1991-11-04 RM Exhibits RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NEW HANO~iR COUNT~ WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids ~ere received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 24th day of September, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for a computer system for the Finance Department, Bid # 92-0106: IBM Corporation $ 64,271.00 AND WHEREAS, the computer system for the Tax Department which was part of this bid was awarded on october 7, 1991; AND WHEREAS, the bid received for the computer the Finance office exceeded original estimates and like to further review options available and re-bid date; system for staff would at a later AND WHEREAS, the M.I.S. Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the bid received be rejected; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County commissioners of New Hanover County that the bid received for Bid # 92-0106 for a computer system for the Finance Department be rejected. This 4th day of November, 1991. ~ wi RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 22nd day of October, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 chestnut street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Hydrated Lime for the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 92-0188: First Year Second Year Virginia Lime Corporation APG Lime Corporation Chemstone Corporation $77.38/ton $79.16/ton $87.50/ton $77.38/ton $81.54/ton $89.25/ton AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Virginia Lime Corporation of Ripplemead, Virginia, the lowest responsible bidder, at the unit cost of Seventy-seven Dollars and Thirty-eight Cents ($77.38) per ton, estimate of two year usage in the amount of Two Hundred Eighty-two Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-seven Dollars ($282,437.00}i AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in or will be in subsequent years budget Account No. 700-480-4192-4230 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Hydrated Lime for the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 92-0188 be awarded to Virginia Lime Corporation, of Ripplemead, Virginia at the unit cost of Seventy-seven Dollars and Thirty-eight Cents ($77.38) per ton, estimate of two year usage in the amount of Two Hundred Eighty-two Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-seven Dollars ($282,437.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to return the bidders. that the Purchasing Agent is hereby bid deposits to the unsuccessful of November, 1991. Chairma~iSSioners ~ CONSENT AGENDA- ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE DATE: Nov. 4, 1991 7 ITEM No. ...........MEMO . .~::-..~~:::t~:::s~ ~::::.:::~~:1~:::~::.;;:.:~~::::~:::x..::"::. :~':.:.;..~::~*::::::~-:.:::~::::~~::~~:::~~~~~::~::~~~~~:;~:~:~~:::~::~.::~:1:::::~:::1~~:1~~~~:~:::~:::~:~:~:~M:1~~~~:::~~:~~~~:~~~:~~::~::::$:~~:.:~:::~::;-:.x:~~~%~":~;~l~~t~~:::~:.~::~.:~=::: ::":::;i;::-:::::~1::::"";:?-=::"l*"'-::::-'-': $.::~~ N:-:~ . . October 24, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners Mary M. Gornto ~\'\\.6 Deputy County Manager FROM: RE: Change Order Report #22 Period Ending October 24, 1991 AIRPORT - EAST SIDE Multi-State Contracting Corporation - Change Order No. Two (Final) in the amount of($20,050.75) - This change order covers the final quantities of this project. D. D. Miller Construction - Change Order No. Three (3) This change has no monies involved, but only covers the . extension of time due to contaminated soil found during construction of the sewer. MUSEUM Maltbie Associates - Change Order No. One (1) in the amount of $22,200.00. This change order covers revisions of the civil war case and 20th century case. MYRTLE GROVE BRANCH LIBRARY John Sawyer - Change Order No. Three (3) in the amount of $6,368.00. This change order covers additional work required for the construction documents, bidding construction administration per letter on August 13, 1991. SEWER Sneeden, Inc. - Change Order E-6 (Final) in the amount of $10,619.11. This change order covers the final quantities of this project. . . . .; , County Commissioners Page Number Two October 24, 1991 SEWER T.A. Loving - Change Order H-1 in the amount of $17,654.20. This change order covers additional pipe, DOT concrete driveways, and a manhole tap in the Howe Creek area. Motorola, Inc. - Change Order Four ( 4 ) in the amount of $33,442.00. This change order covers the additional two alphanumeric pagers and 10 additional remote terminal units. Motorola, Inc. - Change Order $3,750.00. This change order stainless steel cabinets for remote terminal units. Five (5) in the amount of covers an additional ten installation of additional SENIOR CENTER Leader Construction - Change Order No. Two (2) in the amount of $2,500.80. This change order covers the sound insulation for several rooms, sleeves under asphalt, modifications for kitchen sink booster heater, and handrail extension. Leader Construction - Change Order No. Three ( 3) in the amount of $15,519.90. This change order covers additional receptacles in various locations, increase in the purchase price of brick, and shorten length of stage. MG/nb NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER -OFFICE REGULAR AGENDA DATE: Nov. 4, 1991 ITEM No. 7 .%iR,'::::~ MEMO, . ~ :.<.~. :~~:~',~~i~b ~~<<,;!.:i:;:. ...~<;;~i;::::::::1:#~)i~ii,ii:i::t{iiii:i:ii{:i:i~:::~:i:::::;:;:;:;{::::::::::::::::{;;:W::'$~~;:~::::~':::{W~@:i\:%'t'~~::i,::i~~~~.,V$:~,:,. ::::,. {<'<'~'. '~. ~~,. .. . . October 25, 1991 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Mary M. Gornto, Deputy County Manager~~i'_c; Urban Park FROM: RE: Background: Since the City-County purchase of the Hobbs property last year, the two committees you appointed (a staff planning committee and a citizens advisory group) have been meeting to develop plans for the creation of an urban park. After much brainstorming and deliberation, a design by Margaret Gray of McKim & Creed Engineers has been agreed upon by the committee members. A cost estimate of $142,000 has also been prepared for the project; included in the estimate were various materials and labor to be provided by the City and County. The project, while not really large enough to be done in phases, can be scheduled over two fiscal years. Additionally, several items considered necessary for the full completion are not essential for the initial use of the park. The committees have given some thought to the solicitation of community funds to assist in the development. In fact, one organization has already offered a cash contribution as well as labor! Recommendation: The Commissioners are requested to endorse the design, which will be presented by Margaret Gray, and authorize th committees to seek funds from citizens, civic groups, and 0 appropriate sources to help implement the park development. ....,,- MMG/dal.31 cc: City Council and City Manager Planning Committee Advisory Group MEMORANDUM DATE: October 30, 1991 TO: Planning Committee and Advisory Group M&C00065.02 FROM: Margaret A. Gray RECEIVE.D OCT 3 1 1991 RE: Downtown Park at 3rd and Chestnut. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE NEW HANOVER CO. Approximate Construction Cost (Reference Plan 9/10/91) (Includes labor & materials unless otherwise noted) Topsoil: (575 CY provided by City/County) = Centipede Sod: 220 SY @ @ $2.25 SY = Plants: (Materials only) = Irrigation: (Materials only) = Planters: 700 L.F. @ $40/L.F. = Benches: 330 L.F. @ $41/L.F. average = (11 @ 4',29 @ 6',14 @ 8') Brick Plaza: 3,700 SF @ $7/SF = Colored Concrete Plaza: 5500 SF @ $5/SF = MFLEX #200 488 SF @ $4/SF = Covered Tables & Chairs: 5 @ $525/ea = Trash Receptacles: 4 @ $165/ea = Lighting Fixtures: 4 @ $1,600/ea = Banners: 16 (4 per season) @ $60/ea = Sculpture: (Design Pending) Focus Piece (Design Pending) Cascade Fountain: Drinking Fountain: 2 @ $500/ea = Wall - Art: (Design Pending) COST $ ($5,175.00) $500.00 $5,500.00 $2,700.00 $28,000.00 $13,530.00 $25,900.00 $27,500.00 $1,952.00 $2,625.00 $660.00 $6,400.00 $960.00 $6,000.00 $4,500.00 $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $10.000.00 142,727.00 (Excludes site work preparation, stakeout, etc., for construction purposes.) Phase A - $30,700 Phase B - $56,715 Phase C - $55,312 /bjh PHASE A B B A A B C B C B B B C C C C C C ~ MCKIM&CREED . ~i -~ ~ 'il i ~ ~ 9 i i ! ~ ; ; ~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ i i ~ i s~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I 2 ~ ~ii!~;~~~~~;i ~ ~'"\ ~~ ! ~ ~ ~ 1: iliR R ~ 5 ~~l e~ !i > i ~ g .. , ~OO@ II. 01001... a 0 ~~ it It .~: ''',.1 1Il 1Il n '" }> "U r -< P.1 ~ ~ 9 III ..... - <0 q ~ l.8Wt'( PARICINO NtfJt. il II ~~g ~~ i i!i g ~ -f I N - ::D o en -f ::D m m -f G ~ ~ ~ ~c: z~ ~~ i-o R"~ ~ Z-o ~~ ~ o ~ a ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ;;l zO o -<m a::u gQ 1J s: Z ~ ! ~ " lD " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ;J ~ ~ 0 z (> ~ ! 'ii ~ ~ 1Il CHESTNUT STREET o )> lJ) o ~ ~ I ....1'1 o 1Il.... nO ~c Z ~ )> z .."'''' -<,c (?V)~ 'ii5~ ~~~ ~e~ '"~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: -Modify Non-residential off-street parking, 72.28 (4) (c) (~) The site shall be located no closer than 50 feet from any street right-of-way other than that to which the principal use is adjacent. -Delete last sentence of Section 80.2. -Renumber existing 80.6 to 80.7 -Add: 80.6 Off-Street Parking Design and Space Size - A standard parking space shall have a minimum width of 8.5 feet and a minimum length of 18 feet. Larger spaces may be designated provided the minimum required spaces for the use or uses served is met. Parking spaces for small vehicles may be designated provided that these spaces do not occupy more than 25% of the total number required. Small parking spaces shall have a minimum width of 8 feet and a minimum length of 16 feet. Each space or area designated for small vehicle parking shall be identified by proper signage. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in' conf lict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 4th day of November, 1991. ~~ Fred Retchin, Chairman Attest: " STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New. Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Swartville Road, numerical range 2700-2899, located in Cape Fear Township. WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 4th day of November, 1991, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. Adopted this the 4th day Attest: ~\~ C~ to the Board !~...-.-~"'~ " - " ~~~,,- '..t~.~~~~~.." II II 1111:" l:IlI 1111 II II"" II II 1:1," "" II lI' .. II ..1111"1111 ....1111 II" It a iii I!! ~ "" 11111. II II II II ..... II II II II II.. II II II II 11.11 II II a"" Ill.. II II 110.. II" 1110111 II II 11111 II 111111 II 11111" 111111 II 111:" \.1.\~'~~). \{i2h-i~2,.. ~ . . '. ' · ..... .'. .... '. ., . .'. ~:::~-';Il~t) ;~~?~':.' . . '." - . ' ...' . "?;~~~< ~ . .... .... .. 1 1:..1 NtwllanlTuttmnuntll I~I 1:1 :1 1!I18oat1l nfQIUmmt5!ltonCt!l Iii Iii . ..~todamation Ijll I.!. . 1:1 I:' 1:1 :1 1:1 I: ::1 . WHEREAS, . the. vast maJonty of t{1e. youth. are concerned, I: :i knowledgeable and responsiblec,itizens; and .. . 1:1 :! 1=1 I~I WHEREAS, . the accornplishments and achievements of the young I~! :1 citizens deserve rec,ognition andpraise of the elders; and 1:11 I ~ 1 j I Iili II 1:1 . WI-IE.,REAS, O'Ptimist International has since} 954 develoned and I:j II r 1;1 !:ipromoted a prqgram entitled Youth Appreciation Week. :1 1:1 [I:! I" '1 i:: NOW, T[IEREFORE, the. NevvHanover County Beard of. :11 !:I i: 1:1 CoTtllnissioners hereby proclaims the week of November 3-9, 1991, as 1:1 ! ~ i j:! I,j "I I.:i., YOUTH. .APPRECIATION WEEI( I:' ,:i :'1 i:i 1:1 !Ilj :1 !:I' in New Hanover County and encourages all citizens to JOoin with the I:! i: 1:1 :~i Optimists in expressing appreciation and approval of the contribution of :1 II:! ,:1 .:1 ' the youth. By this action, let it be known that we have faith in the ability I:i i11 of today 's youth asthey assurhe responsible roles in the future of mankind. 111 ::1 1:1 I" 'I II) II i~! Adopted this the 4th day of November, 1991. I~I I:i :1' i ~ I III I:i~d / :1 I:! VPr^ i :, Iii .~I:I Ijl .. Fled Retchin, Chairman Iii \:! 1:11 l::It a I ~ 1 . ,: i : I : ~ I ill . ~) d(" ~ '. .i T v.-. . !~I{~~"."........,..................... ,........ ...........,...,....,..........,..........,....;................. .dt~ . . . . ." . . .., '" . - , t~~~1I1;1 if:l51 U P, 1;1 ~ 'Il II 11 1;1 1;1 il.."III1"I:I.liIl1ll1lr:1.:"A~a 81f Oil: "'~IlII1,lIClllJ\lIllll. 1;1 .q... U"" III.. 1;1... 1;1 a ... II Ullllll OJ. ~ a I! 118 r;. I: lllll_ 11111 a "'. 0 II" Clu..IIU..u..;!". II ~~~Fj )l\W"~"",~~ _ ' , " , , _ ',' _ --.c.~__"'(\(~ \',,-U"""'."-' - . - '-. -'" '_ ,;; . "'.,;},?~l~lli ~1';\?' .' .. . . ..,IJI'no ~("'" M ',' ']l.t" '. :' (1fi ' ~ ~\>-~OVERco(/. ; 'ill I~I " ' ~fW !ra.annutr~nuntn ~. '~ 1;1 1,:11 .'... ul in) $1 1:1 :1 p , ,'rGnarllofffionnninainnerl1 :1 lil.iroclamatton !i i:1 : I~I Ii! 1:1 1:1 '.' .. :. . . . . . ". . 1:1 WHEREAS, the Animal Control facilities in New Hanover County serves all county , '1;1 residents and their pets;' and -,,' ' , : '1 11i 'WHEREAS, any person who willfully and without justifiable excuse abandons an animal ~ ,1;1 is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to five hundred dollars ($500,00) and . i~i imprison,ment for up to six month.s; and ' :,1 I:i :,1 l;j I~i WHEREAS, domesticated animals depend upon people for their survival; and ~i 1'1 . j;1 WHEREAS, concerned informed and active pet owners will ensure a healthy future for : 'I' , ':1 allpets in New Hanover County; and . 1:1 '1 I:i I; 1:1 'I 'l:iWHEREAS, a billboard has been erected at Highways 132 and 117 (Near Laney High I~I '1 School) to infonn citizens that abandonment of animals is a crime; :1 I~! f h b jl 1:1 NOVo/, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board OJ Commissioners ere y =1' 1:1 pl'oclainls the week of November 10-16, 1991, as :.1 I', 1'1 :j II~i "Don't Abandon Your Animal Week" :1 I ~I I:' 'I III~'~II ' in New Hanover County, =1 l' :1 Ijl Adopted this the 4th day of November, 1991. ~.'II' 1'1 Iii ~.'/~'- v;-)~_ r', /~ III 1:1 _~~~ I: 1.1 I',' I:! 'Pre ctchin, ,Wlrn,wn I.' I j ~ 1 l:i' jl 1:\ l[j.I' 1:1 ,"i ;:1 ~~~.......................................................................................................... .~~i (fl; (, I~i ,~I Inl 1"1 III "I I; "'I It l! I~! ~l ~I II , ~ II~I ~I I~I ,.1 I~i ~I I,' !I III It! 1,.11 'II 111 III I~l \, '(I 1,1 !ti! I~i \~I ~! 1 ~ I I~! i ~ i \'~1 ~ ! ~l '1i , ~ I l'iI ~l 1,,1 !:~ J !~l l~i !~\ \':ji i~l' 13 'll hi \ ~i Ijl [, I>' ;~I IJi 1;1 Iii i~i , IiI 121 IIi t,J\ I ~ I Ijl III I~j 1&\' I! I;: 1:1 !~! 11~1 ,~ I \ ~ I ~~~~.d~='~=,~__. ." ", . 'l{sW J-{at~over CountY 'Boarcf oj Commissioners 'P~.so[ution . - .. ".". . ",' V(I-lEREAS ; New Hanover County is fortunate to have a citizen "vvho has so,'willilJily given of her time' and talents 'to serve our . r01J7tnnity . and ..... . .... 'L- ". __ /.""'..1.... jj,' J ',. .: . ' .; .. . . . - '. '-';'. . . . . ..... '. VtTHEREAS,thisindividualhas been instrumental in bringing in(]ustry and economic deveZgpment to our area,,; and . . . . . .' . . . . ....,: -. ..... ':-'" ",'.J', . .... '.~. . .. "WHERljA.S:, ()irr:comm~nity is, truly a better place '. to . live because of these efforts/ .'. '. .....NOo/V, THEl?EFORE, 'BE JTRES()L VED, by the' New Hanover County';Boardof C07nmissioners, to recognize and honor . . . '. ..ESTELLLEE .'. ~ ". , forher excepticmal and outstanding-contributions to our cdrnmunity. 'llerleadershipabilities,along witka special love for her fellow rnan, hm/e positively affected each of us. 'We are most appreciative afthese '. . civic. contributions and . look forward to continued leadership as Secretary of the North Carolina" Department of Economic and Comrnunity Development. . - '. ADOPTED this the 4th day of November, 1991. .. .~ . . . i I I . ! \ . i . . i 'I ~ II II II ~ jl f ! i i ~ . ~ I I i II I i I II I II II II I ! -J