1991-11-18 RM Exhibits New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Proclamation I~ WHEREAS, home care enables our ill and disabled citizens to achieve a higher quality of life by receiving care in the comfort of their homes with the support offamily andfriends,' and . :1. "Home Care Week" in New Hanover County to coincide with the celebration of Home Care Week in North Carolina and National Home Care Week across the country,' FURTHERMORE, commends all dedicated individuals who have devoted their careers to providing high quality home care selliices to our citizens. Adopted this the 18th day of November, 1991. ~ >f_~__J2U;L ----- Fred Retchin, Chairman I ~ I ,.1 '1 ,t? d I;)) .~>;~~\ . . ,.,................................. .",........................ .'~.... ,".;,.......... .;-,~~ .1 :1 :1 I. I~ . . . :1 ~ I I ~ I + ;1 ~ I . . . NEw HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 10/31/91 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL OISCQVERI=S ADDEO l=SS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED CERTIFICATION PENALTIES CHARGED lISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TJTAL LEVY COLLECTIC~S TO QATE OUTSTANCIl~(; [;AlANC= 'PERCENTAGe COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PE~SJNAL PROPERTY LES S A '3A T El"E~T S TOTAL TAXES CUE CJLL~CTIO~S TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PE?CENTAGc COLLECTED ~Cl'!SENT AGENDA \ ' DATE: Nov,lR, 1991 ITEM No. ' 4 1991 1) 39,926,562.56 2,Oa9,9911.25 60,491.0d- $ 41,956,055.13 .00 2,000.0:) 21,612.43 " 41,985,608.10 4,171,435.42- ii 31,214,232.14 11.3,~% ~ 2,150,323.97 15,831.30- --------------- $ 2,134,442.61 453,550.7J- --------------- $ 2,280,891.91 16.59~ OCT tq91 FISCAL YT0 -------------- -------------- ROO" OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LIC~NSE CJLLECTIC~S ENS CtJLLECTIONS 1.1.3,593.71 2.814.6J .00 784,030.41 11,215.89 .00 TOTAL "lG;\lEY PRCCESSED THkU COLLECTIWI :JFFICE FUR "Ip, HANOVER- COUNTY, CITY OF ~lL~INGTON, kRrG~TSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH. AND KURE 3EACH TO DATE - $B,Z~n,153.70. TH(S ~EPdRT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR dEG[N~I~G JULY 1, 1991. RES?~CTFUlLY SU8MITTED, p2~1,:i~c ~;Jr~. ..".ar CULLECTOr. aF~C~~:-V . . . C(j:ilT'~J~WI\T~ 11 e.JH"Tn A ~ . fJ.11H ~! j,":hJU] l. ~ .llY 1l NE/oi HAt-lOVER, COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONSf,)ATE:Nov. 18, 1991 COLLECTIONS THRU 10/31/91 ORIGINAL TAX L~VY PER SCROLL QrSCOV~KIES AOO~D L::SS AP.t.TEf-1E:NTS TOTAL T~XcS CHARGEe LISTI~G PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL li:VY COLL=CTla~s Tu DATE ouT 5 T ArlO r i'JG BALANCE P~KCENT~GE COLLECTED '3ACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSON~L PROPERTY CHAKGES ADDED lcS S At:A T E:MciHS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE ~'TEL!r l\~n 1991 ' ,.I. S B7C,221.14 59,934.53 21.,9Z4.C5- --------------- $ 902,231.67 571.34 5 --------------- $' 902 , 809 . 0 1 109,73d.C3- --------------- $ 793,010.93 12.16':; $ 5l.306.26 242.45 236.53- -------------- s , 52,312.18 13,8'1-4.68- --------------- auTsTA~DING BALANCE $, '38,467.50 PERC~NTAGE COLLECTED 26.41: THIS REPORT IS FaR FISCAL YEA~ BEGINNING JULY 1, 1991. RE,6DC.:"~l.lY ~"~~.- ~ f).;\../i ~ U. · ~ PATRICl~ J. RAYNOR COllECTUR OF REVENUE RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS various streets in New Hanover County have been dedicat.ed to t,he public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; and WHEREAS a street 250 feet in lot 1 of I,ong Leaf Hills Subdivision, Piney Woods Subdivision, Section 5, has dedication by plat recordation; and length situated between Section 1, and lot 10, been offered for public WHEREAS G. S. 153A-158 authorizes counties to acquire a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or o.ther lawful method; and WHEREAS New Hanover County desires to accept the offer of dedication of said street; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County hereby accepts dedication of the port.ion of the street delineated ADOPTED, this/f....a.. day of ~./ (, the offers of above. , 1991. qtj YML- Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: ~/~~ CD -- ~ o ~ ... ... ~ C'~"----J '.,,--...~ III II' i ~ 0 ~ 0 .:. z~ :c ~ ~J:- 1~ D 7\J 'J;:::> (\\ . t i \: I . .. e.. g <, . .' ", "'''':~",'''r''-~ ." NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Descri pt ion North Seaview Road and West Seaview Road File No. 684-N WHEREAS, the attached pet it i on has been fil ed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and " WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Tr!~nsportation' for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of. New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria, CERTI FI CATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeti ng on the 18th, day of November, 19 g 1 . WITNESS my this the /1;(;0 day Of~' 19 f/ ~r~~~ County of New Hanover FormSR-2 (7-77) PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways I '~, . JAMES G, MARTIN GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-.350-2011 October 22, 1991 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS J, HARRELSON SECRETARY Division 3, District .3 New Hanover County WILLIAM G, MARLEY, JR" P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Be; Resolution Request Request for Addition to North Seaview Road & West (Div. File No. Ei84-N) the State Highway System Seaview Road . Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of North Road and West Seaview Road (Div. File # 684-N) to the system. After your consideration, if yoU concur furnish this office with your resolution for our handling. Seaview state please further Very truly yours, ~ J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc; Highway Maintenance Engineer . illfl@flDWflfPJ OCT 2 5 91 NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISSiONERS An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Q 0;.:.; ,;m . \ ,04 \ . \ ~ '" . '" \ , I . \ . I . , ;;; . :n.lt , ,17 , "1011 'idgo AApor1 ... . , '\, U )t'\ " 170.1 . \ v, . \ -. , "00 . ~\ \ . , 1 . , 1 1l'! 12" 0 Ill' - C! I1fO .. . I '"", 1llI .11 , . ~ \ ~ ~\ Cl.. , 0 \ '. CIl> \ . \ , \ UN . \ ~ . (~ ! .' NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPART~1ENT OF TRANSPORTATION. REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Descri pti on Greens Ferry Court and Drummond Drive Section 2, Lansdowne South, File #683-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlon that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria, CERTI FI CATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeti ng on the 18th day of November, 19 9] and official se~l this the ~f~ day of ~, 19 PI ri2' 'C/ /)I~' . ~~ard of Commissioners County of New Hanover Form PLEASE NOTE: ) 'Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways . JAMES G, MARTIN GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-350-2011 October 22. 1991 THOMASJ,HARRELSON SECRETARY Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington. NC 28401 . Re: Resolution Request Request for Addition to the State Highway System Greens Ferry Court & Drummond Drive Section 2, Lansdowne South (Div. File No. 683-N) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of Greens Court and Drummond Drive in Section 2, Lansdowne Subdivision (Div. File # 683-N) to the state system. your consideration, if yOU concur please furnish office with your resolution for our further handling. Very truly yours, ~ J. P. Cook District Engineer ,iPC: psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer . An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer Ferry South After this rn~@~DW~[ID OCT 2 5 91 NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COM,\:iS:,~ ,';:r?s - ----- ~\-------- .; ::> ~ ~E\I. UNINC.) )Po J.~J8 &l ~ ~, ~, .)..; I , ~ J I , ( Z. ~ \ \ 1 I ,0< J. I . I ~ c..J / / ~,/ / .L . or ,.,.~~. .... :.' '.., ",;~ . .~ '. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTE~ . . North Carolina County of New Road Description Hanover Beresford Court North and Barton Oaks Drive Section 1 and 2 of Barton Oaks Subdivision File #678-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the, Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlon that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Di vis i on of Hi ghways is hereby reques ted to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE Form PLEASE 'NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways ,) r . . . JAMES G, MARTIN GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919<150-2011 October :2:3, 19~j 1 THOMAS J, HARRELSON SECRETARY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR" P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Division :3. District 3 New Hanover County New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Resolution Request Request for Addition to the State Highway System Beresford Court North & Barton Oaks Drive Section 1 & 2, Barton Oaks Subdivision (Div. File No. 678-N) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of Beresford North and Barton Oaks Drive in Section 1 & 2, Barton Subdivision (Div. File ~ 678-N) to the state system. your consideration, if yOU concur please furnish office with your resolution for our further handling. Very truly yours, ~ J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer Court Oa1\:s After this illm@rnDW~lID OCT 2 5 91 NEW HANOVER CO, BD. OF COMMISSiONERS ., .illy-~ t:lUl ~ MASQr,lBORO (UNINC) POP. 3,881 ~ un . ~ I , J I i 1 , \ ="\ J \ cJ / / :.c./ / Vol / . / - / . J l\\OICW\bufO T/f;llf;if2Jjt ~ l.lZl un. I r.::.::. ::d :0 c: N ::l.. ~ c;--!l ]Q r; (l) m 0 :-1' H'l :t> m .....::d X r; c: ri" (!)::l.. m O)JQ ;j::l.. m ~-< ri" rn t:l:I""', o m 'Jl <: ""', m ;j "'d r; JQm r; :--' "'dJl :0 Q)O ,,",.;j :3 0.. ;j o (l) ;j ..... ri" ::r (JJ H'l o r; ~ :T ""', () :T ~ - ~ - :p ~. nl n - ~ nl = ~ U> ..... '-0 :J'\ N ::T\ ~ ..... ~ Q) ..... Q) r; ""', m tr.l O(;i~ 9--fIl ~ .g .S ::rOQ (JO~ 1 0 ::3 H'l~ '-h , m (l) en o H'l ri" t::l r; ""', ;j ~ Jl - ~ rot JQ tr.l N N Vl ::> :::>::> .::> "%j t!:2 on ~O~::O~~[I~~~ 8 9- ~. ~ 9- ~. ~ ~' ~ ~ 5' * ~ Q9, ~ ~' =rIOQ~(J~ -~ S. I S. 0 nl (JQ t::l (JQ ;j = o r; ~ 0' e! '0 ~ :--' :::s nl H'l rot ~ rot Q) _ rY-. rot S. :<. ""', (JQ :::: t-rj g ~ g' g' ~ ~ rot..... H ~ ~ "'d 0 ~ ~ ~ ;::c ;j C") m tr.l '"l:l o r; rot tr.l NVl o '::) :::> '::) VI '::) '::) : : : : : : : = : ':1)0 (l) C r; &;' ~, 5: () nl m ~ ~ a () ~ m = .....Q. .....CJ'.l m nl ~ ~. --3~ r; Q) ""', ;j ""', ;j JQ :--' '.J1 ::> ::> =' ()>~ .....O"nl (l) 3 ~ r; I' Q ""', = () 't:s Q) nl ..... - p, ~Ci "t:l "t:l o r; rot (f) :--' NP'- ~ :::> "'::T\ ~~ " '.0 ~'-O N ~~ :--,-!:, ::>'.::> o-.Q~ '--' -.../ :Q) r; rot t:l:I :c: ::l.. )'Q m rot > ~ ~ o ti1 q .ttj ~ ~ CJ'.l ~ .. ~~ ~::t: CJ'.l rn n2 o. ~~ d o z CJ'.l t::l m :--' 0=' ~ C1 ttj ~ , ~ " ':f) >-3 ;::c )> .....>-3 '.0 M -DC") :--' H n "'d '-OL' w:t> ~ ~ H ~ C") C/) o c= ~ n ~ 'I. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY . WHEREAS the improper installation of L.P. tanks can present serious public safety problems; and WHEREAS O.S. 153A-352 provides that the Board of Commissioners may specify additional duties and responsibilities of an Inspection Department; and WHEREAS O.S. 119-55 authorizes any municipality or political subdivision to adopt and enforce a safety code dealing with the handling and storage of liquefied petroleum gas which c.onforms withthe regulations adopted by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture; and WHEREAS O.S. 153A-121 authorizes counties to enact ordinances to define, regulate, prohibit or abate acts, omissions or conditions detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAiNED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, as follows: The New Hanover County Code of Ordinances is amended by adding a new Article IX, "Regulation of L.P. Tanks", to Chapter 5, "Building" to read as follows: Sec. 5-232 Authority This article is adopted pursuant to G.S. sections 153A-352, 119-55 and 153A-121. Sec. 5-233 Definitions (a) L.P, (Liquefied Petroleum Oas) shall mean and include any material meeting , I the description of L.P. gas as defined by N.F.P.A. 58 and O.S. 119-54 (4), either by themselves oras mixtures; Propane, Propylene, Butane (normal butane or iso-butane) and Butylene (including isomers). (b) L.P. Tank - Container; any tank or container of 2,000 gal. or less used for the storage or handling of L.P. gas. EXCEPT JON; this article shall not appfy to portable, tanks used in conjunction with outdoor cooking equipment like grills, smokers and fryers, (c) Permit - shall mean a Mechanic,al Permit issued by the New Hanover County Inspection Department. (d) N.F.P.A, 58 - shall mean the current edition of Pamphlet No, 58; as written by the National Fire Protection Association. (e) Standard or Code - shall mean the current edition of N.F.P.A, 58 "Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases". Sec. 5-234 Jurisdiction It shall be the responsibility of the New Hanover County Inspection Department, Mechanical Division, to enforce every provision of this Article, Sec. 5-235 Adoption By Reference The following are adopted by reference as standards and codes for the storage, handling and installation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas; (a) The current Standards of the Board of Agriculture as set forth in Section .0700 entitled STANDARDS FOR STORAGE: HANDLING AND INSTALLATION OF L. P. GAS; (b) A copy of these standards shall be maintained in the New Hanover County Inspection Department and made available upon request. Sec. 5-236 Permits - I No person may commence or proceed with the installation, extension, alteration or relocation of any L.P. tank without first securing a Mechanical Permit from the New Hanover County Inspection Department. EXCEPTJONS; A Permit shall not be required of a dealer removing a tank from service or for exchange type tanks after initial installa.tion. Sec. 5-237 Inspections No person may place into service and or use any L.P. tank without first obtaining an inspection and final approval from the New Hanover County Inspection Department. ... " Sec. 5-238 ~ The fee for obtaining permits and inspections for L.P, tanks shall be established in the Heating and Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Fee Schedule, as periodically amended by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, Sec. 5-239 Penalty Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor and shall be punishable pursuant to the provisions of G.S, Section 14-4, ADOPIED this / cf J'.Iv day of /~) , 1991. NEW HANOVER COUNTY .~ /' , - , Fre Retchin, Chcu.nnan Board of Canmissioners A'ITEST: cxL\!:/~~.j... Cler~ the Board