1991-10-07 RM Exhibits 9{gw :Jfal}-over County 'Board of COlnmissioners 1\sso[ution "WHEREAS, ',con,cerned parents who live in the NorthChase Subdi vision:,',have:,peti tioned ,the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ,,<f.or'?' assistance in ensuring the safety of their children who ,cross Highway 132 to attend Task Middle School and Laney High School; ',and ' "Commissioners are gravely concerned 'about the safety>of these' children and desire that their safety priorit,y over,the concerns of impeding traffic flow; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of ,Contrnissionersto' urge the North Carolina Department of ,Transportation to immediately light in front of Trask Middle School twenty-four (24) hours per limit in front .of the schools; 7th day of October, 1991. ~. . \ /7 '1ffiL. U /Fred-RetchinU Chairman . ............................................................................................................ . :::;::;-.:~~:- ~ "t~,~' , ..' .~;:. llroclamation ~I jl ~I e - Nrw ){annurr Qtnuntu 1Boar~ of Qtomminnionern WHEREAS, the D.S.S. North Carolina was commissioned on April 9, 1941, and was America's most potent and modern battleship; and WHEREAS, the U.S.S. North Carolina participated in every , major naval offensive in the Pacific during the Second World War with one of the most distinguished and extensive battle records in naval history; and WHEREAS, the U. S. S. North Carolina has become a lasting memorial, for the past thirty years to men and women in North Carolina who fought and died in the Second World War; and, e:i WHEREAS, October 2, 1991, marks the 30th Anniversary of the day' the Battleship North Carolina was permanently berthed at Wilmington, after a final voyage made possible by the generous donations of thousands of North carolinians, I. NOW THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October, 1991 is designated as U.S.S. NORTH CAROLINA MONTH :1 ~I and October 2, 1991 is desig~ated U.S.S. NORTH CAROLINA THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY DAY "in New Hanover County. All citizens are urged to join in observance of this special anniversary. signed this the 2nd day of October, 1991. I ~g- Chairman e".' )~ ~ tJ'~tt. ~~ ~\ ~ f:~'_~;.JJlJ.(c) . ~~. ..............................................................................................~............ ~ ,",\... . ',.'.. ,...;....:.: . ,.:::.... .':.~..; ", ,'.,'," WHEREAS;'i:\Lupus '.'. 'is more .,,"common '..' "Dystrophyand;.,'Cerebral.Palsy;;;:tllat"'it both men young. and old;.' and'" ' ,'," " , :':~~~} ;':~.:~"~:. ~'.~~:/~,/~_:~. , " -. :"~ ',' .:::.~.f~~~;::;:;"~:.~~::::'-'~:,:~:\:;~}'" ,'.'., :f.~" .;..,~,~~>~>, .... ~ ;...~\;;~::t-~i:j:. ",~:, (:. .~: . .:>, " ~ ,i, ~;'''' .':. ...... :,';,:';'~::l:}:::WHEREAS;:,LUpus' is ":'achrOnic'inf lamma tory disease which .the,.bodY's;,immune:sYstem;':to produce .""antibodies which 'h~a~}Dt'.~~.(~i;;.;.~~.~,~;;,)t~.~;:~~C'~~,~:~:;~',.. ,""'" " . <. ;,JI.'TJIEREAS ,',the,)cause'of,Lupusisunknown and no cure ... ":' '- :-:">;':~'\"'~' ,,--"~;:';:'):~'\:"-~:.,.: "':"'.':;-';"'::'::;'~~'.~,,. -." '::.,.: .... ....". ":"", ",:~,;WHEREAS,:':rese'arch"and\public education are two vital keys to ," address::,:~this"'.orphan).disease." That<through education, 'early' diagnosis)s possible",andwill:lead toreducedmortali ty rates ~ " . " '.)'. ' ".NOW,,'THEREFORE/,'theNewHanovel:"County Board of Commissioners ,,',",'" herebyproc1aims<tl1~month, of October as Lupus Awareness Month in Ne~;..~~fDover,<:oun~t(' ,,' ",:';: October, 1991. ,'.. " '., . . . . .. .., . .. .. . .'. (~""","'~"'","" , , , , ~ ' , '. '. FrEid . Retchiri, .... Chairrn:n BL1rx;Er RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Community College: , Section 1 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the institution in the State CUrrent Fund for the fiscal year , beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: General Administration Instructional CUrriculum Technical Education Vocational Education General Education CUrriculum Supervision Instructional - Non CUrriculum Occupational Extension Adult Basic Education Adult High School & GED Compensatory Education Avocational Extension Practical Skills Extension Academic Extension Non-CUrriculum Supervision Human Resource Development Small Business Centers CEO Special Project Learning Resources Library Individualized Instruction Center Student Services General Institution General Institution Staff Development Total State CUrrent Fund Appropriation $ 458,751 2,925,553 827,195 475,130 472,710 362,716 122,289 118,274 86,916 96,840 59,385 29,814 385,382 102,594 53,262 12,280 373,896 47,011 638,566 667,385 19,498 $8,335,447 Section 2 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the State CUrrent Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: State Board Formula Allotment Non-Formula Voc. Ed. Allotment Human Resources Development Small Business Centers Marine Technology (Ship) Staff Development CED Special Project Area Law Enforcement $ 7,675,852 88,965 102,594 53,262 332,932 19,498 12,280 50,064 Total State CUrrent Fund Revenue $ 8,335,447 !:; Section 3 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the institution in the County Current Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: General Administration Instructional Curriculum Library Non-CUrriculum Supervision Student Services Plant Operation and Maintenance Operation - New Hanover County Maintenance - New Hanover County Pender County General Institution $ 36,349 1,169 1,161 2,144 575,671 214,020 38,000 148,886 Total County Current Fund Appropriation $ 1,017,400 Section 4 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the County Current Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992:, New Hanover County Appropriation Pender County Appropriation $ 876,991 38,000 Total County Current Fund Revenue $ 914,991 Section 5 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the Institution in the Plant Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: Buildings and Grounds Equipnent Books $ 100,000 389,901 46,054 Total Plant Fund Appropriation $ 535,955 Section 6 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Plant Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: State Formula Allotment New Hanover County Appropriation Federal - Vocational Education $ 379,565 76,200 3,000 Total Plant Fund Revenue $ 458,765 '" , "'';':.:..,:.. :.:...~,. .~ " Section 7 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the institution in the Institutional Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992: , CUrrent Unrestricted Institutional Support $ CUrrent Restricted Student Aid Proprietary Vending Parking Student Activity ID Cards Ship's Special Project Bookstore 195,700 446,000 20,000 16,000 36,000 1,500 15,000 22,000 Total Institutional Fund Appropriation $ 752,200 ,Section 8 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Institutional Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30,1992: College Work Study JTPA Programs SEX.:X; Grant Pell Grant Financial Aid Administration Other Federal Interest Parking Bookstore Revenues Vending Revenues Miscellaneous $ 18,000 34,000 22,000 380,000 5,700 20,000 40,200 16,000 24,000 32,000 241,800 Total Institutional Fund Revenues $ 833,700 Section 9 - The president of the institution is hereby authorized to transfer amounts fram one function to another in the same fund within the limitations set forth for the State Fund and Plant Fund by the State Board of Canmunity Colleges. Any such transfer shall be reported to the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting and entered into its minutes. ~ Section 10 - Copies of the Budget Resolution shall be immediately sent to the local tax-levying authorities, and the State Board of c6mmunity Colleges. Adopted this 19th day of September, 1991. 4.14/i:k; L Jd i:~ ,5,e, 'FraI1klin E. WillIams, r. Chai'rman of the Board Cape Fear Community Colleges ~f:n~:y CamUssioners Chairman, Pender County Commissioners " "l . ~. U,S,Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Page 1 of 3 Pages Contract No. DTFA 06-91-A-S0188 New Hanover International Airport Wilmington, North Carolina AMENDMENT NO.1- TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 3-37-0084-12 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the FAA) has determined it to be in the interest of the United States that the grant agreement between the FAA, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and New Hanover County and New Hanover COlmty Airport Authority (hereinaher referred to as the co-sponsors), accepted by said CO. . sponsors on the 4th day of June 1991 , be amended as hereinafter provided. NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH: That, in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties hereto, the FAA on behalf of the United States, on the one part, and the Co.sponsors, on the other part, do hereby mutually agree that the tenns and conditions of the grant agreement between the United States and the Co-sponsors, accepted by said Co-sponsors on the day of 4th day of Jlme 1991, be amended: The Project Description on Page I of the grant which reads: Phase II - rehabilitate, strengthen, and shoulder stabilization. runway 16/34; rehabilitate HIRL, runway 16/34 and guidance signs. is hereby revised and reads as follows: Phase II - rehabilitate, strengthen, and shoulder stabilization. nmway 16/34; rehabilitate HIRL, runway 16/34 and guidance signs; groove runways 5/23 and 16/34. . . . . .. 2 It is understood and agreed that all the other tenus and conditions of the grant agreement remain in full force and effect and are not changed or altered except as hereinabove provided The United States shall not be obligated under any provision hereof unless this amendment has been executed by the Co-sponsors, on or before September 30, 1991, or such subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the Administrator. IN WlTN, ESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have ca~~ this amendment to the grant . agreement to be dilly executed as of the ~ day of ~. 192.J UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION .. B~?IdA(/rJ'l ~'JiO,:Yu O~~e Manager, Airports District Office . . . 3 New Hanover County By~:;;YL Title Chairman Date 9/~-6/f / I Att~s:/ Ai~ / Title: ~4 ~~ t~l~ .*......*........... CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY I, , acting as Attorney for New Hanover ~ (hereinafter referred to as "sponsor"), do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing amendment to grant agreement and proceedings taken by said sponsor relating thereto, and find that the execution thereof by said sponsor has been duIy authorized and is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, and further tha~ in my opinion, said amendment to grant agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the sponsor in accordance with the tenns thereof. Dated at ,this day of 19_ By Title . . . 4 New Hanover County Ait:pO'rt Authority Sponsor By (SEAL) Title Date Attest: Title: ******************** CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY I, ' , acting as Attorney for New Hanover County, Allport Authority (hereinafter refelTCd to as "sponsor"), do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing amendment to grant agreement and proceedings taken by said sponsor relating thereto, and find that the execution thereof by said sponsor has been duly authorized and is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, and further that, in my opinion, said amendment to grant agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at ,this day of 19_ By Title rJ . US Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration SEP 1 2 1991 The Honorable Fred Retchin Chairman. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners County Administration Building. Room 305 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington. North Carolina 28401 I Atlanta Airports District Office 1680 Phoenix Parkway, Suite 101 Atlanta, Georgia 30349-5421 Dear Chairman Retchin: Enclosed are the original and five copies of Amendment No, 1 to the grant agreement for New Hanover International Airport. Project No. 3-37-0084-12 at Wilmington. North Carolina, This amendment. which is issued in response to your request dated August 26. 1991. revises. project description to include "groove runways 5/23 and 16/34." Retain one copy and return the original and two copies to this office. As required by the laws of the State of North Carolina. ,an appropriate resolution should be adopted and spread on your off i cial minu tes , A copy 0 f the amendment is included for your assistance in accomplishing this necessary item of business, It is not necessary for you to furnish this of fice wi th a copy of this resolution, Sincerely. . ~dJ&"71. ~~'}- Manager Enclosures fD)rn@rn~w~rnl U1J~;~~~ ---,----.~-~::J N H '[!'7'! ('\ 11"1,' OORl" .. '. f ., _. .r '. t r IDENTICAL LETTER SENT TO: Mr, Jack G, Ashby. Chairman New Hanover County Airport Authority PARTNERS IN CREATING TOMORROW'S AIRPORTS NEW HANOVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 1740 Airport Boulevard WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 [LlEuulEOO @[f uOO~~~[i\jj]Duu~[L . TO (919) 341.4333 FAX (91_~) 341.4365 ~\..E.:~ alN~~L JOB NO. > WE ARE SENDING YOU ;8J Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings :g Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans o o Samples o Specifications COPIES )aO~ DATE NO, DESCRIPTION . AD1\fINIST A TIVE OFFICE NEW HANOVER CO. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: > o For approval ~ For your use o As requested o Approved as submitterl o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints o For review and comment 0 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US J'1 7oS$~~L.~ 'T<:::) H ~V~ -n-:l~ T~ ~ ""1 0 1:!i A <::> "R ~ ~ \J ~ s -1 \=.9 (:f.. N c.~~~e:n IS., JH~ A~"f ~\.)~ S>-1 \ b'NS, ,(I bvvW1 ,') ~\ ~ v( TJ.-IE: COPY TO ~\\ ~ SIGNED: .t~,,\..~ ---il..c-:, " enclosure. are not as noted. kindly notify u. at once, ' ' PAnntlCTuo..l' f~Jlnc. Groton. Mas. 01'"