1 planning and implementation. These funds will assist with expenses for implementation of influenza clinics. Funds will be used for temporary staff and overtime costs associated with vaccine administration, including costs for logistical and administrative activities, dispensing and distribution of antiviral drugs and other miscellaneous costs. No matching County funds are required and no new positions are requested. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -116, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: , Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 4 -4 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 5 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Mike Kozlosky, Executive Director, Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization CONTACT(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Consideration of Airlie Road for the North Carolina Scenic Byway Designation BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached for your consideration is a resolution supporting the consideration of Airlie Road in Wilmington, New Hanover County for the North Carolina Scenic Byway designation. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has designated 54 scenic byways to give visitors and residents a chance to experience North Carolina's history, geography and culture, while also raising awareness for the protection and preservation of these treasures. Byways are carefully selected to portray the diverse beauty and culture of the Tar Heel State and provide travelers with safe and interesting alternate travel routes. The scenic byway designation recognizes roadways for their archaeological, cultural, historic, natural, recreational and /or scenic qualities. Airlie Road exhibits several of these intrinsic qualities. Airlie Road is a picturesque route from beginning to end nestled between Bradley Creek and the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in Wilmington. Airlie Road's scenic qualities are embodied in the natural surroundings and diverse architectural character. The Airlie Road Scenic Byway is proposed to begin at the intersection of Wrightsville Avenue (SR 1411), Oleander Drive/Military Cutoff Road (U.S. Highway 76) and Airlie Road, extending southeast beneath a historic tree canopy for 0.9 miles. Airlie Road emerges from the canopy in a sweeping 90- degree turn to the north for 0.1 miles and continues along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway for 0.5 miles. The proposed byway ends at Wrightsville Avenue (U.S. Highway 74/76, SR 1411) just west of the Heide -Trask Drawbridge that leads to Wrightsville Beach over the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Total length of the proposed Airlie Road Scenic Byway is 1.5 miles. The Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization is interested in designating Airlie Road in the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County as a North Carolina scenic byway. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Airlie Road Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 5 -0 Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 5 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CONSIDERATION OF AIRLIE ROAD FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA SCENIC BYWAY DESIGNATION WHEREAS, the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization is interested in designating Airlie Road in the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County as a North Carolina scenic byway. The scenic byway designation recognizes roadways for their archaeological, cultural, historic, natural, recreational and /or scenic qualities. Airlie Road exhibits several of these intrinsic qualities; and WHEREAS, the Airlie Road Scenic Byway is proposed to begin at the intersection of Wrightsville Avenue (SR 1411), Oleander Drive /Military Cutoff Road (U.S. Highway 76) and Airlie Road, extending southeast beneath a historic tree canopy for 0.9 miles. Airlie Road emerges from the canopy in a sweeping 90- degree turn to the north for 0.1 miles and continues along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway for 0.5 miles. The proposed byway ends at Wrightsville Avenue (U.S. Highway 74/76, SR 1411) just west of the Heide -Trask Drawbridge that leads to Wrightsville Beach over the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Total length of the proposed Airlie Road Scenic Byway is 1.5 miles. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports the consideration of Airlie Road in Wilmington, New Hanover County for the North Carolina Scenic Byway designation. ADOPTED this the 6 th day of December, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 5 -1 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 6 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Consideration of Budget Amendment for Use of 911 Surcharge Funds in Accordance with New Legislation Enacted During the Last Session of the General Assembly BRIEF SUMMARY: Currently the state collects 60 cents per month on all landline and wireless service in the state. The state returns a portion of the funds to counties to provide E -911 service. On a statewide basis there has been a concern over the level of fund balances in the 911 Emergency Telephone System Fund. New Hanover County's 911 Emergency Telephone System Fund balance as of June 30, 2010 was $2.3 million. Starting in July 2011 the state is going to restrict the amount of fund balance individual counties can maintain. The State legislature is providing a onetime opportunity for counties to have greater flexibility in spending funds in their current 911 Emergency Fund Balance. Fifty percent (50 %) of funds in the County's Emergency Telephone System Fund may be used to provide for public safety needs, including expenditures that are not eligible under other 911 legislation. The expenditures must be made in fiscal year 2010 -2011 and 2011 -2012. Fifty percent of the fund balance is $1,149,253. The Legislature also will reduce the amount of future distributions if the fund balance left in the County Emergency Telephone System Fund exceeds new guidelines. Therefore, additional expenditures would prove prudent to prevent state reductions of County E911 funds. The Sheriff s Office and Emergency Management 911 Department have needs for public safety expenditures some of which were cut from the FYI 0- 11 budget due to fiscal constraints. The Sheriff's Office and Emergency Management and 911 Department have requested to use the funds for the following expenditures. The list has been approved by the state 911 board. Upon your approval, these items will be secured. Items on this list are current needs that otherwise would have to be funded with County dollars. They are as follows: Item Total Painting of 800 MHz tower (911) $30 59 Ballistic Vests (Sheriff) $52 20 Stab Vests (Sheriff) $9 18 Tactical Vests (Sheriff) $34 CAD AVL Software Module with Maintenance — Part of operational $9 software for 911 Mobile Data Reporting (Sheriff) — Enables real -time paperless $294 reporting Generator for Emergency Shelter (Trask School) $247 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 6 -0 Installment Debt for Radios (Transfer) TOTAL $470,928 $1,149,253 The legislation also reduces future state distributions if the fund balance exceeds 20% of the prior two year average state distribution to the County's Emergency Telephone System fund. This amount would be approximately $194,000. This becomes effective July 1, 2011. Our current 911 center is in need of upgrades to the system equipment. Using these funds would save County dollars. Item Total 23 (24x7) High Back Chairs & Shipping (911) $26 21 Desktop Computers (911) $42 CAD Software Modules with Maintenance (911) — Part of operational software $60 for 911 Hardware (Workstations /computers for CAD software) $9 Shipping of Hardware $500 5 VIPER Positron Telephone Consoles (911) $154 19 Motorola MCC7500 800 MHz (911) radio consoles $940 TOTAL $1 Total of all items is $2,383,047. Of this amount, $1,900,561 would be appropriated fund balance from the Emergency Telephone System fund balance. The remaining amount of $482,486 would come from an increase in budgeted surcharge revenues for this year. With the approval of this budget amendment the Emergency Telephone System Fund fund balance would be $397,947. Although the projected fund balance is above the new 20% allowable amount, the above recommended expenditures seem a reasonable approach to fund needed items and reduce fund balance. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the ordinance for budget amendment 11 -108. ATTACHMENTS: Budget Amendment 11 -108 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 6 -0 AGENDA: December 6, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11 -108 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11 -108 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund and Emergency Telephone System Fund Department: Emergency Management & 911 Communications, Finance/Debt Service Expenditure: Decrease Increase General Fund: Emergency Management & 911 Communications: $1 Contract Services $10 Supplies 68 Capital Outlay — Computer & Other 61 Capital Outlay - Equipment 1 Finance /Debt Service: 1 Installment Lease Payments 470 Total $1 Revenue: Decrease Increase General Fund: Emergency Management & 911 Communications: $1 Transfers in Special Revenue Fund $1 Total $1 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Telephone System Fund — Article 3: Contract Services $1 M & R Buildings & Grounds 30 Supplies 96 Capital Outlay — Computer & Other 302 Capital Outlay - Equipment 247 Transfers to General Fund 1 Total $2 Revenue: Decrease Increase Emergency Telephone System Fund — Article 3: Appropriated Fund Balance $1 911 Surcharge 482 Total $2 Section 2: Explanation To budget 50% of Emergency Telephone System Fund - Fund Balance as permitted by recent legislation to purchase public safety needs, and to budget surcharge funds to upgrade system equipment. Prior to actions taken at this Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Appropriated Fund Balance in the Emergency Telephone System Fund is $2,298,507. The state requires all items purchased under the more flexible one time guidelines to be expended from the Emergency Telephone System Fund. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11 -108, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: , Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 6 -1 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 7 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Nicole Dreibelbis, Planner; and Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director CONTACT(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director; Jane Daughtridge, Planning & Zoning Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z -907, 11 /10) - Request by H. Phillip Berman to Rezone 03.05 Acre at 5200 Castle Hayne Road from R -20 Residential to B -2 Commercial District BRIEF SUMMARY: At its November 4, 2010 meeting, the Planning Board voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of the B -2 rezoning. One residential adjacent property owner, south of the site, spoke at the Planning Board about his desire to limit the commercial uses adjacent to his residence. The site is classified as Community and Aquifer Resource Protection on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. The site is not currently served by public water or sewer. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A -341 which requires that "Prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE for approval: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment from R -20 Residential district to B -2 Highway Business as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of Policies in the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan relating to commercial uses within close proximity to the markets they serve and ensuring that such commercial uses do not diminish the quality of life in nearby residential areas. The rezoning of this property would also be consistent with the Castle Hayne Plan, as the property is identified as commercial on the Castle Hayne Land Use map. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 3.05 acres at 5200 Castle Hayne Road from R -20 Residential to B -2 Highway Business to allow a transition of land use from a low density residential district along an arterial roadway to B -2 Highway Business. ATTACHMENTS: Z -907 Staff Summary Z -907 Petition Summary Z -907 Adjacent Property Owner Map Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -0 Z -907 Table of Permitted Uses Z -907 Application Z -907 Applicant Maps COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -0 CASE: Z -907 PETITIONER: H. Phillip Berman REQUEST: Rezone from R -20 Residential to B -2 Highway Business ACREAGE: Approximately 3.05 Acres LOCATION: 5200 Castle Hayne Road LAND CLASS: Community and Aquifer Resource Protection PLANNING BOARD ACTION: At its November 4, 2010 meeting, the Planning Board voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of the B -2 rezoning. One residential adjacent property owner, south of the site, spoke to the Planning Board about limiting the commercial uses adjacent to his residence. STAFF SUMMARY The subject property is located in the northern portion of the county in an area classified as Community and Aquifer Resource Protection on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification map. The site is not currently served by public water or sewer. The property is accessed from Castle Hayne Road, an urban principle arterial roadway. Traffic counts south of this location, at the intersection of Marathon and Castle Hayne Road, have increased from 9 (2009) to 10,473 (2010). Castle Hayne Road has a 2007 LOS E, meaning the road is operating at its design capacity and experiencing delays at intersections. The subject property is currently zoned R -20 low density residential. Zoning to the north of the subject property is zoned B -2 and additional commercial zoning is present west of the site, directly across Castle Hayne Road. Therefore the request to rezone would expand the current highway business zoning. The subject property is located within the Prince George Creek watershed drainage area which is classified C (Sw). A portion of the front of the property is located within the 100 year flood zone and carries a base flood elevation of 9'. Soil maps indicate that the property has Class I Kenansville fine sand, which is suitable with slight limitations and Class IV Johnston Soils, which are unsuitable. Land Use Plan Considerations: The purpose of the Highway Business District is to provide for the proper grouping and development of roadside business uses which will best accommodate the needs of the motoring public and businesses demanding high volume traffic. The district's principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and /or major arterials as designated on the Wilmington Metropolitan Roadway Functional Classification map. No B -2 District shall be less than five (5) acres. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -1 -1 The 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan adopted policies relating to land use and urban design. Policy 4.3 of the Land Use Plan promotes maximizing effectiveness of commercial uses by assuring that land is available for commercial uses within close proximity to the markets they serve and by ensuring that such commercial uses do not diminish the quality of life in nearby residential areas. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) will be required for any development that generates more than 100 peak hour trips. Staff feels the request is consistent with the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan and recommends approval. ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A -341 which requires that "Prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE for approval: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment from R -20 Residential district to B -2 Highway Business as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of Policies in the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan relating to commercial uses within close proximity to the markets they serve and ensuring that such commercial uses do not diminish the quality of life in nearby residential areas. The rezoning of this property would also be consistent with the Castle Hayne Plan, as the property is identified as commercial on the Castle Hayne Land Use map. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 3.05 acres at 5200 Castle Hayne Road from R -20 Residential to B -2 Highway Business to allow a transition of land use from a low density residential district along an arterial roadway to B -2 Highway Business. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -1 -2 Case: Z -907 (11 /10) Rezone 3.05 acres from R -20 to B -2 Highway Business Petition Summary Data 5200 Castle Hayne Road Owner /Petitioner H. Phillip Berman Existing Land Use: Single Family Residence Zoning g istory: Area Castle Hayne (July 1, 1985) Land Classification: Community and Aquifer resource Protection Water T ype: Public (not available at this time) Sewer T ype: Public (not available at this time) Recreation Area: Cape Fear Optimist Park and Castle Hayne Park Access & Traffic Volume: Castle Hayne Road (urban principle arterial) The ADT on Castle Hayne Road, slightly South of the proposal between Marathon and Castle Hayne Road, have increased from 9,700 (2009) to 10,473 (2010). Fire District: Wrightsboro Fire District (WVFD) Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Prince George Creek; C (Sw) Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary recharge areas for Castle Hayne or Peedee where occurring near land surface under water -table conditions. Conservation /Historic /Archaeological Resources: Front portion of property is located in an AE flood zone with a base flood elevation of 9'. Soils: Kenansville fine sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes and Johnston soils. Septic Suitability: Kenansville fine sand is a Class I soil with suitable /slight limitation and Johnston soils are Class IV and are Unsuitable. Schools: Wrightsboro Elementary School Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -2 -1 Permitted Uses R -20 B -2 Agricultural Uses P P Kennels S P Veterinaries P Wholesale Nurseries & Greenhouses P P Dry stack storage of boats as accessory to marina S General Building Contractor P Landscaping Contractors P Special Trade Contractor P Special Trade & General Contractors with no Outside Storage P Bus & Taxi Terminal P Commercial Marina with Floating Structures S S Commercial Marina S P Dry Stack Storage of Boats as a stand alone warehouse P Dry stack storage of boats as accessory to marina S P Electric /Gas & Sanitary Services P P Electric Substation S P Mini - warehouses P Post Offices P Telephone & Telegraph Facilities P P TV & Radio Broadcasting P Warehousing P Water Transportation Facilities P Other Communication Facilities Including Towers S S Antenna & Towers Less than 70 Ft. In Height & Ancillary to the Principal Use P P Cellular & PCS Antennas P P Amateur Radio Antennas (up to 90 ft.) P P Wholesaing with No Outside Storage P Wholesaling Seafood with Water Frontage P Retail Trade P Automobile Service Station P Automobile Dealers & Truck Sales P Boat Dealers P Building Materials & Garden Supplies P Convenience Food Store P Drug Store P Eating & Drinking Places P Entertainment Establishments, Bars, Cabarets, in a Shopping Center P Farm Implement Sales P Food Stores P Fruit & Vegetable Stand Produced on Same P P Parcel as Offered for Sale P P Furniture, Home Furnishing & Equipment P General Merchandise Stores P Handcrafting Small Articles P Hardware P Landscaping Service I I P Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -4 -1 Permitted Uses R -20 B -2 Miscellanneous Retail P Mobile Home Dealers & Prefabricated Buildings P Retail Nurseries P Historic Restaurant P Banks, Credit Agencies, Savings & Loans P Automobile /Boat Repairs P Autombile Rentals P Barber /Beauty Shop P Bed and Breakfast Inn S Business Services Including Printing P Camping, Travel Trailer Parks S P Drive -In Theatre P Dry Cleaning /Laundry Plant P Electrical Repair Shop P Equipment Rental & Leasing P Funeral Home P Golf Course P Hotels & Motels P Indoor & Outdoor Recreation Establishments S P Indoor Theatre P Parks & Recreation Area P P Personal Services P Resort Hotel /Motel P Stables P P Septic Tank Vacuum Services P Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repair P Adult Day Care S Children's Day Care S P Community Center S Hospital S Nursing Home/ Rehabilitation Center S Residential Care P Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools & Technical Institutions S Elementary & Secondary Schools P Libraries P P Museums P Churches P P Lodges, Fraternal & Social Organizations S P Fraternities /Sororities, Residential P Accessory Buildings or Uses, clearly incidental to the Permitted Use or Building P P Cemetaries S Christmas Tree Sales P Circuses, Carnivals, Fairs & Side Shows of No More than 30 Days Duration Per Year P Commercial Boating Facilities S Private Residential Boating Facilities P Demolition- Landscape Landfill I P I P Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -4 -2 Permitted Uses R -20 B -2 Duplexes S Dwelling Unit Contained within Principal Use S Evangelistic and Religious Assemblies not Conducted at a Church P P Government Offices & Buildings S P High Density Development Permitted Only Within Urban Tranistion Area S Home Occupation P Mobile Home S Mobile Home, Doublewide P Mobile Home Subdivision S Offices for Provate Business & Professional P Outdoor Bazaars Excluding Yard Sales P P Pumpkin Sales P Principal Use Sign P Research Facilities P Residential Private Pier P Senior Living: Active adult retirement community or Independent Living S Senior Living: Assisted Living or Personal Care Facility S Senior Living: Continuing Care Retirement Community of Life Care Community S Single Family Dwelling P S Single Family Dwelling- Attached P S Special Fund raising for Non - Profit Organizations P P Temporary Sign P P Recycling Facilities -Small Collection S P Recycling Facilities -Large Collection S P Large Collection with Processing S Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -4 -3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING &INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLtCATiON# Z — qO_I 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 9 10-798-7165 phone 910-798-7053 fax w r. n cgo . o ' ro 0 ioner n r on ::... .. ...... ::.....:................: :..::..... .....:.:..........:..::........ ..........:......... P....:: ....... ..........:.................:.. . tif Tame Owner Name Address Phillip Berman H. Phillip Berman 5200 Castle Rayne Road Company Owner ae 2 Parcel I 0.110 - 010 - 003 -000 Address res Address ress Acreage/Square Feet 1703 Fontenay Place 1703 Fontenay Place 3.05 acre cit St ate, zilp Ci ty, State, zilp .existing Zoning and Use + it in ton, N. C. 28405 Wilmington, N. - � tora�e Phone Phone Proposed Zoning and Use 910 - 256 -2141 910 - 256 -2141 -2 Upscale retail Entail Email Land Classirication betterobb@bellsouth.net betterobb@bellsouth.net Comm.Aquifer Resource Prot SUBMISS R EOUIREMENTS PLEASURE ARTICLE X1 of THE ZONING ORDINANCE PRIOR TO SUBMISSION Petitions must be reviewed by Planning & Zoning f or completeness prior t o acceptance. You are encouraged t consult. with Planner prior to submission. For Petitions involving five 5 acres or less a fee of $400.00 will be charged; for those of more than five 5 acres a fee of $600.00 will be charged. This fee, - payable to Now Hanover County, MUST accompany this petition. The following supplemental information is required: 1. One copy o f the New Hanover County Tax Map, which delineates the property requested for rezoning. 2 . :Legal description by metes and bounds of property requested for rezoning. 3 . Copy of the subdivision map or recorded plat which delineates the property. 4 . Applicant's answers to the questions on this application. 5. Authority for appointment of agent form (if applicable) 6. `verify that no zoning action has taken place on any portion f the property within the past 12 months (consult with staff). 7. Any special requirements of the ordinance (For example, Section. 53.5 for Planned Development District, Section 53.6 Exceptional Design Zoning District or Section 59.9 Ri erfro t Mlx d 'Use District). 8. Report on Community information ,meeting (see Section 111-2. 1) if applicable. REVIEW PROC Petitions for change of zoning are first referred to the New Hanover County Planning Board and then acted upon by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Certain specialIzed districts l iverfront Mixed Use, Planned Development, and Exceptional Design Zoning District) may require review b y the Technical Review Committee (TRQ prior to application submission. Page 1 o ZMA.- .o Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -5 -1 Complete petitions and supplementary information must be reviewed and accepted by Planning & Zoning twenty working days before the Planning Board meeting to allow adequate time for processing and advertisement as required by the North Carolina General Statutes. Unless otherwise published or announced, Planning Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 5:30PM in the Commissionees Assembly Room at the Old County Courthouse, at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina. If the Planning Board approves your petition, the request will automatically be referred to the Board of County Commissioners. If your petition is denied, you may appeal to the Board of Commissioners. Planning & Zoning can advise you regarding appeal proced ures. Please rote there is a 12 -month wait required between subsequent rezoning requests on the same parcel or any part of it, (reference Section I 11 -30. The owner /applicant and or authorized. agent should plan to attend all meetings at which this request will be heard. WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLIS OR A CHANGE OF ZONING Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals, The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. The governing board is required to adopt statements that the change is or is not consistent, reasonable, and in the public's interest. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain how your request satisfies each of the following requirements: (Fill in below or attach additional pages). 1. How would the requested Change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? This parcel of land is a part of a 10 +/- acne tract located on the most visible corner (at the intersection of Highway #132 and Highway 117) on the Commercial Corridor as shown on the approved Land Use Plan for Castle Hayne. In this plan the entire 10 acres is included in the inner circle and is considered the commercial center of the community. This 3.05 acre tract needs to be rezoned B-2,as is the remainder of the 10 acne tract, to allow for new retail space and up to date construction and planning, which the current plan aims to promote. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Cl ssi i atiow Map? This 3.05 tract of land is classified as Community Aquifer Resource Protection as is the remainder of the above mentioned 10 acres and any construction and infrastructure on this parcel as well as the remainder of the 10 acre tract will be new and approved by the New Hanover County Planning Department assuring it will comply with present rules and Regulations. 11, What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or hover is the land -1 involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? This parcel is no longer used as residential. It is used for storage only, my family started buying this 10 acre tract of land over thirty gears ago first starting with Hanover Oil a convenience store at 5219 North College R oad, then 5232 Castle Hayne Road., next 5229 Castle Hayne Road, and last 5212 Castle Hayne load and 5200 Castle Mayne Haag. Some of the land was commercial at the time the land was purchased John Be rman, now deceased, applied for rezoning oning and was granted B -2 on 5229 Castle Hayne Road and 5212 Castle Hayne Road. 5200 Castle Hayne Road is still R-20. if we are going to be successful finding a developer to build the ]rind of retail center that is outlined in the Land Use Plan for C astle Rayne, we need B -2 for 5200 Castle Hayne Road. Page 2 o ZMA -05/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -5 -2 4 . How will this charge of zoning serge the public interest? The Castle Mayne Community Lana Use Play for the utu - growth of the ast . e Hayne Community created by the New Hanover County Planning Department wits the assistance from the residents and Business owners in Castle Hayne shows this 10 acre tract should all be a commercial site with greenspace and I wholeheartedly agree. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning neap i s presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is 'in the public interest. I further understand the singling out of one parcel of lard for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. certify that this application is complete and that all information presented Iin this application is accurate to the best of .y knowledge, information, and belief. Signature of P ti loner and /or Property Owner H . Phillip Berman Print Name 'age 3 of 3 ZMA -05/ 10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -5 -3 (5 mr ad) a tt.net Mai tt r (a lls ut . t /' I 4 F Image 1 Of l 3 ck" 'age I of I http://u.s..m • j (�J J oarofommissioners tin f g 12/06/2010 7 -6 -1 Castle Hayne Zoning.jpg New Hanover County Punning Board Government Center Wilmington,, N. C. Tlnis is my a uthorizatio n for Bette Robb to address a ny a nd a II question wh ich might be asked by the Planning Board concerning the rezoning of 5200 Castle Hayne Bond at the up conning meeting and any subsequent meetings including the County Commissioners, since she has been involved in the a quisition f this property and all the rest o f the 10 acre tract. K Phillip Berman ctobe r 6.. 2010 c Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -6 -2 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -6 -3 In order to facilitate new and improved development as desired by the community, it is likely that zoning district changes must occur. A new district ie will be recommended for approval that will set up the design standards and use preferences described 'n the plan* The following illusion shows a example o ' new land se neap designed y Chore -me y Ii HIII Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 7 -6 -4 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 8 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Jane Daughtridge, Planning & Zoning Manager CONTACT(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director; Jane Daughtridge, Planning & Zoning Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request (Z -908, 11 /10) - Request by Thomas H. ,Johnson, ,Jr. with Nexsen Pruet, PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development, on Behalf of Bayshore Estates, Inc., to Rezone 26.61 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B -2 Commercial District and R -15 Residential District to CD (R -15) Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270 -Unit Apartment Complex BRIEF SUMMARY: At its November 4, 2010 meeting, the Planning Board voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of the CD R- 15 rezoning. Several residents of neighboring subdivisions, including Bay Shore Estates, Marymount Townhomes, and Marsh Oaks, spoke in opposition, citing traffic and safety concerns, as well as stormwater and future buffering concerns, lighting, and potential smells from the trash compactor. The site is classified as Transition and Watershed Resource Protection on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification Map. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ACTION #1 NEEDED: (Approve, deny, continue)Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A- 341 which requires that "Prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE for approval: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment from R -15 and B -2 Commercial District to Conditional District CD(R -15) as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Transition and Resource Protection classification in the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 5.5 acres of B -2 commercial property and combining it with 21.1 acres of R -15 residential property in order to develop 270 high density residential apartment units when all infrastructure connections and improvements are installed, and subject to the site plan for the companion special use permit. ACTION # 2 NEEDED: 1. Motion to Approve based on the findings of fact (with or without conditions) 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (Specify) Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -0 3. Motion to Deny based on specific findings in any of the 4 categories above, such as lack of consistency with adopted plans or determination that the project will pose public hazards or will not adequately meet requirements of the ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: Z -908 Staff Summary Z -908 Petition Summary Z -908 Adjacent Property Owner Map Z -908 Application Package & Site Plan Z -908 Concept Plan Z -908 TIA No Appendices Z -908 TIA Letter of Approval Z -908 Letter of Objection Z -908 Baehmann Objection Photos COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The rezoning was denied 3 -2, Vice - Chairman Thompson and Commissioners Davis and Berger voting in opposition. A motion to reconsider was approved 5 -0. A motion to bring the item back to the Board on February 7, 2011 was approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -0 CASE: Z -908, 11 /10 PETITIONER: REQUEST: ACREAGE: LOCATION: LAND CLASS: Thomas H. Johnson, Jr. with Nexsen Pruet, PLLC on behalf of Bayshore Estates, Inc. From R -15 and B -2 to CD(R -15) for high density residential- 270 units Approximately 26.6 acres 7910 Market Street Transition and Watershed Resource Protection PLANNING BOARD ACTION: At its November 4, 2010 meeting the Planning Board voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of the CD R -15 rezoning. Several residents of neighboring subdivisions, including Bay Shore Estates, Marymount Townhomes, and Marsh Oaks, spoke in opposition, citing traffic and safety concerns, as well as stormwater and future buffering concerns, lighting, and potential smells from the trash compactor. STAFF SUMMARY The subject property is located in the northern portion of the county in an area classified as Transition and Watershed Resource Protection on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification map. The property is accessed from Market Street, an urban principle arterial roadway and Marsh Oaks Drive, a collector street. Traffic counts on Market Street, slightly North of the proposal between Sweetwater Dr and Market St, have decreased from 38,689 (2009) to 34,850 (2010). Market Street has a 2007 LOS of F, meaning traffic counts exceed the capacity of the roadway by a multiplier of two or more. Historical traffic counts and planning levels of service are not available for Marsh Oaks Drive. A comprehensive study of the Market Street Corridor has recently been completed and is now filtering into the decision - making process. If adopted, the study recommendations provide for better coordination of transportation and land use in the corridor to increase safety and improve the character of the corridor. This proposal is located in a designated "focus area" within the study. However, staff has not relied on the study in our analysis because it has not been officially endorsed at this point. The property is bordered on the north and west by Marsh Oaks Drive, Market Street and an outparcel containing commercial uses. To the east is a combination of townhomes and single family dwellings. Z -908 (11 /10) CC Version Page 1 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -1 -1 The subject property is located in the Pages Creek watershed drainage area which is classified SA: HQW 303(d). There are a variety of soils located on site, including: Class I, Kureb and Rimini soils, with suitable /slight limitation; Class III, Lynn Haven Fine Sand and Leon soils, imposing severe limitations, requiring modification and intensive maintenance; and Class IV, Dorovan soils, which are unsuitable. Land Use Plan Considerations: Conditional districts are designed for firm development proposals and require site specific plans to be approved as special use permits, thus providing maximum protection and predictability. In this case, the conditional district serves to consolidate the underlying zoning designations as relates to the high density proposal. Anticipated build - out of the project is 2014. The 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan describes the purpose of the transition class as providing for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The location of these services is based upon land use planning policies requiring optimum efficiency in land utilization and public service delivery. Residential development can exceed the 25 percent impervious surface limit and density limits of 2.5 units per acre within the Transition area provided the development is adequately designed to be compatible with existing and proposed surrounding land uses and is served by: 1. Sewer -the development shall be served by City or County sewer systems. 2. Municipal or County water system- the development shall be served by City or County water systems or a private water system constructed in accordance with City of Wilmington standards. 3. Direct access to a minor arterial or larger access road, as classified under the Wilmington Metropolitan Roadway Functional Classification Map -the development may be required to fully provide or to share in the cost of the provision of roadway improvements needed to adequately serve the proposed development and community in general. The site is located off Market Street and is currently vacant, wooded land with many mature trees. The owner intends to subdivide the property to create an independent commercial parcel of 3 acres at the intersection of Market Street and Marsh Oaks Drive. The remaining 26.61 acres are proposed to be developed into a high density apartment development. The Concept Plan shows 270 units total, consisting of a combination of ninety -four (94) one bedroom; one hundred -thirty (130) two bedroom; and forty -six (46) three bedroom. The infrastructure to support the project is not yet in place. Applicant proposes to connect the development to the Country Haven Pump Station; however, until current pump Z -908 (11 /10) CC Version Page 2 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -1 -2 station upgrades are completed, additional capacity will not be available. The upgrade is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2011. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) indicates trip generation of approximately 1,760 vehicles per day, with a. m. peak hour trips at 136 and p.m. peak hour traffic around 166 vehicles. At build -out, the analysis projects level of service (LOS) for westbound traffic at the intersection of Marsh Oaks and Market Street to experience a change from LOS D to E in both the morning and evening peaks hours. Other directional flows maintain LOS C or above at buildout. Required improvements outlined in the approval of the TIA include: 1. Construction of a northbound right -turn lane on Market Street with 100 feet of full storage with 50 feet of deceleration and taper to accommodate the proposed Market Street drive; 2. Construction of a concrete median island on Market Street for a distance of approximately 950 feet from the intersection of Market Street /Marsh Oaks Drive and an additional 75 feet of painted island on Market Street; 3. Provide additional pavement near Mendenhall Drive to accommodate southbound u -turn movements; 4. Provide right -of -way dedication for the right turn lane; and 5. Combine the two site driveways into a single access. Staff supports the rezoning portion of the request because changing the strip of B -2 commercial to R -15 residential use is not in conflict with County land use policies and because the additional acreage is needed in that location to provide adequate access to Market Street with the least impact to wetlands and to Marsh Oaks Drive for important secondary access. ACTION #1 NEEDED: (Approve, deny, continue) Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A -341 which requires that "Prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE for approval: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment from R -15 and B -2 commercial district to Conditional District CD(R -15) as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Transition and Resource Protection classification in the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to rezone 5.5 acres of B -2 commercial property and combining it with 21.1 acres of R -15 residential property in order to develop 270 high density residential apartment units when all infrastructure connections and improvements are installed, and subject to the site plan for the companion special use permit. Z -908 (11 /10) CC Version Page 3 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -1 -3 BECAUSE THIS IS A CONDITIONAL USE DISTRICT, STAFF HAS IDENTIFIED THE FOLLOWING PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF FACT FOR THE COMPANION SPECIAL USE PERMIT: 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. Public utilities will serve the site. The CFPUA has stated that sewer capacity is adequate to serve the 270 units but will not be accessible until an upgrade to the Country Haven pump station is completed in the summer of 2011. B. Fire Service is provided by the Ogden Fire Department. C. The property is not located in a flood hazard area. D. Stormwater control is subject to the requirements of the County's stormwater ordinance and is proposed to be accommodated in ponds at various locations around the site. E. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) indicates trip generation of approximately 1,760 vehicles per day, with a.m. peak hour traffic of 136 vehicles and p.m. peak hour traffic around 166 vehicles. At build -out, westbound level of service is projected to decline from existing LOS D to LOS E. F. Approval of the TIA outlines a variety of roadway improvements that will be required to mitigate negative impacts of the proposal. G. There will be two driveways to access the property; one from Market Street, restricted to right in -right out only and the other from Marsh Oaks Drive. H. The project is located in the Pages Creek drainage area. Pages Creek is classified as SA: HQW 3 03 (d) 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The 26.6 acre site is currently undeveloped land with zoning being a combination of approximately 21.1 acres of R -15 residential and approximately 5.5 acres of B -2 commercial. Based on the existing residential acreage, the maximum density permitted by right for this property would be 53 units (2.5 units per acre). B. This request is made concurrent with conditional rezoning to CD(R -15), rezoning 5.5 acres from B -2 commercial to add to the existing 21.1 acres of R -15 residential for high density residential development of 10.2 units per acre (270 apartment units). C. Conditional zoning districts are designed for firm development proposals and not for tentative development. The stated goal of this project is for build -out by 2014. D. The required community information meeting for this proposal was on October 4, 2010. A second community meeting was voluntarily provided on October 27, 2010 to further discuss comments from the first meeting and to include a wider array of community members. E. A traffic impact analysis has been provided. F. Parking is proposed at 576spaces, which includes two (2) spaces per apartment unit and an additional 8 spaces for office use, plus 28 spaces for the clubhouse area. Z -908 (11 /10) CC Version Page 4 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -1 -4 G. Buffers on the site plan are consistent with Sec. 67 -4(4), the Conservation Overlay District, and the Special Highway Overlay District. H. Open space is proposed at about 16.3acres or 61.3 %, which exceeds the minimum requirement of 35%. I. Improved recreational space is proposed at about 6.7 acres or 25.2 %, which exceeds the minimum requirement of 15 %. J. Final review and approval by the Technical Review Committee must be completed prior to commencing any development activity on the site. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. At the November Planning Board meeting, adjacent property owners expressed an opinion that the project would injure the value of their property; however, an opinion was offered by a certified real estate appraiser that the proposal would not have a negative impact on adjacent residential property values. B. Surrounding property includes townhomes, single family residential and commercial development. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The 2006 Update of the Joint CAMA Plan encourages higher density development to be located in urban transition areas where public services are already in place. It also recommends preservation of conservation areas, such as Watershed Resource Protection. B. This parcel is located within two land classifications. The majority of the property is located within the Transition classification, which was created to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. A small southeastern portion of the property is classified as Watershed Resource Protection, which is a subclass that occurs along the tidal creeks and is defined as the area within 1 /2 mile of the 100 - year flood plain for those creeks. C. At the November Planning Board meeting, home owners from the surrounding area expressed their opinion that the proposal was not compatible with their single- family neighborhoods. Staff Comments: Staff feels the special use findings for high density residential use are positive subject to final approval by the Technical Review Committee and subject to installation of all traffic improvements outlined in the November 12, 2010 letter of approval for the Traffic Impact Analysis. The improvements are designed to mitigate the impacts of additional traffic in the area and will be consistent with existing plans for improvements Z -908 (11 /10) CC Version Page 5 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -1 -5 along Market Street. The proposal meets the technical standards for high density of 10.2 units per acre in an R -15 zoning district situated in a Transition land classification. Buffers on the concept plan are designed to mitigate visual impacts on adjoining properties and are consistent with Landscaping Sec. 67 -4(4), the Conservation Overlay District Sec. 59.4, and the Special Highway Overlay District Sec. 59.6. ACTION # 2 NEEDED: 1. Motion to Approve based on the findings of fact (with or without conditions) 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (Specify). 3. Motion to Deny based on specific findings in any of the 4 categories above, such as lack of consistency with adopted plans or determination that the project will pose public hazards or will not adequately meet requirements of the ordinance. Z -908 (11 /10) CC Version Page 6 of 6 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -1 -6 Case: Z -908 (11 /10) Rezone 26.61 acres from R- 15 /B -2 to CD (R -15) Petition Summary Data 7910 Market Street Owner/Petitioner: Thomas H. Johnson, Jr. (Nexsen Pruet) and Ryan Foster (Flournoy) on behalf of Bayshore Estates, Inc. Existing Land Use: Residential /Commercial Zonin _ History: Area 8B (July 7, 1972) Land Classification: Transition and Watershed Resource Protection Water Type: Public Sewer Tyke: Upgrading Country Haven Pump Station (Summer 2011) and will provide Public sewer Recreation Area: Ogden Park Access &Traffic Volume: Market Street (urban principle arterial) The ADT on Market Street, slightly North of the proposal between Sweetwater Dr and Market St, have decreased from 38 (2009) to 34,850 (2010). Fire District: Ogden Fire Department (OFD) Watershed &Water Quality Classification: Pages Creek; SA: HQW 303(d) Aquifer Recharge Area: A shallow water -table sand aquifer and underlying artesian aquifer containing fresh water over salty water. Conservation /Historic /Archaeological Resources: Front portion of property is located in the Special Highway Overlay District (S.H.O.D). Soils: Dorovan soils, Leon sand, Lynn Haven fine sand, Rimini sand, 1 to 6 percent slopes, and Kureb sands, 1 to 8 percent slopes. Septic Suitability: Kureb and Rimini sands are Class I soils with suitable /slight limitation; Lynn Haven fine sand and Leon soil are Class III soils and have severe limitations; requiring extensive modification and intensive maintenance; and Dorovan soils are Class IV and are Unsuitable. Schools: Blair Elementary School Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -2 -1 r N M t0 I� 00 C1 O r N M t0 1� GO Q1 O r N M 1tl to 1� 00 C1 O r N M N9 W 1- W M O T" N M 1 4 0 O ti O M O � N MIRT W to 1- W M O N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M m M 1 4 IRT Iq 1 4 1 4 IRT Iq 1 4 1 4 IRT w 0 LA M 0 0 Ln 0 0 0 w � x J H C to z z J 0 o J J ? z z a z >> U) J a a J o o z � a z � �w ��� za I-u �3 ooa ' J �Y an m Q v v ci J J Q v J a° v v a Q a } g z = (1) ga z �a ��� az w °zz m 55~ E Y� >_ a 5 < w >�a0OO�o -i �z z o �,C v , z J 3z�, = p }F _=mzzz Cl) z °? as aw w g L ��3 3 zc�c��w a � w� o o � = m ���, C a im J a O ❑ 0 as w a J J = m�3 °gLL �m ❑_ F- _ a 2z - Wm�a J }U) U) ❑zU) c�c� J aa L) 0L) o Jz U) z a �� 00 o ❑aa U gJ O a m m ❑ J a J ❑ a z u� = x J H H a J z z a J H H= n w z v Y p 0 I�i x z a H 3 a azw > >za�J u�]J a J = ° Y aaa rn ❑ ~O v v °u� ? 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F1 M THOMAS & HUTTON Engineering I Surveying I Plonning I GIS I Consulting To: Ms Jane Daughtridge New Hanover County Planning Letter of Transmittal Date: October 7, 2010 Job 22667.300 Re: Am berleigh Shores 7910 Market Street Hand WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING ITEMS (Zattached) E] under separate cover via delivery ) F]Shop Drawings F P ri n ts El Plans El Samples El Specifications F Copy of Letter E] Change Order Z Other: As Listed Below Cop ies Date Descri tion 1 Conditional Use Zoning District Application wlre uired documents see a pp) 10 24x36 Concept Plan sheets 2 of 2, revision date 1017110 10 11 xl 7 Color Rendering of Site Plan THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: For Approval El Approved as Submitted El Resubmit Copies for Approval F For Your Use E] Approved as Noted [:1 Submit Copies for Distribution F As Requested F Returned for Corrections F Return Corrected Prints F For Review and Comment Remarks Please accept the enclosed application and supporting documents in addition to the digital submittal emailed to your attention today. We respectfully request this item be placed on the November 4, 2010 Planning Board Agenda. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Copy to Ryan Foster; Flournoy Development (pdf) Signed Thomas H. Johnson, Jr. / Nexsen Pruet (pdf) Brian Riley 219 Station Road, Suite 101B6aW1atqN'X9Ae49j 910.332.33601 Fax 910.332.3361 12/06/2010 8 -4 -1 �. ; ......... .:. ■ ....... .. ..:..:.:.::.. .. .. .. . .. .. ........... ..... .. ................ . ........ ..... ..... . . . . . .... . .. . . ........ ... . . . ......... ............. ........ ... ......... .. ..... ... . . . ...... ................ . . . ........................... et ton r Info .. ........ . . .. ........ ..................... . .. ............ . . . ..... rmat�vn o .... . .... ............. .. . .......... ..... ..... ... .. .......... ..... .... . . . .................... .... ... ....... . .. ............... ....... .. . . ... . .. . .. . .... .. ... .......... . . . . . ............. .. . . .... ... . . ....... .. . ........ ............... ..... . ........................... . . . . ..... ............ . ... .. ................... P ........ .. .. r �e .... awns S u bit P r e . ........ . . .. ................. . . . ....... . .................... . . . . ......... 3' .......... ............. ....... . ......... . . . . . . . . .. . ....... ............ ... . ... . .. .. . ... ...... a r J ....... .. ... d . .. ... .............. ... .............. .................. .. . .. . . .. . .... ..... ............... ..... ...... . .. ... ......... . . .... . . .... .... . . .... ... . ... ........ . . .. .. .... ........ ...... .. .. . . ...... . .. .... .. . . ..... ....... .................. . . ......... .......... ....... . . .. .... . ... . .. . . ........ . ... ...... ..... . .... .. .... . . ... .. ..... . . .. ..... . . ... . ..... .... . ..... ..... . . . . ......... ......... . ... .. . . .. . . .... .. ......... . .. .. . . . . . ........ ......... ... .. ... . . . .. ......... . . . . ... ......... . .. . . . ...... .. ... . . ....................... . ... . . . . .......... . . .... ... .. ....... .. .. ..... .................. .. .. . ................. ........ . ................. ........ ........ ................ .......... ' .................. LI'l'`lllOi'�LI" .............. . .. .......... .. ... ....... . . .. ..... .. ........... . .. ............ . . . . . ..................... . Name owner Name Address Thomas H. Johnson, Jr. Bayshore Estates, Inc. 7910 Market Street Company Owner Name 2 Parcel ID Nexsen Pruet, PLLC R03600 - 005 - 020 &022 - 000 Address Address Area PC Box 30188 PC Box 3649 26.61 acres City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Existing Zoning and Use Raleigh, NC 27622 Wilmington, NC 28406 - 0649 B - 2 & R 15/undeveloped Phone Phone Proposed Zoning and Use 919 786 - 2764 Conditional Use Email Email Land Classification tjohnson @nexsenpruet.com Transition SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS PLEASE READ ALL OF SECTION 59.7 OF THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION! Petitions must be reviewed by Planning & Zoning for completeness prior to acceptance. For petitions involving five (5) acres or less, a fee of $400.00 will be charged; for those of greater than five (5) acres a fee of $600.00 will be charged. This fee, payable to New Hanover County, MUST accompany this petition. In addition to the attached site plan check list, the following supplemental information is required: ►/ 1. Copy of the New Hanover County Tax Map, which delineates the property requested for rezoning. ,/ 2. Legal description (by metes and bounds) of property requested for rezoning. 3. Copy of the subdivision map or recorded plat which delineates the property NOTE: Will be recorded in the future. M 4. Site Plan as outlined in section 59.7 -3 (2). For plans larger than 1 1x17, please provide ten (10) copies for the Planning Board meeting. You will be asked for an additional thirteen (13) copies of your site plan if your proposal moves forward to the County Commissioners. Also, please include one (1) reduced copy of the site plan. Digital submission may be substituted when accurate scaling can be assured. 05. Authority for Appointment of Agent form (if applicable). The owner or authorized agent is required to attend the Planning Board meeting. The owner or an attorney is required to attend the County Commissioners meeting. ►/ 6. Requirements of Article VII for the companion special use permit. V 7. Applicant's answers to the questions on this application. S. Signed site plan check list. 9. A report of the required public information meeting outlined in Section 111 -2.1. REVIEW PROCEDURES Petitions for conditional change of zoning are first referred to the New Hanover County Planning Board and then acted upon by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Complete petitions and all supplementary information must be accepted by Planning & Zoning twenty (20) working days before the Planning Board meeting to allow adequate time for processing and advertisement as required by the North Carolina General Statutes. Page I of 4 4/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -2 Planning Board meetings are held at 5:30PM in the Commissioner's Assembly Room in the Old County Courthouse, at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina, on the first Thursday of each month. If the Planning Board approves your petition, the request will automatically be referred to the Board of County Commissioners. If your petition is denied, you may appeal to the Board of Commissioners. Planning & Zoning can advise you regarding appeal procedures. Uses and Development Requirements: Within a Conditional Use District, no use is allowed except by Special Use Permit. The permit may specify additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations, or other limitations on land which may be regulated by state law or local ordinance. Such conditions and requirements shall not specify ownership status, race, religion, character or other exclusionary characteristic of occupant, shall be objective, specific and detailed to the extent necessary to accomplish their purpose, and shall relate rationally to making the permit compatible with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan, the requirements for a Special Use Permit and other pertinent requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, and to securing the public health, safety, morals, and welfare. WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING Conditional Use District Zoning is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective but for which none of the general zoning classifications which would allow that use are acceptable. You must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements: (attach additional sheets if necessary) 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? The majority of the subject property is zoned R -15. A portion of the property at the corner of Market Street and Marsh Oaks Drive is zoned B -2. The owner intends to subdivide the property to create an independent commercial parcel of 3 acres at the intersection. The remaining balance of 25.61 acres is requested to be zoned to Conditional Use Zoning District which is consistent with the "Transition" Zone in the LAMA Land Use Plan. High density development is an appropriate transition between the existing multi/single family to the southeast and commercial uses along Market Street. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? The property is in a Transition Zone as defined by the CAMA Land Use Plan which allows for high density development in locations served by potable water and sanitary sewer. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? R -15 does not allow for the higher density proposed. The infrastructure is in place to allow for higher density development in a Transition Zone. Also, the adjacent property to the southeast consists of existing multifamily and single family. The frontage on Market Street is developing as commercial and the proposed zoning is an appropriate transition from existing multifamily and single family to commercial. 4. List proposed conditions and restrictions that would mitigate the impacts of the proposed uses). See Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Page 2 of 4 4/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -3 WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." See Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. General Requirement #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance. See Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. General Requirement #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." See Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. General Requirement #4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." See Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Page 3 of 4 4/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -4 SITE PLAN CHECKLIST (section 59.7 -3 (2)) Check each item to confirm that is included. The application will not be deemed complete without all items being addressed. r Tract boundaries and total area, plus location of adjoining land parcels and roadways. Existing zoning of the tract and neighboring parcels and proposed tract zoning. Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, height and type of units and site plan outlining area to be occupied by each structure and /or subdivided lot boundaries. For non- residential uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. Development schedule including proposed phasing. Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right -of -way dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right -of -way for internal streets and location, arrangement and access provision for parking areas. All existing and proposed easements, reservations, required setbacks, rights -of -way, buffering and signage. The one hundred (100) year floodplain line, if applicable Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under Section 67 of the Zoning Ordinance. r Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations, which are the minimum requirements in the Conditional Use District, or other limitations on land which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance. Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed change (Ref. Article VII, as applicable). By my signature below, I certify that I have read Section 59.7 of the Zoning Ordinance. I understand and accept all of the conditions, limitations and obligations of the Conditional District zoning for which I am applying. I understand that the existing official zoning map is presumed to be correct. I understand that I have the burden of proving why this requested change is in the public interest. I further understand the singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that this application is complete and that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Thomas H. Johnson, Jr., Attorney SignaEu,ro"KPetitigdher Vndllr P/operty Owner Print Name Page 4 of 4 4/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -5 Exhibit A to Application for Conditional Use Zoning District for 7910 Market Street 4. The proposed plan allows for a mix of multifamily and commercial uses contiguous with the arterial roadway network. The plan will limit the main vehicular access on Market Street to right -in, right -out only. The plan adheres to the setback and buffer limitations of high density development adjacent to single family lots or structures. The additional limitations and setbacks and landscaping will preserve the intent of the Special Highway overlay District established for Market Street. There are no impervious surfaces with exception of stormwater best management practices proposed in the portion of the property designated as Watershed Resource Protection Area as illustrated in the LAMA Land Use Plan. General Requirement #1: The project is located directly adjacent to an arterial roadway with multiple points of ingress / egress. The primary point of access to and from the project will be to Market Street from Marsh oaks Drive, a recently signalized intersection. Additionally, inbound and outbound traffic through the proposed entrance from the project directly to Market Street will be limited to right turn movements only. Potable water and sanitary sewer will be provided by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority and all applicable state and local permits will be secured for the project prior to construction. The stormwater management for the project will be consistent with rules and regulations established by New Hanover County and the State of North Carolina. The development will be gated for residents and visitors only. As a result, the project as proposed will not materially endanger the public health or safety. General Requirement #2: The attached site plan demonstrates the project will adhere to the requirements of a high density project in New Hanover County. In addition, the setbacks and landscaping for the project will be in accordance with the Special Highway overlay District along Market Street. The wetlands on the property have been delineated and verified by the US Army Corps of Engineers. As shown on the plan, a small portion of the site is designated as Watershed Resource Protection Area by the CAMA Land Use Plan. No impervious surfaces with exception of stormwater best management practices are proposed for this area. The project meets the required conditions of the Zoning ordinance. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 NPRAL1:119522.1- DOC- (TJOHNSON) 047061 -00001 8 -4 -6 General Requirement #3: The project will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property because the proposed use is consistent with the surrounding uses and will provide a transition from lower density multifamily and single family to existing commercial uses. Such uses adjoin one another throughout New Hanover County without any substantial injury to property values. The New Hanover County Zoning ordinance also provides increased setbacks and buffers when multifamily is adjacent to lower density residential in order to further protect property values. General Requirement #4: The property is bordered on the north and west by Marsh oaks Drive, Market Street and an outparcel containing an assortment of commercial buildings. To the east is predominately townhome dwellings in Marsh oaks and several single family dwellings. Higher density development is an appropriate transition between lower density residential and more intense commercial uses. Likewise, the CAMA Land Use Plan identifies that residential development may exceed the minimums for "Transition" area thresholds if municipal water and sewer is available to the site and if there is access to a minor arterial or larger access road. Market Street is identified as an Urban Principal Arterial. Increased setbacks and buffers are applied adjacent to single family residences and platted lots in keeping with the high density requirements of New Hanover County Zoning ordinance. Additionally, this project otherwise meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, the project will be in harmony and general conformity with the land use plan for New Hanover County. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 NPRAU :119522.1- DOC- (TJOHNSON) 047061 -00001 8 -4 -7 NeAk," Fkinover G, kt . . ........................ . . — ---- ---- Rr,opipIrly Ow"'te'll. Addre!5s Parcel I'D A d v a n (:,c, d rj PLJ f M PARIM, R,03600-005-020-000 BAYSHORE ESTATES INC 7910 MARKETST 0 451 41� Data Cop i `lhnnev Hanovo--�r l'=lG!.-[nt I Disclainr�ep I FPrivac- Pol[,o.-, t, ast Ljpdated Y 210 10 5 t to De s 0,,- (--a y r I a 1, i t, 1,999 9, 0 06 06, A k a r'l a G U ) L x11, r i y , h t s rve d Board of Commissioners Meetin 12/06/2010 10 atmlet,,=v 0( L L Last GIB al a Update: J an =200 a Amberleigh Shores (AKA Bayshores, Estates, Inc. Tax Parcel RO36OO- 005 - 020 -000 & RO36OO- 005 - 022 -000 26.569 Acres to be Rezoned per Submission ALL AND SINGULAR, ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE, PARCEL OR LOT OF LAND WITH ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON; SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN HARNETT TOWHSHIP, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; BEING BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY MARSH OAKS DRIVE HAVING A VARIABLE RIGHT -OF -WAY, ON THE EAST BY MARYMOUNT TOWNHOMES, HOA, INC., CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY, MARYMOUNT TOWNHOMES HOA, INC, et al, DALE F. & SUSAN E. BAEMANN, JAMES S. & PATRICIA L. MANGUM, JENNIFER BLYTHE & BOBBY PRETELLE HOLT, SR., AND SARA S. REHREY, ON THE SOUTH BY DORIS RIGGS SMITH, ESTHER F. LEE, AND E & B JONES, LLC, ON THE WEST BY MARKET STREET (U.S. HIGHWAY 17) HAVING A 100' RIGHT -OF -WAY, WILLIAM Q. & ROBIN S. GOODMAN, JAMES S. & BARBARA W. FURR, BAYSHORE ESTATES, INC., A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT AN ALUMINUM MONUMENT STAMPED "MO -1 7 -08" LOCATED WITHIN THE EASTERN EDGE OF RIGHT -OF -WAY OF MARKET STREET AND NORTH WESTERN RIGHT -OF -WAY OF MARSH OAKS DRIVE, HAVING A NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATE OF NORTH 198,893.41, EAST 2,362,381.39; THENCE A BEARING OF S 27 0 43'47" W, A DISTANCE OF 6.49 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERN EDGE OF MARSH OAKS DRIVE VARIABLE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY A BEARING OF S 80 0 50'37" E, A DISTANCE OF 44.40 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE A BEARING OF S 37 0 04'05" E, A DISTANCE OF 74.59 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT, A CHORD BEARING OF S 47 0 09'35" E, A CHORD DISTANCE OF 249.87 FEET, (DELTA= 20 RADIUS= 713.00 FEET, ARC= 251.17 FEET) TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET AND POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG A COMPOUND CURVE TO THE LEFT, A CHORD BEARING OF S 62 °11'01" E, A CHORD DISTANCE OF 122.60 FEET, (DELTA= 09 °51'52 ", RADIUS= 713.00 FEET, ARC= 122.75 FEET); THENCE ALONG A COMPOUND CURVE TO THE LEFT, A CHORD BEARING OF S 68 0 19'19" E, A CHORD DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET, (DELTA= 2 0 24 1 45 ", RADIUS= 713.00 FEET, ARC= 30.02 FEET) TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE A BEARING OF S 68 0 55'06" E, A DISTANCE OF 30.92 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 68 0 55'06" E, A DISTANCE OF 69.22 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT, A CHORD BEARING OF S 73 0 5638" E, A CHORD DISTANCE OF 87.48 FEET, (DELTA= 9 0 28'04 ", RADIUS= 530.00 FEET, ARC= 87.58 FEET) TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR FOUND, HAVING A NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE OF NORTH 198,522.66, EAST 2,362,964.21; THENCE LEAVING SAID EDGE OF MARSH OAKS DRIVE RIGHT -OF -WAY ALONG THE LANDS OF MARYMOUNT TOWNHOMES HOA, INC. A BEARING OF S 41 W, A DISTANCE OF 146.69 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR SET; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY A BEARING OF N 48 0 16'33" W, A DISTANCE OF 107.17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF N 48 0 16'33" W, A DISTANCE OF 55.66 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE A BEARING OF S 86 0 4336" W, A DISTANCE OF 11.84 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 86 W, A DISTANCE OF 61.21 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE A BEARING OF S 41 W, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE A BEARING OF S 48 E, A DISTANCE OF 214.48 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF MARYMOUNT TOWNHOMES HOA, INC. A BEARING OF S 38 °13'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 124.28 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 42 0 47'04" W, A DISTANCE OF 22.05 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 42 0 47'04" W, A DISTANCE OF 168.39 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 36 0 4245" W, A DISTANCE OF 33.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 30 0 21'37" W, A DISTANCE OF 35.26 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 30 0 5726" W, A DISTANCE OF 246.25 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 21 0 5754" W, A DISTANCE OF 16.55 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 00 °52'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 42.97 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 04 " E, A DISTANCE OF 19.95 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF MARYMOUNT TOWNEHOMES HOA, INC., et al A BEARING OF S 04 " E, A DISTANCE OF 21.16 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 06 0 05'56" W, A DISTANCE OF 34.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 31 W, A DISTANCE OF 41.71 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET, HAVING A NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE VALUE OF NORTH 197,587.75, EAST 2,362,332.28; THENCE A BEARING OF S 58 0 02'59" E, A DISTANCE OF 57.91 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 55 0 25'42" E, A DISTANCE OF 31.23 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 57 0 34'03" E, A DISTANCE OF 54.43 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 65 0 12'40" E, A DISTANCE OF 29.06 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 75 °35'10" E, A DISTANCE OF 33.12 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 72 0 31'01" E, A DISTANCE OF 64.30 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE A BEARING OF S 65 °15'19" E, A DISTANCE OF 43.59 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON REBAR FOUND, HAVING A NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE VALUE OF NORTH 197,452.13, EAST 2,362,612.49; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF DALE F. & SUSAN E. BAEMANN A BEARING OF S 41 0 19'37" W, A DISTANCE OF 173.06 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON REBAR FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF JAMES S. & PATRICIA L. MANGUM A BEARING OF S 41 W, A DISTANCE OF 70.08 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON REBAR FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF JENNIFER BLYTHE & BOBBY PRETELLE HOLT, SR. A BEARING OF N 76 0 51'54" W, A DISTANCE OF 267.15 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE A BEARING OF S 13 °07'41" W, A DISTANCE OF 150.07 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF SARAH S. REHREY A BEARING OF S 31 °02'09" W, A DISTANCE OF 276.68 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR FOUND, HAVING A NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE VALUE OF NORTH 196,947.04, EAST 2,362,015.05; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF DORIS RIGGS SMITH A BEARING OF N 17 0 03'40" W, A DISTANCE OF 435.27 FEET TO A 1 1/2" IRON PIPE FOUND; THENCE A BEARING OF S 72 °4423" W, A DISTANCE OF 100.70 FEET TO A 1 1/2" IRON PIPE FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF ESTHER F. LEE (TRACT 1 & 2) A BEARING OF S 81 W, A DISTANCE OF 201.01 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF ESTHER F. LEE (TRACT 3) A BEARING OF S 46 0 47'34" W, A DISTANCE OF 21.34 FEET TO A 1" IRON PIPE FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF ESTHER F. LEE (TRACT 1 & 2) A BEARING OF N 45 W, A DISTANCE OF 50.03 FEET TO A 3/4" IRON PIPE FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF ESTHER F. LEE (TRACT B) A BEARING OF N 45 W, A DISTANCE OF 115.65 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON REBAR FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF E & B JONES, LLC A BEARING OF N 45 0 03'39" W, A DISTANCE OF 325.14 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR FOUND, HAVING A NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE VALUE OF NORTH 197,636.26, EAST 2,361,228.95; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERN EDGE OF MARKET STREET (U.S. HIGHWAY 17) RIGHT -OF -WAY A BEARING OF N 42 0 34'40" E, A DISTANCE OF 1140.66 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF WILLIAM Q. & ROBIN S. GOODMAN A BEARING OF S 47 0 30'43" E, A DISTANCE OF 193.31 FEET TO A 3/4" IRON PIPE FOUND; THENCE A BEARING OF S 47 0 30'43" E, A DISTANCE OF 6.49 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1/2" IRON REBAR FOUND; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS JAMES S. & BARBARA W. FURR A BEARING OF S 47 0 30'43" E, A DISTANCE OF 200.19 FEET TO A TALL 1" IRON PIPE FOUND; THENCE A BEARING OF N 42 0 29'17" E, A DISTANCE OF 200.29 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON REBAR SET; THENCE A BEARING OF N 47 °30'43" W, A DISTANCE OF 39.70 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG THE LANDS OF BAYSHORE ESTATES, INC., A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION A BEARING OF N 42 0 3446" E, A DISTANCE OF 367.56 FEET TO A POINT AND POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 26.569 ACRES + /- (1,157,360 SQUARE FEET). Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -9 2 w " i Ilp IZE ty - K 0 A V I o v, aS 11 " �? !"; s � m , > tz 2 5 6 M , to Z� --e J 2i A ut cc N Lam' 0 >- F LU uz� Ile, Lu p Board of Commissioners Meetin 12/06/2010 8-4-10 _ t v .P �1 "`"^^gym v� >� �.me�'•. 'ad.' � � i � € _. p..,3 r - �' � _ d E : � � s 3' u: ix i . r r y z"3f ,!R as r ,p tS a ga f< , �� It 0 I t i, FF �•-_ t „ ,�. _ 4F3 g � t i €� 4 Ly In u �e .i b� 1• Y rFl tf, _ A`a -"- •d Cd'v} Y'" p.W a E a �a y, w mom, t '4 •`'' e f M y �. •ems ��,� � �"... ,• �y !m tro X, x t t 3 pi i x $ J [ KJ n - S '•rev �r, °. 1 r S vi . c M PIR ah, r Lu n , y i tires' i a� op i n L I , - u pp n a < �. v y s , c '. ., N L ilk , 63� 00 1 PU X.� p p d ,,r, , 4 Z", 5"v &'- x � uj Yt •. u a ,gy € ta re m ks • ,�,,, � _�( iU< `tom •. Ls? i " , ,. � � �f 4. ��, � �' d'� 5 ,�.:- � ��' i `� � � r� i i t a �. � ' �, � �;� �, � �. �� �* ri w 'w IR X 5 1W e tl W yyy y y r' 5�y+ .. � a ti f s a , - r a � • °J !np s �+ '✓ '� �. �". sal. �''k,q .,i 4 � a r f NJ 68 , ^` d',�� 6 K t _ i �) x s F ,. a �' ,., •eT.�... z� ``' i "' r . ," V w s '• ' _ PR �' _ • « 4 C _ r r , f, • a Z, \4 R. m V X 7,, #, � '7 r gym, ,;a :'`v„• Ix M,.. ,' j� a n;.« r ti § vk" Y, R IA a - a If t> d s °. ya { fff A nUY` .+ x r It rl a r i t 9X I n � f ° „ * Y r o r �r n r IL� Vii, mb tt r rr, 7 .I t� A �� b p � -, qt 5' Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -11 N . _ t v .P �1 "`"^^gym v� >� �.me�'•. 'ad.' � � i � € _. p..,3 r - �' � _ d E : � � s 3' u: ix i . r r y z"3f ,!R as r ,p tS a ga f< , �� It 0 I t i, FF �•-_ t „ ,�. _ 4F3 g � t i €� 4 Ly In u �e .i b� 1• Y rFl tf, _ A`a -"- •d Cd'v} Y'" p.W a E a �a y, w mom, t '4 •`'' e f M y �. •ems ��,� � �"... ,• �y !m tro X, x t t 3 pi i x $ J [ KJ n - S '•rev �r, °. 1 r S vi . c M PIR ah, r Lu n , y i tires' i a� op i n L I , - u pp n a < �. v y s , c '. ., N L ilk , 63� 00 1 PU X.� p p d ,,r, , 4 Z", 5"v &'- x � uj Yt •. u a ,gy € ta re m ks • ,�,,, � _�( iU< `tom •. Ls? i " , ,. � � �f 4. ��, � �' d'� 5 ,�.:- � ��' i `� � � r� i i t a �. � ' �, � �;� �, � �. �� �* ri w 'w IR X 5 1W e tl W yyy y y r' 5�y+ .. � a ti f s a , - r a � • °J !np s �+ '✓ '� �. �". sal. �''k,q .,i 4 � a r f NJ 68 , ^` d',�� 6 K t _ i �) x s F ,. a �' ,., •eT.�... z� ``' i "' r . ," V w s '• ' _ PR �' _ • « 4 C _ r r , f, • a Z, \4 R. m V X 7,, #, � '7 r gym, ,;a :'`v„• Ix M,.. ,' j� a n;.« r ti § vk" Y, R IA a - a If t> d s °. ya { fff A nUY` .+ x r It rl a r i t 9X I n � f ° „ * Y r o r �r n r IL� Vii, mb tt r rr, 7 .I t� A �� b p � -, qt 5' Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -11 Authority for Appointment of Agent Please note that for quasi-judicial proceedings, either the land owner or an attorney must represent the case at its public hearing The undersigned owner Bays Estates, Inc. does h appoint Thomas H. Johnson, Jr (Print or Type) as his /her /its exclusive agent for the purpose of petitioning Now (Print or Type) Hanover County for a variance, special use permit, conditional use district, and /or an appeal of staff decisions applicable to the property described in the attached petition. 1. To submit a proper petition and the required supplemental materials. 2. To appeal at public meetings to give representation and commitments on behalf of the owner. 3. To act on the owner's behalf without limitations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out of any petition for an amendment applicable to the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance under Article XI therein. This agency agreement shall continue in effect until written notice of rcvocation. by the owner is delivered to New I anover County. This the day of / D � , 20 Agent's Name, Address, Email & Telephone Signature of Owner (s) (Print or Type) Bayt Thomas H. Johnson, Jr. William H. Cameron, President Nexsen Pruet, PLLC PQ Box 3 0 18 8 PO Box 3649 Raleigh, NC 27622 Wilmington, NC 28406 -0649 AAA 04/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -12 COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT FORO 0 AMBERLEIGH SHORES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED FOR: FLOURNOY DEVELOPMENT CO J — 22267 October 5, 2010 PREPARED BY: THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. SAVANNAH,GEORGIA* BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA C •MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA 1g /06#4 } 3 tMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA �'�1 k Amberleigh Shores 7910 Market Street 10105110 pep% Flovrnov Development Company J -22667 COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY A community meeting was held at the office of Thomas & Hutton from 6:00pm — 8:00pm on October 4, 2010 for the property owners within 100 feet of the proposed development. Becuase approximately 33% of the townhomes within Marymount Townhome Association were within the notifcation distance, the remainder of the townhome owners were invited as well. The list of the property owners notified via US Postal Service, postmarked 9/27/2010, can be found attached to this summary as Exhibit "B ". Additional notice was sent via electronic mail to the "sunshine list" provided by New Hanover County and assumed current as of September 24, 2010. The meeting was conducted informaly as a "drop -in" where residents could attend at their convenience within the meeting hours. Four representatives from Flournoy and Thomas & Hutton were on hand to discuss the plan. The land plan was displayed in three locations within the open meeting room, along with aerial photgraphy of the site and presentation boards with examples of completed Flournoy proj ects. Copies of 11 x 17 size colored renderings of the site plan submitted to the County and overlaid with the aerial photgraphy were also given away as requested. Approximately thirty residents attended and were asked when possible to fill out a sign -in sheet with space made available for contact information and written comments. Seventeen sheets were collected and attached to this summary as Exhibit "C ". Attendees were encouraged to list their questions and concerns under the "Comments" section even if they were addressed by one of the representatives. After review of the responses provided, the representatives feel the ma j ority of questions and concerns raised were captured in writing, with exception of some concern and questions about where stormwater discharge would be routed off the site, and whether certain areas of the site would be "fenced." The comments provided are all appreciated and considered important to us. The plan submitted previously to County staff was revised for this application based on the community meeting to segregate the buffer from the heavily vegetated drainage ditch easement along Marymount property line. Our responses to many of the other comments have been addressed below in bullet format and in no particular order: • Signage will be located within the property at the entrances and will be designed in accordance with New Hanover County standards; • Stormwater ponds were not placed in the jurisdictional wetlands in order to minimize impacts to jursidictional wetlands. Ponds are located in areas appropriate for capturing runoff from impervious surfaces and near the outfall location of the main ditch that runs along Marymount and turning east along beside the existing Marsh Oaks stormwater pond; • The garbage collection area will be enclosed compactor, situated in an enclosed fence. The compactor will not have a negative impact to the adjacent Marsh Oaks Drive; Pagel of 3 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -14 k Amberleigh Shores 7910 Market Street 10105110 pep% Flovrnov Development Company J -22667 • The subject of adjoining property value impact is addressed in the Conditional Use application; • The car wash is an amenity planned for the project and will utilize potable water. The car wash will not negatively impact the groundwater or aquifer; • The New Hanover County Erosion Control Permit that will be required prior to land disturbance activities will be conditioned on the applicant complying with Federal and State Water Quality laws, regulations and rules. Section 6.84 of the "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual" provides criteria for dust control practices during construction that must be adhered to. The adjoining properties will not be negatively impacted by dust during construction of this project; • The entrance from Marsh Oaks Drive will not include a deceleration lane unless required by the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization, (WMPO), or the North Carolina Department of Transportation, (NCDOT); • The driveway connection to Marsh Oaks Drive is requested due to its classification as a NCDOT roadway, and to safely move traffic through the existing signalized intersection and onto Market Street. The Traffic Impact Analysis, (TIA), submitted for review demonstrates that the signal will continue to operate at an acceptable Level of Service at build -out. The DOT will not allow left turn movement from the access directly on to Market Street; • Based on current NCDOT standards, relocating the proposed Market Street entrance adjacent to the Jones Seafood Resturant driveway would not be acceptable due to inadequate spacing and would also create an off -set intersection with Alexander Road. Adequate driveway spacing can not be achieved due to the Jurisdictional Wetland adjacent to Market St. A right turn into Amberleigh Shores at this location would also overlap with the turn lane into Jones Seafood; • U -turns are generally not encouraged on major roadways unless medians with directional crossovers (with adequate turning radii or "bulb outs ") are provided; • The proposed community will include a resort style amenity with upscale features and swimming pool. It is unlikely that the residents of the new community will desire to utilize Marsh Oaks pool; • Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer will be permitted through Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, (CFPUA), and North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, (NCDENR). The permit process will confirm that the water and sewer facilities have adequate capacity /pressure to serve the development; • Construction traffic for transporting equipment and materials will not be allowed to utilize Marsh Oaks Drive; Page 2 of 3 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -15 k Amberleigh Shores 7910 Market Street 10105110 pep% Flovrnov Development Company J -22667 • Fencing on the subj ect property will be provided in locations to be determined. Locations will be determined based on, but not limited to, proximity to un- fenced adjacent residential properties, widths of buffers proposed and adjacency of stormwater facilities to adjoining properties; • The stormwater system will be designed to meet the requirements of the State of NC and New Hanover County. Between the dates of September 26 and September 30, 2010, Wilmington experienced record setting rainfall totals according to the NOAA National Weather Service Public Information Statement issued 7:40 PM EDT, Thu Sep 2010. There were no known occurances of overtopping of roadways or flooding downsteam of the project site from where the receiving ditch leaves the site until its terminus into the un -named tributary of Pages Creek under Bayshore Drive. This summary is provided based the requirements of Section 111 -2.1 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance entitled "Required community information meeting before consideration," and as such, is made part of the application for Conditional Use Zoning for the proj ect. Page 3 of 3 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -16 EXHIBIT "B" 1 of 2 Owner Owner Address Property Address ACCUTAX SERVICES INC 7890 MARKET ST WILMINGTON NC 28405 7890 MARKET ST WILMINGTON AKEJU CAMILLE G 215 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 215 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON APPLEBY ELIZABETH J 7771 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7771 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON BAEHMANN DALE F SUSAN E 617 GOLDENEYE CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 617 GOLDENEYE CT WILMINGTON BAGGETT KIMBERLY B 7764 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7764 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON BARBER RICHARD T LINDA S 0 PO BOX 753 NAGS HEAD NC 27959 7760 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON BARR ZOCIA P 7743 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7743 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON BATTEN JENNIE M 1319 MILITARY CUT OFF RD WILMINGTON NC 28405 720 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON BAYSHORE ESTATES INC 0 PO BOX 3649 WILMINGTON NC 28406 7900 MARKET ST WILMINGTON BERGER STANLEY ELISSA 207 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 207 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON BEST LINDA F 7759 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7759 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON BUSH CAROLE ANN 7749 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7749 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON BUYAN JUDITH A 724 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 724 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY 235 GOVERNMENT CENTER DR WILMINGTON NC 28403 7858 RAINTREE RD WILMINGTON CHRISTIANSEN CHRISTIAN JR 108 CHERRYWOOD TRL GREER SC 29651 7703 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON COLLINS TIMOTHY 205 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 205 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON CONKLIN CANDACE A 73 CEDAR AVE 8 LONG BRANCH NJ 07740 728 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON COTHREN EVADENE M 7739 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7739 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON DRIGGERS ROGER W JULIE A 713 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 713 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON DUTTON KAREL H 7745 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7745 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON EAST CAROLINA BANK 0 PO BOX 337 ENGELHARD NC 27824 7961 MARKET ST WILMINGTON ELGAR PROPERTIES LLC 7727 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7727 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON FARRAR CHARLENE R 7742 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7742 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON FISK MICHAEL A 7731 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7731 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON FITZ - SIMONS MICHAEL SEAN ANN S 0 PO BOX 4188 HOLLY RIDGE NC 28445 206 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON FOX WILLIAM E 716 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 716 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON FREEMAN HELEN IRREV TRUST 7762 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7762 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON FURR JAMES S BARBARA W 537 UPLAND DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7946 MARKET ST WILMINGTON GELLMAN E MAN UEL SALLY 7702 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28403 7702 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON GODWIN HENRIETTA G 7731 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7731 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON GOODMAN WILLIAM Q ROBIN S 118 AUGUSTA PL HIGH POINT NC 27265 7888 MARKET ST WILMINGTON GRATHWOL ANN F LIV TR ETAL 0 PO BOX 3215 WILMINGTON NC 28406 7838 RAINTREE RD WILMINGTON GRAY LAWRENCE A DONNA K 5666 SOLHEIM CUP DR HAYMARKET VA 20169 7736 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON GREENOE HOLLY J 7733 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7733 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON HALL RUTH 0 PO BOX 1669 WAYNE NJ 07474 7757 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON HARVEY TAMMY 200 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 200 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON HICKS CHARLOTTE SPEARS 7751 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7751 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON HOFF JOHN LINDEL ETAL 2730 BONNELL SE GRAND RAPIDS MI 49506 7715 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON HOLDERFIELD DOROTHY D 7732 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7732 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON HOLLAND PATTI K 0 PO BOX 4606 WILMINGTON NC 28406 725 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON HOLT BOBBY P SR JENNIFER 7810 MARKET ST 39084 WILMINGTON NC 28405 7810 MARKET ST WILMINGTON HUDSON CARL F DONNA P 299 FOGGY MOUNTAIN RD GLADE VALLEY NC 28627 7745 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON HUNTER WOOD LLC 0 PO BOX 15156 WILMINGTON NC 28408 7730 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON IPOCK JUDITH A HRS 7763 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7763 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON JACKLE VIRGINIA M TRUST 95 LUMINA AVE S 39234 WRIGHTSVILLE B. NC 28480 203 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON KANE DONALD J ROBIN S 7753 MONARCH RD WILMINGTON NC 28411 7753 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON KARPINSKI KENNETH J JUDITH A 1737 SIGNATURE PL WILMINGTON NC 28403 7721 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON KAUNE DIETER R 7812 HAZELTON CT WILMINGTON NC 28405 7812 HAZELTON CT WILMINGTON KENNY GERARD ANNE 208 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 208 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON KICINSKI JASON THOMAS 7729 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7729 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON KIEDAISCH HOWARD G LORRAINE 300 MARSH OAKS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 718 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON KIRKPATRICK LARRY E TERESA M 716 ROYAL BONNET DR WILMINGTON NC 28405 7701 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON KRAUSS MARK A 7740 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7740 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON LANCASTER J TIMOTHY DEBORAH S 2200 EFFINGHAM CIR RALEIGH NC 27615 7707 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON LEE ESTHER F 57 BEACH RD S WILMINGTON NC 28411 7802 MARKET ST WILMINGTON LEECH ROBERT R NADINE M 7746 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7746 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH OF WILM INC 7957 MARKET ST WILMINGTON NC 28405 7957 MARKET ST WILMINGTON MANGUM JAMES S PATRICIA L 613 GOLDENEYE CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 613 GOLDENEYE CT WILMINGTON MANY ARLENE E 234 GILLNET LN SNEADS FERRY NC 28460 7726 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON MARLEY CAMI M 727 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 727 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON MARSH OAKS HOA INC 0 PO BOX 3649 WILMINGTON NC 28406 117 MARSH OAKS DR WILMINGTON MARSHALL CHARLES T SYLVIA H 7756 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7756 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON MARYMOUNT TOWNHOMES HOA ETAL 0 PO BOX 15156 WILMINGTON NC 28408 7775 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8-4-17 EXHIBIT "B" 2 of 2 MATANI MADHU J SUJATA M 7725 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7725 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON MATTHEWS DEREK W 202 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 202 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON MCDERMOTT JAMESON A JANICE C 304 VALE DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 304 VALE DR WILMINGTON MORRIS NOLIE ANN 7713 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7713 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NELSON DONALD R CHARLENE A 7757 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7757 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON PAGE KATHRYN ALLEN 7744 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7744 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON PEACOCK KRISTI E 723 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 723 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON PETROVIC CONSTANCE 7717 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7717 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON PFANNENSTEIN MARY M 213 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 213 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON PIERCE JULIA C REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 7733 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7733 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON PORTERS NECK BUSINES PK COA INC 6002 MEADOW RUN CT CHAPEL HILL NC 27516 7775 MARKET ST WILMINGTON POTTER BARBARA 7761 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7761 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON POTTER WALTER LARRY VIRGINIA S 7804 HAZELTON CT WILMINGTON NC 28405 7804 HAZELTON CT WILMINGTON POTTS MALCOLM ANN D 7753 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7753 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON PURSELL CAROL C 7751 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7751 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON RANEY MICHAEL ANN MARIE 300 VALE DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 300 VALE DR WILMINGTON REAVES CAROLYN E 7767 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7767 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON REED NANCY L FAMILY TRUST 0 PO BOX 4359 SUNRIVER OR 97707 715 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON REGISTER MELISSA MOND 7773 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7773 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON REHREY SARAH S 301 VALE DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 301 VALE DR WILMINGTON REYNER MARK 7750 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 0 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON RIESS MICHAEL DORIS 7769 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7769 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON ROBERTS LAURA L 7738 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7738 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON ROBUCK LINDA H 0 PO BOX 17102 RALEIGH NC 27619 7741 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON ROCK BRENDA R 7706 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7706 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON ROGERS E JANE 7755 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7755 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON RUMMEL RAYMOND E SHELIA F ETAL 7705 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7705 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON RYDER PATRICIA M 717 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 717 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON SHIELDS FRANCIS H 7739 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7739 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON SHIN BOO MIN 7808 HAZELTON CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 7808 HAZELTON CT WILMINGTON SHUMPERT ELIZABETH W 7752 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7752 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON SIEBERT JOANNE M 7711 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7711 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON SIMON HERMAN PATRICIA 7704 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7704 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON SKODA SUSAN 7727 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7727 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON SMITH ADRIAN 7747 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7747 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON SMITH DORIS RIGGS 5426 ANDOVER RD WILMINGTON NC 28403 7806 MARKET ST WILMINGTON SMITH WENDE L 204 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 204 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON STALLINGS ROBERT LJR ETAL 4612 MOORES CREEK RD DURHAM NC 27705 729 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON STANCILLTINA R 7708 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7708 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON SUTTON MARY SHANNON 726 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 726 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON THOMAS BETTY T TRUST 721 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 721 AQUARIUS DR WILMINGTON WARD BETH WILKIE 7728 MARYMOUNT DR 16 WILMINGTON NC 28411 7728 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON WEAVER JOHN PATRICK 201 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 201 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON WHITESELL MARGARET S 7729 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON NC 28411 7729 MONARCH DR WILMINGTON WOODARD PATRICIA M 0 PO BOX 595 DENTON NC 27239 7737 MARYMOUNT DR WILMINGTON Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8-4-18 Exhibit "C" Page 1 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 -8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: Fu RA= - Address: �? � �� L���'� �2 �� �- +n /� � �- z�� Phone Number: Comments: Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -19 Exhibit "C" Page 2 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: Address: O � a � � VI d� Phone Number: Comments: F7 Fc-- Ic ID 0 - Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -20 Exhibit "C" Page 3 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: J�l.,� Q� � Lt Sq,J 2A'►� � I AN,rJ Address: Phone Number: Comments: Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -21 Exhibit "C" Page 4 of 18 Please print clearly Name:, l Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 --8:00 pm Address: LAIA- Phone CA-1 Number: ( qlu) C l L � °0 Comments: Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -22 Exhibit "C" Page 5 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6: — 8:00 p m Please print clearly Name: (,,,UYUA& Me 7-)12 V UA Address: Phone Number Comments: ur 101� '00i JL Pw 0 A,oe III 1 111. P J-b AM (?AA 1 it AD Cvv, zte, I AD BoardUf Commissione[s Meeting 12/06/201 �� A,441, 44%4� /v1 . tv 4 T Exhibit "C" Page 6 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Please print clearly -' Name: �1��7`I�SJ G� ��✓lJa� C 6�18G�S �i�l "KaPd�PrS�S ��C Address: � 5� { T.' Phone Number: 6; G - i 1 S S` Comments: Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -24 Exhibit "C" Page 7 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: r oean �� � S Address: tO(o il lar Phone Number: 10 - 31CI - - 1 S'n 5` Comments: e z:�� r T `1 e- i .� C -���r� Ili L�-e 4 (•� � U � C U � �d� �M -�� r� Q' Cam' L)� 2 v e rn �=� n,J h e e�..5 b � - a - CI caw, Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -25 Exhibit "C" Page 8 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Please print cle y Name: Address: � G' l I � �,, ✓a� Ct . Phone Number: Comments: AJ�r - -urns C ��7'lCl //7 e / J. L/ �J C Sri m e (tj IL 2 fi ✓ �/! KJ �� ��� CGl�ne�z, lL J eS � Board of Commissioners Meeting 72) 12/06/2010 8 -4 -26 Exhibit "C" Page 9 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 - 8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: �-� ���l� Address: / 2 c�- 7 1 �vA h � 4 j �- , Phone Number. 5 , ��3 Comments: C� /0 �v A , V45 �,20`-) Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -27 Exhibit "C" Page 10 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 -8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: // � a Address: `i Y ,;� tr�jN 1- � 7 ? 6 'yl a� j /I Phone Number: (z. Comments: �,j cv Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -28 Exhibit "C" Page 11 of 18 Please print clearly s Name: wo( aC Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Address. . kc, Phone Number: 1�2 Comments: Flournoy Development Compan . AN **a _ . 900 Brookstone Centre Pk f N Columbus, GA 31904 $00 jot T PFANNENSTEIN MARY M 213 HILLIARD CT WILMINGTON NC 28411 r ' i 1 •rrr w� r a • • •� s •± r ! ? 13 ardofCommiss _ _ 8 4 9 Exhibit "C" Page 12 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 -8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: Address: Phone Number: Comments: MEMENEw- ql0 -3iQ -7505 s 1pet� „ ' C " d c� ) cell tonseM���" �u, tie new 1 rno�e, C" f\ (21- 0\0 U t Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -30 Exhibit "C" Page 13 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6: — 8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: �O� Address, Phone Number: Q ! � I Z 3'1 (..0 \ Comments: I L C Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -31 Exhibit "C" Page 14 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 -8:00 pm Please print clearly Nam c Address: 'Ief' Phone Number: ldg,16) 6 5? 0,� I It Comments: D Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -32 Exhibit "C" Pa 15 of 18 Amberlei Shores Communit Meetin October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Please print clearl Name: Address: Phone Number: C� - -.- Comments: Ce 7. 4 F � `���,.V' T.'� 3 err» f t cc C, �' ,�� .�,� -�c.�? c� C�- ,fir- �.�'. -o� � V -1- Board of Commissioners Meetin 12/06/2010 8-4-33 Exhibit "C" Page 16 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 — 8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: 1^' He Address: Phone Number: Comments: V L/ Gd- ���i 'errors CIA S eGov�c'. cJ UT( M \1 I ��nakV�S J � Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -34 Exhibit "C" Page 17 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 - 8:00 pm Please print clearly Name: (.r4,24L tIV1-"16z Address: Phone Number: ,�flD -- I k" <v - ��/C Comments: /U Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -35 Exhibit "C" Page 18 of 18 Amberleigh Shores Community Meeting October 4, 2010 6:00 -8:00 pm Please print clearly -7-1 f, ( Name: -' -4-' Address: � � `� 3 /� Phone Number: -) � pG - -z- Ij" k Comments: C, Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -4 -36 AMBERLEIGH SHORES 10 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS NEW HANOVER COUNTY, 11"v 0"'& C TWO EA 24496 SEPTEMBER 2010 NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED FOR: F ( DEVELOPMENT CO. J - 2 PREPARED BY: THOMAS & HUTTON WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA li MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA Board of Ca A"'NNAMpGfg0RGIA 11 BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA 12/06/2010 8 -6 -1 Amberleigh Shores - Traffic Impact Analysis September 201 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. HEISTING CONDITIONS 2010 VOLUMES 3 . COMMITTED ITTED I PR VEM NTS AND APPROVED DEVELOPMENTS 2014 No-BUILD VOLUMES 4 . N -BUILD V SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION $ TRIP GENERATION 7 6 . TRIP DISTRIBUTION 7 7 . TRIP ASSIGNMENT FUTURE CONDITIONS 9 . CONCLUSIONS / REC MMENDATI NS FIGURES FIGURE 1 - LocarioN MAP 2 FIGURE 2 - CONCEPT PLAN 3 FIGURE 3 - 2010 VOLUMES 5 FIGURE 4 - 2014 No-BUILD VOLUMES 6 FIGURE 5 - SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION $ FIGURE 6A&B - AM / PM SITE GENERATED TRIPS 10 -11 FIGURE 7 - BUILD VOLUMES (2014) 12 APPENDIX SLOPING CORRESPONDENCE TRAFFIC COUNTS CAPACITY ANALYSES ThCn'�� � Hutt En card of Commissioners Meeting � � 12/06/2010 8 -6 -2 Arnb rl i h Shores - Traffic Impact Analysis September 2010 1. INTRODUCTION A 270 -unit apartment complex, Amb ri i h Shores, is proposed near the intersection of Market Street (US 1 ) and Marsh Oaks Drive (SR 2734) in New Hanover County. The development is anticipated to be completed in 2014. Two access points to the development are p one on Market Street and one o Marsh Oaks Drive. The access on Merit Street would be restricted to right -in, right -out movements. The access on Marsh Oaks Drive would permit all movements and would allow vehicles to enter and exit Market Street at a signalized intersection (Marsh Oaks Drive and Market Street is currently signalized). The site location is shown in Figure 1. The preliminary site plan is shown in Figure 2. The scope of this study was coordinated with NCDOT and the Metropolitan Planning Organization M. Scoping correspondence is included in the appendix. The following intersections were identified for inclusion in the traffic study: Market Street and Marsh Oaks Drive 0 Site access with Market Street 0 Site access with Marsh Dabs Drive Board of Commissioners Meeting Thomas & Hutton Engineering o. 12/06/2010 Pa 1 8 -6 -3 SOUTH CAROLINA * CHARLESTON, MYRTLE ]BEACH 1 L /Ub /LU 1 U V I C HNU NORTH CAROLINA • Wij-mi r.TON 8-6-4 `1 219 S ROAD . ° 0 SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NC. 28405 0# PHONE: ( 1o) 332 -3360 FAX: (910) 332.3361 GEORGIA • SAVANNAH, BRUNSWICK SOUTH CAROLINA • CKARLESTON, MYRTLE 13EACH NORTH CAROLINA • WILMINGTON AMBWRLEIGHSHORES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS oaraor Commissioners L SITE PLAN ivoerzoio THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING C. m erl ei h Shores - Traffic Impact Analysis September 201 2 . EXISTING CONDITIONS Market Street is a five lane roadway past the site. Near the project, the posted speed limit is mph. According to the most recent ADT data available from the ICDT, Market Street had a 2009 ADT of 39, ve hicles p d between Marsh O ak s Drive an d Bayhore Drive (SR 1363). The intersection of Market Street and Marsh Dabs Drive is currently signalized. Weekday peals hour turning movement counts w ere taken at the intersections in September 2010. The current counts are shorn in Figure 3. Intersection diagrams and the detailed count data are included in the appendi Capacity analyses were completed leased on the 2010 count; results are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Existing Levels of Service f 2 1 Intersection Contra[ AM PEAK PM PEAK De1aY Delay LOS !OS ( sec/veh sec /veh Market Street and Marsh Oaks Drive Signal N6 Market B 14 B 13 SB Market B t i B ip EB Mendenhall 8 20 D 38 WB Marsh Oaks D 52 Q 50 Overall B 16 B 13 The Market Street/ Marsh Oaks Drive intersection currently operates at acceptable levels during the morning and afternoon peak hours. 3 . COMMITTED IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVED DEVELOPMENT In initial scoping correspondence with NCDOT and the MP O, no adjacent development and no committed improvements were identified for inclusion in the analysis. It is noted that the US 17 Hampstead Bypass Military Cutoff extension (R -3300 and 4751) should help to alleviate traffic congestion along Market Street in the future. The I CD T website states that "The purpose of the project is to improve the traffic carrying capacity and safety of the US 17 and Market Street Corridor." The US 17 Hampstead Bypass is the considered b y the MPO as the one of the region's top priorities. Right of gray acq uisit ion is planned to be in 2014. 4. NO- Bll[LD VOLUMES (Z014) To predict the future (no-build) volumes, existing traffic counts (September 201 0) are raised by an annual rate of % to account for general growth in the area. Growth assumptions were coordinated with NCD and the MP; no -build volumes are shown in Figure . Thomas c H utton En rd of Commissioners Meeting � 12/06/2010 8 -6 -6 THOMAS c HUTT N ENGINEERING CO. 219 S'T'ATION ROAD o SUITE 101 1LMI T N NC. 2 8405 PHONE: (910) 332 -3360 FAX: (910 ) 33,E °3361 ' WWW.THOMAS, HUTTON.COM RI GEORGIA • SAVANNAH, 13RUNSWICK SOUTH CAROUNA • HARI -Es' 'ON, MYRTLE BEACH NOR rH CAROLINA * WILMINGTON AMBERLEIGH SHORES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 12i06i2010 2010 VOLUMES 8 -6 -7 THOMAS H TTON ENGINEERING C . � , ► 2 1 9 STAT ROAD SUITE 101 }` W I LM1 [+,[ TONE . 25405 P HONE : (910) 332-3360 FAX (910) 332.3361 WWW.THOMA - RUTTON.COM R I GEORGIA • S AVANNAH, BRUNSWICK S OUTH CAROLINA • CHARLESTON, MYRTLE BEACH NORTH CAROLINA * WILMINGTON AMBERLEIGH SHORES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 'z ° °z °'° 2014 NO-BUILD VOLUMES x -fi -x Am erleigh Shores - Traffic Impact Analysis September 2010 5. TRip GENERATION Trips g by the proposed development are estimated using the standard methodology and equations in the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation 8th Edition, 200 8. Trip generation is shown in Table 2. Since the proposed plan includes only a single use residential development, pass -key and internal capture rates are not applied. Table le . Trip Generation - Amberleiah Shores Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Tdg Generation, 8th Edition, 2008 6. TRIP DISTRIBUTION The site generated trips are distributed on the area roadways based on the existing traffic patterns collected, engineering judgment, and previous studies completed in the urea. Site trip distribution was coordinated with NCDOT and the MPO as part of the cooping process. Trips to and from the development are assumed to follow the patterns below. a 0% to Market Street south a 30% to Market Street north As mentioned, the Market Street access will be restricted to right-in, right -out movement only. These turn restrictions will dictate sore of the patterns entering and exciting the site. All left turning traffic on and off of Market Street will use the Marsh Oaks Drive access. The entering and exciting patterns are displayed in Ngure 5. oard of Commissioners Meeting Thomas & Dutton Engineering 12/06/2010 Po e 8 -6 -9 THOMAS & HUT TON ON E I E I I C. ► , 219 S TATION ROAD , ° O SUI 101 W ILM INGTON, NC 2$405 Tt PHONE ( f0) 332 °3360 1 332 • ( may .RI ; ya * / -��* X I� wJ 7! 7= 3� -THO AS 3 , 1J 44.x. �+ OM GEORGIA • SAVANNAH, BRUNSWI SOUTH C AROLINA • C HARLESTON, MYRTLE BEACH NORTH CAROLINA + WILMINGTON AMBER NEW HANQVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 1 'z ° °z °'° SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTIONS I x -fi -io Arnberleigh Shores - Traffic Impact Analysis Septemb 2010 7. TRIP AssIGNMENT The site - generated trips are assigned to each Of the study intersections and access points based On the trip distribution assumptions, Site generated trips are shaven in Figure and 6B. The site generated volumes are added to the 2014 no -build volumes (Figure 3) to determine the morning and afternoon design volumes (Figure 7). S. FUTURE (No-BUILD/BuILD OUT ) CONDITIONS The future volumes are used to calculate the intersection Levels Of Service with and wit oust the proposed development. Results Of the capacity analyses are shown In the Table 3. Table 3. Future Levels Of Service (201 _ ........ 2014 AM Peak Dour 2014 Pit Peak Hour INTERSECTION CONTROL N o-Build Build Out No-Build Build Out Market Street and Marsh Signal Oaks Dr. NB Market B 11 1 B 1 B B Ma rket B l B 1 B 1 4J 6 19 EB Mendenhall 1 B 1 D (371 D (3 6.) WB Marsh Oaks D O ........ . . D B (6 7) ' . Overall 1 C B 1 Site Access and Market Stop Street l l,R0 onl approach to Market St - B 1 - g 1 Site Access and Marsh Oaks t0 Dr approach to Marsh Oaks Dr - B 1 _ B 1 The Market Street Marsh Oaks Drive intersection is anticipated to continue to function at acceptable levels with completion Of the proposed apartments. Both development access paints should function with relatively minimal delays. oard of Commissioners Meeting Thomas & Hutton Engineering 12/06/2010 Pa e 8 -6 -11 THO MAS I T'T` N ENGINEERING CO. 219 STATION ROAD D SUITE 101 ' 'ILMINGTON SIC. 28405 Tt i PHONE: (910) 332 -3360 FAX: (910) 332.3361 WWW.'T HOMA - HUTTON. OI+,+I GEORGIA * SAVANNAH, BRUNSWICK SOUTH CAROLINA # CHARLESTON, MYRTLE BEACH NORTH H CAROLINA • WILMINGTON AMBERLEIGH SHORES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 'z ° °'z °' °AM SITE GENERATED TRIPS x -fi -ia TH OMAS HUT TON ON ENGINEERING CO. Y . ` 219 STATION ROAD ITT 101 WILMIN TON NC. 28405 . PHONE: (10) 332 -3360 FAX: ( io) 332.3361 WWW.THOMAS GEORGIA • SAVANNAH, BRUNSWICK SOUTH CAROLINA • CHARLESTON, MYRTLE BEACH NOR CAROLINA + WILMINGTON AMBERLEIGH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 'z ° °z °' °PNI SITE GENERATED TRIPS I x -fi -is N: 2 667 Dwg \Exhiblt *\Tl Figuros 22667.F07.dvq Sop 14, 2010 - 5:34:22 > - it cp o OA 000 AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (000) PEA PEAK HOUR VOLUMES Figure" ....... ................ THOMAS T'T` ENGINEERING CO. 219 STATION ROAD SUITE 11 WILMINGTON, NQ 2-8405 0 PHONE: (910) 33 "3360 FAX: ( x) 332 °3361 WWW.THOMAS*HUTTON.COM R l GEORGIA - SAVANNAH, 13RUN WICK SOUTH CAROLINA • CHARLEsroN, MYRTLE BEACH NORTH CAROLINA • WILMINGTON 95 C) R E S AMBERLEIGH 'whHA NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS I 12/06/2010 2014 BUILD —OUT VOLUMES I x -fi -ia r b rl igh Shores - Traffic Impact Analysis September 201 Market Street and harsh oaks Drive The intersection was analyzed under the existing, no-build, and build -out conditions. The existing conditions analyses indicate some relatively Trainor delays in the peak hours (LOS in both the morning and afternoon). The signal should continue to function at acceptable levels (LOS C) with completion of the proposed development. Right -, right -out access on Market Street The right -in, right -out access should also function with relatively minimal delays (LOS B). Based on the anticipated volumes and the NCDOT Policy on Street and Driveway ray Access, a full width right turn lane should be installed on northbound Market Street. The turn lone should include 100' taper and 100' full width lane, Development t Access to Marsh Dabs Drive The access point on Market Street should function with relatively minimal delays (LOS B). Bros on the design volumes, auxiliary turn lanes o n Marsh Dabs Drive are not needed (in a ccordanc e Frith NCD T Roadway Design Manual). card of Commissioners Meeting Thonnas Hutton Engineering (,o. 12/06/2010 Pea 1 3 8 -6 -15 Amberleigh Shores - Traffic Impact Analysis September 201 9. CONClU510N5/ RECOMMENDATIONS A 270 -unit apartment complex, Ar rl igh Shares, is proposed near the intersection of Market Street and Marsh Oaks Drive. The development is anticipated to be omploted 4 in 2014. Capacity analyses w ere co mpleted for the 2010 existing, the 2014 no-build, and the 2014 build -out conditions. Intersections analyzed include the Market Street Marsh Oaks Drive intersection, and the development access points. Based o n the capacity analyses, the Market Street Marsh Oaks Drive intersection s hould function adequately (LOS B C) through the 2014 cosign year. Two access points to the development are proposed. One full movement access would be on Marsh Oaks Drive. The other access will be limited to right --in, right -out movements an and off of Market Street. Bath access points should function with relatively minimal al delays (LOS B) . As part of the proposed development, roadway improvement recommendations include: * Construct a right turn deceleration lane at the e ntrance o n Market Street, right turn lane should include 100' taper anal 100' full width lane Design the Market Street access to allow only right -in, right -out movements Board of Commissioners Meeting Thomas & Mutton Engineering Co. 12/06/2010 Pa 14 8 -6 -16 WILMINGTON URBAN AREA Metropolitan Planning Organization Members: P.O. Box 1810 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 910 341 3258 910 341 7801 FAX To: Mr. Jack Reel, PE, Thomas & Hutton Town of From: Ms. Tara Murphy, Associate Transportation Planner, Wilmington MPO City of Town of have reviewed the Amberleigh Shores Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) report dated WILMINGTON Cc: Mr. Chris O'Keefe, Director of Planning & Inspections, New Hanover County Lead Planning Agency Town of Ms. Jane Dau htrid e, Planning & Zoning Manger, New Hanover Count g g g g g Y Town of Mr. Sam Burgess, Principal Development Planner, New Hanover County CAROLINA BEACH Authority Mr. Mike Kozlosky, Executive Director, Wilmington MPO 950 feet between the intersection of Market Street/Marsh Oaks Drive and the Mr. Anthony Law, District Engineer, NCDOT Town of KURE BEACH BOARD OF Mr. David Leonard, Assistant District Engineer, NCDOT TRANSPORTATION to accommodate southbound and northbound U -turn movements. Mrs. Katie Hite, Division Traffic Engineer, NCDOT Town of WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Re: Memorandum Approving the Amberleigh Shores Traffic Impact Analysis NEW HANOVER County Date: November 12, 2010 Town of Market Street/Site Driveway: BELVILLE City of Wilmington and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) staff Town of have reviewed the Amberleigh Shores Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) report dated LELAND September 20, 2010. The report has been accepted and appears to meet the County minimum requirements for TIA submittal. As per City and NCDOT review, the Town of developer is responsible for constructing the following improvements: NAVASSA Per NCDOT Division 3 policy, the applicant will be required to hold a public informational workshop for these improvements. The applicant is required to obtain an NCDOT driveway permit for access to the state road network. All applicable NCDOT driveway access technical standards and policies shall apply. Please contact me at (910) 341.4661 with any further questions regarding this approval. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -7 -1 Market Street/Site Driveway: BRUNSWICK • Construct a full width bay northbound right -turn lane with 100' of full width County storage, 50' of full width decel and appropriate to er on Market Street to tie into g p PENDER the right turn lane to the north. County ■ Provide right -of -way dedication for the right turn lane. ■ Combine the two site driveways into a single access. CAPE FEAR Public Transportation Market Street: Authority ■ Construct a concrete median on Market Street for a distance of approximately 950 feet between the intersection of Market Street/Marsh Oaks Drive and the North Carolina intersection of Market Street /North Alexander Road BOARD OF .Provide additional pavement near Mendenhall Drive and North Alexander Road TRANSPORTATION to accommodate southbound and northbound U -turn movements. Per NCDOT Division 3 policy, the applicant will be required to hold a public informational workshop for these improvements. The applicant is required to obtain an NCDOT driveway permit for access to the state road network. All applicable NCDOT driveway access technical standards and policies shall apply. Please contact me at (910) 341.4661 with any further questions regarding this approval. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -7 -1 O: New Hanover County Planing Board FROM: Geraldine Storch, President Mary mount Patio Homeowners" Association .ATE: November 4, 2010 SUBJECT: Aniberlei . Shores Development First, I apologize for not being able to attend the meeting personally tonight, but I am out of the country. Second, we realize that, for many reasons, this development may be approved with conditions, To date, F h ornoy seems to meet the letter of the requirements, but has only met the intent of the requirements in some cases. They sent out notices of the required town meeting with the Marynount `Down homes from Georgia in a way that they only arrived the Saturday before the Monday meeting so attendance was limited. o They have provided the bare ,mim'mum buffer between Amberlei h and the Town hones. This severely limits the privacy experienced by the one-story town homes next to the three -story apartment buildings. Most of the buffer trees are being removed. per their tree removal plan increasing runoff and construction noise, and nrinimi in privacy. To their credit they have restricted construction vehicles to use their entrance per their application. They also added more drainage, which was a serious concern of the town home residents next to this development. Third, we respectfully request that you consider the following as part of your approval process. The trade study shows that we are at a level D now, even with the traffic light. Three developments use the Marsh Oaks Drive exit. The addition of Amberlei h Shores tales it to an B level. DoT ran a mod el to ad a second left turn lane which we understand did not significantly improve the level of service. 'lease consider requiring the second left turn .lane as part of this project. There are future considerations to develop the commercial properties North and South of the entrance to Marsh Oaks Drive. Adding this lane now, as part of this project, would have one disruption and preclude the need to add it later, and maybe get it to an E+15 gather than an E -. o The addition of a car gash at the back of the property seems unnecessary in bight of the fact that there are two car washes within about a mile of this property, one North, and one South on Market Street. Given the droughts of the last two years, this seems excessive, This has been the practice in their past developments, but droughts are more frequent. As a matter of public safety, I assume they have considered how the fire and police units and buses will be able to enter their area with carer -only access gates. Some new students of Anberleih Shores would most probably attend the new Holly Ridge School near the airport. In two years when the rezoning of schools occuirs again, where will the children of Marsh Oaks and Amberlei h Shores attend at that time? This is a future consideration, but one which requires planning on the part of the educational system. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 8 -8 -1 t �U i t 'ts i< 1 tl Ot;f S }�1iti 1 t tk� t n E 1 0 Yd 1 3 L 9 IN ffi d_ :r Q y u I ' t wo \WA�� f x i „3 tsi I _ Y tc 1 yyyyyy\ \\\ C wr � 7 S SS 'Y I tiRS ` { 4 I 1 0. E fs, bull �A! ` a �u. r o �SCn i) 4 I 1 q t x v 4 � 111 t n f �1y5 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 9 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director; and Sam Burgess, Subdivision Review Planner CONTACT(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director; and Sam Burgess, Subdivision Review Planner SUBJECT: Public Hearing Subdivision Text Amendments (A -387) — Request by the County's Technical Review Committee (TRC) to Amend Sections 20, 41 -1, 52 -4 of the County's Subdivision Ordinance by Incorporating Specific Language, Road Profiles, and Design Standards for Private Streets BRIEF SUMMARY: At their October 7, 2010 meeting, the Planning Board voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of the amendment with language modification to Section 52 -4. During the past year, a Private Road Task Force Committee composed of several County departments, NCDOT, WMPO, and interested stakeholders have been working on a series of proposed guidelines that will enable land planners, engineers, landscape architects, and surveyor's flexibility in designing new site plan proposals that incorporate private streets. The intent on developing private street language provides a clear delineation between public and private streets, maintenance responsibilities, reduction of impervious surface, and minimizes the elimination of significant trees through flexible geometric street standards. Three people spoke in support of the amendments and allowing licensed landscape architects to certify private road construction drawings. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Action Needed: Motion to recommend approval as presented; or Motion to recommend approval with changes; or Motion to continue; or Motion to deny the proposed text changes and additions. ATTACHMENTS: A -387 Staff Summary A -387 Street Construction Standards A -387 Definitions A -387 Road Standards Matrix A -387 Private Street Profiles A -387 Private Cul -de -Sac Profiles A -387 Private Turnarounds Profiles Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -0 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -0 CASE: A -387 (09/10) APPLICANT: Planning & Inspections staff SUBDIVISION TEXT AMENDMENTS Request by Staff to amend Sections 20 (Definitions &Interpretations), 41 -1 (7) & (i) (Streets &Street Projections), 52 -4 (Streets), and add road profiles and design standards to Article VII (Appendices & Certificates) to the County Subdivision Ordinance. Planning Board Action At their regular meeting on October 7, 2010, the Planning Board recommended approval with language modification to Section 52 -4. The vote by the Board was 5 -0. Several individuals spoke at the meeting in support of allowing licensed landscape architects to certify private road construction drawings. Background: During the past year, a Private Road Task Force Committee composed of several County departments, NCDOT, WMPO, and interested stakeholders have been working on a series of proposed guidelines that will enable land planners, engineers, landscape architects, and surveyor's flexibility in designing new site plan proposals that incorporate private streets. The intent on developing private street language provides a clear delineation between public and private streets, maintenance responsibilities, reduction of impervious surface, and minimizes the elimination of significant trees through flexible geometric street standards. The profiles and language created by the Task Force: • Revise Portions Article II, Section 20 - Definitions • Language Adjustments Article IV, Section 41 -1- Specific Requirements • Language Re -Write Article V, Section 52- 4— Streets (Public &Private Standards) • Add Article VII: Appendices &Certificates - Matrix Table: Private Road Design Standards - Private Street Cross Section (standard detail) - Private Street Cul -de -Sac (standard detail) - Private Street Turn - Around (standard detail) At its regular meeting on August 25, 2010, the County's Technical Review Committee endorsed the private road text amendments by a vote of 5 -0. Artinn NpPrlPrl Motion to recommend approval as presented Motion to recommend approval with changes Motion to continue Motion to deny the proposed text changes and additions Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -1 -1 Section 52 -4 Streets (Total Re -write of Section) All streets shall be constructed, inspected, and approved in accordance with the following requirements. (05/02/88) 1) Construction —All street right -of -way segments designated as public or private shall be constructed to minimum North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) standards. These standards are available for review at the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department, County Engineering Department, and at the Division Office of the NC Department of Transportation. Public Streets: (A) Standards shall include drainage, bridge, right -of -way, and pavement design. (B) The classification and as a result, the construction standards for a public street segment may be upgraded to a higher classification if that street segment will eventually be required to provide access to or collect traffic from future development on adjacent properties. (C) All public streets shall be inspected and approved by the District Engineer, NC Department of Transportation, Division of Highways. Private Streets: (A) Streets designated as private shall be constructed to minimum construction standards as adopted by New Hanover County and certified by a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) recognized in the State of North Carolina. *Recommended language by Planning Board:* (A) Streets designated as private shall be constructed to minimum construction Standards as adopted by New Hanover County and certified by a professional legally reco b a State of North Carolina licensin board as bein licensed to perform such activities or undertakin (B) Pavement design shall meet the requirements as specified and shown in the road profiles depicted in Article VIII of the County's Subdivision Regulations under Appendices &Certificates. (C) Streets designated as private may be allowed in subdivisions once they are reviewed and approved by the County's Technical Review Committee (TRC). In their review, the TRC will consider unique physical conditions of the property including but not limited to connectivity, topography, geometric design, storm water, tree preservation, ingress and egress, reduction of speed to desirable or safe levels and other safety measures and that sufficient language is provided through a legally established property owner's association that the streets will be properly maintained. (D) Whenever a private street intersects a U.S., NC highway, or Secondary Road, an approved NCDOT Driveway Permit signed by the District Engineer will be required prior to final plat approval. (E) Private road stubs and dead end streets shall be constructed /paved to the property boundary and shall not contain gates or obstructions to qualify for connectivity standards as stated in Section 41- 1(7)(f). Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -2 -1 (F) Streets designed as collector roads that accept traffic from local streets will be required to be designated as public and adhere to the standards under public streets as noted above. Private Road Construction Standards Matrix Table for Road ROW Specifications, General Standards, and Road Profiles located in Article VII: Appendices & Certificates of this Ordinance. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -2 -2 ARTICLE II: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Section 20 Definitions For the purpose of this ordinance the following terms have been defined: 100 Year Flood Area - The area of 100 years flood inundation as shown on New Hanover County's Official Flood Insurance Maps, as amended. 100 Year Coastal Hazard V Zone Area - The area of 100 year coastal flood inundation with high velocity waters and hurricane action as shown on New Hanover County's Official Flood Insurance Maps, as amended. Barrier Islands - Any land formation composed of unconsolidated materials lying on the ocean side of the mainland. Estuaries or wetlands separate the islands from the mainland. Block - A parcel of land, which is entirely surrounded by public streets, highways, railroad rights -of -way, parks or green strips, rural land or drainage channels, or a combination thereof. Building Setback Line - A line parallel to the property lines in front of which no structure shall be built. Corner Lot - A lot abutting two or more streets at a street intersection. County En nee - A professional Engineer, registered in the State of North Carolina, employed by the County Board of Commissioners to provide engineering services to New Hanover County. Developer or Subdivider - Any person, firm or corporation who subdivides or develops any land deemed to be a subdivision as herein defined. Double or Reverse Frontal I A- W Easement A grant by the property owner for use, by the public, a corporation or person of a strip of land for specific purposes. Group Development A group of two or more principal structures built on a single lot, tract, or parcel of land and designed for occupancy by separate families, firms, businesses, or other enterprises. Letter of Credit and Cash Security - A letter of credit or other instrument readily convertible into cash at face value, deposited either with the County or in escrow with an escrow agent acceptable to the County. If cash or other instrument is deposited in escrow with a financial institution as provided above, then the subdivider shall file with the Director of Engineer Services an agreement between the escrow agent and the subdivider Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -3 -1 guaranteeing the following: (1) that said escrow account shall be held in trust until released by the County as provided herein and may not be used or pledged by the subdivider in any other matter during the term of escrow; and (2) that in the case of failure on the part of the subdivider to complete the required improvements, the escrow agent shall, upon notification by the County and submission by the County to the escrow agent of an engineer's estimate of the amount needed to complete the required improvements, immediately either pay to the County the funds estimated to complete the required improvements, up to the full balance of the escrow account, or deliver to the County any other instruments fully endorsed or otherwise made payable in full to the County (10/07). Lot - A portion of a subdivision or any other parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development, or both. The word lot also include the words "plot" and "parcel". Official Map or Plans - Any maps, plans, charts, or texts officially adopted by the County Board of Commissioners for the development of New Hanover County. Performance Bond - A performance bond from a surety financial guarantee company authorized to do Hanover County. County (10/07). business in North Carolina, made issued or made payable to New The performance bond shall be in a form reasonably acceptable to the Plans, Constructions - Plan, profile, and detail drawings sufficient to indicate the construction of all improvements associated with the property to be subdivided, prepared by a professional, legally recognized by a State of North Carolina licensing board as being licensed to perform such activities or undertakings. (1/02) Plat - Includes the map, plan, plat, replat, replot; a map or plan of a tract or parcel of land which is to be, or which has been subdivided. Plat, Preliminary - A map of proposed land subdivision showing the character and proposed layout of the tract in sufficient detail to indicate the suitability of the proposed subdivision of land. Plat, Final - A map of a land subdivision prepared in a form suitable for filing of record with necessary affidavits, dedications, and acceptances, and with complete bearings and dimensions of all lines defining lots and blocks, streets and alleys, public areas and other dimensions of land required by this ordinance. LANGUAGE TO BE MODIFIED IN RED .....:^,`. ...3, ded ...:.. P- n .. "'� ...::5. d .. ... un or un. .. )' il"' u se t o rr .,....5. .`rv' rV". t ,.: _ ... .. f.:^,`.`r .,.... _. ... ra v � �,., _�.., �_ _. ....�. _ ,_ .�, _ � .� ._.._. ��,• s....y �� ..,, gr , ...,� rr �r �� 4 � �" ,.0 :r �' � S' � � ro a _ ;.�, .? „ Ar'� r �: �`. -�” r t t i ts � , �s � � ff F l i E,�„+ �i t w ,... l ,�, S a s � � �,_ a � � 1r. 1r� 1� 3� 1 ��, ,. � }i _ t� �,�„+'E, t s a 3�� - a t fl s o . 2 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -3 -2 Artet,�ial- Arterial t-oad s 1 .�.)t-ovide a hi speed, h.i volut,iie network (5i.,:)rti vvel between two poitits of tnterest. The desi covers a broader range 'I v s. ('roi,-ii two I - ­ lane to ii iulti lan.e, at d is oriet ted i,-iiiore • toward Jet— cie-nit niobilit,v rath.er than pr( .,-),p ed,, access. Exatriple- Market Stireet, Colle R(.,)ad -vXAr;'Ar "n-arXT f*-ALi'Clill r1+4'1Ca1Ca+C1 +,&, ArZa C1XTr,+C%'JlJ AAL,f'JW&r1;AAL 111IRVIL-Likiiii"Jill Vf1t1iiiiiii 9-ttJ Lt:CALIL-Li'llill 111-11,11IFFLILI OL-tillilillo"Jillill III 11till VW 11ALME111+411i I 1 11 1 1 IF III III r 1 11 11 pill 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 Willi I Will 1% Pill 11 w 11111 11� 11 1 1 � 1�1 11111 11 III A M 00 a W" a Wahl a. WNW.. 11 A 1111 fik 01 111.1. 13P A off 4 5 ll INP 4 11111 _U '&I Ali' All n.1A C1 C. C1 j::% 4- 4111 ill"I A I A&,ii, )"i 1( n'� -- &I Ca fill C1 ill"I 4-Cl 'Al AL L * ., Cj ; 19cl —AL n+ AAL Cj 4L _ jIr F Wjiir j_ V � _ JLVIVI - JL 1tillill.�0iiiiiii _111, 11IFFill 49-IL III 1-LUVI'll, %.i LULlill Pm f'i 4 lill k%-P-L 1 af atimd LAF-i hLAHVitai tAill C, AL L i ' &&jCjj _ % +;' &I , & _ _0 r ri., 4- 4111 n A I C1 CICII-XTE1 J`10 +Iiiii X%iiiiiiiiiiii ILILIL 1iiiiiii 1VjLJJ 4'AlliknJ r"VXTr'4+,2h1JJ All III Iiiiiiiii]IIIIIII 0 115 5 0 5 IM 9 5 ■ 1 • III Will Vi ■ i • w Z 11 , 111 gas III arzal 11 "llivi 11 11 1 EALB33A AL o- • 1 .0110 11. Jig ■ J, • wj 5 ' AN& 11 11 11 rim FIL PC "M Collector: Collectors seirve a dual purpose, collecti-n traffic (-i,,,)r j.-riovenient 1)etweeini arterial ainid local streets and providin Iii-nited access to abuttin properties. Ttwse streets n.ot on.1 se),-N/,e traffFic t,-novemiet ts betweet arterials and local streets, Init t1rilrot"'I traffic witiniti local areas. Collector streets are ptlblic facilities driat are ficee ot' ot- othet- obstn"Ictions. Collector streets shall intersect witti existi-n or plan-ned collectot- ot- at-terial ( streets. Drivewav cuts serviti i-ndividual pt-opeirty are and stiall be j.-rii-nii-nized. Collector streets incit,"Ide sidewalks on one or both sides of the travelwa atid often iticlude bic ("ii,'-wilities st,"Ich as bike laties or oft" road j.-ri-,L1lti,-use paths. Exarnple: Torchwood Bl v : , Ba Drive MO will I III • I J , j uill V ■ aL W. N1 N. J, V 1% W ll§LVAVMLWLVJ§N§LwALm2MIJ51 V I I V rz 111111l1IllI1 1 11I will % I I "All 0 0 Ff. 6 LV 1"VIVIVIA11 I IlVI 11 1 1 Jill I 1 11 .1 1 1 W IN w U 4 W-A W- M. "... . -0. *1 'I Willi % rill r 1 11 11 1 11 11 11 111 . . 1011110 1 11 I low WWA � I I MWA V-1 I I lill Vi VI 11 1 r I 111 1111 1 1 ILWAL Ill LVA IF 1111SUR a % 1 1111111 11111 1 P III I III I I W , I% pri jill 111111 E1111 IL M V 4 ILIAIJ — ; - o- 1 11111111 1 1 1;505F=K@&,qgom@ lw@M 5 5 5 5 5 a i iiiii R 15 5 111.011 1WWA 1= LWA Iiiii Board of Commissioners Meetin 12/06/2010 9-3-3 C I L1[­d(.2,­Sac. A. street opet-�i at oi ie end tll-iat is planned. constructed, atid operated (i)r t[ile 11 sole pt,"Irpose ofpropert access. Cul-de-sacs shall include a at t[ile closed et-�id of ttie t sreet t o per i i-nt t-everse di- i -e cti on . In t he tit ieres t of 'pulAic service delivery respot-�se, the total let-�i ofa CLO-de-sac shall be j.-ii-ii-ni-i-nized. Example: At"nelia Couirt Alle, Alle provide side or rear access to individL[al parcels driat fi ont on a hi,�, order street. TI-ile are chat-acterized b narrow ri of-wa and travelwa widtfris to a c c o tri.,i ri� iodate passet-�i vehicles at d residen.tial services at slow speeds. Alleys g eneraltv, connect at both et-�ids to local or collector streets. In sot'ne itistat-�ices. dead end alle are pert-i-iissible with a veh.icle turt arout d at th.e tert,iii-nus of the travelwa No peri,-iiianent park'Arn is allowed. Alley exam Lorin Alley Local- I ocal stt-eets pt-ovide access to parcels and iiia I)e plan.ned. constructed, atid operated for the fti-nctioi i ofpt-opet-t access and lil"nited throu traffic. Traffic volurnes are lar short trips or a relativel si,-imll part of lo-n trips wl-i.ere local streets coririect a 1(, - M-i"ll ow Ro ad j or streets or hi ot'hi classifications. Street exarriptIL-I.. W Street Stu[)s. A. dedicated ri o( wa-�,t, that abuts undeveloped propert"lly, fi,)r t[ile purpose of allowiti Future access, cot,rt,wctivity. or to lo extet-�id the stt-eet systet'n itito the rri-) " I tj -ow..,jin area. All street stul)s desi as public or private shall be paved to the propert li-ne it-�i order to be counted toward the road coinnectivit re It,/ W, Tet,iiporar'v access bulbs to facilitate ade tur-narout-�id cot-�is-istrn ofan all weathered SI'Llit"'i.--",.,,.I�,,c-li,-.1 i''iiav be re Win of bulb shall be ren-�oved when ad' i i latid is j developed. -No g ates or obstructiot-�is will be pern,iitted. Flowever. ade si itistalled by the developet- to wart j,"'ttotorists of dead end sh.all I.-,,)e re Si Distance- Area at ii aet-sectin street tt.",-iat estal)lish.es a clear li-ne ot'si fcir a waiti-n vel-iicle to see oncoin,iin ci�tn.d tri.,iake turtiit-�i ri'lovemet ts into oroult ofs tree t or drivewa saf'�l or for traf-fic to see enterin or waitin vehicles. Plaza Area- An area adjacent to tl,,-ie roadway which serves as a pl-i 1,,-,,)arrier to direct the flow oftra-11"ic at-�Id to sepat-ate traffic ttie activitv on. private property. 11 Board of Commissioners Meetin 12/06/2010 9-3-4 am = a i N MI I'm ILM2iiiiiii1mW4111. V Jill 4 EL I W V i 11 11 r W 11 11 - All Ill 61 IVIIIIIIII III Ill 0 9 5 LVA V I III WALWALWA li 4 1 A wl 111 111 % I WA 5 Ill ILVA M It V I u 5 5 0 5 V'Qq 11 V I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 11 11 1 Willi 11111111 IF I I 1 11 1111 1 1111 1 1 1 111 1 1 O V AN . I M L m L A AL Ill 10 LIR Willi I I 01 I III mosir Im's. n II WM we a a a 11 V L m mm I % V1 laillill I pill III 10. ROOM- N N 0.11 WLV.1.11111 I 1 1 W -W "i V11141 1% 11 111 % I A -A MAL Will I % I 111 11 1 111 1 1 All I v I I I I 1 11 11 % 11 111111 W 11 r ill 11 11 Nil 11111 ri OLM21kwjmo%ll"Lmg%� 0 0 IrAll. III WAIIIIII 0 111 to 0 we 9-11 11 11 1 011 1 1 " M 1 11 11 1 1 i - / i 111� V III I '1 11 .1 4 1 Ill 11wli 0 2 M VkVMWM'§ E 1i 1 11 ri r1 W 11 11 11 11 1 11 1 Will 11 Alle, Alle provide side or rear access to individL[al parcels driat fi ont on a hi,�, order street. TI-ile are chat-acterized b narrow ri of-wa and travelwa widtfris to a c c o tri.,i ri� iodate passet-�i vehicles at d residen.tial services at slow speeds. Alleys g eneraltv, connect at both et-�ids to local or collector streets. In sot'ne itistat-�ices. dead end alle are pert-i-iissible with a veh.icle turt arout d at th.e tert,iii-nus of the travelwa No peri,-iiianent park'Arn is allowed. Alley exam Lorin Alley Local- I ocal stt-eets pt-ovide access to parcels and iiia I)e plan.ned. constructed, atid operated for the fti-nctioi i ofpt-opet-t access and lil"nited throu traffic. Traffic volurnes are lar short trips or a relativel si,-imll part of lo-n trips wl-i.ere local streets coririect a 1(, - M-i"ll ow Ro ad j or streets or hi ot'hi classifications. Street exarriptIL-I.. W Street Stu[)s. A. dedicated ri o( wa-�,t, that abuts undeveloped propert"lly, fi,)r t[ile purpose of allowiti Future access, cot,rt,wctivity. or to lo extet-�id the stt-eet systet'n itito the rri-) " I tj -ow..,jin area. All street stul)s desi as public or private shall be paved to the propert li-ne it-�i order to be counted toward the road coinnectivit re It,/ W, Tet,iiporar'v access bulbs to facilitate ade tur-narout-�id cot-�is-istrn ofan all weathered SI'Llit"'i.--",.,,.I�,,c-li,-.1 i''iiav be re Win of bulb shall be ren-�oved when ad' i i latid is j developed. -No g ates or obstructiot-�is will be pern,iitted. Flowever. ade si itistalled by the developet- to wart j,"'ttotorists of dead end sh.all I.-,,)e re Si Distance- Area at ii aet-sectin street tt.",-iat estal)lish.es a clear li-ne ot'si fcir a waiti-n vel-iicle to see oncoin,iin ci�tn.d tri.,iake turtiit-�i ri'lovemet ts into oroult ofs tree t or drivewa saf'�l or for traf-fic to see enterin or waitin vehicles. Plaza Area- An area adjacent to tl,,-ie roadway which serves as a pl-i 1,,-,,)arrier to direct the flow oftra-11"ic at-�Id to sepat-ate traffic ttie activitv on. private property. 11 Board of Commissioners Meetin 12/06/2010 9-3-4 Section 41 -1 Specific Requirements 7) Streets (a) Local Mine r streets shall be laid out so that their use by through traffic will be discouraged. (b) All streets shall be designated to be either public or private in accordance with N. C. General Statute 136-102.6 by the subdivider who shall then comply with the requirements of said General Statute and shall submit concurrently with the final plat all disclosure statements required by said General Statute. (c) When a planned subdivision is adjacent to an arterial or street, a marginal access street may be required to provide access for lots fronting on the arterial or primary street. (i) P I i c� Street Pro j ections Where there are lots fronting street projections to adjacent properties and services are required, a temporary turnaround shall be constructed at the end of the street at the property line, said turnaround to be constructed in accordance with NCDOT Specifications 1. Where there are no lots fronting street projections to adjacent properties frontage, the frontage being more or less one side lot length, the street may be constructed to the property line and dead -ended with no cul -de -sac required in accordance with NCDOT Specifications - -- °fir - - ° - - ° °- -- - ° - - ° - -_ 3. In any and all cases, the developer shall be responsible for the cost of and placement of all required dead -end barricades and signs . 4. Additional rights -of -way needed for a temporary turnaround at the end of the street projections to adjacent properties shall be in the form of temporary easements or rights -of -way reserved by the subdivider. It is the intention that upon extension of the street into the adjacent property the requirement for a cul -de -sac will cease and that the temporary right -of -way granted for the cul -de- sac construction will revert to the adjacent property owner. 5. Street projections proposed for access to adjacent properties shall have temporary turnarounds installed in accordance with this chapter and NCDOT Specifications. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -3 -5 ROAD DESIGN STANDARDS Allev Cul -de -sac local Collector ROW (R) 20 45 45 50 Travelway Width (W) 18 22 24 26 Minimum Horizontal Centerline Radius 55 100 100 200 Minimum Edgeline Radius at Corners N/A 15 25 30 Pavement Design Standard (NCDOT) Local Local Local Collector General Standards: Minimum Offset Between Centerlines of Intersections 200 Tangent Length Between Horizontal Curves 100 Maximum Cul -de -sac Length 500' Plaza Width (between back of curb and sidewalk) 5' Sight Distance Triangle at Intersections 10'x70' Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 9 -4 -1 Crown w/ Vertical or Header Curb R/W ,walk Plaza 6 S' min ± 2% Slope ,.,—Vertical Curb 4" Topsoil ----/ Seed and Stabilize Crown w/ Valley or Slope Curb R/W Header Curb Wx 0 Valley Curb walk Plaza Slope Curb 6 S' min W ±2% Slope Std Slope 2% -4.0% 1 , 1' min l 1' min 4" Topsoil Seed and Stabilize NCDOT Standard Pavement Design Superelevated R/W Any Standard Curb Sidewalk Plaza Swales fo Header 5 5' min W lr. aza Curb Design - 2% Slope Std Slope 2% -4.0% min NCDOT Standard Pavement Design Notes: 1. Lane width (W) and Right -of -way width (R /W) as given in the Subdivision Ordinance (Table ? ? ?) 2. All concrete to be 3000 psi. 3. Use NCDOT Subdivision Manual for minimum pavement design. 4. Use the standard NCDOT Curb Details. 5. Use the standard NCDOT Handicap Ramp Detail. REVISIONS 0 �NTY. G �° F DATE : -- 5/10 REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED Private Street Section o SCALE: .�� Standard Detail NONE sAIRLISM9 l� DRAWN BY: NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA REV: B.Karabin ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 03/04/10 CHECKED BY J. lannucci 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 180 SHEET NO: PROJECT No. Board of Comr *ftMjtW0 Qg28403 OFFIC9?{4 # 7139 FAX: (910) 798 - 7951 NCDOT Standard Pavement Design Circular Circular Offset — — Any Approved Curb �$ t R =15 min OC I Any Approved Curb �I REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED �w�- a ��, Residential DATE: z 9 02/08/10 Culmdemsac SCALE NONE Standard Detail sA�rzsxe0 l� DRAWN BY: B.Karabin NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA REV: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CHECKED BY: 03/04/10 J. lannucci 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 180 SHEET NO: PROJECT N0. Board of Comr *ftMjtW0 Qg28403 0FFIC92{ # 7139 FAX: (910) 798 -7951 Li / 1 /-R =15' min Ln REVISIONS G0 ,A3 y. o REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED ,w� Private Street 2/ o � 02/08/10 Turnaro SCALE: NONE BZISHEp1 Standard Detail DRAWN BY: 'SrA` �' B.Karabin NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA REV: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 03/04/10 CHECKED BY J. lannucci 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 180 SHEET NO: PROJECT N0. Board of ComnW&MHW0 0 g28403 OFFIC14:WW7139 FAX: (910) 798 -7951 Ll / l j NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 10 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director; and Jane Daughtridge, Planning & Zoning Manager CONTACT(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director; and Jane Daughtridge, Planning & Zoning Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing Zoning Text Amendment (A -389) — Request by Staff to Amend Article VI and Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for Establishment of Farmers' Markets and Produce Stands Under Certain Conditions BRIEF SUMMARY: At its October 7 , 2010 meeting, the Planning Board voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of an amendment requiring standards for farmers markets or produce stands in residential districts. No one from the public spoke on this item. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A -341 which requires that "prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether the action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning text amendment is (or is not): 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of policy 5.7 and others adopted in the 2006 land use plan; 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to create a set of standards regulating farmers markets and produce stands located in residential zoning districts. e TT e ruXrF.1vTC - A -389 Farmers Markets in Residential Districts COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 10 -0 A -389 Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Request by Staff to amend Article VI and Article VII to establish standards for Farmers Markets or Produce Stands in Residential Districts. Planning Board Action: At its October 7, 2010 meeting, the Planning Board voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of an amendment requiring standards for farmers markets or produce stands in residential districts. No one from the public spoke on this item. The ordinance language presented to the Planning Board represented an array of provisions found in other locations for farmers market or open lot agricultural sales. History Farming in New Hanover County has been rapidly declining, but the desire for fresh and local food products has grown, generating an interest in expanding the areas where sales of these food products would be allowed. Farmers Markets have become a popular idea in the past few years. Often, they are operated on public property in partnership with a city or other governmental entity, as in Wilmington, Carolina Beach and the State Farmers Market in Raleigh. But a Farmers Market can also be a private enterprise, as we see at Poplar Grove Plantation. Produce stands are also popular in our area. Currently, our ordinance would allow such uses in commercial zoning districts subject to normal commercial standards or on residential properties when the products are grown on the same site. However, in the midst of our economic downturn, many individuals have pursued creative and somewhat random means for generating income by selling produce and other goods by the roadside or in locations other than commercial areas. Farmers Markets are collective enterprises concentrated in a single location, leasing or otherwise assigning spaces to grower- vendors selling produce and related farm products under a consistent set of management guidelines and restrictions. Generally, all items must be grown, raised, foraged, caught, or otherwise produced by the seller. By contrast, produce stands are typically characterized by one vendor who sells a variety of farm products in one location for off site growers. Farmers Markets and produce stands promote regional agriculture and ensure a continuing supply of fresh, local produce for residents. These markets support farmers and preserve farmland for the future by providing regional small family farmers with alternative opportunities to sell their fruits, vegetables and other farm products. While Farmers Markets and produce stands are desirable in concept, they can impose conflicts and unsafe conditions along roadways or within residential communities when they are poorly located or managed. In order to encourage local agricultural production, expand opportunities to market these goods, and to accommodate availability of fresh and local food sources in closer proximity to where people live, Staff recommends the following amendments to the zoning ordinance. PROPOSAL A -389 (10/10) Page 1 of 4 10/29/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 10 -1 -1 Article II Definitions (add) Farmers Market : a collective enterprise selling directly to the public and operated under a unified set of management guidelines and restrictions, concentrated in a single location, and leasing or otherwise assigning spaces to growers /producers who personally sell fresh produce and related farm products locally grown off site. Produce Stand: a single- vendor enterprise established to sell a variety of farm products directly to the public in a single location for one or several off site growers. ARTICLE VI SUPPLEMENTARY STANDARDS Section 61 -5: Standards for Temporary Farmers Markets or Produce Stands in Residential Districts Open lot sales of farm produce and related products may be allowed by right as a temporary use in all residential zoning districts when all of the following standards are met: (1) Sales are limited to a cumulative total of no more than 60 days per calendar year. (2) In the case of a Farmers Market, all vendors must be original producers of items for sale. Eligible products for temporary farmers markets or produce stands are fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, eggs, meats, seafood, cheese, baked goods, jellies and jams, honey, and handmade crafts, consistent with NC Food and Drug Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture, and all other federal, state and local laws relating to the production and selling of such goods. A minimum of 75% of the products displayed and offered for sale must be directly linked to farm products, and documentation of how these standards will be met shall be specified on the submission for zoning approval. (3) The proposed time schedule and duration of the use must be specified on the submission for zoning approval. (4) Minimum lot size shall be no less than 1 acre for produce stands and 2 acres for farmers markets. (5) The site shall front on a collector or arterial roadway. (6) Approved NCDOT driveway permit is required. (7) Ingress, egress, circulation, and parking plans shall describe measure proposed to assure safety and minimize traffic impacts on surrounding areas. (8) Adequate solid waste disposal methods must be provided for vendors and customers (9) Only temporary signage shall be allowed for these temporary uses. A maximum of two (2) temporary signs shall be allowed on site to advertise for the market as a whole. a. Temporary signage consistent with the permit may be installed no more than 2 days prior to the start of market activities and shall be removed at the conclusion of operating hours. b. Individual signs shall not exceed 35 square feet in sign area. All permitted signs shall have a maximum height of 6 feet and shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from any property line. c. Illumination of signage is prohibited. (10) Parking Requirements a. One (1) parking space is required for every eight hundred square feet (800) of gross market area. Except that a minimum of two spaces is required. Spaces shall meet the A -389 (10/10) Page 2 of 4 10/29/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 10-1-2 minimum size requirements as identified in New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance, Section 80 -6: Off - Street Parking Design and Space Size. b. Parking shall be provide on the same site as the Farmers Market or produce stand, or may be located off site provided that it is within four hundred (400) feet of the main entrance of the market. If parking is provided off of the primary parcel then a written parking agreement between the responsible party and the parcel owner shall be provided prior to the issuance of any permit. Adequate and safe ingress and egress shall be provided by the Farmers Market Management or the property owner. C. All parking must occur in designated areas. No parking shall occur in any unimproved parking surfaces such as, but not limited to landscape parking islands, medians, or open /passive recreation space. (11) A site layout showing the proposed marketing area (vendor spaces, staging, sales and display areas, and customer promenades), parking, traffic circulation, lighting, waste disposal method, signage and other site amenities must be submitted for approval. (12) Tents or other shelters must meet fire safety codes and shall be disassembled after market hours of operation. Tents shall be located so that they will not interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use on the property. (13) The proposed location may not be part of designated recreation, open space or common area in an approved residential subdivision. (14) Restroom facilities for the public may be required for complaince with NC Building Code. (15) If structures are proposed or required, the plan shall be reviewed for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other building codes. (16) Live animals or birds shall not be sold or displayed. (17) No bands, amplified music or other entertainment shall be allowed. (18) No concessions for consumption on site and no cooking of products shall be allowed on the site. (19) No alcohol products shall be allowed. (20) Any proposal for a permanent farmers market or produce stand, and any temporary farmers market or produce stand proposing to exceed the standards or limitations outlined in this section may be allowed at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners only upon issuance of a Special Use Permit under the terms and conditions outlined in Article VII of this ordinance. ARTICLE VII PROVISIONS FOR USES ALLOWED AS SPECIAL USES Section 72 -40 Farmers Markets or Produce Stands in Residential Zoning Districts A Farmers Market or produce stand, whether enclosed in a structure(s) or proposed as open lot sales of farm produce, shall be allowed in residential zoning districts by special use permit when such use is proposed as a permanent enterprise; when the provisions and standards of Section 61 -5 or 61 -6 of this ordinance are not met; or when goods or activities are proposed which do not conform to Section 61 -5 or 61 -6. In reviewing proposals, the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners shall review each application in accordance with the requirements of Section 71 -1(3) and more particularly with regard to the following: A -389 (10/10) Page 3 of 4 10/29/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 10 -1 -3 (1) The shape, the environmental characteristics, the width and the physical location of the property. (2) The inclusion of a safe and enforceable management plan for pedestrian and vehicular traffic, (including parking) both on the proposed site and along the adjacent roadway. (3) The extent to which all adjoining residential uses will be protected from imposition of artificial light, noise, dust, odors or debris generated by any and all of the proposed market uses. (4) The inclusion of an adequate solid waste management plan to systematically remove discarded products and other debris. (5) Assurances of the authenticity of farm products and arts and crafts and a listing of goods to be sold. (6) The extent to which the range of standards, goods or activities for the proposal meets or deviates from those standards outlined in Section 61 -5 or 61 -6 of this ordinance, whichever applies. (7) For permanent signage, the proposal must meet the requirements of Article IX of this ordinance. Temporary signage shall be subject to the provisions of 61 -5. (8) All structures or operations must comply with environmental health codes, fire codes and building codes, as applicable. Final approval or denial of any special use permit shall be made according to the judgment of the Board of County Commissioners. The Board may decide that the proposal as submitted will benefit the community without undue conflicts or that the proposal is not appropriate in the proposed location. If approved, the permit may be conditioned by the Board when, in its wisdom, additional conditions are necessary to mitigate specified negative impacts upon the community. ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A -341 which requires that "prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether the action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning text amendment is (or is not): 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of policy 5.7 and others adopted in the 2006 land use plan; 2. Reasonable and i the public interest to create a set of standards regulating farmers markets and produce stands located in residential zoning districts. A -389 (10/10) Page 4 of 4 10/29/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 10-1-4 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 11 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Sam Burgess, Subdivision Review Planner; Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director CONTACT(S): Sam Burgess, Subdivision Review Planner; Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Street Naming (SN -112, 11 /10) - Request by Staff to Name an Unimproved Road Known as New Road to New Jack Road and Reassign Street Mailing Addresses Located Between Whipporwill Lane and Channel Haven Drive North, East of the 400 Block of Masonboro Loop Road BRIEF SUMMARY: During the course of assigning a street address for a new residential home under construction, Planning and Inspections staff discovered the street known as New Road had not been officially named and mailing addresses along the street were not in sequence in accordance with the Addressing Standards & Procedural Manual adopted by the Board in 2002. The current name was created for short term use in 1996 during debris removal from Hurricane Fran. Four residential homes utilize the street for access. Most of the street is unimproved and is approximately 630 feet in length. Residents who live along the street were given the opportunity to choose an unduplicated name and a majority of residents were in agreement with New Jack Road. Emergency 911 has approved the proposed street name. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: In order to provide proper identification for emergency service delivery based on the Addressing Standards & Procedure Manual staff recommends approval of the street name to New Jack Road and reassignment of street mailing addresses. If approved by the Board, the County will be responsible for the creation and installation of two street signs. ACTION NEEDED Motion to recommend approval as presented or Motion to recommend approval with changes or Motion to continue or Motion to deny recommendation as presented ATTACHMENTS: SN -112 Staff Summary SN -112 Base Site Map and Prop Owners COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 11 -0 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 11 -0 CASE: SN -112, 11/10 PETITIONER: Planning & Inspections staff REQUEST: Official Street Naming & Reassignment Mailing Addresses LOCATION: Between Whipporwill Lane &Channel Haven Drive North (East of 4600 block Masonboro Loop Road) Staff Summary During the course of assigning a street address for a new residential home under construction, Planning and Inspections staff discovered that the name of the street known as New Road had not been officially named. Further examination revealed that mailing addresses along the street were not in sequence in accordance with the Addressing Standards & Procedural Manual adopted by the Board in 2002. The current name was created for short term use back in 1996 during debris removal from Hurricane Fran. Four residential homes utilize the street for access. Presently, most of the street is unimproved and is approximately 630 feet in length. Residents who live along the street were contacted and given the opportunity to choose an unduplicated name. A majority of residents were in agreement with New Jack Road. Emergency 911 has approved the street name. Staff Recommendation In order to provide proper identification for emergency service delivery based on the Addressing Standards & Procedure Manual, Staff recommends approval of the street name to New Jack Road and reassignment of street mailing addresses. If approved by the Board, the County will be responsible for the creation and installation of two street signs. Action Needed Motion to recommend approval as presented Motion to recommend approval with changes Motion to continue Motion to deny recommendation as presented Board of Commissioners Meeting 12/06/2010 11 -1 -1 r N M Lt's W f` w m O r � r r V/ r a a J J w a w LL = J J Z Z w J aaJw�oa w w oZW >- >- -, - a°aoY � U) U) c L Q z v a a Fn Y o J J a aoawwaa�c,a5 J J J H H C) o L W C- 6 W L W 06 E '4^ y o a) O E c6 N L- Z U a 2 � a cu Z co U D a) ca � •� Z •� m a) Z Z Q � ova o°Q 4U o r N M Lt's W f` w m O r � r r V/ r a a J J w a w LL = J J Z Z w J aaJw�oa w w oZW >- >- -, - a°aoY � U) U) c L Q z v a a Fn Y o J J a aoawwaa�c,a5 J J J H H C/o O O 4yp B 2 Q of Comm•ssiol 12/0 /201 co c T T 2 0 4,j r Q z z Q 2 0 l v ►Q V 0 2 ji CIO s 2 a 2 � a ao s2 o°Q 4U �Q b C/o O O 4yp B 2 Q of Comm•ssiol 12/0 /201 co c T T 2 0 4,j r Q z z Q 2 0 l v ►Q V 0 2 ji CIO s