Agenda 2005 01-24 AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC ROBERT G. GREER, CHAIRMAN · WILLIAM A. CASTER, VICE-CHAIRMAN TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER · WILLIAM A. KOPP, JR., COMMISSIONER · NANCY H. PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ·· ALLEN O?NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD January 24, 2005 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVALOF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards51 53 9:25 a.m. 2. Recognition of New Employees 55 9:30 a.m. 3. Consideration of Proclamation Human Relations Month 9:35 a.m. 4. Presentation of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial 57 Reporting to the Finance Department 59 9:40 a.m. 5. Recognition of Outstanding Service Award Presented to Jay Graham 61 9:45 a.m. 6. Recognition of Award Presented to Cooperative Extension Service 9:50 a.m. 7. Consideration of Resolution Regarding a Possible Public Defender?s Office in 65 New Hanover and Pender Counties 10:10 a.m. 8. Consideration of Request by the New Hanover County Board of Education for 73 a $210 Million School Bond Referendum in May, 2005 11:00 a.m. Break 11:10 a.m. 9. Consideration of Approval of Legal Fees for Beach Towns Renourishment 105 Projects 107 11:20 a.m. 10. Committee Appointments 11:30 a.m. 11. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District165 11:55 a.m. 12. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 1 12:00 p.m. 13. Additional Items County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney County Manager 12:15 p.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are , and if a preceding item takes less estimated time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. 2 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 11:30 a.m. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 11:35 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes167 11:40 a.m. 3. Continuation of Discussion of Water and Sewer Project on Darden Road169 11:50 a.m. 4. Consideration of New Position: Back Flow Specialist 171 and Associated Budget Amendment 05-0134 3 This page intentionally left blank. 4 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes7 2. Approval to Host a Luncheon for the Marshall Fellows9 3. Ratification of Grant Application for New Hanover Regional Medical Center 11 (NHRMC) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 4. Approval of Fire Fighter and Citizen Recognition Program13 5. Approval of Juvenile Day Treatment Center (JDTC) Request to Submit a Grant 21 Application to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation 6. Approval of Sidewalk Improvements at Veterans Park and Associated Budget 23 Amendment 05-0125 25 7. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 8. Approval of Release of Tax Value29 9. Acknowledgement of New Hanover County Board of Education Budget 31 Amendment 35 10. Approval of Budget Amendment for Purchase of Fire Priority Dispatch System and Addition of Two Phone Lines with Associated Hardware to the Plant 911 Phone System and Associated Budget Amendment 05-0133 11. Approval to Budget Additional Funds Received for the Sheriff?s Office and 41 Associated Budget Amendments: 2005-30, 2005-29 and 05-0130 Approval of Budget Amendments: 12.1 05-0126 Social Services45 12.2 05-0127 Juvenile Services47 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 1Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Sheila Schult Contact: Sheila Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes from the following meetings: Closed Session - January 10, 2005 Regular Meeting - January 10, 2005 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 7 This page intentionally left blank. 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 2Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Nancy Pritchett Contact: Allen O'Neal Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Approval to Host a Luncheon for the Marshall Fellows BRIEF SUMMARY: The Marshall Fellows will visit New Hanover County and there is an opportunity to host the group for lunch on Monday, February 28 or Tuesday, March 1, 1005. The group attended a Board of Commissioners meeting last year, followed by lunch with the Board and senior staff. The exchange was a learning experience for all. This year's group includes seven fellows from Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Portugal and Belgium. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve hosting the luncheon on Monday, February 28, 2005 at the Historic Courthouse. The luncheon can be hosted for an amount not to exceed $300. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. The Marshall Fellows are typically a top notch group of people. It will be an honor, again, for the County to host a luncheon. We are fortunate to have the Fellows visiting in New Hanover County. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 9 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 3Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Warren Lee Contact: Warren Lee SUBJECT: Grant Application for New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) BRIEF SUMMARY: The County has been asked to act as the conduit agency for a grant that NHRMC EMS wishes to apply for. It is a requirement of the State of NC that New Hanover County receive the funds, NOT NHRMC. The amount of the grant is $27,210. NHRMC EMS will use the funds to purchase decontamination equipment. This will not impact New Hanover County's budget since it is a "flow-through" grant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend ratification of New Hanover County's application for funds on behalf of NHRMC EMS; request ratification of the County Manager's signature on the grant application; request approval for the Finance Director to serve as fiscal officer; and request acceptance of the grant, if awarded. This will require NO budget amendment since the funds will go through a special account that is not part of the General Fund. The HRSA Grant Application from NHRMC EMS is available for review in the County Manager's Office. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend ratification. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 11 This page intentionally left blank. 12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 4Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Fire Services Presenter: Donnie Hall Contact: Donnie Hall SUBJECT: Fire Fighter and Citizen Recognition Program BRIEF SUMMARY: Currently, there is not a structured process for recognizing members of the Fire Service or community that perform acts of distinct heroism or provide an outstanding service to the safety of our community. In years past the Commissioners awarded the John Dolan Volunteer Fire Fighter of the year award to worthy recipients, however, the method of determining the recipients that were recommended to the Commissioners was vague at best. This program will provide a structured system for not only determining the Volunteer Fire Fighter of the year award, but will also allow a wider range of recognition to volunteers and career members alike. Similar programs have been used in other public service organizations as a tool for volunteer retention, which is needed. There is no anticipated increase in cost this current FY, however, the program will be identified in the budget process for FY 2005-2006. It is estimated that annual expenditures will not exceed $3,000 for the awards. This program has been reviewed and is recommended by the NHC Fire Commission. The program is presented in more detail in the attachment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend accepting the Fire Fighter and Citizen Recognition Program as presented. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: prog Draft awards REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 5Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Juvenile Day Treatment Center Presenter: John A. Ranalli Contact: John A. Ranalli SUBJECT: Approve Juvenile Day Treatment Center (JDTC) Request to Submit Grant Application to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation BRIEF SUMMARY: Request permission to apply for a grant for $85,200 from the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. If approved, grant funds will be used to implement a Communication Apprehension Program (CA - mental health based curriculum) and America?s Rising Stars (ARS - a vocational training program ). CA assesses and enhances one?s oral communication skills, thereby increasing positive interpersonal interactions. ARS enhances basic life skills and prepares one for a successful future. The grant will fund the cost of contracting with appropriate professional service provider(s) to train Center staff so that program implementation is ongoing. The program descriptions are available for review in the County Manager's Office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve submission of application. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: We would contract with two different organizations to provide the services identified. No funding support is required from the County. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 21 This page intentionally left blank. 22 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 6Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Max Maxwell Contact: Max Maxwell/ Neal Lewis SUBJECT: Sidewalk Improvements at Veterans Park BRIEF SUMMARY: The original plans for the development of Veterans Park called for the connection of several sidewalks from adjacent neighborhoods to the Park. The sidewalks were not built because of some drainage and encroachment issues. The original capital project fund was closed out before these issues could be resolved and the remaining funds of $67,955 were transferred back to the general fund . These issues have been resolved and a bid of $23,638 has been received by Johnson Grading Company to complete the work. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: An appropriation of $23,638 to the Parks Department Budget (account 6300: improvements), and approval to award the contract to Johnson Grading Company in the amount of $23,638. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: With the approval of this budget amendment the amount of fund balance appropriated to date in FY04-05 is $11,397,293. ATTACHMENTS: 05-0125.d REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 23 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Governing Body/Parks BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 05-0125 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance: Appropriated Fund Balance $23,638 Parks: Other Improvements $23,638 EXPLANATION: To appropriate fund balance for sidewalks at Veteran's Park. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: When the Veteran's Park capital project was closed remaining funds were transferred to the General Fund. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 24 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 7Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of December 31, 2004. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: 2 paper copies to follow ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 25 26 27 This page intentionally left blank. 28 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 8Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and letters explaining late filing are available upon request) Baker, Betty S. $53,301 Benson, Carson M. 49,582 Bordeaux, Winnie 21,520 Cliver, Carl Edward 38,579 Ellis, Kathleen 44,067 Ewing, Eleanor 53,218 Faulk, Jack D. 1,000 Faw, Mark R. 27,011 Fields, Lillian W. 26,583 Howard, Viola H. 48,764 Johnson, Salome W. 54,728 Jones, Joseph E. Viola P. 36,437 Murry, Delores V. 25,796 O'Leary, Daniel B. 56,834 Ripley, Carol Ann 35,808 Roberts, Magdalene Goff 3,290 Twigg, Marion 12,729 Wall, Esther 27,533 Watkins, Irene S. 43,865 Request the following late list penalty be released as the taxpayer certifies they listing during the regular listing period: Charlton, James A. 20.25 Econocom USA, Inc. 2.49 Fleet Capital Leasing - Global 83.91 Request approval of the following delinquent applications for exemption from property tax for the following organizations: (applications and letters explaining late filing are available upon request) Mission BD/NC State Assn FWB R06120-007-043-000 NC Coastal Land Trust R04417-005-012-000 R04413-003-032-000 Seagate Pentecostal Mission R06207-009-004-000 Wilm Central Church of Christ R05407-004-001-000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 29 Request approval of these releases. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 30 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 9Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin Contact: Cam Griffin Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: New Hanover County Board of Education Budget Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: On January 3, 2005 the New Hanover County Board of Education approved the attached budget amendment. The amendment establishes the budget for the school bus lease financed by the state and transfers funds from the completed Laney Roof Replacement to the College Park Roof Replacement. Amendment is presented for information purposes only. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: No action is necessary. Amendment is presented for information purposes only. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Acknowledge budget amendment. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 31 32 33 34 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 10Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Public Safety Communications Center Presenter: Steve Smith Contact: Steve Smith/Sue Jaindl SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Amendment for Purchase of Fire Priority Dispatch System and Addition of Two Phone Lines with Associated Hardware to the Plant 911 Phone System BRIEF SUMMARY: Fire Priority Dispatch System Over the past two years, County Fire Service and Wilmington Fire Dept. have sought to modernize and streamline the dispatch procedures for fire calls. After review of several options, Priority Dispatch Corp. was invited to demonstrate their Fire Dispatch software at a PSCC Policy Board meeting. The PSCC has used the Priority Dispatch EMD software to process EMS call for several years as part of State regulations. After reviewing the product, it was decided that obtaining the Fire Priority Dispatch System would accomplish the goals of fire agencies. The software provides a scripted interrogation of a caller, with each question based on the response to the previous one. The agency response level is recommended by the software based on predetermined criteria provided by individual agencies. The details of each caller's responses are documented and immediately available to field units. Use of this system will help provide consistent levels of service no matter what the situation. This product is an add-on module which operates within our ProQA Dispatch software. The cost for adding this software module and associated training is $70,345. Telephone Lines 1. Recently, a service called Voice over Internet Protocol has been widely offered to the public. (IP Telephony, also called Internet telephony, is the technology that makes it possible to have a telephone conversation over the Internet or a dedicated Internet Protocol (IP) network instead of dedicated voice transmission lines. This allows the elimination of circuit switching and the improved allocation of bandwidth. Instead, packet switching is used, where IP packets with voice data are sent over the network only when data needs to be sent (i.e. when a caller is talking). Calls to 911 from some VoIP services do not come in on a 911 telephone line. These companies must be provided a ten digit number dedicated to receiving only VoIP 911 calls so they will be recognized as emergency calls. 2. Since the Sheriff's Office front desk has relocated, a dedicated "drop line" is needed for immediate contact with them. There are drop lines to most of the agencies we serve or deal with regularly for emergency traffic. Modifications must be made to the existing 911 consoles to allow addition of these two lines at a cost of $6,650. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of these purchases and associated budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: Funds in the amount of $76,995 are being transferred from the Emergency Telephone System Fund so no additional General Fund dollars are required. There is currently $1,236,391 in the Emergency Telephone System Fund. ATTACHMENTS: Quote from Priority Dispatch 35 05-0133.d Quote from Coastal Electronics REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 36 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Emergency Tele. Sys, Fund/Public Safety Communication Center BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 05-0133 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Emergency Tele. Syst. Fund: 911 Surcharge $76,995 Transfer to General Fund $76,995 Public Safety Comm. Center: Transfer In/Emer. Tel System $76,995 Departmental Supplies $43,510 Contracted Services $26,150 M&R - Equipment $7,335 EXPLANATION: To budget funds from the Wireline Surcharge for eligible charges. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 37 38 39 This page intentionally left blank. 40 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Consent Item #: 11Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Sheriff's Office Presenter: Contact: Sheriff Sid Causey SUBJECT: To Budget Additional Funds Received for the Sheriff's Office BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached Sheriff's Office Budget Amendments: 2005-30 - Federal Forfeited Property 2005-29 - Controlled Substance Tax 05-0130 - Make a Child Smile Program RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: To approve the attached Budget Amendments. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: 2005-29.d2005-30.d 05-0130.d REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 41 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2005-30 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property: Federally Forfeited Property $42,613 Capital Project Expense $42,613 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional funds received on December 16 and 17, 2004 and January 6, 2005. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Federal Forfeited Property revenues are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 42 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2005-29 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax $1,661 Capital Project Expense $1,661 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received on December 22, 2004. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 43 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 05-0130 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Sheriff/Administration: Other $510 Sheriff/Uniform Patrol: Make A Child Smile Program $510 EXPLANATION: To budget the remainder of contributions received for the 2004 Make A Child Smile Program. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 44 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.1Estimated Time:Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social Services BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 05-0126 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT DSS/Administration: DSS Admin Grants $52,007 Energy Assistance: Assistance Payments $52,007 EXPLANATION: To budget additional federal funds for the Crisis Intervention Program. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: No additional County funds are required. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 45 This page intentionally left blank. 46 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.2Estimated Time:Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Juvenile Services BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 05-0127 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT JDTC/Medicaid: Title XIX Fees $34,500 Juvenile Day Treatment Ctr: Salaries and Wages $13,745 Professional Services $1,000 Contracted Services $500 M&R Building and Grounds $8,000 Vehicle Rental $7,200 Departmental Supplies $2,600 Food Purchases $1,000 Training and Travel $7,145 Building Modification $25,000 EXPLANATION: To adjust budget amounts of Juvenile Crime Prevention Council funding for FY 04-05. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 47 This page intentionally left blank. 48 REGULAR AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 51 9:25 a.m. 2. Recognition of New Employees 53 9:30 a.m. 3. 55 Consideration of Proclamation Human Relations Month 9:35 a.m. 4. Presentation of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial 57 Reporting to the Finance Department 9:40 a.m. 5. Recognition of Outstanding Service Award Presented to Jay Graham 59 9:45 a.m. 6. Recognition of Award Presented to Cooperative Extension Service 61 9:50 a.m. 7. Consideration of Resolution Regarding a Possible Public Defender?s Office in 65 New Hanover and Pender Counties 10:10 a.m. 8. Consideration of Request by the New Hanover County Board of Education for 73 a $210 Million School Bond Referendum in May, 2005 11:00 a.m. Break 11:10 a.m. 9. Consideration of Approval of Legal Fees for Beach Towns Renourishment 105 Projects 11:20 a.m. 10. Committee Appointments 107 11:30 a.m. 11. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 165 11:55 a.m. 12. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 12:00 p.m. 13. Additional Items County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney County Manager 12:15 p.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are , and if a preceding item takes less estimated time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. 49 This page intentionally left blank. 50 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 1Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are eligible for New Hanover County Service Recognition: FIVE (5) YEAR: Ricky Gibbs - Health Dept.; Glendora Slappy - Health Dept.; Donald W. Hoffsher - Parks Dept. TEN (10) YEAR: Michael R. Malone - Information Technology; Arthur G. Malpass- Inspections; Shirley H. Adams - Social Services; Cynthia L. Stevens - Human Relations FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Beverly F. Thomas - Finance Dept.; William F. Oakes - Tax Dept.; Gregory A. Lockamy - Sheriff's Office; Alice J. Henderson - Social Services; Miranda J. Pearce - Social Services TWENTY (20) YEAR: Edna Fran Caldwell - Sheriff's Office; Edgar W. Eason - Sheriff's Office; Ronnie L. Anderson - Envir. Mgmt. and Gerald McDuffie - Envir. Mgmt. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present service awards. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Presented awards. 51 This page intentionally left blank. 52 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 2Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of new employees will be made available at the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized new employees. 53 This page intentionally left blank. 54 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 3Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Carl A. Byrd, Sr. and/or Lethia Hankins Contact: Carl A. Byrd, Sr. Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Human Relations Month BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover Human Relations Commission members request theBoard of Commissioners proclaim February, 2005 "Human Relations Month" . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the Proclamation. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: 2005HRMPRO.WPD ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 55 56 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 4Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Chairman Greer/Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Presentation of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Finance Department BRIEF SUMMARY: A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. This is the 23rd consecutive year the New Hanover County Finance Department has received this award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Present certificate to the Finance Department staff. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present plaque and recognize superior work. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Made presentation. 57 58 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 5Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Chairman Greer/Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Recognition of Outstanding Service Award Presented to Jay Graham BRIEF SUMMARY: Jay Graham, Director of the New Hanover County Inspections Department, was honored recently for outstanding service by the North Carolina Chapter of The American Institute of Architects. A copy of the certificate awarded to Jay is attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recognize Jay Graham for this award and commend the excellent service he provides to New Hanover County. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize Jay for his excellent service. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized Jay Graham. 59 60 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 6Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Recognition of Award Presented to Cooperative Extension Service BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Service recently received a Performance Award from the professional organization Epsilon Sigma Phi. The Award is given in recognition of outstanding team performance for programming and special events. New Hanover County is extremely fortunate to have Cooperative Extension Service. The staff, under the direction of Melissa Hight, has become an integral part of the community through its hard work, innovation, and ability to cooperate well with the many interests of our urban County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board commend the Cooperative Extension Service for its award recognition and congratulate the staff on a job well done. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: d CES Award. Click below to link to the article online: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/assn/esp/awards2004/New Hanover Co Award.htm REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize Cooperative Extension Staff for this achievement and for the fine programs and services they offer. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized Cooperative Extension Staff. 61 62 63 64 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 7Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Greer Contact: Allen O'Neal Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Regarding a Possible Public Defender's Office in New Hanover and Pender Counties BRIEF SUMMARY: At the Board's January 10, 2005 meeting, Chairman Greer brought an additional item to the Board regarding the possible recommendation by the North Carolina Office of Indigent Services (OIS) to the General Assembly to create a new public defender office in New Hanover and Pender Counties. The Board directed staff to contact OIS to express their concerns and request clarification of costs. The Board requested a copy of a "study examining the cost-effectiveness of public defender offices compared to private assigned counsel" referred to in an OIS letter dated December 9, 2004. The Board also directed staff to contact Stephen Baynard, District 5 Bar President, to gain information about the Bar's decision to endorse the recommendation. Mr. Baynard has been invited to attend the January 24th meeting for discussion with the Board. The Board additionally directed staff to draft a resolution for consideration. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Discuss the possibility of a new public defender office in New Hanover County and consider the attached resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: l Public Defender Reso ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider resolution and direct staff. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Board discussed and directed County Manager to send a letter to Malcom Ray Hunter, Jr., Executive Director of the Office of Indigent Defense Services, to express that if a Public Defender?s Office is established, that funding be provided. The letter should be copied to the County?s representatives in the General Assembly. Staff was also directed to explore options for office location and cost estimates. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 This page intentionally left blank. 72 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 8Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dr. D. John Morris Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Request by the New Hanover County Board of Education for a $210 Million School Bond Referendum in May, 2005 BRIEF SUMMARY: Dr. D. John Morris, Superintendent of New Hanover County Schools, will present the Board of Education's request to the Board of Commissioners. A resolution from the New Hanover County Board of Education is attached as well as a copy of the School Board's Work Session materials from their meeting on January 8, 2005. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider the School Board's request. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: The following documents are attached: A - Resolution from the Board of Education B - New Hanover County Board of Education Work Session on Proposed Bond Referendum Agenda C - List of proposed projects in priority order D - Analysis of debt service and impact on tax rate prepared by Bruce Shell REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider the request from the Board of Education. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: A joint meeting of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education was scheduled and announced to be held Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. at the airport conference room. 73 This page intentionally left blank. 74 75 This page intentionally left blank. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 This page intentionally left blank. 102 103 This page intentionally left blank. 104 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 9Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Legal Fees for Beach Towns BRIEF SUMMARY: Additional funds are needed to cover legal fees for beach the renourishment lawsuit. $9,000.00 was previously approved. The total amount needed for Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach and Kure Beach is $17,386.47. Request approval of $8,386.47 additional funds. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of request to increase amount needed to cover legal fees for beach renourishment lawsuit. Additional amount needed is $8,386.47. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: Room Occupancy Tax Fund ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 105 This page intentionally left blank. 106 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Regular Item #: 10Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Sheila Schult Contact: Sheila Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Appointments can be made to the following boards and committees: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Made the following appointments: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee: Donna M. Cote, Bradford C. Martin, Clara Mays Bicycle Advisory Committee: tabled for further information Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board: Dr. John H. Haley Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board: Ray Blake, Criminal Defense Attorney; David L. Miller, Business Community; Brucie L. Pope, At Large/Employee Training; Gregory H. Stone, At-Large Juvenile Crime Prevention Council: Consweulo Davis to fill John Ranalli?s unexpired At-Large term (expires 09/30/05); Walter Engle, At-Large; Michelle F. Lynch, Juvenile Defense Attorney Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee: Dorothy L. Grime (reappointment), Judith P. Tagert 107 This page intentionally left blank. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 This page intentionally left blank. 116 117 118 119 120 121 This page intentionally left blank. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 This page intentionally left blank. 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 This page intentionally left blank. 164 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 11:30 a.m. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 11:35 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes 167 11:40 a.m. 3. Continuation of Discussion of Water and Sewer Project on Darden Road 169 11:50 a.m. 4. Consideration of New Position: Back Flow Specialist 171 and Associated Budget Amendment 05-0134 165 This page intentionally left blank. 166 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Water & Sewer Item #: 2Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Sheila Schult Contact: Sheila Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Water & Sewer Agenda - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes from the January 10, 2005 meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 167 This page intentionally left blank. 168 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Water & Sewer Item #: 3Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Continuation of Discussion of Water and Sewer Project on Darden Road BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board received information from citizens and staff at the January 10, 2005 meeting and decided to continue the discussion at this meeting. Updated information will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear new information and direct staff. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hold discussion and direct staff. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Held update discussion. Item will be brought back on the agenda at the next meeting. 169 This page intentionally left blank. 170 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Water & Sewer Item #: 4Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: New Position Back Flow Specialist BRIEF SUMMARY: The Federal Safe Drinking Act (PL93-523), the North Carolina State Administrative Code (15A NCAC 08C), and the North Carolina State Building Code (Volume II) has required that New Hanover County create and enforce an ordinance with regard to a Cross Connection Control program for the County's public potable water supply. Administration of this ordinance will require a new position to monitor all backflow prevention. The position would also be used for grease trap inspections. A new division for the County's water ordinance is currently being developed and will be incorporated into other changes currently under review by the Water Development Task Force. Upon completion of all revisions, a final revised ordinance will be presented to the Board for approval RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval of this new position as a Back Flow Specialist ( LT-06) and approval of the budget amendment to cover this new position. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: New Position(s) Number of Positions: 1 Explanation: Water and Sewer District Fund ATTACHMENTS: 05-0134.d REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 171 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Water and Sewer BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 05-0134 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Appropriated Fund Balance: Appropriated Fund Balance $19,694 Water and Sewer Finance: Salaries and Wages $15,647 Social Security Taxes $1,192 Medical Insurance Expense $2,808 LT Disability Insurance $47 EXPLANATION: To appropriate Water and Sewer Fund Balance for the Back Flow Specialist position for the remainder of the FY. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: FY 05-06 cost of position will be $46,418. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 172 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Additional Item #: 1Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Approval of Modified Admission Fee Structure for Airlie Gardens BRIEF SUMMARY: The Airlie Foundation Board, at its January 19 meeting, approved the following modifications to the fee structure for Airlie Gardens in order to simplify the admissions process. The new fee structure would be effective February 25 when Airlie opens for the season. Approval is requested now in order to accommodate advance marketing and publications. RECOMMENDED FEE STRUCTURE Adults $5.00 Children (12 and under) $3.00 EXISTING FEE STRUCTURE County Residents Adults $5.00 Seniors $4.50 Children $1.00 Out-of-County Residents Adults $8.00 Seniors $7.00 Children $2.00 The Gardens will open February 25, 2005. It is also intended to keep the Gardens open later in the evenings until sunset and for more days (i.e., a longer season). RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A 173 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 174 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/24/05 Additional Item #: 2Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Concerning South Carolina I-73 Summit BRIEF SUMMARY: At a Chamber of Commerce's committee meeting with the New Hanover County delegation on January 4, 2005 Lanny Wilson brought to the committee's attention a letter he received inviting him to join the South Carolina Department of Transportation on February 10-11, 2005 in Myrtle Beach for a "Carolinas I-73 Summit" hosted by several regional (South Carolina) Chambers of Commerce. The purpose of the summit will be to discuss the construction of the I-73 route. The Chamber's delegates expressed concern over having a meeting with South Carolina that only had I-73 on the agenda. Since I-73, I-74 and I-20 are all important projects to the Wilmington Urban Area and have statewide significance, they felt the importance of discussing all the projects needed to be expressed to the South Carolina Department of Transportation. Congressman McIntyre spoke at the Chamber in March, 2004 to build regional support for the completion of I-74 and I-20 and has recently formed an I-74/I-20 Advisory Committee to develop further plans to ensure success of those projects. All three of these interstates are important to the state and region and need to be on the agenda of any summit with South Carolina. City Council approved a resolution in support of all interstates being included in the summit at their January 18, 2005 meeting. The Chamber of Commerce is currently considering a similar resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: portation Resol Trans ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: th Approved 4-0 with amended language in the 4paragraph. 175 176