1990-02-05 RM Exhibits , " , . NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Roads in NorthChase Subdivision (Division File #610-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above depcribed roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE ~... The foregoing Comm~sioners of the f(--f~ o -1{. Wtlh. , 1990. o WITNESS my hand and resolution was duly adopted by the Board of County of New Hanover at a meeting on the~day official seal this the~ day Of~1990. cLv/~~ Luc~~ F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc ~ .J ..... . ' , " . I r' " 0' " "'Ii .~, 1, . . ~ 'i://5' t" ,.., .' , . :' ( '2., 'Y3S :., (1 / S 5071 'J (i <lid \-V 0') I "- '-I ~ ~ .IiI ~ Jr. '?:J S als ~ <:J 00 (V) ,).l\ . M 0 H cl:33aL,/ ~' ~ ~~\~d :5 i fI WI/, ..-3110,0 J - ~ Q\'X: " /'- C)'1) // . 1 '%i "',,'J/'-_ 0'11J1c 6'-2" :?(I~\i Cl:JtlMd;I <-. . '6' ~~\..:~_ '1'3')\ (i-:)l<JI;J'3J.. ,lit \'-~_. \ CJ {i 11 0 r l' -z, ~ I -;9S; o/s (ioQN;J2l~7J ~~ .-L('f~\/(jd0'-3r--3Q~ ~S\.A I'n jLl..cJ 0 N .t .-" (ti' _.- .. ,//~ ;//. ~ ~ ' / ".11. . 1 '~ , I ,; f . ' ~~~~~ , , !.,<<, ~.~~:i l{lil k::!l.b' ......_,,_.._ _.'. ~. .",.0:- .- ;; SECONDARY ROAD INVESTIGATION REPORT ATTACHMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY NOlHHCHASE DEVELOPMENT COMPTON CROSSING SUBDIVISION SECT10N Z EXTENT ION OF CARTHAGE DRIVE (SR 2207) FROM WATSON DRIVE TO CUL-DE-SAC WATSON DRlVE FROM CARiHAGE DRIVE EASTWARD TO NEW TOWN DRiVE FROM NEW TOWN DRIVE TO CUL-DE-SAC EXTENT ION OF NEW TOWN DRIVE (SR 2208) FROM CARTHAGE DRIVE TO WATSON DRIVE RECORDEO JAN, 5, 1967 MAP aOOK 26 PAGE 170 GREENHOW WOODS SUBDIVISION SECTION 2 AND 3 COLONEL LAMB DRIVE FROM O'NEAL PLACE (SR 2211) EASTWARD TO CUL-DE-SAC 50 FROM O'NEAL PLACE (SR 2211) WESTWARD TO CUL-DE-SAC 50 RECORDED OCT. 30, 1986 ~lAP BOOK 26 PAGE 127 RECORDED JAN. 5, 1987 MAP BOOK 26 PAGE 171 CLAREDON SUBDIVISION SECTlON 1 AND 2 EDWARD HYDE PLACE FROM NORTHCHASE PARKWAY WEST TO JOHN LEAMEN ROAD . FROM JOHN LEAMEN ROAD TO CUL -DE -SAC JOHN YEAIIJE.N ROAD fROM EDWARD HYDE PLACE NORTHWARD TO CUL-DE-SAC FROM EDWARD HYDE PLACE SOUTHWARD TO CUL-DE-SAC RECORDED JAN. 17, 1986 MAP BOOK 25 PAGE 139 RECORDED JAN. 17, 1986 MAP BOOK 25 PAGE 140 NORTHCHASE PARKWAY WEST (EXTENT ION OF 5R 2206) FROM'6R 2210 TO EDWARD HYDE PLACE RECORDED JAN. 17, 198b MAP )'300K 25 PAGE 141 RECORDED JAN, 17, 1986 MAP BOOK 25 PAGE 139 R/lJ WIDTH 50 50 50 50 50 50 5[] 50 50 PAV. WIDTH 20 20 20 20 o 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 HOMES 4 3 4 13 4 5 6 o 2 4 o 'I~:, ';'~ \ ~ ' LENGTH 175.79 .' . J 303.97 114,75 '1~7.fO 512.00 444.51 672.42 461. 20 348.37 281.1.6 . .~:~.H"" ":' " .;,-'~gf': '.... ", ~ . . '''';.'' , .. ,..... 91 r 73 . - , : "j .,i " ~;~. " ., ..."'!' '. ~:;;. .:,:.~..,~, t . " .' ,~ t~>. . :-' , / NEW HANOVER COUNTY iF . FINANCE OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 602 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4091 TELEPHONE (919)341-7187 ANDREW J, ATKINSON, CPA Director of Finance G, ALLEN MOZINGO, CPA, CIA Water and Sewer Director of Finance ,January 9, 1990 M E M 0 RAN D U ,M TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Andrew J, Atkinson /\w;L Finance Director ~/ ./ RE: Disposals of Personal Property . In accordance with GS 160A-266(c), I hereby submit my report to you detailing sales under this procedure for the period beginning July 1, 1989 and ending December 31, 1989. Item Disposed Sold/Donated To Estimated Value Sold For Various items from old DSS Building: 2 Metal Desks North Pole Pictures, Inc, Wooden Table All Paperwork (Boxed & Otherwise) 15 Misc. Chairs 1 Dozen Small Desk Supplies f 2 Storage Shelf Units 4 Small End Tables Wooden storage Cabinet Kroy "80" Lettering Machine USS NC Battleship Commission 3M Reader/Printer (SN#301425) Orange County Register of Deeds Scrap Metal Horton Iron & Metal 1977 Chevrolet Blazer Henry Jones (Serial#CKRI87FI79024) 1963 Chevrolet Pickup David R, Watson (VIN#3CI44Bl18173) $490,00 $194.00 Donated '$ 30,30 $150,00 $250.95 . If you should have any questions, please let me know, AJA/ct cc: Mary Gornto, Acting County Manager . . . \ \ SOUTH WILMINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at point (1), the end of Battleship Drive; thence in a Westerly direction approximately 0.2 miles to point (2), The Brunswick/New Hanover C.ounty line; thence Northerly along the East bank of the Cape Fear Rj.ver approximately 13 miles to point (3), the Pender/New Hanover County line; thence East approximately 2.5 miles to point (~), the West Bank of the Northeast Cape Fear River; thence South approximately 13 miles to the point of the beginning. y ~ . . . ~, " ,( ( PROJECT ORDINANCE PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITY 80NDS :-',r- t-~ L. OHDr:i I i\lE D , bv the Board of CommIssioners of New H ,-3. r) 0 \/ L:1 (' CD !.J if t y 1 , Nel^) H an () \/ e r" County (Coi.mtyi IS en(~dqed 1\'-1 t:-""1f:? COr,str-uct ion p}- (] J EJ CG .. of the PaTh's and Recreation ~acilitv Bonds lr'\JIJicn pr-oJect in\/ol\/es the constr~uctiCJn c.apitdl ,2 ~ and/or aCQuiSItion of cdoItal assets. CC)tJr1 t \/ dLlthorize 3nd bl_idget far SdLi] c a c: i t "J 1 i\j (J ,- t }', des i t-es to pt-nject III a pr-oJect ordinancf? adopted oursuant to Car'uLil-:a C;ener'al Statute $159--1:3.i::J. such D:-'cii"iance to -3,ut~hor-ize a,11 appcop('iations r1!:::CE:)~;Sa.f-'Y for the cc)(nc)L€,tic)I: c-,f 13-.3.id pr'o;iect... NOW, THEREFORE. WITNESSETH THAT: l. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Car(llirld Gen(~l'-al Statl~te $159-13.2. C~: . o\'-d 1.. na:""'!Cf2 Fdcility 3'.1 t!V.Ji i zed. The c a.p i 1:' a 1 p:oject uncJer--taken DUY-SUdClt to this 15, the constyuL.lction OF the Par-ks and Recr'edtifJn Bonds Pt'oject, wh i.ch pI-eject 15 her-fC'II-J i tr, 3. The revenue that will finance said project 15: PARi< f:(~CILITIES B::) n d P r'- 0 C e e d s. '$.3, \7100, 00l!) .,... _ .j... _ 1 1 1.) \... -";".1 1. 1:;3.~JlJ2Jl~~~~.~2~:.~ t,! . SEf\i lOR CEI\lTER 'Bond Pr.oceeds $2, QlCJ0 , Y)I?i0 TotdL $ 2 , 01.:1 (.e":) j2ill~t Tota! ProjE!c:t $5, 00v.\, 000 _. -.-- ------- - - -- -- - - -- -- -- _.~ 4 The fallowillg appr-opr-iaticns necessary for the o~.-oject ~re tleret~ith made from ttle revenue listed above: Pr'~Rk F,:~C I I.. I TIES FacIlity Develooment $) , \7\0v) , QJt?if0 I_.and {Cj'-::quisition 2 , (7\(:10 , i2~00 .... , - j 0 T~::3 .:. 1'-:3...~. .2t~J2L.1-.i.2.0 (~~ . SEI\) I OR CENTER C':Jnstruct ion $ 1. , (<'::1 1 ,fJ0C'i Site Work/Landscaping 24'0,00',' E.ng i neer- i ng 10)5 , 000 Survey/Testing/Mise 2v) , 0(;.10 Fur- n i sh i. n('~s 119,L+50 Contingencies BLt ,550 ~ '- ' ! 0 \.1.3. i !w~ . .0J2.1~! , .flkH~ Total Pr.oJect $5 , Q1Ql(~ , Q10kj ----,--- -- --- ..... __ __ ..... _ow __.. .__ _ __ _ 5 . ft, i. s p r- 0 j e c t 0 i-' din d nee 5 h all bee n t ere d 1 nth e minut~s of the Board of CommIssioners. i..-Jithin -Five (j,,-lYs he~eof. copIes of this ordin3nce shall be filed with t~e . fina!~ce a~.'d blldqet offices in New I~anover Countv~ and with "' c.. " the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. .- ndop ted tn 15 _~_ d3Y of . . . ~-.. 1990. " STATE OF NORT~ CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY ,'COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Nixon Lane, numerical range 5700-5999, located in Cape Fear Township. 1 WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 5th day of February, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. Adopted this the 5th day of Fe~1YL Fr Retchin, Chairman Attest: . . .;.;"~7;;"..":~';~~~r~~iir r......... .."........... .:-.....u.....;. :L':"; ....,.: .::.; ::i:~~~'W'fi;t~~;i:;':' ~~:......"...... . = ' _ " ' '". ~+'j!;V,,?, ,'>(1' ';j"; '," ' ~~\o\ Ii Co. N.em' lliannu.er,.QTnunt ,,'<ii:',;~,!;~:;jc).,:}' ~ ~ . . . '. 'r ,,? ,;'?;~"ii1iii1'11~~ ; ". ~: iSnaril nf Qlnmmilili inn.erli~i):'(;\f,;~:I,'.'~1~ ~;i. ~ 'MPORT"'X~~ .' . _\;, - ; :." . "'.1 :>~. ~.~,'.. ~ .':~. -~ .<'".... ""r\.~~~~~:'.~'~~\~~ 01' INDUSTRY ~ ;~ , ' ..,.:' '.. -: '.1\ _' . " '", t '. ",;. . , ' :- ',; '"i'" ,',,;" " No Ri\\ C\; ..' ", '" . : ' . ~;~": .___11'''. ,. .;' :"': ; / ;< ~",' ~"::;~~~rt ~'f ~'/ir~~'~t., ~ ';", ;}, ~,~ i~: . ~~"~ . , i!\.es n lutinn ,or. '.~'~) '{ ;~;;,~~ft;; . . '. ,;: .: ;;(;;:\J;;?(:;~; t;:XJ: .l:~~;:~t:~;f... .;"..?;,..i'~~f~f!,;~ft" WHEREAS~ "New Hanover,<county'f:was.~:'awarded.:" a:'"~:$,594 ;270~:':Co~unit Development Block.' Grant '~( CDBG r:;;,to .:::assi-s~:::~':in~';';promoting\~viable .communi ties, "by providing, decent', housirig'';;'andi,~:a~~1suitablel~ili ving environment' :and expanding:- economic opportunities';;~principally:rf f 1< ' d d '.' . ',,' d ;;.(~\" 1 "-,,,,'-,"::"";' '.~4 i""':'':':' .. '. '. ,; ~'"~. ' persons 0 . ow. an mo era te.J.ncome ';, i,an~~~,1'."::,~:,;\;<,,.,'~!,f,::;f!.~!\f-l!l;'/:" ;:,i,\~,.'.{t;;,h.': .'- .. ":'J ",! )', ( '....; : ,::e.):'. , ;";~.".\if~~ ~~;;;W.:~~!Y~,:;7.'1(;:;j1;;~i:1't.~:;: ,'.: ~l f' ~~:,1,~;:;:i~. . '. ~"~ ,., WHEREAS, " the . New.. Hanover'; i, county",;0:;Board:~~~.of~'0~ .Commissioners}~l~f~'~: provides for and encourages citizenparticipationJwith'particula , emphasis on participation. by persons 'of'~;~:iow\andimoderatei'~incqme '; who are residents. o{, slum:~ and' blighted ~/;areas ;'8'land,:: of ;"areas':~3i.n: which CDBG funds are' proposed:.to" be~Kuseq}:~;and\' proviqe;i1ffo'r, participation of residents,. in': lOw,;;)V;;, and, ;'~~~'moderate;:'::~;~incom.e neighborhoods as defin.edbx 'th~:, local),u~~s9i~~~~~;)~'~nsl':;:(~':;~;i~~~5~~~~;?:f;' , " : .. ,'" . , .'.. ":f:':;'l').:t':''t,':/)~'~~~';'F::>;:,::;': ~ ;/':, :'81:t~:,&.:-;i[4" , ,..; WHEREAS, all: , 'citizens.: are ,\, provided ,<'wi th,', ',' timely';!;/and,3jJ:.J!;;~ reasonable' access to ,local': meetings " ; i~.for~ation;'~'and;'~:re,c:ordsi."" regarding New Hanover County' s p~op~sed;,!'il)?-/' ~c:t.,u~l. use. ,ot\>..<;p.~_G . funds; and ". ., " ':;< ':::.';{/>~~~~~~';:;:".' .~;,}?<;:;::~:'.::".;: "'~,~!.:1~;li:;':';;~Et~ WHEREAS; . the' County, shall' provide,'.:,t'echnical-: "assist~nce:?to' groups reprehsent~tive of,pedrs(Jp~: ,ofl,~~~;~~}l~(m~B,~:~..Ci,~e.. i~c.oPEC;:,~t.pat, request suc ,assJ.stance; anf~, ,,,,, '~"':; ".::~~;,,~:\;:::,:;,',::'-~t'!;'), ~:'~, ',; : ", > "";:~F;)i.<:';, . " .' .:' ", . .'::' :,,'.: ;';~,: :';.~' .'.~<;(5<::/"..f;':;~'~:': \.',,' t:</~~'.t,,~:~?;it:' \vHEREAS, a Program Area"Committee shall;,:;serve ,as a mechanism!;;;~ . for providing continued,citizen~involvement~and'participatiopfin~ a CDBG target.. area' as ' a'''proj ~ct progresses;:S,and :'~shall':;; provi.de reports and ' \lpda t:es.. . " to: :~:~~~..s,;New::~.:~ H~~.9Y:~Fi':':'~S?1f.r~y':i,,:;B'?~~~):'iJ;'P CommJ.' SSJ.' oners' and" .' ,..:,'. ',' "",:;",:",-, ,_. . , ."";",..",,,:,:.,,,...,':';.,'\. ,.: . " ,... ';-;".t:,', ;1::' , I . ,~ ~ It. '~f .t'" . ',' t of "J~.,...1'.:~<4"~.,~ .lJ~'!"~,.l...,:' "~ I ~ :~'J.'. ~~~'.(.: ;.~~" . ":,.~. ~,: ,. -; t ~ t :::~';J.~:. .):;: .' ,:" .,'\.. .\_:..~:~~~~;:~~,\:.~~,~~\::~;:t?,'i'~' " I_ " :'i...~;:;~~:.<'~~.,~~;~:;~~-~~(.,r,~~~~.?~~~~) WHEREAS," New ; Hanover'C~unty::'''': shal:l>r~f}pro~id~ 'i,if~r:, :,;;pul?~,icJ~~i~ hearings to obtain:' ci tizen(s) \';<', commen:t,:s;-'A and > ",to:' "respondi:(:\t<?t~~~:f~ questions and" proposals ", ,at,,; all, stages'.~';:'of,:\:..the;;;,:'CDGB',: progr:am;''€: ,,:~. including at. a minimum ';"the",developmene:1.of,'\J.leeds ;~Tthe:review,>tof proposed acti v;L ties and' prograrn.' performarce'/,.which :hearings~"shall, be held after. adequate notice, 'at times,~:and :,.,locations':'accessible:;'~~.:". '., to potential and actual benef iciar i.es ';.fJ~nq':: wi th accommodat:.iQnF:?);~:: for the handicapped; and ' .: ..' "~:'.:, ,.' V~'''' -;' . '.' ".;; ,'~' '. -)(~:;.-;,c;;:::~;;', , I.l ," . ~,:,,>!~~~~-:.>,~,::." ) ,. :<".~~~~,:\~)~;~~~,;!~:;'~~y; . WHEREAS, New Hanover County shali.; provide " for : ~a ,timelyJ~,:t;,. : written response to written grievances..and complaints .within':it;enf:{,~ " , 1 d d d ',' " ' I' ," \, .J; . . ~ ca en ar ays; an .' .:". , "':.;.t.L:......".V ~r~ " .. '."~,',': ,',. .';'.~:;~i(,.f\ .,', C~~'IJ!_'., ' ' '" '~' I;c~W:v'~',' I~ .~ ; "4)'" }.:.5-~~i.:J . ... ..... .. . . .. . . .. ... . .. . ............... ......... ... ......... ......;..........~,:............. .... ... .. ... . ~, .... " , ~~, ..~:'~\..~t ~ I .. " . ~ <;', ':.:~;I . :(,":' \\ " .. >:".:~;\:..;'i.,;:::;~"- ,"J ,\ t ',,' 1.' ' "'.' " ..~..... ." ." . '. ,',' ..~. .-:--- '..,....-.F'.-:.';;.Z"~{;)m~::,"1.--.':.7;'" ~, '. ....' '\ WHEREAS, New Hanover ,County shall~identifyhbw the ,non-English speaking residents: will be met" in the',event of "publicI hearings where a significant'" number "of ',:: non-English': ~:,spe~)dng ',residents can be' reasonably expected 'to:,participate;; and;,\,;~"{::;t;/,}\h;;,, ,~ '. j .,' , ..,; '-. -., ~,.:..~:.(,~.~~~.:~~~t:';"''-~'~,i., .:~>"~"~ \;"1' .:[:-..; 7::~~.::>:tr::<~~~, . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES9L VED, t.ha ~:: the; New" Hanove /", C'~'un t , ,,'f' "Board of Commissioners hereby"authorizes':the:,.adoption'of<'the\Ne 'Hanover County Citizen. Participation" Plan:::~;in'" ,accordance ,,}:,;,with ,Section '.1002 (c ) Citizen" particiI?ation,~',~"o(,~;,tl1e\:North'~':,C9-~pJ.{n, ',CDBG Regulations' (15NCAC 13L). ;";,' " "':,' <f;,::i';( ,\ :;;''::';i) "',.';:~:L,>(~:::';!l~;M; .. Adopted this the; ~ th daY;f Febr~~;y, 1'9'9 o:.r.":';; :i";,~~~j~li '~,"]}J;{~ " , , . j " ..~ ,.-'~ , . ,~. ~. -: . "":' ".::'.. ..... ""f".: ,~ ' ? .' " " ! .., ~, ; ~ . .'...' , .' ~.' .:' ~,' , . ," "', , " ". I' ,. ; . ~ . , .~. '". __\' 1 .\ '. ~ " I," ,- . ..~ .; .' ,I' ,....,~ .' 1 ~,~. " , " , '\' , " , ' ;",,, .,1.,., j'" .', , ..-:,-, ... .., .', ,:,::::. .' ~'": '- .:-'," ,f."',' 'r'.. ,,'" ~ <' ',,: t!':..". "r," :-',' ::. ;}, '.- " "~ r-, NEW HANOVER COUNTY CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN New Hanover County shall provide citizens with sufficient opportunity for meaningful involvement on a continuing basis and for participation in the planning, implementation and assessment of the. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. New Hanover County shall provide adequate information to the public, allow for timely responses to citizens' complaints, conduct a public hearing at the initial stage of the planning process, prior to the submission of an application, and prior to the close out of the CDBG program to provide an opportunity for citizens' comments on the program performance. Additional public hearings will be held as appropriate. The New Hanover Board of Commissioners will conduct all public hearings. As appropriate, representatives of the County will meet with communi ty leaders and groups prior to public hearings; conduct informational meetings in proposed project areas, and distribute 'notices of public hearing and meetings to residents in a proposed project area. The County may also distribute notices of public hearings and meetings to local community action agencies, legal services and other public and private organizations that primarily serve low and moderate income persons. A Program Area Committee shall serve as a mechanism for providing continued citizen involvement and participation in the CDBG target area as a project progresses and will provide updates and reports to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. New Hanover County will solicit translators from the local college communi ties and the general public when public hearings involve non-English speaking residents. I. Citizen Participation Plan in the Application Process A. To ensure that citizen participation requirements are being met in the application process, the County will utilize the following procedures: 1. Solicit and respond in a timely manner to proposals and comments of citizens, particularly low and moderate income persons, minority groups, and residents of slum and blighted areas. The County shall respond in writing to written citizen comments within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the comment(s). 2. Provide in an appropriate and timely manner to all citizens notices of public hearing and make them understandable to all citizens, particularly non-English speaking persons. Hearings will be held at convenient locations and times to potential or actual beneficiaries and must accommodate the disabled and handicapped. The notice of public hearing shall be published at least once in the non-legal section of a newspaper having general circulation in the area. A notice shall be published not less than ten (10) days nor more than 25 days before the date scheduled for the hearing. The notice of public hearing is to obtain citizen's comments after a draft application has been completed, but prior to the submission of the application to the Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD). The draft shall include a description of the proposed project, location(s), activities to be implemented, and the total cost of project(s) activities. 3. Public hearings will be conducted to obtain citizen(s) comments and to respond to citizen proposals at times and locations which provide for general participation, particularly by low and moderate income persons, minority groups and individuals, disabled and handicapped persons, and residents of slum and blighted neighborhoods and project areas. . 4. Schedule at least one public hearing during the planning process to provide citizens the opportunity to express opinions and recommend proposals prior to the development of the application. 5. Schedule one public hearing after the application has been completed, but before submission of the application to ECD. 6. Persons objecting to the approval of an application by ECD shall submit their objections in writing to ECD. The Department of Economic and Community Development will consider objections made only on the following bases: a. New Hanover County's description of the needs and objectives is clearly inconsistent with available data and facts; b. The activities to be performed are clearly inappropriate to addressing the needs and objectives identified by the County; and c. The application does not comply with the requirements of Section .1002, Citizen Participation of the North Carolina CDBG Regulations (15NCAC13L) or the New Hanover County Citizen Participation Plan. 7. Such objections shall include an identification of the requirements not met. In the case of objections made on the basis that the description of needs and objectives are clearly inconsistent with relevant, generally available data and facts, the objection shall include the data and facts that. the objection is based upon. II. Citizen Participation in the Program Amendment Process A. To ensure that the requirements in the program amendment process for citizen participation are being met, New Hanover County will utilize the following procedures: 2 1. An amendment(s) requiring prior ECD approval may also require a public hearing prior to submission to ECD. If a public hearing is required, it shall be held in accordance with Paragraph (1)(3) and (1)(4) of the New Hanover County Citizen Participation Plan. 2. New Hanover County will respond to citizen obj ections and comments in the same manner in sub-paragraph (1)(1) of the New Hanover County Citizen Participation Plan. 3. Persons wishing to object to the approval of an amendment by ECD shall submit such objection in writing. ECD will consider objections submitted on the following bases: a. New Hanover County's description of needs and objectives is clearly inconsistent with available data and facts. b. The activities to be carried out are clearly ~nappropriate to meeting the needs and objectives identified by the County; and c. The amendment(s) does not comply with the requirements of Section .1002 Citizen Participation of the North Carolina CDBG Regulations (15NCAC 13L) or the New Hanover County Citizen Participation Plan. 4. All objections shall identify the requirements not met. In the case objections are submitted on the basis that the description of objectives and needs is clearly inconsistent with relev~nt, generally available data and facts, the objection(s) must include the data and facts that the objection(s) is based upon. III. Citizen Participation in the Program Closeout Process A. In order to ensure that the requirements of citizen participation in the program closeout process are being met, New Hanover County will utilize the following procedures: 1. New Hanover County will conduct at least one public hearing to evaluate program performance during the grant closeout process and prior to the actual closeout of the grant. 2. New Hanover County will continue to solicit and respond to citizens' comments pursuant to sub-paragraph (I) ( 1) of the New Hanover County Citizen Participation Plan until such time as the grant program is closed. IV. Citizen Participation during Program Implementation citizens will have the opportunity to comment concerning the implementation of a CDBG program. New Hanover County will solicit and respond to comments and proposals in accordance with sub-paragraph (1)(1) of the New Hanover County citizen Participation Plan. 3 V. Persons may submit written comments to ECD at any time regarding New Hanover County's failure to comply with the requirements of the New Hanover County Citizen Participation Plan. VI. All records of public hearings, citizens' comments, responses to comments and other related documents and papers shall be kept and accessible to all citizens in accordance with Rule .0911 of the North Carolina Community Development Block Grant Regulations (NCAC 13L). VII. All written complaints received by New Hanover County concerning the CDBG program will be responded to within ten (10) working days after receiving complaints. In addition, the project administrator may schedule a meeting with the complainant within ten (10) working days after receiving the complaint to discuss any problems he or she may have about the project. 4 I' ) ) H ~ o P< ~ H ~ H ~ Z o H H ~ Z p:; W H Z H Cf) WI.O 01 QU HH ~ ~H u 0~ Z~ HH QZ -<0 OU H :>-< H Z o o U ~ W > o Z ~ ::r: ~ W Z i'::~' S:....~~..,-,... '. < ...J ) J 0'\ 00 0'\ r--i ~ W ~ ~ W U W Q.. l.f') r--i ~ -< o o r-f r-l o Z H Z W P< o Q H J:Q C2 8 )3G \ c;.J~-Vf'"l~.l~ (' '-.. .;, " I '(~, ,~) ,') /) '.' In () I (/) S Q) w U) ;>-, Cf) ;>-, C1j ~ w Q) I---J o U w (:: Q) S p< .rl ;::l 0- W W H o p<' H -rl ~ U) (:: H C1j Q) w Cf) ., pc: o H U ~ p::: H Z o -* r .1 +- ({\ t!J J, u V \ ~\ ~ ~ ~ ....p,r:n -t- ! 11 ~ -'<f> -+ ~ W J:Q :E :::J Z w CI) z W U H "" ~ I) j.. v + ('i ~ --r. d \3 \ . ~ C) ~ -'t' + l.f') M 01 r- oo r- o M V'T 1A + o o r- \.0 N \.0 -.::t N w- ~I ~I ~i l.f') 0\ M 00 0\ r- r- N -EIT \ ') cr o o l.f') r-- l.f') r- M N w- r-l o z W H -<r; 2 p::: (I~ H H (0 ..... ? j v +- --d ~ ...:x d \3 - .,;0<;'-1 + -rfl :r 1 J t- -d- r{\ +- f'J c,:) ~ '.:I o \ \'J ~ (j \ ("\ ...9 er- .Jj'rlf\ + o (V) o 00 o 1.0 r- N -EIT \ ') a- -I- o o l.f') r- l.f') r- M N -w- N o Z W H -<r; 2 p:; fLl H H ~ c !' ~ ..... '- ;)T ? ~; V C:-- 4. ~I ~ ~ J o 1.0 -.f\1'" .4- o M . o \D r-l N l.f') l.f') -EIT \ If\ .3 ('Il ('J- 'Y\ .j- - -r' ..l- o o M o r- N r- -.::t -EIT M <;:1 2 W H ~ 2 p:; W H H I ~ C'l <) -.::t 00 r- o 00 N -EIT I o () o o . l.f') r- l.f') r- M N -w- -.::t o 2 w o Q....... W H-<r; ~o 02 2W ~O UO W H -<r; 2 p:; W H H " U) Q) :>-< '~ r- -.::t -.::t U) Q) :>-< U) Q) :>-< U) Q) ;>-< ~ -.::t N If'\ o 2 o , ,..:l '~I iN r.c. p:: r Exhibit Presented by William Funderburg at the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Meeting on February 5, 1990. Mr. Chairman and Madam: On November 20th Regular Meeting I appeared before this board. I stated my concerns on certain administrative and procedural matters related to the New Hanover County Steam Plant Expansion, at which time I requested that this board give consideration to a second, 3rd party review of the expansion project. I stated then and again here tonight there are a lot of gray areas that need further study. I am at a loss to understand what this board's position might be at this point in time. Let me give you one good example -- public records show that County Engineering staff requested a proposal from B & W for modifying the present boilers to comply with new EPA regulations on December 14, 1987. B & W responded by letter proposal to perform the work at a cost of $5,200,000. On 12 October, 1989, this board awarded Contract #STE-89-0111 to Sam English, Inc. Richmond, Va. for present boiler modification to meet new EPA regulations for a total price of $1,750,987. The public has a right to know if both offers were given the same unit items and delivery dates to bid on. The pieces for the boiler modification are too far apart. Was there an auction of B & W proposal? I do not agree with County contract before you tonight No. STE-90-0025 with Stan M. Peters and Associates. (1) Subj ect contract amendment is poorly written. amendment appears to be a "cradle to crane" deal. appears to set up a perpetual conflict of interest violation of N.C. General Statutes with tax payers funds. This It in (2) It fails to address the amount of funds already paid to Stan M. Peters and Associates for work completed under Phase III & IV- 12/31/89 approximately $813,500 from agreed price of $2,300,000 for total project. Amendment states a monthly fee of $82,500. This in my opinion is a bad approach. ( 3) The fee schedule to be reviewed by the County on a quarterly basis, does not address monthly slippage. Payment should not be a fixed fee. Consulting Engineering charges should be tied into project status report, dated January 1990 - 19 pages - and made an exhibit to contract. , Slippage should be a prime consideration on a quarterly basis and Engineering Fee schedule tied into performance schedule, which shows 8 months behind on general contract for foundations. Balance remaining in the agreed contract of $2,300,000 be paid to Consultant upon acceptance of project by County Commissioners. Further consideration should be given to the loss of waste stream from the Steam Plant Expansion project, as mandated by Senate Bill 111, dated October 1, 1989. R. W. Beck report of April 3, 1989, also addresses this problem with caution. Thank you, W.S. Funderburg, Sr. 4321 Blue Clay Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 919/675-9092 1\ -.. ...--'. "....,-."...;".. ,......,,',. .':;;c;'''"''''_ij<.;~<~~'''''1_#'; .1tv~ {Jyhit ~~ 1&1' 7/t'et/~ ~;:yYo I ' :. . 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'--"'1'" qATE: ,Decem):-ler-':'1"2--;"""'"f989d 1 "';''<'~''~'' ......._'..:...::...,l~f":~ ' TO: IVlary Gornto FR(Jlv'!: Feli:~ clJoper-aA - . K c.rr- SUBJECT:F'.e['ort. on Scope of Work-Incinerator Expansion Project S(~(IPE OF PR(JJEC~T: The project is divided into four major components; 1, E;,:pansion of the capacity of the incinerator to increase the daily burning capacity by 250 tons, 2. Modification of the existing facility,in order to; (al correct design deficiencies ~(bl improve emissions to meet new J{)0 7/f/i' regulations 3. Construction of a separate and free standing administration building. y" A c,,)mprehensive engineering contract. As of this date it is anticipated that there will be twenty-eight separate contracts which will be specified, bid negotiated, and completed prior to overall completion of the expansion project, Of these twenty-eight, thirteen have been approved by the c':lmmiss ioners, 1 ea',: ing fifteen contracts which have ~ither not been bid or not been approved. Of the thirteen approved contracts, three contracts are in some stage of work which involves me to some extent on a day-to day basis. These are; 1, Facility modification contract-SMC Corp. 2, AdmiBistration Building-Allspan 3. Engineering-Stan Peters ,(J f T'c: 011r-s,~ ~~h~~~t<iX:y-?{}ie" o~f?1;li~-c~xpaxi"sJ9-n:rp';rQ:re-C;t'ri~' i'h ,-,~, ,,' -'Cc"h ''''b 'd".".r,., ",'''.A''. ' ,-,.;;r, 1"1'" ,"''i'iY ,..",;"", ,o~,....J : e" ,3.mount,"'o t< t e." on;;f:~s.sue::t':;<$ 2,7;,,;,sOQ',':OOQ,.'fti0S,o:t;if arij!1ii~~~f-r?'~')fl , ""', ,~,. _ """,,-.iJ\-' ':' ,','.I.':" ".",,,,,,.,~<. '",' "","':)'",~~""'I.",,. I'"':..,' "r"; f,~"~,,,,'~'h..1'II' ~ ~1,~' ,9 I} };.: 7:~~J::b''1:si}~e j ~1) t:::;:~:.~,R.~,,~p':'~9 b1,';.i,~;~,:~$1i'4:'t::,~E~\;.e~~p:&9~.d.:if;i~,,~~;Vi, flg,. :~T }', ;'5,5 8.',,~2.)}~',~~t~~\'-f,j n d., th e"r'ema ind e'X;;~fO ~+:Wth erfJPFQj "e.~t:j:tiri'c lu d ing~ '::-c~I'1t.irigen::::ie,3W. ' " " fA l~tho 1,.1 g h'!n6'''!C'5i1 Y'Di'g'e ricy? am<5u ri t%i:W:a's7rl?I:O g :r:arnmepitrin...,..,tb e t f 'J', .,', _",;, ',... ' ' . '.,' ',' .': .. """1""d""''' "',,,,,., ,,"'",,' ".;, ".". ,'. , , , . ~ 0 n d :'l:~:rI?.J.e ;,:I:;::.;! , i~,~:',7J? ~~ :7r;::~;~~Z::'!~.~.,~~;r:;i3-G<;;;LJy,,~~,.;~:Sl1d.~~At 9}i~R ;1:9.,S.1~c::P~Tq: n g:;:t?;P lower~th'an~'e~,tiinate;d. "',,",:-I',"~"" - ' ; . . '. STATUS OF PROJECT: Both SMC and All Span are in the 95% completion cateS0ry. This paves the way for the major projects to get under way in January and February. It is anticipated that the boiler modification will :3 t art in January. This is a year-long proj ect, and must be cl'C>'Idinated "lith the other remaining contracts. Bids f"':'T the site preparation contract will be accepted ne:x:t ,"eek. dnd 2',i te work should begin shortly thereafter. This inv,=,l'/E's a tremendous excavating and grading program. fvjy IlJVOLVEfvlENT TO VA TE : Iv'!',/ ,)n-site in\yolve\T1ent, with the contract,ors to-date has been minimal. From a dollar stand point only 1.4% of the tot,,3,l projf::'ct is underway. This has given me time to become familiar with the total project, identify and categorize the contracts and prepare a report on the availability of bond funds for t,he remainder of the project. While there will be no accounting of the expenditures fr,:,rn thi2, locat,ion, it ""ill be imperative to monitor every C'c'nt~:-a<'~t v) ascertain that the bond funds will not be over- sr-Bnt, I have prerared a computer program t.o do this and in '~()l1\rl\unicat,ion '",ith the Finance Office I up-date this report as miscellane(llJ5 or non-programmed funds are expended and I also up date the report as additional contracts are approved by the ce>mmis 5 ione:c'5 and as change orders are approved by Ute rnanagers ,A f ice, Some thirty up-dates have been entered to-date, As significant changes are made, I furnish copies t.:' the Engineering Director and the Finance Director. Some of the activities I have participated in are; .3B~ting up the office facilities, telephone, services,etc. -~eri0Jic meetings with the contractors to review progress '~\r t,j rjiSCllSs problems, -,1isc05sion with engineer and contractor to review change .re'.'iel~' minutes ()f commissioners meetings to accurately I.~: I'IJ e':~_":s . ,-L"~L;rTl'."'nt and categ,:,rize ar'r'roved contracts. - Tl11::f: L \./ ith e J'lg. ineer ')11 Cln almos t daily bas is to' rev iew 3tatu3 of project. ~met with grants account-3.nt on several occasions to reconcile account balances. V::il:<' igned, programme.:l and maintain bond fund report (copy) a.tL3.cbed, - . ' -at le-3.st w~ekly and sometimes more often, meet with Engin~ering ['ir~ctor to brief him on status of project. nrtl3rt l:i\t= ,)ffice facility on a daily basis, Fl'TURE INVOLVEI1ENT: Things will really get hot in January. By April or May we \-Jill be invc,lved with all the remaining contracts. Just allocating and assigning trailer space will be a major prc,l:.,lern. There is a possibility ,that over 4.00 workers could be c,n site at a given time. 1 ~)elieve that my most important task will be to see to it that ample bond funds are available to complete the total Pl'l)jl?ct and it will be my responsibility to advise the Engineeri'n.'~ Director and the County Finance .Director when I see funding problems arising. I '-it:"Jld like tel be involved in all change orders and be 311,:".;,?.) t.,:.:, make r<::,commendations on the advisability of each. I will b= involved in pre-bid conferences with future contractors as well as involved in all periodic status m!?etings. ;:., UMIIJLIl..R Y : The Sngineering Director is the county(owners) re['n:'::= entati T.'8 on all construction proj ects, During ,the :~tt:'dm Plant Expans ion proj ect, I ,.,ill carry out all the ,:ll.lt.ie:o: and re::;ponsibilities of the Engineering Director that he decides to delegate to me. In my opinion daily on site-representation by a county ,)fficial is imperative to the successful completion of this r'r~)j ,:-,'::::t.. <'0/"., -. .,....:::... -.:--:=:-...:-:-;:--....=;;:;.-======-.:-=.;-.:; ---;-:- . .0\ ..._ . ,.., r'Y-=L . .Ci~~ ".,.,J- :,::'l'EAH PLANT. EXPANSION, PROJECT EXPENDITURE REPORT DATE-12 /13/8 9" ,........ CONTRACT EXPENDITURES AMOUNT .. TO' DATE OR ESTIMATE UNEXPENDED :.--:,.....~~.-:;-...-::~---~~~~-...'\ "'lVJ]l, J.9B..::: EQVJPMENT,.,\:0 NTRA CT S UN[JER CONTRACT BOILER-:3TOKER-VOLUND AIR POLLUTION-UNITED MCGILL TURBINE-COPPUS MURRAY CONDENSERS-BASCO INC , STACK-ItJAHREN ' SHREDDER-SHREDDING SYSTEMS COOLING TOWER TOTAL $5,940,000~ $975,618 $4,964,382 ~;.- ;..~...., ~",. $ 2 . ,6 6 3.. 600 .~--..-$-1..3-8-~-Q.G.~~-t-5-2.5-. -60.0-- , it.' ) '.. ' ,. , $ 9 2 Y.- 8 90 v ., ... : $ 0.):/$ 9 2 Y.- 8 90 . , $152: 732 V . $ Oi' $152: 732 .' $ Y.- 8 3',;00 0 V". , ..$5'3;630 $4'29.;-3-70"-- $139,500 ~ $55,800 $83,700 $166": 000 v" $0 $166,000 :*'- $10;,4 69 ;::t2 2- "'$1-;'22-3..,-B4~~~~ UOT UNDER CONTRACT FE 2. i DUE CONVF.R TER DEMI~ERALIZATION SYSTEM ID FAN PUMP::; INSTRUHENTATION ECON REPAIR \~ENERAL TUBES LEVEL INDICATOR ELECTRICAL SWITCHING TOTAL ;~~::~~h~':,~~ .;< :::~r~!'':'~,'~ . (;ENERA,L.:,~,m:J.TR~LG-T s.' , ,- $ 518 ;8 8 8".~"h'.'."_--'-"$-0 . .."$f>,18T88-8- $220,000"/ $0 $220,000 $62,000 V' $0 $62,000 '.'--'....$1-97,.800--~-c- '. ~~ $1,100,000. /, . ,. ..."',:,,.$0<.$1,100,000 ',.... . $35., 000 ~ IV,~,::-:' C.:$Oi::)/$35;000 ,.. .",,'u.. ,.. O>u, $ 20;00 O,..\C.. -'-~-'--'-$ 0 $'2{),e 00- $12,000 ~ $0 $12,000 $290, 000 ~ $0 $290,000 y-, $ 2 ,Y.- 5,5,,68 8..- .n,~-,-_$~2-~.{).3~ .,__ "_h ..___ __,. ._.,,__ _._._._, ._ ..,_......__.__u__..._..___.____ UNDER CCJNTHACT BOILER TUBES-RILEY "'", $562,800.r / $Y.-9, 167 $513,633 FACI LITY I"IODI FI CATION- SMC' ,$ 2 6Y.-, 62Y.- V.,$132.,l.l-Y.-.9,-.---$132-,17.5-, BOILER MODIFICATION-SAM ENGLISH $1,750,987 V $0' $1,750,987' , ..., ,/l '_I _/..-# .:' ", ,',' ". $0 , NOT UNDER, CONTRAcT ~A.c1,,, -:h''':'-':1e~''': " ,-..,..-...,--'....... -,;-;z..,.-...,-----.---.,..--..,--40- !1"'._....-......~...........,~":'Y~r.",',h::~.-. .:t""t"I~:..'r."'"t....-_.::.l.."i.......~..t"f'~""......~~f'7Il'""~---....11 ... _ _:.Jk<,IJ-~ t,; -' . '.~.L"';.~'~ ~.....,~~. ;,<"E"lERA'L' " " , n...., '~.,<" J ,';'-: ,", '",";" -:";-:. ol',~'0P-;:1?:,\:',' :"',' ''''''1''',.'''';;$ ~m7;.3 5~3q'6~J;;;i,;(ij,~;~,~'.', ~,' "*':;~l$ OjJ~,',$, '2'0i''Zr31517'\'1',3i7, ,6 lJe~r.;~~CTRICAL ," " 'j~'i>n'i::;:w~:it'?~;'8'0'6'Z;'0;oO':;;>:"'Yo: '1"';)~'$O'WS:~~~~8oo~cio'0 ['1ECH - PLUMB I 1'1G ..- ". " ,.." $1;3,7,9,;,18 O,.v.::'-.. ----$-0-$.1-,--3-7-9,18()- )/:3ITE $810,329Y" $0,' $810,329, CRl\NE fVlODIFICATION $170,000 V, ',' $0>,$170; 000 TOTAL ,..' ",_...". ....,..,~, ,$8, Y.-73i'296.~$,1-81T~~S.~,:.z-~~~ f~N'~J~~~,:~~,I~,:~:l - ..-. --,._, .' . . _.. -...- ----.., ---' -- ....-.- ,...,....---.--.-------.--.-. .. . . . " $2,300,OOO.() ,$813, 500~1,486,500 $96,000 V ,. ".', ,'$0/'$96,000, y::_ $2,-39 6...,0 0 0 $,8-1-3-;h50~$-1..,;--5-8-2T-5 00- STAN PETERS WEIGEL TOTAL, . ~~~-.--' . ....1 : 8bMJ,NI$.r.RAr.I~2Lf. ADMINISTRATION BLDG,-ALL SPAN $126,820 V $65,693 $61,127 "'..,: $0 .., $0- $0 $58,000 $0 $58,000 LAND -..-----,--, ."--' ,. $,0 BOND SERVICE $175,701 v" $175, 70L";-$0 $123,317./ . $123,317;>)>. .,.,,'" $0 ~~)~gE~~~~~i~~ EXPENSE,... "-$3-~~'i'~: ~~~~......$.1.L,.Ri'~$.3~1119':~ LESS I~TEREST IN I~VE~TMENT- ' ' . J_ ~ . _ C ~ 0 ~ ($1,500,000) $0 ($1:500,000 , J?";~co~lii~l(hNC.l ES ..:=-- ~'..~ ~/;~' ~ '.~>' "'7$--:::::E'"j"5''7;7.1'-;';';;'6''=-~~::;~''---'--~'$1 5 $0 _____'-.. _ T'~TAL'.'" . , ....,__.,",.."....M,...'..~.J... 'N :.....--k".::i- _.~ ",#../..> , 3 7 , 6 Y.- 7 . L )1' $3,705, 29l.l: $f,j,36 , 52~ . $3,268,770 OT:HER EXPENDI1.llRES MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ca::All[l TOTALS ." '. ... G:~.!'li.'~''-"' ~, ," c' ..... 0 t Q 1<...... :':'7/t'f~1 3 , /' ",; i:1-;'t/;." 'fA"I~iP~~'c.. ." , ( '1' : ,..., t"J '" x ..-. __~~:.. ..J1fI' $27,500,000 $2,65~,688 $2Y.-,8Y.-5,312 'if?, jDa , "., - ---,_.---- ,-. - /~:~g'~j,'j'S i G. FELIX COOPER Special Projects Coordinator 'NEW HANOVER COUNTy ENGINEERING & FACILITIES 3002 US Highway 421 North Wilmington, N.C. 28401-9690 Telephone (919)341-4373 M E M 0 RAN DUM ~bATK: Octobe-r2&r2~.T98'~ ." ',",'0," '1 TO:Ed,Hilton, Director of Engineering and Facilities FROM: Felix Coope~ CJ2~ -- SUBJECT:Status Report on Steam Plant Expansion budget Attached is a summary of the budget for the Steam Plant Expansion project. ~- ---- -~ -- STEAM PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT C:()i'ni:;:':~iCT,=; f::1Fpr~:lT)ED P,S OF 10-11-89 [' ,;:'_nt i. Eo, c: t I../,.::~ .1 U. nd Ur',il;ed tkC3i'~l c::;~, P [J :,l '.': j\1u 1-,- ':::\ y fj ::~, ::-::. C~ I:> (',,: ,", I. I. ;',':: n E rl '/ i r' [! n in e 11 t Pll~y Consolidated Shr~dding Systems i.:: ,2, C: P ,. i t c h c::\ r d ~?;'..,!<~~ T I~I= ~~~ t :? i", t CI "q F' E.'? t e)- '::. ~) 1 ,[ :=P':\il T('. t3, i. C::c, Ii t i. ac 't;:=:, Ai..:r!=, 'j' c \/ed !.~~~~.I~ ,- ? .~: '.: ':=;. __?i fl tic: i p ~t. .t~ :~.? d h: O:~ ',:, :L .:J L: ~:" C c:. il '.,' e.l- t: \'21- D o;? iT' 1. net' i'i 1 i ;:,,~ t i D n ;:::: ';..is t em C~ane Modification B~iler Modification .t " j"! F,.?rl E:ec:ti-ical S~'Jitctli~~g F '. I, f~': ~~l ~ r ("j'~ .:' ',- t.~ Ci~.' \-, t -:::"\ 'l~ :~ c r~l C.:' '.~7.' !-': f? ")- :....1 i,=' () i-I t: j-' .~. (: t E:J.e::tl-j.C3:1 t:CI},tl-act ,"1 ':::' ':::: j.' :;:!, ',-, ;:::;::., .i. i,:';::' n t 1- "" c t :3 :": 1~ e ;.~.: c! ", - !< 'Ic; "::;;".i. r::~J;'~~~l:~9~~~::=. [.:. '~.L-" :\1 ~~ )-1 ..... C=: (, j--I t 1- a c: t ~- ;';':. r~i (i r='I~.. ; - C ;, ~~. ":: \::,2 ~~':.:' i"ld l-=' >: p f'-;?'ns.e j'"1i.::-c:: Eq,'-~lpfT1=r-I'!; 1~'j ,i. :~ c. E :: ~ p f~ 'n s e T;:,'!,;::',,', (~J~':~i~j:..:~: i .s~~'_ t I:=-..i.. E :'iIL.~1J!.1) i: Lt j- E~ D p <= C 1- i 0 t iCon BDi lE;)- Stokel- A i l- j=' 0 1 1 uti 0 n E q Ll i P . Turbine Generator Cc'nc.iensel-s Stack Be. i 1 el- Tub es Shl-eddel- Coo 1 i ng TO\oJel- Facility Modification Eilg i neel. i ng (~dministr-atioll 8ui Iding Af~li. ~!;, 5, '7'-.0 ~ 000 2~663~600 <7'24 ~ 390 .." 1 ~3E. , 7~32 483,000 562~800 139,50Q 166,00(; 26/+ ,62'-. 2~300,000 :1.26:,820 $13,723,966 (Estimated) Amount C~rl~~li~Ed Inte:-est I, :::' c::::: .-,., i:: J C ,l ::::0::;' t ,:::,;'c1 I () t, e.i. p" t (;I n I n\/,,:"_:; t men t s ...' c! :"i {: }. ,'~. : ,-:::" i-~ c: :'t c:- ::: \ . :,: ~:I J " '~'l ;~... ! ': ,':::' i""' -j~ $ 518,88D 2;:::0,000 170~OOO 1,750,9137 62,000 290,000 107,800 1 , 1 00 , ()(Xi 2!1 1735 , ~37\~:, 800,000 1 :,379:, .180 810,329 'i> 1 (:< ,03'+ , 560 Amount ~~ 1 7'~; ~ 7 (J 1 11.7,0.14 58,000 70, 1 '70 $ '-.(:0, f3S5 AiDe> u nt, ~t; ~=), J 11 ,::;'96 "'" :l . :'500,000 n~7rj'i3-9t:-9 37 ~~r' -... !'- \J, ";i ?:~~ ~3 ~ :~; 2 () ~I ;5 [-1 ~? -:t~ ~.= t".:" ,. ~5 (j () ;1 () () (, . - -..-.--..-T--.------u-"-..---- ...-..".--.-- ......_. ...... NEW HANOVER COUNTY' ENGINEERING & FACILITIES 3002 US Highway 421 North Wilmington, N.C. 28401-9690 Telephone (919)341-4373 G, FELIX COOPER Special Projects Coordinator MEMORANDUM To: Ed Hilton, Director of Engineering and Facilities From: Felix Cooper, Coordinator, steam Plant Expansion Proj ect " Subject:Status report on bond expenditures Follm.,ring is a summary of the contracts and expenditures Qf~the steam plant expansion bond funds through the period 'f:S'e pt e~b~r,;78,/: .'19-i3"9'1 ('.~.....,.. . , ...... ....:..~ ~;j . Should anyone have a disagreement with the contents of this report, please get in touch with me immediately. CONTRACTS APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT AMOUNT Boiler stoker Air pollution equipment Turbine generator Condensers Stack Boiler modification(partial) Shredder Cooling tower Facility modification Engineering Administration Building $5,94-0,000 2,64-8,600 925,790 152,732 4-83,000 54-6,300 139,500 166,000 264,624- 2,300,000 126,000 Total Contracts 13,692,546 NOT CONTRACTED-(ESTIMATED) Residue converter Demineralization system Boiler modification Crane modification I . D, fan Electrical switching Pumps Instrumentation General contract Electrical contract Mechanical contract Other-general Miscellaneous equipment TOTAL-NOT CONTRACTED OTHER EXPENDITURES-NOT IN ORIGINAL BUDGET Land Bond service Other-Miscellaneous TOTAL-OTHER CaNT I ITGENC I ES CAPITALIZED INTEREST TOTAL BOND FUNDS cc: Mary Gornto, Acting County Manager Andy Akinson, Finance Director Stanton Peters, Consulting Engineer $ 518,888 220,000 1,753,700 170,000 62,000 290,000 197,800 1,100,000 2,735,376 800,000 1,379,180 810,329 58,000 10,095,273 $ 175,701 57,f,j,35 61,901 295,037 P30'5"""-1481 fl. . , , 3,111,996 $ 27,500,000 ---------- ---------- ~-; r-:: . :---;-.. --- n ~ --_. -n- . ---0------ 'n'-'-;-~~ ---. ----.. 0~'~~~--~ iJ i:. t, ; t,,~ 1':1) ~~'Il: [:;'1 : t,'" t;:Jl (j r' ,'1 ,', I~:'jl c '~~,j:j ,,; ~~;I ::1 g~.,~t4! \ :,:~;1.~ I. '. 4! 1 I ~" ~", I. 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