Agenda 2002 12-16 ,~~...-'~ ''',.. ..~~T~-' ~,~"!Ylf~ ~, . t ~\........~~-- .~' '! [(:l~ I__~"',.' .- ---" . ~ . _ T .. r ." -~ '-L-". ," NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC AGENDA TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN. ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WilLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER. JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER. NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER' WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY' LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD December 16,2002 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCA nON PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9: 15 a.m. 1. Introduction of New Cooperative Extension Service Director. Melissa Hight 5 9:20 a.m. 2. Special Recognition of Christine O. Neal 7 9:25 a.m. 3. Presentation on the New Hanover County United Way Campaign 11 9:35 a.m. 4. Consideration of Staffing for Sheriffs Detention Facilitv 13 10:00 a.m. 5. Consideration of Applications bv Coastline Care. Inc. and Cape Medical Transport, Inc. 17 for a Franchise to Provide Convalescent Ambulance Transport in New Hanover County 10:30 a.m. 6. Further Consideration of Action items for Compliance with Permit Conditions for the 19 Mason Inlet Relocation Project 10:45 a.m. 7. First Reading: 21 Consideration of Both an Ordinance Banning Camping and Open Fires, and a Decal Program for the North End of Carolina Beach 11:00 a.m. Break Public Hearin2s: 11:10 a.m. 8.1 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - Request by Sound Development LLC to 25 amend Section 50.5 of the Permitted Use Table of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to permit Septic Tank Vacuum Services in the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District. (A-323, 11/02) 11 :30 a.m. 8.2 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - Request by Planning Staff to amend Section 27 50.5 of the Permitted Permit Use Table of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to permit small panel antennas on existing structures. (A-322, 10/02) 11 :50 a.m. 9. First Reading: 35 Consideration of Ordinance Amendments of Chapter 56, Utilities 12:05 p.m. Lunch Break 12:35 a.m. 10. Consideration of Legislative Goals for 2003 General Assembly Convening in January 39 2003 12:50 a.m. 11. Appointment of Commissioners to Various Boards and Committees for 2003 43 l:10p.m. 12. Committee Appointments 45 ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 12.1 Consideration of Award of Bid for Sewer Construction Project in Castle Havne. 131 Contract #03-0121 1 :30 p.m. 13. MQQtil1gQ[tI1Q-'N(lt9I(ll1(tSQ'.'1QrJ2i~tric;t 123 2:45 p.m. Non-Agenda Items 2:55 p.m. Additional Items: ~ for '~ " forrl ' 195 County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 3:10 p.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. 2 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBL Y ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1 :30 p.m. 1. A pproval of Minutes 125 1 :35 p.m. 2. Presentation of Update on Status of Water and Sewer Constmction Projects 127 2:20 p.m. 3. Consideration of Request for Participation in Upgrade and Expansion of Wastewater 129 Pump Station Number 30 2:25 p.m. 4. Item moved to # 12.1 on regular agenda 2:35 p.m. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 2:45 p.m. ADJOURN 3 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes 147 2. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Transportation Planning 149 3. Approval of Salary Recommendation for Sheriff 159 4. Consideration of FY03-04 Draft Budget Calendar 161 5. Approval of Participation in 2003 Chamber - County - City Legislative Weekend 165 6. Approval ofWrightsville Beach Request for Beach Renourishment Funds 171 7. Approval of Financial Services to Tourism Development Authoritv 173 8. Approval of Release of Tax Value 181 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 183 Collections Reports Approval of Budget Amendments: 10.1 #03-0078 187 10.2 03-0082 191 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Introduction of New Cooperative Extension Service Director, Melissa Hight BRIEF SUMMARY: We are pleased to welcome Melissa Hight as the new Director of the Cooperative Extension Service. She began work December 1, coming from her previous position as Director in Lenoir County. We believe that she will bring a spirit of cooperation and service, and a vision for CES that will move its programs forward in New Hanover County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: No action required. Welcome Melissa. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Welcomed Melissa Hight. 5 {This page intentionally left blank} 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Special Recognition of Christine Q. Neal BRIEF SUMMARY: Chris Neal, Engineering Support Coordinator for New Hanover County, was recently honored for organizing an effort to send care packages to the Single Marines Program. She was recently presented the Standing Tall award by Major General David Mize, commanding general of Camp Lejeune. Her efforts were inspired by her father's experience in Vietnam, and an effort to provide positive activities for the children after the 9/11101 attacks. More than 250 care packages were assembled by St. Mary's students and sent to Marines in the 24th MEU unit, which is currently deployed. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recognize Chris for her efforts and the positive impact this program is making to the children and the Marines. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize Chris. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized Chris Neal for her efforts. 7 The Liberty News Page Al Holiday will be brighter thanks to Wilmington school Page 1 of I . El11ail to a Friend. El11ail the Editor .Print this story Holiday will be brighter thanks to Wilmington school Peter Williams Liberty Editor Consider it a recipe for a Merry Christmas. Start with the memories of one homesick Marine in Vietnam in 1966. Blend in one daughter's desire to help others, and mix with a little patriotic fervor in a post 9-l1 world. Then add some kids from a small Catholic school in Wilmington. Follow that recipe and you'll get an outpouring of support for single Marines in the 24th MEU just in time for Christmas, And it started with Chris Neal and things her late father, Maj, James Quinn, told her, As a child, Neal remembers her Dad talk- ing about what it was like to get care packages from home when he served as a gunney sergeant in Vietnam. From that she has mobilized efforts at St. Mary's School for the past two years to make sure Camp Lej eune Marines aren't forgotten by those at home during the holidays. "My father was basically the gist of it," Neal said last week after being honored by Maj. Gen. David Mize, commanding general of Camp Lejeune. "That is what made me think to do this for the Marines. because when my father was in Vietnam, somebody did it for him." Mize presented Neal with his Standing Tall award in a small ceremony at headquarters. Mize said getting treats trom home, especially things from a stranger, means so much to Marines and Sailors overseas. "When you're out there, you're a long way from home," Mize told Neal. "One of the things I've found over the years is you are never sure much the country back homc is paying attention and supporting you. When you get some feedback from home, like what you've orchestrated here with your school, it's a wonderfully HOLIDA YS 9A .Close Window http://www.print2webcorp.com/news/jacksonville/liberty/20021204/pA1_s4.htl11 12/9/2002 8 The Liberty News Page A9 Holidays from I A Page 1 of 1 tY/te . Emaii I.oaFriend.Emili!theEditor.Print lhls "tory Holidays from lA reassuring feeling, It lets you know what you're doing is meaningful. "We also think it's great because it teaches upcoming generations of Americans that freedom isn't free and that somebody has to be there to guard us and protect our lifestyle." For Neal, it started after the terrorist attacks of Sept. II, 2001. She saw the effect it was having on kids at S1. Mary's School in Wilmington. It started with a simple card-writing project and expanded to care packages. "After 9-11, kids were watching television; and it was negative. and we said let's do something positive and make cards for the Marines from Camp Lejeune," Neal said. "Then 1 hooked up with my brother-in-law (Lt. Col.) Kevin (Pollack), and he hooked me up with the Single Marines Program." St. Mary's is a small school, with 300 students last year and only 180 this year. In ad- dition to donations from students, Neal branched out to get help ti'om companies, Last year the children had the goal of creating 200 care packages for Marines of the 26th MEU. This year the goal was 250 packages for the unit that is deployed now, the 24th MEll. "We did a lot more than 250," Neal said. "We got tuna, Tootsie Rolls, gum, de- odorant soap, and the Battleship North Carolina gave us 250 decks of Battleship North Carolina playing cards." "When I started asking for sponsors, I hooked up with a lady at Star-Kist who by accident told me about making care packages when she was in Girl Scouts for the troops in Vietnam. Right then we became an instant hit." Maj, Quinn, the inspiration for Neal, retired in Jacksonville in 1980 after 30 years in the Corps, His last posting was commander of General Support Maintenance Company, 2d Maintenance Battalion, 2d FSSG. A disabled veteran himself, he worked in Jacksonville for DA V until he passed away in 1994, Quinn's widow, Eleanor, still lives in Jacksonville and was on hand for the presentation with Maj. Gen. Mize. "I knew him but a few short years," said Renee Valdov, the coordinator for the Single Marine Program who nominated Neal for the award. "1 could not have lucked into a finer man'-' .Close Window http://www.print2webcorp.com/news/jacksonville/liberty/20021204/pA9_s3.htm 12/9/2002 9 {This page intentionally left blank} 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal/David Paynter Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: NHC United Way Campaign BRIEF SUMMARY: The United Way recently completed its campaign and made its goal of $2.75 million. New Hanover County employees also made their goal of $55,000 due to the hard work of everyone involved in the campaign. Our actual total was $55,299.28 . This was a difficult year for the County with downsizing and no salary increases. If we include the total of Carol Barclay's effort on behalf of the Domestic Violence Shelter, County employees actually gave $60,299.28 to United Way agencies. Six hundred twenty-eight New Hanover County employees contributed to the United Way. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recognition of a successful County campaign and David Paynter as Campaign Coordinator. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize and thank the employees and David Paynter as the campaign coordinator. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: As recommended, recognized the efforts of the County in the United Way campaign and David Paynter as the coordinator. 11 {This page intentionally left blank} 12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter: Sheriff Sid Causey, Major David Stevenson, Andy Atkinson Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Staffing for Sheriffs Detention Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: The FY02-03 budget was adopted with an administrative reserve for funding the new jail. Staff has now developed a plan for hiring additional personnel to operate the new jail. Staff requests that 34 positions be added in the Sheriffs department and 5 positions be added in the Property Management Department for operation of the new jail. There will be 7 positions eliminated in the Sheriffs Department and two positions will be transferred to Property Management from the Sheriffs Department. Net increase in positions is 32. Staff requests 7 of these positions be approved to be filled as soon as possible, 4 positions be approved to be filled 5/27/03 and the remaining positions to be filled the first pay period of FY03- 04. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend establishment of 39 new positions and the elimination of 7 positions (a net of 32 additional positions) for the new jail (34 Sheriffs Department and 5 Property Management). FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: a) A New Position Explanation: No additional funding is required for these positions in FY02-03. Of the $1 million administrative reserve for the courthouse expansion and new jail: $536, 836 was transferred for courthouse security, $122,137 is recommended to be transferred for the Electronic Monitoring of Pretrial Inmates, and $150,640 is recommended to be transferred for the above positions to be hired in FY02-03. This will leave a balance of $190,387. This may not be sufficient if out of county transport of inmates is required for the remainder of FY02-03. The additional cost of the positions in FY03-04 will be $1.6 million or approximately 1 cent on the tax rate. ATTACHMENTS: I!I Jail Costs.xls REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 26 detention officers and one administrative support position for the Sheriff's Office to operate the new Jail. In addition 5 positions were added for Property Management as requested. 5 detention officers and administrative support 13 personnel were approved for immediate filling of those positions. Of the five Property Management positions, the supervisor is to be filled as soon as possible. The other positions are to be effective May 27,2003. 14 r:: .2 In :?: c - r:: CD E CD C'I n:I r:: n:I :!: >- 1:: :g,~ o l\J 10.. E a.. E 1J j r::(/) CU l:: -0 cu;e "") Ul ~~ CD Z - - r:: CD E 1:: n:I C. CD C In &: "i: CD J: (J) to/EO SIIOJJl.ed EOIZO SIIOJJl.ed ... <0 iO '" <:> o '" ia N ... <;' M Q Q N >- ... M <;' '" Q Q N >- ... ~w i=l- u< <0 ...l <l- :J<Il ZO ZU < <Il Z ~~ ziij o a. O/l ~~ :5~ ;:;u. ...l>- <0:: :J< Z...l z< <<Il LOI'--LO~ m m 0 o <J) m (0 r-:6"<l'N' 0') rn (V) N o ...... 0... 0 uilfiui '" '" '" co 0 m ... ... '" m N.... ai aia)' o '" .... otlootl :!o:! "'.....'" oeo ocoo ....0.... Ni=:N .... 0.... CONCO", OJ e<) """ o t-- LO r') r----M...t Lti' OJ 0 e<) M T"""_ r't lOCO ..... 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U1 r!) .l!J "' o o .tij ...., II:: ":ii -<= (f) ro E o 2 Cl> o x J1 ::a;: E Q} Ui >, (/J c: ill E ~ ~ >, c :;0 o o {This page intentionally left blank} 17 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Holt Moore, Assistant County Attorney Contact: Holt Moore, Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Applications by Cape Medical Transport, Inc. and Coastline Care, Inc. for Franchises to Provide Convalescent Ambulance Transport in New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: A Franchise is required to provide ambulance service to provide both emergency and non-emergency transport routes beginning and ending in New Hanover County. The applicants are both requesting franchises for non-emergency care only. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider application materials, receive public comment, and (1) grant both franchises, (2) grant one franchise or (3) deny both franchise requests. A second reading will be required for any franchise which is approved. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: c) No Change In Position(s) Explanation: N/A. ATTACHMENTS: Due to the voluminous nature of the packet it will be provided to the Board and appropriate staff under separate cover. Copies for inspection by public will be available in the County Manager's office and Commissioners' office. Staff has scheduled a meeting with Bill Atkinson of New Hanover Regional Medical Center to obtain his comments, and a summary of that meeting will also be provided under separate cover, as well as staffs recommendation. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider the franchise requests and hear comments from interested parties. A staff recommendation will be developed by Thursday. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Cape Medical Transports was continued until the Jan. 62003 meeting. Franchise for Coastline Care was denied by a vote of 5-0. COMMENTS BY: LGL: COMMENTS BY: FIN: 18 COMMENTS BY: BUD: COMMENTS BY: HR: 19 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Further consideration of action items for compliance with permit conditions for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board, at its November 7 work session on action items for permit compliance for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project, directed staff to pursue the following suggested actions: 1) Reduce the proposed severity of limitations on public access on the north end of Shell Island. 2) Eliminate the action to purchase the remaining lots on Masonboro Island with Project funds. In addition, staff has drafted regulations and suggested actions governing public access on the north end of Carolina Beach. These are presented as a separate agenda item immediately following this agenda item because of their importance for improving public safety as well as bird habitat. Additional information will be presented to the Board at its December 12 staff meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: In order to comply with permit conditions for the Project, staff recommends that the Board direct staff to implement these action items. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: c) No Change In Position(s) Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with Dave Weaver. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0 to move forward with the staff's proposal for Mason Inlet area with the exception of not hiring personnel to patrol the area at this time. 20 Voted 5-0 to not move forward with trying to purchase land on Masonboro Island without Federal and State money. {This page intentionally left blank} 21 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of Both an Ordinance Banning Camping and Open Fires, and a Decal Program for the North End of Carolina Beach BRIEF SUMMARY: At the Board's November 7 work session concerning the Mason Inlet Relocation Project, the Board directed staff to develop regulations banning campfires and camping on the north end of Carolina Beach. The draft regulations are attached. The Board also considered a program requiring vehicle owners to purchase a decal if driving on the north end. This program was rejected primarily because of the time limitations on the use of vehicles. Discussion with Sheriffs officers responsible for patrolling the north end, however, indicates that a decal program would be valuable for public safety because: the decal program would be a very effective enforcement tool for the Sheriffs officers, in that decals could be revoked the decal program would help generate revenues for patrolling the north end The outline for the decal program will be provided to the Board at it's December 12 staff meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board approve the proposed regulations banning campfires and camping, to be effective February 1, 2003. Staff recommends that the Board direct staff to fully develop the decal program as outlined, for final approval by the Board in February 2003. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: iii Ordi nanceAmend mentCam pi nQ. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A 22 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with recommendation noted above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved ordinance 4-1, Commissioner Greer voting no. Requires a second reading, 1st meeting in February. Decal program proposal put on hold until after the February meeting. No vote taken. 23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that the Code of Ordinances, County of New Hanover, North Carolina, is hereby amended by the addition of a new Article to Chapter 23, Environment as follows: Chapter 23. Environment, Article VIII, Ocean Beach Protection. Section 482. Prohibited. (a) Camping. It shall be unlawful for any person to camp, including, but not limited to the use of tents, sleeping bags or trailers, on any ocean beach as defined in Chapter 59 Article II Section 34 Definition. Camping is prohibited on all property adjacent to any ocean beach unless written authorization of the property owner is obtained. (b) Open Fires. It shall be unlawful for any person to have an open fire of any type on any ocean beach property. Section 483. Penalty. Any person who violates the provisions of this article shall receive a citation which subjects the offender to a civil penalty of $100 for the first offense, $300 for a second offense and $500 for a third or subsequent offense. The penalty may be recovered by the county in a civil action in the nature of a debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within 20 days after being cited. Each day of a continuing violation shall constitute a separate offense under this article. This the day of ,2002. [SEAL ] NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman, Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 24 {This page intentionally left blank} 25 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 8.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Case: A-323, 11/02 Amend the Permitted Use Table of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to allow "Septic Tank Vacuum Services", in the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District. BRIEF SUMMARY: The applicant owns property on Highway 421 that is zoned 1-2 Heavy Industrial. The petitioner has a client who operates a portable toilet business which includes storage of the waste associated with the business. The waste is temporarily stored in a tank before it is transported to a treatment facility. The applicants use is similar to septic tank vacuum services which are permitted within the B-2 Highway Business District and the 1-1 Light Industrial District and would be a reasonable use within the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District. Staff recommends Approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider approval of text amendments. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 11/7/02: The petitioner presented his request and explained the use that he is proposing in the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District. No one spoke in support or opposition. The Planning Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: c) No Change In Position(s) Explanation: N/A ATTACHMENTS: iii A-323 sewaQe 1-2.do ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 26 CASE: A-323, 11/02 Applicant: Sound Development LLC REQUEST: Amend the Permitted Use Table of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to allow "Septic Tank Vacuum Services," in the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District. If approved a "P" would be placed in the appropriate column of Section 50.5 The Permitted Use Table. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 11/7/02: The petitioner presented his request and explained the use that he is proposing in the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District. No one spoke in support or opposition. The Plamring Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval. STAFF SUMMARY The applicant owns property on Highway 421 that is zoned 1-2 Heavy Industrial. The petitioner has a client who operates a portable toilet business which includes storage of the waste associated with the business. The waste is temporarily stored in a tank before it is transported to a treatment facility. The applicants use is similar to septic tank vacuum services which are permitted within the B-2 Highway Business District and the 1-1 Light industrial District and would be a reasonable use within the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District. Staff recommends Approval. 27 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 8.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Case: A-322, 10/02 Amend the Permitted Use Table of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to allow Cellular and PCS antennas to be attached to existing structures by right. BRIEF SUMMARY: As the PCS and Cellular communications services continue to increase in our urban community, the number of sites also increases and the coverage areas multiply. With this increased coverage the height of many of these facilities can be reduced. PCS or other low power services do not need great height. Many of these antennae are being co-located on existing structures such as buildings, water-tanks, other towers/poles, lighting standards, church steeples or signs. The County should encourage these co-locations as a means of avoiding the construction of new towers. Since most of the cellular and PCS providers utilized "sector" type antennas for their cell sites, they can be attached to many different kinds of structures. These antenna heights generally measure four or five feet. Staff recommends that our Table of Permitted Uses be amended to allow cellular and PCS antennas that are five feet or less in height to be located on any existing structure. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider approxal of text amendments as noted below. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 11/7/02: Following a recent request to locate PCS antennas on an existing water tank, planning staff proposed the amendment. The Planning Board discussed various scenarios where PCS antennas might be undesirable or have a negative aesthetic impact. Ultimately the Board recommended that the wording for the use be changed to read: Ceflufar and PCS antennas attached to existing structures shafl not add more than 6' to the overafl height of a structure The above wording can be added to section 69.17 as sub-paragraph (H). The use can then be listed in the permitted use table as "Ceffufar and PCS antennas (See Section 69.17 (H))" with a "P" for permitted use in all districts. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: N/A ATTACHMENTS: iii 6 A-322 antennas. dOl ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approved 5-0. 28 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 29 CASE: A-322, 10/02 Applicant: New Hanover County Planning Staff REQUEST: Amend the Permitted Use Table of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to allow Cellular and PCS antennas to be attached to existing structures by right. The following use would be added to Section 50.5 of the Zoning Ordinance and permitted in all districts: Cellular and PCS antennas attached to existing structures provided the additional height is less than 6' . OR Cellular and PCS antennas attached to existing structures with an added height of less than 6'. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 11/7/02: Following a recent request to locate pes antennas on an existing water tank, planning staff proposed the amendment. The planning board discussed various scenarios where pes antennas might be undesirable or have a negative aesthetic impact. Ultimately the Board recommended that the wording for the use be changed to read: Cellular and PCS antennas attached to existing structures shall not add more than 6' to the overall height of a structure. The above wording can be added to section 69.17 as sub-paragraph (H). The use can then be listed in the permitted use table as "Cellular and PCS antennas (See Section 69.17(H))" with a "P" for permitted use in all districts. STAFF SUMMARY As the pes and cellular communications services continue to increase in our urban community, the number of sites also increases and the coverage areas multiply. With this increased coverage the height of many of these facilities can be reduced. pes or other low power services do not need great height. Many of these antennae are being co-located on existing structures such as buildings, water-tanks, other towers/poles, lighting standards, church steeples, or signs. The eounty should encourage these co- locations as a means of avoiding the construction of new towers. Since most of the cellular and pes providers utilized "sector" type antennas for their cell sites, they can be attached to many different kinds of structures. These antenna heights generally measure four or five feet. Staff recommends that our Table of Permitted Uses be amended to allow cellular and pes antennas that are five feet or less in height to be located on any existing structure. 30 Chapter 3 Page 2 of CELL SrrE SYSTEMS C ElL SITES WITH/NeITlES CITlE S HIGHWAY Source: SANDAG, 1996 As illustrated, cell sites tend to be sIlIalIer 3.nd more numerous in the central parts of cities, and larger and less abundant in peripheral areas. This is because more people, and accordingly more customers, live in urbanized areas. As more people begin to demand wireless :::ommunications services, wireless systems will require additional capacity to handle calls. This additional calling :::apacity can be acquired in one of various ways: providers can increase the number of their cell sites, use digital versus malog technology (explained in more detail below), or combine these two methods (SANDAG, 1996), As more services ue demanded, and more providers are thrown into the mix (a result of the Telecommunications Act of 1996), a ~om bination of the two above ways of adding capacity takes place. As the number of cell sites increases, the area of each ;ite offered by a provider becomes smaller in order to avoid overlapping coverage. As a result, a pattern emerges in Nhich the more populated central segments of cities contain smaller and more numerous cell sites, while the less }opulated edges of cities, as well as rural areas, have fewer, but larger cell sites. \s described in the introduction of this project, each cell contains antennas for transmitting and receiving wireless :ommunications data. Wireless communications utilize three different kinds of antennas to transmit data (See diagram )elow), ANTENNAS WHIP ANTENNA PANEL ANTENNA DISH ANTEN NA 2-6 INCH ES 1-1 6-12 INCH ES I---t J.S.3FEET 6-13I/1K:HES i .18 FEET 4-S FEET Soun;e: SANDAG, 1996 whip antennas, panel antelmas, and dish ntennas. Whip and panel antennas function as the transmitters and receivers of the radio waves that carry the onversation on a mobile phone, or the data for pagers. Dish antennas serve as the link between the central switching omputer (this links into the wire-based telephone network for conventional phones), and the whip or panel antennas. ttp:/ /www.geodties.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/4666/litrev.html 9/20/02 31 Chapter 3 Page 3 of Whip antennas (also known as stick, omnidirectional, or pipe antennas), emit signals in a 360 degree horizontal plane an a compressed vertical plane. Shaped cylindrically, whip antennas have diameters between two and six inches md measure between one and eighteen feet in height (Sprint Spectrum, 1996), Panel antennas (also known as sector antennas) have vertical and horizontal planes that aim signals in specific airections. Panel antennas generally measure four to five feet in height, six to twelve inches in width, and six to eight inches in deptl (Sprint Spectrum, 1996). Dish antennas (also known as microwave dishes) have a different function than whip and panel antennas. Insteai of emitting radio waves that carry the call between a wireless phone and its intended receiver, dish antennas emit microwaves that provide the critical link between the central computer switching system and the appropriate transmitting or receiving antennas. Essentially, dish antennas send microwave signals that allow the central switch to transfer the call between the various antennas closest to the mobile user (SANDAG, 1996). Dish antennas generally measure four to six feet in diameter and one-and-a-halfto three feet in depth (Sprint Spectrum, 1996). Antenna structures are typically accompanied by equipment buildings or boxes. Cellular and ESMR equipment ~uildings are generally less than 500 square feet in diameter. PCS equipment facilities, often called base stations, are self-,ontained weather-proof cabinets about the size of a vending machine (SANDAG, 1996). The three types of antennas described above function on a line of sight transmission. Antennas need to be placed at specific heights in relation to one another in order to transmit and receive signals. As a result, height is a determilling factor in the design and siting of wireless communications facilities. Typically, there are three types of antenna Sllpport- structures used to place antennas at desired heights: lattice towers, monopoles, and building-attached facilities :SANDAG, 1996). [he first type of tower is the lattice tower. WHIPPMTS>JNAS .ATTICETOWERS DSH ANTE""'AS I'Q UI PM S>JT 6ULDNG :ource: SANDAG, 1996 Ranging from 60 to 200 feet in height, lattice towers generally ccommodate a variety of users, including cellular, ESMR, pes and paging companies, as well as public safety ommunications providers. Illustrated here, these towers generally have three or four support steel "legs" and hold a ariety of antennas. They can be found in areas where great height is needed, where multiple microwave antennas are ~quired, or where the weather demands a structurally-sound design (SANDAG, 1996). ,attice towers, however, carry an inherent tradeoff: although they can accommodate many users (and provide co-location pportunities), they often pose serious visual impacts, Equipment and antennas concentrated on one large structure tend ) draw more attention than the dispersal of less visible but more numerous facilities, such as smaller monopoles or uilding-attached facilities (SANDAG, 1996). JI three wireless technologies use monopoles, ttp:/ /www.geocities.com/Research T riangle/Lab/ 4666/li trev, html 9/20/02 32 Chapter 3 Page 4 of MONOPOLE WH IP !'NHNNAS f1IN.L ANTEI>N~S DISH ANTENNA rou IPM.NT BULDING Source: SANDAG, 1 although their heights and designs vary. Monopoles consist of a single lole, approximately three feet in diameter at the base, narrowing to roughly 1.5 feet at the top, and may support any combination of whip, panel, or dish antennas (SANDAG, 1996). Monopoles are used in all areas, but especiallyn rural areas, near freeways, or in areas where buildings are not of sufficient height to meet line of sight transmission requirements. Monopoles are used much more commonly than lattice towers by wireless providers (mostly becaJIse they are less visually intrusive, and therefore, "friendlier to local permitting agencies). Building-attached antennas are used, for cellular, ESMR, and pes, in three general forms: RooF.MOUNT ED ANTENNAS 3UILDING-ATTACHEO FACIliTIES Source: SANDAG, 1996 (1) roof~mounted, in which antennas are placed n the roofs of buildings, (2) building-mounted, in which antennas are mounted to the sides of buildings, or (3) on mailer towers located on the roof of a building (facilities also can be mounted on other stmctures such as water tanks, illboards, church steeples, or other creative locations.). Although the visibility of building-attached facilities varies, Jof-mounted antennas are generally hidden from view because they are located in the middle of the roof or in boxed tructures resembling air conditioning units. Likewise, building-mounted antennas are also unnoticeable if they are ainted to rnatch the color and texture of the building (SANDAG, 1996). Because ofthese reasons, building mounted lcilities are attractive to local governments. 'he problem with building facilities is finding structures tall enough to function with the existing system. Although uilding-attached facilities are becoming common, they can be used only when buildings meet the height required far ntennas to function within the surrounding system. Where buildings do not meet height requirements, providers tend to se monopoles. .nother way to protect the aesthetics of a community is to disguise towers. Known as "stealth" facilities, there are a umber of architectural treatments that can be employed to hide a potentially damaging visual feature. Towers are isguised in many ways, as trees :tp:/ /www.geacities.com/Research T riangle/Lab/ 4666/li trev .html 9/20/02 33 NACS: Cell.:Slte Safety Page 1 of Network & Academic Computing Services Safety Issues Regarding "Cell Sites" August 10, 2001 [From the Federal Communications Commission Web Site: fcc,gov] ARE CELLULAR AND PCS TOWERS AND ANTENNAS SAFE? Cellular radio services transmit using frequencies between 800 and 900 megahertz (MHz). Transmitters in the Personal Communications Service (PCS) use frequencies in the range of 1850- 1990 MHz. Antennas used for cellular and PCS transmissions are typically located on towers, water tanks or other elevated structures including rooftops and the sides of buildings, The combination of antennas and associated electronic equipment is referred to as a cellular or PCS "base station" or "cell site". Typical heights for freestanding base station towers or stmctures are 50-200 feet. A cellular basestation may utilize several".omni-directional" antenna;:; that look like poles*lO to 15 feet in 1ength,;although these types of antennas are becoming less cbmmon in urban areas, In urban and suburban areas, cellular and PCS service providers now more cOmmon1Y,,4S~"s~ctor" antennas for their base stations. These antennas are rectangular panels, e.g'Jabout 1 by4f'eet in dimension, typically mounted on a rooftop or other structure, but they are also mounted on towers or poles, The antennas are usually arranged in three groups of three each. One antenna in each group is used to transmit signals to mobile units (car phones or handheld phones), and the other two antennas in each group are used to receive signals from mobile units. At a given cell or PCS site, the total RF power that could be transmitted from each transmitting antenna at a cell site depends on the number of radio channels (transmitters) that have been authorized and the power of each transmitter. Typically, for a cellular base station, a maximwn of 21 channels per sector (depending on the system) could be used. Thus, for a typical cell site utilizing sector antennas, each of the three transmitting antennas could be connected to up to 21 transmitters for a total of 63 transmitters per site. When omni-directional antennas are used, up to 96 transmitters could be implemented at a cell site, but this would be very unusual. Furthermore, while a typical base station could have as many as 63 transmitters, not all of the transmitters would be expected to operate simultaneously thus reducing overall emission levels. For the case of PCS base stations, fewer transmitters are normally required due to the relatively greater number of base stations, The signals from a cellular or PCS base station antenna are essentially directed toward the horizon in a relatively narrow pattern in the vertical plane. The radiation pattern for an omni-directional antenna might be compared to a thin doughnut or pancake centered around the antenna while the pattern for a sector antenna is fan-shaped, like a wedge cut from a pie. As with all forms of electromagnetic energy, the power density from a cellular or PCS transmitter decreases rapidly as one moves away from the antenna. Consequently, normal ground-level exposure is much less than exposures that might be encountered if one were very close to the antenna and in its main transmitted beam. Measurements made near typical cellular and PCS installations, especially those with tower- mounted antennas, have shown that ground-level power densities are thousands of times less than the FCC's limits for safe exposure, In fact, in order to be exposed to levels at or near the FCC limits for cellular or PCS frequencies an individual would essentially have to remain in the main transmitting beam (at the height of the antenna) and within a few feet from the antenna. This makes Lttp://www.nacs,uci.edu/communication/celsitesafety,html 9/20/02 34 NAC~: Cell :SIte Safety Page 2 of it extremely unlikely that a member of the general public could be exposed to RF levels in excess of these guidelines due to cellular or pes base station transmitters. When cellular and pes antennas are mounted at rooftop locations it is possible that ambient RF levels could be greater than those typically encountered on the ground. However, once again, exposures approaching or exceeding the safety guidelines are only likely to be encountered very close to or directly in front of the antennas. For sector-type antennas RF levels to the side and in back of these antennas are insignificant. ARE CELLULAR AND OTHER RADIO TOWERS LOCATED NEAR HOMES OR SCHOOLS SAFE FOR RESIDENTS AND STUDENTS? As discussed above, radio frequency emissions from antennas used for wireless transmissions such as cellular and pes signals result in exposure levels on the ground that are typically thousands of times less than safety limits. These safety limits were adopted by the FCC based on the recommendations of expert organizations and endorsed by agencies of the Federal Government responsible for health and safety. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that such towers could constitute a potential health hazard to nearby residents or students. Other antennas, such as those used for radio and television broadcast transmissions, use power levels that are generally higher than those used for cellular and PCS antennas. Therefore, in some cases there could be a potential for higher levels of exposure on the ground. However, all broadcast stations are required to demonstrate compliance with FCC safety guidelines, and ambient exposures to nearby persons from such stations are typically well below FCC safety limits. Network & Academic Computing Services> Communication> Telephone Last Modified: 07/11/2002 11:37:23 University of California. Irvine http://www.nacs.uci.edu/communication/celsitesafety.html tp://www.nacs,uci,edu/communication/celsitesafety.html 9/20/02 35 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard, County Engineer Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney, Cindy Kee-MacPherson, Paralegal SUBJECT: First Reading: Ordinance Amendments of Chapter 56, Utilities. BRIEF SUMMARY: The proposed amendments clarify existing definitions and practices. First, the amendment uses a definition of subdivision that will address the various situations where a developer has sewer installation duties. The second portion of the amendment responds to problems the District has encountered with owner/occupants removing official notices from posted premises. The notices state that the sewer has been disconnected and the premises are not to be occupied. A $100.00 penalty will be imposed for unauthorized removal of such notices. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider the ordinance amendments. A second reading will be required if the ordinance amendments are not unanimously approved by the Board. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: c) No Change In Position(s) Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: . Chapter56UtilitiesSectionOrdinanceAmendments 12-16 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with recommendation noted above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 36 DRAFT AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 56, Utilities, Article III, Sewer System, Division I, Section 56-72, Definitions, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 56-72. Definitions. Change the definition of subdivision by substituting the following language: Subdivision means any division of land creating additional lots. The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 56, Utilities, Article 1lI, Sewer System, Division 8, Enforcement, Section 56-285, Recovery of Expense or damage to county's system by reason of violation, is hereby amended by adding the following subsections which shall read as follows: Section 56-285 (c) The homeowner and tenant/person in possession shall have a duty to jointly and individually maintain the posting of the Warning posted on the property indicating disconnection of sewer service until such time as said Warning is removed only by the county. Section 56-285 (d) Any person liable to the county for any expenses, penalties, loss or damage for violation of this article shall pay all such fees incurred before reconnection can be made to the public sanitary sewer. The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 56, Utilities, Article III, Sewer System, Division 8, Enforcement, Section 56-286, Penalties, subsection (a) is hereby amended by replacing the existing sentence with the following: Section 56-286 (a) Unless specified herein, violation of this article subjects the offender to a civil penalty of$l,OOO to be recovered by the district in a civil action in the nature of a debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within ten days after he has been cited for violation of this article. The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 56, Utilities, Article Ill, Sewer System, Division 8, 37 Enforcement, Section 56-286. Penalties, is hereby amended by adding a subsection to be numbered 56-286 (f) which such subsection shall read as follows: Section 56-286 (1) Violation of Section 56-285 (c) shall subject the offender to a civil penalty of $100. The penalty may be recovered by the county in a civil action in the nature of a debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within 20 days after being cited. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 56 shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. This the day of ,2002. [SEAL J NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman, Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 38 {This page intentionally left blank} 39 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: legislative Goals for 2003 General Assembly Convening in January of 2003 BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners is soliciting proposed legislative goals for the upcoming legislative session. No goals from prior years will be automatically carried over for inclusion in the 2003 package. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the County Commissioners submit the attached legislative goals to the N. C. Association of County Commissioners for inclusion in the 2003 package. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: . LeQislativeGoalsDee2002-Pro posal M eme REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Board consider the proposed goals noted in the attached memo and direct staff. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: No action. 40 MEMORANDUM: New Hanover County comm~ Allen O'Neal, County Manag~V Legislative Goals TO: FROM: RE: DATE: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ALLEN O'NEAL COllnty f\.1anagcr OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 502 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4058 TELEPHONE (9/0) 34/-7184 FAX (9/0) 34/-4027 ANDlU:W ,/. ATKINSOI\' CPA Deruty Cllllnly Manager I'ATIUCIA A. \IELVI:'oi AssisUHll CouLlt)' Manager D,\ VII) F. WL\ VEl{ Assistant CUUllt)' Mi..IIlager 230 Markctrbee Drive Telephone (9 I 0) 79g-7139 l'ax (9 I 0) 798-7051 December 9, 2002 The following legislative proposals are presented for the Board's consideration: 1. Room OCCUpanCY Tax - Local Modify Chapter 540, 1995 Session Laws, as amended, to authorize New Hanover County to levy a 3% room occupancy and tourism development tax in the unincorporated County. 2. Machinery Act - Statewide A. Modify Chapter 105 to required DMV to provide local collectors the social security numbers of vehicle owners who have delinquent vehicle taxes. Disclosure of the social security numbers will facilitate collection by enabling the County tax staff to verify the identity of the delinquent taxpayer subject to garnishment or attachment The amendment would need to be statewide to meet North Carolina Constitutional requirements, B. A complete State review of the exemption and exclusion requirements is desirable. Many organizations are considered tax exempt, costing counties hundreds of thousands of 41 dollars. We are seeking state clarification and standardization for qualifying properties. 3. Public Records Act - Statewide Amend Chapter 132-1.7 to expand the protection of public information necessary to promote public security. For example, the proposed location of emergency medical stores and facilities. 4. Librarv Full funding fortheAid to Public Libraries Fund which benefits public libraries throughout the state. New Hanover this year will receive over $170,000 from this fund. 5. Human Resources Support legislation which will require the State to maintain the integrity of Local Government Retirement System funds. 6. Museum Support legislation to continue funding for Grass Roots Science Grants. New Hanover this year will receive over $184,649 from this fund. AO/kc cc: County Attorney Deputy County Attorney Clerk to the Board 42 {This page intentionally left blank} 43 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Appointment of Commissioners to Various Boards and Committees for 2003 BRIEF SUMMARY: The Commissioners should consider appointments/reappointments of Commissioners to serve on various community and county boards and committees for 2003. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments 1 reappointments FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: . cc-boards. wpd ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Made appointments. 44 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES FOR YEAR 2002 Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees Cape Fear Community College Long Range Planning Committee Cape Fear Resource Conservation & Development Chamber of Commerce Chamber=s Community Growth Planning Core Team Convention & Visitors Bureau Council of Governments - Executive Committee DARE Board of Directors Fire Commissioners Health Board Human Services Transportation Advisory Board Human Relations Commission Juvenile Crime Prevention/Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Legion Stadium Committee Chairman Davis Chairman Davis Commissioner Caster Commissioner Caster Chairman Davis Vice-Chairman Greer Commissioner Boseman Commissioner Caster Commissioner Pritchett Commissioner Pritchett Vice-Chairman Greer Commissioner Boseman Commissioner Pritchett Vice-Chairman Greer Lower Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority NHRMC Board of Trustees Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Partnership for Children Port, Waterway & Beach Commission Solid Waste Advisory Board Southeastern Center (Mental Health) Tidal Creek Watershed Advisory Committee Transportation Advisory Committee Wilmington Industrial Commission Wilmington Regional Film Commission Commissioner Boseman Commissioner Caster Commissioner Pritchett Commissioner Caster Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Greer Commissioner Pritchett Commissioner Caster Commissioner Pritchett Commissioner Pritchett Commissioner Caster Commissioner Boseman Vice-Chairman Greer Vice-Chairman Greer 45 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies are on the following Boards and Committees: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Board of Health Human Relations Commission Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Tourism Development Authority RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Adult Home Community Advisory Board - Frank Annunziata Board of Health -Dentist, Sandra Miles, Prof. Engineer - John Tunstall, General Public - Donald Blake Human Relations Commission - Lethia Hankins, Barbara C. Kane, Michael Smith to the unexpired term. Nursing Home Community Advisory - Joan Apke and Sherry Goodin TDA - Martin (2), Pope (1), Darling (2), Eagle (3), Rudisill (3), Bolda (1), McKoy (3), Marshburn (2), Broadhurst (2), Dickens (1). Numbers in () designate the number of years of initial appointment. Chairman of TDA for initial year is Ted Davis, Jr. When legislation is changed then Commissioner Caster will replace Chairman Davis. 46 47 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership: 18 maximum, 13 mandated VACANCIES: 1 Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT APPLICANTS: Frank S. Annunziata Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 48 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 16 members (1 member for each permitted facility). One-third of the members shall be nominated by the Adult Care Home Administrators, and if possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex- officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of person with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee may be a member, Statute causing Committee: G.S. 130-9-5. Regular Meeting: First Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:00 a.m, at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, l480 Harbour Drive. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Susan Kay Fletcher Initial 2/28/2003 7103 Privateer Court Wilmington, NC 28405 Appt. 2/18/02 395-68l8 (H) Judith M. Foley First 6/30/2003 6616 Pleasant Pines Court Wilmington, NC 28403 1 Yr. Appt. 6/21/99 509-1717 3 Yr. AppL 6/19/00 Carolyn B. Hooker Initial 2/28/2003 3102 Rachel Place Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 2/18/02 799- 5l 08 (H) Jane B, Johnson Second 2/28/2004 l812 Grace Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 2/1/98, 2/l9/0l 762-1525 (H) Milton Randolph Johnson First 8/31/2004 1319 Riggs Trail Wilmington, NC 28412 1 Yr. Appt. 8/21/00 799-9420(H) 343-7704f.Y"1) 3 Yr. 8/20/0l Robert H. Johnson, Jr. First 8/31/2004 l8l2 Grace Street Wilmington, NC 28401 1 Y r. Appt. 8/21/00 762-l525 (H) 3 Y r. 8/2010 1 49 }- . -.Jo .~ ~".( 50 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITfEE (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Clara W, Lamb -ti'c-..., . .~-. __II;.- , .,L__J _.~_._' ," ~:..' , --:: -. .., Initial 8/3l/2002 ! " .. 401 N, Third Street ZL .~ .i',:.. , ,J.. i ;' . -. Appt. 8/20/01 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 term)~I' ' - ~ .... Transferred from . 458-5282 (H) rLt ~. -; ~- ~ !;. . . " NHCAC 1O/l5/0l Mort Levine Initial 8/31/2003 7727 Monarch Drive Wilmington, NC 284ll Appt. 8/19/02 681-012l (H) Deborah D. Maxwell Initial lO/31/03 .. 121 Jamaica Drive Wilmington, NC 2840l Appt. lO/21/02 34l-7563 (H) 253-2292 (W) Dollie Pollock First 2/28/2004 4937 Shelly Drive 1 Y r. Appt. 2/21/00 Wilmington, NC 28405 3 Yr. 2/l9/O1 452-0892 (H) Jennifer Marie Sanders First 7/3112005 1817 Glen Eagles Place Wilmington, NC 28405 I Yr. Appt. 7/9/0l 352-96l9 (H) 799-88l8 (W) 3 Yr. 8/19/02 Timothy Kevin Whiteman Initial 10/31/03 ~ 5620 Chilmark Court Wilmington, NC 28412 Appt. 10/21/02 791-7959 (H) 791-9022 (W) COG Long Term Care Ombudsman: Harvin Quidas 10/02 l480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 file: / Adult 395-4553 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Web Name: Home Address: /) J) ,) L .., (--"' rZA,J 1<. 0'101 L.vil..v'\l.Nb 71.-"..... Board/Committee: ,S A/l//V'JI1/2- (F/7A (> C A (. () i\..' L l4/vG' A f'7 .:J (Street) (City) Mailing Address if different: )--- ~'111 (Zip Code) (City) (Zip Cod<l) Business Phone: ej 10- ;}CJ 7 -c':J 19 / n lu~ Home Phone: .:::l, 70 4 - 1-./ q g 7 Years living in New Hanover County: Sex: j\j\ Race: lA) \--+ \ I e. Age: 5- G (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) /J> , Job Title: .1\..\ A ,v' ,'":) Gc-A.. Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: r= , I~, L H 'v ,::y 1-+ L- 1'+ 0 EN1l (, I '1 . L70 c) .s. 7 eYG \.. ~. Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? J C 5 cQ.,v ~ /'i\ ,/ I C"0 """,.,\',/,/\,, '7 What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? To (~, i;:'Lr' ~ ;- c ~-:Lv j L. vt 1 c- n! 0 L' ,:, / p. rJ " I -r (',(,' M'" l.I,Vll) I f1-tv'(\ 0 c L V...:(.? ~~N v lC GS A5 (v C\:'D cU Qualifications for serving: H t1 v l,..! G- \JJ C- t''- Ic..c 01 N 0 1'<..0,1+ ,v i 2.. /'I 7/1). tI fl ,"\" ,,\ Mi+,v I~G C:M el-'l VeT! ,L (, I 1""1.-\ P tV i/ NlI:.:~<.!J So Other municipal or county boards/committees on whir;h you are serving: ..vC,..... G' Three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. -::JeFr- .sPL?IJC~YZ...- 6';;G -{O(( I) "1 rl , ..c'(..~5- l<"~I.so.'\..J -<-,J l;.>-.JGlj o AY'v'E')' 1--(70 - 'IrO y , 2. I !.?v\ 3. ~ itt.-!.S /j ~", j' ,,/;/'i C7, Signature I , '...../7 / '..::. ~.1 -::} <--<,o_/HL. ~. / ..-: )0 /;)1/0~~ Date: (Use reverse side for additional comments) 51 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF HEALTH 3 VACANCIES: THREE.YEAR TERMS CATEGORIES: DENTIST GENERAL PUBLIC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER APPLICANTS: ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT DENTIST: Sandra L. Miles, DDS GENERAL PUBLIC: Donald P. Blake Gilbert M, Montgomery PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER John S. Tunstall Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 52 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH Number of Members: 11, appointed in categories as follows: 1 Licensed Physician 1 Licensed Pharmacist 1 Licensed Dentist 1 Licensed Optometrist 1 Licensed Nurse 1 Licensed Veterinarian 1 Professional Engineer 3 At-Large/General Public 1 County Commissioner Tenus: 3 years - maximum of 2 consecutive 3 year terms Compensation: Chairman $25,00, other members $20.00 per meeting Regular Meetings: First Wednesday each month at 8:00 a. m, at the Health Department Statute or cause creating Board: NCGS Art. 3, 130-13(c) Brief on the functions: State law requires each county to make public health services available to its residents. The Board of Health ensures the provision of these services and performs the policy making and rule making functions for public health in New Hanover County. TERM TERM MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIRES Henry "Hank" Estep General Second 12-31-2003 3500 Melissa Court Public Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 1/5/98) 792-9584 (H) 792-0188 (oN) (Reappt. 12/18/00) Marvin Freeman General First 12-31-2004 915 Roscoe Freeman Avenue Public Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 1/22/02) 452-0405 (H) (901)655-2263 X5210 Gela N. Hunter Nurse Second 12-31-2003 ~ 126 Quail Ridge Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 12/8/97) 799-0723 (H) 763-2072 (oN) (Reappt. 12/18/00) -=---, * Wilson O'Kelly Jewell, D.D.S. Dentist c&c~ 12-31-2002 218 Pine Grove Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 12/16/96; Reappt. 12/6/99) 791-6113 (H) 791-2401 (W) 53 * * 54 BOARD OF HEALTH (CONTINUED) CURRENT MEMBERS W, Edwin Link, Jr. 306 Colonial Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 343-1244 (H) 763-0845(W) Anne Braswell Rowe 2216 Acacia Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 762-2425(H) Philip Palmer Smith, Sr. M.D. 1810 Azalea Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 762-2230 (H) Melody C. Speck, D. V,M. 4605 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 452-0542 (H) 799-5587 (VV) William T. Steuer 6228 Fox Run Road Wilmington, NC 28409 799-2144(H) 395-S585(W) Edward Weaver, Jr. a.D. 1535 Magnolia Place Wilmington, NC 28403 762-6071 (H) 791-6086 (VV) Robert G. Greer 320 Chestnut St., Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7149 David Rice, Director County Health Department 2029 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28403 343-6500 1/02 File: \Health CATEGORY TERM TERM SERVING EXPIRES Pharmacist Second 12-31-2003 General Public Physician Veterinarian (Appt. 12/8/97) (Reappt. 12/18/00) ~) 12-31-2002 '~/ (Appt. 12/16/96; Reappt. 12/6/99) Second 12-31-2004 ' (Appt. 12121/98, 1/22/02) Second 12-31-2004 (Appt. 12/21/98, 1/22/02) Professional ~j 12/31/2002 Engineer (Appt. 12/16/96; Reappt. 12/6/99) Optometrist First 12-31-2004 (Appt. 1/22/02) County Commissioner ~ t ~" '\\ \~)~:, NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ .( ... BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 0- / ,""'0 _ ~.'~\< c.{S'o 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ----<, '\":,,~IS'O>' '1.'- \" Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 '0/ ---- Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by t he New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. l\l'i f\t{W ~L'I~) 1=, titHer Cu,d.~ I N lI... rt.. S \- to,~~,,,")to,, NL Hom e: 1 q '3 - ;;, ~ 2.1.. HrlvtC,- 't.y' C,,-- ~t-) I-kdrL 6m.,) bel-\.t-~'5 r Request for Appointment to: Name: S 1.\'.\ dv {;. L Home Add ress: DDS How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? I-=- 'iC~U5 Mailing A dd res s: City and State: Zip Code: 2';)LJO\ '6/')":;;)/1 Telephone: Business: 'Sex. F 'Race: W .Age: 3<'7 . This information is rfJquesUJd for the soie purpose of assuri1g that a cross-section of tha community is appointed ** Employed by: ~(,(~- del,-t)-d .. A person Gurroolly employed by the agerlcy or depai1ment rorwhich this appJical<Jrl 's made, must resyn hIS/her pOSllion with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordanCe with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy Job Title: f'(::) <dci"-t / Ov.!.\.i'l' Professional Activities: dc',,-h') r VolunteerActivities: iCe' rh. (~'/J ',0' ('~.....l.::l S L l.;; I -h p,h u I ,j 1 Slrrl d.;;.~~,J C::;':"eM-,f-fa_ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? T (..J,-,- L~ L\:,.,- ~ n f'--(.) l...J +L" cL....f-,d , t ,:)'\<\-II.<.....L" , /--..} ) l^ L~l; ,," (c.. r' L- What do you feel ere your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? f\t d....1 I de'tL) lMJat am as of concem would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Com mission address? I I C1(iL.:(z,<A iP) IS d..' ute d Fr:chA lO;.\ ~ (.t'Ll I CdA oH(;, 11\, I..f- ~'.' tL- (.(.'flt rlU(,.'\ J{ Are you currently serving on another board or co mmittee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: N"J Date: q-ll~I.-)2 Sigmiure ~;a'L'!/L1 ilL? i//?j , - (Please use reverse side (or addition;i comments) 55 RB=ERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: 56 1. ---D (- Dr D,- 2. 3. Applicant: Web Name Al 1< OS(',rYt CLV'l 130 b VI ~~9.?- l~ "'14 V\ Stzi~ 1-( L) SCtl'tdV{L L t.LI e,}. }JUS Phone Number I~L-Iooo 70Z ~ L/ 15S- 3sCJ .- 0 l./ L/ I NEW HANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone 19101 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Web COMMITTEE APPLICA TlON Name: Home Address: D~~\tLO fJo~fC. D oX- .~6~LI ~ ~) e L A IC~ i Q 6 \0 \ 0\)6 j1,ERE Vv, Board/Committee: rStreer) \,J\llYl r JGf"ud ICity) J..~~oS- IZip Code) Mai/i"ng Address if different: (Cityl IZip Code! Home Phone: '( ~ \ - ~-l L, ~ 0 Business Phone: '7 '6 'f .-- C( (q I Years living in New Hanover County: ll"fC Sex: Age: 7 Y L, \ Race: - (Information for thtt purpose of assuring a cross-$eetion of the community) Y1,-1 Employer: (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI. Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Plrrsonnlr' Policy. I Job Title: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on thisboard/committee? ~AY(,J~ ScR0~'D ~O 'i'::HRs C-;.J -if-He br;?t Ro <i: F l~EAL1 h A,0i) Sr/lL U'YI~-t?-E;S"IE D, I tfftJE I TLl lL ,vcu2 USDG G <f; (--Fe: K What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee~ Qualifications for serving: ~l\5/ G:,y: pcQ,\E}JeE Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: Three local personal references and phone numbers: ,. 2. Applicafions are kept on /1)e NOV - 4 /00/. '-5lg ~\ \ 1\ D ~~ trL\ &-"-~ \ (~s-~~~~ 3. Date: /(- - .:lCO::L.. NEW Iw:nVFR CO SO or UJI.".'1~)I')nfR) Use reverse side for additional comments 57 Application for Appointmellls Page lof2 Reque FAX (910) 341-4130 -=-" lE (C; ~' ~ \0 Ir' ~ S lc:. Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, anc :c; ~missions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Com is rpne~N - 7 2002 .'1 ~ 1 I st for Appointment to,' 0[.</ ,"t i) i..: )- J (--- [~7 L T,,4 ::; /'.~ ./5 t J,,-' )- '^~ ) (.1)7 ,~)~, ") h' <0.')" 7' NEW HANOvER CO ---:'C] l ~....,' j- ( .- BO OF cnMMISSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 Name: How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? '7 '/ ;: ,/").;/ ~ Home Address: b li L .s; l/"1:'-- r-1v F Mailing Address: City and State: J.1 t, ,; (-- 13 to I' ,~ i +- .A/[ Zip Code: 2 5 ~/ '-/ 7 Telephone: Home: C; / i' - Lt') t - '7 ~ ~ 2.. Business: 'Sex: 1--"1 'Race: r-'/J ...L 'Age:.s - t. .This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a cross-section of the community is appointed, "Employed by: S (., L F - C"" r' ( i y t.- ,) "A person currentfy employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position I Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: /-1 C P L TN (, ,.) n c' ~.... -, S ~-1' ( t"a.- ~ _...- t t ,-'.s ~ - L-- ,-;) ___' ,~ Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: 1\ ...... I } t- J) /-';' y . )~ ,)~:, ~-,,-':r ..P,.? J j ~ ~., ....' ry Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requastBd? /[; bJc. (... :I....... ,~. i f l.... ...{ l" ,....-;-- '- -c ~ I-f........... (" 1 -oLJ , L~ 1._ .i.... j ( I ";~I f ,C 1-..." ~ l........ [h ~ ~ v 1 ,_ " , .+....." " -("\-"; L- -f- -^-., /, II ~ ......, 'j ~i What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? r i--.t...'L~ ~-r' ~. c. t~ 1 .... <3 t ,. J ~I j ~ II io- J.. cii _{ 1 ~ ___ --v,So J...." I I j. l J ..~ , (l[' r>-,,., 1'--0-, " t/ \_", ~l '" 1_ t".- C, j"":,.' .-~~~.l ~.....' -{Iv ( '-f", -...',,;. />1 'j ~;;..., 1--.,' , {_ J -<":>,'/,..:-. c., I r i,...' ~)1 J.... ~..( {'.:..........-n J1 ,'-"'- .........., c.. ~j r,.,~""'l j -; t-VJ-I }-(,.I.# (('l.~...., I.... j What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? L) V ".- c , 5 ..~ tj .- cO ~ ~ ..?( >- .C l, 1. ; ~ J f .- {, ,~ ... y f1 ff~/; }.. " ~.l --Ie l'\_iL. ~I'!~f"" T\-...:.- c. v~. '-(L ,., fLY ~L-' j~ , J ,A. I.. .. ~ ~ ........--[. ..,J oS . r. -l- ~ ~ , 0"" , l i'_I .....H/" '--J'J I::" '-", P ... -t ... ..L......,- I-- I ..,..... ~__ ..........,p _ .r ..-., ~ .I hllp:/ /www.nhcgoy.com/CC/appl Y .hlm 12/31/01 58 Application for Appoinlments Page 2 of 2 Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: .Nt Date: [, / - L "2 - ~ '--- Signature /~/~/4'-7 / j? , b. fh. nlOYl+Cj OV't\ e~, REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ,I) '"' " " J)" " ~.- II f<"t ,.... 1_ yf ) 1 """ ji ..,) 1 ~... ... ~ " I). . i ,..) '-- t' L')../ "e. iL 1. C (;;i'v' '"/ / 5 - .:.'" f"/ -~. t/ Z' I 3 i-r L~/._ 2. .s. /../) ~ J 11'.~ / D L' c;.:. c. <... ~ <-' \ "l' / (; ;- v,-- . I ~I J....... \ -e..' }"c I-""'-~ 7 1r.5 - '::>- ~ - ? c. /7.., v' J;':;.J-+' / .... 4-' I L..-- , '- L-':: 5.............. ;,/,'1-0- j (' ~,' J & ~_< . " J ) ~, .- 3. f' c ) ~~. ,( r/ / I..' ~t; LC' '" J k- (-I , /11 11 ,1 !. / r (~ ) [ J'7 II I 6 )VC 01...', .c~.ij;. 1.....2 l)t,.,.J ).::: t; / t' - -zy 1_ S' '7 ....L..-- http://www.nhcgov.com/CC/apply ,him 12/31101 59 642 South 4th Avenue Kure Beach, NC 2B449 Phone 910.458.7852 E.mall macm91@holmail.com Gilbert M. Montgomery Education Professional experience 60 BS - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY MBA . MANAGEMENT SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE 2000- Present Franklin Regional Medical Center Managed Care Consultant! Director of Managed Care Executive Director, Franklin Care-Med, Inc. (PHO) · Developed Strategic Plans for Hospitals . Negotiated new healthcare agreements for hospital, corporate owned and independent physician practices · Advise Staff Physician practices on improved business procedures · Develop and implement procedures to improve cash flow and to reduce outstanding receivables · Implement procedures to improve MEDICARE/MEDICAID billing procedures and follow-up to reduce deniaVrejection of claims · Develop programs and train office staffs to maximize recovery from managed care companies through improved billing and collection procedures · Develop programs for improved business and community relationships for physician practices and hospital . Director of Physician Hospital Organization coordinating all managed care contracting 1997 - 2000 Sandhills Regional Medical Center Business Office ManagerJDirector of Managed Care · Respcnsible for admitting, billing and collections as weil as corporate financial reporting and analysis, Responsible for managed care contracting, third party reimbursement and management of Accounts Receivable for annual revenues in excess of $50 million. · Reduced accounts receivable by 15 days average revenue · Reduced bad debt by 50% · Increased cash collections by 25% · Negotiated 18 new managed care agreements · Increased recovery of managed care underpayments by 25% · Program for managed care recovery ranked first in Corporation for FY 1999 on percentage collected · Negotiated managed care agreements for physician practices · Developed strategic plans for business development and growth fYlbft +50Wl e<'1 Other Related 1992- 1997 Richmond Community College Dean of Instructional SelVices · Developed academic, vocational and continuing education programs to meet identified business and community needs. · Responsible for program analysis and review · Recruited, evaluated and supervised over 100 full and part-lime faculty · Program coordinator for implementation and compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) · Responsible for all facility utilization and compliance reporting to the State of North Carolina 1967. 1991 United States Army Lieutenant Colonel- Retired 1991 Leadership and Management positions at aU levels to include service on General Staff and direction of University Officer Training programs Responsible for leadership training management and evaluation of Officer Training programs at 135 colleges and universities Directed recruiting and training for Officer Training program at major US University in New York City Budget responsibilities in excess of $15 million (less personnel) and leadership positions with over 1000 employees · Post Graduate Study in nonprof"d: management and fund raising at New School for Social Research · Doctoral studies in Management at NOVA Southeastern University (ABD) · President and Fund Raising Chair Richmond County Arts Council 1995-1998 · Graduate US Anny Command and General Staff College · Independent consultant in management, leadership and team-building for private industry and public agoncies · Independent consultant for in business practices for private physician practices and healthcare providers /Vlbnf0 Ofll f.(i 61 FROM :ANDREW 8. KUSKE ~-~~~~? 1~,~QAM FAX NO. :9103439604 Nov. ~onM ~~I~O ANn A~~n~T^~ 01Q ?CC ~~~~ 22 2002 03:23PM Pi D.? NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 r,,'ophone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341.4130 AppllcatJon ror Appoinfment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of O:Hnm/$siofW$. .1 JJ /L C' .j~iI d 'C.,J(],f/'Jff!Z Ffequ.st for Appointment to: N ew ,.,IW(),,~ (J1INfV Pt!AfrZ;> 0 c:.' 1'1~ I.. Tn ftI8mtJ: .1011.1-1 .;.. Tf.JJo,I~TI4t...... Home - Ht;1W long have you bee" a AdaI'9M: ~~Z lJl...J/ ~DlZ.r J,t,p) WIlIHJ Nt1ll/1 rQrlMt 0( N,w Hsnowr CbJ,wy'? It),v~.:e:,. ~Md/"IJSS: 4nz MI4t,,~E-T 'Illr CIty Md statfJ: ILl. LM t N a, TDJ.J , I\lf). Z'Jp CaJ6,' 284lJ r TelephcnD: Home: "1"-~&'-"'7S7 Bus/nit$$.' qIC-~~~9~~~ . Sex: MAL-Ii. .RwJ; LI..h,llr~ .A9I';?>'7 . Thlr: l"r"HfI.II~n if '~U.M." r,,, 11.. .~If ""Il'o.. of .no'iIt IA., . c''''''''cl;~'' ,,/ Ill. c"mmullll, Ir: .00,,1"1.01, .. EmploylJd by: ,.. J!.. . . A p".,," "o/'WlIIY ""1'1..,." ..11"....~1 0' "....",....., f.'",MeA III. ."Ib.,;",,;, ...w.. "'.~ ........ MothOf' 1'011//0" ..i(h N.. H."o't'o, Cau"'Y UII'Ptt ."o;l'fIm."t, III ilCCOI'(/.,.,. ,,;/1, Art/~i. Vf; ,". ., of ,,,_ N." H4ntJ...,. Otttl<ffir F9narIMt ~'.'1' JOb nl/s: t,.IVlt. €N~,;.JI:!E.R- Prof!$l!//ofll!lf AltivNIets: ^"~. F'1u"'~~(,.. EHt:.IIIIlIPIIII.tt! ; lJ"'Ir.MJ~N .4r1'7lJ1="~/Wt~.. VOfuntMrActNItI88: Why do you wish fa $.rv. on tile Board. CommittflfJ, orC<:mmiSsionTf1qUM;/tK/? ~, tIEl;> "';S.J JJA"'JI~VJIU,- 1'.bL"l.orr' A~S~ ~1!!!At.-nI ~66M1J~ A~o I~SM.~. """ do you ...,... yew ...,In.""", ." _. on the .'m. C<mm/tt~. ., com""",," ,...,......, ~~ Ru4:~"bl~AL ~t;INI:!II:"'. IAl t../IIIL E.A/tiJNE6I'2./1JL:. Wlat _as of QOrlClJm would you in 10 $eN the Soerd, Oommttr!O, Qf CommiSSion <lddrfl&:J? Are you cUfTently "t;>/'Vlng on afll>ther bOflrd or commlttl!e eppolntflf/ bye mllnJeJptlllty 0(' 8 county? If so, pJS8t:t~ Hsl: Alo Dete: lilt J~ ~ (PI.,. rJ~. ~JY.r/(t h"':. rf1,. '''fd;H~".1 """""n.nza) S(g"tbJte ~ /.). :;I1-nv.iAa/J 62 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION 3 VACANCIES ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPO I NTMENT APPLICANTS: Lethia Hankins Barbara Chestnut Kane x Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 63 ~ r ~ 64 HUMAN RELA nONS COMMISSION Number of Members: 20, appointed as follows: 5 At-Large appointed by County Commissioners 3 Appointed by Wilmington City Council 1 Appointed by Carolina Beach Town Council 1 Appointed by Kure Beach Town Council 1 Appointed by Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen 8 Appointed by various community groups 1 County Commissioner Term of Office: three years - may not serve more than two consecutive terms without a break of at least one full term between appointments, Regular Meetings: Currently the Commission meets in Room 501 of the County Administration Building at 4:30 PM on the second Monday of each month. Statute or cause creating Commission: In July 1980, the New Hanover County Commissioners established, by Ordinance, the Commission as a county agency, previously a City of Wilmington agency. Brief on Functions: (1) Administer the county's Fair Housing and Fair Employment laws; (2) Investigate matters of landlord-tenant disputes, non-discriminatory complaints and numerous other complaints involving intergroup, interpersonal or interagency matters; and (3) conduct workshops on Equal Employment Opportunity, Fair Housing, Community Relations, and Communications. Commission task forces continually explore community interests and concerns with a view towards developing a better community for us all. TERM PRESENTLY TERM EXPffiES CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING Anthony Gentile First - 12-31-2004 909 N. Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt. 2/21/00 815-0377 (H) 763-1983 (W) Deedree S. Hairston 1:) ~ ,..,....;t Unexpired 12-31-2002 2620 Confederate Drive ~ ~. Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 7/9/01 796-1710 (W) Lethia S. Hankins D~ First 12/31/2002 307 South Kerr Avenue ~~ Wilmington, NC 28403' - Appt. 2/21/00 791-7833(H) 259-9990 (W) Linda M. Rawley -Z~~ Unexpired 12/31/2003 902 Balfoure Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt. 7/9/01 HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM EXPIRES CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING Marla D. Rice-Evans First 12-31-2003 4629 Lord Elkin Road Wilmington, NC 28405 Appt. 12/18/00 793-4341 (H) 962-7055 (W) Ministerial Alliance Representative: First 12-31-2004 Pastor James Utley 911 Holmlock Terrace Appt. 1/22/02 Wilmington, NC 28401 350-0701 (H) 815-0669 (W) County Commissioner: Nancy H. Pritchett Wilmington City Council Appointees: Frederick Johnson, Jr. James T, Jones Yvonne Pagan Carolina Beach and Kure Beach Donna Tomei Appointee: Wrightsville Beach Appointee: Sylvia 1. Holleman Board of Education Appointee: James" Andy" Wells Chamber of Commerce Appointee: Joy Allen Human Resources Association Appointee: Alysa Bostick League of Women Voters Appointee: Audrey Albrecht NAACP Appointee: Evelyn Adger Bryant Wilmington Ministerial Association: Rev. Amanda McCollough YWCA Appointee: Lois Hart Director: Carl A. Byrd, Sf. 9/02 file: /HRelations 65 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ReqUeStfOrAPPointmentto:~eV\J ~Cn0\le\-- ~ l.I~nCi~l /Ke ICt ~I{j n S Name: -bet \~ lJ n \~ c e he st- II Ll \- ~n I\~ ~~::ss: A) .2 ~ h v~ IS\-- l' \ ~R C" Ci d Mailing Address: ~ .2:S h ,- 1St c' I_M c c: rI City and State: 1J ; \ ~"11 r'l ["I t (\ \I. N C- I ' Telephone: Home: 91 C .. .,~ q 1 - 3 1- S'-3 Business: *$ex: te \YiCi l e *Race: :B IDck *Age: G J . This informarion is requested for th9 sole purpos9 of assuring that a r;ross.s"r;tion of th" r;ommunity is appointed. **Employed by: - t \ v-Eel... \. - ~ Cc Ll f ."A person curr"ntly "mploY9d by the agency or depertm"nt for which this applir;ation is made, must resign his/her position th New Hanov"r County upon appointment, in accordanca with Artlcl" VI, Sec. 4 of the N9w Hanover County P"rsonn,,1 Policy. Job Title: . '. In \ (\ c: \ S Q b; \ ( ~I E....s k€ SOl..A r-Ce. t CCc h e.r" ProfessionalActivitie .,\\\~-*'n t'Y-C\'Y1C 'SS,'-(:\G.tld{) ~c.- Ed 'C+ 'll-S, , Cct ,\" ~(.~ \::.c u Ce.. ,I C 11 S.::.c,(~ l c.. i (} VI Volunt'tl#r A ctivities:"! ~' 0~"'S l -Ie:: r1 ~+ 1- E.. \I\. , \ y\ ' \, VI G I c: 1--111~S,l..V'lC \ v-t:.C.Sltn~. ~- (,' \y~)(, \.z.C;IJPC, I-\-I'p ~C~ '~0'-C, Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? \ S'E>_' <) I C () . How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~.s Zip Code: J. fife. 0 . bE- InC, J Ci:n t What do you feei are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? hC\\lc Se.V~'Ie::C\ ,cp- C.I~(; c.\U _ i C\ I Cj~c;-c(n;'c'~ ':, IC(dc=-v-s~l~ \)(;C,; ,0/'1 ~ (.i::-"') C VC.Il,lV) Ecv~, What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? f\ }) ~ - ~ '-[l \l S pC ~- ~~t ; (, n ~ 1- t1 Are you currently serving on another b r committee a T/uni-;;"O<IIii'} if a county? If so, please list: \,\-1 OCT 1 5 200?s,gn NEw HA/iOVFR CO 8D or ClJw~IC,SW~JFRS 66 Mrs. Barbara Chestnut Kane 323 Bristol Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 Telephone: (910) 392-3253 Fax: (910) 794-9083 Barbara Chestnut Kane is a native Wilmingtonian and the daughter of the .Iate Effie M. Chestnut and Robert T. Chestnut. She is a graduate of Williston Senior High School. She graduated from Saint Augustine's College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education. She holds a Masters Degree in Special Education specializing in Learning Disabilities from George Mason University. As the wife of a military officer, she has traveled extensively throughout Europe and has served in numerous military volunteer organizations. She was Director of Army Community Service in Gelhausen, West Germany and helped to start a child development center in Heidelburg, West Germany for the "at-rislt' pre-schoolers. She also served as a volunteer for The American Red Cross both in Europe and the United States. She began her teaching career as a teacher in New Hanover County and later taught in Leavenworth, Kansas and Fairfax, Virginia. She retired from Bellamy Elementary School where she worked as a Reading and Math Specialist and a Learning Disabilities Resource teacher. She served as a member of the vestry and Sunday School teacher at saint Mark"s Episcopal Church. Presently she serves as chalice bearer, lay reader, a lay Eucharist minister and a member of the Saint Anne's Altar Guild. She served as treasurer of the Alpha Psi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, treasurer of the Wilmington, North Carolina Chapter of Jack and Jill Incorporated, treasurer and president of The Wilmington, North Carolina Chapter of Links Incorporated. She also a life member of the North Carolina Association of Educators, National Education Association. She is married to Paul Kane, retired Assistant Superintendent of Personnel and Student Support Services of New Hanover County Board of Education. They are parents of two children and the proud grandparents of one granddaughter. 67 ffi~@~~~~\ID 1~1~ I'JEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAXf910J 341-4130 ~> ft~' 1)1:; ~\ c' c /9 r- :9.9 co _ ~- :, 1,'- NEW HANOVER CO. BO. OF COMMISSIONERS Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanov ounty Board of Commissioners. / ~ j-: Req:Jesr for Appoinrment ro: Name: Home Address: Lethia S. Hankins 307 So. Kerr Ave. How lone have you been a resident of New H3nover County? 1~1tE.' Mailinr; Address: S",rn'" City at7d Srare; wi 1 miCHJt-on. North Carolina Zip Code; 28403 Tr:!/~phone: Home: (910) 395-0074 Eus;ness: l N/A "Sex: F':..rnale _ "Race:African-Arnerican"A"e: 6S -This (,.~.,.....,~ r.qu.sl.d for ch. $01. pu.-pos.. of .s$un"g l/1.1 . crQs~.s"C(;-'J" of r/", ..:ommt"miry is .pQcrn'.d. . "Employed by: ;;/ &- .. ""A p.rson cV""'Hly *",ploy.d by ltr_ d';}rlflf:YO' dtlp"Nmtll1( IQr which ~hi$ .PP".Clrion is fTI8d.., mU$t f.sign.llIsl1t.' positlo,"" "Wi,,, N.w Nanoyar County "po" appointm."t, i" .r:t:t>rd.",,... with Arrie/. VI, S.c. 4 alln. N."", H""'Jv.r Cou"ty Pars.,,,,,., Policy, Job ritle: ~~ ,. Professional Activiries: Voiunreer A cliviries: ~ /J , e 1 Why do YO(J ""ish (0 sef\le on rhe Soard. Commiaee. or Com.'1'ission req'Jesred? --{;C.I2J r /~~ ~..:-r~; z;:; <",'Zi'A.A;{~ ..~ ,p~ Cammatee. or Cumrmssian requested? , ~ ""'Ib. Pf.f: /777 f~l.~~. S# ~..v.r$. ~id. ()~. .dr.1irian.J carnm.",(s/ &C""u.c4~L)Y~ (OVER) 68 LETHIA SHERMAN HANKINS 301 SOUTH KERR AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (910) 395~0014 FAX (910) 199-8694 SPECIAL INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES First Baptist ChlU'ch Music Department Chair Church Clerk Youth Council Director Youth Choir Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. President-Alpha Psi Omega Chapter New Hanover County Library Advisory Council Vice-Chairperson Wilmington Voting Precinct # 13 Chief Judge Democratic Judge Commission on African-American History North Fourth Street Partnership NAACP Docent--New Hanover County MuseUIn EMPLOYMENT HISTORY SEPTEMBER, 1956-JANUARY, 1994 English Teacher Speech/DraIna Teacher Class Advisor English DepartJ:nent Chair Artesia High School Hallsboro, North Carolina Williston Senior High School Wilmington, North Carolina 69 Joh~ T. Hoggard High School Wilmington, North Carolina E. A. Laney High School (Retired 1994) Wilmington, North Carolina EDUCATION North Carolina 11 and T State University Greensboro, North Carolina 1951--1955 Bachelor of Science Degree--English 70 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE VACANCIES: 3 - 5 Mandated membership: 9 Current Membership: 8 Maximum Membership: 14 Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter APPLICANTS: ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Joan Barbara Apke Sherry C. Goodin x ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 71 ~ r * 72 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 One-third of the members may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. Term: I-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter Compensation: none Regular Meeting: called as needed Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Joan Barbara Apke First 11/30/02 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 I Yr. Appt. 9/21/98 799-4574(H) 3 Yr. ll/15199 Catherine R. Davis Second 6/30105 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 1 Yr. Appt. 2/2/98 395-55l2 (H) 350-2100 (yV) 3 Yr. 6/21/99, 6/17/02 Dorothy Lane Grime K~ First 6/30103 5583 Wood Duck Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 1(!)/1--0,/0Z- 1 Y r. Appt. 6/21/99 350-0672 (H) 3 Yr. 6/19/00 Peggy J. Hall ~~ First 2/28/04 P.O. Box 5216 Wilmington, NC 28403 9/r/~z- 1 Yr. Appt. 2/21/00 762-4665 (H) 3 Yr. 2/19/01 Faye Griffin Hoffman Initial 3/31/03 . l62 Partridge Road I P.O. Box 3687 Wilmington, NC 28406 1 Yr. Appt. 3/25/02 392-6873 (H) NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMl\1ITTEE (CONTINUED) y: TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Patricia E. King Initial 3/31/03 - 90 Tall Oaks Drive Castle Hayne, NC 28429 1 Yr. Appt. 3/25/0 I 675~3565 (H) D, Alton Parker, Jr. First 8/31/04 5429 1/2 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 1 Yr. Appt. 8/21/00 392-3514 (H) 3 Yr, 8/20/01 Donald E. Price First 2/28/04 201 Lawton Circle Wilmington, NC 28412 1 Yr. Appt. 2/21/00 799-5358 (H) 3 Yr. 2/19/01 Steven R. Roberts First 8/31/03 ' 806 Bay Blossom Drive Wilmington, NC 284ll 1 Yr. Appt. 8/l6/99 397 -0665 (H) 256-2330 (y.I) 3 Yr, 8/21/00 Eileen B. Rock Second 6/30/05 2614 Columbia Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 1 Yr. Appt. 2/2/98 762-5103 (H) 3 Yr. 6/2l/99, 6/17102 Joseph Tralle ~.I..AA erN " _ First 3/31/05 213 Mendenhall Drive --f\~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28411 (Of loOIOz.) 1 Yr. Appt. 3126/0l 686-2105 (H) 3 Yr. 3/25102 Members Nominated by Nursing Home Administrators: Contact: Harvin Quidas, Region 0 Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 6/02 395-4553 file: /Nursing 73 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 T elefJhone f9 10J 341-7149 FAX f910J 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. f!- t'~ j;:' ~ '1 . +---., ' L " ,7'1 rr; tA -<-. / v IT jJ 1/ I S (/ i V / / if ( 'e Pi I>! , 71c'c Request for Appointment to: //.A ,..s '...... " J Name: ---.\,~ 0- " 13 '"".. b (; r~, -. /I.c ,,./ E" t' f I'),' ~ "i", ,c ) Home Address: / c Y Mailing Address: S/.........,-l (-' ,-.,-- (,.... :..~ (' I ,- c. / c /':;'/71 (-c.._ How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ;2;3. c ~'O '" U i' 1/ City and State: LJ r I ,1\ ' }O-. ti' ell" / TelefJhone: Home: (1'1 C- ) \ Ie C ;' / i7' ~ 4,') 1:/ Zip Code: ,;/ ,5 ,/G '7 I Business: 'Sex: i~ -Race: ~ -> r '~ -Age: "';- . This information is reqvestad (or th6 sole purpOS6 o( assuring (hat a cross.section o( the commvnity is appointed. UEmfJloyed by: I( f I I r t' (~ . . A parson cvrr6ntly emplo yed by the agency or d.pilrtment (or which this applictJtion is mad., mvs( rosign his!her position with NtJw HanovtJ, County upon appointment, in accordanca with Articfe VI, S.u:. 4 of the New HtJnover County P.rsonnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: t'-"',." , /-- ;... (" ~ L- r /"-'" V,r ,.1 ,f..S -A- ~:.i-- tC ,'71 G Volunteer Activities: 1J7(,~.. i if (t hi-' ( ,~ /1 /; ) , C' "" 7 r"d... Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? / /,-I~' i" E 5 J )1 C r-" t" : , f::,: ",f" ~,,,,-- )... i, I ~'- - -,,>, A.. 'j .1 c:", c( .-~_<) ~;. (' -t. __,..~ ,if /c..,-.( ---.,{, pc ," ./ .L--"'?"1..- Yo <7---'____~....{ ('-'~~ c) It.-'2.-{ ( ilL -/L J-,?:..- ;::", I;;;: . j What do you feel are your Qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, 0, Commission requested? ('):J---C 1"1<) :".. 1<"c.., ~~-z i,'(..,/~,.-,;t t-; ),"_i.-"..,,:~ Ic.q"',,,,- ,.,..fa"'rl.eas oCf'cotnJcbe'--rnrwou/d/y-o)u"'~"kle t600);e' 'e:' th'eiBo~rd, -/L v VI/en /,.., Committee. or Commission address? - ~-,,~ ~e...,..../+--- , / 1''7' c-/ (' ,.~y '/(;; l I (/ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: " I"" " rrr-~~~~-~ i. -: ".. -'J (' I C' ~-. Date: ~~'-;i /c:: / /1,/ j IP/9aSfI lJS9 f7J ersa sid8 lor additional commertts) "'5 I I I99g Signature (/;1 _. '" ,/'r-:-i-'- ;r~ /1 J - i<i /.~'--- ( OVEB/ ; .._',:- ~.~,~~~.:~.'~; C'l~ ~.... .~ :- ---.. '">... , i '--../ .... ".;) 74 REFERENCES Please provide three loca/ personal references: Name 1) y~ E~^L rOL~ 2) ~ / ~ ^ ~~ !J~ cLfJJ --:s7/l^<'J7"t-o o:n...- 3) ,,~ Phone Number ,577- ~??/ ?7'7"- /,f (,J"/ ;.',t 3. - ? ;<r dJ,.. j, A-pKe- 75 Nov~24~02 02: 25pm F rom~PPD, I NC BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 c".sU!ur SUHI. Room 305 Wiiminf/IQn, file 28..01-4093 Tlllllp"""" {SIOI 347-7143 FAX 19101341-4130 +910-TTZ-S77S T-385 COMMITTEE APPLICA TION Board/Committ88: N t.1 V""'$ i v'1~ ~ Name: (vJWV~_ c. Goo D ; N Homa Addf8S$: &;.5"7 <;[oof poiv1f" 1.A1~ I tr_rJ w-nv'"Y"lu.......1"-t ~VI~"^1 Co'-"Vl~ l:f..:x, /I-u...V~ ~ I NG lei"", 2E't-(1 lZi" Codil) Mal7ing Addr6l$s if diHertN1t: fCJf'() (Zip ClXI;1 HomtJ PhOnft: (qlO) '3>&71-- t; :1"7\ Su$ifltJS:li PhQn8: (qw) 112. ,r;S'z.- YsafS living in New Hanowlf Counry: 2- S8x: ~ Race: (; Age: 94- (In'rYmlAlion lor :/I.. PWPOS<I of ""...",rifl!; .. ao3J/-s;<:tIon (>f m. =mm....ilYJ Employ.r.' ffD fA fj.,-stln Cl.I<<;nrJl( _ploylltlll'l" m. ,glWlcy .., dop.rrm....r for ",I/<<:n U'u& ilppl,c.,UOn IS "'lAW. ",...r ,asl<;" h{un.,. i',,~i<lQn ..i,,, N..., ""_v.,. C<t...my "prm .ppoinrnl."r. in ilC(;Mdilnc. .,."iUl A~. VI. S<<:. 4 lit en. Now HiI""vor CQ""ry f'W'SontHII Pgjj;Qy.J uU~cAi ~VvV7 kS~~b :n: Job TitlB: ProflJ:ssional Acriviries; Vo/ulltHr Acrivities; Why do you wish to $8('VB on this (JotJfdlcammirrIJ8? 1P .~v1if"l..iV1 ft4'lc..-..r ~ vt( T"'f f 12> ~Vl,;l~~,.,.,sll (tl...-niI"!./f1)W->f ~S, tl> ~./1~? ~ ~ \;1")1.t? vu.jtv~K&1'n t' 1\o~~~~~'-f)f'Y1~. . . What ilrBaS of f;OnC8fn would you I;k~io $~e addrfJ$stld lJy tfrls commirr88' {~acLd. ~ra~ ~ ~ ~8'/M ~r'~~ ~v'\j. vl:;~ ~ t:vl....'vPY1~ta1 ~ht 04Jalificarions for sttnling: i2-N, M4rJ ~.A-tv1t.s). p-vo.;co"'/) I 'i LA..?~ \vJ VlM-V<7c/lj ~I pt..rV1A r'j ~~ "/"/('la::--.... ivi ~~1;"lC)' I' VI..... NG-. a.do+-Fe.. ) Oth8t municipal or CDunty baardslcommittt1t1s on which yOfJ are sBrV;ng: ThrH local personal rtJfW8flCB$ and pnQ"B numDtI{$; 2. L t:{ f 0) -r 1'2- . G:G?t--f 2- Dt:\v1 ~'1 (~to) IV? . &2"11 3. _VV-. JoVJ Vl W~ V'"l (t110 ) L.fll. 2..178 ,. fhvv rtv ff Date: II .1-f..(, Or (VII. ,.".._ siH 1f1' IIdtlitJO".t comlff."r'J Sign,,,,," ~Cfk0:,.- 76 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1 Hotel Owner/Manager of 150 rooms or more in Wrightsville Beach Mary Baggett Martin, Blockade Runner Beach Resort/Four Seasons Mgmt. 1 Hotel Owner/Manager in Carolina Beach James W. Pope, Golden Sands Motel 1 Hotel Owner/Manager in Kure Beach Robert M. "Kip" Darling, Docksider Oceanfront Inn & Darlings By the Sea 1 Hotel Owner/Manager of 150 rooms or more in Wilmington Barry Eagle, Hilton Wilmington Riverside 1 Hotel Owner/Manager of less than 150 rooms in Wilmington Charles Carver, Coastline Inn John Hepner, Holiday Inn Express Frank M. Jones, Homestay Inn Bill Rudisill, Homestay Inn/Medical Park Hotels Ian W,G. Sauer, Hampton Inn and Marriott at Landfall 1 Hotel Owner/Manager of a County bed and breakfast facility Catherine Williams Ackiss, Catherine's Inn Paul Bolda, Graystone Inn Lawrence R. Huhn, Beacon House Bed and Breakfast 1 Owner/Manager of a County company that manages and rents more than 100 Vacation Rental Properties Robert D. Bryant, Bryant Real Estate Bob McKoy, Network Real Estate 1 Tourism Attraction Representative Jan Brewington, Wrightsville Beach Museum of History Madeline Flagler, Bellamy Mansion Museum Ruth Haas, Cape Fear Museum Suzi Hamilton, DARE, Inc. Katherine P. Hoyt, Cape Fear Publications Distribution Carl Marshburn, Cape Fear Riverboats Robert S. Rippy, Jungle Rapids Capt. David R. Scheu, Sr., USS North Carolina 1 Chamber of Commerce Representative Spence H. Broadhurst 1 Restaurant Business Owner/Manager Roy J. Clifton, Roy's Riverboat Landing Restaurant Doug Dickens, Oceanic, Romanelli's, Henry's, Bluewater Thomas F. Reeves, Salty's Fine Food and Dancing Attachments: Resolution Establishing TDA Applications (Alphabetically - not by categories) 77 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, on October 3, 2002, through House Bill 1707, the North Carolina General Assembly directed that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners designate the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau as a Tourism Development Authority to promote travel, tourism and conventions in New Hanover County, related tourism expenditures; and WHEREAS, said Authority shall be a public entity subj ect to the Local Govenunent Budget and Fiscal Control Act, and shall be the successor to and hold all assets of the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the membership of the Authority shall be as follows: Fifteen (15) voting members: five (5) ex-officio members or their designees and ten (10) additional members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners: The ex-officio members shall be the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, the Mayor of the City of Wilmington, and the Mayors of the Beach towns, Each ex-officio member may designate to serve in the member's place an individual who is actively involved in promoting travel and tourism in the local community the member represents or who owns or manages a lodging facility in the local community the member represents; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners shall also appoint the members listed below, to serve the terms of office which will be staggered as follows: 3 members appointed for 3-year terms 4 members appointed for 2-year terms 3 members appointed for I-year terms After the initial terms have expired, all terms will automatically convert to three (3)-year terms. (a) One owner or manager ofa hotel of 150 rooms or more in the Town ofWrightsville Beach. This individual must have experience in promoting travel and tourism. (b) One owner or manager ofa hotel in the Town of Carolina Beach. This individual must have experience in promoting travel and tourism. (c) One owner or manager ofa hotel in the Town ofKure Beach. This individual must have experience in promoting travel and tourism. (d) One owner of manager of a hotel of 150 rooms or more in the City of Wilmington. This individual must have experience in promoting travel and tourism. (e) One owner or manager of a hotel oHewer than 150 rooms in the City of Wilmington. This individual must have experience in promoting travel and tourism, ([) One owner or manager of a bed and breakfast facility. This individual must have 78 experience in promoting travel and tourism, (g) One owner or manager of a company that manages and rents more than 100 vacation rental properties. This individual must have experience in promoting travel and tourism. (h) One representative of a tourism attraction in the County who is actively involved in the promotion of travel and tourism in the County. (i) One representative of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce who is actively involved in promoting travel and tourism in the County. G) One owner or manager of a restaurant business in the County; and WHEREAS, the Authority shall designate one of its members to be a chair and shall meet at the call of its chair, and adopted desired rules of procedure; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Finance Director shall serve as the ex officio financial officer of the Authority, and the County Finance department may provide financial operations, including purchasing, tax reporting and payroll, for the Authority at a fee to be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau shall become a tourism development authority and shall take effect and come into creation on January 1, 2003, with all those powers, rights and duties set forth in House Bill 1707, Session 2001. The Authority shall hereinafter be known and operated as the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority d/b/a Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau. This the 12th day of November, 2002. (SE NEW HANOVER COUNTY MVi~n Board of County Commissioners 79 ~~~ 3 2002 12:47PY t~" .:1. of _~~CtNII'fV ~.5-JJf'~ "00_.,_........ 20. w_....' ~ 1toolt1-44111 T___I"fI~''''.' ""d fWflt).uf4UO " <. ., "'- ~& W'.!l. 11- ~ /()I3:J ~ r1rJW}""cZ:~ j 0","~&>-, U NIrrrJ.: a: -e,/1./M..Q) ...j'p",(';/n1~ c. 4...) --'-- Wd!i rr-- ,... 4 P -r /.. Ii I j,' . L 'y'U!...../ ').:::1 '/ ~ 10 ~ dl tZ..uA' t/UU/J7?A,-/r7C;/v....l\ ('('-.,-",.j re' 1-. (C1Iy) ____) I j!lJo ~I ...........,.-...c ~. ,."" ""./1/0 ~ '5 1-0 Ab 3 I v........., ~ I~ /,/~ Ii . ,.,~~ ~ s 11M: 11IoI: I-'V .... ( U ~fwlh_"'_""" _......" lIMo_1IM>Iflt1 \ D1..~~ fA _...-...... _".,.. _., ""'11II_ ........011 I.",.. "..._~_~.._1If" iff _"AAIM lf7. Je-.. 0'': "..HI .-11It: ~ u;.. /~~ S COMIIIITTEE APPLlCA TION I"C"'Yl 11N~ ...... f!IftoM: c -.Jc. 0"' -<-) .'1 ' (, h.~,j~,<,'L 'd)-/~ / &:z / '.u.i::<:u ;"'1'/, r.1. ' ._1../;..1 /0/_ j (~. r(tLl.L.I' ?~:!..(,;ul''-- J _.,..,....~0It -.~ , ,.4~ ~ t-A~ \~-'-\-.. -'tJ..(i(.~,:~; ..(',,' c1..i<../J.--,,(; ~1)J~f~~-ti &O/~ - ~~ ~ t;; 'tf(2Iy/lof:e ~,,~~~';u-<,~ ~, ....__..,...-n~~___........byflrlll...........? C--(rl/b..<./ ;,td"UM U..(/, -""/~";"<'c"" ,udJ-<:..... ~ J.-.-!:. < I~ ~ ::;' ( ; 1 ~ - "- 0 ~::r; - """"~h- u ~/"-U',_w j,v ~ - ;.ku"-l J U/J~;;;( ;"$ ~ ' 6.J ~lJ~~;"n~)aJ"~: f. z. a. ii ;~/~~ ~;" n/:;;; U___""'~".t__ 80 FROM : GRAYSTONE INN -. :>" I' < i 0 rJ I r '0' 'i _ ....1, ... (.":.J",,, ..' ~- fu" PHONE NO. 910 7635555 Dec. 03 2002 02:44PM P1 !Ie, )'3": ~.. NENHANOVER COUNTY BOAIfD OF COIIIlISIrONERS ~ AA)i.J COMMITTE! APPLIC.' nON ( /,t<.V<~7 C V Ji\ J IIf OIr....~1 SH.' _m ~, WMII.~..., 111; ~..tl-4l)el "'.....". It' PI ~.,. 71.' P"J11 it10 ~1,no Ib A- IM//.... fJolb-A 7,5(1.( tJCi.~ ~/L ~ *'* ,.". ...-: tA/{~~A.t;~ N<-- -z.<:;;'1eJ! (elm f1.. (rIll CII1II/ __.- /00 s. '1f;;,!;, S;:~~TifPl""t~'.."!;; Wfol H/lmlJIftonfI: 1fo '3'" 200 0 ___"'0/1'&' ~?p 0 (:) v.-fmfM /' "L/ /' NNHlttaWrC/tlUlJf1: ~ Sa; tv/A1A.. RiMl8: wI...t n... . 7' ~ ~","'~oI.....,J't"~ "....~ ~ \ (,~~ I;/V/U (A'- _llr..,/erWI.rtll..._.........Il-wiIIIfI "._,,-,"11.. t.......JlI_-." 1141Mr_IIw- N'" H..w.r,....,... .".d-7~ ht ____...... A""" YIi ... 4 tlliI. ,"" - eoOllcr'---' Po,,.!"} .._ ()O.JM~p~ "'1lMl.WI~~ 1J(,&1f>:CI/lJl,~ u,7(fIPlfN Jl.as1C.A~ ~~ ;/.tit~'c jJ/l.UiILVlf-n;;"" ~/~~ (~-I1H.M~1t.. - ~ ~.)'(lUIIIiIIt*tSll/ftOlt,.~~ 1li WUti..J Itto/V? .ett./j't!fS~17 P\; . {~ 1MY1~ 7b 1ct ;Sw ~ ~Jtt~ ~(.,!I;9, I;) f.;j{.~, ..__ofOMlMlweuld~".lo_~-.lI'lIyM~1' _ kv/sf" t/{ocA'f1tvv ~ ~ A AtNtlf9-..;""i ~ / t>>/klP..'!ff ...--..-:- · 5"~W.t I ~ i ~ ~~S-1,<{ ~= ,N eM- ~ ~/~ 1M/. ~1lC"~ hA'?A.a.djS ~ - -- 0fIW~ar~/~'*"~"'.'"T.an1lllllehyou~.m,,: -.; . 1/A(,IfIff.f~J R-{fmuc:. rpuiP'A-ll"""" ~r3f /,-r.- lJn81ot:11~~ .ttdpIDM........ 1. f. ~f l-l:.G:A- i~ 3 - tn 1.,0 I.lIU 2. .1'i'M.> Qc.ll~ ~1 JI1~ ~ ~'U1I-1&) ~fl-087fj w-.... 2. ~ 0 ic:l Cc9W 0. /IuIf.- ~ 7 b'3 ",5""oe> ~ ~ AN:::!.:J!,.2,:;1'.OWN I,W~". fw:JdtiltJotfllJ ~ 81 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington. NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 34H130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TlON BoardlCotmlittee: \ c",-,-- (" \ '\ {'("\ D p, .., '" \ C")\',\\\E' 0,-\- Name: ,S (\ ,---- \-)", >) , ~ ' ., 0CZ'''' ~:ress: "0 \.0 ~O '1 S\ \4 \ ;:\~ (I ~ J" I \ (Street) W ,\""" ,(..,(;>\'D"" M C (Clly) \ J d ~l.\o \ (Zip Code) Mailing Ari:Jress if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: ;):=)\, ~~\~ Business Phone: :)5\0- ;)5b~ ~~ Years lIving in New Hanover County: ~~ Sex: ~ Race: G.-J Age: (Inform.,ion for the purpose of assuring EI cr0s500Sectfon of the community) EnpIoyer. l0~\ b~QC cY\ \.^- Se......'-" (A pelSon cUITenrly em loyed byrhe "gency or d.""rrment for which 'his applic"lIon Is made, tresign hlslher posillon Ith New Han over County upon appointment, in .ceordanee with Anlcle VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hano ver County Personnel Po /Icy.) Job TttJe: Professional Activities: \...0,., Q_ 'f\ \..; ~ ,\ \. E' ~ Q..C. \-- \ ~ ~e..- c..., U ,',e...C\O..r C' '\'V',~i'P" f<r C "''''''~P..(p J . \ :J- Volunteer Activitles: ~o,'-- \-\o.""C',..,Q-.I \-\',,\""V\,,c'<'-"'\ y\.S'\\ J L,,--~-,\\,-::, (j" \ \"\4.) ~"''''~.. ~c:o:<G.. ~Q..'\'l\\u<':>~. C'):- \:)\\~\:-:..) ~'''''Q'~ R0C..S~~\Q.:..i\f~_""oof ~~\-QQ" Q\:.x~~ Whydoyouwishtoserveonthisboardlcomn'ittee? \ \.ee.\ ~~ ~au,~::'\~ a.""6,, ~G..\0 , &ir---N"""\C'\-''''", ~-(\~,") \J..~QQ...\'\ C\{""\<\ \ >-~,~\ C'CJD\6\..\E' ~ ~e. 0..... C:\QQ:S"\/ \0 us.. ~ \{\ \..>..-'"::; L-\ 0.,-......6- \ \j..2)Q,,\:; \-0 '-~:; \... Q,('U'N\O\-e... ... \- . What al8aS of concern would you like to see addJessed by this comnittee? \:..'0. C' ('" ,;; Qa. \. '\'& ~.f; ,-.:, "'" '\ \ u.:::,"',~~ 'L.~,,,~") \.. ,,~~\-Dt) \-c, <::0\ Q...b,{\Q.c"S G\ \"'\~ \\<::":"\~"0{ ~u..~ . Qua1JflcationsforsetVing: \\\{ec~~ 6'6- C';.. \u,"",<:'''''''' c.~Qc.....\\a,,' ~c\u...:Jc:..\\. \ '\ '\\\~'1'-.'\..0""c>" .;, -{""\ Q -0..( cy.........s o..Q~-'('O 'f e..<:....~(''''-S'~\~ \O'-'--.{ ~ ~,'Y\ ~~ DUc.......~ e..ch..)co..:x\.'..:::,,,, Q\')C)\..:Y'\.. ~,,'<- ~\.~;\c,"(,---, (jlr a~l,- 0...-<;'<.0.... Other muticipal or county boardslcomtrittees on lMfich you a~ng: Three local personal references and phone oorrtJers: 1. \"'. '""l. (\, ~-( I?\ \.) \2...., L--\ ~ (, ~l?-f \-S \) \ .. 2. Y\~ \'. \ \C\O""'O"S. W-r; ':Q.""-\ L \ 3. Ch ~ \""')e~ \y\c.~O\\ ~S\D' 1o\~C\ ~L\ ~, '?:J~?.J~ ~c::,\' COa~S Date: Signature \ 82 NEWHANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 -r- ' IOt-J"'J........ FAX (910) 341-4130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA nON O ..L LL ~ -/....... I'" I .&.._ ""~ C Co -. .........-re.. e.lIe.;",p"",e.I1/ fTlU"''''''1 - \.....VI"-__....... gT ~ ~ /. "'-p,^,,"J'e.I1 1J-. ~ Board/Corrmittee: J f) A c... AQJVI iJu> ;( ~ Name: S p"..... r e ;-I- (? NJt'..oJ he.... rs r Home Address: :) II t3rooK.r...)o~ II-r..><. fA ), "/ jI1.1" r1~+O^. tU c.... (Street) (City ~ 'i'Vo.3 (Zip COde) Mailing Ac:kJress if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: '7fo~ 7(,,).-7;}.'VI Business Phone: 9-,.' ,,- $"09- /0 OS" Years living in New Hanover County: &, Sex: M Race: U Age: 'f 3 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Employer: Cf:.f\fr'<..-I C~I'f:"I,"''V~''" 8o....,-"k (A person currentfy employed by the agency or department for which this application /s made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Anicle VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Job Title: C Of'Vl f"V\ CA." I 'Iy (" ,4,..ea...) c- A-"eC C-.<. h' v~ Professional Activities: P.. f'1,4 " (-J I D ., ./ / Volunteer Activities: GI'tA.+er W;/""';"!.+of"l. <:'kW\~ (Jf' -<:..-...... c...""""e,t<Gt. - l'1e,,",.c~;':.-:l CJ...c-/("j F'ye.c.. Co.......... j (Je./L".J "..,~ f),',.,; u.-.,'~ l.,)",-), ~ E~c ,1/,~,'f-::s..: C-aI'1M....",.~ J3Gy~ ~(r..rl.s LJtJ,../!.o....-l Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? -ro ""Je (\"\v I b...., K ,.....j j ba.c..~ t'a....."'d +-0 .:JroMof~ of- derM-lof , .....", """ 'J. I .vi jTo,'c.::. Wt. '-f ,'ru/ "7 s~,,;A~~ ""~~.. c.~si>l.......~ - Ao ru, r"eJ~ , ... + I:J <."J' II ..~s . What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I, ,..,O~ .......-t-r""'f'.. "'Jc...4t,.t" ,.,'"0""'0+''''...... " .'" . . d., 4,,(01, h.,....'-I ""''""'-5. c,.o",ve,,'ho,,\ e.~+eT'.I.", Qualifications for serving: Lo",..,,,,,,,,-..,:ty ~ fl'cl-e..J.S1o""..../ /ec..c.I~.$A.,/J)' Uf\d.e"Srf!.."~I""'S o,c .."'" IJo"'ft... ....ut. .". /,.....oc..c. + f . " P -fcx....r, I ~ ......... '" "" 0<-.0.... ~....e."'- P:'',,''-r1cl;'''1 " .bc.c~ I'Q.....n".{ 1. J'7S"-G,.o C. o EC - 4 ~ Other muricipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: Three local personal references and phone nurrtJers: 2. NEW H~tjOV~R CO" 1.,'ll .J.....) 3. .:for-. r'\ S /....)1;;fIGy- J.~I ~ 79Cj! Date: 1J--'-f~O"J.. Applications are kept on file for 18 months Signature ~!L.A~ Use reverse side for additional comments 83 " WIL~INGTON ()/II1/1/Jn ! (i.llillll iN C,)"'JIE \1\jlRL, CCI: . PUDlllF.,r c- CEO December 3, 2002 The Honorable Ted Davis. Jr, Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Room 305 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington. NC 28401 Dear Ted: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. I send to you the Tourism Development Board application of Mr. Spence Broadhurst. Senior Vice President and Area Executive for Central Carolina Bank, Spence's application is for the chamber's position on the TDA As an active member of our board and executive committee, Spence is engaged in the community. understands the importance of tourism and will be an asset to the operation of the Tourism Development Authority. He has the full support of the chamber in this role and is our unanimous choice to fill the chamber's slot on the Authority. Please call me if you have any questions, Thank you, Sincerely, ij IE lC IE ~ \(!} IE ~ lnl DEe - 4 .' 10 . i (~ I, !. I I _ ~.,...~.1"",'1-".'" .....--"-"..-."---...--. Connie Majure-Rhett. CCE O"E bTELL LEE PI \CE. WII.\II'<GION, !\C 2:-1+01. Tll,EPHO"E YI0,7' Ilj~q 1-'-: '-l:'~-J;\\-' 1m 1 :l,cr:l('~l'~ L-:JIl1!)L I,ll rg . \~'\I, \'-, \\i I m I !l,~ll)Il,-'h;~ tr: he L-_~l:T, B 84 15:10 FROM BRYRNT REAL ESTRTE ',:' TO 3414130 P 02 ! I i COMMITTEE AHL/CA nON 'Dev~loPlIlent. Authority i ! Dr.~ Wilmington, NC 28403 , (Cun : ~~ ~ ! (~i ! ~FhoneJ ,... CIodo) 910-256..i3764 s.:, I ~ I . . M Race: I W ,AGe: ,-S 1 ~fwIQJIllIPUI'~.--g.~<<lfN~ I I' ': , , , I :of i , ;"U:m,'i~,' ,t~ ..;:11, [.ll~OTf~h I: ' ely! . f' : , wiJse I plans to recov~r effe~tive' . : l ; r: NONE I I I 256 -'79bo to) ! ': 1. L ,:1: of~AR'- 256-91299 (0) - 341-4415 (0) I Sgnature "*"rw~~'IU' , , , !: I: TOTAL P.02 85 FROM : IBIZA FAX NO. :2511304 Nov. 13 2002 01:04PM Pi NEW HANOVER COUNrY llOARDOF~ s~o c~o./nut SIre.t. Roo", S05 Winin".,,", He Z'40r-4(JU r...."llano (II10) 341-11." FAX (1/10) 3.'''''(1 COMMITTEE APPLICA TION ~ ,.". ,.".". AcMws: --rO"'r:~........ AI1-f~~r: b , C~vr' ~\- U :\~.~l- (CIIy) \ /?1~I<ef- --5 J- (~ c.., \.. I\-y I ~ 'it (g\\ D~.,~ (1IIIHr) Home I'f1r1ne; CUe.. 71.:.7- cfJ""L7 Bu!rhIB PfJoN: 2lrWlI a.. eet.) -z.-?Vo f ~ CqflJ 910 - C. 1<7 ~ t..L 7.~ ...........,~: II'? v....1Img in NWfHwfoywCculfy. II $u: P7 RlIce: Cr..J . ':jcJ 1'_"'anfol_~tW...."""".__".r_~ ~JI*:" C!ol!O..s.JL,'",-.L -r,...,"') (I.,..,... c~ ~ ., ..lIfHq.~ ...._r,.,. onrHa _ .pp..,.... ,. ."", .11"'" ".,...."-.,, wilt ,.... H."._ eN"'" ""''' ~.IIItII..t, IR .o--!..... r/fIIII A_ \II. life. . .,IIl."... H."a..,. ea""lJr /I....""., '.'"".) Job lJfe: (;}w /1. ( ~ Ptof~lh"'ActMt___.l2.!r!5-t, lJ J+-~-r; ('" .-1oJr"J". ,..C:~,4"" 13t'lc. ,); IA> k. / ,t}$S. I.'blurIBw AclftfJWea; C V /' ,..~ J...11 D """' t_ V n. wtJydo)lOll""fDSMlVart"1IM~1 'j?/l-Jf"f }l/'U-,..... ~ t?~..,,, "~ i'-I ~ I+-$.~:J"'/I; /"'/W/-r-r ....._................__..___.,...._ ...., ~... ~ ~~ -5~ V d ,-/~.... Tr.>.~e. Tr> ne. ;....,~1 (/.,... (.ru-~/..,- Gr~ o-IIbftan.....8!IM1ntF (;2 ve-r, _ / v 7 't!'f d ~ ,L fa v-v 0' r ~ ."\ V /.rt",,, - S CJ~1'71 -.( '\ '1 /n, -:J-;". ~ Vc....< Ofw/ff&ffKipelOf~~anrrlrlt:ltyvu.."'" C J]? n.-__".....,..____ MdpIrt)M~ 1. ;:::-/24/"1 k 00.. /0..... , / RL/;>1A ?~';f'.# ::::::::r-, 1..--- Q ~ . . ~ ..., "... /~/;~ /, l- A,."He_ ,.,.; t .11 ilia it. tf _tIl. '1 '-I J - , n , 'f 7 '" 7_, OS""Y z- _ 4~7-~~ u.._.. AIr IIdt/ItIDIt. C4nJle'* 2. ~ 86 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Streer, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Board/Conmrttee: ~ J K I:; J Name: '72 o-vj 1: (J L I F --r" c jtJ ':J:ss: :J. M /J i(k 11-7' SA- W I L- rv7 !IU C, r(Jv.,) ! C//Ljo 7Z1VdZ. C07f!t.<$ Llhui S Ii Mailing Address if different: I /VC- (Cily) I [0 ( 1'--1-- 1ft) c r)) fJ ~ :J ?r-/ 7 9 I ,I) f'- If IJ I (Zip Code) (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 9!b- 37! ~ / D 3 2- Business Phone: 9/0 - 7~] 3 - 7 J J- '7 Years living in ,) /"" New Hanover County: ~ Sex: !Y7 Race: fA) Age: ~ ~ (Information for the purpose of assuring a cTOS$.section of the community) Etrp/oyer: (A pe on currently empJayed by the agency Dr department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel PO'icy.) .Job r.... (} fI;h 16'" f:!: 0 P 'T7r.e 13 e ti-R-b ProfessionafActivities: I c",n1u emu! Il i.) e Volunteer Activities: J iJ () F ~ L..J2. ~ Tt. 0 !I.J IlL 'M (! L.t /1.) r<1- <;:, r! /::-0 (..... b S; What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by- this comrmtee?- IVl!l t< / f-- ~ '-02 -(Ou e( S;VI I ttD JY/oTi~ -/,J v 'tv QualificationsforseNing: It-.) V I ~ irev'2...s ~ CDIUV..2 L/Trr-U .I p..) --1'OIJ t2 Is;v1 CJ R 4 /hu r2;J-1 {,....., s. . 1<- r ( rt-- S- f ~ I v..L.. Other municipal or county boardslcomrrittees on which you are serving: tJ C fi-1l,,'- L ( }li e. (! M f ~ II",J (l ~724C.... - r1" ..,.. /I ""2 ~ U j<J iL .7- DC'.....L - I 't..... f 1I~~ Tfree local perstJnaf references and phone nutrbers: ~6-JL l. ~ 1. Signature 2. 3. Date: " 87 NEW HANOVER COUN1Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Ch.stnut Slre.t. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 relephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TlON Board/Committee:UE:u.l l+A-1\UUEtl-. c..:.,n.H'i TOIJ:J.JSf\l D~l1{WPf.ua.n Au'iHa/Z..I'iY Name:J6PL-lS "^--. :: klplf '1JA12 LIMe:; K'l)Qr UACH f.E.fK.f.5.fIJ.11rrIl/E.. Home Il , Add/l!ss:3.J9 A<rLAAr1c. ttVl...tJOL KlJO.S" ~tkl, tJ r d,f'{<!1f q (Street) (Cily) (lip Code) MailingAddressifdifferent: Q tJ &-to "1-13 (City) (lip Code) Homephone:q,O. 'l-r-g. to 13.5' Business Phone: 9/.1. <Is}(. b'i 1- C:. YealS living in ,-- New Hanover County: , ~ Sex: M Race:(J 4V(,~~ Age: .:; tj. (Information for the purpose of assuring iI cross-section of the community) Employer: hOr.J:,.S:iLJ~..d. [) cLIltJJF~)J, L urJ. ~ T>PrR. LJt\JC;~ fSvTI.9 Y,a.. (A person currenOy employed by the agency -or department for which this application is rolde, must resign his/her positlan with New Han ever County upon app ointment, In accordance wHh Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hano ver County Personnel Po #icy.) Job TItle: Du }ufL //JP~fJ.r17:JO- Professional Activit ies: 1'11 A-~ C "_ f.. I} 1""T>>c ~ D Volunteer Activit ies: ;1 Why do you wish to serve on this board/comm ittee? /1 What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this comm ittee? JJ Qua/ificati ons for serving: II IE t IE n WI IE ~ Other municipal or county boards/comm jttees on which you are serving: II NEW HANOVE R CO 3. Date: N6VFJ11&6'L If] I d. o.JL Applications are kept on fife- for 18 months Signature Use everse si~dditional comments 88 Attachment to Committee Application: New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority R.M: "Kip" DarUlll! - Town of Kure Beach Professional Activities: Currently Owner/Manager, Darlings By The Sea- Oceanfront Whirlpool Suites, AND, Docksider Oceanfront Inn, both in Kure Beach. In addition, developing Welcome Back Beach Rentals, a real estate company specializing in beach rental property management in Kure and Carolina Beaches, opening January I, 2003. Volunteer Activities: related projects: Active with time and money supporting several tourism 1. Scheduled to work for two days in the CVB Booth at upcoming Charlotte Spring Show, 2. Set up, pay for and staff a booth promoting Kure Beach/NC AcquariumlF ort Fisher at all four Travel Fairs sponsored by Pope AFB, Ft. Bragg, Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point MAS in February, 2003. 3, Help sponsor and assist with the annual Kure Beach Double Sprint Triathlon, which draws over 400 participants and their families to our area. 4. Help sponsor and offer free ovemights at the beach to attract tourists to our area, specifically for Duke Children's Fund, and Duke Liver Center. 5. Formerly a member of the NC DOT Ferry System Customer Service Committee. 6. Formerly a member of Jane Petersen's Advisory Group when she was director of the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitor's Bureau, 7, Formerly a Director, Pleasure Island Chamber of Commerce. 8. Formerly a Town Councilman, Town of Kure Beach Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? To help the TDA staff make the most of their efforts to promote the area by providing insight and assistance where helpful on tourism development strategies and programs. To foster communication between the TDA and the tourism related entities in the Town ofKure Beach so that a productive working relationship is maintained. To contribute to the new marketing relationships that will develop as both the TDA and the local municipalities (using their new 3% local option room occupancy tax authority) find ways to make the most productive use of everyone's efforts. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Given that the level of funding for this TDA is relatively low for a metropolitan service area of our size, it will be important for us to use our resources carefully, and to make spending decisions that maximize our results. 89 Given that there are often competing interests between the various municipalities and other tourism entities, it will be important for us to find ways to compliment the needs of the entire area so that everyone is pleased with the results of the TDA, Given that there are often concerns about the favorable and sometimes unfavorable impacts of tourism on the general public it will be important for us to harmonize differing opinions about tourism and its role in the overall economy of New Hanover County, We'll need to do this by working closely with all the municipalities (and others) to be sure we understand their goals and concerns as they relate to tourism at the local level. Qualifications for serving: 30 years of executive experience in sales and marketing, organizational development, and the management of large staffs and budgets. Former Director of Convention Sales, Sheraton Wayfarer Hotel, Bedford, New Hampshire, host hotel for the first in the nation presidential primary. Experience booking and managing large national and regional conventions. 15 years Hotel/Motel Management, Marketing and Development in Kure Beach. Own the first motel in Kure and Carolina Beach to ever be awarded a Two Diamond Rating by AAA. Developed and built the first inn in Kure and Carolina Beach to ever be awarded a Three Diamond Rating by AAA. Own and operate the two lodging properties in Kure Beach with the highest occupancy ratios and the highest average daily rates, indicative of our strong operating skills, our promotional capabilities and our ability to continue to satisfy a large customer base. Consistent involvement with tourism related issues in New Hanover County since 1987, plus experience on a wider promotional level with the NC DOT Ferry System. Former elected official familiar with the processes and procedures required in governmental agencies, particularly budgets, expenditures and staffing. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None /1 , 1dl~~I(} 90 Dee 04 02 12:43p ATLANTI C QUEST 9103132750 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board/Committee: Tourism Develooment Authoritv Name; Home Address: 717 Ariean Drive (Street) Doug Dickens Mailing Address if different: Wilmington (City) Same As Above (eit}") 28411 (Zip Code) (Zip Code) Honte Phone: (910)-686-4367 Business Phone; (910)-3l3-6700 Years living in New Hanover County: 30 Sex: Male Race: White Age: (Ioformatioll for tb. porposeofassuring. crll$--",.tion oftbe community) 37 Employer: Atlantic Ouest COlporation- Oceanic. Romanelli's. Henry's Bluewater (A per' on currently employed by tlte age.cy or depanmonl for wbich tbis apl'lialio. is mude. must r"'l. bigllor positioo with New Hano.er County Dpon appoinllDellt, in accord.nee ...ilb Article VI, See. 4 oftbe New Haoo.er Couoty Person.cl Policy.) Job Title: Owner/Director of Human Resources Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do wisb to serve on this board/committee? CUITently being a business owner in Wilmin~on for 12 years, I feel mv experience and commitment to the community will benefit the committee What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Better reoresentation for business owners that shape the success of our community and drive our economv Qualifications for serving: B.S. Business Administration de2Tee. 12 years as a successful business owner employing over 600 emplovees. Resident over 30 vears in the community Other municipal or county boardslcolUm ittees on whicb you are serving: Director on the Wri2htsyille Beach Chamber of Commerce. Hospitality board at Cane Fear Community Collel!e Three local personal references and phone nnmbers: I. Robert and Linda Parker 791-4116 2. Jimmie O'Daniell 452-1778 3. Alan Mabray 686.7092 Date: /1-63 -(;2. Signature~c~"7 ----z;Zc..4n...$. 91 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Cnostnut Sueet, Room 305 Wilmmgton. NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA nON BoardlCorrmittee: Tourism Development Authority (TDA) Name: Home Address: Barry Eagle 5003 Blue Grass Ct. (Street) Wilmington, NC (C;ty) 28409 (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 910-397-0314 Business Phone: 910-343-6154 Years living in New Hanover County: 1 yr Sex: Race: W Age: On formation for the purpose of assuring a cToss-section of the community) M 39 See Attached Employer: MHI Hotels - Hilton Wilmington River<;irlPr Rivpr"ipw SlIit-p<;, S}'pl1 T"l Rp<;orts (A person currently employed by the agency or department far whIch this application ;$ made. must resign his/her position wUh New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Arlicle VI, Sec. .4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) JobTJile: Director of Sales and Marketing Professional Activities: See Att::lrnprl Volunteer Activities: Port City Community Church, Historic Preservation of Wilmington 5k run, Cyst~c Fibrosis Golf Tournament, UNCW Seahawk Club Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? See attached What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this comrrittee? See attached Qualifications for serving: the largest hotel in Wilmington Over six years of experience in the Hospitality Industry and manage Other mu",cipal or county boards/comRittees on which you are serving: None NOV 2 7 2002 Three local personal references and phone oontJers: Senator Patrick Ballentine - 910-794-4650 1, 2 Wanda Copley, County Attorney - 910-341-7153 NEw HANOVER CO BD, OF COMMISSIONERS 3. Susi Hamilton, Executive Director of DARE - 910-763-7349 Date: RiC~ Guttenberger, General Manager- Hilton I{ /;L 1/ () +- Signature APpdcatton's are lIopt on Ifle for 18 months 910-763-5900 92 Barry Eagle Tourism Development Authority Application Employer MHI Hotels, Inc. ~ Representing the Hilton Wilmington Riverside, Riverview Suites and Shell Island Resorts as Director of Sales and Marketing. *CurrentIy responsible for six local sales managers, one area sales manager in Raleigh, NC, one Revenue manager and two sales coordinators. Professional Activities *Chairperson for the Meeting Planners International- Carolinas Chapter (MPI) 2003 Trade Show and have been asked to serve on the 2003 Board of Directors. *Professional Development Committee member for Association Executives of North Carolina (AENC) * Additional memberships: -Wilmington Chamber of Commerce ~ State Government Affairs Committee ~North Carolina Business Travelers Association (NCBTA) -Coastal Entrepreneurial Council (CEC) *Served on the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for two years. Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee I believe that my experience as a Director of Sales and Marketing for the largest property in Wilmington and one of the largest in North Carolina will be a valued asset that the TDA can rely on for guidance to increase overall tourism in Wilmington and the beaches. I also believe that my experience working with large convention centers such as Charlotte, Raleigh and Charleston, SC will assist in the overall decision process with a convention center site selection, facility needs and marketing. In addition;<my involvement in statewide and national organizations will playa major role in the overa~success of increased business opportunities to the Cape Fear Coast. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed bv this committee? How are we marketing Wilmington and the coast to North Carolina travelers? How do we successfully market a new proposed convention center. How do we increase direct flights to Wilmington~fromlcities such as New York and Washington, DC? What other~~y~....can we measure our tourism success other than occupancy tax. 93 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Ch8stnut Str88t, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 r81ephan81910) 341-7149 FAX 1910/341.4130 Web COMMITTEE APPLICA TION Board/Committee: .!" 1 I " , i {",:..L '(IJ)~ -II"':"" I, JI.,,""]/')'1 .i<l +-1' I',; i l'" ,l III t ; C :/'-:: v ." ~. . J j .. V <OJ v ._ _;:!"'Y.. . , Name: Home Address: kia (~fJ Iii\..<., ~ f! E", rl11jLv/ 17 t-= r IS/reet) Mailing Address if different: ICity) IZip Code) Home Phone: )G)) (3)3 Business Phone: J- -51 ~ :s 1-( (, A./fl- / c 4-- Years living in New Hanover County: j /. Sex: {... Ii, '-;' , Race: {<, /7 I'-i-'- Age: Lf i (Information 'or the purpose of assuring" cross,sflction of /he communitY) Emplo yer: Ii'" If C1 ill ~j I~ln&l ~,'{\) I\A (,'~S-<' [A. In IA person currently/employed by the agency or department for which thi.. application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Articla VI. Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Job Title: ir Ii, (,U ,",I'C") 'TY7-2 (' h:.- R! If {lA'Vf..-Vf /Li{~~l ",iC-Y7 Ai u ..l.fh~ J . / . - l -h .,' 1'1 ~ tt . Professiona/Activities: W'/m':J JY},~':.",(il:(,UVt. 5 !~LtA/J..(li-~ dJ-v(.{ +( ,/YJ1fJ.U /' ~ Volunteer Activities: (' It...'-'I/"C~, "'i +-fA.-.L C7 (.)rxl S'fA./fl fu4...(jJ I~Jva.iJ tcbY<- {1 i.lY1/l/v'{~ I 1 , '/' ,. / ~ {.-t J/ UM j- i~ Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? / I I I"J.-...~ 77 vi' I) J n I (' I~L,'J ,I c/SS;.:J- r),J J-./l\i {,ll {' , ' {(O' ~l I J i( +/~1..'" 5 ,':u...JI?~1./1. I . ..." , What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? cJ ,;{/-iu- !-I();l1 - , . i--l CJ4 OL.. /J r ,h g . Three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. 3. 2. 3. Date: Applications are kept on file for NEW HMIOVER CO BO or COMMISSIONERS Use reverse side far additional comments 94 Madeline C. Flagler 311 East Rcnovah Circle Wilmington, ~.c. 28403 (910) 3G2-8323 Museum experience as relates to Tourism Development: Director of Public Programming Bellamy Mansion Museum of History and Design Arts 503 ;'vlarket Street, Wi.lm.ingron, N.C. 28401 (910) 251-3700 Be,"edy Ayscue, Executive Director . Young People~s Guide to the Museum. I created and printed in-house a Young People's Guide to the Bellamy Mansion Museum illustrated with period cuts. The goal of this four-page guide is to enhance a young person's museum experience as they go on an adult-oriented tour. We are working on a sheet of teaching games to accompany this guide. . Cooperative Educational Series. I worked with three other local museums to create a very successful series of four Tuesday e,"ening lectures with associated events, "Wi.lm.ington: Building Community through .\rchitecture and Culture," \'>:/e exceeded our expectations of ticket sales, reaching our maximum and were successful in consistent public attendance numbers on each evening of the series. . Strategic Planning Committee. I have sen-ed on the Bellamy Mansion ~[uselUU Strategic Planning Committee over the past )"ear to help plan for the next five years. Manager of Public Programs Mission Houses Museum 553 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 (808) 531-0481 Deborah Dunn, Executive Director . Publicity: We \\,Tere responsible for creating and in-house printing on our Risograph printer of various brochures, posters, rack cards, flyers, and postcards for the site, and bulk mailing of these items. We were responsible for writing and dissemination of press releases for all events and classes that our department presented. While I was in charge \ve redes4,,'11ed the site brochure, had it translated into German and Japanese, and began work on its translation into Hawaiian. . Special Events: My department was responsible for creating, researching, and implementing a minimum of five special events each year ranging from a living history Christmas evening tour, a walking tour of Hawaiian Legends 'N~th readinbJ"S in the Hawaiian language, a spring living history tour to coincide with International History Day, and literary and book~collecting events coordinated with our library. In addition, teacher workshops, and tours and programs for students ages pre-school through 95 retierment were part of our scope of work. This department was also in charge of two largc annual craft fairs, . Living History: We wcre responsible for Liying History demonstrations one weekday each week and one Saturday a month. In addition, we did carefully rcsearched Living History on some level at each of our Special Events. . School and Special Tours: Our department was responsible for solicitation of school tours to public and pri\-ate school teachers and homeschoolers. \Y/e created, scheduled, and interpreted all school and special tours. \Y/c had tours for, among others, Elderhostcl groups and spouses of those in town for conventions. Professional Activities Museum Board . Wihnington Children's Museum. I serve on the Board of Directors and am chair of the Exhibits Committee. I also serve on their Executive Board. In September, 2002, our Exhibits Committee has brought the travelling exhibit, Lives of the' Tree, from the Austin Cluldren's ~Iuseum, Austin, Texas, for three months. Worked with staff to promote the Standard Course of Study Science Requirements fulfilled by Lives of the Tree exhibit. April 2001 to the present. Community Boards! Committes . Honolulu Cultural Tourism Committee. I served as Mission Houses rvluseum representative on this committee. \'V'e put together a tourism brochure and promotional events to promote Honolulu as a cultural and arts destination, not just a beach and recreation destination. Honolulu, Hawai'i. \'V'e brought in travel writers from all over the country which resulted in a travel article in the Sunday I\'ew York Timey, among other coverage across several states. . Honolulu City Lights Committee. Honolulu, Hawai'i. I served as museum representative on this city and county special event committee. . Carreret County Arts Council, Beaufort, N.C. I co-chalted the Arts Council for one year and chaired it by myself for two years. Workshops! Classes . Leadership Wilmington, 2002-2003. Sponsored by the Greater Wilmington Chamber Foundation and the Division for Public Sen'1ce and Continuing Studies, University of North Carolina at Wilmington. A seven-month program to develop knowledge of the region, offer networking opportunities, and provide the opportunity for meaningful action in a setting that enhances leadership skills of the participants. August 2002-March 2003 . Hawaiti Employers Association. Series of three workshops on workplace legal issues, Honolulu, 96 DEC-83-82 85:12 PM CAPE.FEAR.MUSEUM 9183414837 P.81 NIM HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 C~e.lnul .!rlffle/. Roam 305 W'lmlnplOn. NO lB401-40i3 '.J.p~on. (PIO) 341.7149 FAX (9101341-4130 COMMITTEE.~ APPLlCA TION --r- 7;;,Lf '$ t.t v~~_. BoanIICOtmJIttOfi: I t ,=; .a --{"''t'. nl:o... _.,-~..,~J ~ V j ~~ ~ i" 0( ~ ~r:;-lV~r.11 {~ ~, NiIfIlC: Home Address: 'R..\ TH . H r\ f\~,. I,.) 0'" sty.), r\"o, , VIII" 1e (Slfl"lJ j...", \,,~ )... t..<), 1l1"1 ')", I C"l., N (, (CIIY) ,2~,,",()~' :l~!~p (Zip Oofo) MII,ling Address if diffofCf)t; __, (Zip CtJtIO) re'IYI Home Phone: ( ri 1 (i ) __7 8' "I ,. 't <J :.l :5- Years HYing In NewHMlOWJTCaunt.y; ~_ Business Phona: ((/ ! (!) 3 ":1/ ~ ?5_.'? ~ lOll;) $qx: I:'~ ",.. J <:. .. .~ace; Co, ,~ ('~~ ,;' r <I)) Age: .'5 7 , ('rtfonnd-rlon 'or rh, IIUt'Ptu. of ......I'lrl(ll cro....~utllJ" 6' III. eammu,.lfy, ffrJ1Ioyw: (~O:'_f~ Fe..., 1'lu';"I.'-'n iV"L: JI:>"I"~Vf'Y (iJ",')/~ . .,. (A 1'.,..011 CU"..,1'dr .mpl~~.d"',. tile lJl1f!!ncy or' d..rondnr for which thl. appHc.lloil/. rn,,(la,. u~. ".1,,. IIJaJha,. po.lflan wM Ne.. H~'uJvcf' County upon .ppornrm.n(, In ..~",ord.nC". with ArlJcI, 'Yr. .s~c::, ., ,,'fh. H."" HlfnoYvl County "',..qnll~ I'OIlt:y,) Job TItle: p't I), ~.,ll^Yrt DJ" ~ t' ~ ~,.-- ProfessIon~1 AoMiN: I}I~ 1.\ b< ," (,; ,~,.:, 1(,,"/:> A ^ N\.."" t, 1.h......G1~,,j n ) tL IT) " r/" m < J fe/nln.- mu ~..,.f j"'} ('.0,]- ".111)'"'" ( J~ ,.,.., C"ll. hot. .ff,'...rd i?t./?1b<.r Vvlunteor ActMtle$: / -, I fY1e",b.;.~ f')I~~~,U.'.1h <;"/-'4"1 .~iJ.,.,..J''j 5"')",1J) 7(,/JbO 1st f'ynb.,d"lcJVl (}..I.i.YLl WIly do you wish to serve on thn boMdlcomnittfH/7 ..l1.~ ~ <:u. 'j'\.} tL t~ J c. u/I u~..,j ~ ~ {)ltra ~ l~ n j;.5.:i<!\1I11.'-\ roll:, Ih .h'Hu' i j n"\ .I\.n d Y1 t.l!d d. ... CI (c... In rl~LI5itJr'-. )')dh,,~. C~" ( (V ci' ~~.r' :t~ ell; I (t Ie- Whit i/W$ of cQnCfN'fl would you like to .see addressed by th~ c;v,rurittce? ~~(j'c.~~~~:-_. Vt J"\ j LA.~.. '> + ,,~, t .f"dtJI' .~ -f"W' I~I /v';~;)"'~" , I ' Ctl.-e. a +h-., ,~.. ~ QlHlliriRlfi~for3erv;ng; C"...~.,... lb' re."'''-::;- 11"'\ ,~m r..d.m'71i:r!r.,.li"" p~SIJ":f)'~. ;,,;..rbnj in l'luse<.L"":<; I~tl'~.....lpn{ "flllil -tJ,.~ .hl.l.r",.j- (~I . OthermunJcJpaJ or county boIIlTls/comn'ittH$ on IAflk;IJ you lIfI)&Et'VIng: _ rf"'I~" . 'TIvtItl /c;Jt;1II ~NlDrI1Il roffnJnc:OIS IlIJd phone nutrbers: 1. _[ld..~m.~, ...___ 2. Re..... B~wn 3. _1< I m fY) 0, :; h 'X 15-' 7003 . (Qf.~ 315-,~-'1'f'1 (I.!1l-1'~("~ 3~J5. 5 (,7'1 .( otc,,) Div'~do" Ct.me.'(""", B !:",<Lrd. (' D -r.,.usjH~ (rP'l (\ 3 /1 ft Date: __..~~~-4.-~.~ 1 c: 0 ~ Apptlf::iffions ".,. ..pl 011 IfI. ft)f' r8 monl'ft.aa SignatLre (j-}1 :dv C iL..u..aJ U-se reverse 5id. for IIddtJon. cOfmleIWs r (I. 97 DEC-04-2002 14:44 FROM:DRRE 9187638093 TO: 19103414130 P.2/2 NEWHAHOVER COUmY BOARD ~COMAISSlOHERS ~2tl c".,..."ISIr_I,R"'1II30~ COMMITTEE APPLfCA TION WI,,"i~"'.. He U'Q1.o101/3 rdllpllD.. (Ql01J41-7f.' , t CIt rCfOClIZ\.f 1 FAXIQ1013A1~m ''AilI<AcTi't)~/ ~J{)lA.~l.qm ~v6UrpmE}// AVfffDlZ11l1- _..'~ / ,..... ~J ~ HAm! '-:,MJ ~ Of tV IA.-D i5",. .vJ I '-M I rJ {-iT D f\J fJC. d~'iO I ~ (Cllrl I (lip c._ AfailitJgM1t'fl8lifmwvtlt; 'Y. D L -g/);( ,;<;1.55'LJ Jl-VlIl) NftTb7\J ~ JJC- ; f9-D-;'" (CIM (.Qt- Htlm)PhoM: (qltJ) 7~Z - 733J sumeaPftone: ('lIt') 7,,3- 73<)9- =~Camty. S 3a:.-F Race: 1.4 ) Age: 3 D ~11I''''D_III'''wInw._1HIIUtll",.",,~ fnPt>yer.17DWA.JT()WI\J 4fffi K{;VJr"L/z~-r) tJN GP'f-lJ7VJ I/'vE. (II ,.._ "..,...., _.,,,,.4 lIylM .,._ D' np._"" *.,whi_ _ '/lP//~.'~ ". ..... /fIv.,,...,,. 'deW po,"'" ..if/I II. HlnOlo'W Cftftlr ""... .JljJCII~ ,,, _,un... If/IMA/'IiDlt VI, /Yo. .. oftll. N." If__ QoIIIN)' f't_fttl PoII~1.J JtJb 7ftfe: ;;;XPf' JA TJ V E :jJJ l2EC!..... It) tZ . ~MtMtiu:~';;;'-II1J&@"(;"; ~01YH<-Y / (' H-t4W113f'1C. Or CoraM. Er<.CE' ~.w",,-,,, .~-r& P",SI-IC ApPAl~.s It:iSbi!...., -:DeLeAA-r& -:jS /' 3o~Q.D D'::' J-l IS TtJ R.J C \ A J I L-m I AJ 6 r () N ptJ JA AJ "PA-rJ ~ ^ f - _.you"lDprWonM~.,.-w1J/AJte -r...JL WI"$HES -w f'l.ESEl<.ve; cr E~HANC.e , VI5ITtJ~ APf'l5IH., Ol' 1/.J,I-ft'l,N6Tl>,.,J's ':JF./ ~1Z-1 Sf 4rT1l.J4crJ /)~ LV HICJI 15 Tile'" fi I '5Tbr<./~ 1!-IIJetA<-b,..J1" M!-CA-. twW.....of~WllIN,)WJ.m..addNatdbyt"/uonvrillfld? A- (It:n1''t:.....7?..1tT) vf!. Ept:(Jrz:r .F/I1?PN~ ourz. -fLE61'DJJfK -rll~$/ A-Ti'l!.MJ7~AJS R>l- b-J#AN~e"'J' [)( 1tI~ -ro1i~1SA1 :r/IJ'D~;(r, ~OtJatbr..,w,g: -rlf/! ~l.{.:s or: t>u.R..... O'~""/JIZA.llljN 1$ Tb JMRtZ./Jllc lifE:' -PFjELO'PJ7/EJ../T/ iASffh~ at" J:t~L- OF rHG" #15TbRIC 7Z-JiJERff!.1:J.J'/ 1+/ZC7+. Dthermlllicit*orcounGl/1Dlllrl6Jcamlfittet!:SonwlJit;tl'YfHIsrufJI'tIng: V151.D"-.I 26:<D ()1I€R.5JfuH-T y- ('.oD~V' J..)~TJrJ(; I rff~Jk)f, ADVISt)~ {'J)Mmis<"~lJ;.J .,.,.., ~ pas:'51I:d/l'1ll"W8nc. _phone IIIMJers; 1. .:I20.u ~ R. rrl 7 f.t?:( - ~ 10 q 7 2. y-* ~ b lA.-~ ..6-""1:' 3 J./- "6 - q R1 to 3. I C- K.. t.-LA?; ~ - 8'" ~ IE ~ "l ~\!i \1 ,., ~:,I"\\'~ ~ co e~ I~lf CI,II,I"'~lr}~JltRS 98 Dee 04 02 02:59p Holida~ Inn Exp " - v .... ". '. '..; I . ..; 9103959907 NC:. ~OOO i. NEWHANDiiER COu.'v7Y SOARD OF COMMiSSiONeRS --=-- ----= 1Z~ C'~!F~mi!' S/rOfr. RQOf'(l'r ,r;8 Wfi'rr/17Qlln, file;. z~~a'.OiJ i.t.phorr8 {f,C, J4!'~'~U FJl.XfJfOl3"1....'''17 Bo4IdICorrmJtt::e: ;;;;RlSfVJ ])8/5WfJ/Y/6N"CAurl-'/DR;rf N.,.: ",JOHN f!eptlE{{.. ~ AdOroAl;i: COMMITTEE APPL!CA nON (.!Ib'H~ (Clly) 07:.1.. (;-.111 M.nIng~lfdfffili..;t: /1.:,.0 VAN' Mrn,ocN &Yf), WIL/nINq1?J~ N'c2- cXtl'o3 (Cllyl j71p CIXH} HomaPflor./J 10) :{.33 - /S3D BusiMSSPtlar.a: &/0)...3'101- 3'J(}::;- Yam 1Mng in NGWHJino-.vCountj: 8 ft1 ltaClli1:W Ap: fo (110""""<>1' 'or fIN,o_ 01 u'utlq I "","~.<'!.\M 0' 1M c.mlDVt>llyj EnJlIoyllr. HvUbA'I INri ['Xf7~S /-hrEL k Sl1lrFS (A ,ol'lOn .''''''~y "",jJll>r""OIl rh. .,anoy... ......."r /of _h1<11 ~,r. .,.p~.d.n II m..... "".1' .wlgn hWh.'p.,I1.. _ N.., HI. I", C..nIY 'p.n .,.~.I"mon~ I. __"",,..,. wlM Art"I. VI, s,~. 4 .fllt, ~.... H.". ..r C..n'1 D.,."""" DoUIY.1 Job rttle.' <5 E NEieIt /..- MAN AGGJe. PrWeuIor.alAC1Mt1ss:~~E5&';/€. oj': Jh.,-€"~ !<ES~RAN'lI"l'}-'1I1/~EM€N7 A-r C!F~ Vatunfleer At:tMtIB6: J.{; {) ~ W () R L 12 S(Il(: lMlydoyouMishmMfyeonthls~mtr_? {kbVID6" /NPuC BASED ON ~D YEI7R.S E'IPEte./ elCf. /}.j f!psf',1J1-t..I1Y !l1ItN RG, 6/YJ EN! VifISt InN of cooam would you lilet to..",1ddrused by thi$ comntli.., Pfi?o/11 p"'7~ 'lDulC.J S M ~OMfr:n..,fng:';<O YEf/t€.S exP€RJ&I~ IN rhSPr-rHu1'j AND , '1Ol/1U5Jn m~N~~Mt;tV{':" orIHr murkipti Of ~ l>oIni3h:ommtt~ WI ~Ich )'DU art teMrtg: Aj'opJ({ 11Iw 101;" petmntl rw~. andphono 1lU1Th~: 1. f?/~ 2/fiUl,(L CI=C-I'!- DePr~/RMII'N 2. DR, 'f? V Itll/ aft mpeJ 3. R/l( SI1LLlNt5 o/Yl. t!.owif'fl//lD 8'1 mRRlVo/ (fIt>) 3b~ ~ ::r~ ~ 9 (110) 7" 3 - ).6~5 ('1/~) 395' - ? J-,;Af:. r 0*: /,if . ~, Od-- ...... AppUt;,UJ.rl. .1'0 h"t o~ J"~ JtJ... 11 m.o.'Jtfll ~_._,..-..,,-"" Slgn.tn.,; p.l 99 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX 19101 341-4130 Web COMMITTEE APPLICA TION Board/Committee: N0L1 -HAnove<<. Name: 1{Ath.eK:lne_ P Hout Home I Address: :;QoLf It kef :sf (Sueer) (()I.lnT'f --r;')/ /f?/ <JYi Vel/F_ lapin ~nT /1ufhorclfl ( rvc 2;?Vo3 IZl'p Code) Mailing Address if different: 1 City} IZl'p Code) Home Phone: q/D~ 76:1- 3i-/~-J Business Phone: ~fTrne... Years living in New Hanover County: d..?? Sex: +em R Ie Race: ()) hit e.. Age: &,3 (Informacion fat' the purpose of assuring B crass.section of the community) Employer: C~e- ;:-~A- /2. 1/1 I, 1/ C!Jr f-,ofl <} /) 1sT IC / h () iJ 0 J1 IA person c rrently employed bJ,t the agency or department far which thiS appl1catJOn IS made. must resign his/her posItion WIth New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Job Title: 0 I)) n e f? Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: !J),JminJf-c.AJ 5Y/YI,/:JhD(11 ;20 17rz. d; Eldete:F"/f2S+ lkes)){j1e,elmJ U UReA Why do you wis~ to serve on this boardlcommittee? m--:i (!...Of"1\DRI\t.f 0/,<.> t"R/b vre$; IJeocJu..I.ee.s ---M~oJ.."jhour,-Me. counhJI :':iO,TIJAf--V/S.' 12-5 -'will k/1oW whitt Itttieflc.rlons, f..esh~URAlt;r-S P.'C, t+p.p A-VfhIHiJ/~. :r f-AinJ:::.. ,hiS Tou,,~/.slh bOH~d need.::; l2epP-esenrHf-ives l-k.-o rn Ail frRea.s-fhA f AR-e. 5e/!tI'n1 -tvu,:::./STs, What areas of concern would you like ta see addressed by this committee? How we. Ad.I.N..fGh5~ ') " 'e b' 1/ AJQ...u) 1IA-IUDljptG (; ) ge if, 115 tAt" (>IIX~f- lA/1f'v'o, lDA:.. OUIe- uds. C ,) Se1Gi;e.cI Ul Th!" (A;P(;:''' Ft"~1C C v;::s, 11gb-Iff"!, f7$f-Ae::.. Chi Qualification:;, for serving: CoUll!' II /fr-J..iJee.5e;nJ(j-f,'ve , :I Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: Three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. ~. f..' 7kiH C-IO'/.J"-IV ,ct." ,,//<( ~~:L "t~:L ~c..tu-4-- IC..dL .'J,f..{ /,' /J' 1'/~1. .>?~ /Ll fr/3 2. ~,~i {'j '- :J _c;; / -- 5" '7 ,} 7 3. 1 i{.- Orj'if - .if 3 ..yz' Date: I"). - "--I.. ,').L;{..i ..} Applications are kept on file far 18 months ) r ,,' L Signature'-i-c"C.ltJ.'k..!...- ;, fff:.;(_/.J ;IJ Use reverse side for additional comments 100 r, '), j" I ~ t , ~ NEWIWKNSf COlJNTY BQ4RO OF CCMfS$"OHERS JlOCJIIMtnd $....." ~a.'" 3D6 WlhHI,.,., IIIC J"01-40U T....._ (D'O)IH1,71~e FAJ((lfO/3.,-4'30 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TJON ~ 7/)11 Boa'ir...f2 JVle.-"'1 {y'Y r1' ,.... L tL t,Jy t: Iv ~ e.. ;2, ;..j LJ ~ ,v ,.",. Adfta: <I B~J .....l3,-e..[{..,,&f ... Adtwe ,dMInwtt: S /f- "7 E 71 S /1.. ea y'd to' "'-,;, Be '" '- ~ if. vC-,t/;/ (.., N,- l' -) h Ca....... [ ,~~ 1.3t:,.?v h / ~./C__ ;2.f-y,;z..,? (.... (CJ~ I71It ~ ,*-",--= (11") t.r5't - 3 'J--7b ~....;, Y "''''''ec.ny. 7 2. 5C ~. '5 b (I- ~fJ i "'1 -t:.J fA - ,-., ~.,........."... ____, ...."." .. .,.,....,. r...... _'....... ,.,.,... _... .. .... "-- c...., -...-....- '" .-.. _ A~ lI'J, rHo · ., ~.... ""-c-rr ~ """"J ) .. 7Jk CluJ,v.!r /0 ,,"~.'/~ 13 r! Got ~.." iI~r..'5e ]:,tJ~ S1Z,PI-Brl',kfof';> 7'- L V ~I rd..'S:/YCY , ,,\ A - """l ..,~ J...,() 'f8;'J1L5 M,ot-,- Ie'" (5J'Ji"1~:u. 5crv". CG'] J.o 'fen} V,C ~ Pits.'lL) c.:>,...;/-') ~~ e", ~ ilol,Nd. 15t..o/J ;#uc../u.:jJ 45~;:/..ji.,..., 7(C/~dY((" ).),..,.,.).4 ~1'/i),uCi (c...); py-p I-Bfl,lJ'JI ~J ]:,(1.;/" fHI'If(.'''' t5~L'CJ r1!c."161'Y AJ{...vi/~,vII.l'v- i".-'I'I, J?k-l /ftr)t-t /!j{I';;'.,}.k-vl / - MflydO)OUMlltfD..".M.....-.'*'-JM*_? J: 1 G i~"I...J: C--.-,J) hl"'4 €!.-?'(J ;Jr,' r::'h'-~ L~ J , ( J,p tw"!'l....'-/ 1-0 -fLu Tb If ~ e..1-lth'lj f-.6 ygr..v' 7i(..JY'-~,,,, I'/'" p((;V Jl.dA';/U &;/.~:;1!/ Nw.....of~lliIOCM,)'DU..fD..JCM n.~ClyIllisCOh.......1 c.~,.../;.v"(, ",9 ejr':IN '1-4 "f ;0d'r/~'Y/ ,-\ />> dJ.t.w t/..o:'C;)tv ~.,<f.t I-l-.:;;,./' t1"W?k.ei!ft.-.: a'l-} t#'..Ji./rl,J/. It,,). t..L-U G:N"'f/~ ~~JII"_1M1hg: E'f. (-(..11/; ,i.JV e--F-,J,zr .'c.-~<:<- /1'\./ MNkt ()/'-9 J A,; 5r~C..~.5 f1'1ttl-LIJ-?htC""f- ,fA)} t~tJy/?/V}' / ,. (t:R,J(I a.c.." ...... "- ('1/tJ) l/ 5-g- -6;;' t f" jV1 RIec U i/C;f >,'0 ,""'; ..... If, :2.. ,...." ... rer_ __ III........ - I' III"-.N)f Cllwmr.nr::..,or OlUSfybaMiak~~ on wNt:It ~.....",.... ..un#' 6 nn.lGt:llpetSOMI.4~1Ii:l6o md(llron.~: 1. _-FRE""D C,itc.UL-J-l \ ~\-\t:. ~T\ AbG 'l51-1JV A \ I 2',-:4 7< i/ t:: h 'J d~_ Bp 4c /--1 (..~( 'L 1<: K eJ. IIY - ~L'-' 11 (!.r:(, nC_/ L 1 0o~ L. -A ' ff)f>,Lo N --- ,.J L.tH) '" U \..- c"t"Il"Z.')\-l N;:" ~?(..H N ,L- ...{So-~'aB~i 'I '-/5:;-5& / I \U t _ ~,e.<<'L Post-ir' Fax Note To 7671 ta8ks'" 5 Phone # Phone # .3 'f /, Fax # lfS-g- Fax # 101 fJ~ tf-~.;L ~~: 01- ~ N 4 > . /J &)1 I B rt-< L-I. J &<J.,y 1-,0"'/'''; bJ 5}/V'&!?J' ~ 3v' [{HI, e:j c- L. J.mv:(., J ..(!,I W\ J 7 ~ ;;C.d1T J .t 7 7 t~ 7e'~5 ?i tf1~/r~r/6 "d f.-v ,.+MJ 110/i J,' t/c>: ;,f.",f,w , t P" /<;, :"~,, I A,S",)' 1:0..0 ,l- I I I {,. ,[" /"" 1'<4 j"/~ ,e.'j .,N1 j..,jl>'Y) I "" "b.,,' fl "" ; t ~I<. "'~ '" ~ '. J '. /, A · ~ tn' t: h', L .'...., j 3 ' b tL- t2~ [~~ylh.;.f/..- CZJilf"-' ~ f,,/ If (" tr-'&c. j'.1 U I 1)< (1 , IU ct-i' I', "'."" q c h" ~ 6<>' " f {<'''~ <,/( <..- ' 11 , , I ,/ ) / ' / J ,-"e.- "j)ft-4YofJ)" '^-' ., ~ ;1-, '" ,r L"~"Y N iIJ we 'j.J 1--1;. -& r-~ J J 1? Cu's "aM"" __ ff eb u....1 i~"'),' 0 {I<-v r' ~ >h 1,,1' ;1. I,' ''I I J,,' I e,M-- f&d L.,,,,I :#,tdY""t I- 0 1/ ({ v.'" /-<fr' ~ ~/}-0 j' '1.....1 /I 1-0 ~.),v'V' 5e-....f v /c -e ; r'- .v /" DC T1 t-. 12 (~F~.~e.: r-{ ;,l5 Co tv F' L-K fluAY/ 102 THE BEACON HOUSE INN BED & BREAKFAST 715 Carolina Beach Avenue, North Carolina Beach, NC 28428 910-458-6244/7322 Fax 910-458-9257 htt ://w,,"w.beaconhouse' E-mail: innkee errWbeaconhou' 'n November 26,2002 , ' Ms Lucy Harrell Clerk of the Board New Hanover County Boar~'ofCommissioners 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Re Bed and Breakfast Owner/Manager Position on the New Hanover County Tourist Development Authority Dear Ms, Harrell: Enclosed is my application for the Bed and Breakfast owner/manager position on the New Hanover County Tourist Development Authority, I obtained 4 references for the application: Ms. Patsy Efird, Carolina Beach Town Councilwoman and owner of Beach Girls Realty; Mr, Joel Macon, Carolina Beach Town Councilman; Ms, Stephanie Deich, Pleasure Island Chamber of Commerce Board Member and Mr, Fred Crouch, owner of The Cottage restaurant. I am also including a letter of recommendation from the Pleasure Island Merchants Association signed by Ms. Helen Wilson, president. I hope that the New Hanover County Board of Directors will give my application serious consideration. I look forward to working with the County Commissioners, The Tourist Development Authority, the Mayors and Councils of the beach towns and the Convention and Visitors Bureau staff to ensure that not only do we grow tourism in New Hanover County but that we also provide those who visit our county the best of services %~~d- Lawrence R. Huhn VP/Treasurer 103 104 Pleasure Island Merchants Association Post Office Box 2261 Carolina Beach, North Carolina 28-128 (910) 2()() 3288 etnitil pimerclumt5@]cJrarter.net November 22,2002 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Attention: Lucy Harrell Clerk of the Board Re. Tourist Development Authority Committee Larry Huhn Owner Beacon House Bed & Breakfast Dear Ms. Harrell, This letter is to infonn you that Larry Huhn, owner of the Beacon House Bed & Breakfast Inn, has been a member in good standing of our association since 1995. Mr. Huhn has been actively involved with the Associations goals to promote tourism to our Island. He has actively taken part in promoting the Island by volunteering and participating in our three largest annual events, the Beach Music Festival, the Chowder Festival and the Beach Blast. The Pleasure Island Merchants Association hopes you will consider Mr. Huhn to represent ow- Island on the newly formed Tourist and Development Committee. Thanking you for time and consideration concerning this matter. Sincerely, - - / , , 1 ,Cj.e L~ IV L0~J:~ Helen Wilson President HW:dj NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSfONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, Ne 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Web COMMITTEE APPLlCA nON Board/Committee: I 0 L.I. \'" i..s M \J e.......:.... \ ::. .p{l.'j..'.,,+ 1+", ~ k~.< II Name: J:;-~,^ \1... Home Address: 72 oc fYl Jo.u, Ow '; +(" r- 1-.,., "";:.. (Streel) ~J \ \ "": ",~~fJ" ity) tJC Z fiLl 1/ (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) o ... F ~' . Home Phone: "..... -lr:;if'-> -b OJ 3l" Business Phone: q /0 .. 7 <;3 '~ I "i' z C Years living in New Hanover County: .C;- Sex: m..J(.. Race: W~;.}..~ Age: 3 i.../ (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross.section of the community) Employer: \-b\c.\ w~ \.\... ~~..,~~ +"...'" IsO Roe"" (A person currently e ployed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Job Title: G~.....!.,-.:-- \ Professional Activities: M",,~ 'J <,- Pl"~;. .rQ.../'o\- ~oh,",\ ffl ".k,'\ vC>\....^o\-......... \=:5 \\-..,-0 0.'\ ,..;. ;J'e)':",---<- S,i....J~.- .3 Y'<'A-I".':>. Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? T{'<.o< \ L\<..L w, .\-\.. My K ~'::'>..JIJ"" ,..,4:. .l..h~ 1..,.Q""~\-N T Co:=>... I.SL \o~ _ c... h "",..t. ~ ~ .t4 Ct.,\-"." \ \?+- ~ \'ok..\ +....... UH\... f'(I..,,'( nd.. I $~...c, ).:J. ".:') O"').J,. ~~, ""I: Co....\ 'b<.. 'h:.;.... i.-"\ c."t f>o.~..k- \'-1-+k Wha~ areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? R~,.J '.";. 1H"-" <:'c i''''''''<+<:''-) L 'l.00...,d. ~.-=9 -to ~,\ ".-4. i-i-;,j COn"o'I"l< i ....:~'^ ,,'- c-.. .~~:..),,,~J,,,,;,~.... ./ 'I-L,J~ Co ;~\~..:>~) 'K^.,)~ ~ 1-\<..14 M (\ !\:;..:.c(. "~";""'" . Volunteer Activities: W,..> (\... A~,.)'-...J...,...... of jLJ~...., i-4o:.^". ~er C;'~~\..1 -k. r ,J~;;. ~\- Ju jic....r...\ G> ~JL c..1Y.:\ w... :> c~ o u \v .....:tt..P-r Qualifications for serving: iAY",.. ~',:r ~ ,.".\ r'r\ ..^.;.~.... +0,- Il p."'Jp,,;."\.;'::, (.,0;;... 'u.\~;"~"rn,,,:. ha~\..:.. W,~-\<.. (l,,",,-,\-''f \..l\-\.. '-'"\\ \"d"1:..\... ....;.\"\. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are seNing: ,u{' ., ~~ Three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. ~,\\ R...t;.v..:.,1j 2, \.-. G-c.. W: \ \, 0......~ 3, LJ, 1\ , "" r. ,pj:,/... q II""! - 7:i'l - '71 U. 710- 315- CJsn q, t re4J ih It . C7 / 105 Nov 13 02 06:451" NETWORK REAL EST Sent oy: WILY. CAPE FEAK HBA 9107992610 n 113/02 910-458-7773 ~:32PM Job 918 r.d.~U' "., 1 ., ~ :~ "" " '.~:!f ":-F,l! 8 ~ j~fl, NEW HANOVER couNry BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Strc(![, Room 1Q5 W,lmingtofl, NC 28401-4093 r.,;euhr;ne (910J J.If-Jl4$ FAX IS 10J 341 -4 t:J() Applicatioll 101 jlPDuintmunr to DOII,d~', Committees. and C01'l7m;:islo,,:: Appo"ntcd by rhc New /-Ianovr.f County E1CJ;Jrd nf CommisS;tJflef.~. n~"'II~sr lo,lloDointmenl (0: ~,."te.L.J.m.- ~ 'f ~;9{~.....,,::rit- NiJITIL" ..,Bah.-/I.Jit;~'1 ~((J""" Adr:lf<:"">.Si ,7.!.L..JL';{f~"" -?R.,n~:_..~__,. --,......----~..--_. ...-"-"-,._-~. -~._-_.. How lone hltV~ jlOU C/fcn j) _ fC$id~flr Qf NBW /.(DnOv", COo.J,'ry1 _" MJ.iin{} 1I<i"'8:u:....:J..J.'-I/~. 4.e~..aL ". ...--.- . ..-- C;ry ;III(( Sr.} rc: -1cJ..!i~-f- ~4I.f #.. c"_ __. Zi,. Cr;rfc: . .;l.f.K!/..2- T.:i~flIlQrlo!: Home: ....3!i..>..,-~~ .. __ ,..._ _ flv$11lcs:;: -.!/~ ~:1rrJ - --....,... . S/~~. --L!J."'t~I=":.-.,- .~I:: -ki J#7 "1""f-- ._ .r4at:: ~Ct .m'~ _ fl'rl7 ;".,J~i(JtI.. rrqu_uMItw tit. MlI. "UIfI'~" II u~""" miltr " ,."..,.q ~.~"l''''' ~ lll. 1,,".fPVnWNIv;" lfQIJCllfWII/l. ~.Emfllc'lt:d 01': -A/.r.7i..J/)R~ A?r-"'<' E...c..r~ _...--_.._-~---" '.Ap- _rIoI .......\fft'... "'-_.~, 'M...-II <1tU _w,,_;._..mwl"~ 1H:iAo...~_-i/}l N..", "'.,,11'" ~ *fJWI 4....fUJ' ~_J...r t. ,,~ .....",. Ar1ir:/r Vl~ S.I:", * tI( dI. /4Mw 11.,..- Col..-,ry IWtoftIHI "'-lie." Job Ti(le:...L&~~/.a&J:d;:.<21e...., '~-'- _. ._"'"." " ..".w_'--- Pr-olesS'-"t1,t1 Aeti.,;,ics: As:r. ~~~u.&.h........~~,.... ~~.~ r!~..., gc4.-:lot.c:..7.-><...,( , VcllJme"Ac:tiv;/!'cs: ~ ;:~..!( .a....~.:l:fr-c _/I1!;'...>~~"",~;,t,L._.~...._"... Wfly" rJ<I I'<lU WIS" to serve en lhe Boil'd, CII(nmi/[/ffl. QI" Cttmmissiun ,cQI/t>5r..,11' -r .../." ~ ^~~ __ai!. N!Y.yOi.oJ? .pw.~__.:tTJ.y~.I""(i=.. rAJe/-fY'7-'--- WIl,): r!o you feCI i)(tt yO,,, QUi1I;rK~ian:s fOf s~'rrU (Nt rn,' nf)~HI. Cf)mmlru~(;'. of Commission ,equcsrr:d? ...,.--.-.... ~_<-:...4<,~L~~...v~/t&.N. 'h...!l..b......r. ."/D...v.;.Ct....:iD,._~'-+:"' ._G~~-r' .~o>-.J ,.Yv7S0./ . ,ri........../K_. W/liJl ;Veil,$ of crmi;r:m "'ou'" jI",,',l<c 10 sc~ tno:! 0<101'<1. CO",,,,,;(we. Of (QffI/llis-sian .,dd'r:~!:? --.---.- . Af~ vl?'l c:.JI"r....,.,/ly $~;"r; an .Jflnth~ bOilld Of commiet.,.. ,~paifl(p.d /1.,. " mcmiClPlJlily 0' '" cauf'ly' If sa. pl"iH~ Ii:> I. ;:::; if.. -f::k.w:t..-t... ~~~'I" '" 7':<"_~ .....P...N.d'., . ;7-/(.A.-- _.....-_....- ,.....,....--- O<1It!: _ /i.= (,L::...~.-- ' (1iII..)- ./r. (."'./~. "./0' .tlrlhIonlll ,.,,,,.,,..,,ul S,CMrure f? _A_..~#fil.' <::f55lTr . (DV'F. 106 Nov 13 02 06:45p NETWORK REAL EST sent by: WILY-CAPt FtAR H8A g107992610 ,,','1\ ,'.~ \'~~', '~'::,H \l: 2~) RLEJ;B€cLafi Pfe::lSC I'rr;vidc rhree JoeDI I'(!rSO(laJ references: N.l/ne 910-458-7773 11/13/02 4:32PM JOb 9'~ I'hone NumJ;u:r 1) ._.Jj,..r~'7' _ ~ '""_ ~ ,. .2.6...<. - ? ~ G:' CL--.. 2/ j'} OI,.h1/!i::-_.t:b~1- __~____,___.. ._?1~( (( . -.--..- - 31 _~&"lf""'o~'.s:-_-, __uy.g-~ 97f'.__-'" 'B .VV\tKo{ p.2 r Ql;:II.... -.- ,', ". , 107 Wilminqton Regional Association of REALTORS@ 1444 South 17" Street Wilmington, .YC 28401 TEL: 91 0-76~.7 ..00 F ~'{: 910-762.9860 httpj/w\>\>'wrar.com Association Officers David Flory, CRS. GRI President Bob Jamieson, ABR. CRS. GRI PresIdent-Elect Linda Coite. ABR. CRS. LTG Vice President Leo :'-iowa\..:. CCIM Past President L\nn Harris. CCIM . eIlD President Directors Terms Expire 2002 James V. Clark Gordon Frieze, ABR. CRS, GRJ John Lennon Terms Expire 2003 George Laney, ABR. CRS, GRI Charlrean \tIapson. CRS Manie Rice. ABR. CSP, GRl Terms Expire 2004 Sharon Lvons. ABR. CRS. GRI Russell "lav, ABR, CRS. GRl Jeff S weyer Executive Vice President Jerry Panz., CAE, RCE Chane red ~ m R~A~ ~::;-;~ 108 September 13, 2002 The Honorable Ted Davis Chairman NBC Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut St., Room 305 Wilmington, NC 38401-4093 Re: Appointment to the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authoritv - Vacation Rental Prooerties Member Dear Chainnan Davis: On behalf of the Wilmington Regional Association of REAL TORS@ Board of Directors and our many property manager and rental agent members, I am writing to endorse the appointment of Mr, Bob McKoy, Network Real Estate to the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority. As I communicated to you in our previous correspondence regarding the occupancy tax legislation for Wilmington and the beach communities, our Association members collect 40% of the tax in the three beach communities and Figure Eight Island from 1,526 cottage and condominium rental properties (NBC CVB FY2002-03 figures) The revenue from the remaining 2,272 units is collected by the beach hotel properties. Carolina Beach Kure Beach Wrightsville Beach Figure Eight Island Total Total Units 1,822 units 478 units 1,409 units 89 units 3,798 units Cottages/ Condominiums 828 units 74 units 535 units 89 units 1,526 units Hotels 994 units 404 units 874 units o units 2,272 units As you can see by the numbers above, the members of our Association have a vested interest in being a part of the IDA and contributing to its success. In fact, it was at our request that Representative McComas included in the "Membership" portion of his legislation (HB 1707): "The owner or manager of a company that and rents more than 100 vacation rental propenies. This individual must rience in promoting travel and tourism. " with this letter, we are requesting that you appoint Bob McKoy to serve pacity. Mr McKoy is a life-long resident of this county and has an knowledge of the tourism industry and how to promote it. With his d as a residential REAL TOR@ and property manager, Mr. McKoy a great deal of practical and professional experience that we think Our i\-lission: To provide "Whatever It Takes" to enhance the [nlii \idu:ll and corporate careers of our members. @ fOUAt ,..ous:rHC OP'.D'O l=I r lJ..,1 T l' would be of great value to this Authority. He is a past President of the WRAR and has served in leadership positions on a number of Boards and committees for the local, state, and national REAL TORS@ Associations. He is held in high regard -within the community and has earned the respect of his fellow REAL TORS@. Therefore, it is my pleasure to recommend him., to serve as a representative for this Industry on the IDA. Thank you for considering Mr. McKoy for appointment to this very important Authority Best -wishes. Sincerely, ~~ David B. Flory, GRI, CRS President Attachment: Application for Appointment 109 :!:<r ~.: i 2 ; :~;? M },:'I.; ':: 7 _1 '.1 . / NEoNHANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (5)lE (G [E ~ w ~rnl lnl NOV 2 0 2002 ~ 320 Ch.ln~1 Shet, Room 305 INllmlngb". /'Ie ~1I.01..09~ To"pIlon8 (910) J41-,14~ "AX (9101341..130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TlON SoardICoIm!JttE: Nama: Home Address: r':aJ'" I rYIt1r<.j,horY) } 0 J S u...h... Ie r' ~7, L1../ // ;y] /n 9 70 I'J.. r"tr""l) (City) ;Z 87"cY I (Zip Cliloi8) Malltng ~ if dJl'ffnnt: . (CIfy) (ZJp Codl) Business Phone: 3 Lf 3 - I & / / fV} RtI~; W Age: & () (Jnformftlotl for I/Ie ,,_. oJ .....tIIlg . 0""",- of lftt o8mmu"ltyJ Homi Phone: 5;;, 0 - 37'3 0 Yen IvIng in / 0 HeN Hanover Coonty. <.9 Sex: Enpayw: C I C fA P8f101l u"""lfIr ....pfilfeG 0)' ,hO "lI"e""lf or dop,nmtlll for ",,/Jfr:ll 1M. o,.,.'CUO" r. mode, mutt r...," M.IIo" peol/fon ...1iI H_llano...r C...,rrly .p"" .,.,.efntlnonl, in ",cordon<:<l with ArtloJe "', Sac. 4 ef the Ne.. H"'~ _" County F'ernmttl "Oll.y.) Job r~: j3 (!>QJ C~}'Q.,/ n Profess/oIIIJI Al:fMties: \foIUnfeI!rActMtillt: I). ) he T J3 (!let y1d -- JJ0..J'\~ J..':i no..",d - 0 W A WIly do you vMh tv serYe onlhls boatrJ/conmttH? I h 0,( J e h ~~.J:::L5eL.u I In 7' CJ n ...-r), /-5 b oct rJ D.nrl t-!-",'",k. X Can 5;"7;jJ bF' , J,efu/ /I.Jrt'}/n~7h9 rlJl/rkn; /1'/ TJ;~ Cu"ea::, , I What- of lXWIc:em would you Db to $" iJl/drrlssaJ by this eotrtnWttee? C (!)n Iln u /TJi". be T cue e r;; Bearht?s ...., C~ B and r/~ TeJ.s. J OuIiIiRoIlIon$ tor serving1ha.J/ e CtJ ~ ,.. /0( f'. d /n 7h e ~or IS T I/Jd vs Tr v f} r J S- yeCV$ / J )7(1l.1e a....j.s" ~c:t'ued Dr) ,he. {'anf./en7/tf'1.J. L/i.'\1'!b/"S ,Bvl'ea.vEocl/"C otIw mUJicipM or COUflty bo;urJsJoomrrittees on which you are HI'VIng: Po.. r' k ; r. 9 Ii- d (J ; .$ 0 r )/ C~ 'Yl m ; ,cr5 ;rJ rLf~L- The C;? y C V)3 l~ D Q rd . TIne foe;aJ personall'llffnncflS f1IJd phone flUnDII's: 1. r: (\J.) lia.r t' c j S "rj 2. -;T;.rn W d /-F-e J. J:.2..tz n f:;:. L/ an s Date: Nt' l/ J S- 2002- ApplfcatlOM./'t k.Pf "" ~f. ibr 18 ,"cotu / t:2 /l!/~ / ? 7'9- CjC/9c /t.2-[?7l/3 SlgnalUre ~L9'/Y/~ U.1l revllI'StI side for 'ddftlo"a1 (;OI1m."~ 110 HOLIDAY INN SUNSPREE 2585091 11/19/02 02:47pm P. 003 NEWHANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 COMMITTEE APPLICA nON BoardIConmi(tee: ~'-N1 j ,^" D z vie b ,'i.'lA,' ,,} , Name: M(l( b~~I'Ic+t fl\;.-.J ~ "-' . .JJ Home /":' . '0. " j Address: 5", d- C~~,~' Vi\J::... Ui\,' c,01 (Street) ~i1"\v~~ ,j 'v"J rr '" :A'I.." !: i c.. teL..:.!v (CItY) Uc- :;:L~'ixu (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (ZIp Ccxie) HomePhone: Cf \2 ~-J.-)l..p S~ \ d- Business Phone: (..j Le>. :;..::; C.v ;2~~ 5 " ; 3,+\ '1~ I ~:" ::::~ County: r~ 0 l~':: -:-::, Sex: tUv\...,J L-- Race: C (...'"^ c.;,- "7\ .:,,''- Age: ,+7 (Infarmatloft For tho purp059 of assuring a cm"'H'''''Uon of the eommunlly) E1rpIoyer. x1).,'{' ~--.-;:v/,:;,. ~\-I' :i'\.... --'"" l ~L \<-~'\^0 tk..C1.'~'-1.--... ~ ..,,-:Fr- (A person currently employe'fl by the agency or department far which this application Is made, must resign hlsJh",. pos/llon with New Hanovl1I" County upon appointment. '" accordance with ATtI,,'e vt, SltC. 4 of the New Hsnover County Personnel Policy.) Job TdJe: \\\c.J\j; ,'o-l '7 _~er Professional ActMtles: ;,);,'L. "'-\\-_\.I.-I...\.eJ ie-*tr Volunteer ActMtles: '")(J I' / _\-\t'"'--~\tj \(.. -\tc- Why do you wish to serve on this boan:Jlcommittee'l ~ -?~,;~ -\,f\e.. ~ re )'~.J- vJ: IN\; ,,"";\--0'1 C......c..-....... -;:',-- OiVYI,,-f1v.... ) .J ' ,)=". +:"....)1..\ h....6>N'\ &\N.~ ~:\J.:..~-o.\.5<',\rt{:v, VC - '\,^r~~+;'-, _,^c.\'),,:;;1i't":1 , ~---\.~6~~ .,;;S_4..~ :-2.L.~.h,-J hwi-;>,,,,", /:.'i-~.-.&:'\''''n?, li;.> 'o,~rr'\\I.,-~,,,J,'~~lj: lot.~V~~~~T~J~ """',.L ,"",-oJLlv:~'L-?KI~~"ci What Bress of concern ..would you like to see adcDessetI by this cot1In'ittee? I'~ r _:'""7u.( LL > $::;.J. ~"",",'::'''^-- '-'< < "1?-v\* I 'V--- J 1\ ,;4.- belt" tlktj;);to~ {h\',~ ;:; ;<).,- I ~.~ \ U'.;~ r; " 't ,*"'L"'-<? J .F ~""I!.- ~ -\-0 ~J.l.lldi+ Ci.,,~ cu,,^N...:IlI' / . I ~~ons for serving; S.:.e k%c~ Other muriclpal or county bosrdslcomnittees on which you are setVing: DEe - 2 'r'\l _~Ul- Three local personal references and phone nurrbers: 1.~ U r'~'?\" ~ 2. :.~u~ i_p~J~\X.~ ~ ' " (\ ^ 3. 1):\(\,1\ l( 'i \! \C(,j'V\i0\5 I Date: ;:~JJ 1.~"vyl 1(;\ , lOQ~ , Appflcat/on1ii a"l kftpt Olt file for 18 month~ Co (&1 :2 0 cll., I':'.) C\O\ NEW H,\rlovER CO SD OF COMMISSIONERS 3ttJ8cOJ \ ., f';t. \' \ l..!.,/\, --H---'l ," Signatu,g: !J ~IJ.N/., ,l).~ ~..\:J.t.U7)1-"' Iv \ f", (~..( U'V'.J f\ Usa rever~ tde for additional commtmts \J 111 CD e}l..P"'~1 L"\C€.So '+v ~"ue._ o r- ", . ~,,-- -"< \. ~\ -L- ,'I.-." L.L ^ h ._l ..i ~ I<'J10:'':'" fVv~,')~(1[,."\. ,L"DCV-<;' ,," ~ L{l'\\VI~ri'ou. 1)1 eN ':~Ch""€..S(,J\.~ V\:""lb'IC \"'\i'U'iYV~ ,:0 J,e,s~(,,,,-t)~'\5 ,,*rv.t~r:.::>. r1\, 8. ~~+~ '^ 112 ... FOUR SEASONS MANAGEMENT 5."\0 Causew:lY Drive. \Vrightsvilk Beach.1\C 28480 800.S05.22S2 or 9l0256012S fou rseasonsm anagemen t.eom x'Ji~~rr7" [5) ~ [C; lU WI lE \R\ UU DEe - 2 \ \1!J The Honorable Ted Davis and the , New Hanover Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 November 29,2002 By hand delivery NEVI HMIOVER CO BD Of COMMISSIONERS Dear Chairman Davis and Members of the County Board of Commissioners: Please find attached my application for a position on the Travel and Tourism Authority Board of Directors. I am actively involved in promoting travel and tourism in the local community and feel my qualifications would be an asset to the new authority. My qualifications include the following. I am an owner/operator of the Blockade Runner Resort, a 163-room resort hotel at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. I have lived in New Hanover County and been involved with the operations and marketing of the Blockade Runner Resort for over 20 years. I have served or am currently serving on many locaL state, and regional tourism boards including the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, New Hanover Innkeepers Association, Thalian Hall, Friends of the Battleship, Coastline Railroad Museum, Wrightsville Beach Chamber of Commerce, North Carolina Coast Host, North Carolina Travel Council, NC Aquarium Advisory Committee, NC Golf Marketing Alliance, North Carolina Hotel and Motel Association, North Carolina Restaurant Association Grassroots Committee, North Carolina Hotel Sales and Marketing Association. North Carolina Travel and Tourism Advisory Board, and Southeast Tourism Society, Also, I am currently serving committees with national organizations including Meetings Planners International, Association Executives of North Carolina, Travel Agents of the Carolinas,National Tour Association, and the Travel Industry of America. My education qualifications include attending numerous travel industry seminars at conferences including Meeting PlalUler's International, World Travel Market, Hotel Sales and Marketing National Conference, Southeast Tourism Legislative Conference, North Carolina Governor's Conference, and Travel Council. I also have the approval and support of the Holiday Inn Sunspree and Mayor A very Roberts. I appreciate the county commissioners consideration of my application. Sincerely, .,-., \ i)&:,,:,d ~ \"'-'0V r . )) y Mary Ba,ggett Martin ~ Ail --,: - I"JV~{.~ Cc: Mayor Avery Roberts and the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen Andrea Surratt. Town Manager BLOCKADE RUNNER BEACH RESORT Wrightsv,lle Beach. NC . HOLIDAY INN EX r RE 55 BOlme. NC . THE INNS AT BEECH MOUNTAIN Beech Mountain, INC .. ~~-:'~;~~.:[~:-o:, $ ~r'~ -- .. . 113 . NOV-18-2002 MON 12:54 PM NHC COMMISSIONERS FAX NO. 1910341413Q p, 03 NEWHANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS no Ch.."",1 SIn.'. Roo.. 30$ W!minl1ton, NC 2UOI-4093 T..phon. (91013~1-7H9 FAl< (9 'OJ 341-4130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION BoanllConmllt..: ,1-/6/1/ lkt!1Jdd-&L- (Jv4j ~ ~ ,.:'"'5 Ct J, fbj71S7 /d)/ s:.L,A//~ jC14-~ ~i/..c t!~(JA/I" &e;fo(/J,t::'~~4;ZPJ (SU'H/j (Clly/ (Zip c ...t./ Ma/llngAddress/fdifferMt: Ao,~ 7Gr 700/l.ts/JJ ..J)~t/e!J~f- J!o'lioM-1 Na,.,.: Home Address: ~Phon8: 9//J'" L/.r:;~ - t/:s 20 {J4RI)thtPrKeA<:.14 . /1./, C.. ~q,:JX (t:.llY/ / ftlp C<l../ Business Phon.: q/t) -~~f-X'3~~ Age: 5 I Race: tV y.... living in ~HMo""County: ~ SIIx: //) (,,,fDnnalian'Of' ""pUtJIo.. of.....Int. CI"U"I....cllan of 11M commvn;~)') E1np1oyw: $~~ (,4 ".run cUlnnUy ,,,,,,'oy.d by III. .,.,..y 0' "'...._.nl (0' will"" .11. .ppNelllon I. "'.... /!JUlI ,..i,n 111$111., ""./hn with New H.nGYW' CGlw"ty lIillm Ippolnfm."'r ;ft ..c="D:I1II... wlf" Art_d. "'~ Sn..4 a' lit. fII.., H.""".#, C.unq P.rsonn.' Polity.) JobTitJe: /Y}A-N~~ ,/.f)a.JAJe-l- OOa?e.1tJ :),4,VtJS /l1o-k/ ProIe$$ional AetMt~s: VolunflHlrAcrivities: mY' ::ii:.:v'l IVMO MJ5~ t?~ '91t' J..f;Q.tt,.~ MnpiJ ~~~ (l~N4 E~u. <;el-b:JL.- J?~40I..llc; ~~ WhydoyouMs'h ro serve on thisboardlt:omrbtt_? tJWA/f'.I1., q;. /lJo fez... AAl ~ 13e~-J.J-- f nJ/}Of.,O ;/I<::~ "t;; ~.l.(J /ujl7{1.-r -&8 ~ Whit' _s of COlleen! would you like to He addressed by this comrritt..? ;1# a/ eA--th $ ,v Q, . ~~ J'ltv...... tJf 6v+l~p~ &04 rOA/ $t1NS/1l ' , Qualifications for serving: /i/alet..- t}.u>>e~ ~/'J-en5'fotJf/e ~dI~ q y~ rt:?;,;uC' If/)ko / Pc... etJ~1b r( Otll8l' murkf"., or COUlli)' boardslcomrrittees on which you an sflfVing: {! 13 D ... ~ e VI ,I, . Jz 4>h 0 Ai ~# 15aM-DtuA-f...:V / '5f fI~ ""F tJ~~;?1tr--h ~ Tine local personal ",'-ncas and phone nunmers: Date: J ;;2- ;2..-0'"2--" , Appllc..(Dm.,.. k-epf 0" fJl. "'r II,"4#lr"_ Signature u.. re...rse sid. for addltlonMcommenl. e.-- 3. ~ d Lt'"lS880l0''3 'ON/6S:gL ".LS/017:9'. 2:002: (.: ~L(NOI-"t) '"'O~, 114 Dee 04 02 11:44a Tides Bistro DEC, 4,2002 9:41AM 8102561034 NO, 3996 P. 2 p.3 NEW HANOVER COUNrY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ;;~:;,:,.~~a;~i:;:~S ",COMMlrTEEAPPLIC/4 T(qN, r...PA.... ('101~'.71.9 fAX (110/ J41-4nO tJoanJIC-...: ,Jew ~AtJ()l/W COO 14 4 f """1DIJVIS"'1 "be v. Au-fh()V"t ry ~' ~JHDMIU 'F. ~~E:V~~ =6-: ~ ~ ~d<.fllJ 1/-+ l{), I Me AJ~..fa IJ ~ gf4.11 (i""'l ( /y/ (ZIp Code) MaIling AdnIs: if diHerwJt: (0111 (ZJpC<lllo) fIcJtm Phone: q I 0 -to giQ -ISg 0 BuIInea Phone; q 10' 2.5" -( 1I ~ Yen 1Mn; In I D NfJw~CclurlI)': _ Sea-: M. RIa: CWo A(Je: 5~ (_'OIUI._.o/...........___a'u..~ ~\~ (""__ au.... y _",."." I>y t~. ........ .' d...._"' lb, lII/1/c1I Iftll Wk.""" II m.... ""'.t........ hl'l.., "",'.on wi" ....... "'Hoover COil""" I/poII -,pOI",...... f" "'1IJ~d.fK"e ~ .Id11el. W. S-.c. 4. 01 th. New Hwtovw Cal..nr, ~.rwa...neI "e-Ney.) Job me: l)\.I"'~H-; '":fP~LI~ ~IA.t:IMrtes: ;~ - ?~St~llL 1'~lIt~ 't'i 1.4''''1. J AS qc: MGtI,d,v ValvntlrAc8Mties:J ~rlr'S~"'A,.l ~611 Co"'''' If..hll\~~ "",~~ ~nIll &Dl~ C~AGH MflydoyouMlhflUIIMlOlliNsboanikommruw7 WA ~ ''''''~A5IV~ ~ok.. "6 'fDf\'IMiof) ~ -b,\I'I~+.s. It.} 0\11,/ l!b.J"~ ,~(~ hIL('D';'''''''4-' -tlf",T' vJ~ 6,~~ '" 'sbt,cl 1J1lI~ I~.u~ pi...... ""-d ~M.-~ of \IWtaf ;1"!I"Id"ClI1~ wooid you_ ft).,~ by ftIIs commu.? k SO II c( .hI I ~ uJ ~ ~ pI...", -to 6uf~Nt ()IJl/ "rtJW-#.... ~ MU'~ liLAlorb((..5 Prl{ '3~ ( I.u 11"'II'(-te.J -to 9a4"~ I ~ tlIu./' '1'1"O~~ J_ - . QualllicdOlJS for seMrIg: ?, 5 ~u.,., s 1J ~,,' I ~ t lU I ~ -Hu... fU bll( f aJ --tr....."Cw.'\I!oUS b,~/!l.l'li"""~ J'IIe ~u~ ~~"4- '( ~J ~.., Jlo(... .stJGI:'.US~ I bJ.tIJ~'e.r l'\. -t\A. 1>>1<+ ~C","" ~ . ./. OIIIW fTIfJIficipa1 fJI' r::aIBIty boati/sIcomrriI.. on whkh }W....mg: #J1-fJc 71ne (0CIt ptI/I'I6H8I reJ'innces Mdphone IJIInws: 1. "1)y. AL ~o ~ I.l4A t>J 2. Mott....:r "'~? f;-p l G lJ~:a: "" 3. M"-. Gl ~ l .. 1'-2.- fOOD t.t't~- 't~r3 DIf8: 115 Dee 04 02 11:44.a Tides Bistro 9102561034 p.2 -tb ~~~~, tt~. ':Cu)",j...{o f'~ ~ ~.tJ q~-k ~ D"(~ ~ It ft5+AcJ/AIb4-- 0 t()lJ~ .bvJ.. fJr$ ". +~ p~.e.V d-IJ ~.u.U Vc~?~W ,~~~t, ,. .\ . _, . ,r . ~ : . . " ," ;~ . -'/\ ;.-' to- .. J~,,N ~ . ~'. , "., . ~. I .': . . .. ~. -# '"- '..' I,. '..'1 .' t ~ i ,,"L ," Lf , ., , . 116 .. :~ \. ., J ., i l'i~ '. ~.'}' ,.. .l-h /' .. . , . ~. I 1" , t. \ I \ . i "" , ~ ; --;-:- r (eeS-L . "I; :1' , I . )! \. - \ ~ I . 2. . "~' ~ ~ ~ . i" . . I ! ' , l .~' ". r ,~ ~. ; j , , ",. I. 'r 'I., '\l" . ,- - - , . ,. ,:.." 'I '. II f~:: :; - .', ,/ I ,i . ' 10/Z2/2015 03:31 FAX NOV, 14. 2002 1: 34PM ~001 NO, 3736 P. 1 NEWHAIICNER COUNTY BCMRD OF OOlrlfS"li101\&1S 320 ca...., She!. RIJom 3CI11 ~._ 2_.41111J1 T-.,.,.... /1H0l34f.7fQ FIIX /fUll :J4f-ff;JQ COMMITTEE AI'PLICA TION N.IrB: ,.". ~ a-<<_....... 7?J /} tfa6t:,u .5. t? p,l2y:. IJr.... r/Jk~4J4'T.i-'?t..- AV ,..... cJ I '--h7 / N [,..tT m-J ./U L 7.7 '"( (; :> PJJ rz. ~ ...........,~ ICIIrJ -~ HonrJ""",. 4(0 ~ 2 ~.-(,. . S"1", f BcIMNa A'Jane: 9/0 - 711'- CJ ~ C. "" V-NntI *' N8w~QuI(y. 171~ .~ e..}'8!':' 'JLL'l.I, rll _ .. ...,.,... JJy 1ft. .......,... -.._1lN' ~ lilio ~".I/t lit "'.... _..... It,...r 1JG6.... .... ""'HP._~_ _--I, .._ _A_wr.'" ...,_ ....JJ_...,.Ooo/JI'iI' ,..,...,..,....cy.) Job J1k 62~.hJoI-/ . PL_,. "r_~ 7~/ft9r; ~ 1I~~f ~AcffMil'Mc ~ I~~ tG~ /' ~ ~ .--/ e.e-c./ e~h-o-~ /~ 4r~,. '7J c.. ht.c<- 6v~'A. vi . Su: /J1 _ Race: tJ ~ ~rpf....,..,.,..oI............. Atl8: S? " -*---- ""'" dIa)IIU""" ~..,..on WsA-. r OW' ...." .s~,r(.'0 ~w CI//) ....._ f/I.."",." ...-IyrIII" fo.. "lIdMI..d by..... _....A..f7 ~...-SilIMJW: .5e/l-(.---I ClhV cV"'1{ ~nrunil$II...c:ount)f~an~1OU"5IM1g: C..4~"- ~ ~~i~.:9'>- 7Ine"'"",,~ ...s,..,.~ 1. :%:.dt /..!.., 6-/uje- 1/ - J s-- 2. ~ 7"'0 E ( 2. {Jt:1-<-<..-f tA/r(Ir;.,..,., ( 1'/4 - ~l(4C; ~ 3. 1(0./-1-. ~f, .2 J L -LTS/O :; - - 44..-./192--' ...... ~........ _ nil< .." ",. ,... f. .._. ~ u.. .. _iIdlICIIDrt__1fIICa 117 911<l 395 0399 12/0S/~2 01:24pm P. ~0Z NC. 3772 ?, 2 NOV. is, 2002 9:20~M NEWHANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS "0 c"...tnut ~r, Roo," 305 ......,_It. NC llMOf ..au Tolopll.../Pl0) ~fl.7' fa FM((Jl0) ~4H1JO J ~:TJJI1 0i.I/R/5/h A-kE(O]JP;Efil7 /t:KcR/~ Natre: niL t. R U lh 5" /1.. L- " =-~: /8/7 S~c/'t-lrzlll'll))r Wllfh/.ryIz,~1 Ale ,;<t'/tJ3 IS""') (C"rI (ZJp c~ IfeltlgA<<hl5ifdftlent: Gh7ne ) - COMMITTEE APPLlCA TlON /C1fp1 rzq, codt/ '*-I'r/on<< 9/0 -763- .:2/70 BuWness FfrotJe; CJ /0- 7 J?~- t? 7..:U YellS IMng in 16 '"h1 I. J L:" "J "-HMowrC<<1nty. gi\ See: //1 RKa- tV .'.J~ ~ ~,....",._...,-........ .....n___."....~ fit?/~ ~ . (A~_ 01<.......,. "l"'6'1Ioy1llN. C)""'u,.-..'''''.mIOll''''- -"......,......., s''''o/f. h~rh......_..... - "..._I;o..lIr ,,_ .~oI,,_ /" .._....... wlth A<tIcIo VI. s... " of IItt> _ 11011_ c....." h....n4I...."cy./ JobTifle: mJ'l/llA9/lJI'f ~1Ne'r-I/%~/j)EA/T ~Ac1Mties: ;;;;t;;:;;::C!2;"E .&flR~ J',#/JI &:-./ ""'''''''~''_M''',~_' f:;ri:::l;::;:.u /k I /,-~ )., hV5//V'e55r's /N ~ 1___._ JL--. __~ MtI8I_ dQJfJC1l!lfl would ywlih I'D HI <<iIdt8s:sl!d by fils co"...lhr:? M;I- /l/t!!c e 5.fAr / . / v t:' P,lT/C'/!?.qftJ.5 hvf {,L'(7JL b'.f'~ ~~c1P~ iN' .7)JA} nk /# d,~A..w/ v. /l ~.7 /' QI.a'B;dondrnMIF L../F'ti?? / ft/ A/# (" -hFr 26 ~r5) Ap~/ ~~ 'T.t:'r fg 1/,{JAr~," )J)'J.j/'p a ft7a:(~tf'C ~F ~L *,OlI-y.L ~/ ~/(rC / , r.t1/,!?!>. OffwllUl/Ct)ltorCOlMl(y~ Or! which)'Du_serving: AI/A- TlneIt>>aJ petJlDtIM~ andphone NrWws: r. t],iL i!AmE~I'//V 7~..2-;26.?6 _,~. %. J1LIF/f/ (dB~Jr. 7;&}"-7902{ pg~3S7o 1 Leuil: t./tPPLJ.6v"f 777 763 -.3 ~3L . _ DMe: 1J...../-tJ2 ~ U?ff~~/ ...... ....,h:.... ..,. t.,~,.. IIIe IN- t. mortM. f.JsIJ",.,.-..... fw ~onlll COI7IITIImts: 118 12/04/2002 WED 15:57 FAX 919 279 3029 St~IT HOSPITALITY GROUP ~002/006 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JZO ene.lII"r Streel, Haam JO~ W/lm/ngroft, tiC Z8-4~1"'0'3 r.,.pho"o (910) 3-41-'1.' PAX (IIfO) 301-4130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION Name: Home ActdlMs: BoarrJrommlttee: TDA-- i30Q.v-J TOu4'" L7.v\.J.... , /A-~ vJ. ~ :-::; A-u.ei "ltl L R u. \-t"f. V' l2 +- (st....1) D~J e.liJf ~~ +- ~ /.J : lvv... ~c, 6-v. (Cltyl 2.glf\7 (ZIII Cod.1 MtIIIIng Ac:b'18ss If different: ICHy) (ZJP Cod.1 Home Phone: '1ID-;<17-- \'120 ~ Self: Professfonal AtI1Mtles: BusineaPhcne: 1/D - 5""01- DO LO M RzIoe; vJ Agv; "'f 't (Ifttonn_ fM 1INt~. of usutlng. <:IW...-" of tII. ....-."'ity) ~yer. 5 u..M.IAA.~ ~$.,P..; \~ L IA 11.,.0/1 tll...."fly .mpl~d 1>1' rI.. .....cy Dr J;~nm."1 ttw wIll "". .,.,......lion r. .d., m".1 rwi,,, h~/Ie' "...1'- ..ft/1 N.., H."o...r CoU"ty 1Ip0ll Jppol"tmem, I" ."""'",," fIrith MloJ. \It SK. -4 of Ute ~w If...o ..r County Perrlo"nel "olley.) Job11tle: MA.lI'..~ \"^".q "Pet.o/""~~V-~, U rv--~Ltoll"' of. opev-4f,:014s A:tfu..t: ~ e d A1ft.uked Y6SIS IMI1fiJ In New Hanover County: VoIumIer Ac:tMt1es: "5''''' ~e€- r e..-s l.LI.N-I. ~ o/"-e."f:......lA..l.L Why do you wish to........ on thi. bowdIcomtmtee? s~ L *~lkt!d. te 1+-t.Jl'" Whllt ~ of concern would )'Jul/l(e to see addre$sed by this r:ormmt..? f;~e.. &d.....,J ,~i!-~ QualiRoations for S8r\1ing; ~e.. Aitr.u \.. ~J... le~ t.M-~ re.~ OtheI'mum:ipa/ or coun(y bol1rI:4/Cl:lmrrittevs on which you ate sef\I1ngt ~ ~ ~ .A-tf-tl.d....~ 1. Date: De. '- 4 1.-002.. AppJlc~IG,.,.r ;j 1(ept on 11/1 Ibr 11 month. Signafz.ue IF", t- LiD 2. 3. :S. f1iIVQt"SQ side for addtJoflal comments f1 I O~ r 119 12/04/2002 WED 15:58 FAX 919 279 3029 StmMIT HOSPITALITY GROUP Attachment to TDA Application For Ian W G Sauer Question: Why do you wish to serve on this board/comminee~ I would like to serve on this board! authority as a member of the industry that is directly impacted by this authorities vision, direction, implementation and policy setting. As managing partner and operator of two local hotels, The Hampton Inn & Suites-Landfall 125 rooms and the Residence by Marriott-Landfall 90 suites, I feel my involvement in the daily operations, sales & marketing, budgeting and the numerous eommunity activities of these two hotels as well as my other hotels and restaurants, provides immedlatc: experience and vision for this board. Additionally my experience in nahonal, state, and local hospitality and marketing organizations will provide strength to the board and allow it to receive and seek input on issues and topics as needed, It is my hope that my knowledge of the industry, local government and with my :skills in team building, it will allow this important board to bring aU communities together in a shared vision for marketing and tourism, Finally T "Will commit my energy and effortS to the Board! Authority and it's customers to achieving the results OUT community deserves. Qm:stion: "What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this board: As this is a new board and a1.lthority I would like to be part of the initial members who help set the vision, direction and policies as directed by the state and loca1legislation that enacted the authority. I have been part of numerous start-up as well as estahlished h()ard.~/committee~authorities and feel that with this knowledge we can begin quickly and focus on results that the various customers that this board. will ~e. They deservc and should receive results and my commitment to this will be a priority. I believe the initial concerns will be represented and discussed by the customers we will serve. As an active member of the locaJ hospital ity and commwtity I know that 1 will receive input and provide feedback. Tourism is our largest regional industry and at times it is fragile and must be; s1.lpported by each and every sector of the private and public entities that it in turns supports. Tourism employment and its tax base is a key economic driver and I feel that I understand, communicate and can help manage the process. 4~W(~ f\ '2ofc;- 120 llJ 003/006 12/04/2002 WED 15:56 FAX 919 279 3029 StnlliIT HOSPITALITY GROUP Ian W. G. Sauer 402 But]~r Coull Wilmin~llln. NC 28412 Telephone (919) 392-1920 Key Stn:ngths/Summllry: . 27-year veteran of the hospit."\lity industry, with emphasis in commercial multi-unit facility operations and general manaltenlent, . Ellpenenclld in both largll and mid-sized orglll1i7JStiom of various e1l1tl.ral diversifications, . Extensive knowledge in start up procedures of hotel, restaurants, and limited partnerships. . Proven community leader through 20... years involvement in numerous COIIDnWlity projects. . Resulu oriented, highly effective motivator, and team builder with strollS foresight aud ex.celleJlt people skilli, Professional ftJstory . Summit Hospitality Group, LTD" Raleigh, NC (1996-Prescnt) Managing Partner. LandfaJI Pll!"k Hampton Inn &; SlIites and Residencl: inn by Marriott - LandfaJI Business Center, Wilmington, NC, Director of Operations for 4 additional Summit Hotels and 1 free standing re>sraurBJlt loealed in .Raleigh, N C, . Crown American Hotels, Atlanta, GA (April 1989 . AUglL,t, 1996) General Manager, Comfon Inn Hotel, a 260 room, full service hotel with 120 employees and a 6.5M operating bUdget in the highly visible Convention Are01 of Downtown Atllmm, Member Host Hotel Network for Atlonta Committee for Olympic Games, sclectcd as m.::dia C<.'ntCT for print and :Broadcast membe~. · Days Inn Mana"ement Companies. Atlanta, GA (July, 19&7 - April. 1989) General Manager. n..ys Hotel, Lenox (Atlanta) OpenIng Manager of Flagship Hotel. a brand new. 3i 0 room, full service hi~-rise hotel with 100 employees and a 7.IM opcrating budge!. . Carnlina Services and Real Estate, Inc., Raleigh, NC (December, 1985 - lilly, 1987) Vice presiden.t of Operations, responsible for 9 unit hotel.limited senice properties with 350 employees and a 9.2M total operatinll blldget. . Days Inn Management Compnnies, Atlanta, GA (July, 1975 - November, 1985) Various positions of responsibility inclllding VP of Training, VP of New Product Development, General Management and Operations Management. Education: . Wofford College, Spammburg, SC . Asheville School For- Boys, Asheville, NC . Virginia Episcopal School, LynchbU/g, v A . AMA Course Celtifications, PIlblie Speaking & Crisi. CommWJ..ication . General Mana~er.~ Certification, Days Tnn & Holiday Inn . Marriott Gold Mine Certification . Promus SAles IUld Revellue Max Certification 'P~-3ol'-S'"' @004/0011 121 12/04/2002 WED 15;59 FAX 919 279 3029 SDMMIT HOSPITALITY GROUP Ii!I 005/006 Membership And QualUkations: · Choinnnn-Nortll Carolina Hotell\l1d Motel Association, 2001.2002 · Executive Couunittee. NOIth Carolina Holel and MOlel A"u~ialion, 1999.Present · Multi-Property Legislalure Committee - North Carolina Uotel ilnd Motel Associlllion, \997 - Present · Member - New Hanover Counry Hold/Motd Assoeialiol1, 19.96 - Present. · President, Board of Trustee's, Thaliau HJlll Center for Performing Arts, 2002-2003 · Secretary, Board o(Tru.stees, Thalian Hall Center for Performing ArtS, 2001-2002 · Treuurer, Board of Trustee's, Th.linn Hall Cenler fnr P~rfo""ing Art~, · Executive Committee. Thailian Hall Center for Perfonning Am, \997- Present, · Member NC HotcllMotol Associalion, 1996 . Present. · Board of DirectoJ'S aad Co~ch- Masonboro Optimisl1997-Prellident · Member/Coach Winter Park Optimist, 19<)6 - 1998. · Mmiott International- Residence 1M Franchise A..oc;ation Representative, 1996 - Present. · Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG) Hospitality Committee Executivc Member, 1994 ' 1996. · Chairman Atlanm Hetel Council Communication Committee, 1996-1997. · Cn..inn..n Wnrld Largest Hospitality R\lmm~ge Sale, Mnrch 13, 1996. · Chainnan United Way Hospitality Fund Raising Campa;!,,,,, 1996. · Founding Member, Downt<7wn Improvement Denriet (DID), 1996. · Member ACVB 1989-1996, E>I~cutjvc Boanl Member, 1994. 1996. · Chairm'ln Atlanta Hotel CC7uncil, 1995-1996, . Board OfD;rectcr~. Spirit of Unity ClIDlp.ign, [995.1996, · Member GHTA, Cllainnan, City Activities Conuninee, 1994, . Member GHTA, 1982. 1996. · Choice Hotels, Region II, roc Advisory Board, 1989 -1996, Natinnal Ho..rd Memher, 1995. . AHMA Member, 1980 - Prc,cnt. · Chainnan, Fundraislng Comminee, Canterbury SOCCM Association, 1993 · Roswoll, CiA Rccreation Association Coach, 199! . 1996, Samplinll ur Sp~cial Project, · 1979 -1934 Days Inn OpeninJ: Team Leader, Regional Coordlnator, Franchise Opening Liaison. · 1980 Lead Operations Projecl Manager Central Laundry Facilities, Orlando, Fl. · 1982.1985 Oper..tions Instructor, Day Learnine Cemer, AtlEllltll, Ga. · 1988 Operalions & HumllJl Re"'Llrces Consultlmt. W. B. Johnson Properties, Atlanm, Ga. · 1992 Hospimlity School Consnlrllilt M.d 1nsrntClor, Morris Brown College, M1anta, Oll. · ] 995 Operations RenClVation Coordinator for Southern Region, eight propertIes. 4,SM budger. Crown American Hotels, Johnstown, Pa. · I 997-Present, lIost lIotel and llospimlity Consulflll1t for Town of Wrightsville Beech, Hur,.;cane Evacuation!. · 1997 -Present Hosr Hotels and sponsors [or Ncw Hanover Regional Medical Cmter, Coastal CelebrJty Golf Classic · I 997-Present, Host Hotels and sponsors for UNCW Md Make a Wish FOWldalion, Legend$ ofTenn;. Lnndfal1 Event · 1999- Present, Host Hotels ~nd sponsors for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Legends Challenge Event + 1996- Present, Host Hotels and Sponsor. Th.I;"" H..II Center for Performing Arts l\I1d the Wibningron Symphony · 11)99- Present :;;non<or. Annnal Rvenr TAnlc i>non<or and Fnnd,.i..r for The Cane Fellr Bov SCrluls 12/04/2002 WED 15:59 FAX 919 279 J029 Sl~IT HOSPITALITY GROUP 1i!I008/006 ~~ fA) b 'SQ..u.(A.J PcrsGnallnrormatloll ~ Bom December 21, 1957, Married 24 years ro Selene J. Sauer, Children; Josbua J. G. Sauer (17) and Julie L."N. Sauer (15). 122 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Cheslflvt Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 TelaphoM (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION BoanflConmittee: NE'N J./A/lJOV€1l. c..LJu;f(V JOLlA-15M DI::.VIt?OP/1t;'?J1 ,AWTHd,i/71j Nal1E: t!.AJ"j 7J1J1/)/j ,R. S cH € JA , SA.. , U <; Ai ( P.. <t~ . Home Address:' 510B RUXToN tJAY WILHIN/r-rOrJ ~8'-1o'l (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Acttress if different: (City) (ZIp Code) Home Phone: '15"";}'.. qOY? Business Phone: d. 57. 5"717 Years living in New Hanover County: /1 Sex: H Race: wi Age: S-8 (Inform.lion fOT rha pvrpose of assuring fI cro.s.s"$ection of the -community) ErrpIoyer: JAS'~ NOlL pi t!AIJot../N A 8.1/3"77 L €S}/ 1-" L!OM M } sf' I ON (A person cu"enrly employed by the agertcy or deparlmertt for which this .ppl/carlon Is made, must resign hl6lh.r position with New Hanover County upon app o;ntment. jn accordance with Article VJ, Sec. 4 of the New H.nover County Personnel Policy.) Job rille: ]) IR..H...ioti... ProfessionalActMties: }'ft!:!l'1.4@'l, 71JE NAVY LEA~ of 'flU wJJI"."tJ m7~Jj VoJunteerAc1ivities: oll;'")'U>, J.f1J.i.U 71.i1!:)f-ru CdIl1!AJJV lNhy do you v,jsh to serve on this boardlconwdttee? ~ @o,1f u- /tF 717A 7 7""ite S IJ~ T A ~ /'!C.1rt:;...rr 0 ~ ~G E,.}AC./llv(; L~~/rU~T'O,..) IS <:.AIZ.~4:i> cru-t 1?-6f(. ~.(f 6~1I rc "Tkl:::- CPt..{;.J(\( As ,d /lVIiO~ lMratareasofconcernwouldyouliketoseeaddressedbythiscomnittee? .. A I'IUHAAy POUlS' n:. "'[7;-i~- 7.6A (1\ II /I (~ n '/ A.) L/J.,Jn4. <; € It o.bs - , N - ~ms- ty A. rx J J,.;..&1u."'1 fN ~ 0lJ.u..S7't: (2,) J # L ILIi"t' ~~ ,..lOt,U(,)S JI't , QuaJificationsforservmg: VIC.E"- CJ..{,4.Jn ~1l...7J.1 c.Ai2..fJLJNA. &~7J./i!"As"'17JJ.(AI))1 SOLI&:'I'l 4riAA.6 . ~ '1;/~EC711"tf..SJ l~qJ/-I'A.ErOJlJ.ll.n,'/(J#J4L TO/.(tl..H~ dJUrIf,;.JJ-t;-'.."1u,,) ()~ II 50Lt"1"1I EJ4srDltJ Other muoopal or county boarostcomnittees on which }IOU are setVing: .J o~ ~ Date: -:1,;< ..vO"V 0 J... AppllcetlotlS are kept on /fl. Ibr 18 months Signatule Three toea personal nmrences and phone IIUitOers: 1. 3. L.out S~ H c. ou... 7 10 ;)., .. c:, ~ ~ ~ 123 * C.(14/~#/1"7"I(JN A ("l...IOl.~ c'f- CO'''.) c::et..J " /lJ:.v~-s I A) t. ,-~A,JH,,)&-- )" ~ us -1 ~~ lAY lJU J1J ~ Lo'-l;.rtV I r I ,AS A WJ.l()~I[";(3) 4I/JAOJiJTr> 1/:i~ APfAA.t[1ST 'N7~ (j~ 77JE f-[tI){))C/~AL/TII::r 10 ~,lJtIr~J:t:-1!" A~tJEYL-r1J)N6- )\Nb MIH'I..KE7'//t.I~ ~N b.-r-PFc..i "e(J)rJ J- AwJ'(V t W L TJ./ IHI.F ..nav....t 00,t.. 'r:.. A J..Jt.. J JI,A) i!1t..6..y ~.!!1...o,o l= 11 r) JoJ(..1;! 77'i ir ~JVC.lff1-T1 0,.,) aGo 111.€ ,R,tJT L(JLLe7:7"Lt7Al A/oJi) nur c.vd I~ 7ke- Y'-1/~ -/Q80., . '"* f!.. ~A.J7iAJu,).-r IO.J 1 ~U.ALJFlc.tl.-rJlN$ ;:OI2..S"e:7lVI,..J"l-: STA7G!)J' P!ltt!It)eJ'T' ,A,N.,6 oIAIIl.r1IJ~ ~ -rJ.I.e-4di4MJ j./1J'71JIl.lc. 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Presentation of Update on Status of Water and Sewer Constmction Projects 127 2:20 p.m. 3. Consideration of Request for Participation in Upgrade and Expansion of Wastewater 129 Pump Station Number 30 2:25 p.m. 4. Consideration of Award of Bid for Sewer Constmction Project in Castle Hayne, 131 Contract #03-0121 2:35 p.m. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 2:45 p.m. ADJOURN 125 {This page intentionally left blank} 126 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Agenda - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of Regular Meeting held on November 25, 2002. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 127 {This page intentionally left blank} 128 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Allen O'Neal & Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Update on Status of Water and Sewer Construction Projects BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff will present the status of all water and sewer construction projects in the County. We will also include construction schedules, completion times, and cost. Information will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff is presenting information only. No action required. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: Water and Sewer District Funding ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The purpose of this comprehensive presentation is to update and acquaint the Board with the numerous and complicated water and sewer projects currently underway and the projects that have yet begun. No action is required. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Heard the report. 129 {This page intentionally left blank} 130 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Participation in Upgrade and Expansion of Wastewater Pump Station Number 30 BRIEF SUMMARY: The District presently has a pump station which serves the Caneel Cove project just off of Pine Grove Road (see map). It was a pump station which the District acquired as a part of the Cape Fear Utility sewer system. It was originally built in 1984 by a developer and turned over to Cape Fear Utilities. The pump station needs upgrading. Logan Construction and Development is preparing to construct a residential project called The Reserve at Masonboro near this pump station. In orderto allow sewer flow from this project, the pump station must be expanded and upgraded. The total cost will be $75,780. The District's share, if approved would be $16,200, which is less than the cost of upgrade without the participation of the developer. The upgrade had already been planned and budgeted. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the District approve upgrades and expansions of the District's Caneel Cove pump station by Logan Construction and Development. In addition, authorize participation in the upgrade in the amount of $16,200. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: Water and Sewer District Fund - 800-470-4197-6000 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 131 OOKED CREEKRD . MAYBERRY CT ~ -<1~ ~ & DR 011; "..c ?" :{ ~,:o ~~ ~\.:r ~ <'< ~O ~ "V~ Q~ Of", ~O ~ <<-- <;) <J sv <Q~~ ;i::)~ ~ /JV~ ~v <-.:~ ~h~O "V~ , J G'1>O~ ~O ~ ~o 'C.~\~O <(-Q (:)<.:-- -fJ f...* ~0 Logan .;y.J2 ~~~.;, Construction c} f-. 0 , . Project if) 51. MARY Ci ~ Site ; r!; .- - ,\J 0 CS.,. D ~1 "~f>-..~~ ^ ' 'R ~ -{ 5\ \'l\ m~ ~ 'Z CT ~ ~ ~ ~'v ;:0 <: I *:kocation 6-fC-aneel Cove Lift Station I Request by Logan Construction and Development . for County participation toward the expansion and upgrade of existing lift station. 440 N .' " w"".' , " E ',,_ w S I Feet 12/04/02 132 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Regular Item #: 12.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Wanda Coston Contact: Wanda Coston SUBJECT: Castle Hayne Area Connection of Dwellings to Water and Sewer Systems, Contract #03-0121, Funding Provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development BRIEF SUMMARY: The Castle Hayne Sewer Construction Project, which is fully funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development is complete. These funds are being used to provide loans to assist low and moderate income residents with the costs associated with the connection to the County system. Staff has requested and received proposals for connecting thirty-two (32) occupied dwellings to sewer and ten (10) occupied dwellings to water. Three proposals were received: Kelly Plumbing Contractors, Inc. $26,840 T&H Construction of NC, Inc. $35,968 Goslee Construction Co., Inc. $50,800 The average cost of the low bidder for connection of each dwelling to the sewer is $800 and to the water is $124. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that Kelly Plumbing Contractors, Inc. be awarded Contract #03-0121 in the amount of $26,840. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: c) No Change In Position(s) Explanation: Funding is provided by the United States Housing and Urban Development, Disaster Recovery Initiative Grant Program. All federal guidelines are being followed on this project. ATTACHMENTS: 2 (Map and Draft Contract) REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 133 ../ "+. ~ 0\;1'-' I~~ ~ CD Ow -+-' ::ro~~ g;..c >..--' go..coe ~Q)ILL ~ ...c Q) L... <D ...... (I) Z "+- :;::::; $: o ~ (]) ~U(/) E :..J ....0 ~ .. -~.~ 134 C\J o ~ I ;: i I ]? or LL ~) ~I .-, o ro r-- Cl OJ (Y) <C) OJ .- Cl New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT equipment and shall perform all work in the manner and form as provided by the Insurance Certificates for Workers' Compensation, Public Liability and Property Damage, for the project more fully described therein and generally described as: . :";';"'::::;'>::; .: '~:.' :::".' ~::. ::';" ",: ;: :;: .",;.; .. " .... "," ,'. . .. . :." ..... .. . ". ... ". .. . ... ... ... .".. .... ............. .. . ...... . .. .. .... .... ... . . .... .". ... ... .. are defined as written orders t6UContracfor:aulhorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the work or an adjustment in the contract price or the contract time. 2.1 Extra Work, District and Contractor shall negotiate and agree upon the value of any extra work prior to the issuance of a Change Order covering said 135 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 extra work. Such Change Order shall set forth the corresponding adjustment, if any, to the contract price and contract time. The Contractor 'shall ucommence the Work upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed and shall achieve Final Completion of the Work no shall constitute the "Contract Time." . . ... ...... . ... ......... .. . . from any amounts otherwise du'ethe"Cc)ntrador~namount then believed by the District to be adequate to recover liquidated damages applicable to such delays. If and when the Contractor overcomes the delay in achieving Final Completion, or any part thereof, for which the District has withheld payment, the District shall promptly release to the 136 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 work performed under this contract has been performed in a workmanlike manner, so as to meet the standards of workmanlike quality prevailing in North Carolina at the time ,. ....................... indemnify a'iid' 'hold New Hanover District, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, work to be performed by Contractor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County and District". 137 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 The Certificate of Insurance, naming New Hanover County and District as an additional insured, shall be further evidenced by an actual endorsement furnished to the County and District from the insurer within thirty (30) days of the signing of the contract between the Contractor and the County and District. contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. 138 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 8. Builder's Risk Insurance. Contractor shall provide builder's risk insurance written in the amount of 100 per cent of the contract amount. Coverage shall It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of District, and as such, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. law. 11. No Waiver of Leqal Riqhts. Upon completion of the contract work, District will promptly make final inspection and notify Contractor of final acceptance. However, final acceptance shall not preclude or estop District from correcting any measurement, 139 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 estimate or certificate made before or after completion of the work, nor shall District be precluded or estopped from recovering overpayments from Contractor or his surety, or this contract and fails to cure said breach within five (5) days of District's mailing of prosecution of the work out of the hands of Contractor. District may enter into another . .... .. ... .. . .... .... on.. . ......................, . . . .... .. ... and all local laws, ordinances a:naUregUiaH6hs"\~hich in any way affect the conduct of the contract work. 15. Permits and Licenses. Contractor shall procure all applicable permits and licenses, including permits and licenses required pursuant to applicable patent and 140 New Hanover County Contract #03~0121 copyright laws, shall pay all charges and fees, and shall give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution to the work. There will be no charge for a. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act as amended. Contract b. Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act as amended. The Contractor shall fully .. .. Federal provisions set forth, suchthatho qUalified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination hereunder. d. AQe Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended and Nondiscrimination on 141 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 the Basis of AQe. The Contractor shall fully comply with all Federal provisions set forth such that no qualified person shall on the basis of age be excluded from participation amount due at time of payment, computed at wage rates not less than those contained alleged to exist between the Contractor or Subcontractor and such laborers and mechanics; and a copy of the wage determination decision shall be kept posted by the . , . . . . . .. ...,." . ., , .... ... .. .n ... ...... '" ......... . .. with the work, or such part ofthewOfkastovJhich th~re has been a failure to pay required wages, and 2) prosecute the work to completion by contract or otherwise whereupon such Contractor and his sureties shall be liable to the Government for any excess cost occasioned the Government thereby. 142 New Hanover County Contract #03~0121 III. Paragraphs A and B of this clause shall apply to this Contract to the extent that it is: 1) a prime contract with the Government subject to the Davis-Bacon Act, or 2) a subcontract under such prime contract. address any issues arising out of the contract or construction process wherein the administrative costs to be incurred by the District in conducting the dispute resolution. . ......., ... .. .... .... ...... . n . .. .. . .n . .. ....... '" "' ... New Hanover County,pursuanfto N.'C:G.S:S143-128(c), has adopted an ten percent (10%) verifiable goal for participation by minority businesses in the total value of work required by the terms and conditions of this contract. Contractor covenants and agrees to comply with said policy of New 143 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 Hanover County and the provisions of N.C.G.S_ g143-128 and shall follow District guidelines specifying the actions that Contractor must take to ensure and maintain, accompanied by an affidavit verifying validation. concern or intent in the making of this Agreement or in the profit thereof. All persons ....... . '.. .... ...... .... . may hereafter be designated byelh,er'partY bymaiiTngo"f written notice of such change of address, by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested: 144 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 To County: ," ,", ;.: . ;.; '", ,". "... . '.'~ ..... .... ...... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this [SEAL] Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney 145 New Hanover County Contract #03-0121 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 146 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes 147 2. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Transportation Planning 149 3. Approval of Salary Recommendation for Sheriff 159 4. Consideration of FY03-04 Draft Budget Calendar 161 5. Approval of Participation in 2003 Chamber - County - City Legislative Weekend 165 6. Approval ofWrightsville Beach Request for Beach Renourishment Funds 171 7. Approval of Financial Services to Tourism Development Authority 173 8. Approval of Release of Tax Value 181 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 183 Collections Reports Approval of Budget Amendments: 10.1 #03-0078 187 10.2 03-0082 191 147 {This page intentionally left blank} 148 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the minutes for Regular Meeting held on November 25, 2002. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved with corrections as noted by Commissioner Pritchett. 149 {This page intentionally left blank} 150 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Commissioner Julia Boseman, Mark Tinkler SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding for Transportation Planning BRIEF SUMMARY: In accordance with Federal and State Law each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is required to develop a comprehensive transportation plan for their urban area. As a result of the 2000 census the boundaries of our MPO have been changed to include all of New Hanover County. The jurisdictions of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach have been added to the Metropolitan Planning Organization in the Wilmington Urban Area. Other jurisdictions include the City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County, Belville, Leland, and Navassa. The Memorandum of Understanding outlines the representation from the various jurisdictions that serve on the Transportation Advisory Committee, along with the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) which is an advisory committee made up of technical representatives from all local and State governmental agencies. Funding for the Work Program is provided through Federal monies distributed through the NCDOT. These funds require a local (20%) match that is proportioned according to each jurisdictions share of the MPO's total population. The Memorandum of Understanding is attached RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval with authorization for the Chairman to Sign FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: c) No Change In Position(s) Explanation: Funds are already budgeted ATTACHMENTS: iii Wilmington Urban Area MPO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 10 : REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 151 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COOPERATIVE, COMPREHENSIVE, AND CONTINUING TRANSPORT A TION PLANNING Between THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH, TOWN OF KURE BEACH, TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, TOWN OF BELVILLE, TOWN OF LELAND, TOWN OF NA V ASSA, COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK, AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS, Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136-66.2(a) of the General Statutes of North Carolina require that: "Each MPO, with cooperation of the Department of Transportation, shall develop a comprehensive transportation plan in accordance with 23 U.S.C. ~ 134. In addition, an MPO may include projects in its transportation plan that are not included in a financially constrained plan or are anticipated to be needed beyond the horizon year as required by 23 U.S.C. ~ 134. For municipalities located within an MPO, the development of a comprehensive transportation plan will take place through the metropolitan planning organization. For purposes of transportation planning and programming, the MPO shall represent the municipality's interests to the Department of Transportation."; and, WHEREAS, the said Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136-66.2(b) provides that: "After completion and analysis of the plan, the plan shall be adopted by both the governing body of the municipality or MPO and the Department of Transportation as the basis for future transportation street and highway improvements in and around the municipality or within the MPO. As a part of the plan, the governing body of the municipality and the Department of Transportation shall reach agreement as to which of the existing and proposed streets and highways included in the adopted plan will be a part of the State highway system and which streets will be a part of the municipal street system. As used in this Article, the State highway system shall mean both the primary highway system of the State and the secondary road system of the State within municipalities."; and, WHEREAS, the said Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136-66.2(d) provides that: "For MPOs, either the MPO or the Department of Transportation may propose changes in the plan at any time by giving notice to the other party, but no change shall be effective until it is adopted by both the Department of Transportation and the MPO."; and, WHEREAS, Section 134(a) of Title 23 United States Code states: It is in the national interest to encourage and promote the safe and efficient management, operation, and development of surface transportation systems that will serve the mobility needs of people and freight and foster economic growth and development within and through urbanized areas, while minimizing transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution. To accomplish the objective stated in paragraph (1), metropolitan planning organizations, in cooperation with the State and public transit operators, shall develop transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas of the State. The plans and programs for each metropolitan area shall provide for the development and integrated management and operation of transportation systems and facilities (including pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities) that will function as an intermodal transportation system for the metropolitan area and as an integral part of an intermodal transportation system for the State and the United States. The process for developing the plans and programs shall provide for consideration of all modes of transportation and shall be continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive to the degree appropriate, based on the complexity of the transportation problems to be addressed. WHEREAS, Section 134(f) of Title 23 United States Code states: The metropolitan transportation plauning process for a metropolitan area under this section shall provide for consideration of projects and strategies that will- 152 (A) Support the economic vitality of the metropolitan area, especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency; (B) Increase the safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users; (C) Increase the accessibility and mobility options available to people and for freight; (D) Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, and improve quality of life; (E) Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight; (F) Promote efficient system management and operation; and (G) Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system. WHEREAS, Section 134(g) of Title 23 United States Code states: Each metropolitan planning organization shall prepare, and update periodically, according to a schedule that the Secretary determines to be appropriate, a long-range transportation plan for its metropolitan area in accordance with the requirements of this subsection. A long-range transportation plan under this section shall be in a form that the Secretary determines to be appropriate and shall contain, at a minimum, the following: (A) An identification of transportation facilities (including but not necessarily limited to major roadways, transit, and multimodal and intermodal facilities) that should function as an integrated metropolitan transportation system, giving emphasis to those facilities that serve important national and regional transportation functions. In formulating the long-range transportation plan, the metropolitan plaIming organization shall consider factors described in subsection (f) as such factors relate to a 20-year forecast period. (B) A financial plan that demonstrates how the adopted long-range transportation plan can be implemented, indicates resources from public and private financing strategies for needed projects and programs. The financial plan may include, for illustrative purposes, additional projects that would be included in the adopted long-range transportation plan if reasonable additional resources beyond those identified in the financial plan were available. For the purpose of developing the long-range transportation plan, the metropolitan plaIming organization and State shall cooperatively develop estimates of funds that will be available to support plan implementation. (C) Assess capital investment and other measures necessary to- (i) ensure the preservation of the existing metropolitan transportation system, including requirements for operational improvements, resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation of existing and future major roadways, as well as operations, maintenance, modernization, and rehabilitation of existing and future transit facilities; and (ii) make the most efficient use of existing transportation facilities to relieve vehicular congestion and maximize the mobility of people and goods. (D) Indicate as appropriate proposed transportation enhancement activities. WHEREAS, Section 134(h) of Title 23 United States Code states: In cooperation with the State and any affected public transit operator, the metropolitan planning organization designated for a metropolitan area shall develop a Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program for the area for which the organization is designated. In developing the program, the metropolitan plaIming organization, in cooperation with the State and any affected public transit operator, shall provide citizens, affected public agencies, representatives of transportation agency employees, freight shippers, providers of freight transportation services, private providers of transportation, representatives of users of public transit, and other interested parties with a reasonable opportunity to comment on the proposed program. For the purpose of developing the transportation improvement program, the metropolitan planning organization, public transit agency, and State shall cooperatively develop estimates offunds that are reasonably expected to be available to support program implementation. The program shall be updated at least once every 2 years and shall be approved by the metropolitan plaIming organization and 153 the Governor. WHEREAS, a transportation plamring process includes the operational procedures and working arrangements by which short and long-range transportation plans are soundly conceived and developed and continuously evaluated in a manner that will: 1. Assist governing bodies and official agencies in determining courses of action and in formulating attainable capital improvement programs in anticipation of community needs; and, 2. Guide private individuals and groups in plamring their decisions which can be important factors in the pattern of future development and redevelopment of the area; and, WHEREAS, it is the desire of these agencies that a Memorandum of Understanding dated October 24,2002, be revised and updated. NOW THEREFORE, the following Memorandum of Understanding is made. Section 1. It is hereby agreed that the THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH, TOWN OF KURE BEACH, TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, TOWN OF BELVILLE, TOWN OF LELAND, TOWN OF NA V ASSA, COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK, AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION in cooperation with the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, will participate in a continuous planning process as related in the following paragraphs: 1. The Metropolitan Plamring Organization in the Wilmington Urban Area includes the boards of general purpose local govennnent - Wilmington City Council; Carolina Beach Town Council; Kure Beach Town Council; Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldennan; New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; Belville Board of Commissioners; Leland Town Council; Navassa Town Council; Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; The North Carolina Board of Transportation; a Transportation Advisory Committee hereinafter defined; a Teclmical Coordinating Committee hereinafter defined; and the various agencies and units of local and State govennnent participating in the transportation planning for the area. 2. The area involved, the Wilmington Urban Area MFO Metropolitan Area Boundary, will be the Wilmington Urbanized Area as defined by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, plus that area beyond the existing urbanized area boundary that is expected to become urban within a twenty year plamring period. 3. The projected Metropolitan Area Boundary will be periodically re-assessed and revised in the light of new developments and basic data projections for the current planning period. 4. The continuing transportation plamring process will be a cooperative one and all planning discussions will be reflective of and responsive to the programs of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and to the comprehensive plans for growth and development of the Municipalities of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Wrightsville Beach, Belville, Leland, Navassa, and the Counties of New Hanover and Brunswick. 5. The continuing transportation planning process will be in accordance with the intent, procedures, and programs of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. 6. Transportation policy decisions within the planning area are the responsibility of the Wilmington City Council; Carolina Beach Town Council; Kure Beach Town Council; Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman; New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; Belville Board of Commissioners; Leland Town Council; Navassa Town Council; Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; and The North Carolina Board of Transportation. 7. Transportation plans and programs and land use policies and programs, for the local urbanized area, having regional impacts will be coordinated with the Cape Fear Council of Govennnents, an agency established by the City of Wilmington, Town of Carolina Beach, Town of Kure Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County, Town of Belville, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Brunswick County, and other municipalities and counties of the region. 8. A Transportation Advisory Committee (T AC) is hereby established with the responsibility for serving as a forum for cooperative transportation planning decision making for the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. The Transportation Advisory Committee (T AC) shall have the responsibility for keeping the policy boards infonned of the status and requirements of the transportation plamring process; assist in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, and policies of the policy boards; and ensuring meaningful citizen participation in the transportation planning process. 154 The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) will be responsible for carrying out the provisions of 23 U.S.c. 134; and Sections 5(1) and 8(a) and (c) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of1964 as amended, (49 U.S.c. 1604(1) and 1607(a) and (c); including: a. Review and approval of the transportation Planning Work Program which defines work tasks and responsibilities for the various agencies participating in the transportation planning process; b. Review and approval of the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program for multi-modal capital and operating expenditures and to ensure coordination between local and State capital and operating improvement programs; c. Endorsement, review and approval of changes to the adopted Long Range Transportation Plan. As required by the General Statutes Section 136-66.2( d) revisions in the Transportation Plan must be jointly approved by the MFO and the North Carolina Department of Transportation; d. Endorsement, review and approval of changes to the Federal-Aid Functional Classification System and the Wilmington Adjusted Urbanized Area; e. Establishment of goals and objectives for the transportation planning process. f. May install bylaws for the purpose of establishing a quorum and operating policies and procedures. The membership of the Transportation Advisory Committee shall include: a. Two members of the Wilmington City Council; b. One member of the Carolina Beach Town Council; c. One member of the Kure Beach Town Council; d. One member of the Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman; e. One member of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; f. One member of the Belville Board of Commissioners; g. One member of the Leland Town Council; h. One member of the Navassa Town Council; 1. One member of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; and J. One member of the North Carolina Board of Transportation; Representatives from each of the following bodies will serve as non-voting members of the Transportation Advisory Committee (T AC). Federal Highway Administration (North Carolina Division Administrator) Cape Fear Council of Governments North Carolina State Ports Authority New Hanover County Airport Authority Other local, State, or Federal agencies impacting transportation in the plaIming area at the invitation of the TAC. The Transportation Advisory Committee will meet as often as it is deemed appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote, the Transportation Advisory Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the Committee's activities. A member of the staff of the Wilmington Department of Development Services, acting as MFO Coordinator, will serve as Secretary to the Committee. 9. A Teclmical Coordinating Committee (TCC) shall be established with the responsibility of general review, guidance, and coordination of the transportation planning process for the plaIming area and with the responsibility for making 155 recommendations to the respective local and State governmental agencies and the Transportation Advisory Committee (T AC) regarding any necessary actions relating to the continuing transportation planning process. The TCC shall be responsible for development, review, and recommendation for approval of the Planning Work Program, Transportation Improvement Program, Metropolitan Area Boundary, revisions to the Long Range Transportation Plan, plamring citizen participation, and documentation reports of the MFO. Membership of the Teclmical Coordinating Committee shall include teclmical representatives from all local and State governmental agencies directly related to and concerned with the transportation plamring process for the plamring area. Initially, the membership shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Director of Department of Development Services, City of Wilmington; b. MFO Coordinator and Senior Transportation Planner, City of Wilmington; c. Plamring Division Manager, City of Wilmington (alternate: Senior Long Range Planner); d. Traffic Engineer, City of Wilmington; e. Transportation Division Manager, City of Wilmington; f. Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, City of Wilmington; g. Planner, Town of Carolina Beach; h. Planner, Town ofKure Beach; 1. Planner, Town of Wrightsville Beach; J. Assistant Manager, New Hanover County; k. Director, New Hanover County Planning Department; 1. Deputy Director, Wilmington International Airport; ill. Facilities Planner, North Carolina State Ports Authority; n. Town Clerk, Town of Belville; o. Town Manager, Town of Leland (alternate: Director of Developmental Services); p. Town Council Member - Plamring Administrator, Town of Navassa; q. Director, Brunswick County Plamring Department; r. Executive Director, Cape Fear Council of Governments (alternate: ); s. Division Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; 1. Division Traffic Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; u. Division Operations Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; v. Division Construction Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; w. Wilmington Urban Area Coordinator, Statewide Plamring Branch, North Carolina Department of Transportation; x. Transit Planner, Public Transportation Division, North Carolina Department of Transportation; y. District Engineer, North Carolina Division, Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation (Advisory and non-voting member); z. Plamring and Research Engineer, North Carolina Division, Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation (Advisory and non-voting); aa. General Manager, Wilmington Transit Authority; bb. General Manager, New Hanover Transportation Services. The Teclmical Coordinating Committee shall meet when it is deemed appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote of its membership, the Teclmical Coordinating Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the Committee's activities. On the basis of majority vote of its membership, the Teclmical Coordinating Committee may also appoint a Vice-Chair to lead meetings in the absence of the Chair. Membership to the Teclmical Coordinating Committee may be altered on the basis of a majority vote of its membership, provided all agencies with T AC membership are represented. 10. The Wilmington City Council; Carolina Beach Town Council; Kure Beach Town Council; Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman; New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; Belville Board of Commissioners; Leland Town Council; Navassa Town Council; Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; and the North Carolina Board of Transportation shall serve as the primary means for citizen input to the continuing transportation plamring process. The Transportation Advisory Committee (T AC) may initiate other vehicles to solicit citizen input at its discretion." Section 2. It is further agreed that the subscribing agencies will have the following responsibilities, these responsibilities being those most logically assumed by several agencies: City of Wilmington The City of Wilmington shall serve as the Lead Plamring Agency and will provide the Staff of the MFO, including the MFO Coordinator and Secretary to the T AC. As such, Staff will maintain the official record of the MFO and all state and federal 156 reporting and budgeting requirements in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Transportation staff. The City will further assist in the transportation plamring process by providing plamring assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. Additionally, the City shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approvals within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Carolina Beach The Town of Carolina Beach will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town ofKure Beach The Town of Kure Beach will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town ofWrightsville Beach The Town of Wrightsville Beach will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. New Hanover County New Hanover County will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. Additionally, New Hanover County shall, to the extent allowed by State law, coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Belville The Town of Belville will assist in the transportation planning process by providing plamring assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Leland The Town of Leland will assist in the transportation plamring process by providing plamring assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Planning Work Program. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Navassa The Town of Navassa will assist in the transportation plamring process by providing plamring assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Brunswick County Brunswick County will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Planning Work Program. Additionally, Brunswick County shall, to the extent allowed by State law, coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. North Carolina Department of Transportation The North Carolina Department of Transportation will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Plamring Work Program. The Statewide Planning Branch will designate a Wilmington Urban Area Coordinator to serve as Staff liason and participant in the Wilmington Urban Area MFO planning process. The Department to the fullest extent possible and as permitted by existing State and Federal regulations, will provide assistance in the protection of necessary rights-of-way for those thoroughfares designated in the transportation plan. Section 3. Activities of the Wilmington Urban Area MFO, as set forth in the annually adopted Plamring Work Program, are funded through Federal Planning funds distributed through the North Carolina Department of Transportation. These funds require a twenty percent (20%) Local Match. Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding agree to fund the Local Match in an amount in direct proportion to their share of the total population contained in the approved Metropolitan Area Boundary. Population figures for determination of Local Match contribution shall be determined based on the most recent Federal decemrial Census. This funding share shall be invoiced on a regular basis by the City of Wilmington, acting as Lead Plamring Agency, and as recipient of the Federal Planning funds distributed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. 157 Section 4. Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding may terminate their participation in the continuing transportation plamring process by giving 30 days written notice to the other parties prior to the date of termination. Section 5. In witness whereof, the parties of this Memorandum of Understanding have been authorized by appropriate and proper resolutions to sign the same, the City of Wilmington by its Mayor, the Town of Carolina Beach by its Mayor, the Town of Kure Beach by its Mayor, the Town of Wrightsville Beach by its Mayor, New Hanover County by its Chairman of the Board of Conunissioners, the Town of Belville by its Mayor, the Town of Leland by its Mayor, the Town of Navassa by its Mayor, Brunswick County by its Chairman of the Board of Conunissioners, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation by the Secretary of Transportation, this 24th day of October, 2002. (Seal) CITY OF WILMINGTON By Clerk Mayor (Seal) TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH By Clerk Mayor (Seal) TOWN OF KURE BEACH By Clerk Mayor (Seal) TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH By Clerk Mayor (Seal) NEW HANOVER COUNTY By Clerk Chairman of the Board of Conunissioners 158 (Seal) (Seal) Clerk (Seal) Clerk Clerk By By By TOWN OF BELVILLE Mayor TOWN OF LELAND Mayor TOWN OF NA V ASSA Mayor 159 160 (Seal) (Seal) Clerk Asst. Attorney General BRUNSWICK COUNTY By Chairman of the Board of Commissioners NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By Secretary NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Salary Recommendation for Sheriff BRIEF SUMMARY: With the election of a new Sheriff, it is expected and anticipated that a reorganization and reassignment of staff occur within the department. Sheriff Causey presented his restructuring plan to Andre' Mallette and me to review prior to implementation. To offset costs associated with the restructuring, Sheriff Causey is eliminating two vacant Deputy Sheriff positions. The estimated annual savings of that action will be $97,305. This more than covers the annual cost of the requested changes. Sheriff Causey specifically asked the Human Resources Director to review the changes for conformance with County policy. The Human Resources Director informed me that the changes were made in accordance with all County policies and he supported the requests. I, therefore, approved the requested changes that were within my authority. I appreciate the Sheriff working with prescribed policies to effect change. In addition to staff reassignments, Sheriff Causey also asked that the salary for his position be reviewed. He understands that it is the Board's responsibility to establish that salary. In response to his request, and to assist you in this effort, I asked the Human Resources Director to conduct a review of the position and to make a salary recommendation based on that review. The Sheriffs position is one of only four County positions not assigned to a pay grade. Nevertheless, comparisons were made to the salaries and salary grades of other County department heads, along with size of the department, the nature of the work performed within the department, and the amount of experience of the incumbent within the particular discipline/profession. As a result, the Human Resources Director recommends that the salary for the Sheriff be $93,704. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that you approve the amount of $93,704 per year as the starting salary for Sheriff Causey effective December 2,2002. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: b) Position Modification Or Change Explanation: There will be a change in the annual salary for the Sheriff. Sufficient funds exist within the department and appropriate line items. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 161 {This page intentionally left blank} 162 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Contact: Cam Griffin, Budget Director Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: FY03-04 Draft Budget Calendar BRIEF SUMMARY: A draft FY03-04 budget calendar has been established for the Board's review (attached). This is a preliminary budget calendar, and it will likely be subject to change. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board review and consider approval of the FY03-04 Budget Calendar. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: c) No Change In Position(s) Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: iii Budget Calendar - 03-04.doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve budget calendar. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 163 BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003.2004 (DRAFT - PENDING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' APPROVAL) 2002 December 2 Capital Improvement and Capital Project (CIP) Information to Departments. December - February Meet with Small Groups of Department Heads to Develop and Refine Performance Measures. December 6 Budget Manual Distributed to Departments_ (Budget Process Updates Will Be Done Through Lotus Notes.) Organization Charts (as of July 1, 2002). December 19 Capital Improvement and Capital Project (CIP) Requests to BUDGET. 2003 January January 14 January 15 February 13 164 Organization Charts Returned to BUDGET. County Manager Meeting with Department Heads on FY 03-04 Budget. Planning Session with Board of County Commissioners on FY 03-04 Budget. Expenditure and Revenue Printouts (Through 12/31/02) to Departments By Request Only (Information Available on AMS Advantage Desktop). Fee Chart for Departments to Recommend Adjustments and/or Enhancements. Temporary Salary and Overtime/On-Call Salary Requests to BUDGET. Departmental Line Item Expenditure Requests to BUDGET (ALL REQUESTS IN EXCEPT SCHOOLS). Departmental Revenue Projections to BUDGET. Fee Charts with Adjustments and/or Enhancements to BUDGET. BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 (DRAFT - PENDING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' APPROVAL) March 19 Distribute Revised Budget Requests and Printouts to Departments and Board of County Commissioners. March 28 FY 03-04 Departmental Accomplishments and Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures Due to BUDGET. May 2 Budget to Board of County Commissioners (informally). May 5 Recommended Budget Information to Departments and Non- County Agencies. County Manager Presents Recommended Budget at Board of County Commissioners' Meeting. Commissioners Establish Budget Work Sessions. May 19 Public Hearing on Budget (May Need to Be Changed to Night Meeting). June 2 Adopt FY 03-04 Budget. 165 {This page intentionally left blank} 166 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: 2003 Chamber - County - City Legislative Weekend BRIEF SUMMARY: The Chamber is once again planning another Chamber Legislative Weekend. The County has been a sponsor for the last two years. The "Long Session" chamber weekend events are more elaborate than the short session. Attached is a memo from Howard Loving regarding the event. The requested $10,000 contribution is not budgeted. The event is ultimately beneficial to the County, therefore, likely wise to sponsor. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of $10,000 contribution as requested by the Chamber and approval of Budget Amendment #03- 0085. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: Contingencies - see attached budget amendment. ATTACHMENTS: iii BA #03-0085.wpd REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 167 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQU EST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Non-Departmental/Contingencies BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 03-0085 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Non-Departmental/Conti ngencies: Contingencies $10,000 Chamber of Commerce $10,000 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from Contingencies for the Chamber legislative Weekend. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With approval of this transfer, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $210,000. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners 168 Ii WILMINGTON October 31, 2002 Memo: Allen O'Neal From: Howard Loving Subject: 2003 Legislative Weekend 1. The Legislature will commence the Long Session of the 2003-04 Biennium Legislature on January 29, 2003, I am anticipating that the Chamber, City and County will co-host our Legislative Weekend in April or May next year, The State Governmental Affairs Committee will meet on November 131h to start preparing next year's P.,genda, 2, This year's Short Session finished a few weeks ago. Normally Short Sessions d ~ not produce significant funding support for legislative projeCTS. r-,owever, we were very successful, I hove attached a summary, which describes Legislature support for the 2002 Agenda, I om convinced that the 2001 Legislative Weekend was instrumental in receiving funding support for both 2001 and 2002 Legislative Agenda For Business issues, 3. New Hanover County contributed S 1 0,000 to support the 2001 Legislative Weekend, Please consider sponsoring at this level for the 2003 Legislative Weekend Thank you, Unt: F~ldlltT rl~lL.i..' . \Vi!f::lln<";""ll 169 Chamber's Legislative Agenda Scorecard The Chamber's 2002 Legislative Agenda For Business fared well during the General Assembly Short Session. The General Assembly adjourned in October after meeting for over four months. The Chamber Board of Directors approved the 2002 Legislative Agenda prepared by the State Governmental Affairs Committee in April. The State Governmental Affairs Committee made two visits to Raleigh during the Short Session to meet with members of the New Hanover Delegation and encourage their support for Agenda issues. Chamber Vice Chairman for Governmental Affairs, Dickson McLean said, "Our Legislative Agenda this year was very realistic, given the budget constraints the State faced, Each of our issues had a direct economic benefit to our area. We are very pleased about the support we received. The New Hanover Delegation helped immensely in tracking our issues and making sure we were included in the final budget." Economic Development . NC State Ports request for $24 million for continued funding for the Cope Fear River Deepening Project. Full funding by the General Assembly means that the River Deepening Project up to the Port of Wilmington will complete on time in 2003. The upriver portion of the channel will be deepened by 2006. And the State Ports Tax Credit was extended beyond January 2003. Successful support of both issues is vitally important to the State Ports. . The final budget included $500,000 in incentives to support development of the film industry in North Carolina, This is the first year funding support has been attached to the Film Industry Development Account. State support of the film industry sends a positive signal to potential film producers to consider North Carolina as a production site. Transportation . The Chamber continued to encourage funding support for area transportation projects included in the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). In addition to working within the General Assembly, the Chamber, City of Wilmington and New Hanover County hosted the North Carolina Board of Transportation here in Wilmington for their March meeting. Education . The North Carolina Community College System fared well during the General Assembly Short Session. Cope Fear Community College received full funding for double-digit enrollment growth in 2001-02 in each of its three major instructional areas: curriculum 170 (college credit), occupational extension (customized non-credit programs for business and industry and other occupationally- specific training) and basic skills (GED, Adult High School and English as a Second language). Funding for the growth helped offset cuts in fu7nding for equipment, the Marine Technology Program and materials and supplies. This legislative support indicates the importance of the state's Community College System in uncertain economic times. . The Chamber's Agenda supported the UNC Board of Governors request for University-wide tuition increases (8% for residents and 12% for out of state students). The General Assembly approved these tuition increases, which will generate approximately $40 million. For UNCW, this will result in funding for additional regular term, on-campus students and additional students in on-line and distance education programs. Total enrollment for UNCW for Fall 2002 is 10,699, the highest ever. The University sustained a reduction in the continuing budget of approximately 3%, However, conference deliberations successfully eliminated potential cuts of at least $100 million. Insurance Availability . This year's Agenda encouraged the General Assembly to consider establishing a reinsurance facility in order to make to make insurance more affordable for coastal homeowner's and commercial businesses. Making coastal insurance more available and affordable for homeowners and businesses has been a major Chamber initiative for over six years. HB 1120 was signed by the Governor and requires the Beach Plan to issue a homeowner's insurance policy; requires a study of the Beach and Fair Plans; provides for immediate temporary binding authority of agents accepting application to and requires the Beach and Fair Plans to maintain unearned premium reserves for insurance losses. 171 {This page intentionally left blank} 172 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce Shell Or Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Wrightsville Beach Request for Beach Renourishment Funds BRIEF SUMMARY: The Town of Wrightsville Beach spent $22,718.54 for the repair of escarpments at street ends on the beach strand. The Port Waterway and Beach Commission approved this request and recommends reimbursement via room occupancy tax funds. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve request. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 173 {This page intentionally left blank} 174 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Approval of Financial Services To Tourism Development Authority BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of County Commissioners created the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority on November 12, 2002. The Authority will be doing business as the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). The Board of Directors for the CVB voted unanimously on November 13, 2002 to dissolve the assets of the CVB and authorized the Executive Director to transfer the assets to the Authority after January 1, 2003. The CVB has also asked that the County Finance Department provide financial services for this purpose. In order for New Hanover County to provide this service a new position will be required. The accounting position will spend 75% of its time on tourism related matters while 25% will be spend in other areas such as the newly created special assessment matters. Attached is the contract for services as well as a budget amendment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve contract for services, new position, and related budget amendment #03-0081. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: a) A New Position Explanation: 75% of cost for position is paid by the TDA. ATTACHMENTS: . ba03-0081.wpd REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 175 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQU EST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Finance BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 03-0081 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT $21,000 CREDIT Financial Services Fee FICA $16,800 $1,285 $2,880 $35 Salaries Medical Insurance Disability Insurance EXPLANATION: To increase budget for payment by the CVB for personnel to prepare their financials. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners 176 NEW HANOVER COUNTY IN1ER-OFF1CE c=:=MEMO December 6, 2002 To: Allen O'Neal, County Manager From: Bruce T Shell, Finance Directo~~ RE: Tourism Development Authority Financial Services The Tourism Development Authority (TDA) was created on November 12, 2002, effective January 1, 2003. The Cape Fear Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) will become the Authority and will be required to operate under the same general statutes as New Hanover County. The CVB non-profit will be dissolved on December 31, 2002 and seamlessly continue to operate as The Authority on January 1, 2003. The CVB has requested that County Finance provide financial services for the TDA. As you know, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will make this decision on December 16, 2002. In order for County Finance to provide this service, we will need to add the new position being considered by the BOCC. The County's Human Resources Department evaluated the position and determined a starting salary of approximately $43,000 but with benefits equates to approximately $54,000. I have estimated that this position will spend an average of 75% of its time with the TDA. Accordingly, the TDA has agreed to fund this portion of the position at $3,500 per month or $42,000 per year. The County will pay the remaining 25% (approximately $12,000) with duties assigned by the Finance Director. The shortfall of $6,000 for the remaining six months will be absorbed within the Finance Department budget. Accordingly, the attached budget amendment does not require additional funds of the County for the current fiscal year. Fiscal year 03-04 should anticipate an additional $12,000 needed for the Finance Department. This position should be considered a part of the services rendered to the TDA. Therefore, if the TDA were to terminate its contract for financial services with the County, this position would be terminated as well. I will continue to take steps for the TDA to begin total operations on January 1, 2003, The Finance Department will be prepared to provide financial services to the TDA and conduct interviews in January for the new position. I have projected February 1, 2003 as the beginning date for this position to start. The position will be located within the Finance Department but is expected to spend a significant amount of time on site with the TDAlCVB. If you should have questions please let me know. 177 New Hanover County Contract #03-0141 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this _ day of ,2002, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; and THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public authority ofthe State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). W 1 I rf E. ~~ E.IH: WHEREAS, the County desires to continue to promote the prosperity, general interest and welfare of New Hanover County by encouraging and promoting the many attractions, facilities and enterprises which might be available to the area, and by promoting tourism and convention business within New Hanover County for the economic betterment thereof; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has been established by the General Assembly of North Carolina and organized to exert a beneficial influence on the economy and quality of life in New Hanover County and its environment by attracting conventions and visitors to the area; and WHEREAS, the Contractor performs such services under the assumed name of the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitor's Bureau; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has and will be collecting and transferring to the Contractor certain taxes which are allocated to activities and programs aiding and encouraging convention and visitor promotion; and 178 New Hanover County Contract #03~0141 WHEREAS, the Contractor desires to utilize the services and facilities ofthe County for the performance of certain financial services, hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and conditions set forth herein, the County and the Contractor agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services, The County shall, in a satisfactory manner, allow the Contractor to call upon it to perform financial services and bookkeeping. 2. Time of Performance. The facilities and services of the County are to be available to the Contractor as of the date of the execution of this contract. 3. Term of Contract. This contract shall take effect January 1,2002 and shall continue for one (1) year unless otherwise terminated as provided in paragraph 8 of this contract; except that it is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that in succeeding years, the terms and conditions of this contract, including compensation and the scope of services provided by the County and the amount of compensation provided by the Contractor, may be revised by mutual agreement of the parties. 4. Compensation and Method of Payment. In consideration of the services to be performed by the County at the request of the Contractor pursuant to th is contract, the Contractor agrees to compensate the County in the amount of Three Thousand Five Hundred ($3,500) Dollars per month, paid at the first of each month. Provided, however, said contract price aforementioned does not include the amount charged by the County against the gross proceeds of the tax for administering and collecting the tax. 179 New Hanover County Contract #03-0141 5. Requests for Services, The Contractor has requested the services of the County in writing and the County will seek to perform services as requested without unreasonable delay unless said requested service would not be permitted by law or the County does not have the personnel or facilities to render said requested service, 6. Discrimination Prohibited. The Contractor agrees that, in the performance of this contract, that it shall not discriminate against any recipient or participant in any program related to this contract on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, physical handicap, sex or age. 7. Assianabilitv, The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any interest in this contract without the prior written consentof the County. 8. Termination. This contract may be terminated for cause by either party at any time provided that prior to such termination the terminating party shall give written notice to the other party on the grounds for the proposed termination and shall allow the other party reasonable opportunity during a period of not less than thirty (30) days to cure the default or breach. In addition, either party may terminate this agreement by giving notice of such termination, with such termination to be effective ninety (90) days following issuance of such notice. 9. Amendments. All amendments to this contract shall be in writing and must be approved by both parties prior to becoming effective. 10. IndeDendent Contractor Status. It is expressly agreed and understood by the parties hereto that the Contractor is in all respects an independent contractor under this agreement, and it is not an agent, employee, or representative of 180 New Hanover County Contract #03-0141 the County, The only liability of the County created by the terms of this contract is the obligation to render services to the Contractor as requested under the terms of this agreement. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] ATTEST: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Clerk to the Board THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY d/b/a CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU BY: Judith Grizzell, Executive Director This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney NORTH CAROliNA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ,a Notary Publicofthe State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was 181 New Hanover County Contract #03-0141 signed in its name by its County Manager, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this _ day of ,2002. Notary Public My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public ofthe State and County aforesaid, certify that JUDITH GRIZZELL, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Executive Director of The New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority d/b/a Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitor's Bureau and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this _ day of ,2002. Notary Public My commission expires: 182 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX. Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Baker, Robert H. Jr. $49, 559 Downing, Magalene Burnet 25,261 Esposito, James Frances 46,705 Fennell, Hattie Jerome 25,828 Jones, Hazel Life Estate 41 ,989 Peoples, Mary Hobgood 36,519 Pridgen, Bernice F. 23,926 Sickles, Pamela B. 40,252 Request the following late list penalties be releases as this was the taxpayer's first offense: Chick N Fish 22.25 Corning, Inc. 365.40 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 183 {This page intentionally left blank} 184 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX. Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collections Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of November 30, 2002. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 185 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU I I/30/02 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2002 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM $ 104,590,762.69 3.285,704.03 89,644.38 $ 107,786,82234 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENT AGE COLLECTED .00 62,439.49 .00 $ 107,849,261.83 - 20349.904,69 $ 87.499)57.14 18.87%* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 4,109,991.72 77,04357 152.77639 $ 4,034,258.90 1.190,449.29 $ 2,843,809.61 29.51% RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS $ NOV 2002 21,259.26 181,430.09 1.086.62 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO MOTOR VEHICLE $ 4,785.243.46 HU36.49 50,274.60 $ 4,745,505.35 ,00 .00 .00 $ 4,745,505.35 3,077.795.78 $ 1,667,70957 64.86%* FISCAL YTD $ 112.570.23 1,696,681.93 10.748.72 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY. CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $ 36,926,843.73 TIllS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY I. 2002. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITfED. U"'"'11' <l. $=\, (It:: t \ -'16V. PATRICIAJ. RAYN"OR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 20.81 % 186 CONSENT AGENDA DATE:_________ ITEM NO .______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 11/30/02 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2002 -~--------~----------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADOEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES --..--....---- REAL ESTATE AND CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS PERSONAL PROPERTY TOTAl TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, AD IJALOREM MOTOR 'iEHICLE ---------------- -------11IIII..---...-- $ 2,610,119.32 $ 154,463.75 132,119.11 499.93 46,885.04- 1,656.81- .....,.------------- --------------- $ 2,755,413.45 $ 153,306.87 1,934.95 .00 ---.----------- ---------------- $ 2,757,348.40 $ 153,306.87 553,505.59- 102,089.13- ------.-...-------... --------------- t 2,203,842.81 $ 51,217.74 20.01%* 66.59%* $ 98,980.41 3,495.60 5,422.16- ....-----.....------ $ 97,053.25 28,395.68- ---------...---.- $ 68,657.57 29.26% YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2002. ,. ~~ C~~'C\~ : ('l. (.q . ", ~ . \_., _! . !P'" PATRICIA J. iU'YNOR ' COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 22.52% 187 {This page intentionally left blank} 188 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 10.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Foster Grandparent BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 03-0078 ADJUSTMENT Foster Grandparent Grant Salaries Medical Insurance Contract Services Contract Services-Meals Telephone Postage Supplies Dues and Subscriptions Employee Reimbursements Training and Travel Uniforms Volunteer Mileage Volunteer Stipends Volunteer Recognition DEBIT $25,955 $6,235 $2,589 CREDIT $250 $212 $255 $175 $75 $37 $100 $241 $1 ,796 $6,986 $26,536 $600 EXPLANATION: To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 01-02 to FY 02-03. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 189 190 I- Z <( cr: ~ I- Z W n::: <( Q... o Z <( n:: ~ n::: LlJ I- if) o LL Ql2,.... :!j..c:o ~ - I =C;M ~ I I >,....N <( I ,.... l"'- 1.0 co I'- 1.0- II) ..- W if) N 9 ..- (") N I ~ ::J o n:: I l- N o I ,.... I ..- I- Z ::J o :2: <( I- Z ~ (j (")LDOOOOOOOO..-OOtDO ..-..-..-0000000,....00..-0 a:i--i"":"":c:i6c:icic:iNNocic0o '<1"(")'<1" II) ..-(") coo I'-tD (0 01 '<I" co LD'<I" ..-- <D N <.D (") ,.... 1.0 W ,.... o o M .1> - ~ Ql Co (f) 1'-1.000000 cooomoooo "":LCio::icrici6c:i I.ONI.O'<I" N(O""'''- (0-""': ,.... w 0000100'<1"0 ooooooocoo c:icio::iLCicic:ic0ci rooo 0'<1" I.ON rom m- .;f (") - Ql OJ "C :::l to OOOOOOOOOOCOOOI'-O 0(000 0"- 000 ONCO""- om COI.O"'<l' COI'- C') ,....1.0 ro N m - U Ql :c o ~ .9 UiUi ro c >>c (.) .QQ)V"J ill I-~ I-~ EQ) ~ .~ Q) -2 EiIl :g ~ ro .!!! Q) := E OJ C ..... 0) ..... (.) ..... OJ ro 1ii ,9- a. 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EA- L[) tT7 N ...-- (fi - Ql Cl a 000000010 0000 or 0 " ~ 000000000 ~~~~ ~~~ 0 :J cicicic:5cicicic:ia:i a:l CO 0000 000 co .-- tT7L{)0L[)tT70LOL.O.-- 0000 000 .... " "<t "<tNN NM<'oL[) OC'?NO "<t"<tC'? co c:: u1 tT7 NO (fi 0 tT7 0)- ri(fi(fi"-: (fiC"')a:;i ..: S2 .-- tT7 ..- N ..- tT7 .-- '<t I tT7 tT7 (fi (fi tT7 EA- t: L: o Q. g. CI) ;g Cii c c:: o ~ Q) a.. rn ~ C '~ :2 Q) co c (f).S:! Q) (/) _ C EiDU:::l OJiD Q. = E E ~.~ ~ 'S 8: c E ~ co C 1il t:J:::l 0 0 :::l Q. 'C 0 LlJ(f)()UD(f)o...o... t: o Q. Q. ::l CI) g rn c::<n o (jJ ~(/) :el-~ c E c c ro !!!. ro ..... Cii OJ:32 .:,2 ro:s~>8(f)g;, iDrncEiDOJ.c:: ~E::JI-a::l-o... ~ ~ 192 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 10.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: library/Partnership for Children Grant BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 03-0082 ADJUSTMENT Partnership for Children Grant DEBIT $81,666 CREDIT Temporary Salaries Social Security Taxes Departmental Supplies Employee Reimbursements Postage Expense Printing Charges Employee Reimb.lUniforms Books & Periodicals $58,976 $4,512 $1,028 $2,628 $300 $563 $225 $13,434 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for Partnership for Children Grant funds awarded for the last three quarters of FY 02-03 (October 2002 - June 2003). Funds are used to provide library services to preschoolers. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 193 NHC Partnership for Children Activity Planning Budget ;. rYI ""-'11rL.- ~a- J u. ~ - v." of: ' Uc> "'2- I Fiscal Year' 2002-2003 r i '.. Start i Funds ,. i ("" ,r t 2\ ~1D'1, 00 J i U i I ;Partnership: New Hanover /.\,ctivit!Growing Readers Crg3ni New Hanover Co. Public Library I ! .51X::< ill", Cersonne! .52XX 12) Contrac~ec Services ,13) Total Personnel/Contracted Services ::3:';': i:LL) :Jfi!ce Sup~,tles & \t1aterials 1:5.: Service "ie:a:ed Suppl'es '16) Total Supplies & Materials I ~iQb,oo 'i;: 241 ""^ ! I .538,:< 5J.~X 14 {, 't1(p,(}b $ ,dO,OD I T I ii" <::>6 T -" -rave! :d2X :d2D i 18) Comrr:u rilcations & ::;':s~a2'e I: 9: Uti!ltl8S 120: P'inting & 31ncinQ 5d..1D 54.50 i21: ReDalr and Ma:ntenance :d6X 22: Vlee'i,lg/Ccnfere:lce "xcense 5d70 123;::~oloyee Training ;rc travei) 5J.80 24~ C:2sslf;ed ,i:\cverts:ng I 54-9X '25~: N/.A 26) Jotal Non-Fixed Operating Expenses 1 ho;"oo i I I I i I I 5510 27) Office Rent ('Lsn.d, B~i!d!ngs, et:::.:. 128) Furr,it'Jre Rental !29; ':q~lo,,',e:,t Rertal ,choces, CDf"C~,e', eta,; 30' \1/,11, 5:20 5530 55LO :550 5560 3: '; Dues & SUDscrrcticns 32J-nscrance & Bonc~ng 33\1 2coks,:~ibrary Refe~ence Maten21S I I 4; 44 i7~.00 5570 5590 3d) N/A 25~.: NiL. 36) Total Fixed Charges 5610 37', BUI:di~gs & Imorovements 5620 38) Le2se!"',olc Improvemer,is 5630 39\ r'cr1ltCJreiNcc.Cornf'u,er :~ct, $50DT ce' :terr 5640 J.Q', CJm:)uter Equlpmen:/crln:ers, $.500+ ::e;- .te:-r. 5650 J.:) F'Jr~!iL;re/;:-qpt., under $500 pe, Ite~ 142) Total Property & Equipr:nent Outlay 61XX L!.3) P'Jrc:--12se CT Services 52XX 4-4~; Contr2c~S INith Ser\IICe Prcvloers 66XX i45, Silpe'los/Scho'arsnIDsiBonuses 67XX Id6) Grants/Casr Awards ,,' I mx "7) G,oclemcc.'''''''''"' ~. , 148) Total Services/Contracts/Grants I 7XXX 149) Total Participant Training Expense t i .50) Total Budgeted Expenditures i -+- I Smart ~ In-Kind i Other Funds , ., j Amount ')" " '~ Funding I Sources I , ~i=: ," SL~ S97C).OC $1.370.00 v 'j;3,5GI1,C~~C I ~. $4QC~ ~ ~I $750,00 ill' \./ $30000! 0/ !I $4,954.OOl1 II II 'I -~-f $~79~2.JO: $17,912.00 !I I $0.00 II -11 I $0,0011 " ~~ $111,871,71 " $27 9119 40 ; $17,949.40, I 50,00 I , $0.00 $0.00 <t:: "1'1(' ,-;r: I ,..I.....,'-'uJ'.u'" t- i I ! I I I l I~~~~ $3.000.00, $0.00 I I i i1263L I ._ I I I 518,750.'00 $30,018.00 50.00 I I ,.,~t-' I $0.00 I I .L i I $0.00 Total Funds Amount i I l I $105,:;85_1 ~ $0,80 $105,585.11 $4CCCC ?:97C.DC $1.370,00 :tc50",~C I $400.CC ' SCJO -1 $750.0e SOQO $300JC $C.OO $0.00 $C.)O $7.954.00 $: 1,258,00 , $Ooe ! $n ,"r, I \...-'_'-.."v I $O~ so.~~~ $OG8 $36c62'OC SO.GO $47,930.00 ; i I $0.00 I $0.00 $o.oe SO.CC , $0,0::: ! $0.00 'W.oo $0,.00 $000 SCJO I i SO 00 ! $0.00 50.00 : so.OQ-i ~~---- I 1~ so.oo! i i r~-I $50.967.40 $0.00 "3 r'V"\.D'""V"'.% - '/ $ 2.1 q roB } -.J \J,.~ - Y A0'"t ' , ;:;--.... ----\' ~L: ~ fr}"I,J-'"---....,,, /"""'--1, [ } '-: }.. .../ l_~ ,'.~____!_'_, _i..::~~~~_~~~_. .' 194 $162.839.11 :. 22/C2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16/02 Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Linda Pearce Contact: Linda Pearce SUBJECT: Request for funding for Elderhaus BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved The commissioners voted 3-2 (Caster & Davis - no) to increase the funding to Elderhaus by $50,000. The funds are to come from the medicaid budget in DSS. If the medicaid budget is depleted, the funds should come from Contingencies. 195