1991-12-16 RM Exhibits ~/ '.c" ,;;, '~,.:, ""',,~"'.. " NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road D~scri pt ion Wood Duck Road. Skeet Road,' and SquirreL' D~ive of Greenbriar Subdivision (File No~ 678-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribedroad,'the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be.added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County COlllmissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of . Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County COlllmissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highv'iays is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution '{{as duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover. at a meeti ng on the 16th day of December , 19 91 . WITNESS my hand and official seal this the / r:: ;:?0 A-. , 19 91. day of Form S R - 2 (7 - 77 ) PLEASE NOTE: c;r~ ~;/~vL-- Clerk, Board of Commissioners County of New Hanover 'I .i ";~ Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of High\</ays . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-350-2011 November 25, 1991 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRET ARY WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR.. P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County New Hanover County Board of C6mmissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 . Re: Resolution Request Request for Addition to the State Highway System Wood Duck Circle. Skeet Road & Grey Squirrel Drive Section 2E. Greenbriar Subdivision (Div. File No. 678-N) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of Wood Duck Circle, Skeet Road and Grey Squirrel Drive in Section 2E, Greenbriar Subdivision (Div. File # 678-N) to the state system. After your consideration, if you concur please furnish this office with your resolution for our further handling. Very truly yours, ~/ J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer m==Qow~rn . DEe 0 2 91 NEW HANOVER CO. 80. OF COMMISSIONERS An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer -\o------------------~--- ~,/ ~ 'I 1 "\ / PINE VALLEY ~ - 0 . ~{ ,""'"" l y\ ~'.'" ~/ \ . , I '~it8'fl~\ ~, . "F' ........ I . -'::::-:"&:1:- ..:->:-:- \:.'...... ~ .\. g .~ '-._-------~ "'''<>.. ~...: " SILVER LAKE (UNINC,) POP. 3,678 ;:; ~- . . . Consent Agenda December 16, 1991 Page 1 Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayers certify they made a valid listing during the listing period; or they were called to active duty for "Operation Desert Storm": Church, Joseph Wayne Green, Paul Jr. Patsy C. Greene, Richard M. Sharon L. Wade, Robert Hall Jr. Edna A. $ 4.24 5.68 17 .23 4.63 Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion as they submitted late applications: (Letters explaining late filing available upon request) Finnan, Stephen B. Stokes, Lottie 12,000 12,000 The following taxpayers request value adjustments on their property because of conditions that have now been brought to our attention: Hawes, George Theodore Holt, Paul R. Teresa L. Patterson, William A. Phillips, Erik Matthew Reynolds, Walter K. Rothrock, Ray P. $ 1,450 5,825 1,246 3,357 12,700 1 ,045 Request the following certification penalty be released as the taxpayer listed in another county: Stubbs, Joyce Brown 100 .00 Normally exempt organizations have appealed discovery notices sent pursuant to NCGS ~105-312. The following organizations have appealed taxation and have satisfied the Tax Department that exemption is appropriate. Information is on file in the Tax Office and is available for inspection upon request: Brigade Boys Club, Inc. 78 Dodg SW 82 GMC VN - 81 Chev TK 90 Dodg VN - 89 Olds 4S 89 Ford 2S - 88 Ford TK 81 Ford SW 90 Dodg VN 74 Intl Eil 77 Chev Tk - 71 Dodg Bu 90 Plym Vn 78 Dodg SW - 77 Plym SW 82 GMC Vn 76 Dodg SW - 85 Dodg SW - 84 Dodg Bu 82 GMC Bu 88 Dodg Vn 80 Dodg Sw - 90 Ford Sw 69 Dodg Bu - 75 Ford Bu - 72 Chev Bu (4: 73 GMC Bu - 75 Chev Bu - 81 Chev Sw - 89 Ford Vn - 71 MCI Bu Cape Fear Gospel Rescue Mission Cape Fear Memorial Hospital, Inc. Central Church of Christ Wrightsville Ave. Church of God Church of God of Prophecy Community Boys Club, Inc. Elderhaus, Inc. Fellowship Baptist Church First Baptist Church (Carolina Beach) First Baptist Church (15 N 5th Street) First Baptist Church (520-N-Sth-Street) First Pentecostal Holiness Church Freedom Baptist Church Grace Baptist Church , . . . ~ Consen t Ag'enda December 16; 1991 Page 2 Gregory Congregational/United Church of Christ Lake Forest Baptist Church Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Ogden Baptist Church Order Minor Conventuals Inc. Pine Valley Baptist Church Pine Valley Church of God Pine Valley United Methodist Church Saint Paul's United Methodist Church Salvation Army (The) Seagate Baptist Church Springview Pentecostal Freewill Baptist Church Sunset Park Baptist Church United Advent Christian Church United Pentecostal Church USS North Carolina Battleship Commission Winter Park Presbyterian Church :sw Copy: Iv. vJard Business-Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue B. Shell Internal Auditor 78 Dodg SW 89 Ford SW - 71 GMC Eu 87 Ford Bu 89 Dodg SW 89 Ford 2S - 90 Chev 4S 82 Ford Bu 85 Ford Bu 88 Ford Bu 78 Dodg Tk 73 Chev Bu - 87 Ford Bu 87 Ford Tk - 87 Waym Tl 86 Ford Tk 74 Plym Vn 77 Dodg Bu - 70 Chev Bu 74 Chev Bu 86 Chev Bu 85 Dodg SW - 80 Chev Bu 75 Ford Bu 84 Chev Tk 85 Ford SW . . . ~Ew HANOV~R COUNTY TAX COllECTIC~S CJLL~CTrONS THRU 11/30/91 O~IbI~AL TAx LEVY P~R SC~JLL DISCOVERIES AUDED L::SS ARATc~~ENTS TUTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED leR T IF rCA T IO~J PE'1 ALT I ES CHA,.{G EC LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED T aT ALL E V Y CJLLECTrONS TO GATE OUTSTANDING JALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED E~ACK TAXES REAL ESTATE A~O P~RSONAL PR8P=RTY LESS ABATE'1EfHS TOTAL TAXES aUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANOI~G eALANC= }-I r.:KC Ein AGcCOL LeC TE 0 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: Dee. 16. 1991 ITEM No. 6 1991 5 39,92b.562.:::6 2,155,818.72 69.]14.62- 1; 42,n13,066.66 .00 4 , 4 G ,') . 0 ~J 30,373.97 $ 42,')47,8'tO.63 10,611,549.76- 'S 31,436,290.87 25.24-% $ 2,75C,323.97 18,723.40- $ 2,731,600.57 525,292.88- $ 2,206,307.69 19.23% ~ov 19Y1 FISCAL YTD ROU;'~ OCCJPAfJCY TAX COLLECTIONS PKIVILEGE LIC~NSE CULLECTICNS E~S CLJLLECT Im~S 92,479..':l2 2,331.83 .00 876,510.23 19,5!.t7.77 .00 TOTAL MONEY PRCCESSEC THRU COLLECTION rJFFICE FOR r~EA HA:JCV~K C;JU~lTY, CITY OF WIL"1HJGT~N, IolRIGHTSVILLi: bEACH, CAROll"lA 3::....C;1, AND KURE 3~ACH TO DATE - 516,455,473.38. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGI~NING JULY 1, 19}1. RESPECTfULLY SU8~ITTEO, '7l p J:'?cW ~~?SiNOp..nJt:ror COLLECTOR OF ~ENUE v . . . ~ >v' ,,: iA: I~ ~~ NT A G' F N n /j v "'UJU.!..' 9l.JJ..\V'.l.l DATE: Dee. 16, 1991 NEi~ HM.JUVER COU'Hv FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTl'DEMNoi COLL=CTIONS THQU 11/30/91 ORIGINAL TAX lEVY PER SCRCLl OISC8VERIES AOCED L::SS A6ATcMENTS TOTAL TAXeS CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARG~C TOTAL lEVY COLL=CTIO~S TO GATE ouTSTANDING 2~LANCE PERCENTAGE COlLECTEC JACK TAXES KcAl ESTATE A;W PEP,SONAL PROPERTY CHAP.GES ADDEO LESS AEATE,'v1ENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING 3ALANCE PEKCENTAGE COLlECTEJ 7 $ 19(11 870,221.14 61,058.86 23,227.69- $ 903,052.31 651.44 'Ii 903,71)'3. 75 261,35u.92- $ 642,344.33 23.92% $ 52,306.26 242.45 292.96- $ 52,255.75 15,865.61.- $ 36,3':1G.14- 30.3b}~ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL Y~AR 5EGINNING JULY 1, 1991. RESP=CTFULLY SUBMITTED, ::V~q\c.:.a..~. ~~~ PAT R I C I A J. , Y "W R () COLLECTOR Q EVENUE . . . ,~ EXHIBIT "A" 'ill APPLICATION FOR PROPERrY TAX EXEMPI'ION - WIIMINGl'ON HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT, n~. Property Descriptionl Tax Parcel Number 1. Lot 2, Sumner Oaks Subdivision per map recorded Map Book 31, Page 48, New Hanover County Registry (herein- after referred to as "Sunmer Oaks") #6009-001-002-000 2 . Lot 3, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-003-000 3 . Lot 4, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-004-000 4 . Lot 6, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-006-000 5 . Lot 7, Surrlrer Oaks #6009-001-007-000 6. Lot 8, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-008-000 7. Lot 9, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-009-000 8 . Lot 10, SUrm1er Oaks #6009-001-010-000 9. Lot 12, Smmer Oaks #6009-001-012-000 10. Lot 13, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-013-000 11. Lot 14, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-014-000 12. Lot 15, Sumner Oaks #6009-001-015-000 13. Lot 16, Sunmer Oaks #6009-001-016-000 Address 309 Tennessee Ave. 307 Tennessee Ave. 301 Tennessee Ave. 217 Tennessee Ave. 215 Tennessee Ave. 213 Tennessee Ave. 209 Tennessee Ave. 1921 Oak Avenue 1909 Oak Avenue 1903 Oak Avenue 232 N. Carolina Ave. 238 N. Carolina Ave. 242 N. Carolina Ave. Land Irnproverrentsl Value Value $5,500.00 None $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 None None None None None None None None None None None ,Nqne iv" (, ''J- (r..r,. (N .,', I,' ' C"'>. \;~:;: '.rG;~t1::. ., \',/ '~I \~~~~\ ' : . \({~Y" ": .J)/ ~-S"<' "'(" ,;" '.'v' ,,~' " . Property Description/ Land Improvements/ Tax Parcel Number Address Value Value 14. Lot 17, Summer Oaks 246 N. Carolina Ave. $5,500.00 None #6009-001-017-000 15. Lot 20, Summer Oaks 306 N. Carolina Ave. $5,500.00 None #6005-024-006-000 16. Lot 22, Summer Oaks 312 N. Carolina Ave. $5,500.00 None #6005-024-004-000 17. Lot 25, Sumner Oaks 1912 Washington St. $5,500.00 None #6005-024-003-000 18. Lot 27, Surrmer Oaks 302 N. Carolina Ave. $5,500.00 None #6009-001-019-000 ~ '( "- ~ ~ . \r) ~ ~ ~ ~ C\~ ~~ \: "- ~~ ~~ p~ . 19. Lots 19, 20, Block 7, Fox Subdivision, Map Book 2, Page 54, New Hanover County Registry #4909-010-023-000 421 Henry Street $3,643.00 Lot 4, Block 252, Official Plan of the City of Wilmington #4813-018-016-000 607 N. Eighth St. $1,370.00 uiL 76 ~lIront Add., Map Book 5, Page 106, New Hanover County Reg. #6505-001-023-000 213 Rutledge Dr. $6,600.00 Z2. Pdrt u[ Lot 6, B1UL:R. 294, Official Plan of the City of WiJmington #4809-039-019-000 517 Bladen St. $1,846.00 ParcQl No.1 eC in Dloc~ 5 of the Northside #1 Urban renewal area, Map Book 18, Page 37, New Hanover County Registry #4805-049-002-000 1315 N. Seventh St. $4,500.00 JCW25:21 2 None None $26,010.00 None None ~,!:5 -::'r:~:~'; f1 'iT!~,:;,:~::,,~\, ~ o~;~~,:'2.:~/~,c;~: .....~ ~ '".. ~ '; 1"":: '~lf.;: .:.1 c;?~ .. ''''" ' " , '" $~~c ,', , '~), ;'\',:?): ~(::~~ ~,jj.)Y' AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 11, Nuisances, New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended as follows: Amend section 11-1 by modifying 11-1(b) as follows: (b) In any way renders other persons insecure in life or the use of property, or produces unreasonable, unwarrantable, or material annoyance, discomfort, or hurt to other persons. Amend Section 11-2 by adding a section (e): (e) The uncontrolled growth of weeds or turf grass to a height of one foot or Jmore within fifty feet of any principle residential structure. Amend Section 11-4 as follows: Section 11-4. Notice to abate. Whenever a nuisance is found to exist within the county, the sheriff's department or health director or some other duly designated officer of the county shall give written notice to the owner or occupant of the property upon which such nuisance exists or upon the person causing, maintaining or continuing the nuisance. Amend Section 11-7 as follows: Section 11-7. Abatement by county. Upon the failure of the person upon whom notice to abate a nuisance was served pursuant to the provisions of this chapter to abate the same, the sheriff's department or the health director or other duly designated officer of the county shall proceed to abate such nuisance and shall prepare a statement of costs incurred in the abatement thereof. Repeal existing Section 11-9 Penalty, subs~ituting the following new Section 11-9: Administrative hearing. At any time before the expiration of the period specified in the notice to abate or specified for payment of the civil citation, the owner or occupant of the property or, in the instance of a citation the party cited, may request a hearing before the county manager, or the manager's designee, at the manager's election. The request for a hearing must be in writing and must be filed in the office of the manager. The manager or his designee shall fix a time for the hearing, and the initial abatement order or citation collection may be temporarily suspended pending such hearing. At the hearing, the individual affected by the order or citation shall be given the opportunity to present evidence to refute the findings that support the abatement order or citation. Upon completion of the hearing, the manager, or his designee, shall consider the evidence before him and shall either revoke the initial order, issue a final order tha t differs from the initial order, or reinstate the initial order as a final abatement order, or in the instance of a citation, affirm or nullify the civil penalty. Add a section 11-10, Civil Citation: The county sheriff's department, health director, or other duly designated officer may issue a citation which subjects the offender to a civil penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00). The penalty may be recovered by the county in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within twenty (20) days after being cited. Violation of this article shall result only in civil penalties and/or civil action set forth herein, and shall not entail criminal sanctions. Each day of a continuing violation shall constitute a separate offense under this article. Amend Section 11-83.2, Administrative hearings, as follows: Section 11-83.2. Administrative hearing. At any time before the expiration of the period specified in the notice to abate or specified for payment of the civil citation, the owner or occupant of the property or, in the instance of a citation the party cited, may request a hearing before the county manager, or the manager's designee, at the manager's election. The request for a hearing must be in writing and must be filed in the office of the manager. The manager or 2 his designee shall fix a time for the hearing, and the initial abatemenf order or citation collection may' be' temporarily suspended pending such hearing. At the hearing, the individual affected by the order or citation shall be given the opportunity to present evidence to refute the findings that support the abatement order or citation. Upon completion of the hearing, the manager, or his designee, shall consider the evidence before him and shall either revoke the initial order, issue a final order that differs from the initial order, or reinstate the initial order as ,a final abatement order, or in the instance of a citation, affirm or nullify the civil penalty. ADOPTED, thi s -,~,::;i{) A / ' day 0 f /((~..a-?YV~1 ___/ , 1991. COUNTY r ATTEST: aZ'-' ;( / . '- /~'L / ,X.tJ,,-!'./ ~, . ,/! ;CUh f/~ ( C~erk to the Board "--- / --- 3 . ..,."';;' ,.':' . .', :.~ "" .-,.~ :, *"'" "",j' -";. . -'.} ',' :Mw~iJcifover.coun,t~d3oar~;f coi!r~~H!J~ers , !J&so{u~ion , , trrlEREAS, coastal North' State Ferry System; and , ~~>..: Lot. ''''~'' ~" ~. "l'ffiEREAS many ,'of th'e ex sting' ferry' boats are aging rapidly' and are~inne~d of 'replacement du~ingthis decade; ind ilInEREAS,,',federal funding has become 'available under Section 1064 of the Inte~modal Surface Transportation bill just approved by the U. 'S . Congress for construction of' new' ferry boats and ferry' terminalfacili ties; ,and ' .~. ," . wTrlEREAS,thefederal government will pay 80% of costs incurred for construction of new ,ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities; and III W1!EREAS, I other states; II II competition 'these .." '.."', -~ ,', funds will be intense from , . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board 'of 'commissioners to respectfully request Governor,James G. Martin and the Secretary' of the N. C~Departmentof Transportition to act immediatelyfor~development ofa replacement plan for the 'State's existing ferries and f apply" promptly' for f,ederal, funding, under section 1064, with the necessary matching .,funds' when 'the federal government is ready to receive, proposals., "",\ ,~~-;", . . ; . ~do~ted .thl~ the 16th day of December, 1991. ......, At/t.~st: ','".' "~/ .' '''\~/'" .", -7-/ . '-{/',' 'j' " 1/ '" " \:J,~,., /\j:/} ., " ~ /( /J?1...A.~t.L.... \.'" /" / !(&VYI"~ I /i ..->--: CI,.erk to the, Board r (:S"'.'" " , ~, ""'>>' ", .; ~'/ ",' II , , / /~-.' /' " ",' ~9 ,"// -;, /, ,f " I ~=..:".- . // //. /:'" '-, " ','~ '" ..-, "/ - j r..,_A,,;'? / .I.;;.':, ) J, /' ~E.L.)L. 1:iathews,JrY./I< Chairman .:, ' ;;'l~ ORDINANCE OF THE NE\^l HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO~1ISSIONERS The Board: of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina does hereby ordain that Chapter 15, Water Supply System, Article II, Waste Water Collection and Treatment, Section 15-47 is amendeu as follows: Amend Section, 15-47 by adding the following to be inserted after the last sentence of said section: The park owner must grant the necessary easements wit-,hin 90 days of notification of request for easements by t_he District. If easements are not granted within 90 days, the park owner would be notified that he or she has six months to permit and CO:lstruct the system at his or her expense and connect to the Districtls sewer system. This the/~ day of ~.0btyl/t1".( /l ,/ 1991. [Se NEW HANOVER COUNTY " '2'/1.4.>7 ..-.(- - E~-L/ Mat/hews, Jr. rl/: htliroman Board of CommissioJers ATTEST: ~,,/l / ~ ,//, y\ (,~..ui>< 0 / ,'/tiA'7~/t{ Clbrk LO the Board "" "'-