Agenda 2003 04-07 AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN · ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER · JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER · NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ·· ALLEN O?NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD Date April 7, 2003 Time 5:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVALOF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 5:45 pm 1. Consideration of Resolution Recognizing the UNC-W Seahawks Successful 5 Basketball Season and Participation in the National Playoff Games 5:55 pm 2. Consideration of Proclamation Declaring April Child Abuse Prevention Month7 6:05 pm 3. Consideration of Proclamation Declaring April Fair Housing Month9 6:15 pm 4. Presentation of Human Relations 2002 Annual Report11 6:25 pm 5.Consideration of Draft Concurrent Resolution of the Board of Commissioners 13 and City Council Establishing a Governmental Consolidation Study Commission Public Hearings: 6:50 p.m. 6.1Rezoning: Request by Howard Capps for Matt DiGioia to rezone approximately 23 20.23 acres of property on the northeast side of Carolina Beach Road across from Silva Terra Drive from R-15 Residential and I-1 Light Industrial to a combination of R-10 Residential and CD(B-1) Conditional Use Neighborhood Business. (Z-760, 03/03) 7:00 p.m. 6.233 Special Use Permit: Request by Howard Capps for Matt DiGioia to locate a 116 unit personal care facility in an R-10 Residential Zoning District located on the northeast side of Carolina Beach Road across from Silva Terra Drive. (S- 498, 03/03) Non-Public Hearing: 7:20 p.m. 7.Road Closing Resolution of Intent: Request by Attorney Jim Snow for Webster 41 Trask to consider closing a portion of Five Acre Road located north of the 6500 block of Murrayville Road. (SC-79, 03/03) 7:30 p.m. 8.Request Public Hearing and Approval to Submit Application for Rural 49 Operating Assistance Program Funds in the Amount of $138,866 and Discretionary Rural General Public Funds in the Amount of $69,511 7:45 p.m. Break 7:50 p.m. 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 51 7:55 pm 10.Non Agenda Items Additional Items: County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 8:30 pm ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. 2 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 51 3 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 1. Approval of Minutes55 2.Approval to Submit a Three Year Renewal Grant to the Corporation for National 57 Service to Fund the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program 2003-2006 in the Amount of $57,000 Per Year and If Awarded Approval of Associated Budget Amendment 3. Approval of Annual Plan for Juvenile Crime Prevention Council for July 1, 2003 63 to June 30, 2004 4. Approval of Workforce Development Consortium Agreement65 5. Approval of Bank of America N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit 69 Accounts and Services and Corporate Signature Card 6. Approval of BA#03-0158 73 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 1Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Davis Contact: Chairman Davis Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Resolution in Recognition of Seahawks 2003 Season BRIEF SUMMARY: The resolution congratulates the UNCW Seahawks for their winning 2002-2003 basketball season, their winning of the Colonial Athletic Association title for the 3rd time in the past 4 years, their earning of their third NCAA tournament appearance in four years, and their valiant effort in the first round game of the NCAA tournament against defending champion University of Maryland. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt Resolution and Recognize Coach Brownell and members of the Seahawks basketball team FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Proudly recommend adoption of the Resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Adopted. 5 {This page intentionally left blank} 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 2Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: LaVaughn Nesmith Contact: LaVaughn Nesmith Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Child Abuse Prevention Month BRIEF SUMMARY: Traditionally, April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board of Social Services recommends that the attached proclamation be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: p PROCCHILDAB1.w ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend adoption of Resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Adopted. 7 CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH APRIL 2003 BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Child Abuse continues at near record levels across our Nation and our State, and WHEREAS, April 2003 has been proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month in North Carolina, and WHEREAS, beyond the family unit, the effects of Child Abuse are most immediately felt in neighborhoods and communities, and WHEREAS, Child Abuse, like other crimes and social problems, destroys the tranquility of families, neighborhoods and communities and robs children of their childhoods and neighborhoods of their vitality, and WHEREAS, the family unit is the building block of the community, and healthy families make healthy communities, and WHEREAS, the most effective solutions are local solutions and there are within our community, professionals of all disciplines and volunteers from all walks of life dedicated to the amelioration of effects of child abuse, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaim the month of April 2003 CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners pledge themselves and ask our citizens, public and private, professional and volunteer, to redouble their efforts to obliterate the social problem of child abuse from our families, our neighborhoods and our community. Adopted this the ______ day of _________, 2003. ATTEST: _______________________ _______________________ 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 3Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Lethia Hankins and Carl Byrd Contact: Carl Byrd Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Fair Housing Month BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover Human Relations Commission members request the Board to proclaim April 2003 as "Fair Housing Month". RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the attached Proclamation FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: See attached proclamation Fairhouspro03 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt the Proclamation proclaiming April 2003 as "Fair Housing Month." COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Adopted. 9 Fair Housing Month April 2003 , the New Hanover Human Relations Commission and the Friends of Human W HEREAS Relations are sponsoring Fair Housing Month; and , the New Hanover Human Relations Commission seeks the elimination of housing W HEREAS discrimination through public awareness and housing community education and understanding of Fair Housing Laws; and , we encourage all citizens to respect, work, and support the establishment of fair W HEREAS and equitable housing for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, color, disability, and familial status; and , through personal commitment to the value of justice and Civil Rights, specifically W HEREAS as they pertain to housing each of us can help to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the rights of others to freedom, liberty, and justice. by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the month April 2003, be declared Fair Housing Month in New Hanover County We call upon all citizens to join forces in creating and practicing a mutual bond of recognizing and respecting differences, and resolve to accept a personal challenge to provide fair housing opportunities to all citizens of New Hanover County. Adopted this 17th day of April 2003 ATTEST: _____________________________ ______________________________ Lucie F. Harrell Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 4Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Carl A. Byrd Contact: Carl A. Byrd Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Human Relations 2002 Annual Report BRIEF SUMMARY: Carl Byrd, Director of the New Hanover Human Relations Commission will present the Human Relations Commission 2002 Annual Report. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept/Approve the 2002 New Hanover Human Relations Commission's Annual Report FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: 2002 Annual Report will be distributed after returning from the printer. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Accept the 2002 Annual Report. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Accepted the 2002 Annual Report. 11 {This page intentionally left blank} 12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 5Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman and Nancy Pritchett, Commissioner Contact: Chairman Davis and Commissioner Pritchett SUBJECT: Draft Concurrent Resolution of the Board of Commissioners and City Council Establishing A Governmental Consolidation Study Commission. BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has prepared a draft resolution and application for appointments to Governmental Consolidation Study Commission. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider resolution and application format. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Concurrent Resolution, Draft of Qualifications and Applications for Governmental Consolidation Commission. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Adopted as presented 5-0. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 {This page intentionally left blank} 22 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 6.1Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: CASE: Z-760, 03/03; APPLICANT: Howard Capps For Matt Di Gioia REQUEST: I-1 Light Industrial & R-15 Residential TO CD(B-1) Conditional Use Neighborhood Business & R-10 Residential ACREAGE: 20.23 Acres LOCATION: In the 4600 Block of Carolina Beach Road Across from Silva Terra Drive LAND CLASS: Developed ? The purpose of the Developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1,500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Most of the land within the City of Wilmington is designated as developed, except for some Urban Transition and Conservation areas. Density may exceed 2.5 units per acre within the developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. BRIEF SUMMARY: STAFF SUMMARY: The subject property is comprised of several parcels of land totaling approximately 20.23 acres. The existing zoning is a combination of R-15 residential and I-1 Light Industrial. The petitioner is proposing to rezone these parcels to a combination of R-10 Residential and CD(B-1) Conditional Use Neighborhood Business. The property is located at an existing controlled intersection on the northeast side of Carolina Beach Road across from Silva Terra Drive and is approximately 1.2 miles from the developing commercial node at Monkey Junction. The conditional use site plan is presented and designed in the context of a larger development that would incorporate a variety of housing types. In addition the site plan incorporates the extension of Pine Hollow Drive, which is a desirable connection between Carolina Beach Road and South College Road. With the extension of Pine Hollow Drive, the proposed commercial project can serve the developing communities within the Johnson Farm Development (approved for approximately 550 units). Since the project is located at an existing signalized intersection the existing communities in Silva Terra will also be able to utilize the proposed neighborhood business services. The road stubs shown within the project also allow for future connection to St. Andrews Drive where there are several multi-family developments. The plan incorporates traffic circles as calming devices to discourage high speed cut through traffic on Pine Hollow Drive. In addition the plan shows sidewalks and street landscaping to encourage pedestrian access from nearby neighborhoods. The petitioner has submitted a traffic impact analysis and has incorporated significant road improvements into the project including a redesign of the Intersection and signalization at Silva Terra Drive and Carolina Beach Road. The traffic analysis also recommends adding left turn lanes on Silva Terra for people turning north on Carolina Beach Road. The subject property is located in the Developed land Classification and is within the urban services boundary established by the Comprehensive Plan. Policies in the plan promote development in these areas. Other policies in the Comprehensive Plan support locating commercial services in close proximity to the markets they serve, support mixed use development in undeveloped areas to reduce dependency on automobiles, while preserving valuable natural resources including open space. The Comprehensive Plan also supports providing street connectivity to reduce impacts of traffic on our major thoroughfares. The proposed project provides interconnectivity and provides neighborhood level services to existing and developing neighborhoods nearby. The project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and provides desirable traffic improvements to the area. Staff Recommends Approval. 23 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 3/6/03: Howard Capps the Landscape Architect for the proposed project presented the conditional use rezoning and reviewed the details of the site plan. No one spoke in support or in opposition to the request. The Planning Board discussed the plan and commented that the overall plan was well thought out. However, two members of the board were concerned with some of the uses presented in the applicant?s list of uses for the project. After further discussion about the proposed uses the Board voted 5-2 to recommend approval with the condition that the ?Convenience Food Store? use and the ?Automobile Service Station? use would only be permitted with the approval of an additional special use permit. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Z-760 Sum.dZ-760 Finding of FZ-760 Pet Sum (6) ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved rezoning 5-0. Special Use approved as recommended by the Planning Board 5-0. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 6.2Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Case: S-498, 03/03 Special Use Permit for: A 116 Unit Independent Living Facility in an R-10 Residential District (See Site Plan Included for Case Z-760) BRIEF SUMMARY: 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property is located within the Myrtle Grove VFD. B. The site has direct access to Carolina Beach Road (U.S. 421) C. The proposed project will be served by County Sewer and City Water. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. 2. A. A site plan which meets all of the requirements of the Ordinance has been submitted and reviewed. B. The site plan shows a 116 unit independent living facility with adequate parking to accommodate the tenants and employees. C. Sufficient area to accommodate the required landscaping and buffering is shown on the site plan. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a 3. public necessity. A. One parcel within the area has been zoned and used for light industrial purposes since 1985. B. A traffic Impact Analysis has been submitted and the recommended roadway improvements have been incorporated into the plans. C. The proposed use is within the context of a larger development plan. D. The proposed landscaping and buffering areas are adequate to protect adjacent properties. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and 4. approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The site is classified as developed by the New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1,500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. B. Policies in the comprehensive plan support having adequate supply of housing for elderly, special needs, and disabled. Planning Staff Concerns: 1) The applicant has worked closely with planning staff and has addressed staff concerns as they arose. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 3/6/03 : Howard Capps the Landscape Architect for the proposed project presented the Special Use Permit and reviewed the details of the site plan. No one spoke in support or in opposition to the request. The Planning Board commented that the overall plan was well thought out. The Board voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend approval. 33 FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: N/A ATTACHMENTS: S-498 Finding of FZ-760 Pet Sum-S-49 (2) ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved with the stipulation that the HVAC units be properly buffered to prevent noise 5-0, 34 35 36 37 38 39 {This page intentionally left blank} 40 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 7Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Non-Public Hearing Item Resolution of Intent to Close Portion of Five Acre Road (SC - 79, 02/03) Petitioner: Webster Trask Location: Located North of the 6500 Block Murrayville Road BRIEF SUMMARY: General Comments: Web Trask (adjacent landowner of parcel five on the attached site map) has petitioned the County to close an approximately 285.85 foot segment of Five Acre Road located near the 6500 block of Murrayville Road. (Map Book 38, Page 324) In accordance with N.C.G.S. 153A-241, a Resolution of Intent to close a road or easement must be adopted by the Board of Commissioners prior to scheduling a public hearing. A site map depicting the segment of road to be closed is attached. This 30 foot right of way is mostly unimproved. Staff Comments: As depicted on the attached site map, this segment of Five Acre Road abuts several residential lots. These lots currently have access either through an unnamed road, Murrayville Road or Five Acre Road. County Engineering staff on reviewing the road closing proposal indicates that utility and drainage easements will not be needed. Alternative access options for the adjoining landowners and land north of parcel 5 (proposed school site) need to be considered including concerns of emergency service delivery, and future subdivisions of adjacent properties need to be reviewed by the Board in deciding whether to proceed with the Resolution of Intent to close this road segment. A narrative by Attorney Snow outlining why a portion of Five Acre Road should be closed is attached. If the Resolution of Intent is adopted, a public hearing would be held on Monday, June 2, 2003 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff?s primary recommendation is that the road closure should not be acted upon until plans have been finalized for the school property. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: N/A ATTACHMENTS: SC-79 Road Closin (5) ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 41 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Set public hearing for June 2, 2003. 42 43 44 45 46 47 {This page intentionally left blank} 48 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Regular Item #: 8Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Transportation Presenter: Deborah M. Houston Contact: Deborah M. Houston SUBJECT: Request Public Hearing and Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program Funds in the Amount of $138,866 and Discretionary Rural General Public Funds in the amount of $77,234. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is eligible to receive $138,866 via the N.C. Department of Transportation's Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) for FY 2003-04. Funding must be used to provide transportation services to specific populations of the unincorporated areas of the County. Funding categories and amount are as follows: Elderly/Disabled Assistance..............................................$80,979 Work First Assistance.......................................................$15,991 Rural General Public Assistance.......................................$41,896 Total..................................................................................$138,866 No local match is required for the allocation listed above. Additionally, the County is applying for $77,234 for discretionary rural general public funds. These funds will cover the cost of general public transportation beyond that which can be supported with the amount originally allocated. A local match of $7,723 is required, if the request for discretionary rural general public funds is awarded. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing and approve request to submit an application for funds. Accept grant if awarded and approve associated budget amendment . FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: As recommended above. 49 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Held Public Hearing and approved as recommended above 5-0. COMMENTS BY: LGL: COMMENTS BY: FIN: COMMENTS BY: BUD: COMMENTS BY: HR: 50 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 51 51 {This page intentionally left blank} 52 C ONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 1. Approval of Minutes 55 2. Approval to Submit a Three Year Renewal Grant to the Corporation for National 57 Service to Fund the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program 2003-2006 in the Amount of $57,000 Per Year and If Awarded Approval of Associated Budget Amendment 3. Approval of Annual Plan for Juvenile Crime Prevention Council for July 1, 2003 63 to June 30, 2004 4. Approval of Workforce Development Consortium Agreement 65 5. Approval of Bank of America N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit 69 Accounts and Services and Corporate Signature Card 6. Approval of BA#03-0158 73 53 {This page intentionally left blank} 54 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Consent Item #: 1Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Special Meeting, March 20, 2003 Regular Meeting, December 16, 2003 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 55 {This page intentionally left blank} 56 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Consent Item #: 2Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton, Bunnie Brush Contact: Annette Crumpton, Bunnie Brush SUBJECT: Request Permission to Submit a Three Year Renewal Grant to the Corporation for National Service to Fund the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program 2003-2006 in the Amount of $57,000 per year. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging requests permission to submit a three year renewal grant to the Corporation for National Service (CNS) to fund the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) from 2003-2006. Each year RSVP recruits, monitors and places 1079+ senior volunteers in 60 nonprofit and public agencies in New Hanover County. RSVP volunteers are serving in the following County departments: VITA income tax preparation, SHIIP insurance counseling, Library, Museum, Cooperative Extension, Sheriff's Department, NHC Courthouse, Department of Aging, Health Department, Emergency Management, and Airlie Gardens, at a cost of 65 cents/ volunteer hour. Last year RSVP volunteers provided 153,078 hours of service at a value of $2,531,910 to our community. Senior volunteers are a bank of talent and skills, providing staff and experienced workers to assist host agencies. The Corporation For National Service Grant is available in the amount of $57,000 per year with renewal up to three years 2003-2006. The County match is $70,212 per year. This match has been/will be budgeted. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Commissioners approve request to submit the Corporation of National Service three year renewal grant in the amount of $57,000 per year, and to approve associated budget amendment when the grant is awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Copy of grant application with signature pages. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 57 58 59 60 61 62 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Consent Item #: 3Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Annual Plan for Juvenile Crime Prevention Council for July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004 BRIEF SUMMARY: Each year the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) is required to submit an annual plan to the Board of County Commissioners outlining the funding and program plans for the coming fiscal year. The plan, if approved, must be submitted to the area office of the N. C. Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (DJJDP) and then submitted to the state office of DJJDP for final approval. The document is lengthy and is available for review in the County Manager's office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the plan for submittal to the area and state offices of DJJDP. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: NC DJJDP, local in-kind matches, other state/federal sources ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve plan for submittal to the State. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 63 {This page intentionally left blank} 64 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Consent Item #: 4Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Margie Parker, Council of Governments Contact: Patricia A. Melvin, Margie Parker Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Workforce Development Consortium Agreement BRIEF SUMMARY: In 1986 New Hanover County and every other county in Region O, adopted Articles of Association and Agreement to establish the Cape Fear SDA Job Training Consortium, under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). The agreement must now be amended to remove references to the JTPA and replace such with references to the "Workforce Investment Act". The "Workforce Investment Act" is the current employment and training legislation, which was signed into law by President Clinton in 1998 and implemented in North Carolina in January 2000. In addition, the consortium's name is changing from Cape Fear Service Delivery Area Job Training Consortium to the "Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium". Both changes require approval via resolution adopted by each Board of County Commissioners. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution to effect changes in articles of association consistent with changes in federal legislation. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: WorkforceReso04070 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 65 Office of Ted Davis, Jr. Board of Commissioners Chairman New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 Fax (910) 341-4130 www.nhcgov.com RESOLUTION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the United States Congress has established the , PL 105-220 on August 7, Workforce Investment Act of 1998 1998, requiring full implementation by States no later than July 1, 2000: WHEREAS, North Carolina has opted to be an early implementing state and will implement July 1, 1999 and has elected to follow provisions in the Workforce Investment Act which permit the utilization of North Carolina?s existing delivery structure, the Governor of the State of north Carolina will designate the current ?service delivery area? under the Job Training Partnership Act as the ?workforce investment area? under the provisions of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 which includes the Counties of Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender, to be known as the Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium: WHEREAS, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 is authorized under a different piece of federal legislation than the Job training Partnership Act and current agreements only govern receipt of JTPA, NCETGP and WtW funds and do not include local liability for Workforce Investment Act funds, the issue of responsibility for the Workforce Investment Act must be addressed. It will be necessary to execute and update the existing State/Service Delivery Area Memorandum of Agreement and the local Articles of Association and Agreement for the Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium to reflect the liability, additional functions and responsibilities associated with the Workforce investment Act to include designation of the ?chief elected officials? for the Consortium and Chief Elected Official for the workforce investment area, designation of an administrative/fiscal agent to administer the program on behalf of the Consortium, and certification of existing Workforce Development Board to serve as the workforce investment board for WIA; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this County does hereby approve the amended Articles of Association and Agreement for the Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium to include the additional liability, functions and responsibilities associated with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, designates the ?chief elected officials? for the Consortium and the Chief Elected Official for the SDA/WIA and requests certification of the existing Cape Fear Workforce Development Board as the workforce investment Board for purposes of the Workforce Investment Act; RESOLVED FURTHER, that Lynwood Norris, as the representative Chief Elected Official for the Counties of Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender is authorized, upon receipt, to execute the amended State and Service Delivery Area Memorandum of Agreement to reflect the inclusion of the federal Workforce Investment Act and is further authorized to execute the Administrative/Fiscal Agent Designation Form for the workforce Investment Act designating the Cape 66 Fear Council of Governments as the administrative/fiscal agent to carry out the duties of the Consortium associated with WIA program management, financial management (receipt and disbursement of grant funds), and support to the local Cape Fear Workforce Development Board; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the County?s board member on the Cape Fear Council of Governments? Board, designated as the ?chief elected official? of this County for the Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium Board and all purposes as required by the Job Training Act and Workforce Investment Act and foregoing Articles of Association and Agreement for the Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the County the amended Articles of Association and Agreement for the Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium and to take any and all actions which may be appropriate to carry out the foregoing resolutions into effect. ____________________________________ Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ________________________________ I hereby certify that during a regular meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held on April 7, 2003, the above resolution was duly adopted. ___________________________________ Clerk to the Board 67 {This page intentionally left blank} 68 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Consent Item #: 5Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Bank of America, N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services and Corporate Signature Card BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached Bank of America, N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services and Corporate Signature Card for New Hanover County Business Interest Maximizer Account for DSS trust client. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Board of County Commissioners adopt the Bank of America, N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services and Corporate Signature Card for this dedicated savings account. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: The Bank of America, N.A. Resolution and Corporate Signature Card are being submitted separately. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 69 70 71 72 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 6Estimated Time:Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Sheriff's Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 03-0158 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Contingency $25,000 Rent $25,000 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from contingency to increase funding for "rent" the county pays on the old airport terminal building where the Uniform Patrol Division is located. When the budget was adopted, it was estimated that Uniform Patrol would only need to "rent" the space for one-half of the fiscal year. On June 14, 2000, the Commissioners agreed to pay the Airport $50,000 annually for the space used by Uniform Patrol. The County rents the entire building to the Airport for $1 per year, maintains the building, and provides the utilities for the building. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved. 73 74 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/07/03 Additional Item #: 1Estimated Time:Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Judge Faison Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Consideration of Proclamation Declaring April Drug Treatment Court Month BRIEF SUMMARY: Judge Faison requests that the Board proclaim April 2003 as "Drug Treatment Court Month". RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the attached proclamation. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: A1-1.do REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt the proclamation declaring the month of April, 2003 to be "Drug Treatment Court Month". COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Adopted. 75 PROCLAMATION BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Drug Treatment Court provides the focus and leadership for community-wide, anti-drug systems, bringing together criminal justice, treatment, education and other community partners in the fight against drug abuse and criminality, and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Drug Treatment Court combines intensive judicial supervision, mandatory substance abuse treatment and drug testing, and escalating sanctions and incentives in order to break the cycle of drug addiction and it?s concomitant crime, and WHEREAS, the judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, treatment and rehabilitation professionals, law enforcement and corrections personnel, researchers and educators, national and community leaders and others dedicated to the movement have had a profound impact through hard work and commitment to their communities, and WHEREAS, the national Drug Treatment Court movement has grown from twelve original drug courts in 1994 to over 1,200 drug courts that are in operation or in the planning stages, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby declare the month of April, 2003 to be ?Drug Treatment Court Month? in recognition of the practitioners and participants who make the New Hanover Drug Treatment Court work, and for the significant contributions that the New Hanover Drug Treatment Court has made and continues to make, in reducing drug usage and associated crime. Adopted this, the 7th day of April 2003. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners [Attest] Ted Davis Jr., Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board 76