1991-09-16 RM Exhibits AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County does hereby ordain that Article IV, Smoking Pollution Control Ordinance, Chapter 8.5 Health and Sanitation of the New Hanover County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 8.5-30. Sale of Cigarettes to Minors Prohibited. The title shall be amended to state: Sale of Tobacco Products to Minors Prohibited. The text shall be amended to state: Any retail store that offers tobacco products for sale shall post a conspicuous sign stating "It's the Law - We Do Not Sell Tobacco Products to Persons Under 18". ADOPTED this /,j.J.i[, day of ~ ' 1991. NEW H NOVER COUNTY ~f;~ Fr Retchin, Cnairman Board of Commissioners ~~<~~ . Cl r~ to the Board. - :J\&w J{anoverCounty ~oanf of Commissioners ~so[ution WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have previously adopted a Resolution approving an agreement establishing a Consortium of _Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, and Pender Counties for the purpose of seeking service delivery area designation from the Governor to administer the Job Training Partnership Act at the~regional level; and WrlEREAS , Governments as program; and the resolution name the Cape Fear Council of the "administrative entity" for the mUlti-county WHEREAS, the_Cape Fe;1r Council of Governments is the "grant recipient" for the mUlti-county program; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate at this time to seek redesignation of the Cape Fear Service Delivery Area Job Training Consortium. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does not wish to change the current arrangement and will remain a member of the Cape Fear Service Delivery Area Job Training Consortium; and that the Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners or his designee is empowered to act on behalf of New Hanover County in all matters concerning the Cape Fear Service Delivery Area Job Training Consortium including the signing of required documents and agreements; and that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners authorize the acceptance of service delivery status redesignation by the Cape Fear Service Delivery Area Job Training Consortium if offered; and that the effective date of service delivery area status redesignation be July 1, 1991. ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1991. ,"" .... ., NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~ Fred Retchin, Chairman- Board of Commissioners -,> CONSENT AGENDA ,-r' . NEW HANOVER COUNTy TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRL 08/31/91 DATE: Sep~.16, 1991 ITEM-No. 5 1991' ORIGINAL TAX lEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED lESS AdATtMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARG~O ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOT AL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING 9~LA~CE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK fAXES 1> 39,926,562.56. 179,766.13 4,096.11- $ ltO,lOZ,Z33.13 .00 25,226.85 f) 40,127,460.03 222,050.77- $ 39,905,409.26 .55% REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY LESS AEATP1ENTS TOTAL TAXES OUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PEKCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 2,750,323.97 5, 1 71. 39- $ 2,745,152.53 2dO,056.t3- $ 2,465,095.75 10.20% ~UG 1991 FISCAL YTO -------------- -------------- . ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLL~CTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS 256,Z83.?tl 2,d59.06 452,692.tl6 11,058.56 .OJ .00 TOTAL MDNEY PRCCESSEC THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NE~ HANCVEK COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILl~ BEACH, CAROLI~A dEACH, A~D KURE clEACH TO DATE - $1,201,9d9.11. TH[S REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR ~EGINNI~G JULY 1, 1991. RESP_~CTFULLY SUBMITTED, .....:~ t./ ~ :J ) .,-. '""....~ -~ ~ . --:<'" "",:;"r- PAT~ICIA J. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE . CONSENT AGENDA . DA'l1:: Sept. 16, 1991 NEw HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIO~EMNQ. '6 COLLECTIONS THRU 08/31/91 ! ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES AUDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHA~GcD lISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL lEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANOING BALA~CE PE~CENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES $ 1991 878,Z21d't _ 8,758.26 130.40- .. .. 878,849.00 533.6j '$ 879,3H2.6:3 5'062.42- '5 873,52().2b .67'1;, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CrlARGES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE $ 52,306.26 88.32 60.h5- $ 52,333.Q3 9,013.6d- OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 43~32~.25 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 17.22~ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR ~EGINNING JULY 1, 1991. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, . PATRICIA J. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE . . . . ," CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DATE: S8pt. 16, 1991 1991-92 BUDGET RESOLUTION ITEM No. 9 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the New Hanover County School Administrative unit: section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND Instructional Programs Regular special Math/Sci/Comp Fringe Benefits 28,902,584 3,793,206 28,293 8,750,047 Supporting Services Pupil Instructional Staff Administrative School Administrative Business Central Fringe Benefits Community Fringe Benefits 2,291,003 1,231,066 206,736 3,143,604 2,816,691 52,641 995,507 25,831 6,875 Total State Public School Fund S 52,244,084 LOCAL CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Instructional Programs Regular Special Athletics/co-Curricular Math/Sci/Comp Fringe Benefits 3,496,448 584,106 465,880 1,000 2,049,643 Supporting Services Pupil Instructional Staff Administrative School Administrative Business Central Fringe Benefits Community Fringe Benefits Other 538,904 1,031,719 400,900 1,027,735 7,543,418 567,746 2,231,769 104,808 10,016 80,000 Total Local Current Expense Fund S 20,134,092 FEDERAL GRANTS FUND Special Instruction Fringe Benefits Pupil Support Services Instructional Staff Support Administrative Support Business Support Central Support Fringe Benefits Other Total Federal Grants Fund CAPITAL OUTLAY Category I (Land, Buildings, etc.) Category II (Furniture and Equipment) Category III (Vehicles) Total Capital Outlay Fund SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE Business support Services Fringe Benefits Total School Food Service TRUST FUND Regular Instruction Fringe Benefits Total Trust Fund PUBLIC SCHOOL PENSION FUND Central Support Employee Benefits Total Public School Pension Fund GRAND TOTAL 2,779,320 635,553 227,470 174,338 38,500 10,300 300 68,161 155,944 2,459,799 561,000 67,330 4,938,898 453,357 21,610 2,007 350,000 $ 4,089,886 $ 3,088,129 $ 5,392,255 $ 23,617 $ 350,000 $ 85,322,063 Section 2. The following revenues are estimated to be available for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND State Public School Fund Allocations LOCAL CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Local Revenues Other Than Taxes and County Appropriations County Appropriations Federal Allocations - Restricted Fund Balance Appropriated 1,589,491 16,593,686 262,000 1,688,915 Total Local Current Expense Fund Revenues FEDERAL GRANTS FUND Federal Allocations CAPITAL OUTLAY State ADM Monies 1/2 cent Sales Tax County Appropriations Fund Balance Appropriated Total Capital Outlay Revenues SCHOOL FOOD SERVICES Federal Allocations Local Revenues Fund Balance Appropriated Total School Food Services Revenues TRUST FUND Fund Balance Appropriated Trust Account Revenue Total Trust Fund PUBLIC SCHOOL PENSION FUND County Appropriations Fund Balance Appropriated Total Public School Pension Fund GRAND TOTAL 1,007,197 1,423,602 367,330 290,000 2,595,000 2,461,925 335,330 13,617 10,000 200,000 150,000 $ 52,244,084. $ 20,134,092 $ 4,089,886 $ 3,088,129 $ 5,392,255 $23,617 $ 350,000 $ 85,322,063 . section 3. restricted revenues. All appropriations shall firstly be paid from revenues as to use and secondly from general unrestricted section 4. The Superintendent is hereby authorized to tr~lsfer appropriations under the following conditions: with respect to Local Current Expense, Capital Outlay, Food Service, Trust Fund and Pension Fund; a. He may transfer amounts between subfunctions and objects of expenditure within a function without limitations and without a report to the Board of Education being required. b. He may transfer amounts not to exceed $1,000 between functions of the same fund with a report on such transfers being required at the next meeting of the Board of Education. c. He may Dot transfer any amounts between funds nor from any contingency appropriation within a fund. with respect to the state Public school Fund; a. He may transfer amounts within program report codes with a report to the Board. with respect to the Federal Grants Fund; a. He may transfer amounts within program grants with a report to the Board. section 5. copies of the Budget Resolution shall be immediately furnished to the Superintendent and School Finance Officer for direction in carrying out their duties. 3 yl r' Adopted this ____ day of ~;t~, 1991 ~~ Chairman New Hanover D.W~; o County Board of Education Passed on:~7~) /t; /f11 New Hanover County Commissioners B;j){{2f~ - ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 27th day of August, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Furnishings for the New Hanover County Senior Center, Bid # 92-0043: Group 1 - Dining Room and Game Room Med-Care Carolina Office and Equipment Co. of Wilmington, North Carolina The office showcase $15,486.00 $16,829.66 $18,156.80 AND WHEREAS, the Aging Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Med-Care of Hickory, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-six Dollars ($15,486.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 315-612-8215-7300-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that Contract # 92-0043-1 for Group 1 - Dining Room and Game Room Senior Center Furnishings for the Aging Department, Bid # 92-0043 be awarded to Med-Care in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-six Dollars ($15,486.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the county Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to return the bidders. that the Purchasing Agent is hereby bid deposits to the unsuccessful' of September, 1991. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~o the Board Chair~~ Commissioners RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 27th day of August, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Furnishings for the New Hanover County Senior Center, Bid # 92-0043: Group 2 - Conference Room Med-Care Carolina Office and Equipment Co. of Wilmington, North Carolina The Office Showcase $1,950.00* $9,381.00** $9,778.78 * Did not bid on all items in grouping. **Conference Chairs submitted were not equivalent to the chair specified. Group 5 - Reception/Lobby Office and Health/Intake Med-Care The Office Showcase Carolina office and Equipment Co. of Wilmington, North Carolina $12,884.00* $31,584.93 $37,039.35 * Did not bid on all items in grouping. AND WHEREAS, the Aging Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to The Office Showcase of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Forty-one Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-three Dollars and Seventy-one Cents ($41,363.71); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 315-612-8215-7300-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that contract # 92-0043-2 for Group 2 - Conference Room and Group 5 - Reception/Lobby Office and Health/Intake Senior Center Furnishings for the Aging Department, Bid # 92-0043 be awarded to The office Showcase in the amount of Forty-one Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-three Dollars and Seventy-one Cents ($41,363.71); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. .' ,; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to return the bidders. that the Purchasing Agent is hereby bid deposits to the unsuccessful (SEAL) ATTEST: d, ~A/~ e k to the Board h. ~~-t-L~ .. C alrman, Boar 0 County Commlssloners f" - ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. orr the 27th day of August, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Furnishings for the New Hanover County Senior Center, Bid # 92-0043: Group 3 - Lounge Carolina Office and Equipment Co. of Wilmington, North Carolina Interior Management, Inc. The Office Showcase $10,404.03 $11,378.00 $11,616.51 Group 4 - Classroom/Craft and Multipurpose Room Carolina Office and Equipment Co. of Wilmington, North Carolina The Office Showcase Med-Care $32,468.25 $34,633.79 $43,601.75 AND WHEREAS, the Aging Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Carolina Office and Equipment Co. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Forty-two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-two Dollars and Twenty-eight Cents ($42,872.28); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 315-612-8215-7300-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover county that contract # 92-0043-3 for Group 3 - Lounge and Group 4 - Classroom/Craft and Multipurpose Room Senior Center Furnishings for the Aging Department, Bid # 92-0043 be awarded to Carolina Office and Equipment Co. of Wilmington, North Carolina in the amount of Forty-two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-two Dollars and Twenty-eight Cents ($42,872.28); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. . - . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to return the bidders. that the Purchasing Agent is hereby bid deposits to the unsuccessful (SEA of September, 1991. ATTEST: ~/ ~'<//V~/l cl rk to the Board ( ,:J\&w!}{anover County 130ani of Commissioners" ~so[ution l WHEREAS, the abuse and neglect of children is a complex community problem that is increasing in both number and severity of cases; and, WHEREAS, individuals and agencies in New Hanover County recognized over four years ago the necessity and benefit of a cooperative review group to oversee these cases; and, WHEREAS, the Multidisciplinary Review Team was. established with representatives of the Department of Social Services, the District Attorney's Office, law enforcement agencies and hu~an services organizations; and, WHEREAS, the Governor issued Executive Order Number 142 requiring the creation of Community Child Protection Teams. NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of' Commissioners commends the Hul tidisciplinary Review Team for its leadership and success in coordinating the handling of child abuse and neglect cases in our communi ty and, further, that the Board supports the modifications proposed for the MDRT which would enable its continued existence i~ compliance with the Governor's Executive Order Number 142. this 16th day of September, 1991. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~_:P!L Fred Retch~ Chairman Board of Commissioners ~.-V~UA c~rk to the Board - y RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:30 p.m. on the 13th day of August, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a Public Library Automation system for the Library, Bid # 92-0044: ' Joint Bid by: IBM Corporation VTLS, Inc. TOTAL $169,128.06 79,350.00 $248,478.06 AND WHEREAS, the bid allowed for additions or deletions of quantities at the unit price quoted in the bid proposal the requested award amounts have been revised as follows: IBM Corporation VTLS, Inc. TOTAL $138,199.54 117,135.00 $255,334.54 AND WHEREAS, the Library, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded jointly to IBM Corporation and VTLS, Inc., the only responsible bidder, in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty-five Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-four Dollars and Fifty-four Cents ($255,334.54); AND WHEREAS, even though the award for Bid # 92-0044 is to be made jointly to IBM Corporation and VTLS, Inc., separate contracts with each vendor will be necessary; Contract # 91-0039 with IBM Corporation which is an existing contract previously approved by the Board of Commissioners that covers all purchases from IBM will be utilized to cover the delivery and installation I of IBM Hardware and System software in the amount of One Hundred Thirty-eight Thousand One Hundred Ninety-nine Dollars and Fifty- Four Cents ($138,199.54), and Contract # 92-0044 with VTLS, Inc. for the licensing, delivery, installation, performance testing, and personnel training for the Application Software in the amount of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand One Hundred Thirty-five Dollars ($117,135.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in or will be available in subsequent year's Account No. 110- 611-6110-5000-5940 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a Public Library Automation system for the Library, Bid # 92-0044 ,~ be awarded jointly to IBM Corporation and VTLS, Inc. amount of" TwO Hundred Fifty-five Thousand Three Hundred four Dollars and Fifty-four Cents ($255,334.54); and County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. day of September, 1991. in the Thirty- that the contract, Commissioners ATTEST: ~ ~d-{(. Board IP - -~ ~ .' .l :, '\ :~ i ii. .' ',. ,... ~,::...~;\\i. <,~':;iI\'..~ ~ '<~~'" ",; ,)" ." .~: ::.'.. i:';'::I.;;~';':;-i(;.,I,:. I>)'Y~ "....-~;'(~.~,~;:t.-;:.,;'fi't'!,~?k'fu,1i3rZj~~~.Jr:/~~~';:r:i;?i:.'"?-~\~.~~" .-;",\,;'~...-?",.,+,~;';'~{.~~'it-,;;;"f '~;iiiJ'.;,0,~Ji:-~ " .;:, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY -: ,WHEREAS, after due~"advertisement, bids wereregeived and , publiclY":,opened by the Finance Department at '4: 00 ip','m. on the 27th,~day;ofAugust, 1991, at the County Administratiop Building," '320 ';Chestnut" Street, . Wilmington, North Carolina',::, and the' H following.cbid ' was' received for a Waste Disposal",;"'Arrangement Bulldozer, with Elevated Sprocket Design for the New' Hanover County=Landfill and the sale of a Fiat Allis 1986 FD~2Q Bulldozer as;;;q::; trade-in, Bid # 92-0060: .... . .' ::".~~.r~'/ . ~'. : Gregory Poole Equipment Co. - Net Cost Method $243,925.50 , 14,089.00 :$229,836.50 GrossI Price Trade-In NET COST' " ~,'" ." . "Gregory,P,oole Equipment Co. - Total Cost Method "J ". $246,469.50 14,089.00 $232,380.50 , 77,200.00 51,125.00 $258;455.50 Gross'Price Trade-In Net Cost Repair and Maintenance Cost Guarantee Buy Back Price TOTAL COST AND WHEREAS,' the Finance Director recommends that the Fiat' Allis 1986 FD~20 Bulldozer be disposed of by means of trade-in on the' purchase of a Waste Disposal Arrangement Bulldozer' with Elevated Sprocket Design; AND ~HEREAS, the' bid package states that goods,listed ~rade-in"~will be released, to 'the successful bidder "~in the condition.', as' when examined, e:x:cepting normal wear and ,~ear; :_ AND WHEREAS , . the Fiat Allis 1986 FD-20 Bu11dozer,"experienced" complete engine failure after the examination period had passed 'and bid opening had occurred, Gregory poole Equipment_Company is~' ,<_ requesting that the trade-in allowance be lowered to Seven-, Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00); .,",7'. AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded' by the Total Cost Method to Gregory Poole Equipment Co. of Raleigh, North carolina, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of Two Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Five ;'Hundred Forty-four Dollars, and Fifty Cents ($265,544.50); '. ~.~ :.' . ,..~"'..-~- - " "\~""~~f\':'>:'};'>"~"':"':';-,-\""""' .;'~"--,.."-':',- .' "," ,;,\ . '~;"';" "\'~~l:!;-;;'~-$;"''''~'': "- '''~~~?8S<!fil;ti'r',t~~,~~~;<.''~:;"~~ .1 " ;:/.. , AND WHEREAS, the initial purchase will amount to Two Hundred ,Thirty-nine Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-nine Dollars :!'and Fifty Cents. ($239,469.50), the Maintenance and Repair'Expenses will be' 'paid as incurred up to maximum guaranteed amount of Seventy-seven Thousand. Twoc Hundred Dollars ' ($77,200.00), and the decision to utilize ,the buy back clause in the amount of F.ifty-one" Thousand' Ori~"Hundred~Twenty-five Dollars ($51,125.00) will be made at the end" of the.five year period of usage; . ',AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now ,in or will be ,available in subsequent year's Account No. 700-480~4191-5940 or 700-480-4191-3920 to cover this contract; . NOW,~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissione~s of New Hanover County that the contract for a Waste Disposal Arrangement Bulldozer with Elevated Sprocket Design and the sale as trade-in of a Fiat Allis 1986 FD-20 Bulldozer for the New Hanover County Landfill, Bid # 92-0060 by the Total Cost method be 'awarded to Gregory Poole Equipment Company of,Raleigh, 'Nbrth Carolina in the amount -of Two Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Five Hundred Forty-four Dollars and Fifty Cents ($265,544.50); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execiute the contract". co~tract form to be approved by the County , Attorney. " " of September, 1991. . .. ~fd-L- .. Chairman, Boar of County Commissioners ' ", ; "~ATT ST:.',';' , " ..'V~A1_ CI rk to the Board. ,;, " ',.\. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received, and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 27th day of August, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 chestnut street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Furnishings for the New Hanover County Senior Center, Bid # 92-0043: Group 6 - Window Treatments Vertical Blinds and More The office Showcase The Dize Company The Blind spot, Inc. Drapery World Interiors LL & L Designs $ 2,351.08 $ 2,719.02 $ 2,739.00 $ 3,231.71 $ 3,399.82 $13,363.00 AND WHEREAS, the Aging Department, the Finance Director and the county Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to vertical Blinds and More of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-one Dollars and Eight Cents ($2,351.08); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 315-612-8215-7300-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county Commissioners of New Hanover County that Contract # 92-0043-4 for Group 6 - Window Treatments Senior Center Furnishings for the Aging Department, Bid # 92-0043 be awarded to Vertical Blinds and More of Wilmington, North Carolina in the amount of Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-one Dollars and Eight Cents ($2,351.08); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to return the bidders. that the purchasing Agent is hereby bid deposits to the unsuccessful (SEAL) of September, 1991. Chai~r~; " Commissioners ATTEST: ~ '</ ~ Cl rk to the Board " NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CODE OF ETHICS PREAMBLE The stability and proper operation of democratic representative government depends upon the continuing consent of the governed; upon the public confidence in the integrity of the government and upon responsible exercise of the trust conferred by the people. Government decisions and policy must be made and implemented through proper channels and processes of the governmental structure. The purpose of this code is to establish guidelines for ethical standards of conduct for County Commissioners. It should not be considered a substitute for the law or a County Commissioner's best judgement. County Commissioners must be able to act in a manner to maintain their integrity and independence, yet must be responsive to the interests and needs of those they represent. County Commissioners serve in an important advocacy capacity in meeting the needs of their citizens and should recognize the legitimacy of this role as well as the intrinsic importance of this function to the proper functioning of representative government. At the same time, County commissioners must, at times, act in an adjudicatory or administrative capacity and must, when doing so, act in a fair and impartial manner. County commissioners must know how to distinguish these roles and when each role is appropriate and they must act accordingly. County Commissioners must be aware of their obligations to conform their behavior to standards of ethical conduct that warrant the trust of their constituents. Each County Commissioner must find within his or her own conscience the touchstone on which to determine appropriate conduct. CANON ONE A County commissioner Shall Obey the Law. County Commissioners shall support the Constitution of the united states, the Constitution of North Carolina and the laws enacted by the Congress of the United states and the General Assembly pursuant thereto. CANON TWO A County Commissioner Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of His Office. County Commissioners should demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty and fortitude in all their public activities in order to inspire public confidence and trust in county government. County commissioners should participate in establishing, maintaining, and enforcing, and should themselves observe, high standards of conduct so that the integrity and independence of their office may be preserved. The provisions of this Code should be construed and applied to further these objectives. CANON THREE A County Commissioner Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All His or Her Activities. A. It is essential that county government attract those citizens best qualified and willing to serve. County Commissioners have legitimate interests economic, professional and vocational - of a private nature. County commissioners should not be denied, and should not deny to other County Commissioners or citizens, the opportunity to acquire, retain and pursue private interests, economic or otherwise, except when conflicts with their responsibility to the public cannot be avoided. County Commissioners must exercise their best judgement to determine when this is the case. B. County Commissioner should respect and comply with the law and should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity of the office of County Commissioner and of county government. C. County Commissioners should not allow family, social, or other relationships to unduly influence their conduct or judgement and should not lend the prestige of the office of County Commissioner to advance the private interests of others; nor should they conveyor permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence them. CANON FOUR A County commissioner Should Perform the Duties of the Office Diligently. County Commissioners should, while performing the duties of the office as prescribed by law, give precedence to these duties over other activities. In the performance of these duties, the following standards should apply: A. Legislative Responsibilities: 1. County Commissioners should actively pursue policy goals they believe to be in the best interests of their constituents within the parameters of orderly decision- making, rules of the Board of County commissioners and open government. 2. County Commissioners should respect the legitimacy of the goals and interests of other County Commissioners and should respect the rights of others to pursue goals and policies different from their own. I B. Adjudicative Responsibilities: 1. County Commissioners should be faithful to the general and local laws pertaining to the office and strive for progressional competence in them. They should be un swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism. 2. County Commissioners should demand and contribute to the maintenance of order and decorum in proceedings before the Board of County Commissioners. 3. County Commissioners should be honest, patient, dignified and courteous to those with whom they deal in their official capacity, and should require similar conduct of their staff and others subject to their direction and control. 4. County Commissioners should accord to every person who is legally interested in a proceeding before the commission full right to be heard according to law. 5. County Commissioners should dispose promptly of the business of the county for which they are responsible. C. Administrative Responsibilities: 1. County Commissioners should clearly distinguish legislative, adjudicatory and administrative responsibilities and should refrain from inappropriate interference in the impartial administration of county affairs by county employees. Commissioners should diligently discharge those administrative responsibilities that are appropriate, should maintain professional competence in the administration of these duties and should facilitate the diligent discharge of the administrative responsibilities of fellow Commissioners and other county officials. 2. County Commissioners should conserve the resources of the county in their charge. They should employ county equipment, property, funds, and personnel only in legally permissible pursuits and in a manner that exemplifies excellent stewardship. 3 . County Commissioners should require county employees subject to their direction and control to observe the standards of fidelity and diligence that apply to Commissioners as well as those appropriate for employees. 4. County Commissioners should take or initiate appropriate disciplinary measures against a county employee for improper conduct of which the Commissioner may become aware. 5. County Commissioners should not employ or recommend the appointment of unnecessary employees and should exercise the power of employment only on the basis of merit, avoid favoritism and refrain from illegal discrimination and nepotism. They should not approve compensation of employees beyond the fair value of services rendered. CANON FIVE A County Commissioner Should Conduct the Affairs of the Board in an Open and Public Manner. County Commissioners should be aware of the letter and intent of the state's Open Meetings Law, should conduct the affairs of the Board of County Commissioners consistent with the letter and spirit of that law and consistent with the need to inspire and maintain public confidence in the integrity and fairness of county government and the office of County Commissioner. Consistent with this goal of preserving public trust, County commissioners should be aware of the need for discretion in deliberations when the lack of discretion would pose a threat to the resources of the county, to the reputation of current or potential county employees, to orderly and responsible decision making, to the integrity of other governmental processes or to other legitimate interests of the county. CANON SIX A County Commissioner Should Regulate His or Her Extra- Governmental Activities to Minimize the Risk of Conflict with His or Her Officials Duties. A. County Commissioners should inform themselves concerning campaign finance, conflict or interest and other appropriate state and federal laws and should scrupulously comply with the provisions of such laws. B. County Commissioners should refrain from financial and business dealings that tend to reflect adversely on the Board or on county government or to interfere with the proper performance of official duties. C. County Commissioners should manage their personal financial interests to minimize the number of cases in which they must abstain from voting on matters coming before the Board. D. Information acquired by County Commissioners in their official capacity should not be used or disclosed in financial dealings or for any other purpose not related to official duties. CANON SEVEN County Commissioner Should Refrain from Political Activity Inappropriate to His or Her Office. " A. County Commissioners have a civic responsibility to support good government by every available means, to continue to inform and educate the citizenry about the affairs and processes of county government, and to make themselves available to citizens of the county so that they may ascertain and respond to the needs of the community. In do ing so, County Commissioners may and should join or affiliate with civic organizations whether partisan or non-partisan, may and should attend political meetings, may and should advocate and support the principles or policies of civic or political organizations consistent with the Constitution and laws of the united states and North Carolina. B. Candidates for the office of County Commissioner, including incumbents: 1. Should inform themselves concerning the laws of this state with regard to campaigns and relevant disclosures requirements and should scrupulously comply with the provisions of such laws; 2. Should maintain the dignity appropriate to the office, and should encourage members of their families to adhere to the same standards of political conduct that apply to Commissioners; 3. Should not make pledges or promises of conduct in office that they will not or cannot perform or would be illegal if it were performed; 4. Should not misrepresent their identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact; and 5. Should avoid pledges or promises of conduct in office other than the faithful and impartial performance of the duties of the office. ADOPTED this the 16th day of September, 1991. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~#L. Fred Retchin, Chairman Board of Commissioners ~~ if /J-IA CI k to the Board ---