1990-02-19 RM Exhibits 'toO ( , . . ~4 " BOO~. . PAGE ! ".'. 'r200 RECORDED AND VERIFIED R~8ECCA P. TUCKER REGISTER-OF OEEDS NEW HANOVER CO~ Ne ~,~8G RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FED 26 I ~3 r~i &90 WHEREAS, to the extent B.A. PORTER, MARGARITA H. PORTER, L. P. MELVIN, MAUDE T. MELVIN, KENNETH J. TABOR, J. J . TABOR, BESSIE PEARL TABOR, EARL TUCKER, JR., MARY CATHERINE TUCKER, T.A. TARTT, AND EFFIE MAE TARTT, various owners of property adjoining Teresa Drive in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County, offered for public dedication by deed recorded May 4, 1960 in the New Hanover County Registry, Book 660, Page 589, a sixty foot wide strip of land constituting the road designated Teresa Drive; WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has secured a fifty foot wide right of way adequate for road purposes from the various adjoining owners, and does not need to utilize the public dedication; and WHEREAS, the adjoining property owners along said road desire that acceptance of any public dedication offered by instrument recorded in Book 660, Page 589, be declined. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners ~hat New Hanover County decline any said public dedication. ADOPTED, this )1'~ day of ~~_ NEW HANOVER CO - , 1990. fJ{t &L- Fre Retchin, Chairman Board of Commissioners REtURNED TO ~ ~pp6W- &v6~~~ BOOII PAGE ~;6JS6 120 ~ ATTEST: ~J~ Cl k to the Board NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State f resaid, c ify that Lucie F. Harrell came before me this day an acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Fred Retchin, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. ---L,Z-;/ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this 0( (Jd day of Jd~ ,1990. My commis~io~ expires: /0 //3 LJ/ / / NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~/oregOing certificate(s) of /J.':)fI..J.J1l. '1~&, ~~ is/aFe certified to be correct. This instrument and the certificate are duly registered at the date and time in the book and page shown on the first page hereof. Rebecca P. Tucker Register ::.De::;~~~~ Qpu ty / ABB~" t,."t , Register of Deeds County . . . .~ . Amendment Number ONE to the Bylaws of the New Hanover Convention and Visitors Bureau: .1. Throughout the Bylaws delete the title "New Hanover Convention and Visitors Bureau." Insert in its place "Cape Fear Coast CO'nvention ,and Visitors Bureau." 2. Add new paragraph C to Article VI Section 2: C. Executive Committee: An Executive Committee composed of the officers (Chairman, President/CEO, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) of the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau shall be established. When the immediate past Chairman is a member of the Board of Directors, that person shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. (1) In the absence of an Immediate Past Chairman, on the Board of Directors, an At Large member shall be appointed. . (2) The Chairman may appoint additional members as the conditions warrant. (3) All members appointed to the Executive Committee shall be voting members. (4) Quorum: A majority of the whole Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum and the act of a majority of the members present at a meeting as which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Committee. 3 . Add new Section 3 to Article VII: Section 3: a. The senior member of the staff shall be the President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO). With marketing the Cape Fear area, _comprised of the four municipalities of New Hanover County - Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach - and the unincorporated areas of the County as the President's prime responsibility, the President shall manage and direct all activities of the Corporation subject to the policies stated by the Board of Directors. b. As authorized and funded by the Board of Directors, the President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall have assistants for office management, visitor center staffing, convention marketing, group and individual tour marketing, and publications. c. The President/CEO shall establish an effective volunteer program to supplement the salaried staff. . . . ., . BY-LAWS OF CAPE FEAR COAST CO~vENTION & VISITORS BUREAU WHEREAS, Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau, Inc. has been duly incorporated as a non-stock, non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of North Carolina and more particular under and by virtue of a charter or articles of incorporation issued by the Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, on the 3rd day of December, 1985, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County on the 13th day of December, 1985, in Book 1312, Page 0585, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary that suitable By-Laws be adopted by the members of such non-stock, non~profit corporation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT be, and they are hereby, members to the By-Laws of Visitors Bureau, Inc. RESOLVED that the following By-Laws duly adopted and declared by said the Cape Fear Coast Convention and ARTICLE I Section 1. NAME OF CORPORATION: The name of the Corporation shall be Cape Fear Coast Convention and visitors Bureau, Inc.. section 2. OFFICES: The office of the corporation shall be located in the of the Assistant county Manager, New Hanover Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, Wilmington, Carolina, or at such other place or places in New Hanover as the Corporation may from time to time designate. Section 3. SEAL: office County North County The Seal of the Corporation shall be in the form of concentric circles and shall bear the name of the Corporation. section 4. FISCAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE YEAR: The fiscal and the administrative year of the corporation shall be from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. . . . ARTICLE II MEMBERS Section 1. GENERAL POWERS: The management of the activities, affairs and property of tne corporatlon shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of fourteen (14) directors, said number to be fixed from time to time by these By-Laws of the Corporation. Section 2. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS: The initial Board of UlreCtOrs conslstlng of fourteen persons have been appointed for a term of one-year and serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Directors shall be appointed as follows: ( 14) shall The 2 Lodging 1 each apPointed by City Council and County Commissioners 2 At-Large 1 each appointed by City Council and County Commissioners 1 Chamber of Commerce Appointed by Chamber of Commerce Board Attractions(Historical} Natural, Recreational) 1 each appointed by City Council and County Commissioners 1 Carolina Beach Appointed by Town Council 1 Kure Beach Appointed by Town Council 1 Wrightsville Beach Appointed by Board of Alderman 1 Marketing, Advertising Appointed alternately by City and Public relations Council & County Commissioners professional 1 Cou~ty Commissioner Appointed by County Commissioners 1 City Councilman Appointed by City Council 1 County Finance Officer (Non-voting) Section 3. TENURE: Directors shall serve staggered three-year terms provided that the term of the initial Board of Directors may be varied to provide such staggered terms. Excluding the initial Board, the County Finance Officer, the City council and county Commission Representative, Directors may not serve more. that two consecutive three-year terms. . Section 4. VOTING RIGHTS: Each Director, except the County Finance Officer, in good standing, shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to the vote of the directors and assignment of voting privileges is not permitted. Section 5. TERMINATION: The Board of Directors by affirmative vote of two thirds of all its members, may remove any of the appointed Directors of the Corporation for cause. Section 6. RESIGNATION: Any director may resign by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Section 7. COMPENSATION: Directors shall serve without compensa~lon, but may be reimbursed for expenses actually incurred in connection with the performance of their duties. . Section 8. ATTENDANCE: Any Director who is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings will automatically be terminated unless such absence is ,excused by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. . ~ ARTICLE III MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS Section 1. REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETING: The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall meet at least quarterly at a time and place designated by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or bY,not less than four (4) members of the board and such special meetings are to be held at a place and time designated by the Chairman or the four (4) calling members. Section 2. OPEN MEETINGS: All meetings of the corporation whether regular or special, shall be announced and open to the public, provided that the corporation may hold executive sessions from time to time in accordance with Article 33 C of Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes. . . . ~ Section 3. ACTION BY DIRECTORS: All actions shall be determined by a majority vote of ~ne members present in open meeting. Seven (7) voting members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Corporation. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice. Except as otherwise provided by law or by these By-Laws ~ne Corporation shall be governed by the rules or parliamentary practice as contained in HRoberts; Rules of Orderll. Section 4. MINUTES: The minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Corporation shall be recorded and a copy mailed to each Director member not later than fifteen (15) days following such meeting. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS ,Section 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN, VICE-CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY There shall be elected from the Board of Directors, a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary all serving one-year terms, and eligible for reelections for an additional term of one-year. The initial term for the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary, shall begin the first day of like 1985 and shall end the first day of like 1986. Terms of future Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall be the same as the Corporationis fiscal year. Section 2. TREASURER: The Finance Officer for New Hanover County shall be the Treasurer of the Corporation. ARTICLE V DUTIES OF OFFICERS section 1. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: The duties of the officers shall be as follows: A. Chairman: The Chairman shall call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Corporation. He shall appoint the Chairman and members of all Committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all such Committees. He shall perform such other duties as may come with the jurisdiction of his office. At each meeting, the Chairman shall submit such . . . ~ recommendations and information as he may consider proper concerning the business, affairs and policies of the Corporation. B. Vice-Chairman: The Vice-Chairman shall preSlae at meetings and perform the duties of the Chairman in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman. He shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. C. Secretary: The Secretary shall have general responsibility for Lne records of the corporation and shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Corporation. The Corporation may designate one or more Assistant Secretaries to keep the minutes of Corporate meetings and perform such other duties as the Corporation may assign. D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds,-property, and securlLles of the Corporation, subject to such regulations as may be imposed the Board of Directors. He may be required to give bond for the faithful performance of his duties, in such sum and with such sureties as the Board of Directors may require. When necessary or pr0per he may endorse on behalf of -the Corporation for collections checks, notes and other obligations, and shall deposit the same to the credit of the Corporation at such) bank or banks or depository as the Board of Directors may designate. Except as may be otherwise provided by the Board of Directors, he shall sign all receipts and vouchers and, together with such other officer or officers, if any, as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, he shall sign all checks of the Corporation and all bills of exchange and promissory notes issued by the Corporation. He shall make or cause to be made such payments as may be necessary or proper to be made on behalf of the Corporation. He shall cause to be entered regularly on the books of the Corporation a full and accurate account of all monies and obligations received and paid or incurred for or on account of the Corporation and all assets of the Corporation, and shall exhibit such books at all reasonable times to any Director on application at the offices of the Corporation. He shall cause to be made as soon as reasonably possible after the close of the fiscal year an audit, and shall furnish a copy thereof, to each of the Directors, the County Commissioners, the City Councilmen, and to such other persons as the Board may direct. He shall, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, and such duties as it may assign to him. E. Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer: The Board of Directors may elect an Assistant Secretary or Assistant Treasurer, and in such case, in the absence or disability of the Secretary or the Treasurer, such assistants respectively shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of those offices, and they shall, in general, perform such other duties as shall be assigned to them from time to time by the Secretary or the . . . ~ Treasurer, respectively, or by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES Section 1. STANDING COMMITTEES: There shall be established a BUdget and Finance Committee, an Advertising and Promotions Committee and an Executive Committee, each of which shall consist of two or more Ulrectors. The Board of Directors may appoint additional persons, to serve on Standing Committees. Section 2. DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES: The duties of the Standing Committees shall be as follows: A. Budget and Finance Committee: The Budget and Finance Committee shall monitor all financial affairs of the Corporation and shall submit for review and approval by the Directors, the City Council and County Commission a proposed annual budget. The Committee shall submit an annual report at the close of the fiscal year to the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council on the Corporation1s receipts and expenditures for the preceding year in such detail as the Board of Commissioners and the City Council may require. B. Advertising and Promotions Committee: The Advertising and Promotions Committee shall prepare an annual program to advertise and promote tourism development for New Hanover County. The Committee may, with approval by majority vote of the Board of Directors, contract with any person, firm or agency to advise and assist in the preparation and execution of projects to promote travel, tourism and conventions. C. Executive Committee: An Executive Committee composed of the officers (Chairman, president/CEO, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) of the Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau shall be established. When the immediate past Chairman is a member of the Board of Directors, that person shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. 1. In the absence of an Immediate Past Chairman, on the Board of Directors, an At-Large member shall be appointed. 2 . The Chairman may appoint additional members as the conditions warrant. 3. All members appointed to the Executive Committee, except for the Treasurer, shall be voting members. . . . ~ 4. Quorum: A majorl~y of the whole Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum and the act of a majority of the members present at a meeting as which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Committee. Section 3. OTHER SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Other special committees having such responsibilities as may be delegated to them may be established. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint the Chairman and such other persons, as authorized in the resolution creating such special committees. ARTICLE VII ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Section 1. EMPLOYMENT: The Corporation may employ such duties as may be determined Directors. administrative staff to perform and authorized by the Board of Section 2. LIMITATIONS: Administrative Corporation and may cause. staff serve be discharged at the pleasure at any time with or of ~ne without Section 3. STAFFING: The senior member of the staff shall be the President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO). With marketing the Cape Fear area, comprised of the four municipalities of New Hanover County Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach and the unincorporated areas of the County as the President/CEO's prime responsibility, the President/CEO shall manage and direct all activities of the Corporation subject to the policies stated by the Board of Directors. As authorized and funded by the Board of Directors, the President/CEO shall have assistants for office management, visitor center staffing, convention marketing, group and individual tour marketing and publications. The President/CEO shall establish an effective volunteer program to supplement the salaried staff. . . . ~ ARTICLE VIII CONTRACTS, CHECKS, DEPOSITS AND FUNDS Section 1. CONTRACTS: The Corporation may authorize any officer or ottlcers, agent or agents of the Corporation, in addition to the officers so authorized by these By-Laws, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument, in the name and behalf of the Corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Section 2. DEPOSITS: All funds of the Corporation in excess of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND NO/IOO ($250.00) shall be deposited daily to the credit of the corporation in such bank, trust company, or other depositories, or with the New Hanover County Finance Officer, as the Corporation may select. Section 3. GIFTS: The Corporation may accept on behalf of the corporation any contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the purpose of the Corporation. Section 4. STATUTORY COMPLIANCE: All matters of fiscal control and administration shall be handled in accordance with Chapter 159 of the General statutes of North Carolina. ARTICLE IX BOOKS AND RECORDS Section 1. BOOKS AND RECORDS: The corporation shall keep correct and comp~e~e books and records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its members and shall keep at the principle office a record giving the names and addresses of the members entitled to vote. All books'and records of Corporation may be inspected by any member or his duly authorized agent for any proper purpose at any reasonable time. . . . ~ i : ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1. AMENDMENTS: These By-Laws, or any part thereof, may be amended at the pleasure of an affirmativ~ vote of the members of the Corporation at any regular or specially called meeting by a majority of the entire voting members, contingent upon approval by the Wilmington City Council and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. THIS amendment to the By-Laws of the Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau adopted by and approved by the Board of Directors on the 9th day of August, 1989, approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on day of , 1990 and the Wilmington City Council on the day of , 1990. \PLANS\SOP.TV NEW HANOVER COUNTY STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES for ACTIVATION OF THE CABLE TELEVISION AUDIO INTERRUPT WARNING SYSTEM 1 I I November, 1989 FORWARD The New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services wishes to thank Mr. Sam Wilson, General Manager of Falcon Cable of Carolina Beach and Mr. Bill Green, General Manager of Vision Cable of Wilmington, for implementing a community warning system. Their companies have supported the New Hanover County Emergency Management program by contributing significant funds to acquire the equipment necessary to implement the audio interrupt warning system. The system as with all the other means of community warning will be coordinated by the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services with support and activation by the New Hanover County 911 Communications Center. The system will serve all communities, municipalities and .agencies within New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington for life safety incidents according to the procedures that follow. \PLANS\SOP.TV 2 November, 1989 The .agencies listed below agree to suppbrt ~he following procedure for the activation of the Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System. SIGNATURES: . .~.. l' ON GABLE -'. / 91!:~-J~L~~~TER I?- - II - )( 'I I'L -ll- r1 /,2. -1.3 -rfi CHAIRMAN OF \~,,,~.\:\). \\~,.._ C\i)~.t)~\) ACTING C0UNTY MANAGER G \z_"V:.,1) 1/24/9() TOWN MANAGER, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ;~. H, lUO--(9,<C)f.J. POLICE CHIEF CAROLINA BEACH V'wakt.JP~ I 2-/, .) j Rq I I ~@t-~ Q;; EW HANOVER COUNTY HE , //J c-' 0 L~ c' ~~ 12-//-gjl DIRECTOR OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES !~SKf~ I~~III{C} METEOROLOGIST IN CHARGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE-WILMINGTON \PLANS\SOP.TV 3 November, 1989 I. .Basic: Concept The cable television Audio Interrupt Warning System is to be used as part of a total community/public warning system. Since each warning system is not 100% effective in reaching the general public all of the systems must be used if total notification of the community is required. The Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System is activated by calling a secure telephone number and using a touch tone phone switching computerized cable TV "head end" equipment creating a blank screen and delivering a voice warning message thru the phone path to the subscribers television. The cable equipment will then switch to the programming already in progress. The advantage of the Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System is that an emergency message is disseminated over all channels as opposed to an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) notification which is only carried by local TV and Radio Stations. New Hanover County does not have a county-wide outdoor siren notification system thereby increasing the need to enhance existing forms of notification to the general public. II. Scope of Operations The Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System has proven itself across the country as a significant and cost effective means of warning the public. The system has been provided by local service companies. Since local government is essentially a third party to the system, careful and responsible use of the system is required. In order to protect the system's' use the telephone numbers and access codes shall be maintained by the 911 Center, NHC Department of Emergency Services and Carolina Beach Police Chief. Parties authorized to request activation will be noted in Section IV. Abuse, non-emergency information or excessive testing during peak cable programming times \..;rill cause customer ill-will and reflect upon the cable operator. This situation must be avoided. Maj or emergencies or mini disasters wi thin the community most likely will not warrant activation of the system when the event has already occurred. The system is primarily for communicating immediate warning information or life safety evacuations. \PLANS\SOP.TV 4 November, 1989 The system is NOT to be used for things such as, routine street closing, school closings, interruption or construction of utilities and services, traffic delays, bridge closings, etc. Any event which is usually conveyed thru local media (radio, tv) and timely media releases should not be released thru the Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System. . The Cable Interrupt Warning System is not a short-cut for using current established methods of disseminating information to the general public. The system shall not be a substitute for EBS, door to door notification, vehicle alert notification or other systems currently in place. It should be noted that improper use of the system could create confusion as to where to tune for emergency information, or generate unnecessary bystanders at the scene of an emergency event. III. situations and Guidance Use A. Service areas covered by Vision Cable of Wilmington: New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Castle Hayne and Figure Eight Island. 1. The Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System for the areas listed above may be activated for the following emergencies by the NHC Sheriff's Department 911 Center. a. Toxic release of chemicals which plume dispersion occurs. Reminder: "Evacuation" or "Shelter in-place" may be directed. b. Hurricane Evacuation and Warning Order. Evacuation order, as a result of a serious hurricane threat, informing viewers to tune-in to local media for updates and details. (Hurricane watches will not be announced.) c. Natural Gas, Propane Gas Leak, or Similar HazjMat Incident. When the Fire Incident Commander has deemed the scope of the hazardous release beyond his capability to effectively carryout a door-to-door evacuation or notification. \PLANS\SOP.TV 5 November, 1989 d. Items of National Concern. Attack or terrorist threat including items of standard civil defense concerns as authorized by messages received from the National Attack Warning and Alert System (NAWAS). e. Mass Casualty events when an issued for public safety personnel to report to duty. "all-call" is and medical 2. The Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System for the service areas listed above may be activated by a representative of the National Weather Service in Wilmington. a. When a Tornado is sighted or indicated by Weather Search Radar. B. Areas of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Fort Fisher, and areas of the County south of Silva Terra Drive on Highway 421, South of Hidden Valley Road on Highway 132 and South of Friendly Lane on Masonboro Loop Road as serviced by Falcon Cable of Carolina. Beach. 1. The Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System for the areas listed above may be activated for the following emergencies by the Police Chief for the Town of Carolina Beach and the New Hanover County Emergency Services Director or their designee. a. Situations requiring notification of the general public in the event of an emergency at the Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant. Ref. 10-mile emergency planning zone and Brunswick Nuclear Plant Emergency Operations Plan and NHC SOP's in support of the Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant. b. Toxic release of chemicals which plume dispersion occurs. Reminder: "Evacuation" or "Shelter in-place" may be directed. c. Hurricane Evacuation and Warning Order. Evacuation order, as a result of a serious hurricane threat, informing viewers to tune-in to local media ~or updates and details. (Hurricane watches will not be announced.) \PLANS\SOP.TV 6 November, 1989 d. Natural Gas, Propane Gas Leak, or Similar Haz/Mat Incident. When the Fire Incident Commander has deemed the scope of the hazardous release beyond his capability to effectively carryout a door-to-door evacuation or notification. e. Items of National Concern. Attack or terrorist threat including items of standard civil defense concerns as authorized by messages received from the National Attack Warning and Alert System (NAWAS). f. Mass Casualty events when an issued for public safety personnel to report to duty. "all-call" is and medical 2. The Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System for the areas listed above may be activated by a representative of the National Weather Service in Wilmington. a. Tornado Warning. When a Tornado is sighted or indicated by Weather Search Radar. IV. PARTIES AUTHORIZED FOR USE A. Service areas covered by Vision Cable of Wilmington: New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Castle Hayne and Figure Eight Island. 1. The chief elected official of the city or county who is responsible for activation of a state of emergency or evacuation order including his or her designee. 2. The Fire Scene Incident Commander (paid or volunteer) or his designee may request the system to be activated at any response in which the fire department is the lead responding agency. 3. Sheriff 4. Emergency Services Director 5. County Public Information Officer Assistant County Manager performs this function and may activate the system in support of their Emergency Broadcast System responsibilities. 6. National Weather Service-Wilmington \PLANS\SOP.TV 7 November, 1989 B. A~eas of Carolina Beach and New ~anov~r County as serviced by Falcon Cable of Carolina Beach. These have been authorized by Falcon Cable of Carolina Beach. 1. The Police Chief or his designee of the Town of Carolina Beach. 2. The NHC Emergency Services Director. 3. National Weather Service-Wilmington V. Follow-up Notifications Any agency utilizing the Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System shall contact the Department of Emergency Services and the cable operator just prior to, or as soon as possible after it's use. This notification is necessary in the event any cable equipment malfunctions hampering the resumption of regular programming or later emergency notifications. The lead agency requesting activation of the Cable Audio Interrupt System shall provide a formal press release in written form within 24 hours to all local media outlets regarding the emergency event and service provided by the local cable operation. VI. Activation Authorized parties as previously noted may activation by following the prescribed procedures. request A. Service areas covered by Vision Cable of Wilmington: New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Castle Hayne and Figure Eight Island. 1. Contact the NHC 911 Center which serves as secure warning and 911 answering point for all Hanover County. 911 also dispatches for Wilmington Fire Department. Phone 762-5228. the New the 2. The caller requesting activation shall request the telecommunications supervisor for a cable television audio interrupt emergency activation. 3. The caller shall give his/her name, agency phone number for the supervisor to verify and complete an administrative incident card. \PLANS\SOP.TV 8 November, 1989 "4. The caller shall have a prepared written statement with a brief message including an opening and closing statement identifying the source and by name the person making the notification. The message shall not be more than 25 seconds in length. The message may be given up to 3 times at 5 minute internals. If the severity of the event warrants 3 activations of the cable system an EBS reference message must also be communicated. 5. The telecommunications supervisor will then pull the sealed envelope with the number and access code and may activate the system. 6. The telecommunications supervisor may re-read live into the cable interrupt system his/her written statement from the party requesting activation or replay the requesting parties emergency message from the voice recording system. B. Areas of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Fort Fisher, and areas of the County south of Silva. Terra Drive on Highway 421, South of Hidden Valley Road on Highway 132 and South of Friendly Lane on Masonboro Loop Road as serviced by Falcon Cable of Carolina Beach. 1. Direct dialing for emergency messages is provided to the Police Chief of the Town of Carolina Beach and the New Hanover Department of Emergency Services. 2. The Department of Emergency Services and the Police Chief of Carolina Beach shall confer and/or notify each agency that the system has or will be used. C. The National Weather Service in Wilmington shall have immediate and direct access for Tornado Warnings and sightings. 1. The Weather Service will be given the phone number and code for the Vision Cable System by the New Hanover Department of Emergency Services. 2. The Weather Service will be given the phone number and code for the Falcon Cable System by the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services. \PLANS\SOP.TV 9 November, 1989 VII. Testing Procedures and Public Education The Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System shall be tested quarterly by the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services at a time determined by the General Manager of each cable company. Public education and information about the warning system may be disseminated by the Department of Emergency Services. VIII.References, Definitions and Sample Message References Although this new alerting system is not mentioned in currently published emergency plans it does follow guidance noted in the following documents: NHC Basic Emergency Operations Plan NHC Hurricane Evacuation Plan NHC Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Management NHC Ordinance for the Department of Emergency Services NHC Standard Operating Procedures in Support of the Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Response Plan Definitions EBS reference message: Utilize the Cable Audio Interrupt Warning System to remind viewers to tune-in to one of the 4 local EBS Stations. Radio Station WMFD (Primary EBS Station) WAAV/WGNI Television WWAY HECT WJKA Sample Message: This is [New Hanover County or Carolina Beach] Cable Television Audio Interrupt Emergency Notification. A chlorine gas leak has occurred at the private water system located at Summer Rest Road near Wrightsville Beach and the Landfall Subdivision. By order of Fire Chief Boss, residents living in the Landfall Subdivision should stay indoors and close all windows and doors and cutoff ventilation systems until further advised. Tune in to local radio or television stations for further information. Do not call 911 unless you have an emergency. This is Chief Boss concluding a cable television audio interrupt emergency notification. \PLANS\SOP.TV 10 November, 1989 IX. Roster of Key Personnel NAME PHONE Sam Wilson, General Manager Office 458-8188 Falcon Cable Home 392-0901 813 Harper Ave. Carolina Beach, N. C. 28429 Jack Foushee, Chief Technician Office 458-8188 Falcon Cable Home 458-4849 (Unl. ) 813 Harper Ave. Carolina Beach, N. C. 28429 Bill Green, General Manager Office 763 - 4 6,3 8 Vision Cable of Wilmington Office 763-0004 1949 Dawson St. Home 762-5571 Wilmington, N. C. 2840 Dennis Flowers, Chief Technician Office 763-4638 Vision Cable of Wilmington Home 763-1789 1949 Dawson St. Wilmington, N. C. 2840 Dan E. Summers, Director Office 341-4300 NHC Emergency Services Home 392-0256 20 N. 4th St. Wilmington, N. C. 28402 Joe McQueen, Sheriff Office 341-4200 New Hanover County Home 791-6260 20 N. 4th st. Wilmington, N. C. 28402 Harold Wood, Police Chief Office 458-8208 Carolina Beach Home 799-1083 POBox 347 Carolina Beach, N. C. 28429 Al Hinn, Meteorologist Office 763-8331 National Weather Service Home 392-3166 1739 Hewlett Dr. Wilmington, N. C. 28405 \PLANS\SOP.TV 11 November, 1989 FALCON CABLE SERVICE MAP \PLANS\SOP.TV "'-1- ''''''~, ") {' (- \ ;1::',>", / ~ ~ ~ CJ () Approximate Cable TV Service Area provided by Falcon Cable of Carolina Beach ~ a .. l",'''''-I.\"''''':.IOll.'''u."r CJ " [...., ~ '<: '0 f-..... ~ 12 November, 1989 ~ -. \PLANS\SOP.TV MAP ,,' ~' '\" ~ .. CJ a ~1.....\'1*I_,',"'I.I'r Approximate Cable TV Service Area provided by Vision Cable of Hilmington ,',""U,\""':."'" I.'ll" o ....... ~ ,.':::. ..... '\ '-.J ~ '"'<: 13 November, 1989 . . . ENGINEERING & FACILITIES NEW HANOV'ER COUNTY ENGINEERING AND FACILITIES DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7139 C. ED HILTON, JR., P.E. Director WY A TT E. BLANCHARD, P .E. County Engineer February 8, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM: C. Ed Hilton, Jr., P. E., Director Engineering and Facilities / (-I' ::.::.... . RE: Change Order Report #12 Period Ending February 7, 1990 AIRPORT Leader Construction - Change Order 2A in the amount of $8,733.02 - This change order covers additional doors, different types of walls, fireproofing, etc. Leader Construction - Change Order 3A in the amount of $14,308.15 - This change order covers plaster cover over existing downspout, provide glass fiber reinforced concrete columns, extend all walls to structure at various locations. Sneeden, Inc. - Change Order 2P in the amount of $3,335.33 - This change orders covers the adj ustment of the 4" vertical waste pipes for five water closets in the toilet partitions. Reagan Electrical - Change Order 4E in the amount of $2,910.50 - This change order covers the replacement of specified fixtures. Southern Roadbuilders - Change Order 5 in the amount of $27,548.57 This upgrade the tie-in of Taxiway "D" to apron. - Apron Paving Schedule 1E change order covers the the new aircraft parking , . County Commissioners Page Number Two February 8, ~990 Southern Roadbuilders Change Order No. 6 Apron Paving Schedule 1B in the amount of $35,226.00 - This change order covers the addition of 4" concrete sidewalk with curb under existing connector. Southern Roadbuilders - Change Order No 8 - Apron Paving Schedule 1A in the amount of $34,103.68 This change order covers providing grounding receptacles to accommodate the proposed aircraft parking layout and concrete pavement. Barnes and Powells - Change Order E-1 in the amount of $5,770.00 - This change order covers the installation procedures for two medium intensity taxiway lights, and installation of two new signs. SEWER Dale Todd Well Drilling - Change Order No. 7 in the amount of $12,208.09 - This change order covers the relocation of seven wells in the Phase I Area 4 Sewer System. . Dale Todd Well Drilling - Change Order No. 8 in the amount of $9,016.53 - This change order covers the relocation of six wells in the Phase I Area 4 Sewer System. W.E. Blackmon Construction - Change Order D-1 in the amount of $28,977.00 - This change order covers the lowering of Westwood pump station by 3.5 feet so that the pump station site can run more effectively. MUSEUM McCarter Electric - Change Order E-1 in the amount of $2,515.00 - This change orders covers the increase capacity of MDP and Service Entrance Feeder. CFCC NURSING PROGRAM ADDITION Insight Builders - Change Order G-2 in the amount of ($ 739.59) - This change order covers a deduction for electrical power provided during construction. COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PHASE II J&P Utili ties - Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $ 600.00 - This change order covers additional paving needed in the parking lot at 3rd and Market Street . CEHjr/nrb NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Roads in Windemere Subdivision (Division File #633-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE resolution was duly adopted by the Board of County of New Hanover at a meeting on the/P~ day seal this theo?o~U, day of ~. ,1990. ~'l./ ~ Luc~F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc , . ;:~'" '~." :~:::'~", . ,;'1..1- .' "t';'~~' ~- ,,)7 f.": 'In JI.~ ~..~ ..,. ........, ......... ' " " '\ .,.'......... '\. \ / / --~ '----- - '\ \ \ /J ; . .:t' ','; ~ ~~b~:X:L.:. -~ ---~........ , .:~"'-:'I;!.'::"'-:.'~~j::," /lO,D /cJ 59-57c'};'1 A/el T .6C//'-. T Q '\ ~ \ I\! ~ o "J ~ ~ '1 ~ 7"0 G/'_~ "7 aS74 ~ l- L Us 74- -;r- 0 I<J IZ-IC H T 1/ It. f.,. E:. .Ii t,1lc..1t --- .....;.;..... .:::,:;~:"\:.\> ., .... '.~ - 7 t. ~ ~ lL "Q' tl ~ ~ i ~! ~{i ~;' ~;' !1~! / ~I ~, iJi !(J I , ,:;" / J "". J / I '.09 r ' I /e I~ /' 'I , J ': I I ~, $:h. / i ------:- '---------- -.....~ \ \ \ \~, ~-- ~ I.V ,14 ~_. 12\ ?i\~::~IH:; , -'_~ ,,:,:~'6' . HF1 . .~.----.----t~;~. <, , ,WiNT, ER, PARK -,~ y",7 ~r:- ~ _p.O~U~,~~.~~4 . ..Pi:" tm ~' . NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover DescrDescription: Commonwealth Drive (Division File #634-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE resolution was duly adopted by the Board of County of New Hanover at a meeting on the/fZ~ day official seal this theo-?O:lL day of "'--~. , 1990. ~ d ~d/L-- Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk "- New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc '.. '. \ " ~ i E: ~l I~ i "I l ~ ( k~ /l LJ j;) 7-0 .51 S T c;',\ -.bcf ),vo 7' /).0 i.;.:J --. ',:... " -'...... " . ~/:, ~~ "(" .> ' -______----.:,.,..' 0'~ -..........~0o ' _""'- ........ ;,....1- ., '" " ~ "', " .~~~., ~;~~~:~-NW~ \"'-:, 5/0 _----:"-H., \ ..--------- \\:) '- \\~~;,~ .., {\\ \~ -- ":",' \N' '\: ", '\6' \ \t!,\~ -\ ~' \ --."------..-..__.._...H............,.." " , 0. S. 74 I I i 'I~ ~~ ~w r' , I I ! ! To .M1f:- ~(f/.<;'!' T Y/ '-'/. t' f? c-,.1 ul i ii__ I I I ,.52712... ~ ;;:/7 ~I i ~~: I_ 0! ,...... !-...l IUNINCj 1'01', A, 11 S ~--- \V , i j' - 1 ~. i"'-~ '\~~~~ . ~ )In \ /;-- \ / . I. !f ./ 1l~1 \ ) / '------ ~ \ \ -- ~ ~ . \. l~ , ~ ~ t ~ ~ c ~:::~:~.~'}Jjl~\ ....::::::::, .....'\ .:.;.:::, ',>>:-:, .....:" iF1\ <,> ;\ / // l!.~ ~ \ / L~ .~ !I .' NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru January 31, 1990 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy. Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1989 $ 31,922,769.25 3,915,722.74 - 1,347,543.60 $ 34,490,948.39 65,963.33 $ 34,556,911.72 - 31,549,315.23 $ 3,007,596.49 91.30% Back Taxes Real Estate and Personal Property Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 2,375,864.82 7,827 .89 2,368,036.93 381,247.51 $ 1,986,789.42 16.10% Room Occupancy Tax Collections $828,016.88 January $ 34,121.52 -Fiscal YTD Privilege License Collections - January - $ 626.75 - Fiscal YTD - $16,301.01 EMS Collections - January - $ 120.00 - Fiscal YTD - $1,141.94 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $48,491,150.26. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989. Respectfully submitted, ? n \. I ". {l. rr I c~ ~ >\ .j ,(L ::~ Y\.('v Patricia J. R'a~fior .' Collector of Revenue PJR: sw ,,' NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru January 31, 1990 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1989 $ 878,774.72 195,504.75 - 137,887.75 $ 936,391. 72 1,631.80 $ 938,023.52 - 865,985.47 $ 72,038.05 92.32% Back :Taxes Real Estate and Personal Property Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 34,361.43 131. 28 34,230.15 7,724.12 $ 26,506..03 22.57% This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989. Respectfully submitted, ~tJY1 c; '-- 5\ (In_'fl~ Patricia J. R~or ---() Collector of Revenue PJR:sw MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Mary M. Gornto Acting County Manager FRm1: Patricia J. Raynor (' ';:"\' _ Collector of Revenue ~ . SUBJECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property DATE: February 9, 1990 In accordance with G.S. 105-369, this is to advise the Board of the out- standing real estate taxes for 1989. The outstanding amounts, as of January 31, 1990 are: Governing Jurisdiction New Hanover County New Hanover Co. Fire District City of Wilmington Town of Wrightsville Beach Town of Carolina Beach Town of Kure Beach Total - All Jurisdictions Delinquent Taxes $ 2,220,303.64 51,023.66 918,905.73 83,488.19 149,200.16 26,315.96 $ 3,449,237.34 It is necessary that the Board order the advertisement of the tax liens. I recommend that the advertisement be published on March 24, 1990. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioner's meeting of February 19, 1990. PJR:sw Copy: R. Register Tax Administrator , MEMORANDUM TO: Mary M. Gornto Acting County Manager FROM: Patricia J. Raynor ("\/:,-,' Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 DATE: February 9, 1990 As the above referenced statute does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due, request the following 1979 charges be released: New Hanover County City of Wilmington Wrightsville Beach Carolina Beach Kure Beach $' 61,932.83 34,947.10 2,874.19 2,129.18 393.47 A list of the individual accounts is available for your review if you desire. A total of 127 accounts amount to $100.00 or more. Please request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on February 19, 1990, as the Commissioners have approved these releases in the past. PJR:sw Copy: R. Register A. Atkinson D. Harrell D. Serrell D. Ralston F. Jones B. Shell .. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY 1~EREAS, offers to purchase certain parcels of real property owned by New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington have been advertised for upset bid in compliance with North Carolina General Statute 160A-269 and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, there have been no further qualifying upset bids entered for the property described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for the indicated parcels of real property shown thereon; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners do hereby accept the offers to purchase as indicated on the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by offeror as liquidated damages if the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to Elizabeth R. Stone for 211 Turners Alley and 620 N. Fourth Street and Willow Pelzer for 1213 Orange Street, as designated on the attached list. ~ttL- Cha an, Board of Commissioners /) Ad op~e, at, a ex ~{(Jt-vtOi/l--- ~ ..// 0 9-t/ on A :,vJz,z'cf I ATTEST: meeting , 19 fj() 0&::,:</ /~,,~ Gou~, Clerk PARCEL # TOWNSHIP SQ FEET 0~8-17-010-031.000 6001 DEED BOOK 0972 0000 DEED PAGE 072~ ST ADDRESS 211 TURNERS ALLEY LEGAL DESC PT 3/~ WILMINGTON BLK 198 OWNER NAME NEW HANOVER CO/CITY WILM ADDRESS 320 CHESTNUT ST CITY/ST WILM N C ZIP 28~01 VALUE OF: BLDG UNIMPROVED LAI\1O 5~O TOTAL S~O REPLACEMENT DEPRECIATION DEED DATE SALE DATE SALE PRICE 0673 YEAR BUILT TYPE CONST # STORIES LAND USE 67 CLASSIF GRADE EXISTING 201\IE R5 PROPOSED 201\IE ROOMS BEDROOMS BATHROOl"lS FIXTURES ROOF GARAGE FLOOR PORCH BASEMENT FIREPLACE AIR COI\1O UTILITY BLDG DETACHED BLDG Offeror: Elizabeth R. Stone Amount of Offer: $750.00 PARCEL # TOWNSHIP SQ FEET 048-13-014-012.000 6001 DEED BOOK 1261 ST ADDRESS 620 FOURTH ST N 0000 DEED PAGE 0137 LEGAL DESC PT LTS 1/2 WILM BLK 2~9 OWNER NAME NEW HANOVER CO/CITY WILM ADDRESS 320 CHESTNUT ST CITY/ST WILM NC ZIP 28~l)t VALUE OF: BLDG UNIMPROVED LAI\ID 1 ~30 TOTAL 1~30 REPLACEMEl\lT DEPREC I AT I 01\1 DEED DATE SALE DATE SALE PRICE 078~ 078~ 500 YEAR BUILT TYPE COI\IST # STORIES LAf'1O IJSE 91 CLASSIF GRADE EXISTING ZONE caD PROPOSED ZONE ROOMS BEDROOMS BATHROOMS FIXTURES RIJOi=' GARAGE FLIJOR PORCH aASEr-IE:-JT FIREPLACE A I R COI\IO UT~LIT\1 BLDG DETACHED BLOG Offeror: Elizabeth R. Stone Amount of Offer: $1,500.00 PARCEL # TOI,.JNSH I P SQ FEET 054-06-007-008.000 6001 DEED BOOK 1425 0000 DEED PAGE 1482 ST ADDRESS 1213 ORANGE ST LEGAL DESC PT LTS 6/6.5 BLK 150 WILM OWNER NAME CITY OF WILMINGTON ADDRESS PO BOX 1810 CITY/ST WILMINGTON NC ZIP 28402 VALUE OF: BLDG UNIMPROVED REPLACEMENT LAND 1650 DEPRECIATION TOTAL 1650 DEED DATE SALE DATE SALE PRICE 0888 YEAR BUILT TYPE CONST # STORIES LAI\JD USE 67 CLASSIF GRADE EXISTING ZOf\IE R5 PROPOSED zm'IE ROOl"lS BEDROOMS BATHROOI'1S FIXTURES . ROOF GARAGE FLOOR PORCH BASEMENT FIREPLACE AIR COND UTILITY BLDG DETACHED SLOG Offeror: Willow Pelzer Amount of Offer: $2,000.00 o , I ~ lHlftlEtH1H I . I J \ . ,I _ i ~'I' ~, ~ ! I~ i \ ; I I ,I. , I \ I I I " , ' I , I , .__1_... L_.,_L.._.1..__'___..l + . . c: --,---,,'-"1'- 'r--T--" , , i , ' , I I " : \ , ' ' \ , \ I I \ I' I ' , I r;.l ii' I 1 l\..:' I , , ,I S I ;,1 i.' ~ \ .' , , . \ !" 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New Hanover County Public Safety agencies will PLAN, TRAIN, and SEARCH FOR lost persons without concern for who will receive credit. This Plan is designed for use by New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services, all local Law Enforcement and municipalities, assisting organizations, private organizations, private citizens, and State and Federal agencies in performing search missions originating in New Hanover County. II. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS A. The North Carolina Emergency Management Act sets forth the responsibilities of State governments to prepare for the prompt and rescue, care, and treatment of threatened or personnel. of 1977 and Local efficient affected B. The most common SAR missions in North Carolina involve lost persons, missing aircraft, and missing water-craft. The extent of the operation may vary from a few individuals looking for an elderly resident of a rest home who has lost his/her way, to a full scale SAR operations involving Local, State, Federal and private sector looking for a missing swimmer or a downed aircraft. c. There are numerous and varied types of resources available for use in SAR operations. Those organizational resources unique to SAR operations are described at Appendix 1. Related Training Resources are covered at Appendix 2. *Caldwell County Search Plan ~ ~ '! ~ r' ., 14 .. D. Dive Search and Recovery Efforts: Underwater search and recovery policies and procedures will be developed in Appendix 7 of this Annex. III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS A. The early notification by concerned citizens of known or suspected lost persons, missing aircraft or missing watercraft. B. The prompt execution of local SAR predesignated individual(s) especially directing coordinating SAR operations effective use of local resources. plans by a trained in to ensure C. The rapid identification of any request for essential operational personnel and equipment not available to local government and the prompt provision of same by other local governments, State, and the Federal Government or private sector to ensure a rapid completion of the mission. D. The continuous dissemination to the media and to public of all factual information concerning operation by a predesignated individual familiar acceptable public information practices. the the with E. Operational Procedures, see Appendix 5. IV. GLOSSARY, ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A. AFRCC - US Air Force Rescue Coordination Center, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. B. CGRCC - US Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center, Portsmouth, Virginia. C. NCCERP North Carolina Response Plan. Comprehensive Emergency D. NCSRDA North Carolina Search Association, Inc. Dog and Rescue E. SAR - Search and Rescue - addresses the search function primarily. F. SAR Coordinating Agency Agency vested with the responsibility and authority by law or directive for overall coordination of SAR missions for the protection of life and property will be the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; and at the Federal level it will be the AFRCC or CGRCC. ~ ~ ! ~ ~ . G. SAR Search Coordinator (SC) - the officer representing the SAR Coordinating Agency within a given geographic area. H. SAR Search Mission Coordinator (SMC) the officer representing the rescue squad, who has jurisdiction in the area of the search. I. IHT - Initial Hasty Team - Initial Response Team to a lost person report. J. IC - Incident Commander under the terms and definitions used by NFPA Incident Command as adopted by New Hanover County Fire Inspections Committee. v. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES A. Local 1. The New Hanover County Commissioners appointed the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services as the SAR Coordinating Agency for New Hanover County. a. Responsible for overall coordination, direction, and control of all SAR missions within the county. b. To develop trained personnel within the county's rescue squads and other emergency services. c. To locate and provide resources necessary to maintain effective on-going SAR operations 2. Sheriff's Department a. Responsible for all investigation aspects of any SAR mission within the county. 3. Rescue Squads a. Responsible for supporting SAR missions. B. State 1 . North Carolina Department of Crime Public Safetv. Serves as the department for search and rescue. Control and lead State 'I ), ... .. ~ a. Division of Emerqencv Manaqement (1) Serve as lead agency and provides the State SAR Coordinator (SC) for Search and Rescue. (2) Provide liaison to local government and coordinate State and Federal assistance. (3) Organize and train State SAR Coordinator and other division personnel as SAR Mission Coordinators (SMC). (4) Provide a SAR Communication network when employed in SAR operations. (5) Prepare and maintain this Search and Rescue Plan in coordination with other interested departments and agencies, governmental, private and volunteer. (6) Assist local government in preparation of supporting plans as requested. b. State Hiqh Patrol (SHP) (1 ) Provide immediate assistance authorities during initial emergency. to local onset of (2) Operate the State Warning Point, thereby, providing local government with a direct 24-hour contact point for State assistance. (3) Provide communication authorities and DEM. between local (4) Conduct search on highways. (5) Responsible agency for security interstate commerce or mail. of c. North Carolina National Guard Adiutant General (Office of (1) Conduct air and ground search and rescue as directed. (2) Provide support to New Hanover County Emergency Services for SAR operations. it d. Civil Air Patrol, North Carolina Winq (1) Provide SMC for air and ELT search operations as tasked by AFRCC. (2) Provide personnel for ground, lake or river SAR operations when requested by County or State Emergency Management Coordinator. (3) Provide air transport for SAR dog teams. 2. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Communitv Development (NRCD) a. Division of Forest Resources (1) Provide air and ground search and rescue as directed. (2) Act as guides within the State Forest areas. (3) Be prepared to provide on short notice two small mobile headquarters to function in a search management role. (4) Provide plowing services as needed. b. Division of Marine Fisheries (1 ) Act as guides in coastal areas. (2) Provide air, sea, and land transportation suitable for SAR missions. (3) Provide communications. (4) Provide SAR Teams c. Division of Parks and Recreation (1) Act as guides in search areas in State Park. (2) Provide transportation and communications in State Park areas to support search and rescue. (3) Provide SAR Teams . ... .~ ! 3. Wildlife Resources Commission a. Act as guides in woodland and water search areas. b. Provides air, water, and land transportation suitable for SAR missions. c. Provides SAR Teams. 4. North Carolina Department of Insurance, Fire and Rescue Traininq (See Tab B) Conduct training in search and rescue procedures for designated SAR personnel of State/Local government and private organizations as requested. 5. North Carolina Department of Justice, State Bureau of Investiqation a. Provide limited air SAR b. Provide an identification team for deceased victims. C. Federal Government 1. u.s. Armed Forces. Assists in search and rescue. 2 . u.S. Air Force Control air search incidents within aircraft. Rescue Coordination Center. and rescue operations for all the inland region involving 3. u.S. Coast Guard Rescue Control all search and coastal waters. Coordination Center. rescue missions over a. MSO Wilmington b. USCG Wrightsville Beach c. Oak Island d. Group Fort Macon 4. Forest Service, u.S. Department of Aqriculture. Act as first responders; furnishes guides and SAR support within National Forests. ! 5 . National Park Service. Control all search and rescue operations ON LANDS UNDER ITS JURISDICTION. Coordinate support by Local, State, and other Federal agencies. 6. u.S. Armv Corps of Enqineers. Act as first responders and/or support SAR operations on Corps operated lakes, dams and reservoirs with the State. ** The local Emergency Management Coordinator may at his discretion contact the US Coast Guard direct for SAR support due to close proximity of USCG and other military resources. VI. DIRECTION AND CONTROL A. General 1. Direction and control will be provided through the Incident Commander system as defined and designated within this Plan. 2. SAR operations which traverse from one political subdivision to another will become the responsibility of the new subdivision SAR Incident Commander. B. Citv Governments Provide resources for Search and Rescue missions inside the City and New Hanover County as needed. C. New Hanover Countv The SAR Incident Commander is responsible for SAR operations involving all ground, lakes, river areas, intracoastal waterways and designated coastal areas within their political jurisdiction. Areas will include National and State Forest Areas, State Parks and State waters, areas controlled by the US Army Corps of Engineers in which concurrent political jurisdiction presently exists. US Forest, State Forest Service and State Parks and US Army Corps of Engineers personnel will function as SAR supporting agencies unless otherwise tasked within this Plan. Direct coordination between agencies is authorized as designated within this Plan or as negotiated in Mutual Aid agreements contiguous cities and counties. ~ ,- D. State Government Functions as a SAR supporting agency. State government assists local government in planning, training, and obtaining resources. It may; however, assume operational control of any SAR mission at the request of the responsible official or whenever the situation involves a multi-county area and the Governor directs control due to the magnitude and severity of the operation. A prime example of this would be SAR operations conducted after a major hurricane onslaught affecting several counties and cities. E. Federal Government In accordance with the National SAR Plan and Mutual agreement between the State of North Carolina and the ARRS, the AFRCC, and CGRCC will exercise operational control over all air and sea SAR missions. State and Local government assume the supporting role at the request of AFRCC or CGRCC. Also National Park Service controls all SAR operations within their jurisdiction and coordinates support by Local, State, and Federal agencies. VII. TRAINING AND EDUCATION See Appendix 2 VIII.AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES A. Emergency Management Ordinance for New Hanover County. B. Appendix 35 - SEARCH AND RESCUE (SAR) PLAN to Annex A, NC Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. C. Burke County SAR Plan. D. "SEARCH IS AN EMERGENCY," National Association for Search and Rescue NASAR. E. Ogden - New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad Dive Team. F. Caldwell County Search Plan. APPENDIX 1 ANNEX N SEARCH AND RESCUE LOCAL RESOURCES 1. GENERAL This section will identify the RESOURCE names, phone numbers, response time, and capabilities. These resources are categorized by Local, State and Federal organizations by alphabetical order. 2. LOCAL RESOURCES New Hanover Count v Emerqencv Services PHONES: 341-4300 / 762-5228 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Trained manpower, maps access to other resources New Hanover Count v Volunteer Fire Departments PHONES: 762-5228 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Untrained manpower, 4-wheel drive vehicles Oqden-New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad PHONES: 799-5821 / 791-8174 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Untrained manpower, 4-wheel drive vehicles, divers and boats New Hanover Countv Sheriff's Department PHONES: 341-4200 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Investigators, Patrol Officers, 4-wheel drive vehicles, dog, and divers Doqs, Bloodhounds See NC Department of Corrections Doqs, Searchinq See NC Search Dog Association Doqs, Trackinq See NC Search Dog Association ~ Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club Dwight peay PHONES: Work - 655-3240 - Home - 791-0088 Julian Bradberry PHONES: Work - 675-6180 - Home - 799-4195 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Communications Assistance NC Forest Service District Ranger PHONE: 763-3630 - HOME - 675-3470 Ranger - Mike Hardison IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Knowledge of New Hanover County Area, available aircraft and plow NC Search Doq Association Waynesville, N. C. PHONE: 704-452-2822 Can furnish up to three dogs/handlers NOT RESTRICTED TO DAYLIGHT HOURS 4 to 6 HOURS RESPONSE TIME NC State Hiqhwav Patrol Wilmington, N. C. PHONE: 395-3917 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Patrol Officers NC Wildlife Officers State Number: 1-800-662-7137 Patrol Officer / Radio IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Patrol Boat Radio Equipped 4-wheel drive vehicle - radio equipped Knowledge of terrain and tracking, aircraft available Weather Bureau PHONE: Wilmington - 763-8331 CP&L Weather Center - 836-6136 USCG PHONE: Wrightsville Beach - 256-3469 Fort Macon 24 Hour 919-247-4545 Oak Island - 278-5592 Marine Safety Office - 343-4895 USCG AuxilIary, Wilmington - 791-2274 : .- ELT - Equipment/Assistance PHONE: CAP** Russ Burney Work - 341-5565 Home - 799-9042 NHC Department of Emergency Services** 341-4300 Bill Cherry, Aeronautics of Wilmington 763-4691 Paul Holliday, Seacoast Communications 392-4848 **Agencies will work in close coordination on all missions .. ATTACHMENT 1 APPENDIX 1 ANNEX N SAR ORGANIZATIONAL RESOURCES I. General Shown below is a description of those resources unique to SAR operations or would more probable by employed in such operation. Training resources are shown at Appendix 2, this Annex. II. Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service This agency of the US Air Force operates the AFRCC for the coordination and control of military and civilian SAR Mexico. It functions, by agreement, as the SAR Coordinator for all air searches for missing or downed aircraft within the inland areas of North Carolina. The AFRCC may be tasked directly by local authorities through their appointed SAR Coordinators. It will provide the necessary resources to conduct the search, and normally through the Civil Air Patrol, control "on-scene" activities through a Mission Coordinator. Extraction of victims or ground search for survivors is normally a responsibility of local government. However; AFRCC will assume a supporting role and assist with resources not available to the local authorities. Point of Contact: AFRCC, Scott Air Force Base 1-800-851-3051 Reimbursement: None Required III. U.S. COAST GUARD, FIFTH DISTRICT This organization operates the CGRCC for the coordination and control of military and civilian SAR activities within the Norfolk Maritime Sub-Region. It functions as the SAR Coordinator for all search and rescue missions along the coast of North Carolina including the contiguous sounds and inland waterway. Coast Guard assistance may be requested direct to CGRCC or any available Coast Guard Station by anyone knowledgeable of a SAR incident along the coast of North Carolina. The CGRCC will provide the necessary resources and control organization to accomplish the entire SAR effort. Point of Contact:OCRCC, Portsmouth, Va. 804-398-6231 Collect Reimbursement: None Required IV. OTHER FEDERAL MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTALLATIONS The several military organizations and installations within North Carolina offer practically unlimited SAR resources on a non-interference with mission restriction. DOC policy also calls for State and Local resources by used first. ; Normal tasking is through the AFRCC and CGRCC. However, the military may respond to direct requests from State or Local government in case of a life and death situation. Use of the AFRCC is considered the best option for State and Local government to receive federal military assistance for SAR operations. A. Point of Contact B. Point of Contact Reimbursement SAR Resource(s) V. U.S. FOREST SERVICE Marine Corp Air Station 919-466-2684, 5247 or 3632 *Requested by Emergency Management Personnel AFRCC 1-800-851-3051 (First Choice) CGRCC 804-398-6231 (Collect) U.S. Forces Command (FORSCOM) EOC: 404-752-4162/4170 Fort McPherson, Ga. XVIII Airborne Corps, EOC: 919-396-0371/0372 Fort Bragg, N. C. U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Opns Cen 919-338-6500 Elizabeth City, N. C. None Required Organized Ground Forces Aerial Medical Evacuation Utility, Observation and Medium Lift Helicopters, w/hoist Fixed Wing Aircraft (all Types) Engineer Equipment (bulldozers, cranes, bridges) Boats (all types) Psychological Operations Loudspeaker Teams Parachute Capability Deep Sea Diving Capability Scuba Capability All types of vehicles This federal agency has concurrent jurisdiction with local government. Departmental policy is to support local authorities. District Rangers may act as first responders or take the temporary lead in SAR emergencies occurring on National Forest System lands. However, the leadership role is to be transferred to local authorities as soon as possible. SAR capabilities include trained forest guides and availability of four-wheel and track vehicles and organic communicators. Point of Contact Reimbursement Local District Ranger None required for SAR efforts on National Forest lands. Expenses must be borne by local government when forest service personnel are used as volunteers outside National Forest System lands. : VI. N.C. DIVISION OF FOREST RESOURCES This agency has the resources to control Equipment and personnel the 100 counties. Point of Contact Reimbursement SAR Resource(s) organization, communications, and or assist in any SAR emergency. are strategically located throughout Local Ranger/Forester Division Hq. 919-733-2161 Emergency Management 919-733-3867 State Warning Point 1-800-662-7956 None Required 8 Fixed wing L-19 Aircraft 7 Fixed wing T-34 Aircraft 1 Fixed wing DC-3 Aircraft 1 Fixed wing U-6 Aircraft 3 Utility Helicopter UH-1B Aircraft 76 Tractor-dozers, with fire plow 4 Tractor-dozers (Rubber wheel) for soft terrain 2 Motor boats, 17 Outboard 1 Field kitchen, 300 man 4 (46 man) Hq Team 2 (6 man) Hq Team 4 (4 man) Hq Team Organic Communication System Four-wheel drive vehicles VII. NC WILDLIFE COMMISSION This agency represents one of our best resources for SAR missions involving our woodlands and streams. It has an extensive network of wildlife enforcement officers throughout the State with ground or water transportation capable of all type terrain. Many of these officers are trained in SAR techniques and each has access to an outstanding communications system. Point of Contact Reimbursement SAR Resource(s) 1-800-662-7137 None Required 4 Fixed wing, Piper Cub, Aircraft 46 4-wheel drive vehicles (Blazer/Cherokee) 188 10'-20' Boats with 4-175 HP Outboards VIII.NC MINES AND QUARRY DIVISION The organizations in the Department of Labor would prove especially useful in a possible toxic environment. It has the capability of not only entering and operating in such an environment but the ability to detect and monitor for a toxic gas substance. : Point of Contact Reimbursement SAR Resource Department of Labor 919-733-7166 None Required Draeger Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus IX. MARINE FISHERIES DIVISION Agency personnel are located in every coastal county and are thoroughly familiar with the outerbanks, sounds and coastal rivers of the state. All though the CGRCC has SAR responsibility for all coastal areas, Marine Fisheries offers not only an outstanding resource to that agency but can provide air, water and ground SAR capability up the major tributaries of our rivers. Point of Contact Reimbursement SAR Resource(s) X. STATE HIGHWAY PATROL Local Marine Fisheries Enforcement Officer None Required 2 Fixed wing, Cessna 180, Aircraft (equipped for amphibious landing) 2 25' Boats (Oriental and Cedar Island) 1 40' Boat (Manteo) 40 18-20' Boats, 115-175 HP Outboards 6 Trucks, pickup 1/2 Ton 4-wheel drive Organic Communications System The patrol through its extensive State networks of uniformed officers and accompanying vehicles and communications offers immediate assistance to local authorities during the initial onset of a SAR emergency. Primary SAR capabilities include traffic control within and around the search area, communications augmentation, and back-up law enforcement. Point of Contact Reimbursement XI. NC NATIONAL GUARD Local SHP Station State Warning Point 1-800-662-7956 Raleigh 919-733-3861 None Required Resources compatible with the active military service; however, it is considered a State resource unless activated by federal authorities. Members and equipment can be activated for SAR operations by the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety (DCC&PS) on the request of local authorities or DEM. However, the local commander may respond to direct requests by local authorities in case of a life or death situation. , . ~ 1 Point of Contacts DCC&PS 919-733-2126 DEM 919-733-3867 (First Choice) State Warning Point 1-800-662-7956 Raleigh 919-733-3861 Local National Guard Commander (life or death situation) Pay and allowances for troops and fuel for equipment (Reimbursed by DCC&PC for State tasking) Organized ground forces utility and Observation Helicopters Fixed Wing Aircraft (1 U-3, 1 U-8) Engineer Equipment ( Bulldozers, cranes) All types of vehicles Internal communications Reimbursement SAR Resources XII. NC CIVIL AIR PATROL The most utilized of all SAR organizations. Functions primarily in an air SAR role under Federal tasking by the AFRCC. Can be tasked through the Division of Emergency Management for a State or Local controlled SAR mission. It has an extensive statewide network of members, communications, and aircraft. Personnel are trained in air search techniques and to a lesser degree in ground search. Point of Contact AFRCC 1-800-851-3051 (for air search) DEM 919-733-3867 (for all other missions) Fuel and Communications (Reimbursed by AFRCC for air searches, DEM for State tasking) 125 Fixed wing aircraft (light) Organic Communications Reimbursement SAR Resource(s) XIII.NC STATE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION This agency has limited SAR operations. aircraft can easily be adapted to an air identification capability employed to aid deceased victims. However, its search and its in identifying Point of Contact Local SBI Agent Bureau Hq: 919-779-1400 24hr number State Warning Point 1-800-662-7956 Raleigh 919-733-3861 None Required Victim Identification Teams 1 Fixed wing aircraft Cessna 172 1 Fixed wing Aircraft Cessna 180 Reimbursement SAR Resource(s) XIV. NC DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS This department is the sole source for bloodhound support. It has a minimum of two to four trained dogs in each of the . ~ . five correctional areas as shown under SAR resources below. Normally requests are made directly to the prison compound located within the identified locations. Each correctional area can also provide a trained Prisoner Emergency Response Team (PERT) to assist where necessary. Point of Contact Reimbursement SAR Resource(s) Local Prison Unit 919-762-1856 None Required Bloodhounds Eastern Area 2 each Williamston, N.C. 919-747-5272 2 each Goldsboro, N. C. S. Central Area 1 each Elizabethtown, N.C. 919-862-3107 1 each Troy, N.C. 919-576-5176 N. Central Area 2 each Smithfield, N.C. 919-934-8386 2 each Roxboro, N.C. 919-599-0148 S. Piedmont Area 3 each Salisbury, N.C. 704-633-3345 N. Piedmont Area 2 each Lexington, N.C. 704-249-7528 2 each Greensboro, N.C. 919-668-2711 2 each McLeansville, N.C. 919-375-5024 Western Area 2 each Boone, N.C. 704-264-3865 2 each Marion, N.C. 704-652-4321 2 each Morganton, N.C. 704-437-2512 - (Sheriff's Dept) Caledonia-Odom Area 2 each Tilley, N.C. 919-826-5621 2 each Jackson, N.C. 919-534-5611 xv. N.C./VIRGINIA SEARCH AND RESCUE DOG ASSOCIATIONS All volunteer organizations located predominately within Haywood County, N. C., and Stafford County, Va. Each member furnishes his own dog, uniforms, personal equipment and can provide his/her own transportation. Each association can normally field three (3) fully trained air scent dog/handler teams at one time. These teams provide a new dimension in search techniques and are not restricted to a fresh trail as is the case with bloodhounds. Team characteristics are: 1. Can cover an area of up to one square mile in a day. 2. Can cover the same amount of terrain that 100 foot-searchers can. 3. Capable of detecting victims in deep snow or water. 4. Not restricted to daylight hours. ,. ; Point of Contact ~ ~ Reimbursement North Carolina - EOC Waynesville, N.C. 704-452-2822 Virginia - EOC Stafford County, Va. 703-659-4131 Va. Off. Emergency Svc. 804-323-2300 None Required; however, requestor normally provides transportation APPENDIX 2 ANNEX N SAR TRAINING RESOURCES I. PURPOSE To provide a resource list of available training to State and Local government to ensure an acceptable level of Search and Rescue (SAR) preparedness. II. SITUATION A. Trained and knowledgeable personnel are essential at each level of government to ensure early initiation of a SAR mission, effective control of that mission, and integration of volunteer, State and Federal assistance. B. Training for SAR operations should be conducted on a continuing basis for all appointed SAR Coordinators and designated Mission Coordinators to assure a capability to execute missions set forth by the overall SAR plan. C. Training for SAR proficiency is a management responsibility at each level of government; however, the Division of Emergency Management, DCC&PS, will be responsive to local government to assist in identifying appropriate SAR training and coordinating that training with other volunteer, State or Federal agencies and/or sponsoring such training for program enhancement. III. SEARCH AND RESCUE TRAINING PROGRAMS A. Manaqinq the Search Function Course. The National Association for Search and Rescue develops instructional material, conducts special studies for State and Local governments, and presents courses of instruction specifically tailored to the search and rescue mission. Its "Managing the Search Function" Courses concentrates on the concepts and abilities needed to manage such a mission and is established as the minimum proficiency for the County SAR Incident Commander Course information is available through the NASAR Training Committee, 1819 Mark Street, N.E., Olympia, Washington 98506. B. Incident Command. Division of Fire and Rescue Training, Department of Insurance develops instructional material and presents management level courses specifically tailored to controlling personnel and resources in SAR situations. Courses are available to local government and volunteer organizations through the Division of Fire and Rescue Training, P.O. Box 26387, Raleigh, N. C. 27611. Their twelve (12) hour . . Incident Command" Course is recommended for all SAR mission coordinators. C. Air SAR Mission Coordinator's Course. Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service (ARRS) through staff members of the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC) conducts an annual sixteen (16) hour SAR Mission Coordinator's Course for region Civil Air Patrol (CAP) members. However, this course is basically air oriented. Schedules and location can be secured from the local CAP squadron. D. RCC/SAR Coordinator Course. U.s. Air Force and U.s. Coast Guard, through the National SAR School, Governors Island, New York, conducts an annual five (5) day RCC/SAR Coordinators Course for State and Local government SAR Coordinators. This is a management level course and parallels the NASAR "Managing the Search Function" Course. It is not recommended for on-scene mission coordinators. Course information and/or schedule can be obtained from the National Search and Rescue School, ATTENTION: AF Representative, Governor's Island, New York 10004. . . APPENDIX 4 ANNEX N INITIAL OVERHEAD TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL CHART COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES SEARCH COORDINATOR (Responsible for the overall function of the Search Mission) SEARCH MISSION COORDINATOR INVESTIGATION MGR FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS SECURING ALL RESOURCES OVERALL SEARCH GATHERING ALL INFORMATION OPERATIONS: LAND, WATER, AIR OBTAINING ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION RESOURCES FUNCTIONS OF SUPPORT SERVICES TEAM ASSIGNMENTS ASSISTS IN PLANNING SECTION OVERALL SAFETY FUNCTIONS OF PLANS AND OPERATIONS SECTIONS ATTACHMENT 1 APPENDIX 4 ANNEX N EXPANDED OVERHEAD TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL CHART F C E COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I I ICOUNTY MANAGER I I ~ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES I I INEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES I SEARCH COORDINATOR (INCIDENT COMMANDER) (Responsible for the Overall Daily Operations of the Mission) I SEARCH MISSION COORDINATOR (Responsible for Overall Daily Operations of the Search Mission) I I I I COMMUNICATIONS PLANS OPERATIONS MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER UNCTIONS: FUNCTIONS: FUNCTIONS ornmunications De-Briefing Overall Search quipment Strategy and Operations: Ian Tactics water, air aintain Cornmun. Equipment Records Team Assignment eather Report Up-Dating Maps Briefing ornmunications Overall Safety I I I RESOURCE SUPPORT INVESTIGATION MANAGER SERVICES MANAGER MANAGER d, M s W C FUNCTIONS Securing All Resources FUNCTIONS Transportation FUNCTIONS Gathering All Information Food Equipment Supplies Obtaining additional Investigation Resources . , , APPENDIX 5 ANNEX N OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1. ORGANIZATION OF THE SEARCH TEAM CHART 1.1 Overhead Team Organizational Chart (See Appendix 4) 1.2 Expanded Overhead Team Organizational Chart (See Appendix 4) 2. FIRST NOTICE. Although some "lost person" reports require a little different response, in general, the following guidelines and procedures are to be used: 2.1 THE FIRST RESPONSE to a "lost person" report will be the INITIAL HASTY TEAM (IHT). 2.1.1 The 911 Communications Center shall be responsible for notifying the IHT receiving the LOST PERSON REPORT. and 2.2 The IHT will respond to the scene and conduct an initial interview and investigation. 2.2.1 The IHT will have the authority to initiate a SEARCH MISSION and callout procedures. 2.2.2 IHT, because may request call-out of Initial Hasty of the urgency of the situation, an alert and stand-bv or a search personnel before the Team arrives on the scene. 3. CALL-OUT PROCEDURES. The initial Call-out shall be conducted by 911 Center, alerting the respective County Rescue Squad which services the search area. All call-outs will be on the authority of the IHT. 3.1 The Rescue Squad will have the responsibility of contacting their own squad members. 3.2 The SAR Incident Commander will have the responsibility to call-out all other resources and search personnel. The call-out will be made by 911 Communications Center. The call-out of resources may also be made by the authority of the SMC or Resource Manager. . , <' I 4. INITIAL HASTY TEAM ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES '. 4.1 The Initial Hastv Team shall consist of: 4.1.1 SEARCH COORDINATOR - who shall be an official from New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services. 4.1.2 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE - who shall be the EMS Shift Supervisor or designated to represent County Emergency Medical Services 4.1. 3 RESCUE SQUAD OFFICER - who shall be the Rescue Squad Officer on duty, or designated to represent the Rescue Squad. 4.1.4 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - who has the jurisdiction in the area of the potential search. 4.2 Responsibilities of the Initial Hastv Team 4.2.1 SEARCH COORDINATOR 4.2.2 Overall Coordination of the Team's functions. Assist in the functions of interviewing and investigating. Assist in determining the subject's probable behavior. Assist in gathering planning and searching data. Assist in determining the urgency of the mission. Assist in determining the initial search strategy and tactics of the search. RESCUE SQUAD OFFICER Gathering of planning and searching data. Determining an initial search strategy and tactics of the search. Assist in the functions of interviewing and investigation. . ~ t , . 4.2.3 Assist in determining the subject's behavior. Assist in determining the urgency of the mission. Assist in determining whether to initiate a search mission. LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Conducting initial interview and investigation. Completing the initial LOST PERSON QUESTIONNAIRE/CHECK LIST. Assist in gathering search and planning data. Assist in determining the subject's behavior. Assist in determining the urgency of the mission. Assist in determining the initiation of the Search Mission. 5. SEARCH MISSION OVERHEAD TEAM ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 The Overhead Team Orqanization (See Organization Chart) Even though the New Hanover County Search members consist primarily of members of the County's Rescue Squads and volunteer fire department personnel, and personnel with expertise, perhaps assigned as members of the Overhead Team. 5.2 The Overhead Team shall be concerned with eight (8) primary functions that are to be performed on every search mission. The number of persons needed to perform these functions may be as small as four (4). (NOTE: On all searches, the Overhead Team will consist of: Search Coordinator, Search Mission Coordinator, Resource Manager, and Investigations Manager), and is as large as necessary to accomplish the functions. This number is determined by the scope and size of the mission. All Overhead members be located in the Command Post. (NOTE: See Appendix 6 - Overhead Team Members - a list of persons who may be assigned to the Overhead Team functions.) 5.2.1 ,. 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9 SEARCH INCIDENT COMMANDER - personnel from the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Services who have been designated Search Coordinator. SEARCH MISSION COORDINATOR - personnel assigned from the local Rescue Squad who has jurisdiction in the search area. INVESTIGATION MANAGER - personnel assigned from the Law Enforcement Agency who have jurisdiction in the search area. RESOURCE MANAGER - appointed by the Search Coordinator and Search Mission Coordinator on the scene. This function is to be filled with a Team member on all searches. (NOTE: This function makes up the Initial Overhead Team and may be expanded as necessary.) OPERATIONS MANAGER - appointed by the Initial Overhead Team as the mission may indicate. PLANS MANAGER appointed by the Initial Overhead Team as the mission indicates. SUPPORT SERVICES MANAGER - appointed by the Initial Overhead Team as the mission indicates. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER - appointed by the Initial Overhead Team as the mission indicates. Other expanded functions of the Initial Overhead Team may be needed at some during the mission: AIR OPERATIONS, OPERATIONS, PUBLIC RELATIONS, AND BASE OPERATIONS. point WATER CAMP 5.3 Overhead Team Responsibilities 5.3.1 SEARCH INCIDENT COMMANDER - overall responsibility for the search mission from start to finish. The Search Coordinator has the authority to initiate and suspend a search mission, and to facilitate the functions of the mission to operate effectively. Initially responsible for all public relations responsibilities and media relations. All decisions to be with the recommendation of the Overhead Team. (NOTE: Initially the Search Coordinator will also 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 perform the responsibilities of the Assists Communications Section, and assist with the Operations, Support Services, and Plan Sections.) SEARCH MISSION COORDINATOR - responsible for overseeing daily operations of the mission through his appointments of Search Teams and Team Leaders. Establishes direction and control of the search organization. Responsible for conducting the search by the strategy and tactics indicated or developed by the Overhead Team. (NOTE: Initially, the Search Mission Coordinator will also have the responsibilities of the Operations and Plans Section.) INVESTIGATION MANAGER - responsible for all information gathering and assisting Search Coordinator, Search Mission Coordinator and Plans Manager, and Operations Manager in evaluating this information. Maintain an on-going investigation during operations of the search. Obtain any additional investigation resources needed. Assist in strategy planning. RESOURCE MANAGER - responsible for obtaining any resources requested, and assuring proper transportation of those resources. Responsible for securing or developing any resource not included in the Resource List. (See Appendix ??) (NOTE: Initially, the resource Manager will have the responsibilities of the Support Services Section.) OPERATIONS MANAGER - responsible for the overall search operations, to include land, air, and water operations. Responsible for Team assignments and appointments of Teams and Team Leaders, as indicated by SMC; for briefing of all teams on Search Operations and Strategy. Maintain security of all clues found, updating the Operational Map, and overall safety of the search operation. PLANS MANAGER - responsible for all debriefings of Search Teams; development of the Search Strategy and Tactics; gathering all documentation concerning the search; and coordinating with Operations Section in up-dating of maps. Coordinate with Search 5.3.7 5.3.8 Coordinator, Search Mission Coordinator and Investigation Manager on development and evaluation of information, strategy, and tactics. Maintain the Search Strategy and Tactics planning at least 12 hours ahead of the current operations. SUPPORT SERVICES MANAGER - responsible for support activity that may be needed during the mission, according to the scope of the mission. Primary functions would incluqe: FLOOD, SHELTER, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, AND TRANSPORTATION. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER - responsible for obtaining communication equipment and supplies; for providing maintenance of communications equipment and related equipment; for setting up proper communication networks for field operations as well as Overhead Team communications. Responsible for documentation of communication logs; for providing up-to-date weather reports and communicating with resources responding or departing the search area. 6. SEARCH MISSION MEMBERS AND ASSISTANCE 6.1 Persons responding from any organization, or as an individual, will not be accepted as part of the Search Mission Team unless they are: a. Physically capable b. Mentally capable c. Prepared with the proper clothing, supplies, equipment indicated by the terrain environment. and and 6.2 It is our duty and responsibility to accept any resource with will offer additional manpower, eqbipment, or search expertise for the search mission; however, any organization, team, unit, or individual which becomes involved in the search mission will receive duty stations from members of the Overhead Team. Duty assignments will be given by station Managers. None such elements will conduct any part of a search separate from that planned by the Overhead Team. 7. LOST PERSON LOCATED The following procedures will be observed when the person is found. Code numbers will be used to transmit condition of the lost subject. lost the 7.1 CODE A-100 - will be transmitted to the Command Post if the lost person is mobile and in little or no need of medical attention, and no rescue is necessary. 7.2 CODE B-200 - will be transmitted to the Command Post if the lost person is not mobile, and a rescue operation is necessary. Subject's medical condition will be transmitted on order from the Command Post. 7.3 CODE C-300 - will be transmitted to the Command Post if the subject is DOA. The immediate area will then be secured to await arrival of the proper authority. 8. SUSPENDING THE SEARCH MISSION Missions may be suspended due to weather, safety of searchers, lost person located, or unresolved clues. If the lost person has not been found, the search may be suspended or down-graded to a limited continuous search. 8.1 The final decision to suspend any mission will be responsibility of the Search Coordinator, with recommendation of the Overheat Team. the the 9. TRAINING 9.1 ALL New Hanover Count v potential Overhead Team are urged to receive training in all areas of the Search Mission. members managing 9.2 ALL New Hanover Count v potential Search Team members are urged to receive training in basic search skills. 9.3 The New Hanover Count v Emerqencv Manaqement Office shall provide training, special training courses, and special training classes. ALL TRAINING is to follow recommended search procedures as taught by the National Search and Rescue Association. APPENDIX 6 ANNEX N NASAR LOST PERSON QUESTIONAIRE NOTE: Use pencil/black in, print clearly, avoid confusing phrases/words, unfamiliar abbreviations. Complete and detail answers for future use. Answer ALL questions, if possible. INCIDENT TITLE: TODAY'S DATE: TIME: Officer Taking Info: Incident #: SAR #: A. SOURCES(S) OF INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONNAIRE Name: How taken (phone,etc.): Home Address: Zip: Phone #: ( 2nd phone #: ( Relationship: Where/how to contact now: Where/how to contact later: What does informant believe happened? B. LOST PERSON Name: Sex: Nicknames: Home Address: Zip: Local Address: Zip: Home Phone #: Local phone #: Birthplace: D.O.B. : C. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Height: Weight: Age: Build: Hair: Color: Length: style: Beard: Mustache: Sideburns: Facial features/shape: Distinguishing marks: Overall appearance: Photo available: Y N ? Where: Comments: Complexion: Need to be returned D. TRIP PLANS OF SUBJECT/FLOAT PLAN Started at: When: Time: Going to: Purpose: For how long? Done trip before?: Transportated by whom/means: Vehicle now located at: Via: Exit date: Group Size: Type: Color: Verified: Y N? Who: License =It Return time: By whom/what: Additional names, cars, licenses, etc. for party: Alternate plans/routes/objectives discussed: Discussed with whom: When: State: From where: Comments: ~ E. CLOTHING Stvle Color Size Other Shirt/sweater: Pants: Outer wear: Inner wear: Head wear: Rain wear: Glasses: Gloves: Extra clothing: Footwear: Where: Secured: Y N ? F. LAST SEEN Time: Why/how: Where: Seen by whom: Location now: Who last talked at length with person: Where: Subject matter: . Weather at time: Weather since: Seen going which way: When: Reason for leaving: Attitude (confident, confused, etc.): Subject complaining of anything: Subject seem tired: Cold/hot: Other: COMMENTS: G. OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE Familiar with area: Y N ? How recent: Other areas of travel: Formal outdoor training: Where: Other: Degree: When: Medical training: Scouting experience: How much: When: When: Scout Leader: Where: Military experience: Y N? What: Rank: Generalized previous experience: How much overnight experience: Ever been lost before Y N? Where: Ever go out alone: Stay on trails or X-C: How fast does subject hike: Athletic/other interests: Climbing experience: COMMENTS: When: Other: Where: When: Where: . H. HABITS/PERSONALITY Smoke Y N ? How often: Alcohol: How often: Recreational drugs: Gum: Candy: What: What: Brand: Brand: How often: Other: In family: Emotional history: Education: Grade: School name: Subject/degree: Local/fictional hero: COMMENTS: Current status: Teacher(s): College education: Year: .. . I. HEALTH/GENERAL CONDITION Overall health: Overall physical condition: Known medical problems: Knowledgeable doctor: Handicaps: Known psychological problems: Knowledgeable person: Medication: Knowledgeable person: Consequences of loss: Eyesight without glasses: COMMENTS: Phone #( Phone #( Amounts: Phone #( Spares: Y N ? J. EQUIPMENT Stvle Brand Size Color Pack: Tent: Sleeping bag: Ground cloth: Fishing equipment: Climbing equipment: Liquid container: How much fluid: What kind: , 'I" . i .' !. " Fire Starter: Y N? What: Light: Stove: Fuel: Compass: Map: Of where: How competent with map/compass: Knife: Camera: Lens: Food: Brands: Skis: Type: Bindings: How competent: Snowshoes: Type: Bindings: Firearms: Y N ? Brand: Brand: Color: Size: Pole type: Length: Brand: Color: Size: How competent: Model: Holster: Credit Cards: Money: Amount: Other documents: COMMENTS: K. CONTACTS PERSON WOULD MAKE UPON REACHING CIVILIZATION Name: Address: Phone: #: ( Relationship: Zip: Anyone home now? ." ~ If, ~ '" (, L. CHILDREN Afraid of dark: Y N ? Feeling toward adults: Reactions when hurt: Training when lost: Active/lethargic/antisocial: Animals: Y N? Afraid of: Strangers: Cry: COMMENTS: M. GROUPS OVERDUE Name/kind of group: Leader: Experience of group/leader: Address/phone of knowlegeable person: Personality clashes within group: Leader types other than leader: Actions if separated: Competitive spirit of group Intragroup dynamics: COMMENTS: N. ACTIONS TAKEN SO FAR By: family/friends: Others: COMMENTS: Results: Results: By: family/friends: Results: ., c, 5: !. '., ,\ ~ " 1,' .,. O. MEDIA/FAMILY RELATIONS Next of kin: Relationship: Address: Zip: Phone #: ( Occupation: Person to notify when subject found: Relationship: Address: Zip: Phone #: ( Occupation: Significant family problems: Family's desire to employ special assistance: COMMENTS: P.OTHER INFORMATION ." .. l 'II> 3-t- ~ '" APPENDIX 7 ANNEX N SEARCH TEAM ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENTS 1. Incident Commanders 2 . Search Mission Coordinators (SMC) 3. Investiqations 4 . Plans 5. Loqistics 6. Communications 7 . Finance 8. Medical